The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 14, 1892, Image 2

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JwM Kids XanMrmcaUj tuu
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain relierer.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by erery one requiring an effectire
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustano
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
A Full and Complet- line oi
Drugs, Medicines,
Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded ut nil Uoui.
The Leading
Ciwitnctlj keep on hand everytbin
you to furnish your house.
Plattsmouth - Meh
J Own a Dictionary. J
Car should be taken to
T .: .-. 1ET THE BUST. T
Ten years spent in revising. 100 edi-
I tors employed, over $300,000 expended. .a.
Sold by all Booksellers.
la. C MERRIAM tt CO., Pablistaers.
Springfield. Mass., JT. S. A.
n-Da not bny reprints of obsolete -
T -8end for free pamphlet containing
J specimen pages and full particulars. a
Iftewerd A.HeeeHiaeet Br.'
flfll"Cnmd IW asaleaa Beftisaoes,
Paints, and Oils.
Healthful, Agreeable. Cleansing.
Chapped Sands, Wound, Burns, Etc
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
totjuo zxehvold hut
Thar mmk heroic aorta t tm tkoualvw.
, Bat . saawiBf aw iicttNniir
Immj pmpii pir ud Mmk laieMtwty
cm, w mm mm uiffK . mn m Kuril
Mt trw. tut ft. (mM)
n. tk want gff
iMt rr raUtu HukMt,
Mitrtl aaa limu S
fclllty. Wukim f 4r
r latMMt, ttuiM c
Bkrmakaa erfsss ra.a 1m Caivl. ?
w BaJarf Str.Brtk.BWlAK.OSPSTH.0FIO
OK ASS PASTS f SOBT mmAm ylaia ail taMrNM.
a tnUfT ftM law. Tvrriurm rra Osbum.
Yhiu wrl itam. r iMkMafiuHM "
Hevar fa to d toataa raiaf
FsUB ef taRM r to a
republican: state conven
The republican electors of the
state of Nebraska are requested to
wend delegated from their several
counties to meet in convention in
the city of Kearney Wednesday
April 27,IW, at 11 o'clock a.m., for
the purpose of electing four dele
gates at large to the republican na
tioual convention to lie Held in
Minneapolis June 7, IStKi.
The several counties are entitled
to representation as follows, being
based upon the vote cast fur Hon.
George II. Hastings for attorney
general in 1800, giving one delegate
at large to each county and one for
each 150 votea and the major frac
tion thereof:
Counties Uel.
Counties Del.
Adams 1
Johnson 7
Kearney 6
Antelope Hi
liamier 3
Hl.-iine 2
Keve I'.lia 3
Keith 2
Kimball 2
Knox 5
linyd 2l
lioone 5
Box Hutte ft
Lancaster 3t
Lincoln 6
LoKan '
Itullalo . .
Madison A
McPhearaosi 2
Merrick 5
Celar ....
.Nance 4
Nemaha 9
Colfax ..
C limine ...
Pawnee . ... 9.
I'erkinn 3
I'ierce 3
Dawson ...
Phelps 4
Platte 4
Polk 5
Ked Willow ft
Kichardsos 11
Kock 3
Douglas fi-'l
Dundy 3
Saline 14
Sarpy... 4
Franklin 5
Frontier 5
haunders H
Scotts Blsff
Seward ... 10
Sheridan 0
Furnas S.
Gatre V
Sherman ..
(iarfieM ..
Grant ....
Greely ....
Stanton .
Thomas ....
Thurstoa .
Valley ...
ayes 3
Hitchcock ;
Holt v.
Wavne 5
Webster V
Wheeler 2
York 12
JeffersonS V Total 31)5
It is recomended that no proxies
be admitted to the conrention, and
that the delegates present be auth
orized to cast full votes of the dele
It recommended that the republi
cans of everr county in this state
be requested to select their county
central committee at the first coun
ty convention held in their respec
tive counties. Said committee to
serve until the county convention
of 1S93 be held.
The republican electors of the
First congressional district of the
state of Nebraska are requested to
sena ueiegnies ironi me several
counties comprising said district to
meet in convention in the city of
Falls City, Wednesday, April 20,
1S91, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing two delegates
and two alternate delegates to the
republican national convention to
be held at Minneapolis Tune 7, 1892.
The several counties are entitled
to representation as follows, be
inar based upon the vote cast for
Hon. W.J. Connell for congress in
18.X). One delegate for each 100
Totes and major fraction thereof
aud one delegate at large from each
Counties. Del.lCountiei
Cass 19! Otoe
Johnson 10! Pawnee
ancaster... 4
Nemaha 12
Total 128
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention, and
that the delegates present from
each county cast the full rote of the
W. II. Wooward,
Frank McCartney,
Pronounced Hopeless. Yet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada
.h,. Hard ot Lrroton, i. JJ we quote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, whick
settled on my lungs, cough set in
aim finally terminated in consump
tion. Four doctors gave me up say
ing i couia live Dtit a snort time. I
gave myself up to my Saviour, de
termined if I could not stay with
my friends on earth, I would meet
ni3 absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to sret Dr. Kinsr's
New Discovery for consumotion
coughs and colds. I care it a trial
took in all eight bottles; it has cured
me and thank God I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drujr
store, regular size. 30c. and $1.00.
A. Great Suroriee
Is in store for all who use KeraD'f
Balsan for the throat aiid lungs the
great guaranteed remedy. Would
you believe that it is sold on its
merits and that anr druggits is au
thorized by the progrietor of this
wonderful remedy to give you a
sample bottle freer It never fails
to cure acute and chronic coughs.
All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam.
i,arge otties ouc and
Cough Following th Grip
Many person, who have recovered
from la grippe are now troubled
with a persistent couch. Cham
berlain s cough remedv will
promptly loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a Terr short time.
23 and 30 cent bottle for sale by F.
Fireproof Material.
At the Berlin exhibition of means and
sontrivanccH for the prevention of acci
dents in indutitrieand otherwise, priziw
wero awarded for the following proc
esses lor lire proofing, respectively tlimiu
inhing the combustibility of tLssiies, cur
tain materials and theatrical scenery
For light ti(sues, tixteen iounds ammo
nium sulphates, tivo pounds jimmoiiiiuu
carbonate, four ourid.s borax, tsix piuinls
boric acid, four iMmnds tarch. or one
pound dextrine, or cne jiound gelatine,
and tweuty-five gallons water, mixed to
gether, heated to i degs. Fahrenheit,
and tlie material impregnated with the
mixture, centrifngated and dried, and
then ironed as ubtial. One quart of the
mixture, costing about three or four
cents, is enough to impregnate fifteen
yards of material.
For curtain materials, theatrical deco
rations, wood and furniture thirty
pounds ammonium chloride are mixed
with bo much floated chalk as to give
the mass consistency. It is then heated
to 125 to 150 degs. Fahrenheit, and the
material given one or two coats of it by
means of a brush. A pound of it, cost
ing about eight-tenths of a cent, is suffi
cient to cover five Buuare rods. Berlin
A Terrible Thing- In Battle.
The house committee on naval affairs
for some days has had under considera
tion a bill providing for the addition to
the navy of a novel craft.
The feature of the design is found in
an enormous submarine gun carried at
the bow below the water line. The pro
jectors feel that they have now a prac
ticable means at hand to drive an enor
mous shell loaded with an explosive
charge of gunpowder or gun cotton into
the hull of any ironclad afloat and ex
plode it in the very vitals of the ship.
According to the design submitted to
the committee and explained by Gen
eral Berdan, a hydraulic buffer projects
from the bow of the vessel. This is so
adjusted that it will stop the boat a dis
tance of eight feet from the enemy's ship
without injury to the boat. At this
short range the buffer automatically dis
charges the submarine gun directly at
the hull of the ship, and lodges within
it a shell carrying a bursting charge of
450 pounds of powder, sufficient to blow
down every bulkhead in the ship and
wreck the bottom. Cincinnati Com
mercial Gazette.
Glad to Get Rid of Him.
A few days ago Governor Buchanan
was called upon to exercise executive
clemency in a very peculiar case. The
person concerned was a man held in jail
at Jackson till he should produce a $200
fine. He had been there over a year
without showing any signs of liquidating
with the commonwealth, and it is.prob-
able he would have remained a prisoner
for the next fifty years if payment had
been waited for. The county court
recognizing nun as an incubus to the
amount of forty cents a day, passed a
resolution asking the governor "for the
Lord's sake" to forgive that little $200
aud let the man get out and earn his own
living. The trial judge and the attorney
general and the members of the jurj all
appeared on the petition sent up in ac
cordance with the resolution, but 'uot a
Bingle friend of the prisoner was among
the signers. Nashville American.
Made Her Left llaixlcd by a Ulow.
Three ears ago a j oung lady of Fall
River, Mass., was hit upon the left side
of her head by a falling sign as she was
walking aloug a street in Boston. Tins
was followed b' brain fever. After
some weeks she was as well in mind and
body as ever, but from a right handed
person sne nad become so lett nanaed
that she could neither cut, sew nor write
with her right hand, but found it easy
to do all these things with her left.
Her right hand was just about as useful
as her left had been before she was hurt.
What is strange is that, with bo recent
a change in the use of her hands, she
never makes an awkward motion and is
as graceful in the use of her left hand as
if she had been born left handed. Bos
ton Post.
A Greedy Mountain Lion's Kate.
Dr. French, a seventy-year-old resi
dent of Alamo, killed a mountain lion
one day last week at the Tule ranch in
the pineries. The lion had crawled into
a pig pen through a 6mall hole, and after
feasting on two shoats was too big to
get out through the hole. Thus he was
an easy prey to the doctor, who gave
him a hypodermic injection of birdshot
in order to see him perform. He per
formed to the entire satisfaction of his
tormentor. The doctor administered a
44-caliber pill, which put him to sleep.
The animal had immense claws, and
measured six feet from tip to tip. San
Diego Sun.
A Great Famine Predicted.
A prophet in Athens, Ga., predicts
that the crop yield this year throughout
this country will be the largest ever
known, but that beginning with 1893,
and for two years thereafter, there will
be the greatest famine the world has
ever Known, uunng mat time rain
shall cease to fall, and the streams of
the country will all dry up, vegetation
will no longer exist, and all animals
will surely die. At the beginning of the
famine the land will be infested with all
sorts of vermin, and the living will suf
fer untold tortures. v-
An Australian agricultural paper
makes note of an immense increase m
the number of sheep in Australia in the
last two or three years, and of the enor
mous development of the grazing capa
bilities of the country. The estimated
number of sheep in Australia in 1892 is
60,000,000, against 31.000.000 in 18W.
The number of monarchies in Europe
has increased bv one during the past
year, the duchy of Luxembourg having
become a sovereign state by the death
of the queen of Holland.
A gold brick was recently shipped to
San Francisco from Yuma, Cal., the
value of which was estimated at between
$80,000 and $90,000. It weighed a little
over &44 yawis.
Man Asalnitt Shark.
A desperate fiht between a man and
a fdiark occurred recently in .MhiiuLui
harbor. Mr. Henry Jacobmm, who is
employed at the North .Manukau llrj-.d
as beacon light keeper, was out in his
boat about tix miles down the liarltnr
when it was struck by a squall a i l
swamped and the occujwint Iff t in t)i
water. Jacobson dived and endeavurc l
to relievo the ballast, but without mh -cess.
lie thfti grasped an oar, and lieiii;.;
a good swimmer struck out for land:
but as a strong tide was running he was
6wept down the harbor a distanco of
three miles. At that joint he was at
tacked by a larire shark, which grabbed
at his hand. He protected himself, how
ever, with the oar, which he tried to ran
down the shark's throat.
The fish then made a circle aronn.
him, and renewed the attack. By thi
time, however, Jacobson had his sheath
knife drawn, and desperately stabbed
the shark, ripping its side open, so that
the water became red with blood. A
further attack was made, when Jacob
son again stabbed the monster near the
tail, and it swam away. At that time a
boat came in sight, and Jacobson. ex
hausted, was hauled into the boat, hav
ing been in the water two hours and
thirty minutes. New Zealand Herald
Electricity from CoaL
A rencn cuennst. who nas been giv
ing considerable attention to the problem
of heating and lighting from a single
source, has devised a novel stove, which
in appearance resembles an ordinary
heating stove. It is so arranged inter
nally that the waste of heat is utilized
for the generation of electricity. This
is secured by a number of rectangular
boxes of sheet iron, containing the nee
essary metallic elements for furnishing
the current. These elements are in
sulated by asbestus, and the cooling is
effected partly by the shapo in which
the metallic alloys are cast and partly
by a circulation of air.
The current obtained is not great in
amount, but the result of this attempt
seems to be favorable. Accumulators
are used for storing up the electricity,
and as the heating is required for a much
longer period than for lighting, the elec
trical energy, which would be lost dur
ing the hours of daylight, is saved. A
point of considerable moment is that the
heat utilized in this way is waste heat,
so that any portion that can be recov
ered in the form of electricity is so much
gain. Philadelphia Record.
The Brain Jar of tbe Military Step.
Dr. Colin, regimental physician in the
French army, has published the results
of his investigations into the effects of
regular marching in disciplined bodies
upon soldiers. The regularity of the
step causes the indefinite repetition of a
"hock of the bones and brain, infinitely
more deleterious than an irregular walk,
and to this regular repetition of the
shock to the same parts of the body are
due the peculiar aches, pains and illness
es of the troops.
In a ono day march, ho says, this
chock i3 repeated 40,000 times, and often
the strongest men, who can walk the
same distance without difficulty when
not in line, succumb to the strain in two
or three days. Dr. Colin's preventive is
a rubber heel iall military boots. This
heel has been tried sii his instance in thr
French infantry, he says, and the result
has been found to be a great relief to
the soldiers. The experiments with the
rubler heel are still in progress. Medi
cal Record.
A Mule Incident.
A characteristic incident occurred
yesterday afternoon in connection with
Isaac Cochran's sale of horses at the
Eagle hotel. A pair of mules were
brought out, hitched to a wagon an!
driven by Harry Cochran. "This is a
fine pair of mules," said Auctioneer Mc
Farlan. "Just drive them up the street
to let the people see how nicely they can
travel." After going a 6hort distance
they were no longer of one mind, but
one wanted to go one way and one the
other. In their efforts to part company
they nearly ran into a colored man, who,
trying to get away, fell into the water
trough. Then they displayed their speed
by running off out East Gay street,
throwing their driver, Harry Cochrau,
out and badly breaking the wagon.
They were caught out near the nurseries.
The mules were not sold that day.
West Chester (Pa.) News.
A Belle Marries a Brave.
Honey C. nolt, a full blood Winne
bago Indian, has just been married to
Miss Maud C. Williams, of New Boston,
Ills. The couple met and loved while
he was traveling with a number of his
tribe advertising a patent medicine. He
is not a bad looking young man, Aas a
magnificent pKysique and is fairly well
educated. The bride is a very pretty
young lady, and was quite a belle in her
neighborhood. She could have selected
a husband from among a dozen thrifty
young farmers, but preferred to become
the wife of the red man, who, she says,
has not a single bad habit. The couple
left to join the band at Abington. 111.
Cor. Chicago Times.
Lobster Story from Maine.
.Lobsters are going into the freak busi
ness quite largely this winter. An East
port fisherman secured a white one tin
other day and now a man at Peak's isla n I
has found an even greater curiosity jt
veritable blue lobster.
It is a beautiful specimen of the cn
tacean, and the bright cerulean has e.
tended even to the ends of its ion;,
The lobsters have evidently been a;
tending a fancy dress party. Banj....
(Me.) Commercial.
It is said that many of the Gen:;.;:.
colonists on the Voljfa river who :.v
sufferers from the Russian famine, i .
order to save fuel, have dug boles in l
ground, subterranean' shelters in whit-i:
they burrow like foxes.
There is a lad in Whitinghain, Vt..
eighteen j-ears old, who is 6 feet i
inches tall and still growing. He weigh i
300 pound.
CATiioi.K-Mt. rani's Church, ak. Ketw'es
Kilt li siitl hlxth. Father Cauiey, 1'nntor
Krrvlceg : 'tN Ht ft hiii! lit :.mi a. M. Hutidsf
Mchool at 2 :.'!i. with tn nt-dlcl li.i..
C'iihiiti an. Corner l.oriiNf unci Eighth Hts
Services liiorniim llxl rVfi r.Hlrr ,'
tiiil'oway piiMlor. Hunduy Hrlinol 10 A. M.
KfiM-'oi-AU Nt. Luke's lunch, corner Third
Mini Vine. ICev II H. IturKewM, Htor. Ser
vice : II a. m. a- 1 7 Wr u. huiulay Hclioel
Ht 2 :3i I. M.
Hhiman M ktiioimnt. -jrner Sixth Ht ana
tiranllf. Kev. Illrt. I'Hxtor. he rvlre : It A. at.
Hint 7 :Mi r. m. Huuiiiiy Hchool 10 :Mi a. m.
M.. .. .. . I 1 . . I . . . I.
iu-r. sixth uml (iianittt nt. Itev. J. T. Kalrd,
l'tor. MiiMlHy-sd ool ml v ;w i rrraciiiaj
at 11 a. in. H u in,
I hp V . It. H. :. li of tbl" church m-et every
Siihliatli eveiilnr at 7 :1ft In the tiiutemeiit
the I'hucrh. All iiis Invited to attend these
Kikht M FTlioniHT. Slit h St., betwen Mala
and I'earl. Itev I.. K. llrltt. l. U. uastor.
!Servlcen : a. M.. g :n p. m. Hunda Hchoel
:3u a. m. Irayenueetii K Wednesday evea
Ing. tiKitMAN i'KKHHVTKUiAN. Corner Main ana
Ninth. Krv. Wltte, HHtr. Services urnuM
hours. Holiday hchool 0 :30 A. M.
Hwkrimsh ('okokroatiomau Granite, be
tween Fifth and Hlxth.
L'OLOMKD IIAITIHT. Mt. Ollvn link hi-f
'lenth and Eleventh. Itey. A. Hoswell, pas
tor. Services n a. ni. and 7 :J0 p. in. 1'raysr
ineetlnic Wednenday even In jr,,
YouNo Mfn's Chkj-tian AHsoriATtojr
Itoomn in W aieruian hlix-k, Main street. os
Iel meet Iiik. lor men only, every Husdiiy af
ternoon at 4 oVInck. Mtrfiiu opeu week dajt
from 8:30 a. ni.,t 9 : so p. to.
South 1'aiik Tahkhnaclk. Itev. J. If.
W'jod, 1 astor. Services : Kunday Hchool,
iOa.iii. : I rcHohli K, 11 a rn. and 8 p. sa. ;
prayer meeting 'lurmlHy nlfiht ; choir prao
iice Fi'ldy niht. Ali are welcome.
Subscribe for The IIekald, only
15 cents a week or fiO cents a month.
Bucklon'e Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvb in the world for Cut
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 23 cent per box.
For sale by F. G. Fricke
Lincoln, Blair, Beatrice and Kear
ney now nave eacn two kinds of
gold cure.
Th First ttep.
Perhaps you are run down, can't
eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't ds
anything to your satisfaction, an!
you wonder what ails you. Yoh
should heed the warning, you are
taking the first step into nervous
prostration. You need a nerve tonic
and in Electric Bitters you will finsi
the exact remedy for restoring your
nervous system to it normal, healthy
condition. surprising results iol-
f AT t At-' - . T
ionic ana yviterattve, xour appe
tite returns, good digestion is re
stored, and the liver and kidneys re
sume healthy action. Try a bottle.
Price 30c, at F. G. Fricke k Co'm
drugstore. 0
Do not confuse the famous Blush
of Roses with the many worthless
paints, powders, creams and
bleaches which are floodinir (the
mufti-i. vjtri iiviiuirie oi your
1 A. A A '
, . At WW I i .
uuioi;, emu j. i; it. 1 1 cm ii;tr it win re
move your pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and
give you a lovely complexion. 1
Fort Sidney in to have a new de
tachment of troops, the twenty-first
infatry being ordered to JCew York
forts, ;"
AMttle cms Experiencem a LlgMt
Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are
keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed
with a daughter, four years. Last
April she taken down with Measles,
followed with dreadful Cough and
turned into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated, but in
vain, she grew worse rapidly, until
she was a mere" handful of bones".
Then she tried Dr, King'H New
Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely
cured. They say Dr. King.s New
Discovery is worth its weight in
gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle
free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore.
The Homlieet Man in Plaltamoutri
As well as the handsomest, and
others are invited to call on anj'
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that i3 selling
entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma,
bronchitis and consumption. Large
hottles 50c and
How's Thls!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of catarrh thatcan not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
andbelivehim pefectly honorable
in all butsness transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drug
gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free.
One Fare for the Round Trip.
The B. & M. will sell round trip
tickets for one fare to Hot Springs,
Arkansas, on the following occa
sions: Meeting of the Government
Reservation Improvement asssoci
ation. April 12. Tickets will be sold
April 7 and 8, inclusive; final return
limit. May 10.
District meeting Southern and
Central Turnverein. May 9 to 10.
Tickets will be sold May 6 and 7, in
clusive; final return, June 10.
Annual meetinggeneral assembly
of the Southern Presbyterian
church. Ma' 10. Tickets will he
sold May 1(5 and 17. inclusive; limit
to return. June 15.
For farther information inquire
at ticket office. Ft Latbtam.
A rent.