The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 05, 1892, Image 4

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The M. E. Conference at Oma
ha Getting Down to Work.
Bishop Foster Reads the Voluminous
Quadrennial Report to theCon-
ference--Standlng Com
mittees Appointed.
1 lie Plettiouist conierence that is
in session at Omaha is getting down
to work. ThiH morning's Iiee says:
Dr. Sanford Hunt moved that a
committee on memoirs be appoint
ed. It was carried.
Dr. IJucklej spoke upon the sub
ject holding that some restrictions
should be placed upon the time and
space alloted to all written memoirs
lis said that the matter of produc
ing memoirs had at some of the
previous conferences become a sort
of bore, all out of proportion and
entirely inconsistent withjthe object
The memoirs should not be biogra
phies. He therefore moved that
fifteen minutes, and no more, be al.
lowed for presentation of memoirs
for each of the distinguished dead
Dr. Ieotiard moved that the time
be extended to twenty minutes, but
he received no second. lie believed
- that it would be shameful to allow
only fifteen minutes for the presen
tation of the memoirs of the illus
trious officials of the church who
had passed away. He thought that
fifteen minutes would not beenough
for a memoir of Dr. Iluckley him
The fifteen-minute limit for
nioirs was finally adopted.
xue ioiiowing names were an
nounced as having been placed up
on the standingcommittee on rules
C. C. Carpenter, Iowa; Dr. J. M
Buckley, New York; Dr. T. 13. Xeely,
Philadelphia; H. K. Haines, Minne
sota; William Lawrence. Ohio; Earl
Cranston, Colorado, and K. V. Cun
ningham, Kansas.
The hour of 10 o'clock having ar
rived the conference decided to
proceed with the order of the da
which was the hearing of the epis
copal address to be delivered by
Bishop Foster.
The galleries were well filled and
r-i - -a
"isnop warren aumomsnea every
body present, delegates and all, to
keep perfect silence so that ever'
word ot the important message
could be heard by all.
Bishop Foster said that his voice
would not be very clear or strong
for a few minutes but it would im
prove as he went on. The reading
of the report was attended closely
by the delegates and the visitors.
Its intense interest to the church
workers and members was attested
by the deep attention given, and
many notes were made as particu
larly important points or timely
suggestions were made.
A lengthy discussion ensued on
the question of how many copies of
the bishop's address should be
af that matter is concerned, is right
here.- Some of the conference dis
tricts are rich and havea large
fund on hand with which to care
for superannuated and worn out
On the other hand some of the
other conferences are poor and the
exporters who are worn out in the
cause find it pretty rocky sledding,
as there is little money on hand
with which to help them. It is the
proposed plan to throw all the con
ferences together in this mutter and
make all chip in to a comiiioti fund.
That's where the rub comes in.
The rich conferences don't propose
that the money that they have
saved up for their own shall be
peddled all over the face of the
face of the globe, not if they can
help it. The poor folks think it
would be a snap and of course they
are after it. That is why there was
so much discussion over it and it
isn't over yet. The friends of the I
Crofsus conferences want it all re
ferred to the committeeon temporal
economy, but the other fellows pro
test that iu that case a string with a
stone at the end would be tied
around its neck and it would never
come to the surface. They insist
on a special committee, without
which they claim they will have
no share.
TW Im ml Ork SUktaas.
Professor Ernst Curtins, the famous
Greek scholar and archaeologist of the
University of Berlin, announced a few
months ago that he had discovered that
the Greek sculptors always made the
eyes of men fuller and rounder than
those of women. The alleged discovery
was considered important, um it WAN tk-
lieved that it would lead to a proper
classification of many of the unidenti
fied heads of Greek statues. The in
however, seem to have been premature
despite the fact that Curtius. who has
been called "The Modern Greek." fa
thered them.
Dr. Greef, of Berlin, in a recent lec
ture delivered before the Prussian Acad
emy of Science, declared that Curtius.
conclusions were wrong, as he had found
flat, narrow eyes thoe of women, ac
cording to Curtius in the heads of
Ureek statues of men. He had also
measured plastic representations of worn
en with large, full eyes. In nature, he
added, there was no difference between
tlie eyes of men and women. He ha;
examined recently in Berlin the eyes oi
a hundred members of eah rat ,wi
had found that they were the same in
enaie, size and form. He thus upheld
the theories of Zinn and Sommerling
that the Greek sculptors who gave a
greater fullness to the eyes of men than
to those of women did not follow the
conditions of nature. New York Tribune.
Izel Cass Covnity
Who can write the most words on a
new U. S. Postal Card
one - price: - clothier
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
Plenty of Game in Maine.
There has not been a year for some
time when game was as plenty and
when so little game has been killv!
The debate waxed long and loud, I and destroyed as during the past win-
and the hour of adjournment
chopped it in two in the middle,
After dinner the opening exercises
were in charge of Dr. Sprague, pres
ident of the Wyoming Conference
The committees were appointed
and confirmed by the conference,
after which an adjournment was
Kentucky Judicial Humor.
Ihe .Mount Vernon Signal tells
this story of Judge Robert Boyd of
the Fifteenth judicial district: "A
woman who had disobeyed a sum
mons was arraigned before him to
show cause for such disobedience,
and she shook the court house with
her boisterous eloquence. In the
midst of it Colonel Bradley walked
in and asked Judge Bojd what the
woman was charged with. "Well, I
don't know, but I think she's
charged with dynamite."
Judge Boyd is the ma.i who ruled
in a case that a man was not a dis
turber of religious worship simpU-
becattse he stood up when a
preacher asked everybody to stand
up who wanted to go to hell. The
judge held that there was no sense
in the question in the f rst place
ana tliat there was, in the second
l ; i .
piac, no iaw against a man going
to hell if he wanted to. Louisville
vynw reason is mat tne snow in
many localities has not been deen. and
at the same time it has been hard, hold
ing up the deer and caribou and giving
them a chance to protect themselves bv
flight. Another reason is that the
guides and hunters have learned that it
is for their interest to leave the game
alone, especially during the deep snows.
I have made it a point to see manv of
them in the early part of the winter,
and tried to make them understand that
it is for their interest for us to keen a
gooa stock of nsh and game, as they
would get more business durinsr the
guiding season.
The most of the game that has been
killed the past winter has been killed in
the back settlements, hunters usiuir
dogs to catch deer. There has been a
story of ninety moose killed near our
border line, in township 5, range 18. 1
believe the most of this yarn is false. 1
have been within a day's walk of the
township this winter and I did not learn
of any such business. In fact there are
not moose enough in that locality. It is
near the Canada line, and this same re
port comes from there every year. Cor.
Portland (Me.) Press.
1. A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3. Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all Postal Cards to
JOK, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
According to the census of 1S)0.
Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her
population of 1,098,576 DeoDle. as the
eignin largest city on the globe
i-iusi oi us aesire, at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, and.
when we do, we can find no better
line than the "Burlington Route
Three fast and comfortable trains
daily. For further information ad
dress the agent of the company at
mis piace, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
prinieu. i was nnaiiy ordered Sorting Wrecked Mail
printed in the Daily Christian When the mail car of the wrecked
Advocate and other official papers B. & M. tra.u took a tumble Sunday,
oi tne church, and 3,(XX) copies were about o,000 letters that were in the
ordered printed in pamphlet form, rack were scattered to the four
each delegate to have Sve for distri- winds of heaven and a jrood deal of
bution among his friends.
At this juncture the chairman
called the attention of the confer
ence to tne matter of a committee
on deaconess work, which was not
decided Tuesday. The original mo
tion was that the committee consist
of a minister and a layman from
each conference district and one
member at large. A substitute pro
vided that matters pertaining to the
deaconess work be left to the com
mittee on state of the church. When
the matter was brought up Dr.
I'earson moved as an amendment
that the committee consist of one
the mud and water underneath.
They were gathered up with care
by the clerks, and even this fur
nished a grewsome incident. As
one clerk pushed his hand down in
the mingled, muddy mass, he
brought out a bloody fragment of a
human leg, once a part of one of
the tramps killed.
The letters were brought to Lin
coin, and then it was found that
hard job was on hand. Nearly all
the letters had been soaked, and
the addresses in many cases almost
obliterated. Inspector Steen, his
chief clerk, and six othpr rlrrlca
i member from each conference dis- worked all day yesterday and got
r , -rtci ana nve at large. On motion
, f Dr. Queal the latter was laid on
the table and after considerable
i' l liscussion the original motion pre
, ; iled
r t ) Dr. Edwards of Michigan, offered
i' resolution providing for the ap
,, i (Ointment vtj tne chair of a special
i omniittee on conference claimants
i consist of six ministers and three
) ' j lymen.
' Mr. Twindell thought that these
.Hatters should be referred to the
L'pmmittee on temporal economy.
'iiirt.ndnimonapi isauiornia, was
tnrough about half of them.- A
great many had to be opened to
find out the addresses, and many
drafts and remittances were thus
sent on to their owners. Nearly all
the letters had to be re-enveloped.
f I 1.14.. ? 1 , .
icuci piteu up Dore in
place of the stamp the words
"A kiss for you." The address was
gone, and it had to be ooened.
unaer the "h-rer yours, Nell" was a
P. S. Look under the stamn."
j.nat gin little dreamed that a fatal
railway accident would reveal her
lonng little scheme to send a kiss
u. w
Vf the opinion that the matter was I by letter rates
fe exceptional importance and I It will probably take all day to-
jtiruju consiuereu oy a commit- I uay io nnish the task of sort in o- and
veon which all conferences were I remailing the muddy letters, but
presented. He offered as a substi- very few letters will cx astrav bv
A a. a : A . 1 A . 1 I r
, icuiunuu mai me Bpewai com-I reason oi tne accident. Lincoln
ttee consist ot two delegates from I Journal.
t vch conference and one at large.
!The report of the board on con-
jrence claimants.
The Missori Pacific will sell rann,i
a lencrthv WJLYrZ 'J " " 'uw. to
int.d document, was read by the 7?
zretary, and the auestion of what I Ma v 19 to Tnne 2. Tirtpfo
ould be done with if wa I til May 19 and Ireturninir inairi on
j f i - i . ri.nn r " -r
' (turned. I uaT8 a w "nK via one route and
iU.m;tvf.,i. . . , returning via another, Apply at
. ......i, ou mr ncRf t orace ior parucniara
Iteekeepers and the Government.
Foreign bees without tiedierrees mav
be admitted to the United States free of
duty. The secretary of the treasury has
so decided. Until the last tariff bill was
passed bees from abroad came in erratis.
as "animals imported for breeding pur
poses." The AlcKinley law declared
that this ruling should only apply to an
imals "regularly entered in recognized
herd books." Accordingly, bees were
assessed 20 per cent, ad valorem, be
cause they had no pedigrees. The bee
keepers protested and earned their
Some time ago the postoffice department
declared that bees were "unmailable,"
on the ground that they would be likely
to sting people if they got loose. The
beekeepers secured the recall of this reg
ulation, by proving that the packages
employed could not be broken. Wash
ington Cor. New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Little Fear of Indian Troubles.
A gentleman at Rosebud asrencv writes
that the reports of dissatisfaction ainon'r
the Indians there have been greatly ex
aggerated. Since his arrival there two
eeKs ago ne nas traveled quite exten
sively through the various Indian camps.
auu imiiKs tne Indians never exhibited
a more ieaceful frame of mind than at
present. Never did they take hold of
work more readily or more extensivelv
and never did they take more interest in
the care of their stock than the past
winter, as can plainly be seen bv the
condition of horses and cattle this SDrintr.
So far as dissatisfaction with rations is
concerned, if there is any such, the white
empio3-ees hear nothing of it. Cor. Min
neapolis Journal.
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
OperaHoase Corner, lattrxi.oTo.tli..
Ed Conrad of Nehawka is in the
city to-da3'.
Telephone No. 72 for your sum
mer's ice.
Chas. Ingalls returned from Weep
ing Water last evening.
The Hastings baseball team came
in from Fremont on the 12:35 train
last night.
II. C. McMakeu & Son are now
prepared to deliver ice to any part
of the citj-. Telephone No. 72.
Miss Anna Russell came in from
Weeping Water last night on the M. I
P. train
No. 5 was about eight hours late
to-dai' on account of a washout on
the C. B. &. (J.
The Dangler Surprise will burn
poorest fiTade or gasoline as
KNimiTS ok PVTHIAS-Gauntlet Lodtfe
. o-47. Meets every Wednesday eve
nine at their hall over llennet 5e Tutt's, all
visiting knights are cordially invited to
attend M A Griffith, c C: Otis Dovey K of
K ana S.
A v. WAo 81 Meet second and fourth
f"lay evenings in the month at I t)
O F Hall. M ondran, M W, K V Hrowti.
The Place to Buy
A w 8 Meet first an(, tlir(, Kri
, !,.-V evening of each month at I O C) K
hall, ! rank Vermylea M V; J J5 Uarwick,
well as the best. No ether stove will
do it. Hendee sells them.
Confederate Coins.
There has recently been some inquiry
as to whether the Confederate govern
ment coined any gold. The question
was referred to the Hon. Charles C.
Jones, Jr., of Augusta, who telegraphs
as follows: "The Confederate States, as
I now remember, coined and issued no
gold. A few experimental half dollars
in silver were struck, but they did not
pass into circulation." Charleston News
ad Courier.
A Circus Tumbler Hm Vail.
A dispatch from Warsaw, Ind., says:
"Charles Neff, a laborer in Lakeside
park, while engaged in trimming a tree
fell from its top to the ground, a dis
tance of sixty feet, and was uninjured.
Neff is an old circus tumbler, and the
agility learned in the ring saved his life.
He fell on his hands and rebounded in
the air ten feet, alighting en his feet
without a scratch."
A lawsuit ha been commenced in
Marengo, Ind., between Edmund Waltz
and El wood Stout, over the price of two
eggs, bought at seventeen cents ner
dozen. Two of the dozen were rotten,
and Waltz demanded a return of the
A young man hypnotized at an enter
tainment in Paris remained senseless for
two days and was with difficulty
oroogt dock to consciousness.
Clark & Grimes are moving their
law oflice from the Dovey block to
the front rooms up stairs over
Clark's grocery store, next to the
court house.
For Sale Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmoutii, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. - For
particulars call on or address The
Herald office. tf
There will be a business meeting
of the Kpworth league Friday, May
6, at the residence of Mrs. Drew, on
Vine street. Business of import
ance. Buy the best and nothing but the
best and you will have a Dangler
surprise stove. Jtiendee sells them
The.followingcases were filed with
the district court to-day: Lulu M
Wagner vs. Wm. Wagner, Henry S,
Sawyer vs. Louisville, and Elisha S,
Carroll vs. Wm. .Bennett et al.
THE weekly HERALD is recog
nized as the best advertising medi
um in Cass county. Yesterday The
Herald was compelled to refuse
two columns of advertising matter
tor the want ot space.
The twenty-fifth annual conven
tion of the Nebraska Sunday School
association will be held at Kearney
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
June 7, 8 and 9. An interesting pro
gram nas Deen arranged tor the
arid third Thrtirsday evenings of each
month in I. (. t). F. hall, Fitzgerald block.
Mrs. Addle Smith. Wort In. ;(,..f it.
. , ' . ' - l Wl 11UI1U1
-aiiiue tsurKei, sister secretary.
too. 146. l. o. O. F. meets ev-
ci v xueeuay muni at tneir nail in Fitzgerald
DlOCK. All Odd Fellows ar rnrrliallv ftivitoH
o attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet
v....., i.. v. . ,o, r.wuurD, secretary.
IJOJAL A 1IC A X A M Cav Council No 1021.
r, sMet at the K of p- ,lal1 in the Parniele &
Craig block over Bennett & Tutte, visiring
Tr vr in r ry oemig, itegent ;
nL A. K.McConihie l'oet No. 45 meets every
f Saturday evoning at 7 : 30 In their Hall in
Kockwood block. All visiting comrades are
cordiallv invited to meet with us. Fred Bates.
Foet Adjniant ; G. F. Niles, Poet Commadder.
QRDKKOFTHE WORLD, Meets at 7 : 30
every Monnnv pvpninir ut lh Cmn,l Ami..
hall. A. F. Gioom. preBident, Thus Walling,
A Missouri judge presented to the ex-
Confederate home fifty-eight cents, bat
they were very old coins and are to be
sold at auction.
In almost every neighborhood
throughout the west there is some
one or more persons whose lives
have been saved by Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy, or who hare been cured of
chronic diarrhoea by it. Such per
sons take especial pleasure in rec
ommending the remedy to others.
The praise that follows its intro
duction and use makes it very pop
ular. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
PASS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every
second and Fourth XTmiriuv avuninoi ,
Fitzgerald hall. Visiting neighbors welcome.
5 n u : r- wertenberger. w- A.,
S. C. Wilde, Clerk.
2 Sons of Veterans, division of Nebraska, U
? A meet every Tuesday night at 7 o o'clock
in their hall in Fitlgerald block. All sons and
visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet
with us J.J. Kurtz. Commander ; B. A. Mc
Elwain, let Seargent.
e Lodge No. 40 meets the second and
iourtn inursaay evenings of each month in
me i u. u. r . nmi. Mrs. T. E. William. N
G. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary.
Mot Springs. Ark. Carlsbad of
On April 6th, 7th and 8th the M.
Jf. will sell round trip tickets to Hot
Springs, Ark., at one lowest first
class fare, erood returning until
June 10th, on account of govern
ment sale of lots and meetinc
T A 1 C . . m
oi mc ooujnern central lurnverin
Association. Call at office for par
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying
I wish to specially recommend.
It in absolutely afe.
ment plan as cheap as for cash.
on easy monthly payments. Come
in and examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything- new that we do not
happen to have im stock we can get
it for you on two days' notice.
4-21 Maln-St , Plattamouth