"""' ----- - ( .1 '1 1! I Kc Inch c rtwl frV Crncer I. J V I w ws. ProTfennJ ocJotber Drand. "SAN1A CLAUS SOAP v r ic Lhrth wr wrth hove uouanu now on band i. J nDTf enng orJbcber Drand . "SANTA CLAU5 SOAP uMrwrwnh. nave uouanu "We'll certeir?lij hake noolbtr, we And all shrewd dealers keep it, Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring aa effective liniment. ?:o other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. F Q FWW $ C2 WILL KEEP COXSTA VH Y ON HA XI) A Full aud Complete line t Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Caivlullv :omptHiiri'i i nil Hour?. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE uhLE'-- AND U NDERTAKR. .irstanrlv "keep on hanri everythin you nc d to furnish jour hous-. COUSKK 1XTH AND MAIN TKEKT Plattsmouth Net Family Student School Library h-o-u-l-d a Dictionary. . . Care bo t':e:i to J i.T THE BEST. T THE INTCTH-t. C; V A 7.. NEW I'KOM COR TO COVES, 13 TH Ol.Z CUV. SUCCESSOR OF THE TXABBIDGED. Ten years spout in revising. 100 edi- tors employed, over $300,000 expended. Sold by all Booksellers. to. ft a ME5RIAM & CO.. Publisuert. 8pringlield. Mtu., U.S.A. I -Do not buy reprints of obsolete J , editions. . , -Send for free pamphlet containing a specimen pages ana fall particulars. EVERY s Own hould I TB5TER'S I INTERNATIONAL V DICTIf:7A HY J if IPATTS i r rn-PCnlkd ftraaiphlatand Rafrreacwa. Vi r..UUi.XUf aA.Hsaa4tiaeA Sr.'K-or T j i nc said. - " now on nana i use none but tbc best. are ypu behind the rest ?' 55 Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds Burns, Etc Bemores and Prevents Dandruff. white nussinn soap. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. XOTJI7G MENOLD LlZlf SET II Til THIS OF THE SEIPEMTS F I1SEASE. Thiy maka karale aSorts ta (raa tkematlrat. , aaa at aaowins bow m saecMifaii SHAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES they five up is despair aad fiol loto aa sarly rmv. TT ul M SkJLMOK Tasre m MsUlr II OUR NEW BOOK f. rtllailtcd ilma.'-iplwiia tk philOij)hy at Dlnu- - J lal.tima m lha . . . BMW 1 II I - - Oraasiaf Hi, aad how by unur td riTUPNT ta V w S tey mthod xclnsiTlyomr VWI, aa sfwiaa - - iMmt ar Failtaf MukM, aral aad McrToai De bility, Wcakaau of Bo4y ..i uf.i f ffMtaaf Enrart ar Iichmi. ataataa or Saraak Orcaas Ma lk tnr-4. BtaetMj la a ay. Bat3EalarsaaaStragtkWEAK.UMDEVEL0PEp CKBAHS PA1TS f BOOT bUi alaia to all lataratiaC. Mra i.nf frtta so Sutaa. TtTTiwrwa rmtn Cmimmtm. y --ittKwi. For BMk.fllxpitiBMia it proofi. Marwa ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. - : . -- .-.-jl-a : HAYEA 8CHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure taalsal raliaf ( tk wank araa wkwa aafcaw I "c 1 I. mm jp(m REPUBLICAN . STATE CONVEN TION. Tiie republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to neiul delegates from their Hereral counties to meet in coiirentioii in the city of Kearney Wednesday April 27,1 S'J2, at 11 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of electing four dele gates at large to the republican na tional convention to be held in Minneapolis June 7, 102. TIIE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being" based upon the vote cast for Hon. George II. Hastings for attorney general in 18U0, giving one delegate at large to each county and one for each 130 votes and the major frac tion thereof: Counties Adams .... Aulclopc ... Uaiiner Maine H'oyd lilHIIII' .. .. Mox Mitte.. U row ii , liutl.ilo ... Itutler Hurt Cass Celar ... Chart.- Cheyenne . Cherry Cia v Colfax CumiiiK Custer Dakota Dawes Dawson Deuel Dixon Dodtft? Douglas Dumly Filmore. ... Franklin . . Frontier ... Furnas Gasre Garfield .... Gosper Grant Greely Hall Hamilton ... Harlan Hayes Hitchcock. . Holt Howard. -... Hooker Jeffersona. .. Del. ... 11 .. . ; Counties Jolmsoii Kearney K'eve 1'alia .. Keith Kimball Knox Lancaster . . Lincoln Ioau Iu Madison Mcl'hearsoa Merrick .auce Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe I 'aw nee Perkins Pierce ... Phelps Platte Polk... hfed Willow .. K'ichardson . K'ock Del. ... 7 . . . 6 .. . 3 ... 2 ... 2 ... :$ 4 n 9 9 3 3 4 4 5 11 14 4 S 2 id r, 3 2 3 S 2 4 4 7 5 7 i 12 10 4 4 7 7' l 11 63 Saline Sarpy Saunders . . . Scotts Mb IT.. Seward ... Sheridan r'l 1 Sherman .. . Mitux Stanton riiayer Thomas Thurston . Valley .. Washington. Wayne Webster Wheeler . York Total 595 It is recotuended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present be auth orized to cast full votes of the dele gation. It recommended that the republi cans of every county in thi3 state be requested to select their county central committee at the first coun ty convention held in their respec tive counties. Said committee to serve until the county convention of 1393 be held. Dk. S. D. Mercer, Chairman. Walt.M. Seeley. Secretary. FIRST DIS TRICT CONVENTION. The republican electors of the First congressional district of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties comprising' said district to meet in convention in the city of Falls Cit3-, Wednesday, April 20, 1S91, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing two delegates and two alternate delegates to the republican national convention to be held at Minneapolis June 7, 1892. THE RPORTIOXMEXT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, be ing based upon the vote cast for Hon. W. J. Connell for congress in lS'.K). One delegate for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof and one delegate at large from each county: Count ies. Del.lCounties Del. ... lii.Otoe 13 .. 10; Pawnee 13 . .. 4." Kichardson ....... . lti ... 121 I Total 128 Cass Johnson Lancaster Nemaha It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, .and that the delegates present from each county cast the full vote of the delegation. W. II. Woo WARD. Chairman. Frank McCartney, Secretary.' CALL FOR REPUBLICAN PRIMAR IES AND CONVENTION. The republican electors of Cass county are requested -to meet in primary conventions on April 9, 1892, for the purpose of electing del egates to attend the republican county convention to be held at Weeping Water on April Hi, 18t2, at 1 o'clock p. in., sharp for the pur pose of selecting nineteen delegates to attend the district convention to beheld at Falls City on April 28, 1892, and fourteen delegates to attend the state convention at Kearney to be held on April 27, 1892. and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the convention. The basis of representation is fixed iit one delegate for every fifteen votes, or major tract ion thereof, cast for George H. H.istings for attornej general at the general election held in IS'.), and one delegate-at-large for each ward ami precinct. Wards and pteeinets entitled to delegates, and times and places for holding primaries, as follows: - Tipton, ( delegates, Wilkinson & Stopher's lumber office. 5 p. in. Greenwood. 3 delegates, town hall, 7 p. in. Salt Creek, 7 delegate. Greenwood town, 7 p. in. J ' Klmwood, 0 delegates, Murdocl, 8 p. in. South Hend, 4 delegates, school house, 7:30 p. m. Center, 0 delegates, Mauley, 3 p. m. Louisville, 7 delegates. Justice Cline's office, 8 p. in. Avoca, (J delegates, Hutchins school house, 3 p. m. ML I'leasant, 5 delegates, Gilmore school house, 4 p. m. Kight Mile Grove, 7 delegates, Heil school house, 3 p. in. Liberty, 7 delegates, Union, 7 p.m. Nehawka, 0 delegates, Xehawka, 7 p. in. Kock HI tills, First district. dele gates, Murra3r, 7 p. m. Jvock Hluffs, Second district, 3 del egates, Rock HJuiTs. 7 p. m. Plattsmouth precinct, 7 delegates, Taylor school house, 4 p. m. riattsmouth cit', First ward, 8 delegates, council chamber, 5 to 7 p. m.; Second ward, 8 delegates, school house, 5 to 7 p. in. ; Third ward, 11 delegates, Ridley's lumber office, 5 to 7 . m. ; Fourth ward, 0 delegates, county clerk's office, 5 to 7 p. in.; Fifth ward, 4 delegates, school house, 5 to 7 p. m. Weeping Water precinct, 5 dele gate's, Cascade school house, 7:30 j. m. Weeping Water city, First ward, 5 delegates, Churchill building, 8 p. ni. ; Second ward, ( delegates, coun cil chamber, 8 . m.; Third ward, 3 delegates, Tidball & Fullers's office, 8 p. m. Total, 154 delegates. M. M. Butler, Chairman pro tern. A. L. Timbllv, Secretary. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd of Groton, S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four doctors gave me up sar ing I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet 1113' absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store, regular size. 50c. and $1.00. Rheumatism cured in a da3r. 'M3'stic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically in 1 to 3 da3's. Its action upon the sj-stem is rem arkable and 1113'sterions. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediate' disappears. The' first dose greatty benefits, 75cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke &Co. A Great Surpriee Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat and lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles 50c and $1. Catarrh in Colorado. I used F3r's Cream Balm for dry catarrh. It proved a cure 13. F. M. Weeks, Denver. El3r's Cream Balm is especiall3 adapted as a remeby for catarrh which is aggravated b' alkaline Dust and dr3r winds. W. A Hover Druggist, Denver. I can recommend h.13-s Cream Balm to all sulfers from dr3 catarrh from personal experience. Michael Herr. Pharmacist, Denber. F2l3r's Cream Balm has cured man3' Cases of catarrh. It is in con stant demand Geo. W. II03-L Phar macist. Chej-eime, W3-. Startling Facts. The American people are rapid I3' becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the followtng suggests, ' the best remed3': alphouso Humpfling, of Butler, Penn, swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving1 , cured him. Mrs. J. L. Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr, of Logaii8port, Ind each gained. 20 pounds if an taking iL Mrs. H. A. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions eas3r and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation by one bettle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & Co., who recomends this unequailed remedy. Some Foolish People allow a cough to run until itgets beyond the reach of medicine They say "Oh, it will wear away." but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to trj- the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 30c and $1. Trial size free. At ull druggists. New Washington 1'enn , People Are not slow about taking hold of a new thing, if the article has merit. A few months ago David Hyers, of that place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough reined-. He has sold it'all and ordered more. He sa3"s: "It has given the best of satisfaction. I have warrantad ev er)' bottle and have not had one come back." 25 cent. 50 cent, and $1.00 bottles for sale by F. G. Gricke tv Co.. druggists. Cough Following the Crip Many person, who have recovered from la grippe are now troubled with a persistent cough. Cham berlain's .cough remedy- will promptly loosen this cough and relieve the lungs, effecting a per manent cure in ajrervshqrttimr. THE WRONG VALISE. A Younu lirtl-crioiii'a Awful M Intake a 1 i Hour IW-furt the Vll int;. It was uinlr circumstances of peculiar difficulty that A If ted C lecame a benedict the other la.)'. As the brile tleet lived out of town, in one of the riei;hloi in suburbs, he had arranged for go to the house of a friend not far away earl 3 in the forenoon. There he was to dress for the ceremony, which was to take place. English fashion, at the little village church before 12 o'clock. Seml ing most of his luggage on ahead, he put hia wedding logger' in a hand valise (one of those Hat soleleat her af fairs), and boarded the train at the ti.ue aiioiiitei I. Although naturally a very exact and methodical person, he was. not unreaso:, abl3, rather nervuu.s 011 this occasion, aud having left his seat to speak to a friend in the forward part of the car juut before reaching the station, he hurried back as the brakeman called out the name of his place of destination, and seizing what he supposed was his bag as it lay in an ot herwise empty seat, he was off and a wa)' almost before the train had come to a standstill. Arriving at his friend's house, ho found that there was an hour ahead of him before it was time to dress, so he consigned his bag to the servant and followed his host into hio "den" to c;:h:i his mind with a f rood ci gar before the momentous event. But he had hardly made himself con?. fortable before the butler entered with -i countenance that bespoke an extraordi uaiy effort to maintain his gravity Beg pardon, sir, but there must be some mistake; will you please to see what har tides 1 found in 3-our bag, sii-?" Quite bewildered, C , together with his friend, followed the man upstairs and found neatl' ranged on the bed what was evidently the contents of a drummer's bag of samples a cotton "union gar ment," child's size; four different gt3d.es of braces, a patent seam corset, eight samples of collar buttons, half a dozen ties of flaring colors stamped "correct style," and other goods of the same kind Of course the explanation was obvious he liad taken the wrong bag, and his own wedding suit was en route for Boston, without either bride or bridegroom, on a wedding tour of its own. Fortunately his friend was a man of about the same size, and by borrowing an outfit he was enabled to reach the church in time and no one was any the wiser. The story leaked out, however, and on his return from the honeymoon trip he had a lively half hour at his club. New York Tril- uue. Civilization and Motherhood. Nature intended woman to be beauti ful, health' and happy. But her mul tiplied miseries have prevented her from properly performing her maternal mis sion, impaired her jh3"sical functions and poisoned the sources of new life. The mothers of one generation mold the men aud women of the next. A sick mother cannot produce healthy descend ants. She is simply a transmitter -of sickness to posterit3 And the majority of mankind are born sick. So the chief causes of sickness are continued, and the tide of human inarmity flows for ever onward. In civilized life not one woman in five hundred is fitted for the office of mother hood on account of complaints common to the sex. This mav s?em a startling statement, but it is nmply attested by those peculiarly quahlkd by extensive professional experience to give an opin ion. And still, despite these facts, there are fore gleams of a more glorious future than ever imagined bv man. Hall's Journal of lit oltli. A 'l"-iiiiie lit'ov-ry-. At the loot of the summer palace, during the Chinese war, an entt rpri-ing officer- secured a good many little memorials of the "Son of the Moon and First Cousin of the Stars," but what al ways rilled him with regret was the in formation he afterward received from a native ofiuial: "You barbarians took a good main- things away, but you left .the lions upon the entrance gates, which surprised us very much." "Wj didn't think so much of them as you do, from an artistic point of view," replied . the officer indifferently, "and it was no time to encumber ourselves with br;iss things." "My good sir, they were solid gold." The officer took to his bed, and had a serious illness from mere remorse for his want of sagacity. San Francisco Argonaut. - ' Gvneaia of the Uoneahoe. It is known that the hoofs of horses were protected by boots of leather . at a very early period in the world's history at a time which at least antedates Pliny and Aristotle, both of whom make mention of the fact. These leather boots were sometimes studded' with metal nails, but more usually worn without extra trimming, the cheapness of that commodity making it possible for the owner of the steed to "reboot" him at any time. St. Louis Republic. Shark as Game JK!sh. As game fishes, sharks do not, 1 think. stand high; the most common of them, the dusky shark, when hooked, circles round on the surface and usnall3' bites off the lines and escapes. If so hooked that the line cannot be cut, the struggle is furious but short, the shark giving up in much less time than a game fish of half his size, such as the channel bass.' salt water trout or suapier would do. Forest aud Stream. The Lum in Artiticlal Lights. It is stated that in candle light, lamp light or gaslight the waste is more than 9'J per cent. In other words, if they could be so obtained as not to throw anything away, they would give nearly 1K times the illumination which the. jlo afford. Even the electric light i mostly waste. Washington Star. The Worm Turns. Newspajwr Bore (cheerily) -How V do? How de do? How you geliii PLACES OF WORSHIP. CATHOLic.-St. raid's Church. 11k. t-twe-B Klfili and sixth. Failier rtt'iiey, I'HMor Services : y-is( : nil :3o a. m. Sunday School nt 2 :'. wlti b'neUctli.. LiiKiH'iMN.-( t'ii er L.cust and Kllnh Htr. s. i vices inoriihiK inl fveMnji. l-.uier A. Galloway a.slor. Minday Kchool 10 a.m. lii ir.- oi'Ai..-St Luke'.i l.huroh. corner Third and Vine. Itev II li. HurjicHH. pallor. Ser viced : it a. M. a U 7 :WV . Sunday School l 2 :.' r. M. iMMAN AlHTiioitiMT. jriier Sixth St and ;r:tiiit Kev. Hlit. factor. Services : 1 1 a. M. anil 7 ::m) l. M. Suuday School 10 :30 A. M. I HKMtn fiiian. (-cniccs In pew church. cor ner Sixlh nntl (irniHte Mi-. HfV. J. T. Halrd, castor. Minilav-M: olatU;3C; freuchliic at U a. in. n:,il h p. in, HwV. U. s. ('. K f thin church nu ets every Sahhitth evenhii' at 7 :1S In the ham-incut of tliechucih. All are nulled to attend these meet Iiim. Km ht Mhthoiuht-Sixth St.. bctwen Mala and fcarl. Kev. L. K. Hrltt. D. I), nastor. Service : D A . m .. 8 :00 P. M Sunday School 9::ma. m, frayer meetU k Wednesday even-ll'K- (Jkhman fit f HitVTK.Hi an . Corner Main ana Ninth. l:ev Witle, astor. Services ukuI hours. Sunday .-cliool 9 :30 A. M. Swkedihh roNoni-o ation au flraiiite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Uouihki) Uaitist. Mt. Olive. iak. between Tenth and Eleventh. Jtev. A. Hocwell, pas tor. Services 11 a. in. and 7 :U0 p. m. f layer iiieetinir Wednesday evenlnn. Yot.-.o Mkn's Cm Kl-Tl a y v ssoi'Iatiok i: .in" (11 ai"rni:m I'loek, Main street. ion pel 1111 ei (lif. f-ir iimm. eiiiy, everv Snvdny tif-tt-niK.'ii al i I.ooiiim open week da) from 8::m a. 111.. u a : .'to p. 1.1. So fill f.MK V.-USKUN ACLK.-Kev. .1. M. W-jod, i astor. Seivices: Sunday School, ''a.iii.: I ie:ict!ii'(r. 1 1 a in. and8 p. m. ; (iraei- iiii-(i,iik 'lurxihiy lilut ; choir prac--. ice )i ni, j jii;liL All are welcome. Subscribe for The Hkkald, only 15 cents a week or 50 cents a month. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The He8T Sai.vk in the world for Cuti limises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khcum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilbl&ina, Corus, and all Skin Eruption?, and posi tively cures Pilt p, or do pay required. It is guaranteed to yive fltitiffaclion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For s'nh i F. (1. Fricke Lincoln, Blair, Beatrice and Kear ney now have each two kinds of gold cure. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't tic an3'thing to 3-our satisfaction, and 3011 wonder what ails 3011. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic, and in FJectric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous S3rstem to it normal, healthy condition. Surprising results fol low the use 0 this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative, Your appe tite returns, good digestion is re stored, and the liver and kidneys re sume health' action. Try a bottle. Price o0c, at F. G. Fricke &LVh drugstore. . Do not confuse the famous Blush of Roses with the many worthless paints, powders, creams and bleaches which are flooding the market. Get the genuine of your druggist, O. II. Snyder, 7.) cents per bottle, and I guarantee it will re move your pimples, freckles, black heads, moth, tan and sunburn, and give 'Oii a lovely complexion. 1 Fort. Sidney is to have a new de tachment of troops, the iwentj'-firsl infalry being 01 dered to New York forts, At-!tt!e t Iff Fper enrein a LIMt house. Mr. and Mrs, Lore 11 Trescott art keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four 3-ears. L;ist April she taken down with Measles. followed with dreadful Cough and turned into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere" handful of bones". Then she tried Dr, King's New- Disco very and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King.s New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle free at r. tx. f-rickey Drugstore. The Homliest Man in Platumouth As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its. , merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic and acute coughs, asthma. bronchitis and consumption. Large bottles ode and . How's This! We offer 100 - dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belive him pefectly honorable in all bmsnesH transactionsand fin ancially able to carry out an oblig ations inafle by ther hrm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gist. Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan & Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 7oc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. WOBTHLSGTOX CO 71 BROADWAY. NEW TORK. -Vtiuouuce for immediate publication un No. S in their I XT E RXA TIOXAL LIBRARY: THE HOUSEHOLD IDOL Bv Marie Bernard, author of "The Rector of St UukeV." Translated ly KUie L I.a throp. 1 vol lL'mo. Roji, fl.'Zi; pajer".V This, the latest novel of Marie Bernard author of "The Rector of St. Luke's" t a charmitu; story of life amontf the hiifheot circles of society, the scene beirtK laid at the present tinier The heroine "The House hold idol, is the leaiitv und liellf , all Hamburg'. idolized ly p:irentand friends. One of the principle personaife is Hele nrr".!".. rt , nti """k mtaipi.rjWil