The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 19, 1892, Image 4

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"Neta" Presents its Beauties to
the Public.
John Lepper, Living Ner Avoca,
Has Hla Arm Shattered by a
Gun Capt Yocum
Free Again.
Thoee of our people who visited
the Waterman last night to witness
th presentation of the beautiful
little operetta "Neta," were most
agreeably entertained. It is seldom
tliat an amateur performance
reaches the high state of perfection
that distinguished lust night's ben
efit, and no it ia a matter of pleasure
to give to it the credit its merit de
serves. Without exception it was
elegantly presented. The princi
pal characters were sustained by
Miss Lucile Simpson, Miss Nannie
Woore, Mrs. George Dovey and
Hrs Charles Johnson in a very
raoable manner. No one of these
fair ladies can be rated
above the other so far as
Ability is concerned, as all are
npjally at home with their parts,
K. C. Ciiitlunan, the prince, dis
jruised as a Gypsy, captured the
iou.'e with his funny acting and
merited deserved applause. The
aiinor characters were well bus-
mined, and the chorus was a dream
f beauty and a poem of motion.
The scenic effects were well put on,
aud several very beautiful tableaux
-wlded- to the glory of the scene.
ilie Plisses Dovey and new, in
their various dances, called forth
"At id and prolonged applause which
vas well deserved. Too much
praise cannot be bestowed on F. C.
Bushman, the manager 6f the enter
tainment,' for the excellent manner
f the presentation, although, if we
zuay judge from vhnt we under
land of the financial consideration,
Ve has been amply repaid for his
labors. The operetta will be per
formed again to-night, and we ad
ise those who have not seen it to
go and spend an enjoyable eve-
A Serious Accident.
A painful and serious accident
occurred yesterday afternoon three
miles south of Avoca, this county.
John Leppers, a young man 18 years
f aire who works on the farm for
Henry Ilillman, was the unlucky
person. From reports the HERALD
Seams that 3'oung Lepper had gone
out with a gun to shoot at a mark
TV'hile enjoying this pastime the ac
cident ocenrred, the gun bursting,
blowing part of the barrel almost
through the arm just above the
wrist, snlinterimr the larjre bone
wry badly. The weapon he was
booting with was a very old pat
Acrn. The burstingof the gun filled
His face full of powder, but the at
tending ph3-eician does not seem to
ihink his vyee were injured. Grave
&ars are entertained by the phy-
aacian as to saving the arm, al--duugh
it may not be necessary to
-rmputate it.
A large sized steamboat went
down the river this morning.
J. M.Carter vs. B. A. Gibson is oc
cupyinr the attention 0? district
court today.
The Journal came outlast night
enlarged from a six-column folio to
a s-'ven column.
A rumor is a Moat that M ithew
Gerinirwill succeed C. S. Polk as
city attorney when the administra
tion changes hands.
For millinery and pattern hats or
anything in the line of ribbons,
flowers of the latest styles and de
signs, call on the Tucker Sisters in
the Sherwood block. tf.
A vote was taken this morning in
the high school room on the state
tree, resulting in thirty-nine votes
being cast for the Kim and six votes
for the Maple tree. '
'.The following cases' were filed
with the clerk of , the district court
yesterdaj-: .Ralph R. Robinson vs.
J.:H. Thompson and K.' G. Dovey, an
appeal from Justice Wilde of Cedar
Creek; also Becker & Sangeman vs.
W. j: Rakes.
Fred Walters ia at last landed in
jail at Lincoln charged with obtain
ing money under false pretenses
rred Kroehler received his money
yesterday atterneon. It came as
soon as Marshall' Fry telegraphed
to Lincoln ordering his arrest.
: Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U
will be held at the residence o
Mrs. S. A. Davis on Pearl street to
morrow aftemoen at three o'clock
The oflicers and members of the
Christain Kndeivor society are in
vited to meet with them, also the
members of the Y. W. C, T.U.
The men that went through the
poatoflice Sunday night tok every
thing they could get their hands on
This morning Postmaster Streight
missed $123 more. It was confed
erate money that he secured during
the war and had kept it ever since.
One was a $100 bill, one a $20 and the
othera $3 bill.
Oer a Thousand Rustlers and
Friends Encamped.
The Depth of Hatred of the Rustlers
Is Marvelous The Alter
nates Left Out
Other Items.
1 Mrrlnar -Calhoun.
A very pretty marriage ceremony
was performed this a t tern 00 n at
4 o'clock by Judge Ramsey. The
contracting partiea being Mr. Chas
Myringand Miss Nettie Calhoun.
The ceremony occurred at 700 South
Sixth Street.
Lost An ,, open-faced silver
watch, between Main street and my
home. The finder will please leave
at The Hekalo office and receive
reward. IS. Kline.
Nebraska and Iowa Indebtednesss.
A special census bulletin was is
sued to-day 011 the debt, less the
sinking fund, of the several states.
The following is taken from the
bulletin: Nebraska County deb
in 1890, $5,510,175; in 1880, $5,120,362;
municipal, 1890, $7,124,500; in 1880,
$1,102,172; school district debt, 1890,
$3,085,928; 'in 1880. $1,778,508; per cap
ita combined debt, 1S90, $14.67; in
1880, $16.56.
Iowa County debt, 1890, $3,416,889;
in 1880, $2,992,573; municipal, 1890.
$6,391,772; in 1880, $3,474,621; school
district debt, 1890, $1,221,223; in 18S0,
$1,125,133; combined per capita debt,
1S, $5.90; in 1880, $5.01.
Presentation of the Pardon.
Adjutant Genera' Vifquain has re
turned from Hastings as the bearer
urf Governor Hoy da' pardon to Cap
Htairi A. I). Yocum, who shit and
Idled Myron YanFleet for traduc
ing his daughters good name.
"Ueneral Vifquain was met at Hast
ings by General Dil worth and Gen
eral Howen, counsel for Yocum and
at once sought the jail where Cap
tain Yocum was confined. The lat
ter was prepared for the visit hav
aag been notified by telegram hence
ir was prepared to receive the bear
't of good news. Nevertheless he
-exhibited some emotion when 5en-
! Yitqiiain handed him the par
&a "in behalf of our fraternaty of
:J: .srity and loyalty" an allusion to
tl?r-G. A.:Rof which all present
were members. "I hand it te you
m an easter morning present." said
General Vifquain in conclusion.
jptaiu Yocum turned the pardon
ver to Sheriff Crane and the three
-valked to the hotel, where greetings
vre exchanged with many citizens
the town. Reports of a certain
vjiiaii having threatened to avenge
She- death of Van Fleet caused Cap
tiiu Yocum's friends to keep a
.al-.ariflook out to prevent its fulfil-j-rit..but
nothing occurred to indi
cate that anything of the kind
wmiid take place, and the last chap
ter had been enacted of the famous
ZPf-stings manslaughter. State Jour
Laid at Rest.
TAr-'funeral of Mrs. Harry IIow
ittuX was held this afternoon at her
lite-residence at 2 o'clock. Rev. J.
T. Bhird conducted the ceremonies.
Tlje-rtmain were followed to their
Imt resting place by a large ami
mi irrpathetic crifcvd of neighbors and
World's Fair Notes.
Kentucky has made a $100,000
world's fair appropriation.
Victoria, Australia, has made a
world's fair appropriation of .flOO.OtX).
In the government exhibit will
appear all the relics, which are ob
tainable, of various Arctic exploring
1 ne ucauwoou ooaru or iraue is
arranging to make a special HIack
Hills exhibit at the exposition.
Arguments for and against Sun
day opening of the exposition will
be heard by the national commis
sion on October 6.
Great Britain has added 35,000 to
its worlds fair appropriation,
making it now (S'.!00 or approxi
mately &!00.tt0.
Applications for space in the ex
position buildings now aggregate
more than 4,UU0,0C3 square ieet, a
little over one-third being from
foreign applicants.
The Commercial Kxchang'of Des
Moines, Iowa, has resolved in favor
of raising $20,000 for the purpose of
securing a creditable representation
of that city at the exposition.
Hrooklyn, N. Y., wants to devote a
like sum to the same end.
Fifty public spirited citizens of
L'tah have guaranteed" $50,000 for an
exhibit at the fair from that terri
tory. A like amount was similarly
raised in Couueticut recently, and
in both cases it is the expectation
that the legislature will reimburse
the donors.
According" to the census of ISSN),
Chicago takes rank. bjr virtue of her
population of 1.098,576 people, as the
eighth largest cit- on the globe.
Most of us desire, at one time or
another, to visit a city in which so
many persons find homes, and.
when we do, we can find no better
line than the "Burlington Route."
Three fast and comfortable trains
dail3. For further information ad
dress the agent of the compai- at
this place, or write to J. Francis,
General Passenger and Titket
Agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
The war in Wyoming between the
sheriff and Governor Harbour
still pending. The following dis
patch, dated Cheyenne, Wyoming,
ia taken from a morning paper:
That now historic wire of the
Wyoming Inland Telegraph com
paii3", that used to pulsate with
news from the seat of the rustler
conflict, has been shot down since
Saturday. News from Johnson
county is brought to Douglas by
the mail carrier and sent here bv
wiae. The "dead wire has been re
duced by the thieves, who hope
now, emboldened by their victory
at the "T A" ranch, to muster a suf
ficient force to take the prisoners of
war from five, companies of the
United States armyat Fort McKin
ney. ..More' 'than a thousand rust
lers and their friends, including
Sheriff Angus and deputies, are en
camped about the post,' and only
fear of heavy loss in a collision re
strains them from making a rush
on Fort McKinney. They are will
ng to pay almost any price for th
half dozen unarmed men of W6l
cott'a command. At several ranch
es visited in riding . from the
country; men were heard ad vocat
in the skinning and burning alive
of the men on the list. The depth
of their hatred, and vindictiveness
is marvelous. It is not because
Champion and Ray were killed es
pecially, but it is based on the
broad ' and peculiar premise that
there must be no interference with
Governor Barbour says to-night
that he has requested General
Brooke to deliver the prisoners in
this city. Colonel Van Horn will
start when he feels thatthe overland
trip to Douglas can be made with
safety. It is feared now the rustlers
will burn ranches and murder men
who have been inactive. There is
much feeling against the foremen,
who are believed to have known of
the movement and kept still.
The trial of Dr. Charles Bingham
Penrose, the Philadelphia pli3i-
cian, which was to have been held
to-day, was postponed until Thurs-
da3 owing to the inability of the
Johnson county authorities to be
present. In an interview the doctor
says he left the invading party at
Tisdale's ranch on the second day
out on account of sickness. He
strenuously denies having been
with his party at the killing of
Champion and Ra3.
Dud Champion, brother of one of
the dead men, is at Buffalo. He left
Johnson county last fall because he
felt this coming. Dud now sa3's
he only wants a look at each mem
ber of Wolcott's part3" and he will
remember them all and may have a
chance to get even. The fellow is a
fighter, as are two other brothers of
the famil3'. One is a fugitive from
1 Here are now in C he'enne two
ranch farmers of Johnson county;.
two miners, Ma3ror Barritt of Buffa
lo, H. R. Mann, receiver of the land
office, and Thomas Bouton, editor
of the Kcho. all vjtra'nl for their lives
to venture to their homes and prop
erty. All have been warned. Sheriff
Angus still refuses to deliver the
expedition teamsters to Colonel Van
The Rock3' Mountain News of
Denver, has just received a bulletin
from Casper, Wyo., saying that two
men, badly wounded, arrived there
this afternoon and relate an exciting
story of the burning of Champion
and Ra3'b3- cattlemen. The bulletin
is meagre and ever3r effort is being
made to obtain the particulars.
re" ' ' ...
Ian. Ca-ss C0-a.z3.t-3r
Who can write the most words on
new U. S. Postal Card
Will Give the Following Prizes on July 4th:
1 A Nice Spring Suit.
2. A Nice Leather Satchel.
3 Two Nice Shirts.
Every word must be written with pen and ink.
Every word must be readable with the naked eye,
And must be written in sensible sentences.
Send all Postal Cards to
JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsmouth, Neb
No more Postal Cards accepted after July 3, 1892.
Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person.
JOE, the Popular Clothier,
Cpera Corner, Plattm.-m
The Alternate Left Out.
John II. Powers of Stratton has
succeeded in having Governor Ho3d
accept his resignation as 'member
of the Nebraska Columbian com
mission representing the indepen
dent part3" of his district. Mr. Pow
ers was appointed b3- Governor
Tink er and when the finance? of the
commission became in something-
of an unknown shape Governor
Boj-d refused to accept Mr. Powers'
resignation as secretar3 until a set
tlement could be secured all around.
As ever3-thing is now in a satisfac-
toi-3" condition, made so by the re
port of President Strang, the resig
nation has been accepted. The
vacancy was filled 3 esterday b3 the
appointment of another indepen
dent, John U. Stewart, of Benedict
York count3 a member of the legis
lature. During the session he in
curred thedispleasure of his radical
alliance brothers! and he will be as
unacceptable to that class as A. II.
Cole, recently appointed. Mr. Stew
art is a farmer, who lives near Ben
edict and makes his living b3- farm
ing with his hands. It was Mr.
Powers' request that his alternate,
Eric Johnson, fill the vacancj, but
Governor Boyd declined to comply
and made an appointment of his own
A reorganization is expected to
take place at the Omaha meeting to
da3' and Hon. A. J. Sawyer, of Lin
coln, will probabl3" be elected president.
Gering is back from
A. B. Knotts was in Council Bluffs
Dr. Britt departed for Omaha this
morning on No. .1.
Mrs. T. M. Patterson went up to
Omaha this morning.
Mrs. Sam Hinkle and Mrs. C. M.
Holmes were Omaha passengers
this morning.
Dr. W. II- Deering received a mes
sage this afternoon announcing the
death of his sister at Hastings,
"Vl1ite3-" Miller left this morning
for Ft. Worth, Texas, where he will
hold clown third base tne coming
Miss Wolfenbarger, who has been
visiting with the family of Sol
Osborn, left this morning for her
home in Lincoln, California.
S. F. Girarder, E. J. Cover, A. U.
Marshall, Hans Johnson. E. W.Mur
less. A.' J. McDonald, Geo. Hunt
G. F. Shryder, Ed. Wilkinson. Simon
Rector, J. N. Carter and A. B. Carter
are in from Weeping Water attend
ing district court.
Ataii-reoau iram i ure lias noequa
as a Pain Killer. Use for all bodily
pains and soreness. Guaranteed
by Brown & Barrett and O. II Suy
ine republican congreaaiona
convention meets at Falls City, April
20. The M. P. makes one fair and
third for round trip, limit of certifi
cates April 23. Leaves Plattsmouth
at 10:55 a. m. and goes direct to Falls
or JAauor Care.
To those seeking a rescue from
liquors curse or other evil habits
brought about by morphine, tobac
co etc. The Elisor Institute at South
Omaha offers one of the most relia
ble and best places to go with the
absolute certainty of a permanent
cure. -YV rite or visit the institute.
Springs, A' k. Carlsbad
On April Gth, 7th and 8th the M
P. will sell round trip tickets to Hot
Springs, Ark., at one lowest first
class fare, good returning until
june lutn, on account ot govern
ment sale of lots and meeting
ot tne southern Central lurnverm
Association. Call at oflice for par
Take Notice 1
That shares No. 6. 7 and 8. stock of
State bank of Elsie, Elsie, Neb.,
amounting to $6,CC0, . issued to A
Shipman and to M. A. Shipman,
have been canceled this day, the
same having been stolen from the
postoffice at Plattsmouth. Neb.
M. A. Shipmix.
Cashier State Bank of Elsie.
April 18,1892.
The wisdom of him who lournev
eth is known 03' the line he selects;
tne judgment 01 the man who takes
the "Burlinirton Route" to the
cities of the east, the south, and the
west, is never impeached. The in
ference is plain. Magnificent Pull
man sleepers, elegant reclining
ciiair cars and world-tamou3 dining
cars, on all through trains. For
information address the acrent of
the company at this place, or write
to J. Francis, General Passenger
and Ticket Agent. Omaha.
Notice to the Public.
The Plattsmouth Water Works
company have moved their office
from IIenr3r Boeck's into the west
room over 413 Main street. Thenew
management of the water company
require all bills to be paid at their
office. The3 have therefore fitted a
room b3 themselves where their
agent can be found from 10 to 11
o'clock a. m. and from 2 to 3 o'clock
p. m. There can be no deviation
from the above rule.
Plattsmouth Water Co.
Money to Loan.
The Livingston Loan A Building
association will hold their regular
monthly meeting Thursda3 eve
ning, April 21.
3 If e.nrv R., SecV.
Wall Paper
House Paint
Is what you want next and in
this line as in all others we are
Headquarters. When you want
either of these call in and see
us before buying.
hcruxqtox StMissounrmrEit :. it
V. 2 : os p.m.
iM. 4 10 :J a. If.
No. H 7 ; 44 p, 11
0 1(1 9 :45 a. 1)1
No. U 10:14 a. in
No. JO .8 :30 a. in
Not 3:41 a. m.
No. 6 :25 p. m
No.') 9 MH a. m .
o. 7 i ?18a. ni.
No. 9.. .. .... 6S9d.ii.
NO. II, .....6 M p, ia.
No, 19 li .-05 a. ni.
VushneU's extra leaves for Omalia about tw
u clock fr CiualiaauU will accommodate ra
KKiiKers. -
No. 34 Accomodation Leaves.
No. 31 arrives.
Trains dally except fuuday.
.lO.-Ma. m,
. 4 ;00 p. ia.
Wanted: An energetic man to
manage branch office. Only a few
dollars needed. 5alar3r to start $7."
per month and interest in business
The Western Co., Kansas Cit3r, Mo.
A Sensible Man.
Would use Kemp's balsam for the
throat and lungs, it is curing more
cases coughs calds, asthma, bron
chitts, craup and all throat and
lung troubles, than any other rem
ed3'. The proprietor has author
ized am' druggist to give you a sam
pie bottle free f convince you of
the merit of this great remed3-.
Large bottles 50c and $1.
Subscribe for The Plattsmouth
Daily IlEKALI at 15 cents a week.
Ex-Governor Furnas writes: Send
me one dozen Rail Road Pain Cure
with bill, it cures more achinir ills
than any other preparation I have
used or known. 2oc and SOc at O. II.
Snyder and Brown & Barrett.
I feel it my dut3" to sa3' a few
words iu regard to Kl3''s Cream
Balm, and I do so entirely without
solicitation. I have used it more
or less half a year, and have found
it to be most admirable. I have
suffered from catarrh of the worst
kind ever since I was a little boy
and I never hoped for cure, but
Cream Balm seems to do even that.
Man3' of ni3" acquaintances have
used it witu excellnnt results.
Oscar Ostum, 45 Warren Ave., Chi
cago 111.
Railroad Coucrh Cure is the true
Antidote for Throat and Lunir
Troubles. Fully warranted at
Brown & Barrett's and O. II. Sny
Some Foollh People
allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine They
say. "Oh it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears them awar
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive cruarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Price 50c and fl. Trial size free. At
all druggists.
Irena for the Complexion" re
moves Pimples, Blackhiads, and all
Facial Blemishc U'arronioi
BROWN & BARRETT. 1 Brown Barrett and (). II. Snyder.'