nfc: ffich ,: (innrl Ya ftrnrer Proffering crfotter brand. "SANTA CLAUS SOAP is What we want, pave uouanu; We'll cerfairplq take noolber; we And a!l sbrtvd dkclcrs keep it, M exican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. !Co other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. , medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. -Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. F WILL IvKHT CONST A Pall and Drugs, lediriiws, Points, and . Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQU'JKS !i oriijittbiis Canl'yJJy (os!s;j::!ii!:!f i ul ! liiw-. HENRY BOFCH Tin? Leading ?ohnitur.l: dlv AND ; J T D T"T A P t in-t,:,l!v : !iiirl eveiyUu:- ; i..:.- ., -. r ri ' " li yr.u r new : . Platts-rumih - N" - t : Family Student School Library S-K-C-L'-L-D Own a Dictionary. J Care saould bo tas: .. . in T TilS EclST. . t WEBSTER'S INTLRNA7I0NAL DICTIONARY THE rN"rc.E;.., i-ONAL. - NEW fjftO-.T COVtit TO COVER. -13 THE ONE i O B0V. 1 StTCCESSOR OF THE TTV ABRIDGED. 5 Ten years spect in rtvlair g. 100 edi- J tors employed, over SSOt'.OCO expended. Sold by all Booksellers. G. & C. MERaiAM & CO.. Publishers, Springtield, Mass.. U.S. A. ag-Vo not buy reprints of obsolete . editions. , -Send for free pamphlet containing X d full narticniars. X LVt I 'ir" rtiUuUi.twUtw.sriA.HasaHiaaaV Brj 'J flMrwi a Fmn7u BM aaa ASjcmtiii ratoat Mark K X w J I I M c said. c now or? hand i list none but the best . ' are you behind the rest V WTM ON HAND !;: t- in.-- .'" KeaithfcJ, Agresabla, GIsansing. Cures i Chappod Hacds, Wounds, Burns, Etc. Hemoves and Prevents DandruiT. VHS7E BUSSIAH SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. ZOtTNG MEN OED ME1T tT IH THE T611S OF THE SERrfSTS OF OISEASE. Ttty bUi heroic tilorti to fr thmselTCf, f, bat not knowias'bow to raeceufsii V-. UwT (lTtaoia dr.pir sb4 link Into an tarlf OUR HEW BOOK tart rr(.'pot'Pa. (rJd tba poiltrtdphr o( tlitu a&d Afflictions ( tho Orirna of ad bow by HOME TREATMENT. fcy method! xcluaiTtir bar owl, tao wm -! oi Loot or Failiag Miobaad, GoaoraJ ud Ifcrroao io-. j wckhb oi D..y I aad Kial. Sectoof Errors or ncHitt, Btsatea or Ehrankra Orrass MB ! Varr-tt. Bat in a daw. Howto EalrfndStrogthtnWEAI.UNDEVELOrED OEA MB MET S of BODY mads plai a to ail iatoroctod. Mra lif ! S Btato lrTorif Koio Ccontnra. T-i Amn vi tm. For Book. f nil -Tp17Wt1'-nmni pmcN, 44raa ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO.N.Y. SCHIFPMANN8 Astftma Cure Koaar tula, to m rnaUat rmtatd in tba wont oaoa..sBia imni mmttm wham aahw astfasaaaaT alV m 'msi or 07 N r i f ! 01ISJCY ; N mm Ma rl h fcm ess i Vt . sasi an? republican: state cohvem- TION. The republican elector. of the state of .Nebraska arcreqnested to send delegates-from tbhr; several counties tar "meet in convention in the city Of. Kearney .Wednesday April 27,192, at 11 o'clock a. mT,' for ihe purpose of electing four dele gates at large to the republican na tional convention to be held in Minneapolis June 7, 1892. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. George II. Hastings for attorney general in 18'.K), givi.ig one delegate at large to each county and one for i each l." votes and the major frac tion thereof: Counties Ai:i!ii- Aiitf'.ope .. H.iiiiur ... H1nin- Hoy! ti'MHH .. . H-.x iintti-. Kruwii lillllillO . .. liuilcr . .:. Hurt Casw Cedar ... Chase ( 'iieventie Cherry Clav. Colfax . . Cuming - Custer Dakota.... Dawes Dawson ... Deuel Dixon Dodge Doutrlas Dundy l'ilniore. .. Franklin . , Frontier ... Furnas . C;ae fjarlield ... fJosper 'rant t-Jreely Hall Hamilton .. Marian . Hayes Hitchcock. Holt Howard. . ... Hooker Del. Count ies ... II Johnson . . . . ti Kearney . . . I! Keve 1'i.iia .. . ..' Keith . .. 'j . . . f. Knox " . . . f Lancaster . . . .. 4 Lincoln. ... . . . Io ivOKan 7 Loup .... b Mu'iison ... 11 McI'hearsoB ... 4 Merrick ... U Xance . .. r Xentaha .. 5 Nuckolls Del. ... 7 . . . .. . 3 2 5 :m G 2 r, o 5 4 9 0 9 e : 3 4 i lOlOtoe rawnec ... I'erkins .. ml Pierce 41 Phelps 7 Platte Polk r , it :i 14 4 H 2 10 fl :t 8 Ked YilloT .. i Kichardson . II K'oek W Saline H Sanv ! Saundors . . Scotts UlurT... Sewanl ... . . Slieriilan J! bherman -. .. ioux Stanton ...... I' haver Thomas Thurston . . 8 Valley .. 4 Washington . 3i Wayne 4 Webster 8 Wheeler 4 Yrk ... 2 .... 12 595 JeiTerson.l. . Total It is recomended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present be auth orized to cast full votes of the dele gation. It recommended that the republi cans of every county in this state be requested to select their county central committee at the first coun ty convention held in their respec tive counties. Said committee to serve until the county convention of 18'J3 be held. Dk. S. D. Mercer, Chairm an. Walt. M. See lev. Secretary. FIRST DIS TRICT CONVENTION. The republican electors of the First congressional district of the state of Nebraska are requested to eiul delegates from the several counties comprising said district to meet in convention in the city of Falls City, Wednesday, April 20, 1801, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing two delegates and two alternate delegates to the republican national convention to be held at Minneapolis June 7, 1802. THE RPOKTIOXMEXT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, be ing based upon the vote cast for Hon. W. J. Council for congress in 18K). One delegate for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof and one delegate at large from each county: Counties. Del.iCounties Del. Ca.-s I'M Hoe 13 Johnson jo Pawnee 13 Lancaster -:, Kicliaruson ....... . 1 Xentaha I Total LW It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present from each cotuitjr cast the full vote of the ilelegation. W. II. WOOWAKD, Chairman. F K AX K Ml'C'A k'TXET. Secret ar3-. CALC FOR REPUBLICAN PRIMAR IES AND CONVENTION. The republican electors of Cass county are requested to meet in primary conventions on April 0, 1802. for the purpose of electing del egate to attend the republican county convention to be. held at Weeping Water on April 10, 1S02, at 1 o'clock p. in., sharp for the pur pose of selecting nineteen delegate to attend the district convention to beheld at Falls City 011 April 2S, 1S02, j and fourteen delegates to attend the state convention. at Kearney to be held on April 27. lS'rJ. and lor the transaction of such other business as may come berore the convention. The basis of representation is fixed at one- delegate ' for every iifte'eu votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for George II. Hastings forattorney- eneral at the general election held in 1S90, and one delegate-at-large for each ward and precinct. Wards and piecincts entitled to delegates. and times and places for holding primaries, as follows: Tipton, ti'delegates." Wilkinson & Stoph-ttr'-s Iuinbt-r. wflicev-5 p. m. . Greenwood. 3 delegates, town hall. 1 p. m. Salt Creek, 7 delegates. Greenwood town, 7 p. in. Stove Creek, 9 delegates. G., A. R. hVli.'-Efniwopd. 8 p. m." - - Elm wood, 6 delegates, Murdock, 8, p. m. . , South Bend, 4 delegates, school house, 7:30 p. m. - Center, (J delegate9,:Manley, 3 p. m. Louisville, 7 delegates, Justice Cline's office, 8. pi. m. i,t. i v t " Avoca, 6 delegates, Hutchins school house, 3 p. m. Mt. Pleasant, 5 delegxttes, Gilmore school house, 4 p. m. - Kight Mile Grove, 7 delegates, Ileil school house, 3 p. m. Liberty, 7 delegates, Union, 7 p.m. Nehawka, 6 delegates, Nehawka, 7 p. m. Kock fluffs, First di.-trict, 6 dele gates, Murray, 7 p. m. Kock Bluffs, Second district, 3 del egates, Rock 'HI tiffs, 7 p. in. I'lattsmotith precinct, 7 delegates, Taylor, school house, 4 p. m. l'lattsinouth city, l'irst ward, 8 delegates, couticil chamber, f to 7 p. in.; Second ward, '8 delegates, school house, . 5 to 7 p. m. ; Third ward, 11 delegates, Kiehey's lumber office, .5 to 7 p. m.; Fourth ward, 9 delegates, county clerk's ollice, 5 to 7 p. in.; Fifth ward, 4 delegates, school house, 5 to 7 p. m. Weeping Water precinct, f dele gates, Cascade school house, 7:30 p. in. Weeping Water city. First ward, 5 delegates;, Churchill building, 8 p. m. ; Second ward, 0 delegates, coun cil chamber, 8 p.m.; Third ward, 3 delegates, Tidball & F'ullers's office, 8 p. in. Total, lo4 delegates. M. M. HOTLEK, Chairman pro tern. A. L. TiMULix, Secretan'. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada 12. Hurd of Groton, S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four doctors gave me up say ing I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store, regular size, 50c. and $1.00, Rheumatism cured in a day. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatiSMi and neuralgia radically in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is rem arkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose great lv beuelits, 7- cents Sold by F. G. Fricke iCo. A Great. Surpriee Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsau for the throat and lungs lite great guaranteed reined'. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the proprietor of this wonderrul remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles ."0c and $1. Catarrh in Colorado. I used Kly's Cream Balm for dry catarrh. It proved a cure -B. F. M. Weeks, Denver. Kly's Cream B -dm is especially adapted as a renieby for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline Dust and dry winds. W. A Hover Druggist, Denver. I can recommend Kiy's Cream Balm to all suiters from dry catarrh from personal experience. Michael Ilerr, Pharmacist, Denber. F)ly's Cream Balm has cured many cases of catarrh. It id in con stant demand Geo. W. Iloyt, Phar macist. Cheyenne, Wv. St&rtlint; Facts- The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: nlphouso Uumpfling, of Butler. Penn, swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nervinir cured him. Mrs. T. L. Miller of Valprai and. J. D. Taolnr, of Logansport, lnd each gained 20 pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A. Gardner, of Vastulr lnd, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easj' and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation bj- one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke. & Co.. who recomends this tinequailed rented v. Some FpolUh People allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine They say "Oh, it will wear away." but in most cases it. wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which ic Ultln til - liiu i 1 1 v . r, I ii T--1 i Iaa 4 . cre they would sre the excellent e'tfect after takimr the first elose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. New Washington I'enn , People Arr not slow about taking hold of a new tiling, if the article has merit. A few months ago David Byers. of that place, bought his first stock of Cbamberlain's-Cough remedy. He has sold it all and ordered more. He says: "It has given the best of satisfaction. I have warratitad every- bottle and have not had one come back." 2.1 cent, 5 cent, and $1.00 bottle-s for sale by F. G. Gricke A: Co., druggist. . f ough Following the Crip Manv person, who have recovered Irom la grippe are now troubled with"a persistent cough." Cham berlain's cough remedy wilt promptly loosen this cough aiul Telieve the lungs. elTecting a per7 manrnt cure' in a rery short time. 25 and 50 cent bottle for aale by F. G. Fricke- A Co, THEY DO 0T MAIIIIY. r-T" WHY YOUNG PEtPLE FIND SINCLE BLESSEDNESS SC COMFORTABLE. If They Got Married ThJ Would. IIm to Make a Great Mny KiM-rlHera, or Ko Tliey Think, and na a Keault They Keep Away from tl Knot of Ilyuien. It is an oft rejieated remark thtit New York is the finest plate in the republic to live in if you are, rich. But it is worse thaa the suburb, thw dreariest of western "iooin towns," the dullest eouutry village-Vif you are ior. This is the eriticism o) the person who does not contemplate li!e as a possibil ity or an agreeable possihility without society, in the narrow sense of the word; without the pleasures th;it come from money, without the 8x:i;d htandin that a good bank account pives. withotit le ing able "to keej) np with the proces sion'" of those who are well dressed, veil fed, well feituatud and well off. Singularly enough, those who deuurul ii,., ... 4i.:. ,.i... ,..;u ..,.,..,.,4 li;r HinioO-uu ni uui .iioi ....... neu Hie without tneni aro Keii;.jiy not well supplied with this world's k'ods. j People who have leon rich all their lives : do not realia what it moans to go with- ; out their la.-iv.rios. Hat people who have ! been poor k:: vv." jnrt the i of having to wear p&tched boots aud go j without lunch: of having to w&lk lews j distances, because car faro "moatic.i up:" j of having to refuse nice invitations, be- t cause tiu'y have no clothes or no laeans j of returning proffered civilities. To I these, poverty is a bitter thing, and they , Lil!in it- Marriafrtt 11 n 1 it lllOMn-1 ' escape from carping cares of this kind, thev eschew as a hopeless evil. Getter endure those trials that we have than fly to others that we know not of, they say. SIN tliii.L-a ilia opr.I'Vllor' fpll tlplll ."1 TI l good looking, entirely personable youn;? man of thirl v. who draws an income of from two to four thousand a year, and is asked out all over because he dances admirably and is good to look at, and never does anything gauche. So. also, thinks the pretty, well bred, well dressed, moderately bright girl of twenty-five, whose father spends nix thousand a year and has five children. Both of these know just the way they want their lives to go. Ever since childhood they have associ ated with companions who have had more money than tbey have, and they know how nice it is to be well off. To lie rich or to remain as we are, that is their motto. "When we make the great move," they both think, "we make it to better ourselves materially, or we don't make it at all." They do not want to be millionaires, but they do not want to be really pinched anywhere. Their house must be large enough and be comfortable. It must be well fitted up no "sheet by night and tablecloth by day" for them. There must be servants enough to ruu it. This girl who has always been comfortably placed, but never luxuriousl" has no intention of binding herself down to do mestic cares, of dusting her own draw ing room and turning up hems in her own table linen. No; all that rutit le . '71 !'l done for h?r. She lias made her o dresses and trimn.-ed her own hatj all her crirlhood, and she wants, when sh: marries, to change all that. Better to go on doing it ia your ova home, whero it is all yon have to worry over, than U do it in your Imrauri-Ts, where yoi have to keep the house :;ud ta!:3 tare ef children as well. Thus the 3-ouug lady renmn rvn-l re jects her suitors wit ii a peculiar and grod humored indirV She has iuauo up her ijiiu.-; tu.:t chu will not marry a t man who L.. a cent under five thousand a year, and above telling this to the soupirants, who take the hint and strive to realize the ideal. The young lady is quite frank. She is not in the least ashamed of her worldliness or de sirous of hiding it under a veil of at tractive coyness. She is not mercenary. It is not riches that she ( com fort, that is all. If fehe i-s comfortable she will continue to be a very nice, at tractive person, but if she has to scriuni j and struggle and fight over ten ceiit 1 nieces, and turn her old clothes, and . lurve her shoes patchea, sJje will not b" i, 1 responsible tor her temper. She is a f fui de siecle to her finger tips sensible where she might be romantic, practical ) where she once would have Leon impas- ' sioned a person who is bomid to make a success of her life and keep it on the i lines that she regards as the best. : The voting man of her kind holds pre- cisely the ame views. Life with a be- , i i - a. i . i i loved object sounds very charming, but I it 13 not to be indulged in unless the m- comes of himself and the beloved object foot up to from five to six thousand per annum. The beloved object on three thousand a 3-ear is too expensive a lux ury. He cannot afford it. What plight Lave been a courtship dwindles to a mild friendship. Not infrequently he tells the lady of his sad predicament and how impossible' a matrimonial alliance would be on his salary. She condoles with him and they become friends, for no viol; tit fires burn in their hearts anl friendship comes quite easily to them. Marriage would mean a series of sacri fices that neither is willing to make. They would havete live in a flat in Har lem and no one knows who has not lived in Gotham the horror in which LUi !. ia is held or a second rate .loarding ho-.'-e beyond Fourth avenue. Then come clothes and thenter. A New York woman spends money ir e water on her clothes. She would uiueh well dressed than well f !. She must be well dressed t6 be' up wi. u anj-thin. The momeut she ri 6.- shabby she is no longer or any impor tance. Then she may as well give up ail the fun and 'consent to . le relegated Irearv ini'-TTlie-jince like t tie old vJ-ivi-- of the pu; -Situ Francisco Ar.i. a. ' ' . Coulflu't Do It. ' Dfishaway- Come aro?:;: !. -old ' f .v v and li-lp u e s'de-ct a suit of ;t lot ho-. '-i Travei "nJdn't Ho is.pti'uir. uun-Yon seem toiforget that- WB.l -.1 go to the wme . tuilor. Clothier in -Fraiahr. PLACES OF WORSHIP. .... . . - - " "11" t..ia fiiiHti ak. bftw ihX at 2W. wl'h bffllcU... rv7ci iirfSiilMK "'ld rW-titR. fcW" A. KfiH-orAU-Ht LtiKr- liurch. coreer Tnlr4 i v i . n li HurK?f. I'H'tor. Hef trices : II A. M tt d 7 iwf " Bchotrt Ml 2 :W P. m. . M it M AN M " """"T; . Jl "tlrt'.rHi M A . 1... iiirt I'hkIoi'. hf-rvrett : ii a ad4 "'"ltr' r,.,....... .. , W . and 7 :'M P. V. t. iitiii w nrii'iui . . ... - j . - .....MVTn,rN.-frvlm n i w t-lnjrch.cor- A !rui,tlo HI. ICeV.J. 1 Hnlrd an. 'Ml I'rfHClllBf ? IV h r .7 "f'.h't- . fittrtl, mH. erery i MKitl! .'..!..? a t :15 hi II. J t lu.crri. Alltitl ivlletlto, atund tUe n.fel ltit-'H. . . ' ..... ti.riK.i.iuT-Klttli ft... lietweti Mala r ,7,o tvui. lW L i. Service : 1 1 A . M . H : P. M Mii'da bchool !i a m I'rdj'i r im etli V eilneaday even hi. . t.HflA.N l'K HHV I KHUN . 1 ruef Mlllll Hll Niii'.li. Iv Ml-. p:t1r. Si rvieei uitnai Imiiis. Sunit:iy rliool U :'Mt A. M. SWIKIMNt' i'N(!liC, ATloK AI- :iHllllfl, b9- tui-.-h F Hi apd lxtii L,llK JUi risT. Mt friive, Mk. h. t ween 'J en; U s.iul hlevetitU K v. A. I'tifweU, , r. Seivli-ex It a. in. mid 7 ::t0 . u- l'raer lne ini Wedni K1ay pvenlnii,. Vol ..! Mni' Ci'M" l(oiins in :ii p ii Mork, Mti.iu alreet. ! l iii-in'i'. f'-r . .)'. 'Vt rt -H'viny f-t-i iiuon riH o'rliii-k. tu.ii.i o'B w et I: ih'.ys If Ota fc::0 il. id.. Vi V.W p. I.". , Soni! I'M K ' lil UN M l K. IteV. J . M. V-jittl, I ast.'ir. Sei vin. N: Snnf:;iy Hclioul, "a: in.: f ri'in'Vuf. H a im. r,t H i.m.; Irsr.'ri rt niif.f! "I lifv-iiy i.IlIiI ; cliolr ria- Subscribe for Tllii 1 1 KHALI), only 15 cents a week or 7) cents month Bucklan's Arnica Salvi. Tub Hkst Salvk iy ti vi't ld fvrCut liiuif, Sorts, L'i. i.iH, Suit Pdii'iim. Fever j Sort. Tetter. Clmpj .o lUr.d, C hilbla:na, Cornt-, ud all Skin Eruptior.f, and posi- tivtly cures Pile?, or ro pay required. It in jtiirhTjteefl n i-ivi- Fatif fact ion, or money refunded. Price 2" eent per box. For sale hv F. (1. Krirke Lincoln, Blair, Beatrice and Kear ney now have each two kinds of gold cure. The First step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't d anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you lire taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Klectric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to it normal, healthy condition. Surprising results fol low the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appeW tite returns, good digestioii is re- stored, and the liver and kidneys re sume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price fide, at F. G. Fricke & Cn's drugstore. ti Do not confuse the famous Blush of Koses with the many worthless paints, powders, creams him! bleaches which are flooding thr j UllrrlCJHo Willi. II MIC III" nillj uir m market. Get the genuine of yoli: . j ' dniirgist. ( ). II. Snj-der, 71 cents pe:K j bottle, :tudI guarantee it will re- move your pimples, nvcKJes, ojacK lieiids, iiuitli, tan nail sunburn, and give you a lovely complexion. 1 ! Fort Pidncv is to haven new dc-, ! tachment of troops, the. t Wenty-firsl I infatry being ordered to New York j forts, ALlttie ir'f; Epericncein a Llt house. Mr. and Mrs, Lnrcn ' rc-scott are keepers, of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and arc blessed with a daughter, four 3ars. Lttst April she taken down with Measles, followed with dreadful Cough and turned into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, si: e grew worse rapidly, unlil she' was a mere" handful of bones". Then she tried Dr, King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. Kitig.s New Discoverv is worth its weight in ' gold, yet y-ou m.':y get a trial, bottle I free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore. The Homlie()l Man in pi uttfernoutli As wp1 as th? handsomest, and otliers are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Ke-mp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve arid cure all chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. Large boflU.3 rik. and i " How's This! We effer 1M dollars reward ho my case of catarrh tlmt can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known . F', J. Cheney for the lat'J5 j-ears, ' and belive him pefectl' honorable in all bwisnet transactions and fin ancially able to carry out an oblig afiorjs ma.e by their firm. - Wes & Trtlax, Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo Ohio . WaJdmg Kinnaii & Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole-, 4, do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cnrr is' taken inter nal', action directly upon the' blood and mucous surfaces of the 3'stem. Price, 75c. per bottle.' Sold by alb Druggist; Testimonials fre. One Fare for the Round Trip. The B. AM. will sell round trip tickets for one fare to Hot Spring, Arkansas, 011 "the following occa sions:' Meeting of the Government Keservation Improvement associ ation. April 12. Tickets will be sold April 7 and 8. inclusive-1 final return limit. May 10. . ; . District meeting South rt-n .,,,,1 Central' Turnvcrein. 'Mav u ir. n Tickets will be Aolj May and 7 in elusive; final return, June. It). - .... .... iiieeunggenei'al assein bl y of the church. la a'.). . ru-Li'ia .;tt 1... Hobl May JO and 17.. in'clUrivi-; lin to return. June 15. ' - ' " For fi.rtl. l-r f. ' - - - . y wm m t m 1 it- i m i t . iiianon mourn- tf K.J.AfHisW. A 13