The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 30, 1892, Image 3

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S aTT-Il
orooKipg looacco
Situated in the immediate section
of tobacco, that in texture, flavor
in the world, and being in position to command the choice of all oner
ings upon this market, we spare no pains nor expense to give the trade
When in want of the best; ask for
ull Durham.
Sold everywhere. None genuine without the
Trade Mark of the Bull on each package.
- -a
Rates Reasonable,
Returns Remunerative,
Is a
' mi
U qid special
jj ei'tisiqg nediqiT o qll lo
. scel o ieqcl fanuliGs tliotigl-
SOI Cor Fifth
Everything to Furnish Your House
Having purchased the J. V. Weckbach store room on south
Main street where I am now located ' can sell goods cheap
er thari the cheapest having just put in the largest stock
of new goods ever , brought to the city. . Gasoline stovet
and furniture f all kinds sold o the installment pla.
I s v 1 1V0WVWV
- 1 1 '
r-x 1
of country that produces a grade
and quality is not grown elsewhere
Publication of
liie qs qi qd-
31 AN AG EH.
and Vine St.
iTTrnS (tS'5k1
0C, Tartc Prieawrta
Ca Cripp. :r . TI'MZ
No healthy person need fear'any
dangerous consequences from an
attack of. la grippe if properly
treated. It is much the same as a
severe cold and requires precisely
the same treatment. Remain quiet
ly at home and take Chamberlain'
Cough Kemedy as directed for a se
vere cold and a prompt and com
plete recovery is sure to follow.'
This remedy also counteracts any
tendency of la grippe to result in
pneumonia. Among the many
thousands who have used it during
the epidemics of the past two years
we have yet to leurn of a single
case that has not recovered or that
has resulted in pneumonia. 25 and
50 cent bottles for sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
La rlppo Successfully Treated.
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year,"
says Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of
the leader, Mexica Texas. ''In the
latter case I used Chamberlain's
Cough remedy,. and I thins with
considerable success, only being in
bed a little over two days, against
ten days for the first attnek. The
second attack, I am ratsiied. would
have been equally as bad as the
lirst but for the use of this remedy,
as I had to go to bed in about six
hours after being struck with it,
while in the first case I was able to
atiend to business about two days
before getting down. 5'J cent bot
tles fcr sale b F. G. Fricke & Co.
The population of Plattsmouth
Is about 10,000, add we would say
at least neo-half are troubled with
some effect ion on the throat and
lungs, as those complaints are, ac
cording to staaistics, more numer
ous than others. We would advise
all our readers not to neglect the
' opportunity to call on their drug
gist and get a bottle of Kemp s lial
sam for the throat and lungs. Trial
size free. LargeBottle 50c- and $1.
Sold by all druggist.
Every Month
aaaay woman suffer irons. Kxcaaaiva ar
Scant Menstruation; tber don't know
who to confide in to get proper advice.
Don't confide in anybody bat try
Brartfl eld's
Fomalo Regulator
Speelte tor PAINF0L. PROFUSE.
Book to " WOMAN " mailed free.
tho Liquor Habit, Positively Curet
it can be alven in a cub of cole ar taa. or In ar
ticles of 'ood. without the knowledge of the Der
40it taking it; it Is absolutely harmless and wiU
effect a permanent and upeedy cure, whether
the patient is a moderate driakeror an alcoholic
a complete cure in ev 317 instance. 48 uace book
FREE, Address in confidence,
VloflJ SPECIFIC CO.. 1 8 Rao St. ClnctaaxtLO
Do you want to make
money.-" send us ten
cents and receive u sam
ple, with full particulars of the busi
ness, which will give you larjre profits
and ciutck sales. Steady employ
ment Kuaratiteed. Address
Marsh & Co-,
9 . rortiand St:.
ttoston, mass-
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes
Tetter, Salt Iihenm, Scald Head. 01
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Soro Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
after all other treatment had failed,
it la put up in 25 and 50 cent boses.
E p p
Labeled 1-2 lb Tins Only.
bj Pack's Inraibl Tabalar Ear Cak
WttkMra heard. Comfartmkle.
8uruaf.lwfa.ralirraitesfail. Sold by. HUaox,aalT, CDTC
653 BnaSmy, k Iirk. Wnu to Wok of proof, rltCC
ClMUuec ud bcaatifie th. hair.
PrumcKM luxuriant growth.
Never Tails to Restore Gray
Hair to ita Toothful. Color.
Cure anlp diMwi a hair taUtur.
mim niaBdil;flOanjcg!rtj"
rt1 01 a rWl Zl f t K'Ax
M eait lin,s. lability. Indignation, Paji.Taka intiiaciUcta,
M 3 N Q E i?CO R NS. The orjy turecure for Corat
Stopa aa Lin. at Xtfugfiala, sr HlSCOX a CO., M. Y.
How Lost! How Regained!
Or gEU'-PKB8KRTATIOM. A naw and only
and WEAKNESSES tfEAN. BMpaa, cloth,
flit; 18& Uralaablc preacriptieBa. Only (1.00
y maiL double aealed. Daacnpura Froapeet-
u wiia tnaorifBtiii
of the Presa and void
testimonLala of the
Corn a! la ti ob in person or by mail, ixpert treat
TAIN CUKK. Addrw Dr. W. H. Parker, or
The Peabod v Medical Inentute, No. 4 Bulfinch St..
Boston, Maas.
the PeabodT Medical institute Has many Imi
tators, but no equal. Hmthf.
The Science of Life, or Self Preservation, la a
treasure more valuable tnaa iculd. Read it now.
everv WEAK and NKRVOIS man. and leara ta
ThslsiMi sf Msikttsaii.
. That delicious fungus growth ' scien
tifically called by a big and strange name,
bat commonly known as the mushroom .
is just beginning to come plentifully
into the local markets, and they are pre
pared to stay till late into the fall.
Those which are found in the vege
table stalls in Washington market are
of artificial culture and are now selling
at about seventy-five cents a pound. A
month ago they brought 1 1.35 a pound,
and a month hence fifty cents or even
less will buy a goodly Bupply of the nu
tritious and delicious white stemmed
and brown topred fungi.
Said the ruddy faced and white apron
ed marketman to me today between the
puffs of his perfecto:
"Yes, I sell a good many mushrooms,
especially during Lent. Those that
come in now are raised in hothouses in
beds underneath the plant shelves and
they come pretty high, although they
are getting down in price lately. I have
sold them as high as three dollars a
pound. Later on iu the spring we get
them from the farmers and others who
raise them in their cellars, in shaded
places and even in caves, and during
warm weathex men and women and
boys and girls who gather them in
fields and pastures bring them in to the
city. Then we sell them for almost
nothing as low as ten cents a pound
sometimes. Most of our customers who
buy mushrooms are people of means,
and although we sell great quantities of
them, the people as a whole don't seem
to appreciate and understand them, as I
should think they would."
The jolly marketman is right, for
mushrooms are not appreciated as they
should be. Many people have eaten
mushrooms only when the canned arti
cle has been served sprinkled sparingly
over a steak. There is a vast difference
between the canned mushroom and the
crisp, fresh and appetizing fungus that
one can now buy in any of the large
markets. New York Telegram.
How It Is Done lu Chlua.
Though the Chinese diplomatist moves
slowly, there are some Chinese manda
rins whose ways .are - expeditious and
summary. Under the auspices of Cliang
Chih-tung foreign engineers are pros
pecting in the neighborhood of Hankow.
They were commended the other day by
the viceroy to the care and protection of
a minor mandarin. This personage,
rooted in the traditions of the past,
viewed the advent of the "Fanqui" with
disapproval. . '
He penned a remonstrance, setting
forth that it would be unsafe to allow
the earth dragon, who has lain undis
turbed since the time of Confucius, to
be profanely tampered with. The coun
try folk he explained, were a rough set,
who, on seeing strange men with strange
instruments in their hands .probing and
peering into the earth, would be sure to
be roused to mischief, and as he pro
fessed himself powerless to restrain the
riot that might ensue, he prayed his ex
cellency to reconsider the matter.
The viceroy took in the situation at a
glance. He wrote in reply to say that,
inasmuch as the local official did not
seem equal to cope with the situation,
he was sending five deputies, -with boats
and followers, to afford the foreigners
safe and suitable escort all at the ex
pense of the remonstrant. Their visit
is said to have cost the worthy magis
trate some 750, and since then Chang
Chih-tung has not been troubled with
any more remonstrance from the zeal
ous defender of the earth dragon. Man
chester (England) Examiner.
Delightful Mr. Einstein.
The truly democratic form of our
government, in which "one man is as
good as another," was illustrated in a
little incident at the Capitol the other
day. A subcommittee of tho house ap
propriations committee having charge
of certain branches of the District ex
penditures had before them recently
that distinguished citizen of the District
of Columbia, the official dog catcher,
known as Poundmaster Einstein, with
the purpose of slicing down his salary
from the princely sum of $1,200 a year
to $900.
It did not slice, however, and one of
the members of the committee explains
their change of heart by saying that be
fore the examination was concluded Mr.
Einstein so charmed the members of the
committee with his stories of excursions
made with senators in search of black
bass in the streams about Washington
that the question of reducing his salary
was absolutely abandoned.
"We want ' him to come again," said
one of the committeemen, "and as for
his salary, we would not cut him down a
dollar." Washington Cor. Albany Jour
nal. An Ingenious Swindle.
Tax Collector Andrew Bouchou, of
Hancock, turned over as a part of his
funds to Supervisor Wheeler Jan. 12 a
queer bank note. It passed for a twenty
dollar bill, and but for the watchfulness
of the cashier in Nichols1 banking house,
in this village, it might have gone un
challenged. The cashier at once discov
ered that the front of the bill was a
twenty, but the back was a five. They
were the split halves of two genuine
bank -notes pasted together. The
schemer's profit will depend on whether
he passes the mate to it for twenty dol
lars by proffering back np. By doing so
he will have made fifteen dollars clear
on . the transaction. The collector had
taken it in for taxes. Hancock (X. Y.)
Tent and Overcoat in One.
A new tent is about to be introduced
into the German army, the novel feature
of which is that it is divisible into two
portions, each half being arranged so as
to be used as an overcoat by the soldiers
in case of rain while on the march.
Paris Letter.
i Tlie Grip C'urtnl Ifim.
I- A citizen of Pre-scott, Ariz., had asth
i ma for six years, during which time lie
j was never able to sleep at night except
1 in a sitting pnsture. He took the g:5p
? some week ago, and when lie recover-d
hia aothm wgj gemr. Chicago Tribunes
A Paris llrliuui) Company.
In Pari the idea of entertainments by
telephone haa leeii po far develoid that
a company has liet n formed to provide a
theater telephone service. Instrument!
are placed in cluls, hotels, cafett and
restaurants, and various jrfornwiicon
are constantly on tap. 13y dropping it
half franc into a slot tho vicarious thea
ter goer obtains communication with
nirt favorite playhouso for live minntea,
and if he times his connection properly
ho can hear the song which has become
the hit of the Beaaon at a very small
charge. A private service of a similar
nature Is also contemplated, and before
long it will be quite natural for a host to
give a theater party in his own drawing
There is always a peculiar fascination
for the general public in listening by
means of the telephone to entertain
ments which are given at a distance.
One of the most attractive features of
electrical exhibitions is always the tele
phone section, where a number of tele
phones provide entertainments "on tap"
from theaters and concert halls. This
was particularly noticeable at tho Paris
electrical exhibition held some years
ago, and at the Lenox lyceum in New
York. The telephone section was crowd
ed all the evening with delighted listen
ers. Electricity.
The Struggle for Dread in Vienna.
The distribution of bread to the poor
of Vienna took place Tuesday between
11 o'clock and noon, in order to make
6ure that only the unemployed received
alms. Though 6,200 large loaves, which
had cost 1,200 florins, or 100, were
given out, several hundred starving peo
ple had to go away empty handed. The
scenes witnessed were perhaps the worst
that have occurred as yet. It was piti
able in tho extreme to see wretch
edly clad women, with babies in arms,
and children, fighting as for their lives
for a loaf of bread, into which, hot as it
was from the bakery; they cut like hun
gry wolves.
Similar scenes were witnessed at the
distribution of bread to men. About
twenty people fainted in the crush, and
those who saw the bitter disappointment
of the many who, after waiting for
hours, finally received nothing, will
never forget the spectacle of human
misery and want. Four thousand two
hundred loaves were given away yester
day, when the crush was so enormous
that a number of poor women, with ba
bies in their arms, and several old men
fainted away and required medical at
tendance. Vienna Cor. London Stand
ard. .
A Big Perry on Lake Michigan.
A marine experiment of great iinHH
tance to Milwaukee i$ announced. T?ie
Toledo, Ann Arbor anl Northern Mich
igan railroad is about to build a large
ferry steamer to test the feasibility of
carrying trains of cars across Lake Mich
igan from Kewaunee to Frankfort. Tho
new steamer will cost a quarter of a
million of dollars, and will be large
enough to carry forty freight cars, and
she is to be fast enough to make the
runs across the lake between the points
named in about five hours. The distance
is sixty miles.
The ferrying of cars in this manner
will result in a great saving, as
it costs from six to twelve dol
lars a car to make the transfer
of freight from the cars to the steam
ers, and besides, the loss through break
age incident to such transfers will be
prevented. : It is thought the experiment
will prove successful, as freight trains
have been thus transferred for years be
tween Cape Charles City and Newport
News, a distance of forty miles, across
the mouth of Chesapeake bay, where the
water is sometimes very turbulent.
Milwaukee Wisconsin.
An Imperial Chemist.
Prince Lucien Bonaparte has be
queathed to England his precious collec
tion of mineral and chemical products.
This collection contains specimens of the
very greatest value on account of their
rarity, among these being pieces of gold
and platinum which are absolutely
But the gems of the collections are
two specimens of those exceedingly rave
metals irridium and germanium. The
former, which is worth three times the
price of platinum, is as large as a horse
chestnut. As to the piece of germanium,
although smaller in size, its enormous
value will be understood when one re
flects ia worth sixty times its
weight in gold.
The whole collection was prepared in
the prince's laboratory, he making the
most difficult experiments with his own
hands, for he was one of the most dis
tinguished chemists of the day. It is
interesting to note that his chief and al
most his only assistant in his chemical
researches was his wife, the princess.
New York Herald.
Two Strange Fish.
Two strange fish were taken in a trawl
off the coast of Maine recently, f One,
the lamphis, is the only specimen of the
kind ever taken in eastern waters.
In shape it was like a Very large sun
fish, and its weight was about 3K)
pounds. Its back was of- a beautiful
sky blue, the sides were ffiiowy white,
and the fins scarlet. .
The other fish, the ecolar of the Ca
nary islands, is common iu warm lati
tudes, but has never before been., taken
so far north as in this case. ' '
Both were taken at a depth of 1,000
feet. Belfast Age.
Forty-eight tons of supplies were
hauled from Berlin Falls, N. H., to
Danforth's camp, a sportman's resort at
Lake Parmachenee, Me., this season, at
an expense of &1.00O. The hunters who
visit Parmachenee live high, and some
of them have a sweet tooth, for COO
pounds of candy disappeared there lat
There was quite a heavy fall of snow
in Mobile Thursday, an event of great
rarity and of equally great interest to
the inhabitants. It was the first snow
in five years and the fifth in seventy
Hutter, KgrK, Clieene, ild Gatii-,
Poultry, Meat, Applee, Potatoes
Green ami Dried Fruite, Vegetable
Cider, Ik-nun, Wool, Hide, Tallow
Sheep PeltH, Purs, SkiiiM, Tobacco,
Grain, Flour; liny, Hetnwax, Feath
ers, Ginning, Uroonuoru, and Hojim.
M. K. 11 A L I. A K D
Urn. Com, Mercbaiit a d Hlilpper,
317 Market Btrnet - St. J.011U, Mo.
WANTKD ARent, yDe asm alii I'd with Farm
ers aud shippers.
attorney hi-I.hw. ill KiT prompt attention
all tiUMtueps en t runted to lilui. onto Ui
Halou block, Kant Hide. I'lattfinoutli, Neb.
tlllS HOlSK.
217, 2,9 aaii AND 223 yviam 8T
PLATTSMOlfl'U, Mill.
: D-K-N-T-I-S-T :
Dr. Melnwajrs aini'stlic tic for the painters
t ran lor f teeth.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
Koekwood Hlook rUtMuioulIi, Neb.
.ras and SRce 44 Hoalh Third .Street.
Telephone Kt.
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
J'uhliu O rri in ( iiiiui.
The Chinese system of government
lacks entirely tho progressive and uni
fying element of popular election. The
people have no voice in the choice of
their rulers, and the rulers consider the
people as so many sheep to bo fleeced.
The officials are paid starvingly low
salaries, and many offices are oeijly
bought. Corruption and extortion may
therefore be said . to le almost sanc
tioned, the only restraint being the dread
of insurrection and the power of guilds,
clans and secret societies. There is im
perfect protection from robbers and
pirates, many villages preferring to sub
sidize robber bands rather than to have
to deal with the worse foimof robbery
practiced by the officials. Westminster
Kmile Zola's Working Mourn.
Emile Zola's habits are extremely regu
lar. He takes a walk every morning,
usually leaving his house, whether at
Medan or at Paris, about 9 o'clock. He
lunches at midday, and writes from 1
o'clock till 6, receiving no visitors and
transacting no business in the afternoon.
He has a particular liking for large and
massive pieces of furniture, so his writ-f
ing table and his library chairs are of j
colossal proportions, as is also his rnk-f
stand, which is in bronze and represents.
a non. fans ior. r-nnaaeipnia ieie
graph. What Fain llo Animals Feel?
When the sensitiveness to pain of the
negro, comjtared with that of the Eih
ropean, is but one to three, as Dr. Fel
kin concludes it is, what relation to th?
latter is borne by the sensitiveness of
the monkey? of the bird? of the reptile
and the fish? of creatures lower still?
London Sunday Magazine?
An Automatic Anplauder.
A Frenchman has perfected an inven -tion
by which managers of theaters canr
ascertain on first nights, in a practical"'
manner, the feelings of the public. Tin,
contrivance is an automatic applauderv
set in motion by a five centime piece. ;
New York Journal.
The irregularity of Maine's coast lin
is indicate! by the fict that a Lubec ,
man who bought u l irse in Eastport
was obliged to Jri . fte animal mom
than forty miles to i his home, al
though "the two 'to tre ouly three.
mile aotrt iu a xirai m. ku itm.
he STRONG . Mr4tci Kt. (CopynghiedJ