BROUGHT INTO COURT. Fred Walters Ottained Money Under False Pretenses. ONf YEAR AT MAKU I. A 150 K WAS Tin Sentence Pronounced Upon Captain Yocum Yesterday. V. H B. Stout Finan cially Huinei Notes. Fred Walters, who used to run a r-.Mt;i u ru ii t in this city about two years ago haw got himself into trouble. Shortly af ter lie went out uf the restaurant business he bor rowed of Fred Kroehler, repre senting that he had money Jin the hank and would give him a check for the amount the next day. A short time after the loan had been made Kroehler approached him .nid inquired as to whether he had forgotten about the loan. Wallers j answered that he had not, but that liis wife knew how much money he had in the bank and he did not want to take the money out of the hank. I le stated that he had .sever al dollars coming to him and that fie would make the payment in a .lay or two. The- next heard of him lie was lo aded at Lincoln. In tin meantime Kroehler found out that Walters never had had a deposit in aii3' lank in this city. Walters has been employed on tin1 H. A .M. as a freight brakeiuan ;md has been running in and out of this city for a long time, but it teeing) never came up town. esterdiy afternoon Kroehler heard that his man was in town and he immediately went down to to the yards to find him. After looking around awhile he found liim asleep in the war car, and he awakened him but h failed to get his money. Kroehler came up town a't ' out a warrant and W dter- was brought into court. The case was continued until nine o'clock Mon day morning. Walters furnished -curity and went out on his run last night. JillnnK -- .. - - Let tlojf delight to bark and bite, . For nature mnl fliem m; Hut oil! my brethren what a night Thill deiiKxrrutic kIiow. "bay on, MeliufT!" bold Murtin cried. And quarter Krurit to none. hout Itoyd, "D--1 he who cricH enough, And paNicd they who run." The twinkling Mart twlnked merrily, Tlie moon paled with nlTriM. While fought they there riht lustily In Ouiuhu etltier-tlay flight. Kearney Hub. Weeping Water Items, l-'rom the LVpubliiau. Fire destroyed a new suit of clothes and two or three overcoats belonging to the family of Philip Christmaii, living northeast of town. While Mrs Christmaii was in the yard a few minutes the fire started in the bedroom and several other articles were consumed before it was put out. J. M. Heardsley's family were all quite sick for a day or two last week. It was something they had eaten caused it. There has been ! DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. Mrs. Catharine Howland's Fall Results Fatally. she rr.u. Alton- m:en -ket And Only Lived a Short Tlmo The Accident Occurred at Her Home About S O'clock This Morning. TO ANY GENTLEMAN, Cass C0-u.xa.t37- 4-1 1 wine uic most worcis on c new U. S. Postal Card rry 1 me coiiununity was terribly allocked this morning by the an "UIIV.I.11II.IU iuiii i'lrs. i ;i 1 J 1:1 n ne Ilowland, wife of Harry Ilowland, had fallen down a pair of stairs and had died from the injuries received from the fall. Mrs. Ilowland had been iroing sibont lifr iinl t .. t several families afTeete.l i il... . ...... wo, anu , iiaa o-otie uostairs way lately. D.M.JonnsDn has commenced an addition to his residence on Com mercial avenue, 10x24. He has Started the ball rolling- and we hope to see a building' boom in our little city this summer. One Year at Hard Labor. This morning's papers announce tht follo.viug: The case of Captain A. I. Yoeuiii t ame up in the district court today on a motion for a new trial. Judge Ileal I overruled the motion and s-ked Captain Yocum if he had anything- to say. as the sentence of tin court would be passed at this time. Captain Vociini was -isibl3- af fected as be arot-e to his feet and aaid that were he to follow the bent f his inclinations lie could say Nebraska's Cereal Production. The figures which were reached ly the census office a few davs ago concerning the cereal productions of Nebraska were as much of a sur prise to Nr. John Hyde of this state, who is in charge of the division hav ing supervision of those stastistics as they were to any body else, the corn crop exceeding by Oo,000,(XKJ bushels the estimate of the depart ment of agriculture. Ten counties in the southeastern part of the state produced as much corn in the ceil sus as did the entire state in 1879. 1 . . .r-oriy-tiiree counties each raised from 2.CX).C33 to (VG-O.ttX) bushels o corn, tiage county standing at the head with .S,J4."),1(3.' bushels. Kearney count) led in the production of wheat, Filmorc in that of oats and a'- Otoe in Iiarley. I he average yield per acre of the ten diiFerent crops was as follows: Harley. J2.; buckwheat. 70.1; corn 30.4: oats. JIMO: rve. 13..M and wlirat bushels. Hail is reported as having destroyed the crop in por tions of Boone, Buffalo, Cheyenne, Garfield. Greeley and Red Willow counties. The average yield per acre 111 the newer counties in the west end of the state is somewhat low or the general state averages, gratifying as they are, would have been still higher. The increase in the acreage and production of oats is even more remarkable than that of corn, being upward of fkX) per cent. Mr. J. M. Hyatt of Alma is in cnarge ot the cereal investigation under the direction of Mr. Hyde both being Nebraska men. The state may be sure it will not suffer at their hands. Nebraska will stand in a building adjoining the house to make a bed. She had taking the clothing off the bed and hvd spread them over the chairs to air. That is as far as she had gone. None of the family saw her fall, and t he first they knew of the accident was when her daughter heard a noise, and, going to investigate, found her mother lying prostrate upon the lloor. Mr. Ilowland, who was in the orchard trimming trees, was notified. When found she was still alive, but she died without regaining consciousness. As to how the ac cident happened, 110 one knows. Mrs. Ilowland fell about seven feet. ! As soon as possible Dr. Hall was in attendance. Upon examination it was found that her left arm had been broken. There were also con tusions of the forehead and chest, and also a cut at the base of the neck. Mrs. Ilowland was sixty-one years old the 29th day of last March, and moved with her husband to Plattsinouth in May, 1ST7, living in this city thirty-five years. The deceased leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. Friends and relatives have been notified of the death. The funeral will occur next Tuesday afternoon I ai j. o clock trom the family deuce. Kev. J. T. B.-iird will duct the ceremonies. rilG J?ottlqi qiil Witlc-JlAvqltc ONE - PRICh: - CLOTHIER Will Give the Following Prizes on Julv 4th: 1 3 A Nice Spring Suit. A. Nice .Leather Satchel. Two Nice Shirts. Every word mu.-t be written with pen and ink. Every word must be readable with the naked eye, And must be written in sensible sentences. Send all Postal Cards to JOE, The One Price Clothier, Plattsinouth, Neb A resi-con- ducing states of the Union present census. pro in the many things which would redound t the credit of the court, the jury,! at least fifth and possibly fourth in Ins faithful counsel and himself. I rank among the great cereal lie censured the prosecution for drugging matters into the case not! railed for by the facts or by the nature of the case. Continuing, he I aid that in the act for which he stood convicted, he had done ex actly what he thought was right and what he thought had to be) done. After thanking the court signed pitcher Base Ball Notes. Manager Patterson has Win. Meyers, a left handed from Carrol, Iowa Two games of ball will be played next week. The hrst one will be ml its officers for their kindness to I PIayet ou April 22, Arbor day, be lii in and the jury for doing what I tween ",e home team and the Coun they thought was right under I Cl BIuff team. The next game will iheir oaths, he bowed submission I ue on tne - between the home team to the sentence of the court, which I ant lle Wayden Bros, team of Oin was that he be taken to the peniten- I ana- tiarv and there be confined fnr nn- " 1 ,,, . - ear at hare labor, no nan mf ,h,v. " oum - v. roiK like to see time was to be in solitary confine- Ith? records of the district court in lent. 1 ' Captain Yocum thanked the court I County Superintendent Noble is or giving him tne shortest possible I to day busy examining five appli- rntence under the law, and the eel-1 cant8 tor teachere' certificates ebratedJYocutu case was at an end. I A grand sparring match will be it is generally understood here that given to-night at Turn-Verein hall t win ne pardoned before lie i'a I to which all snort 1 -w I - f 'VVJJiL n-.-n in me penitentiary. I snouia go and see, The Monday evening rehearsal of Financially Rulnad. the Choral Union will be raf no nerl iirwmwooatctio says: There a week to give members an nnnnr . a. t . .1- . ,r"ul,cw peopie m the state oflnity to pat-onize Uie the h.'rti Jteuraska who have not heard of chool library ente -lainment W. II I ' Htr V.u ... t. . ... I . ' ' wjiw ount i inerema na nf Mm t i. r. . ... I ' J -juiub ...r-ldlc,,cn.,enuary wnh convict will arrive on the fiver thi. ,f... l-HKtr.aild was aUn th nM.... I . . . . - wuuanui i iiuuq ana irii r i npra i will n I, , I ... . . . S l irk Iktiilt tli ut r . t . . .. . I .. -vaH.,oi ouja- me episcopal church at 2 o'clock i wurr wn tnree years tomorrow aftmonM 1(rnh rnnl.l 1.1- I r I . '""K - - ' -.ii-rc-s ior I omciatmir ftmnnrm : ...... i . .1 vuii. at.ur rving ana Architect Gray are busy looking over the new Accordimr to the census of mon Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population or i,w,o( people, as the iirnin jartrest citv on the .rii,ti 31ost of us desire, at one time or juwiinri, n mmi i cixy in wnicn so many persons find homes, and when we do. we can find m, l.n,.,- ine than the "Iiurlimrlon KniitP." Three fast and comfort able Ir.-iiiw dail)-. For further information ad- Iress the nerent of the coninanv at his place, or write to 1. Kraneim General Passenger and T;. Vf Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. No more Postal Cards accepted afrer July 3, 1892. Only one Postal Card received from one and the same person. J Uii, tne Popular Clothier, ers- o-Tse Comer, E'lattaaa.oia.tla- II. PKKSOXAL. Cushing was in Murray to- Real Estate Transfers. Following are the real estate transfers compiled by Polk Bros., abstracters and publishers of the Daily Record: Martin Iieneke iimi wife to Uroc k man Hros.. l- Int r. i.i. l- i- 'V l W U . v. t:i. ... .i .. ..- V. . " -"f. t'iiujut. seu J-11-11 S U I L Clapp anl wife to Joseph I Cor lev, lot 7. hlock 7.1, Weeping W ater w l $ m oo 7,(100 oo l.tiOO 09 125 00 2.500 00 Winlt"i and wife to M C Helnier. lot 5. bl.HTk 19, Unuth Park -Autl to Plattsmoutli w d E A Wigjcenhom to F G Fricke, lot 7 and pt lot 8, block 19, Platts moutli wd W S Wise and wife to T M Patlr- w",1.' 'r-triP b,ock Orchard Hill Add to Plattsmouth; lots 5, 6-S, block IS, Youngi Hayes' Add J?ftatV,nruJLhi ,ot 7' bI"ck 83: A0 ,0; block -M: lots 9 to 12, block ia.lo.,: P'OC1?: lot 1, block 62: lot 1. block 166, Plattsmoutli; pt ne4 yf sw4 19-13-14 w d H S Sawyer and wife to A L Eck stein, lot 73, Louisville w d South Platte Land Co toO A Peter sen, lot b78. Louisville w d .. .. O C Dovey and wife to D B Smith. mouth w d mo so 11 Watson to C Marshall, lota 4Ji. pt lot 6, ne4 of nwi la-li-lj w d . . J L Hartshorn and wife to J M ou.igquist, lots 440-1 11-412. Louis- viuc wu.......... B.9?Ae to F A W-ixjcenhorn. ne?6 V 1 -10 w tl 1 00 33 03 30 00 1,000 00 Elz,ab?tl1 Murphy and husband to v.iiciaiiu, pi lot 12--lt w a.. 75 00 4300 00 000 00 lingy little co' tage at Washington, the nation's capital, and cannot cash his check r 90. mis ih tailing pretty . fast mna the old man is to be pitied. - His largest loss was in a mine in the vest, where he dropped $250,001) at je clatter. The rise and fall of a sun is wonderful. court house, but they will be una. ule to make a settlement to-day Following is the list of Platt- mouthians who left oertke M. P.' tor Weeping Water to-dav: A. I - . " - oraves, John A. Davies. Tud Chaoman. W. M Kimr r c u 1. - . Tl- av. m 1 1 ". r --. - -inai 1 iraiiK uickinn - r.-nrn-. r; r tle IIEKALI. published . libelous K. Harr. A. V. ss.,11;.. L'Ti' rue on an attache of that S.LThoma-. C. A. PW r.. 1 officr. The Hekald well knows Houseworth. Will St:vi, a that L would be libelous if it was Thomas. F. A. R,). a w.:' otsbutas we can prove it and I IV. S. Purdy, Frank liajek F H tl- mwilt of the court will bear us Steimker, Joe Bridge, U Davis, I,, c. trt in the- assertion there was libeZ it, but plaia facts. no nuerson. j. K. Pollock. R. W. Hv era, J. McCraig and A, R Knotts. On Tap, J 1 you want a cool D-bua -( ct r w lou is buck peer call at McVey's. Easter Service. First M. E. Church, Dr. F. L. Britt, pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The pastor will preach both morn ing and evening on "The Resurrec tion." Good music will be provided, and the church will be decorated with flowers. Epworth League will meet at 6:3 p. m. in the gallery of the church. All are cordially in vited to attend these Easter services. The wisdom of him who journey -eth is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Koute" to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent' Pull man sleepers, eleirant reclininir chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, Oeneral Paasenxrer and Ticket Agent. Omaha. Go to Josep Fetzer's for men's and j W. day, Mrs. F. S. White went up to Quia ha this morning. W. X. Ilalsey was an Omaha pas senger this morning, Mrs. Richardson went to Weeping Water to spend Sunday. John Tighe went to Weeping Water this morning en business. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Dixon were Omaha passenger this morning. W. h. Wells, of South Bend, was a passenger for Weeping Water to day. Dr. E. W. Cook arrived home from Chicago this morning hale and hearty. W. D. Jones was a passenger over the M. P. for Weeping Water this morning. Mrs. W. H. Pickens and children wer passengers fsr Omaha this morning. Col. Sloan, agent for the American express at Keokuk, Iowa, is in the city, the guest of D. S. Guild. Mrs. G. Longenhagen asks her friends not to call on her until after the funeral of Mrs. Howland. H. D. Travis went to Weeping Wa-' ter this morning to spend Sunday with his family who are visiting in that city, Miss Anna Russell, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B, Knotts, for some time past, re turned home to Weeping Water this morning. Ami "lie U. lodd. the rio-:itii ; I- - ...... V. - county commissioner from Plaits mouth, was iu town yesterday en route homeward from a visit west, and put in the afiernoon admiring the beautiful face of Inna, the half- woman in Mayer Bros.'s show dow. Lincoln Journal. wit.- IV 1 . ... . U':J 11 " ""paper ill I'lattsmouf call at Snyder's, store. Most : prettiest designs. AXTEI) Aimrenf ir frlrlu learn dressmakin.r Tl..r,r '.i,.r Joseph Fetzer keeps a full line of ladies and childrens shoes. I feel it my duty to say a few words in reirard to Klv'.x Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. 1 nave used it more or less nait a year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst Kina ever since I was a little boy aim 1 never hoped for cure, but Cream Balm seems to do even that. uany ot my acquaintances have used it witu excellnnt results. uscar ustum, 4o Warren Ave., Chi- v;ij(o ah. west of Hotel Riley. MK.s. I,. A. Owkvs Enftor Iiiqnor Care. I Jo those seeking a rescue from honor curse or other evil habits 1 brought about by morphine, tobac- co etc. Ihe Kusor Iimtitntoat I for years the editor of the Burl ington Junction, (Mo,) Post, has oceu suojectto cramp colic fits of in- 4 1. AT - ..i.ina oners one of the most relia ble and best dImciw t n... - , mill lilt- absolute certainty of a permanent cure. rite or visit the institute. IT IS TRUE that Snyder has as many rolls of IJorder as some peo ple have bolts of Wallpaper. The handsomest styles in Borders ever shown in Plattsmouth. Step into Joe's, the one price clothier, and look at his nice line of boys clothing. Wanted: An energetic man to manage oranch office. Only a few Salary to start $7."5 dollars needed. dicestion. whirh nmainitiui i, ; f I per month and intercut in inu;.... several hours and unfitted him fori The Western Co., Kansas City, Mo. business for two or three days. For I r-- ' the past year he has been using 4aSea ?7,cy?UT ecretjon. by namoerlain's Colic, Cholera and XT?..!" "c"i your mood. Diarrhoea Remedy whenever occa- re th orst Skin and Bloor sion required, and it has Variably tdnd n? by ' H given him prompt relief. 23 and 20 and Brown A Barrett. Blood cent bottles for sale hv Fricke & Co., druggists. F. G. The different churches will appro priately observe Easter to-morrow, . Go to the Tucker Sisters for Con firmation wreaths.' Joe McVey, agent for the Anhaus- er-Busch Brewing Co., will have the first Book Beer of the season on caps to-night at his saloon. '. 1 Som Foolleh Popl allow a cough to run until itrets beyond the reach of medicine. They say. MOh, it will wear away,".but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam whick is sold on a' positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and f I. Trial size frse. At 11 druggists. boys' shoes: he keeps the best stock I WAXTEn Some good cotton rags that can be had. 1 at this ofKce. For a number of vears. I hav been subject to violent attacks of innanimitory rheumatism which generally lasted about two months. Salesmen Eneriretir- ed. Free prepaid outfit. One of our agents has earned over $20,000 n five years. P. O. Box 1,371, iNew York. IT IS A FACT that Snrd-r h. On the first of this month I was at-1 more Wallpaper than any other tacked in the knee and anftWori D I house in town. HanHanmMi ami verely for two days, when I prenred I late8t styles and lowest prices. An a bottleof Chamberlain's Pain R-lm I examination will convi nee vou of and it relieved me almost instantly. ?n8' Be has the goods to back I therefore most cheerfully reco- 14 UP TmShVSR Kx-Goveror Furnas writes: Send lyi-iT'SS: -?K.??I? Cure Place and his disease was widiey than any other prepation known as he suffered aucn bottles for sale by F.G. Fricke ft Co. ATTENTION IS CALLXD TO OUR ELEGANT STOCK OFWALL PAPJER. WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE FINEST LINE OF WALL PAPER IN THE COUNTT, OUR PRICES DO THE SELLING FOR US. MtUtMOtK OUR STOCK OF fAlHTS. OILS, AND VAR NISHES. ETC. . RESPECTFULLT, KROWN BARRETT, Subscribe for Tarte DailtHkkald at 15 cents a week. The Tucker Sisters h the services of an eastern trimm-r and they invite their lady friends to call and see her. The prettiest and larirest li ne nf neckware ever brought to Platts mouth at Joe's. i THE BEST Mixed Paints for saleby Snyder. made The Tucker Sisters have iust re ceived a large invoice of Milliner. and pattern hats. Call and see them in the Sherweod block. Railroad Cough Core is the Antidote for Throat and Luotr Troubles. Fully warranted at Brown A Barrett's and O. H. sn.. drr's. '