- DUItUffOTpX & MISSHITHl HIV EH R. R. OKIAILY FASiiKNOEK TRAINS COING EAST No. 2 . : i r v No . .. Wo. S 7;44 p. m No. lo .... . in No. 12 .. :! No. W : GOING WSST ni 3 :45 a. I'liahtieH'M ex'r.i l 'cliM-k f r nt., t! : mi ii;-r i t. ii- ... ' ' So r. - i, ti No. . .. ftft ' " ii. i: II a. tri i m ' ' : i ?i I), i -i' MISSOURI fAf'tUr tlAILM'Ar TINT. CARD. N". 3m Arc i 1 N. 3' Train- na lv ( 111. to 1' Beiiiiiinir v.iili S.iin:'!.i the Radinjr Room- v. ii! ! o;.i u iir ;! jreneral jiil!i ". I ' " - ', l" li ! in 5 r. in. :ml finui :'.' it in. r r tti. A Isirfr li -! of " ' i' ' - - ly paper ami i ri I matter will ! in supply for all win desire to visit tii- r ii". An piTsotl not a iin-iiilx'i' f tl'- as-oria tion m.iy s 'cun- a .ik I deposit inif value of s-sinie with 1 i li ai i.i n. from which will ! l-Iutti-l icu Cents upon ils rrtuni. l'iiiic limited to two weeks. Ni-nilt of the Kx celsior Library ;r" entitled to full use of books free. "Our Irlsii V sltors " "Our Irish Visit r." with Tlioinis K. Murray as the Mar. come.- to ti e Waterman in many ways iniprov ! and strengthened. Frank lavi. who has taken the place of Mark Murphy, is a clever fun-maker, ami an able second t. Murray. Tin specialty people arc alout the Lest in the business. Katie Kooney, the bright youn datihier of the famous "rat," heatl.- the list, and made a bijr hit in lier "di: ami dances. Hattie Delaro IJ.irin Mag gie Klise, Helena C'.e, Will l trie, and Kdward Sauford all have some thing interesting to do. "Diy Visitors" is a rollicking farce-eoni-edy of much more merit than many more pretentious pieces, and a lare audience should reet them at the Waterman to-morrow nilit. REGISTER TO-MORROW. Candidates may be found on all corners. You should see Hrown & Barrett's stock of wall paper. j To-dav is nav .lay for the school dome. o a hoi,er ,,a1 bee" removed, teachers of the citv. Explosive Power of Benzine. An explosion of benzine vapor at the Baldwin Locomotive Works, February 10, killed two men and serio'usly injured a third. The ten pound pirl made its t ppear ancc at the residence of Mr. and Mr-. Apirar last nijjlit. fudire Kamsey married Jacob I. Millar a.wl Mi-s Anna R. Long1 at an - .V vei i' ; 1 1 i h ofli,- ifu- :io' i. All of -U of t he .oil" c - u i t y W.. !'!.-: 2, l-9. r . i V,I rl - I r -i-i.-i S'-Coll'l Piiirl. fl.i J : : I 1 i 1 i -- La in Wee i;'i;' I i i I i ii i mil 'a j i- in l'h ,-nli'-IIKIL.' if .1,1 1 lr lriltlk':. 1 1 1 1 1 1 .") ivli.i h .' i. :i Ki.ier A;i liieacli a' c'lurc.li rai orliitk : :i i o'clock. Wil-on i.- 5 o'clock yesterday residents and lecturers mi ate alliances of Cans r-queHted to meet in r on Saturday, April and just before the noon hour the men applied a considerable quan tity of benzine to bolt and rivet heads inside the boiler to soften the rust and scale. On resuming work one of the men got inside the boiler, and a boiler maker's lamp was lowered to him. A consider able quantity of benzine vapor had probably accumulated in the boiler and mixed with air, for an explosion took place, and the body ot the in d n inside the boiler was i fired like a projectile straight up 'I'io.i in the different ! ward through the dome opening Imlu. Six have been ! aati lodged in the roof trusses i . .ie First, one in the j overhead. The overhead electric l Fourth ant none in the crane had to be run underneath in j order to reach him. Notwithstand- I ! ti (i uitviirit linrnu utwl nMipr iniiiriaa it- week says that I . . . . . . . 1 ' lie liveu alter ttie accident lor sev eral hours. The workman who lowered the lamp into the boiler, and who was standing directlj over the dome opening, is supposed to have been struck by the body of the man inside. He was also bl wu upward, struck one of the roof braces, and fell on a pile of iron plates, lie died in a few minutes. The third workman was standing on top of the boiler between the cab and the dome. He was thrown to the ground and badly burned and bruised. Ex. wei-K says eaflnd a white heat Water, and that the has been left a long ear. ra.i in a traveling i ni-ht, charged with Judge Archer fined co-is, in default of ; rol-i r tip in jail. u of Lincoln will A Magnificent Combination For the People. x x Tlje J?opqlfii ml Widc-5.'vvqlc ONE - PRICH: - CLOTHIER Is Receiving a Popular Line of the LATEST SPEIIG ATTRACTIO tin Lv Colored liaplist 'ay morning at 11 r-uiiilay evening at 7 r I. ody invited. Mr. d peaker. ili - meeting of the it uhlicaii club lo- ;oiicil chamber at 8 ..emhers are urgently e present as business i- to be transacted. Rem -Mi. her young i t-u' uiiih'. a' tiie oclo.-k. .All requej-te i :t i ot luipoi fan.' We-pir.g- w ater i- all cut up over the city election which occurs in ahoiit I ami weeks. It seems to be aooui etjit.tily divided between the republicans, democrats, prohibi-tionic-is, independents, temperance and tfie saloons. Frank Hull while riding in a wag on last Thursday seated in the rear One of the most enjoyame fociai - of the bt.t,t w.,s j0jted out, owing to gatherings of the season took place j the hors. s getting scared and mak at the residence of li. O. Marquadt. ; iaff a sulltJen turtl. ln strikiug the at Avoca Saturday evening, in lion- I roilIul his knee Was dislocated, or of the graduation and return j Fri,nk is able to get around but home of their popular and highly ' flt,8 it quite painfui. Weeping esteemed townsman. J. F. Hrendel Water Re publican. I. M. Ward was home from Louis- i Vltli -all nf 1 - ; t akf a. Ir ailr ITa wud graduated ! , , , . , ' r M. D., who has been attending- the! Physio-Medical college of Indiana, ; at Indianapolis, and March 16, 02, with high honors. At 8 o'clock about seventy-five of his friends gathered at the above named residence, an 1 the doctor was sent for poste-haste and on entering- the gate was greeted with a serenade bv the Avoca ' band. He tried to look as if he was not at all surprised but made a signal failure of it and on enterinc the parlor was further surprised by the greeting and con gratulations of his many friends. After quiet had been restored Mr. C. A. Kaufman in a neat little speech, presented him with a beau tiful and comfortable rocker, a pres ent from the merchants of Avoca. The evening was spent in cards and other games and at about 11 o'clock refreshments were served which would have done honor te Delmon ico's, after which the guests depart ed with highly flattering expres sions of their evening's enjoyment. Weeping Water Republican. World's Fair Notes. Austria will make a fine exhibit of glass, porcelain, bronze, leather, artistic iron and cabinet work. The Bethlehem Iron Company, of South Bethlehem, Pa., will make an extensive exhibit, including steel rails, a battle-ship shafting 123 feet in length, guns, projectiles, an armor-plate ingot weighing 100 tons, and various naval appliances. The company will also erect a full-size model of its famous 125-ton- steam hammer, said to be the largest in the world. ' It will be to all appear ances a perfect duplicate in every respect. It will span the main ave nue of - Machinery ' Hall, and will rise to height of ninety feet. - At the last Paris exhibition great attention was attracted by a similar model shown by the Creusot works, but representing only a 100-ton hammer. E. Seyderheim, horticulturist to the emperor of Austria, has written from Buda-Pesth that he will con tribute to the Exposition's floral dis play a collection of the rarest roses, embracing 200 standard, 200 half standard tree roses and 400 rose hushes. Mrs. Frna Wait, one of the lady managers of California, has offered to finish in redwood one of the large .reception rooms in the Woman's Building. The French government, through the efforts of Minister Whitelaw Reid, has agreed to permit the Ex position authorities to send into France, free of duty, electrotypes of buildings and other Exposition matter intended for use in French papers, to stimulate interest in the Jair. to his bed time. He was well enoug Monday to go over to Louisville to look after his stock that was saved from the fire. He will open up at once in the old Louisville house until the new bank building is completed, when he will occupy one of the rooms in it. Weeping Water Republican. An event of unusual importance transpired here last Friday after noon, March 18th. The records of our past history showidg a similar circumstance only on two occa sions. The birth of a boy and gii! (twins) this time at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Wilkinson. - The proud parents are receiving the congratulations of friends with be coming dignity and meekness. ' Weeping Water Eagle Master Paul Sitzman was placed in a rather trying predicament this noon. While trying to recover some money which he had lost in the sewer man-hole at the corner of Fifth and Vine streets, he got both arms pinioned between the grating and was unable to remove them After remainining in this painful position for over an hour, lying flat on his breast and his face pressed against the iron grating, his swol len arms were finally extricated. An unlimited variety of the best makes in every line. Called. There will be a meeting of the board of directors and persons in terested in Y. M. C. A." work, in the association ' rooms, Wettenkamp block, " Friday evening, March ' 25. The object of the .meeting is to determine the werk of the associa tion for the ensuing year, which begins April 1. All interested are requested to be present. ; I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to ' Fly's Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation, l nave used rt more or less half a year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have euffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it witu excellnnt results. Oscar Ostura. 45 Warren Ave., Chi cago 111. Gentlemen would not use "Blush of Roses" if it was a paint or pow der, of course not. It is clear as water, no sediment to fill the pores f the skin. Its mission is to heal, cleanse and purify the complexion of every imperfection, and insures every lady and gentleman a clean, smooth complexion." Sold by 0. 11. Snyder. Price 75 cents. Subscribe for The PLATT8MOUTH DAtLY Herald at 15 cents a week. Wanted: An- energetic man to manage branch office. Only a few dollars needed. Salary to start $75 er month and interest in business, he Western Co., Kansas City, Mo. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR ELEGANT STOCK OF WALL PAPt- R. WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE F.N EST LINE OF WALL. PAPER IN THE COUNTY, OUR PRICES DOES THE SELLING FOR US REMEMBEK OUR STOCK. OF PAINTS. OILS, AN D VARNISH ES. ETC. RESPECTFULLY, BROWN & BARRETT. Base Ball Meeting-. A large and enthusiastic base ball meeting was held at the council chamber last night to elect officers and make arrangements for the coming season which will open on Mav 1st. The following: officers were elected: President Ed. Oliver. Vice President H. C. McMaken. Secretary C. S. Sherman. Treasurer Tom Patterson. Board of Directors Tom Patter son. Bvron Clark and G. F. S. Burt- on. T. M. Patterson was elected temp orary manager. The players are ordered to report for duty April 15. A force is at work to-day fixing up the grounds. He has a determination and the ability to make THE BEST PJ HOES. Be fair with yourseif and give - (IB M & lool before ptiiclsir. Look out for JOK'S new ad in a few days, it will knock the candle silly. PERSONAL. Register To-morrow. The board of registration will set to-morrow and next day at the fol lowing places: First ward M. O'Rourke's tailor shop. Second ward Turner hall. Third ward I. H. Dunn's feed store. Fourth ward County clerk's office. Fifth ward T. L. Minor's resi dence, i John Boone is on the sick list. J. G. Richey was in Omaha to-day on business. Wm. Weber departed for Omaha this morning. Hon. W. B. Shryock, of Louisville, is in the city to-day. R, W. Hyers was down to Union to-day on business. A. B. Nealy and wife departed for Omaha this morning. Rev. J. T. Baird left on No. 5 for Omaha this morning. Hon. R. B. Windham returned this morning from the east. Chas. Murphy is confined to his room on account of sickness. Mrs. D. B. Sovocal was a passen ger for Omaha this morning. Mrs. C. C. Parmele went up to W. Holmes Startling Facts The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks Omaha thif morning on No. 5, and the tollowtng suggests, tne T . . . . . beat remedvt alohouso Humoflinir. - J- Streight and C of Butler, Penn, swears that when departed this morning for Bartlett, his son was spechless from st. Vitus I Iowa, to hunt ducks. Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. 1 VJV-1 Miller of Valprai and. T.D. Taolnr, from Shenandoah last evening for of Logan8port, Ind each gained 20 a visit with friends Gardner, of Vastulr Ind. was cured Mayor Richey, Sam Shumaker of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and and I, H. Dunn were passengers for much aeadach, dizzness, bockach I Omaha this mrning, bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of John B. Archer, who was reported Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & last evening as being very low, is Co., who recomenda Uiis unequalled notTnuch better to-day Brown & Barrett were successful in securing: the agency for Nebras ka of the only house in the U. S. who make a specialty of new de sig-ns of wall paper for city trade. The people of Plattsmouth should call at their store and see the new things just out in the wall paper line. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the county commissioners of Cass county at their office in the city of Platts msuth, Nebraska, until noon of April 10, 1892, for the grading and sodding of the court house grounds in said city, according to plans and specifications in the office of the county clerk. Frank Dickson, County Clerk. Itch on human and horses animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails Sold F. G. Fricke & Co. druggist Plattsmouth. remedy. District Court. The jury was put all night in the Fairfield-Carnes case and failed to get a verdict. They were discharged at 9 o'clock this morning. The replevin case of Shrider vs Wm. lighe, jsneritt, tne jury brought in a verdict for the plain tiff for $20. Anna White ys. The Burlington Relief Department was tried before Judge Chapman today and is in the j wood hands of the jury. Geo. Rummell and D. Dunbar, of Pacific Junction were in the city this morning on business. Henry Hemple and family left over the Missouri Pacific -railway for their home in Denison, Texas. Mrs. C- D. Clappe yras in the city last-night as it was the regular re hearsal of the musical . association Judge Ramsey granted permit to wed to-day to Tohn G. Lomes and Kate E. Frederick, both of Green REGISTER TO-MORROW. Some Fooll6h People ' allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine They sav. "Oh. it will wear away, out in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the success ful Kemps Balsam, which Hot Serines. Ark Carlsbad of America. On April 6th, 7th and 8th the M. P. will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs. Ark., at one lowest first is sold on a positive guarantee to j class fare, good returning until cure, they would see the excellent Tnne 10th, on account of govern- ment sale of lots and meeting effect' after taking; the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. ' 1 Why will you cough when Shi- loh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke 6c Cc of the Southern Central Turnverin Association. Call at office for par ticulars. Finest line of wall paper in the city at Brown & Barrett's. New Washington Penn , People Are not slow about taking hold of a new thing, if the article has merit. A few months aero JJavid iyers, oi that place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's cough remedy, lie has sold it all and ordered more. He says: 'It has criven the best of satisfaction. I have warrantad ev ery bottle and have not had one come back." 25 cent, 50 cent, and $1.00 bottles for sale by F. G. Gricke & Co., druggists. Wanted A girl to do general housework. Good wages. 23-tf Mrs. W. J. Hesser. Catarrh in Colorado. I used Ely's Cream Balm for dry catarrh. It proved a cure B. F. M. Weeks, Uenver. Ely's Cream Balm is especially adapted as a remeby for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline Dust and dry winds. W. A Hover Druggist, Denver. I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to all suffers from dry catarrh from personal experience. Michael Herr, Pharmacist, Denber, Ely's Cream Balm has cured many cases of catarrh. It is in con stant demand Geo. W. Hoyt, Phar macist, Cheyenne, Wy. TO SHIPPERS. Butter, Eggs, Cheese, ild Game. Poultry, Meat, Apples, Potatoes Green and Dried Fruite, Vegetables Cider, Beans. Wool, Hides, Tallow Sheep Pelts, Furs, Skins, Tobacco, Grain, Flour; Hay, Beeswax, Feath ers, Ginsing, Broomcorn, and Hops. M. E. BALLARD Gen. Com. Merchant and Shipper, 217 Market Street - St. Louis, Mo. WANTED A Kent, yce aexuaioted with Farm" rt and Shippers. K1 SECRET SOCIETIES NIGHTS OF I'YTHIAI Uauntlet Lodr no. 47. Meet every wednenday evenl' At, rhelr h ill In Pu.rin-t A- Cmiir block. All vi' iliutf kniirhts are eoidiallv Invited t attend V M. N. Gnimh. V. C. ; tin Povey. K. it. 8. A O, U. W. No. 84 Meets iecond and lourt' t Friday 'veninB.' in the month a'. i. A. K. hall in Ko k wood block, I. Voudran, M W, 1. P, Brown, Recorder, CASS LODUK. No: I4. I. O. O. K. meets ev sry Tuesday niuht at their hall In Fitzgerald block. AH Odd Fellow are cordially invited 'o attend when vnltlr.g in t!ie city. Chrlo Pet eren. N. G. ; H. F. Ofhorn," Secretary. i i i. ROYAL AKUANAM ("tfn Council No 1021, lx Meet at the K, of K. hall in the Parmele & Craig block over Bennett & Tutte, vlsiring brethren invited. Henry Gerlng, Regent ; Thos WalliDg, Secretary, AO. U, w,.. MeelB first and third Friday evejinjjH of each monibatG. A. K. Hall in Rockwook block. Frank Vermilyea, M, W. D, K. Kuersole, Recorder. rEGREE OF HONOR, meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month Inl.O. O. F hall in Fitzifrald block. Mrs. F. Boyd, Lady of Houor ; Belle Verniylea, recorder. GA. R.McConlhie Pont No. 45 meets every 3atur'iay evouintr at 7 : 30 lo 'heir Hall In Hock wood block. All visiting comrades are cordially invited to eet with us. Fred Hates, Pont Adjniant ; G. F. Niles, Poet Commadder. ARDKK OK THE WORLD, Meets at 7 : 3 every Mrnnav evening at the (irand Army hall. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling, secretary. CASH CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every second and Fourth Monday evnlngs ln Fitzgerald hall. Vinitmg neighbors welcome. P. n. HanseD. V. C. : P. Werteuberger, W. A.. S. C. Wilde, Clerk. fTAPTAIN H E PALMER CAMP NO 60 Sons of Veteran, division of Nebraska, U 8. A. meet every Tuesday night at 7 -J30 o'clock in their hall in Fitlgerald block. All sons and visiting comrades are cordially invited to meet with us J. J. Kurtz, Commander ; B. A. Mc Elwain, 1st Heargent. TAACGHTERS OF REBECCA - Bud of Prom-1-e Iodue No. 40 meets the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month in the i; O. O. K. hall. Mrs. T. E. Williams, N . tl. ; Mrs. John Cory, secretary. TTOUNG MEN'S CHRISTION SOCIATION X Waterman block Main Street. Rooms open from 8 :30 a in to 9 :30 p m. For men only Gospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'elock. P)EGREE OF HOXOK-Eeets the first - and third Tlirursdavevcninifs of each month in I. O. O. F. hall, Fitatuerald block. . Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Hono Mrs. Nannie iJurkel. sister secretary. " N MI M M JiT WATCHES. CLOCKS, - SILVEKWAKE and Jewelry. REPAIKS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SATISFACTION (JI'AKAN'TEF.ll N N N N : H. M. GAULT. : -t Rw m with Snytlcr, Koutn fain Strc1 E. REYXOLDS, Registered Physician and Pharmacist Special attention ijireii to Office Practice. Rock Bluffs - Xek. V - S