PlMtsmo 'aily raid. n FIFTH Y E All. PLATTSMOUTII, NKBRASKA. MONDAY. APRIL 18, 1892. NUMBER 18 1 r Li US he eut e. ifew ?ss ;,,Mo. 1 the ore ron- jaml t?tn- (lor ,3am i of dy. UTH ek. url-fin- i for i for j For ! and : id 2) G. iSend i'Cure .ills f.have IV- II. few ream thout more tound have worst - boy , but i that. hare kilts. Chi- e true Lung d at Sn3- it get t They away, try the which ntee to cellent t dose. ree. At mm v - FSOTEB Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar bakiug,powdec ! Jaighestol all in leavening strengtn Latest U. S. Government food re- N EW MEATMARKET. Freak Beef. Pork. Veal. Mutton. Pttr u egfsxrpi CODBianuj vm usau. Came of all kinds kept in Seaeoa SATISFACTION - OARAHTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Ave rLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. MEAT HARKET SIXTH 8TKBXT - F. H. BLLKNBAUM, Trmf. The beat of fresh meat always fovad ia this market. Also fresh 'Ess and Butter. Wild same of all kinds kept ia their season. ! 8IXTH 8TREET Meat market I IX. f)TJ7N Always has on band a full stock of FLOUR AND FEED, Corn. Bran. Shorts Oats and Baled Hay for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any pan i n city. CORNER SJXTH AND VINE platt8mouth, - - Nebra?- ghe gUttsmouth grralJ. COKXEK OF VINE AND FIFTH STS TELEPHONE 38. NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thursduy, and daily every evening except Sunday. Kegistercd at the Plattsmouth, Nebraska post pfTice an ttecond claft mail matter fur transmission through the U. S. mails. TEKHSKCR WEEKLY. One year in advance - - - - $1 50 One year not in advance - - - - 2 00 Six months in advance - 75 Three months in advance - - - 40 TKKPIS OF UAILT. One year in advance - 96 00 One copy one month 50 Per week by carrier 15 and we commented on the case in that Hpirit and in no other. Per haps the XewH can explain why its trusted "attache" was not in court to deny the testimony of his father, and to clear hid akirts from the charges made against him? Here was a very excellent opportunity to make a denial, and a much more appropriate place than the columns of the News, when we consider that Milton D. Polk was the first defend ant in the case and within a few yards of the court room when the case was in progress of trial. We have more evidence than was given on that trial, Mr. Burton, and we hereby notify you that our com ments were tame when compared with the facts in the case. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURE OF AND VJEDLESRLEZIlNn RETAIL DSALEB IN" THE CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKER'S ARTICLES always in stock Plattsmouth, Nebrassa IV. H. CUSHING. Prttident, J. W. Johnson, -ooOT H EOOo- Citizens - Bciql, PLATTSMOUTH NEBKASKA Capital Paid in $so,ooo k R Rnthaaa. J W Johns. E 8 Grewel. Henry Kikenbsry. M W Morgan J Connor. W Wettenkanp, W H Cushing A general banxing business trans acted, imeresi aiiowcu u uc-posites. pIRST NATIONAL : BANK OFPLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital ... Surplus .950.000.00 . 10.000.09 re the very best facilities for tho oromp traasaetion of llgltimate Banking Business stocks, bonds, gold. Koverament and local se auntlefl bought and sold. Deposits received 1a mtoraat allowed on tbe certificates rw.fMdrtwB. available In any part of tbe United State sod all the principal towns ot Burope. mixCcnOVI MIDI AD FB6MPTLT BBMIT- TIO. HlKkest market price PU for County War rants. State ana County bonds. DIRE CTOBS . John nawald : D. Hawkswortt - Bass Waogb. "hlto OTf E. 0STST jahB FIsuoraM. . a. Wafts.. rprastdMi wasi LEGITIMATE NEWS. In Thursday evening's iaeue THE HER ALD contatned an item of district court news which apparently was written for no other purpot'-e than to asperse and blacken the character of an attache of the News office, and to reflect disadvantage ously upon this paper. The falsity and alanderousness of the item wilt not be dwelt upon in this article, but we wish to call attention to the dispicable methods employed by certain money-iufluenced politicians whose anxiety to pose as party leaders arises solely from the fact of there beina; "money in it." The Item re ferred to described the gentleman men tioned as the editor of the Evening News, which, in a very covert way, was an attack upon that paper. The name of the editor of the News is printed at the top of the edi torial page, and that fact is well known to the writer of the item, who merely gave that title to the person maligned in order to cover his real intention. Mr. M. D. Polk was attacked in that contemptible man ner, and the reflection cast upon the News for the sole reason of this paper's wonder ful popularity, and the fact of nearly all of THE HEKALD'S subscribers having quit that paper, which fact appears to have aroused the enmity of a few unprincipled politicians who try to bolster up the rap idly sinking HERALD to retain a tool for their own personal ends. The News has the support of the citizens, which it is con fident of its ability to retain, and will not sink so low as to employ such under handed methods to help its business. Evening News. Mr. Burton of the News, either did not write the foregoing or else he listened to the representations of his "attache" and blindly swallowed a very weak story. The comment of The Herald on the case of O'Dotiohoe vs. Milton D Polk and his father, was in our opinion fully w..iuted by the facts in the case ;. .uoy were retailed by the elder The News is supposed, to I?.....- a tine scent for items, as a u.-iial iJing, but its editor was not n court when the case was called, ndeed the News, was conspicuous for its absence, both in the person of its editor and its trusted "at tache," who was the first and princi pal defendant in the case which at tracted so much attention from the public. The Herald wants its neighbor to understand that it is responsible for that item of news. It was published as a legitimate item of news without conspiracy or consultation with politicians or outsiders and without thought of doing our neighbor harm or break ing down the News, as that paper terms it. We are not in that busi ness, although we have heard that the mission of the News, since its attache" took charged its colums, was to "swamp ihe xijskah ana, however that may be, we want Mr. Burton to understand that we do not run a newspaper for that pur pose we are publishing a paper because that is our business and trade; it is our profession; we have been brought up to it and do not know how to do anything else; we are not publishing a newspaper for fame or health, like our neigh bor; neither are we bothering our selves over politicians and their in trigues; nor have we hired a poli tician to edit our paper. Now as to the item which seems to annoy our neighbor, does the News doubt Mr. John F. Polk's evidence given to the court and public under the solem nity of an oath? Or does it prefer the word of its "attache," which has proved so disastrous to the father? If it does, of course that settles it with that paper, but we want to 833-, right here, that we stand ready to satisfy anybody else of sound mind that the old father's word is bettei than the son's, and we are prepared to prove it. It won't do to charge it to politicians, nor say the old gentleman is mistaken 011 the wit ness stand. This was a civil action right here in court, in the city of Plattsmouth, and in the presence of our citizens, and if a newspaper hasn't the right to comment on the fact of that trial THE HERALD wants to know it. Listening to that testimony we, like the balance of the spectators, felt justly indig nant that such wrongs should go unpunished in this community, TWO VIEWS. Hete are two amusing views of the Rhode Island election. The New York Sun says: To the mugwump fanatics, Mr Cleveland's imaginary popularity about the time of his accidental election in 1884, grew like Jack's bean-stalk steadily throughout his four years of mugwump adminis tration. Then in 1888 he was de feated with a reversed or dimin ished democratic majority in every democratic state. The same frantic argument for the stuffed prophet's fictitious status has been put to the test of the fact again in the city o Providence, where this ponderous and unac countable demagogue went to plead his own case for the democratic nomination, under the pretense that it was the "people's cause." The re sult is that the democratic majority of 2,000 in Providence sank almost to 200. This, too, was after a be wideringly vociferous reception a few days before to the visiting speaker. The popularity alleged of the clai mant is as baseless as his democra cy. -Mugwump politics and moral hypocrisy are offensive to every one trained in the school of American republicanism. Monsieur de Buff a- lo is a back number. Take him away! The Philadelphia Press says: Yes, another state has spoken and a party's idol's broken There is just another nail in free trade's coffin, that is all: Rhody udvocates protection, and that's why, this last election, Rhody turned G. Cleveland's picture to the wall. OtTRLlSGTOX & MISSOURI HIT EH R. Jt. V TIME TABLE. J OF DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST No. 2 5: 05 P.M. o. . lO:30a.iL. No. 8 7 ;44 p. m No. 10 9 :45 a. m. No. 13 10 :14 a. Hi No. 20 8 :30 a. 01 GOING WEST Not,.... 3 :45 a. m. No. a 5 :vj5 p. m No. 5 9 H5 a. m. No. t ' ?18 a. m. No. 4 6 s p.m. No. 11, ...5 :05 p. m. No, 19 11 K)5 a. IB. Pushnell's extra leaves for Omaha about two o'clock for Omaha aud will accommodate pas-seiiKers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 384 Accomodation Leaves.. N0.3M Trains dally except 1 arrives, unday. .10:66 a. . 4:00 p. 8KCRBT SOCIETIES KMiUUTtt 09 pythias Gauntlet Lodgs No-47. Meets every Wednesday eve ning: at their hall over Bonnet A Tutt'a. all vixitinir kniirlits are cordiallv invited to attend. MM Griffith, C C: Otis Dovoy K ot K and S. AO U W No 84 Meet second and fourth Friday evening In the month at I O O F Hall. M Vondran, M W, E P Brown, recorder. AO U W No 8 Meet Brst and third Fri day evening of each month at I O O F hall. Frank Vermylea MW;J Barwick, recorder. DEGREE OF HONOR Meets tho first and third Thrursdav eveninars of each month in I. O. O. F. hall, Fitzgerald block. Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie Burkel. sister secretary. OASS LODGE. No. 146. 1. 0. O. F. meets ev irj Tuesday night at their ball in Fitzgerald alock. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited 'o attend when visiting in the city. Cbrls Pet ersen, N. G. ; S. F, Osborn, Secretary. DOTAL V uM . tht K. of P. ARC AN AM Cass Council No 1021, ball in the ranneie a Craig block over Bennett & Tutu, vlsulng bretbren invited. Henry Gerlng, Regent: Thos Walling, Secretary. GA. R-McConihie Post No. 45 meets every Saturday evoning at 1 : 30 In tbeir Hall in Kockwood block. All visiting comrades are cordiallv invited to n eet with us. Fred Bates, Post Adjniant ; G. F. Kites, Post Commadder. fjRDRK OF THE WORLD. Meets it 7:31 v every Monnay evening at the Grand Army ball. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling, secretary. -'ASS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every second and Fourth Monday evenings in Fitzgerald hall. Visiting neighbors welcome. if erieuoerEcr, tt CAPTAIN YOCUM of Hastings was sentenced Friday to the peniten tiary for one year, the lightest sen- nce that the court could impose d last Saturday, the next day after the sentence had been pro nounced, Adjutant General Vifquain carried to Hastings a pardon for Mr. Yocum from Governor Boyd. There will be but one verdict on this action of the governor and that will be a verdict of approval. Nothing but the letter of the law convicted Captain Yocum. The jury, the judge, the spectators at the trial and the people over the state all felt that equity demanded that Captain Yocum, who defended his home and family from the lies of a traducer, ought to be justified in his act and told to go hence a free man. But the law in its strict letter has been complied with and the governor has exercised his right under the law and given justice to a man who stands, though convicted under the law, justified in all that he has done to protect his home and his fireside. The United States has paid Italy $25,000 for the killing of the Mafia men at New Orleans and friendly relations are once more established with that country. We won't say but they are worth that dead, but alive the whole lot isn't worth twenty-five cents. Senator Allison, of Iowa, says he is a Harrison man. So is every other good republican. Oxe of the signs by which the re publicans are sure to conquer is the honest dollar. THE republican , ticket will read Harrison and Morton. According to the census of 1890, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,098,576 people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. . Itch on human and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's sanitary lotion. This never fails, Sold F. G. Fricke Co. druggist fiattsmouth. P.r. S. C Hansen. V. C. Wilde, Clerk, A.. r'APTAIN H E PALMER CAMP NO 50- Sons of Veterans, division of Nebraska. U 8. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7 -.30 o'clock in their ball in Fitlgerald block. All sons ana visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet witbus J. J. Kurtz. Commander ; B. A. Mc El wain, let Seargent. DAUGHTERS OF REBECCA Bud ot rrom I e Lodee No. 40 meets the second and fourth Thursday evenings of eacli mouth in the I O. O. K. hall. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N G. ; Mrs. John Cory, Secretary. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTION SSOCIATION Waterman block. Main Street. Rooms open from :30 a m to 9:30pm. For men only Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. TTORNEV A. N. SULLITAN. Attorney at-Law. Will give prompt attention 50 all buainees entrusted to nisi. Office in Onion block. East Side. Plattsmouth, Neb. iOEiIjSTS HOUSE. 217, 219, 221, ANB 223 yVlAIN ST PLATTSMOUTH, NKB. F. R. GUTHMAKH. PROP- RATES $4.50 PER WEEK AND UP DENTISTRY GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and ine gold work a SPECIALTY. sB. STEIN ACS LOCAL as well as other an sthet-icsgivea tor tbe paialess extraction of teeth. C. A MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Bloch - BAZAAR MILLINERY. To the Ladies of PlattBtnouth and vicinity I will a 11 notice my EASTER OPENINGAPRIL 15-16. I will have on hand a full line of Spring and Summer novelties in lace neopolitan and A A full line of new shades and styles in gessisR I B B O N Sxziowy Also a handsome line of Chiffon point degen i and eolored laces, velvet flowers in the lates styles of montures and Prince cf Wales pom pons , I will have a good assortment of stra goods, for Misses and Children wear We'll have Leading Styles in Lace Crej du Chine and fine braids trimmed. I Thanking you for past favors "will be pleased to have yosi call and examine my stock ELSIE MOORE.' UMUH Why will you cough when Shi loh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke ic Cc The wisdom of him who journey eth is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Route" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent Pull man sleepers, elegant reclining chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to T. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Omaha. The promptness and certainty of its cures have made Chamberlain's cough remedy famous. It is intend ed especially for coughs; colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the most effectual remedy known for these diseases. 50 cents bostles for sal- by F. O. Fricke. Whitney's Carriage: And the PRICES Are away do CALL AND SEE Spot Cash Hardwai MANY TKARS AGO TIIK POKT WROTE: "Man wants but little here below. Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits our case e: ALL THAT VK WANT IS Your Trade on HARDWARE. CUTLKRY, STOVKS, TOOLS. TINWARE. iven-ie, WOOD That is all; '-Nor do we want it long" just for a few years, or more and if you will grant us this "little" our cup of liapj be full to overflowing. In return you will have little to want, for in these goods best and most complete line made in this country to-day and Ti... ... . - ir.w ,.i .1 1. . jliioi oci j nine wr 1111 uui tt ij uu id 1 j 1 eutrci we jeei uiai wc 'ATCs dlLUlUCU a J 1 tlK. KT III JUCIIJIJ' IIJJUU JJI 1 1 J A II 1 1 1 P l IUF W the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for 01 WILL YOV NOT GIVE IS THE "LITTLE" THAT WE WAX T. W. Hendee, & J 7 utl R. A. SALISBURY D-K-N-T-I-S-T babo-a: GOLD AND POKCELAIX CKOWXS. r. Stelaways anesthetic for the painles cx tractioc ef teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. fcckwo4 Block rtattsnouth. Neb. t M N M WATCHES.. CLOCKS. - and Jewelr.-veeJ 1 .S' UL-1IL ILIAUIITr v satisfaction uiW ari ELljf5Dleti u f nAis- 1 Kkjiii with Stiyiler, S ?ni -a ria