IT IS NOW MAYOR BUTLER The New City Officials Now In Charge. Are THE COMMITTEES ANNNUXCEll. W. D. Jones, Murphy and Petersen Get the Chairmanship of the Three Important Com mltte s. Other Notes- The city council met in regular session last night at the council chamber. Present Mayor Richey, Clerk Fox, Councilman Salisbury, Gutsche, Miner, Petersen, Murphy, W, D. Jones I. M. Jones, Larsen. and Dove, Browne coining in a few minutes before the new council were sworn in. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A petition was read asking that Granite street, between Fifth and Sixth, and Fourth street 'between Main and Pearl be graded so that the Leiderkranz society woud hare engress and egress to their proper ty. On motion the prayer of the petitioners was granted. A number of the citizens peti tioned the mayor' and council for a .side walk on the south side of Gran it ebetween Third and Fourth streets and it was granted. A petition was also read asking for a sidewalk on the west side of Fourth street in front ot the Weckbach lot and also the abate ment of the sewer at the same place as it was declared a nuisance. Granted. A petition was read asking for the construction of a sidewalk at the in tersection of Twelfth and Grannite to Maiden Lane. On motion the prayer of petitioner was granted. Another petition asking for the grading of Main street between Seventh and Eighth by theporperty holders to lot line, was read and on motion referred to the commitee on streets, alleys and bridges. The finance committee reported favorable on the following bills: J M Wroth, hand work $ 4 51 Kitdow Uroe, hand work 2 (JO Jeo work 4i 00 J Stull. team work 21 ( ) John Koth, liaud work 2 SO i ieo Poisa 11 salary 17 3 J C ChainlM.'rs, nozzleman 2 50 Modest Iliatt, hand work 1 50 Frank Ilitt, nozzleman 2 50 All Lee, same 2 50 Frank Moruan. expense? 41 23 C has Wheeler, team work 10 30 C A Miller, sclary 15 63 John Doyle, nozzleman 2 50 M McCool, hand work 9 00 Kobt Carnes, same 7 50 K Johnson, same 11 80 John Jenna, same 11 f) V Cole, special police 2 CO V Biskel team work f0 40 The mayor and council next ap proved the bonds of the new of ficers and Ihey were immediatelj' sworn in by Mayor Richey. The last act of Mayor Richey was to publtcly thank the old council for the many courtesies extended to him during his term of ofiice, after which he stepped down and out. Mayor Butler called the council to order and on motion a vote of thanks was tendered the old officers for the faithful performance of their dut-. Mayor Butler then delivered a short speech on the future prosperity of the ciiy, say ing that he was in favor of public improvements io a certaia extent ana aiso recoiiimenaea the paving Sixth street, between Vine and Pearl, at an early date. The clerk then called the roll of the new council, result ing in W. D. Jones, Longenhagen, L). M. Jones, Spies, Murphy, Steim ker, Petersen, Lake, Minor and Graves being present. Mayor JJutler then announced his standing committees, which are as follows: Finance W. D.Jones, A.J. Graves and F. II. Steimker. Judicial y M. B. Murphy, F. II. Steimker and II. Spies. Fire and Water Joseph Lake, A. J. Graves and J. C. Petersen. Claims J. L. Mnor, D. M. Jone? and G. II. Longenhagen. License I). Spies, Joseph Lake :nd J. L. Minor. Streets, Allejs and Bridges J. C. Petersen, M. B. Murphy and D. M. Jones. Police D. M. Jones, M. B. Murphy and W. D. Jones. Gas and Lighting A. J. Graves, G. II. Longenhagen and J. C. Peter- Ben. Hospital G. II. Longenhagen," J. L. Minor and Joseph Lake. Cemetery F. II. Steimker, W. D. Jones and H. Spies. The appliations for a permit to run a saloon for another year were read and referred to the license committee, after which the council adjourned to meet Wednesday eten- ing- Ecnoes.From the Diamond. There is a bright, shining crown awaiting he' that will invent a patent ky clearer. THE 1 1 EKALD itself will print his name on its front page in large, black display type. Nay, it will go further. It will start a subscription list after the manner of the cyclone list and it will send its reporlorial Htaff and its editorial ntatf and its "devi.'" to the far corners of the earth to search out wealth to make the in ventor a power in the land. For it is many moons since we have gazed on a ball game and we are thirsty and hungry after one. We long to hear once more the merry cry of the umpire: "Three balls," "Four balls; WEATHER CROP BULLETIN. Reports Received From Twenty f lv Counties out of Fifty. The Nebraska weather service in co-operation with the IT. S. depart ment of agriculture, weather bureau, central ofiice, Roswell ob servatory, Doane college, Crete. Weather-crop bulletin No. 3, for the w ek ending Friday, April 22.1892. Reports received from seventy-six observers in fifty counties. This week has been a continuati jn of the cloudy and rainy weather of the past week; little progress has been made in farm work which is now from two to three weeks late. The temperature has been much below take your base," and the wild roar j the normal and there have been r . ft ...' a - 1 t generally uui two sunsmne uays. of the populace thereat. And toward the close of the game we delight to join the crowd and aid them to tear the umpire body from soul and strew his remains over the fair earth. But, alas! we fear it can never was. lo-uay the sun lias niu him behind a gray, opaque mass of vapor and he refuses to shine and the mud deepens. To-morrow Baker's "freaks" were to be here but from present indications nothing will be done as base ball is a game that cannot be played on the water, The windows of several of the business houses are decorated with the new lithograph ads of the .a . 111 L'ames, ana tnev re use me Dan team winners. The minstrel show is being pushed for all it's worth and it's a sure go. Duncan Clark's company robbed Reinhackel of some of his most ancient gags and he is sad and dejected in consequence. He says if a good show had done it he wouldn't kick but, under the circuin stances, he is "fo'ced Patterson and Kennedy, the song and dance team, are a whole show in themselves. Don't miss 'em Al Perrine got a letter the other day addressed after tLia manner: MR. ALPERKINE, : Plattsjiouth, Xeb. : Tallow Pot on the li. & !., : : Nebraska Slate League Pitcher : : and All-around Han. : 4 Maupin is said to have tele graphed Anson last night that whoever sent him the ace of spades to represent his color is a prevari cator. The Aged Beauties (?). If anybody attended Duncan Clark's female minsirels last nijrht with the expectations of witnessing an immoral show they must have been disappointed. There were quite a number of ladies in the house and there was certainly nothing about the show to keep them away, and less to draw them out In fact, there was no reason able excuse for anybody to go to this show. It is not a good show and it is not bad enough to be good. It is absolutely harmless and without a redeeming feature, About the rawest part of the per formance was the attempt of two of the bluffs in the outfit to sing a parody on that grand old hymn, ' Comrades." When Felix McGlen non wrote that popular melody he little dreamed the depths to which it would descend. After the doors were opened and the crowd got out Hos-d's Sarsaparilla was m great demand to eradicate "that tired feeling." Fare thee well! Duncan and thy coterie of dazzling beauties, and if it is ever your pleasure and the peo pie's misfortune of this city to meet again do not fail to bring along those mosquito bar uniforms. "Wanted the Earth." John Dillon yesterday afternoon and evening at the performance at Dohany's opera house captured a portion of the center of -ie hemi sphere in the vast audience that greeted him. The performances were of a nature that pleased every one present, and from the applause that he received he must have felt gratified with his reception. There is but one John Dillon and he has never been successfully imitated. The play is lively, with sufficient plot to make it interesting, and is brim full of fun f-oni beginning to end. If John Dillon visits our city again it will be a cold day if the flies light on him and the people fail to turn and give him a buzzing reception. Council Bluffs Nonpareil. John Dillon will appear at the Waterman next Friday nigh Judge Ramsey to-day issued mar riage licenses to Herman C. KupKe and Miss Louis Stohlman, both of Louisville; also to John H. Hall and Miss Sarah McCaig, both of Wa bash. Miss McCaig is the only sis ter of the McCaig boys living near Wabash. t! Wh v will vou cough when Sto lon's cure will give immediate re-f Prof. Maupin and George Vass are engaged in an exciting game of checkers this afternoon with the honors about evenly divided. The last report Maupin was one game ahead of his opponent. Wanted Some good dotton rags sunshine The precipitation over the eastern half of Nebraska averaged some what above an inch which is more than double the normal amount; the excess was still greater west ward where in some areas it exceed ed two inches; a fall of three to four inches of snow was quite general throughout the northern part of the state on Tuesday night. The sow ing of small grain has progressed very little; a very little plowing for corn has been done; the early sown is up and doing well; there is an increased acreage of wheat and the prospects for small grain generally are good in spite of the cold wet weather. REPORT BY COUNTIES. Adams Season wet, cold and backward but no damage except on low ground. Antelope All farm work sus pended throughout the week; warm weather needed else oats are liable to rot. Buffalo Oats not all in. Butler Considerable ground un der water; small grain not at all sown and some sown and not covered. Cass Rain, snow and hail during the week; considerable grain yet to be sown. Cedar Not twenty-four hours of sunshine during the week; wheat and oats are not injured by the cold. Custer- -Most small grain sown; to wet to plow for corn, winter grain looking well. Chase Small grain sown and coming up; prospect for winter wheat never better. Clay Crop conditions unfavor able, sleet and snow on the night of the nineteenth. c-oitax small aram all sown du not properly covered, more small grain sown than usual. Cherry Over two inches of snow on Tuesday night. Cumming Oats half sown; no plowing for corn yet, Dawes Snow storm tor four days more on the ground than for seven years. Dawson Too wet to blow for corn. Dodge No damage done from rain except on low ground Dundy Rain and snow all the week. Filmore Farm work two weeks I 'hind, earlj' oats coming up and looking well; plowing for corn be gun. Franklin Farm work delayed; much planting trees reported Furnas Fall grain and alfalfa looking-well; spring grain about sown and doing well. Gage All farm work delayed on account of continued rain, Hamilton Week dull and cold ground and too sticky for farm work, Harlan Rainfall about normal, Hays Fall grain doing well but some spring grain not properly cov ered. Hitchcock Wheat already sown looks well but too wet to finish seed ing. Holt Seeding about half fin ished. Jefferson Fall grain reported as in the best condition for the past twelve yea'-s. Kearney The cold weather has not harmdd the small grain. Knox Snow and slush prevent ing farm work. Lancaster Ground in bad shape to prepare for corn; wheat and oats doing nicety. Lincoln Very little farm work done on account of wet weather. Logan Seeding nearly done; acreage five times that of last year in this county. Madison Cloudy nearly all the time. Merrick Bottom lands flooded; more water than for twenty j'ears; farm work about at a standstill. Nemaha Oats are being mud died in. Nuckols Acreage of winter wheat a third larger than last year; few oats sown. Otoe No sunshine for fire days; very little farm work done. Pawnee Week cloudy and cold with a great amount of rain. Platte Winter wheat and rye looking well; work two weeks late. Rock Some wheat up, but on the low lands rotting in the ground; four inches of snow on 20tb. TO ATSrY G-ESNTXjEMAN? In Cass C0-a.x1.t37" Who can write the most words on a new U. S. Postal Card t IT ffTl W ONE - PRICE - CLOTHIER Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th: 1. A Nice Spring Suit. 2. A Nice Leather Satchel. 3 Two Nice Shirts. Every word must be written with pen and ink. Every word must be readable with the naked eye, And must be written in sensible sentences. Send all Postal Cards to JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, '1892. Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person. JOE, the Popular Clothier, done; little wheat sown; nearly all oats; season three weeks late. Seward Much grain sown and not covered and some under water. Sherman Grain has sprouted and is coming up nicely. Stanton--Seeding about three fourths done but at a standstill now from wet weather. Valley Small grain nearly all in and that sown early is up and look ing well. Thayer Grain and graSa growing slowly. Washingtion Farm work lhree weeks late; wheat acreage ten per cent less than last year, oats aver age. Webster Warm cfear weather needed for crops. Wheeler About one-half the oat4 and barley sown; wheat upnicel' and in good condition. York--Wet weather has retarded sowing which may prove injurious, Goomvix D. Swezey, G. A. LOVELAND, Director. Weather Bureau Assistant. PERSONAL. Tenthr Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer cele brated their tenth wedding anni- versary at tneir nome on ionn Fourth street last evening by invit intr in a number of their Yiends. High five reigned supreme during the evening. Re csh meats were served that were heartily enjoyed by those present. Judge Vanatta and Mrs. G. L. Dovey won the king prizes and A. W. White and Mrs. S. P. Vanatta were the recipents of the booby prizes. Following is a list of those in attendance: Mr. and Mrs, S. P. Vanatta, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, White, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Dovey, Mrs. James Chase, Mrs.JG. E. Dovey, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Carrigan, Miss Mamie Vivian, Miss Eva Heath, Miss Carrie Adams, Otis Dovey, O. C. Dovey and Robt. K n a pp. According to the census of 1890, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population ot l,w,oo peopie, as tne eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so man v oersons hna nomes, ana, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Joute." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passemrer and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Rail-Road Pain Cure has no equal as a Pain Killer. Use for all bodily pa iti s and soreness. Guaranteed - v-. 1 -v IT C by Brown uarren ana j. n- ony. Ask Will Streight about that ex press package. O. A. Brown was all Omaha pas senger this morning. Miss Luta IBurgess returned to Omaha this morning. P. J. Hansen went up to Omaha this morning on business. Frank Palmer went up to Lincoln today to resume his run. Fred Shroeder, the Cedar Creek miller is in he city today. Byron Clark went to Omaha this morning oil legal business. Mrs Stephen Buzzell is suffering with.inflamatory rheumatism. A. N. Sullivan went out to the State capitol today on business. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hawks worth and Mrs. E, W. Cook were passen gera this morning. , C. C. Parmele and J. M. Craiag ar rived home last eveningfrom their trip through the western part o ,ihc state. Broke Into a Car. Three tramps broke ;into a box car ir the yards this afternoon. The car wa sealed and they broke the the inside and fastened th e door. The police were notified and Officer Filzpatrick went down and ha i to break the door off to get in. TIi ey evidently thought the car was 1c aded with fruit, but instead it was It aded with furniture. One of them hac a car Pin in hia hand and anotl ier had a knife' Thev were verv el w about giving them up, but Johm lie finally landed them in the city bastile. It is a penitentiary offense to break a seal on a car and they wi 11 probably be bound over to the nex 1 term o thc district court. The funeral of Fath r Hay8 wil1 take place to-morrow from the Presbyterian 2 o'clock. BURUNOTOX & MISSOURI Rl VER V TIME TABLE, y OF DAILY PASSENGER TKAINS ' cW GOING EAST No. 2 6: 17 P. M, AO. 4 10 :34 a. TL. No. 8 7 ;44 p. m No. 10 9 : 45 a. m No, 12 Vi :' a. di GOING VEST Not,. ...... ,,8 ;45 a. 19. No. i 3 'AH D. liW No. 6,.... . ... :00 a. in.- No. 7 0 :V a. Di. No. 9 6:25 p.m. no, 91 7 :15 a. rn. hushnell's extra leaves for Omaha about two o'clock for Omaha aud will accommodate pas sengers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 384 Accomodation Leaves.. No. 383 ' arrives.. Trains daily except Fuiiday. .10:53 a. in, . 4 ;00 p. in. The L. L. A. debating club meets at the home of Mont Streight thi. evening. I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to Ely's Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. I have used it mor or less half a year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have euffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it witu excellnnt results. Oscar Ostum, 45 Warren Ave., Chi cago 111. Some Foolish Poopla allow a cough to run until itgett beyond the reach of medicine. They say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excenenx effect after takintr the first dosrt Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggiets. afternoon church at Wall Paper AXO House Paint Is what you want next anc this line as in all others we a. Headquarters. When you wan either of these call in and see us before buying. t in re t Cood Looks. Good looks are more 4han fekin deep, deqending upon a healthA condition of all the vital orgarif., If the Liver be inactive you have' a Bilious Look, if your stomach be affeeted you have a Dyspeptic Look aud if bour Kidneys be effected yov will have a Pinched Look. So curs good health and you will have good looks, Electric Bitters is the great alterctive and Tonic acts directly on those vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils an4 (rives a good complexion. Sold at F. G. Fricke & Co's Drugstore, 6f j per botue: Hot Springs. Arte. Carlsbad of America. t On April 6th, 7th and 8th the M. , P. wilf sell round trip tickets to Hot , Springs, Ark at one lowest fit'r; class fare, good returning until f ; i June 10th, on account of govern-' : ment sale of lots and meH"? (J of the Southern Central TurnveK Association. Call at office for pai ticulars. Vtf. Price 10 eta., au cts. ana Saunders One half the seeding der. BROWN it BARRETT. For Bale by F. G. nce & lo u ithis office. V X