. . . - 7 i i Jattsmoiitli Da t eralcb Firrii vi:au. 1M.ATTSM0UTII, NEBRASKA. MONDAY. MARCH 28, 1892 NUMHKR 167 I lldh'.Mik OK VINE AND FIFTH STS ! rKI-KI'IIONK 38. . I : i- BROS. Publishers .1 MUD Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking jtowder Highest of all in leavening Htrength Latest U. S. Government food report. I'nblirdied every Tliurwlay, and daily every evening except Sunday. h'CKistered itt the Plattwmout h, Nebraska xst pflice a second clattn mail matter fur transmission through the U. S. mails. TKK'.IS FCK WEEKLY. One year in odvunce . - - $1 5(1 One year nut in udvarice - - - - 2 00 Six months in uclvmictv - 75 Three months in advunce 40 TERMS OF DAILY. One year in ad vauce - - - $6 00 One copy one month 50 lVr week by carrier- - 15 REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. i ww MKATMAKKKT. Freeh Beef. Pork. Veal, Mutton. flitter aim eggs kept constantly on baud. Game of all kinds kept in St aton SATISFACTION - GARAMIED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. Gth St ami Lincoln Ave rL.ATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. For Mayor, II. N. IMIVKV- For Treasurer, T. II. POLLOCK. For Clerk. M. X. GRIFFITH. Fr Police Jiidfje, VM. H. SHORT. For Meinlters School Hoard, J. I. UXRUII. W. X, MCLEXXAX. K EW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL. & SON Keep H kinds of biill.lt-rw hardware on haiifl Mia Will BUpl cnirKriiir on iuwi orable ten. For Councilman First ward, GEORGE LOXGEXIIAGEX. For Councilman Second ward, I. I). HATES. For Councilman Third ward, F. H. STEIN KER. For Councilman Fourth ward. J. F. LAKE. For Councilman Fifth ward. A. I. GRAVES. ' misr ROOFING Spouting nH nil klnrtH of tin work uroini tly done, orders from ttie country Solicited C16 Fearl St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. CALL FOK REPUBLICAN PRIMAR IES AND CONVENTION. The republican electors of Cass comity are requested to meet in primary conventions on April 9, 192. for the purpose of electing del egates to attend the republican county convention to be held at Weeping Water on April 16, 1892, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp for the pur pose of selecting nineteen delegates to attend the district convention to last week, "have declined three fourths of 1 fer cent, and are now 18 per cent lower than a year ago at this time." Let us be thankful for this. A little more than a year ago di"ers and sundry gentlemen were shout ing themselves hoarse on plat forms, and wearing their pencils out on paper, with predictions of higher prices ou account of the tariff. Indeed, they told us that prices were going to be so high that nobody would be able to buy anything. Let us be thankful that it is not so. This is a time when people think much about buying. House clean ing time is at hand. The question arises, "Can we afford a new car pet?" To be sure we can. Carpets are lower than ever, really and truly as cheap in the United States, quality for quality, as in that famous Old Kngland, of whose free trade policy the quondam prophets of evii to America are so enamored- The furniture is getting to look shabby. Can we afford to buy some new articles? Well, furniture is cheaper than it was last year, and it is cheaper here than in England, or, quality considered, than any where else. Or perhaps we are tired of paying rent. Can we afford to buy a home? If we have good health, steady em ployment, and prudent habits, most certainly yes. Besides which, that reduction of 13 per cent in the value of commod ities, of which Dun's review speaks, will help largely in payment for a home. Let us be very thankful that we live in the United States, and let us hope that our free trade friends will cease from croaking of disaster in the midst of prosperity.--Inter Ocean. SECHKT sm'HCrite WO. 47 Meet rvrn "li. .. rv l)M , tltnetrh liii, I'armt- e & tran h All vi ltiu KniirhtN Hit coidU ly i v ted to attei. M. N (infllth, C. ,. ; tt I'ovey.K.K S. K1 O U. W No. 84 Meets t'u-i tout iJ-.ir Friday v-i intra In Oie month a J.A ' ball in ttoi.-kwood blocn. M v0r1rii M" r. P. brown, Keeorder. . VMS MJJCK. No NS I C ' ' lllf.-TK V ry Ttieday hIkIii at their I t. Kityei-a-Mock All Odd Fellow art .rciM ' i v l' -Hitend hft viitt. r tii t!i v "liri- re ewn, N (J.;H F.OHbfim, s-netay DOVAI. V MrM Hi I h K AKCaNAM-IV Oic ih-11 No 10;.. of hall in til I'H'liielf Cr it: block ovr Hei ne: t & mm'h, vihUIi. brethren invited Henry ;. Y.nn hVuMi' Thos M'alliuK, Secreiarv. AO. V. '.,.8. Meela tirt tinn ihnv nd;. evejiiiK" of ea h inonib at li in RockwiMik block. Frank Ne-nil'yea. I), P buersoie, iecordr. I"E;KKE OK HON K. meets fecon ! an f north Thursl;ivs ot each until into (. F halMn Kltzir- raid it Tlon Lady of 1 lor bl -k. Mm F. Hoy 4 Itelle Vermylca. recorder. GA R-McPoniliie Pont No. 45 ine t ever Stur y evening m 7 : : in hir Ibill ii 'ockwood block All vlsitiittf comrades an cordially Invited to eet with us. Fred Hates Pont Adjniant ; (i. F. Niles. Po f'oinniadder. rjRD'K OK THE WDRLU, MeetH at 7 : 30 every Monuav evening at the Grand Arm hall. A.F. orooin, president, Tli Wallinn secretary. CASh CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. ni' ets even second and Fourth Monday t v nlngn in Fitzgerald h,l. VIhUiuk neinhb.rn welcome. P. ('.. Hanxen, V. C. : P. Wertenbertier. W. A. S. C. Wilde. Clerk i CAPTI' II E PALMER CAMP NO 50 Sons of Veteraiix. division of Nebraska. I 8. A. meet wry 'l uesdav niKlit at 7 :30 oVl. ck In t heir ball In Fitlicerald b ock . II son" an visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander ; li. A. 'o Elwain. 1st Seargent. DMJt.HTERS OF KEKECCA bud of Prom -1 e Lodue N .. 40 meets the second ano fourth Thursday evenii gs of each month in the V O. O. . h:ll. Mrs. T. E. llliams, N G. ; Mrs. John Cory, Secretary. YOUNG MEN'S iHRISTION- SOCIATIO Waterman block Main Street. Koom! ijpen frm 8 :30 a ni to S :30 p n For men only Gosj el meeting every Sunday afternoon at a j'eioek. PJEGREE OF HOXOR Eeets the first and third Thrursday eveninjjs of each month in I. O. O. t". hall, Fitzgerald block. Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Xannie Hurkel, sister secretary. U'NRUH : KEEPS Whitney's Carriages And the 0.. i.iv It.. PRICES A re away down y b) it y y CALL AND SEE Spot Cash Hardware. MANY YKAKS AGO THIS POKT WKOTK: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits our case exactly C If. DITjXN Always has on band a full stock of beheld al Falls City on April 28, 1892, &OQd sig.n? DEMOCRATIC ARGUMENT. Reptjblicart: "Our exports for last year foot up a total of $957,339,705, a u increase over the previous year of $111,340,102: don't you call that a G. I R. CAMP FIRE APRIL 9, 1892 AT ROCKWOOD : HALL. FLOUR AND FEED, Corn, Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled Hav for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part of the city. CORNER SIXTH AND TINE 'lattsmouth, Nebraska v-rT- T- T-J T T" T) XT U MANtTFACTCKK OF AND UIR OLE -SALE" AND RETAIL IIIALIBIMTHK and fourteen delegates to attend the state convention at Kearney to be held on April 27, 1892, and tor the transaction of such other business as may come before the convention- The basis of representation is fixed at one delegate for every fifteen votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for George II. Hastings for attorney- general at the general election held in 1890, and one delegate-at-large for each ward and precincL Wards and piecincts entitled to delegates, and times and places for holding primaries, as follows: percen- Democrat: No, I don't." Republican: "Wh' not?" Democrat: "What's the tage of increase?" Republican: Thirteen per cent." Democrat (triumphantly) : "Well, ain.t 13 an unlucky number?" The Herald is in receipt of Vol. I, No. I of a newspaper called Liber ty. It is published in the interests of the independent party, edited by W. C. Holden. , Congress has been in session over enOJCEST BRANDS OF CIGARS rtrLi. ux(or TOBACCO AND SMOKEjvS ARTICLES always in stock f ' ".Miiouu . three months and has not done a Stopher's lumber office. 5 p.m. sin e-le thino- to oromote the welfare urrenwoon, o ueiegates, town nII, 0f the rountrv. i p. in. rlattsmouth, . f.' Tf . II. CUSH1XG, PrtfUUnt, Salt Creek, 7 delegates, Greenwood town, 7 p. m. Stove Creek, 9 delegates, G. A. R. hall, Elmwood, 8 p. m. Nebrassa Llmwood, 6 delegates, Murdock, 8 p. m. South Bend, 4 delegates, school house, 7:30 p. m. Center, 6 delegates, Manley, 3 p. m. Louisville, 7 delegates, Justice Cline s office, 8 p. m. Avoca, 6 delegates, Ilutchins school house, 3 p. m. J. W. Johnson, Tice-PrtridmiL -OOOT H EOOO- IV - THE APRIL FORUM. Articles of political timeliness in the April Forum are; A discussion of the several phases of "The Crisis of the Democratic Party," by the Hon. Wm. L. Wilson, of West Vir ginia, who writes in favor of "a campaign for a principle," viz. tariff reform; by Frederic R. Coudert, the leader of the anti-Hill democrats in New York, on the revolt against Senator Hill: and by by Matthew Hale, a well-known constitutional McConihe Post No. 45 will hold a rousing camp fire on Saturday eve ning, April 9th, the aniversary. Turn out everybody as we will have somethtng that will interest you. J3. -A.. DORSE'S" Will give us a talk on the Anderson raid which consisted of 24 men who went down in the very heart of the rebellion at Big Shant', Georgia, captured an engine and several cars and made there escape, it is one of the most thrilling incidents of the war. Money spent to hear Comrad Dorsey will be well spent COMKAD DORSEY is no hum bug as he was one of the 24 raiders call by the rebele "the engine theivss ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Supper will be served by the W. K. C m the O. A. K. Han. COME EVERYBODY. REMEMBER AT ROCKWOOD HALL, APRIL 2 ALL THAT WE WANT S Your Trade on HARDWARE, CUTLERY, STOVES, TOOLS, TINWARE, WOODENWARK N H J I2T FlATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA a wito t Do i in $so,ooo 1 1 tienrj t-iKenoary. jvi w Morgan. J H Gushing general banxing business trans it acted. Interest allowed on de- js. posite8. H if ML Pleasant, 5 delegates, Gilmore authority, on the theft by the demo- scnooi nouse, 4 p. m. crata o the New York senate. Be Jiignt mile urove, delegates, sides these, is a thorough review of neu scnooi nouse, dp.m. the chansre in Iowa from a reoubli iwioeny, t aeiegates. Union, 7p.m. can to a democratic majority. "Is Nehawka, 6 delegates, Nehawka, Iowa a Doubtful State?" bv Gov. ' P- m- Tohn N. Irwin T" t rl . rr . ...... I woes iJiuns, rirst district, 6 dele- There are two literary articles of a nr m I fcdies, nurray, p. m. unusual value one. an autobio- Rock Bluffs. Second district, 3 del- Uraohical article about his own egates, Rock Bluffs, 7 p. m. opinions and methods, bv the late Plattsmouth precinct, 7 delegates, Prof. Edward A. Freeman: and Taylor school house, 4 p. m. another on "The Learning of Lan- Plattsmouth city, First ward, 8 guages," by Phillip Gilbert Hamer- oeiegates, council chamber, 5 to WATCHES, - CLOCKS, - SILVERWARE and Jewelry. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. satisfaction guaranteed t N M N : : H. M. GAULT. : : Room -with Snyder, Soutn Main Street. J E. REYNOLDS, Begistered Pbyaician and Pharmacist Special attention given to Office Practice. Rock Bluffs - Neb. IRST : NATIONAL : BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA up capital $.v.noo.oo 10.000.09 p. m. ; Second ward, 8 delegates, school house, 5 to 7 p. m. : Third ward, 11 delegates, Richey's lumber office, 5 to 7 p. m. ; Fourth ward. 9 ton. Economic and historical articles are on the great coal combination. "Our Anthracite Supply and Dis tribution," by Joseph S. Harris, I delegates, county clerk's office, 5 to president of the Lehigh Coal and delegates. Navigation Company; "The Ger- rs the very beet facilities for the promp trancactlon of llgitimate Hanking Business bock, bond. gold. ROTerDraent and local ?e liM bought and sold. Deposits reoiv-.i nd interest allowed on the certificate rfta drawn, available In any part of rir 'd State ana all the prti-cipai twa o- CTIOS MADK AND PEOMPTLV RIMIT- r y ted. ijLlgheit market price pnid for County War f rants. State ana County bond. DIRECTORS ' . - V. . - , . n w. . , 8am Wauifh. V R ivht: . George E. Dovry i p. in.; Fifth ward, 4 school house, 5 to 7 p. m weeping Water precinct, 5 dele gates, Cascade school house, 7:30 p. m. Weeping Water cit3 First ward, 5 delegates, Churchill building. 8 p m. ; Second ward, 6 delegates, coun cil chamber, 8 p. m. ; Third ward, 3 delegates, Tidball & Fullers's office, S p. in lotai. lot delegates M. M. Butler, A. L. Timulix, Chairman Secretary. President Catl9- EICHTEEN PER CENT LOWER.. Prices of commodities as a whole" says Dun's review of trade for the mans as Emigrants, '. by the cele- drated German economist Prof. jencken; "Keiormatory fnsons as Schools of Crime," by Wm. P. An drews, clerk of the criniidal court i at Salem, Mass. . .n interesting discussion oi a social institution is "The Burial Monoply of Peris," by Edmund R. Spearman; and Prof. R. L. Garner who has reduced the speech of apes to an intelligent stud, gives the re sult of his latest researches. The Forum, New York, 50 cts a copy, $5 a year. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. A. WATERMAN k m That is all; ' Nor do we want it long"- just for a few years, say twenty or more and if you will grant us this "little" our cup of happiness will be full to overflowing. In return you will have little to want, lor in these goods we offer the best and most complete line made in thiauntr' to-day and That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourseWes. WILL YOU NOT GIVE US THE "LITTLE" THAT WE WANT. t J. W. Hendee, & Co. AJOW IS YOU ClfiLJGE J x The Weekly -AND- Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Bazar Harper'e Weekly $1 85 - 2 45 400 - 4 80 4 80 o is 3 Iowa State Register Western Rural -The Forum Globe-Democrat -Inter Ocean 3 0 2 86 5 54 8 It 3 25 501 Vine Street. e Tinje o Subscribe LUMBER ME AT MARKET fitTTTT STPPET F. H. ELLENBAUM, Prop. Subscribe for THE PLATTSMOUTH Daily Herald at 15 cents a week. Shingles, Lath, Sash. Doors, Blinds Can supply ererw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street id rear of opera boess. For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points n"-th, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or' Canada. For . INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWNSEND, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. t J. C. PHILLIPPI, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. APGAR. Agt., Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also freeh Egg and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. Mea SIXTH STREET T MARKET DENTISTRY S3iOLD AKD PORCELAIN CKCWM Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. OK. STEINACS LOCAL a well as other an estbeticsfdvea for the nam less extraction of teeth. C. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald Block