Herald n ID. t PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. TliUKSDAY. MAY 5, 1892. NUMBER 200. FIFTH YEAH. F .Daily r mi ght jjlattemouth gcrald. CORNER OK VINE AND FIFTH STS TELEI'IIONK 38. K. NOTTS BROS, Publishers Pullihel every Tliurtwlay, and daily every evening except Sunday. Registered at the Plattsmouth, Nebraska post pfllce u tecond clasu mail matter for tranamiHHion through the U. S. mail. M 7IQ Absolutely Pure. A, cream of tartRr baking Vowd?r ' Hiffhest of oil in leyeninir atrenRtu Latest U. S. Government food re- part. TEKMS FCK VfEEKLT. One year in advance One year not in advance - Six months in advance Three months in advance TKR7I3 OF DAILY. One year in advance I One copy one month - ! Per week by carrier - more than twenty-five years past we have been striving to make the crreater part of the country north of the old line believe tha the south was really back in the Union, and during the last few years we have been gradually regaining our iost position in the councils of the na tion. There has been a gradual but certain change of public sentiment toward the scuth, and we had hoped that the lines of division between the sections would be obliterated. Enior Liquor Cure. Tn fluisf tfk ii ir ri rewrite from liquors curse or other evil habits hrtii tri t itinut tv tnnnili i ne. toliHC- co etc. The Knsor Institute at South Omaha offers one of the most relia ble and best places to go with the absolute certainty of a permanent cure. Write or visit the institute. $1 50 - 2 oo 73 40 $6 00 - 50 15 EX-POSTMASTEK GENERAL VlLAP, of Wisconsin, has consented to be slaughtered along with Cleveland this fall. The democratic ticket will read Cleveland and Vilas. A C . 11 Mart Would use Kemp's balsam for the throat ana lungs, it is curing mure cases coughs colds, asthma, bron chitts, craup and all throat and lung troubles, than any other rem edy, ine proprietor nas aumor ized any druggist to give you a sain pie bottle free t convince you of tne merit 01 mis great remeuy. Large bottles 50c and $1. TRADE N KT MKATMAKKET. rreth Beef. fork. Veal. Mutton. Putter and eggs Kepi couianii " Gamie of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION - GARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. rw (KiYt ;t and Lincoln Ave PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. JUTE AT MARKET aVaV SIXTH STREET "" SIXTH STREET F. H. ELLEN BAUM, Prap- The best of fresh meat always fouad in this market, aiso irco Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their Vr SIXTH STREET Melt market d a full Stock of AlHillo FLOUR AND FEED, "k t ci,rta Outs and Baled vvr'::.r;a,na9the lowest nay ui"v-r;-: f . luelivercuioauj a. - CORNER SIXTH AND VINE lattsmouth, Nebrp'-l.a J ULIUS PEPPERBERG. MAXUFACTCBK OF AND UIKDLEBnLEinUU RETAIL PEALEB IX THK CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FELL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKER'S ARTICLES always in stock plattsmouth, Nebrassa W. II. CUSH1XG, President, J. W. JOHNSON, VUe-PridenL -ooOT H EOOO- Citizen? - -Bqnlt, PLATTSMOUTH Capital Paid in NEBRASKA $30,000 K Gutbman. J W Johnson. E 8 . GreuseL Henry KiaenDary. n A Connor. W Wettenkap. W 11 A general banNing business trans- actea. interest anucu -- positee. ? rlRST : NATIONAL : BANK THE TOTTERING FREE SYSTEM. There are unmistakable signs that the free trade system of England is tottering, and that at least a partial resort to protection by that country is among the probabilities of the near future. The McKinley law has dealt a severe blow to her commerce, and our reciprocity policy is certain to deprive her of many markets from which she has long derived a large profit. Her manufaciuring indus tries are no longer prosperous, and her merchants are all complaining of dull times. She is selling less to other countries, and buying more from them. The tariffs of her rivals are placing her at a disadvantage everywhere. Her belief in the vir tue of free trade does not suflice to conceal the fact that her prosperity is being undermined by nations that believe in protection. The question that confronts her is prac tical and not theoretical. If all the rest of the world would consent to do business on a free trade basis, she could retain and extend her commerce; but the rest of the world is not willing to do her that kind ness, and the only chance left her for conserving and promoting her welfare is to adopt the policy that is being used with so much effect against it. This is humiliat ing, of course, but the necessity is plain and urgent. The republican party has reason to -e well pleased with the situation. a ice it demonstrates ir a direct ana i.t.ivincing way the fact that free l .;. is not a source of strength under the present conditions of civilization. In the contest for com mercial advantages throughout the world protection is not a drawback, as the democrats are so fond of as serting. Our foreign trade is in creasing at an unprecedented rate, while that of England is steadily decreasing. We are able to com pete with other nations and yet not expose our domestic industries to any danger. The tariff is at once both an assurance of safety at home and a means of assurance abroad. Those who argue that it prevents us from craining access to new markets are contradicted by the record of our crrowing exports, and the acknowledgment on the part of England that she is losing ground in that respect. The truth is tnat our system answers our purpose in a most satisfactory and encourag ing way. It is not perfect by any means, but in a general sense its operations are such as to vindicate its wisdom and justify it3 continu ance. The lesson of England's mis fortune is manifest and important, and it comes in a good time to be of much service to the cause ot pro tection in this country. Our people can not fail to see that free trade is condemned by its results where it has been thoroughly tried, and that the best thing they can do is to maintain tne policy that has proved to be so remarkably beneficial. Globe Democrat, JUST think of it, Iowa sent a ship load of food to the hungry Russians but she wont do anything for the hungry democrat this year. SpotC ash Hardware. MANY YEARS AGO THE POET WROTE: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits oar case exactly ALL THAT WE WANT IS Your Trade on r Or FLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA raid up capital Surplus avi ono.oo ... 10.000.00 Banking Business. ( (MM "r.w ZS-k turn SSSiVSSSS aVraUrprlpart ol Bwope. OOIXBOnOVf MADS AK MOMrTtT BUOT TBO. OteBMt atarket prte pai for County Wax- rasta, Stat ana Oomaty bna. D1BXCTOB3 j.kn rtturarald J. Hawlrfwortt Sam Waoib. F. warn 01 iora E. Dow "rraUenl THE south takes to the free silver isaue with a -wry face, and while it may take its medicine if contained in a national platform sugar-coated pill it does so under protest, and be cause it would still vote to commit suicide on the solid south principles that still dominate its politics. But it is seeing light, as witness this from the Charleston News and Courier.: There is no reason why any southern state should be in fa vor of free coinage, and least of all why any of the states named, each of which is a large producer of cot ton, should imperil its interests on the haxard of cheap money. There is absolutely no danger of losing any of these states in November for the reason criven by Mr. Bland: but we object to his making the silver Question a distinctly sectional ques tion. burley the south has Maa enoueii of sectional issues. For t? n VnV1r & Co.. the druircrists. desire us to publish the following testimonial as tney nanuie me rem a, i at t htHfve it to be reliable: "I bought a 50-cent bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm and applied it to my limbs, which have been af fi;tfi witli rheumatism at inter vals for one year. At the time I i.nnrrlii iVir- Pain Balm I was un hlo tn walk. I Can truthfully sav iin Tm"n Ralm has completely ft. H. Fark. Hol wood, Kan. Mr. A. B. Cox, the leading druggist at Holywood, vouciies ior the truth ot tne anove statemeni. Death of a Railroad Doe. Chirniv. a small vellow cur known in every railroad and newspaper office in southern California from banta liar bara to San Dieiro. i3 dead. He was not handsome, but he never forgot hia friends, of whom he had thousands, lie was a erreat traveler and recently made a trip from Ventura to Los Angeles on foot and several trips to ban r ranciseo. F.vprv conductor on the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific passed him and was glad to see him jump aboard, lie wouui rm thrnnirli the train from cab to the baggage car, and putting his head out of the door watch the track till his des tination was reached, which he always seemed to know. His associates were pxnlnsivelv newspaper and railroad men. With those of his own species he would have nothing to do. He died on his way tn Tnstin to see a conductor he knew. While looking out of a baggage car he crava an almost human moan, crawled on the baggageman's lap and expired. some thought in a ht, Dut pronaon from noison. He was buried in style at Tnstin. and there were several moist oros at the little fellow's funeral. Phil adelphia Ledger. An Old Man and a Still Older Watch. A hale and hearty old gentleman F.vprett Howard, residing on Chelmsford street, visited the city hall tVio rtVir afternoon. He exhibited a curious watch, which he said was 150 years old, made by a man named Howard, in T.iveroool. England. It has been passed from Howard to TTnward. and keeps excellent time. Ev erett Howard came to Lowell in 1843 and was married here m 1847, when he resided on the Merrimack corporation Mr. Howard was present at the col lege in Waterville, Me., when General Rntler irraduated. The Howards are a long lived race, Everett Howard having a sister aged 6eventy-six and a nrotner atrtul Rftventv-eiirht. He is the youngest of the family. Lowell (Mass.) .News.. The Ace of the Playing; Card. Dr. Rudolph Lothanof . Vienna, says this year "is the tilth century or tne playing card." He says the first game nf cards ever nlaved was tarok or naili, in which every card was symbolic of "a nhasft of life, a desrree of knowledge or one of the powers niling human exist ence. Une ot tne paste ooarus was tiamoa "fl Misero " doubtless our knave. and was easily involved in all sorts of unpleasant complications. Tarok has been revived in .Fans, wnere uie searcn for novelties is so resentlessly prosecuted, even at the expense oz tne oia. An Enelish "Home." rt. fa to ha nnestioned if a scheme Which has just taken practical shape in London would tied a neid over nere. a ''iim" Viaa been established for ladies deprived of their natural support by death, the home to be supported Dy con tri bntions which would otherwise be ex pended in costly funeral flowers. It is called after the late mute oz uiarence, wfinu memorv. by the way. is perpetu ated in so many charitable plans as must almost be conrusing. ner route of View in New York Tunes. Ice. Ice. McMakpit & Sim are deliver inir ice daily. Call on them for your sum- I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to Ely's Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation, i nave usea it more or less half a vear. and have found if r 1 w mnat ar m i rl1e. I have euffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never honed for cure, but Cream Balm seems to do even that Manv of mv acouaintances have naod it witn excellnnt results. Oscar Ostum, 45 Warren Ave., Chi cago 111. WnnteH- An energetic man to manan-p branch office. Olllv a few dollars needed. Salary to start $7o ?er month and interest in business he Western Co., Kansas City, Mo Some Foolish People nllnur i noil trh to run until it erets beyond the reach of medicine They say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in innut f-xa&a it wears tlieill awav. Could they be induced to try the Biipaafnl Keino's Kalsam. which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Hrice 5()c and l. iriai size iree. At all druggists. TVi wiarlnm of him who ioumev- eth is known by the line he selec's; the judgment or tne man wno iahts "Ttiirlitio-ton lv'otltp" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached, ine ir- ference is plain, lagniiicenx r"i-" iiiQii slfenprq. pleo-ant reclinitiiT chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all tnrougn trams, x-o. information address the anent Oi the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, iienerai x-assenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, STOVES, TINWARE, TOOLS, WOODEN WAKE That is all; ' Nor do we want it long" just for a few years, say twent-y or more and if you will grant us this "little" our cup oi Happiness whi be full to overflowing. w a a a a 1 . . .1.. flTai 4 Lk a in return you win nave nine 10 want, ior in ukw; nm m- uun best and most complete line made in this country to-day and -a-t Prices so X-jOX7- That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving 41. A -1 1 1 it,. ...I 1, .i Ilia air .11 tlllwl 111 I 1 If ft V fill rml TC.4. lilt: uuuc ci 1 1 1 1 1 it rjciiu 1 1 v a nctjiiu . v. ' ... - WILL YOU NOT GIVE US T1IE "LITTLE THAT WE WANT. J. W. Hendee, & Co. UNRTJH KEEPS Whitney' A Kew Oob for Bvasia. The "official adoption" by Russia of the Canet quick firing guns has, it seems, to be reduced to the order of one nnfolr firinir coast eun. with carriaere am) nm-wv.tiles. This order was made with the distinct understanding that in case of the adoption or tne system itus sia would herself mannf actore the guns required. xcnange. - A Kew STftm Are Uvhtlnr. A KvatMn of arc hjrhtizur. for which patents have been granted, has for its object the protection oz tne exposed randrainrs and complete isolation of the operating parts of the system for the purpose of safety. ew ior wona. Now Trv This It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough. Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to erive relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it iust the thins: and under its use had a speedy aud perfect re covery. Tr3' a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just Viw cvnoH a triin cr it is. Trial bottle tree it r. rncKe oc i. uruj; Store. Large size oOc. and $1.UU A. C". O T CllpnpjAA Is in store for all who use Kemp'f . 1 1 A 1 Balsan tor tne tnroat anu lungs me trreat truaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its nPT-ifQ and that anv drusrerits is au- . . . r iu: tnorizea oy tne progneiur ui una nmnHprfnl remedv to trive vou a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute ana enronic cougns. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large isotties ouc ana i. Itch on human and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's ooniti i-f lotion. This never fail. Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth. Enr millinprv and nattern hats or anvifiintr in the line of ribbons. flnnrara rf the latest stvles and de signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in tH isnerwooa diocjk. enr o niimher of vears. I have A7JA U " V a. I . A 1 r been subject to violent attacus ui itnrv rheumatism which onaniiv lasted about two months. rS .j - 11. t a On the nrstoi xnis montn x was ai 4ovd in the Vne.e and suffered se verely for two days, when I prenred i i.inPomhirl'i!ii'a Pain Flalm n iraliivHnM9liTioiit instantly. I therefore most cheerfully reco mend it to those who are similarly offliMaH prPTvwhere. R. D. Whit- - J . . . ly is a very prominent man in ma w I " r ca a n 1 1 II 1 mm III mmw r Mr- Mf n aax, V known as he suffered aucn severe pain. W. M. Houstan & Co. , Mer- cnanis, martinuaie, y. oui-wii bottles for sale by i.o.iriCKe o Druggists. th editor of the Burl- J . .'AM v 11 A irrnn iiinnmn. irao.i rusu iiaa IUK1VM J ' " J x T . - . aah.t In rnimn rallC fiti Of lit- UKUO.-jvv.wv . i;otinn wnirn nrnnraicu uiui iui AAAra hnnrsanH linfittea him IOT hnainpRR for two ot three days. For 4,v nan vosir n t nan Lnrf.ii uiuik Ut J j . - rtiomWlaiD'a Cnlir. Cholera and n:.rhiaVpnifi)T whenever occa sion required, audit has invariably I i : nnmn valiaf and 20 ?At hnttlea for sale bv F. G. vv a - - Fricke & Co., druggists. And the PRICES Are away down CALL AND SEE ;r. r-2. 'a THE POSITIVE CURE. ZmJi KLY BROTHERS. M Warran 8U nw York. Priee 80 BURLINGTON & MISSOURI RIVER R. R. V TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST No. 2 5 : 17 P. M, iso. 4 io :3i a. a. No. 8 7 ; 44 p. m No. 10 9 : 45 a. m. No, 6 12:23 a. nj GOING WEST Nol.... ino. a,.. No. 5,.. No. T... No. 9,. No, 91.. .3 :45 a. m. 3 -AH p. m 9 iOO a. m. . ... S rl7 p m. 4 :40 p, m. 7 :15 a. tn. u.,r.v.-,ii' Av-A Iaovao fr Omaha alimit. Iwn o'clock for Omaha and will accommodate pas- I sengers. . MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 384 Accomodation Leaves 1:65 a. m, No. 383 arnves 4;08p. m. Trains dally except aunaay. FOR RELIABLE Fire and To:raio Insurance Call on SAM'L PATTERSON, Plattsmouth - - Nebraska. TTORNEV A. N. SULLITAN. Attorney at-Law. Will glvt prompt attention to all buMnecs entrusted to him. Otlico to Onion block. East Side. Plattsmouth, Nob. N h) M M WATCIIES,- CLOCKS, - SILVERWARE and Jewelry. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED N N N N X) JUN T1STP;Y S. OOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine geld werk a SPECIALTY. OH. 8TKINACS LOCAL aa weU aa ataer an : : H. M. GAULT. : : Room with Snyder, Soutn Main Street. JCJR. A. SALISBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : OLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. r. staiawayg aaatstkatlc for the aaialess ex tmctloo ot taetb. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Rackwood Block PlattsaioutB, Nab. IpEIJSTS lOLTSE. -LT 217 91i 331,. AHB 223 A.A.IH ST PLATTSMOWTH, NKB. A oV vnur Healer to shOV VOU hA the fraaoline froes to from' the tank to the burner anI then jpo bnil aee-trie Danirier stiTDriBe. rut sale by Hendee. - e. a. (MARSH ALL, - Fitzgerald BUc Wh;n vnn rouch when Shi loh'8 cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 eta., 50 cts. ad $ 1 For aale by F. i3. i?ric:e F. R. GUTHUANN. PROP- RATES $4.50 PER WEEK AND WP MM intra Aatrimsi dara) YMrU1 CHippn Ann's Asthma r. J f I