FRIDAY. MARCH, 4. 1892 Geo. Mattison, of South Bend is in the city to-day. Wall paper! Wall paper! atGering C.A.Miller went up to Omaha this morning. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hall left this morning on No. 9 for Omaha. Joseph Chapman, brother of Judge Chapman, wan an Omaha visitor to-day. If you want to see the latest style of hats, go to JOK the popular One Price Clothier. tf Mist Ida Hoimell of Chicago is the guest o' Postmaster Streight and family. GerinirA Co have iust received a large invoice of wallpaper, for spring house cleaning. the tf The social at Rockwood hall last night did not prove to be a financial success. George Hilling- was fined $25 and costs in police court for assaulting a man named butler with knife. It is town talk that Brown & Bar rett's is the only place to find a new and compute stock ot wall paper, Miss Lizzie Wright, principal of the schools at Boone, Iowa, is visit ing in the city, a guest of her sister Miss Margaritea Wright. Chas'. Baily, a prominent farmer o Cass county left this morning with his household goods via the Mis souri Pacific for Big Springs, Burglars broke into the house oc cupied by Mart Cushing at an early hour this moraine but they were tn cared away before they got any thing. Jas. Mathews received notice that the claim of Warren II. Warden had been allowed and he will hereafter draw $8 per month. Mr. Mathews made application November 2, 1891 for this pension. The contractors will have the new court house ready to turn over to the county by the 23th of this month, The office furniture has been or dered and the county offices will be located in their new quarters by 1st of April. World's Fair Notes. ' An Ohio world's fair commission tyr has estimated that the exhibitors from his state will spen upwards of $ j.OCO'COO in the preparation of their exhibii for the exposition. The California building at the fair will be an imposing structure of the "old mission" type, ;116 by 90 feet, with a dome and costing about $75,IT0. It will be surrounded by a hedge of Monterey cypress. Denmark will spend about $5,5C9 in showing as a leading feature of its World's fair exhibit, a Danish dairy, -complete and in operation The dairy interest is one of the most approved methods and me- chanical appliances are utilized in the dairies of that country. Vermont will have a building at the exhibition without drawing on the state appropriation for the cost of its erection. One hundred sub stantial citizens have guaranteed ,$10,C-3 for that purpose, each one pledging himself to pay $10. Michigan's building will measure 103x140 feet and be three stories high. It will be constructed of Michigan material, which the f urn ishing will be donated. Though but $20,000 of the appropriation will be devoted in its erection, it will in reality be a $50,0CD building. Italy will make no "governmental display at the exposition. The king, however, has recognized the fair, by appointing a commission, and minister of state, Rudini, has informed Vice President Bryan and Director Higinbotham, that the government will encourage indi vidual exhibitors in every way pos sible. He even intimated that the government would pay for the transportation of exhibits. Mr. Hig ginbotham reports that there is throughout Italy much enthusiasm over the exposition and that the painters, sculptors, and manufac turers of artistic wares are hard at work on intended exhibits- Brief News Items. A new carriage factory has been completed at Seward ana will ad to the business done there. Both Linclon and Nebraska City have cemeteries called Wyuka. There are 265 G. A. R. posts in Ne braska with a membership of 8,220 C?At Denver, Colorado the police made 639 arrests and the detectives 150 during February. The Norfolk beet sugar factory is receiving thirty tons of beet seed -from France. About 300 new farms will be set tled on this spring in the vicinity of Hartington. Wanted. . A bright, intelligent boy to work in postomce. .ciitiuuc pu. anaster- tf CALLED BACK OTHER KAMI Nebraska Prohibitionist Ht a Rd ' HorTIrm In Thoir CenvtBliM. Lincoln, Neb., March 3. The pro bibiticn s'ate convention to elect delegates to the national conven tion which meets in St. Louis June 3, met at Red Ribbon hall yester day afternoon and evening. The convention may be described as one immense wrangle. The following delegates were elected: Charles Watts, A. Roberts, Mrs. L. D. King Lincoln; C. D. Stromis, T. P. Wigton, Mrs. Belle Bigelow, Mrs. Mary Hitchcock. Fremont: Ada M. Bit- tenbender, H. K. George, Lincoln; Mrs. C. M. Wood ward, Seward; L. V Moody. Omaha: A. T. Wolfenber- ger, C. K. Bentley, Lincoln. The great fight came in the eve nine over the election of the two national committeemen. C. K. Bentley and T. P. Wigton were nom inated, whereuuon Mrs. King of Lincoln moved to substitute A. T Wollenberger in place of Bentley. The air was soon blue. Mr. Roberts of Lincoln got up and roundly scored the actions of Wolfenberger during thi last campaign. He ac cused him of drawing a salary when the rest of the brethren were home working for the cause for nothing. Others followed in the same line. The gist of the charge was that Wolfenberger had done more for his own interests than he had for the good of the cause. Mrs. King made a red hot speech on behalf of Wolfenberger, and others of the same sex. After a red hot time, in which every body go mad, a call of the counties was de manded, which resulted in a com plete victory for Bentley and Wig- ton. The other business done was unimportant. Dawson & Pearce ARE STILL SELLING $L75 HATS AT COsT. ; Tho Vincent. Exchange: lhis excellent com pany began a week's engagement in our cosy opera house Monday night in the beautiful play entitled "Father and Son" and the operetta ine iJonn lei ish wile, ana to say they pleased the large audience is putting it mild. Felix A. Vincent gave a fine representation of the porter, the last scene being sepe cially fine Eva Vincent in both plays was at her best, ' the' singing and Scotch dialect catching on im mensely. Last night Eva Vincent gave a grand impersonation of Lady Isabel in "East Lynne," bringing tears from the large audience at will. This well known company will open Monday evening in "Father and Son," and "Bonnie Fishwife." In second act of "Father and Son' jewels and robes costing a small fortune will be displayed. Lovers of beautiful gowns should not fail to visit the opera house Monday evening. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents, All ladies will be admitted free Monday night if accompanied by a paid reserved seat ticket. The American Protective Tariff League has just issued a new cam paign text dook tor lsiu. it is en titled "American Tariffs from Ply mouth Rock to McKinley." This ittle book of 100 pages is perhaps the most complete brief presenta tion of the benefits of protection and reciprocity yet printed, and will be sent to any address for ten cents. In ordering please say, "Send me No. 52." This is the catalogue nura ber of the document. Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, general secre tary, No. 135 West 23rdstreet, New York. Gering&Co. have the finest line of spectacles in the city and can suit the eyes of both the old and young. 4-tf Musical Orsranlzation. The r musical association met last night at the M. E. church, for-the second rehearsal. .Mrs. ... - Clappe drilled the class until .nine, when the election of officers occurred, re sulting as follows: President, Jas, ettee; vice president, .Mrs. . Geo. ,E. Doyey;. secretary, W. N. Halsey; treasurer, J. K- ..Pollock; Librarian, O. A. Brown. A musical commit tee was elected comprising the fol lowing: Mrs. R. B. Windham, Dr. W. A. Humphrey and Miss Mc Clelland. After the election of officers the committee on constitution reported. On motion the constitution , was adopted by sections. A number of sections were thrown out entirely. The association will meet once a week. A permanent date will be se lected in the near future. Gentlemen would not use "Blush of Roses" if it was a paint or pow der, of course not. It is clear as water, no sediment to fill the pores f the skin. Its mission is to heal, cleanse and purify the complexion of every imperfection, and insures every lady and gentleman a clean. smooth, complexion. Sold by O. H. Snyder. Price 75 cents. i POUND DEAD. captain Donovan; .an Old and Ra- pecxea citizen Found Dead , at Neon To-day. , , -. Word was brought to the city abontlu) p. m, by Chas. Harris that a man was lying dead in the creek at the corner of Oak and Fif- teenin streets, ine coroner was at once notified and repaired to the spot. There , a ghastly sight met the gaze of .the large crowd gathered on the bank. With his head and shoulders on the south side of the creek, lying partly on the left side and his feet on the north side of the creek was the lifeless form of Capt. Donovan. Ihe unfortunate man was found by Thomas Janda about 1 o'clock this afternoon while looking along the bink of the creek for eggs. Mr. Kli Sampson says that at about four o'clock this morning someone came to his house and knocked at the front door, s lying that he was lost and wanting to know which direction to go to get to town. Mr. Sampson says that the hired girl told him to go one block north and then go east, he also said the gir thought that from the talk on the outside of the house theres were two men. If captain Denovan was the party that inquired which way he should go to get to town, he turned and went directly south instead of go ing north. After leaving the house he must have followed the side walk as far as it went then crossed the road and walked straight way into the creek, although no tracks could be seen and where he had reached the creek. It was plainly visible on the banks where he had been strug gling to out, he would get partly to the top of the bank and slide back. He was covered with mud from head to foot, and it is sup posed that he died from exposure and exhaustion. Mr. Thomas Janda says that he was awakened about four o'clock this morning by the barking of his dog, and that he got up out of bed and dressed and went out into the yard, but as he could not hear or see anything he went back to bed. It is reported the captain had been drinking hard for the past two or three days, and it supposed that while under the influence of liquor he had started for home and lost his way which finally cost him his life. The deceased leaves three chil dren, Miss Flora, who is teaching school near Ashland, George Don ovan, who is travelling - auditor of the U. P., with headquarters at Bois City, Idaho, and one son in Lincoln. The deceased was a member of the masonic lodge of this city and the funeral will be under their aus pices. An inquest will be held tonight. REGULAR MEETING OftheYovngr Mens Republican Club To-Nlarht. The young men's republican club will meet at the council chamber to-night at eight o'clock sharp. . As this is a regular meeting infportant business will be brought betore the club for its action. It is essential that all members be present. Jesse L, Root, Pres. M. N. Griffith. Sec'v. Killed at Schuyler. The dead body of George Wash ington Whitehall, a colored man, was found by Walter Moore a Un ion Pacific employee early this morning, lying near the switchhead on the main liue. He lay on his back on the end of . a long switch tie, as though deliberately placed there. At the right of his left ear cutting back to-ward the right ear was a wide open gash, five inches long and on the iron upright of the switch . were . . blood ' and brains, showing plainly what had inflicted the wound. Dr. Wprteehek, coroner impanelled a j ury to i nvestigate. It jia supposed that he jumped from the east bound night freight train and fell, striking his head Jon the switch. The republican city central com mittee meets tomorrow night ot the office of A. N. Sullivan at 8 o'clock. The committeemen are as follows: I. Unruh, fir6t ward; P. D. Bates second ward; O. C. Smith, third ward; J. N. Summers, fourth ward; and the committeeman from the fifth ward is either Harry Coolidge ar Joe Lloyd. Married. Mr. Lewis Swanson of this city was married to Miss Mary Cross, of Elillsdale, Iowa, at Glenweod, Iowa February 29, H. A.. Talles, a jus tice of the peace, officiating. County Clerk Frank Dickon has rented the residence property of A B. Todd and will move in a short time. Mr. Todd will move to Lin coln where he goes into partner ship with Mr. Dundas, the bridge builder. '" MlWbl -hi Xppmmaig9 Which Soi Carry oo.TJi-1- Head. - 'here arc a'jjqod many queer things to b told about horns." said Osteol ogist Lucas1 to a Washington Star 're porter. . "Take the. horn of toe rhln- ocerous, xor example. . it is nothing more than a protuberance composed .1 i v.... .... j ;OI rjjjjtuniiaic'i jiair.. , x uu vut ; -in tw-, and, examining it structure under the microscope, you find that it is made tip entirely of little Iu'ms re sembling hair tubes. Of c.u s tubes are not lii'-ni ;ch luiirs. ..: v the structure is the saie. Tho horns of the African rhinoceros sometimes groMr to the '01171 !i of four feet. From therl the l)V -h liiers make ramrods andtr' articles. Von may remem ber that the ha:i !io of i fie ax used by Unislopojuis in 'Aihm Quatermain' wa i a rhinoceros h In old times rhinbeerous horns v re employed for dnnking cups by rival personages, th' notion bi ini; t hat j- isn put into thnn would 'rw itself by bubbling. There may have been Home truth in the idea, inasmuch as many of tho ancient poisons were acids and they would decompose the horny material very quickly. ".Several spetfies of rhinoceros, now extinct and only found in a fossil state, used to exist which had no horns at all. The name, meaning as it does 'horned nose, is rather a misnomer in their case. Several kinds of rhinoceros in Africa have two horns, one behind the other, but the extinct rhinoceros. known as the dyceratherium, had a pair of horns on its nose side by side. Many of the giant reptiles of long ago had enormous horns. The great lizard known as the triceratops had a Dig horn over each eve and a little one on its nose. The dinoceras and the tinoceras, gigantic mammals of the tertiary epoch, had three pairs of prominences on their heads which are believed to have supported horns. However, the material of which horn s composed quickly decays, beinjr largely composed of gelatine and other animal matter, so that these appen dages are apt to be found absent when the fossil bones of beasts which had them are found. "Some fishes have horns which are actually outgrowths of bone on their neaas. ine Dox-nsh which inhabits uis warm waters oi ine giooe a nine fellow six or eight inches lone has horns an inch in length. Birds have horns also sometimes. The horned screamer, which is related to the duck, has a single horn attached to its skull. springing from a cartilaginous base and curving upward. It is really a modi fied feather, though a true horn. Plenty - of reptiles have horns. Lizards are very commonly provided with them. There are chameleons with three horns, like the ancient tricera tops. Horned toads have a sort of crest of four horns on the back, of their heads. There is a small African snake which has two horns. No horn ed tortoises now exist, but a . fossil specimen was found awhile ago on Lord Howe's island in the southern Pacific, which had four horns on its crest and resembled a cross between a horned toad and a snapping turtle. Doubtless you have have often heard of human beings with horns. . Such appendages in their case - are ; abnormal develop ments oi Done Remember JOE is the only Clothier that handles Wilson Bros. Furnish ing Goods, exclusively. tf Brown Sc Barrett were successful in securing the agency for Nebras ka of the only house in the U. S. who make a specialty of! new de signs of wall naoer for citv trade, The people of Plattsmouth should call at their store and see the new things just out in the wall paper line. La Grippe Successlully Treated. "I have just recovered from a sec ond attack oi the grip this year, says Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of trie leader, Wexica lexas. In tne latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the first attnek. The second attack, I am ratsfied, would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being struck with it, while in the first case I was able to atiend to business about two days before getting down. 59 cent hot ties for sale bj F. G. Fricke & Co, Irene'for the complexion, most useful toilet made, is highly medi cated and perfumed. Removes pimples; makes the skin clear and velvety, 5U cents at Brown cc isar- rets and O. H. Snyder. Notice of Stock Holders Meeting. The .annual meeting the stock holders of the Plattsmouth Loan and Building Assoctation will be held Monday March 1, 1802 at 8 a. m. at Kockwood Hall. 2t T. M. Patterson, Sec'y. I feel it my duty to Bay a few words in regard to Ely's Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. I have used it more or less half a year; 'arid "have "found it to be most admirable. I nave euffered from catarrh; of the worst kind ever since I .was a .little boy and I . never hoped - for :cure, but Cream, Balm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it witu esceiinnt . resuits.- Oscar Ostum. 45 .Warren Ave- Chi cago, 111. .. All those , owing personal and de linquent taxes will please call at treasurer's office and : settle same; The; office will he open pay day. eve ning, also the evening' following. -. Gus-AHters, ' ' Deputy Tax Collector. : WantbtLA i girl .to . do ' general housework: Good wages. . 23-tf ! Mrs. W. J. Hesser. A complete line of Wilson Bros. Furnishing Goods at TOE'S the One Price Clothier. tf REPUBLICAN STATE , CCTNVE!- The republican electors of trie . m ' Mate of Nebraska are requested jto send delegates from their several counties to meet in convention in the city of ..Kearney ..Wednesday ; April 2 ), t'" April 27,1892, at 11 o'clock .a. m,.. for rpose of electing four dele gates at large to the republican na tional convention to -be held 'in Minneapolis June 7, 1802. THE AI'I-OKTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. George II. Hastings for attorney general in lytM), giving one delegate at large to each county and one for each 150 votes and the major frac tion thereof: . Count lex Aduillr Antelope .. Hun tier IHuiiie Hoycl llootie .. . Hox Uutte, Jel. .. 11 Counties JolinHim Kearney Keye i'ulia... Keith--.-.. .... Kimhull Ktifcx I.uncaster .. lel. . . til Bro'wti ..... 4 Limoln tf liullalo . . Butler. . Hurt... . t'asn . . . . Cedar .... Cliase Cheyenne Cherry.... Clav. Colfax Cuming .. Cunter .... 1ijfnn Iouu... 9 Madison 6 McPhearson 2 Merrick 5 Nance.. .. 4 Nemaha - 0 Nuckolls 6 10 Otoe 9 4il'awnee ... t 7; Perkins 3 12ITierce 3 Dakota.. 4 I'helps 4 Dawe T'llatte 4 Dawson Polk ... 5 De'uel Dixon Ketl Willow 6 Kichardson 11 Kock 3 Dodjje 11 DoutrlaB. fHSal'ne 14 Dundy.... Kilmore. , Franklin , Frontier . . harpy 4 a maunders . . , 5 Scotts Bluff. 5 Seward 10 Furnas 5 Sheridan 6 Gajre 19 Sherman 3 Oarrield .. Gosper .. Grant ... Greely .... Hall .... Hamilton . Harlan 2 Sioux 2 2 Stanton .. 3 Thayer . 'Thomas 2 Jlhurston 4 Valley 4 4 Washington 7 3 Wayne 5 ves ........... Hitchcock Holt 4 Webster o Wheeler 2 Howard 4 TfOrk 12 Honker J... 2 Jeffersonji V ITotal 64 . It is recomended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present be auth orized to cast full votes of the dele gation. It recommended that the republi cans of every county in this state be requested to select their county central committee at the first coun ty convention held in their respec tive counties. Said committee to serve until the county convention of 1893 be held. Dr. S. D. Mercer, Chairman. Walt. M. Seeley. Secretary. FIRST D1S TRICT CONVENTION. The republican electors of the First congressional district of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties comprising said district to meet in convention in the city of Falls City, Wednesday, April 20, 1891, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing two delegates and two alternate delegates to the republican national convention to be held at Minneapolis June 7, 1892. THE ARPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, be ing based upon the vote cast for Hon. W. J. Connell for congress in 1890. One delegate for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof and one delegate at large from each county: Counties. Del. Counties Del. Cass 19 Otoe 13 iohnson.... 10 Pawnee 13 .ancaster 45 Richardson........ 16 Nemaha 12 Total 138 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present from each county cast the full vote of the delegation. W. II. Woo WARD, Chairman. Frank McCartney, Secretary. Wall paper at Brown & Barretts. New swring goods arriving every day at JOE'S your clothier. tf All persons indebted to the old firm of Weidmann & Brekenfeld are requested to call and settle immedi ately and avoid trouble. M----------l ' Not a few styles but the full line of the E. & W, at Joe's the One Price Clothier in fact. 22-tf New Washington Penn.. Poopl Are not slow about taking hold of a new thing, if the article has merit. A few months ago David Byers, of that place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough remedy. He has sold it all ana ordered more. He says: "It has given the best of satisfaction. I have warrantad ev ery bottle and have not had one come back." 25 cent. 50 cent, and $1.00 bottles for sale by F. G. Gricke Co., aruggists. Chopped feed Ground corn and oats in any quantity not less than 100 pounds at P. J. Hansen's gro cery, one door north of poet office. The population of Plattamouth 'Is about 10,000, add we would say at least ?neo-half are troubled with some enection on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to staaistics, more numer ous than others." We would" advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drug- Ciet ana get a bottle ot nemp a .Bal sam for the throat and lungs. Trial size free. LargeBottle 50c- and f 1. Sold by all druggist. i unaT0.IT POUOI WTKHSUM. OP DAfLY PAS&BRCKf jTiUINS GOING EAST tto. ..-.i. :rv. m No. 4 1:3ua. a n.i ... ...t: p. i burnt wkt r ' Not. s :'5 a. b o 1 a :V! p. U N. ... MLB No. lu ,. 1:6 . ui NO. ?.. A a. in. N. .i.lo :I4 a. tn mo. t m p.m. N:-M ja0.m No. M, ...6 KM p.m. , r - . ., i 'a,if n wo. m. Pu1idU's extra leaw for Omaha about two 'clock ur -lUbhaaoa will vcxonnuudale pa smjct. ..Llmm MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY y TIME CAKI. . V, N. 384 Acouodatiou I f ve I0.M a. mA v Train, dally e-cepi - uuily TTORNEV AN. 8ULLITAN. ttoruf y auLaw. Will (riy prompt attention all huKliin ntruitl to lilm. Otllce la Onion block, ka t Hide, rtatrraiontli; Neb. SECRET SOCIETIES K1 NIGHTS OK FYTIIIAP Gauntlet lxdge mn. M Moetv everv wedntvtaf viuinK 'at their li"U In Panne! & Craiu block, All vk IlIcK kulvlita are cordla'ly invited t attend . M. N. Onnitb. C- 0. ; ti loey, K, R. B. AO U'. W. So. 84 Mee. eoond and lourth Friday veuln in Ue month a, ti. Ai 'R. hall in ttoikwood bncfc, M. Vuodran. M W, l, !, brown. If colder, - - i:aS I.OIMiE. No. 146.1-0.0. F. meets -ry liiwrtny nlRbt at, their ball In titCKerald lock. All'Odd Kelloi.a are coida!ly Invited o attend when vlslt'.nn in the city. Clirla Pet eren. N G. ; 8. K. O.boiii, Secretary. . nOYAL AUUANAM Council No 1011, Meet at the K. of I, hall la llie Parmele Cralit block over Hennett & lutu, vininng brethren Invited. Henry Ttaos WalllnK, Becretarv. Uertng, Regent ; AO. U. VV..8. MeeU first and third KrfcUr eve jlnRB of each month rtO. A. K. Hall in Rockwook block. Frank Veruil'jfla, M, W. U, H Kuersole, Recorder. DECREE OF HON R. meet second and fourth Thursdays of each wonth inl.O. O. F hali in KitzifHrald Mn. F. Boyd. Lady of Houor ; Belle Vermylea, recorder. GA. R.McConlhle roet No. 45 meet every 9aturay evoning at 7 : 30 la 'bdr Hall la Hock wood block All vtsttloK comrades are cordially Invited to et with u. Fred Bates, Fot Adjniant ; O. F. NUea,' Fast Couimadder. ORDKK OK THE WORLD. Meets at 7 : 30 every Monoay evenlur at the Grand Army kail. A. F. Groom, preadlent. Thoa Walling, secretary. . rA8 CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every .amnii und Fourth Monday ev-nlnrs In Fttzirerald hall. VlHltinK nelich bi ors welcome. P. C. Hansen. V. C P. wertenberger, W At S. C. Wilde. Clerk. f A PT T M H E PALMER CAMP NO Hons of VeLerans. division ot Nebraska. U 8. A. meet every Tuesday nlajlit at 7 -TO o'clock la their hall In Fltlfcerald block. All sons and visiting comrades are cordially Invited to meet with us J.J. Knrtz, Commander ; B. A. Mo Elwaln, 1st Seargent. riAUGHTKRS OF REBECCA- Bud of Prom - le Lodge No. 40 meets the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each montb in the P O. O. K. hall. Mrs. T. E. Williams, W. O. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary. YOUNO MEN'S CHBI8TION-- "SOCIATIOlf Waterman block Mala Street. Room open from 8 :30 a m to 9 :30 p ro. For men only Gospel meeting every Sunday alternooa at 4 o'elock. TAEGKBR OF HONOR Eeets the 0ret and third Thrurnday evenings of each, month in I. O. O. F. hall, Fitzgerald block. Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sinter of Honor Mrs. Nannie Burkel, sister secretary. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak, betweea Fifth and Sixth. Father Carney, Fastor Services : Mass at B and 10 :30 A. m. Sunday School at 2 iSO, wltn benedletlon. Ohbistiak. Corner Locust and Eighth I Services morning and evenlag. Elder Galloway pastor. Sunday School 10 A. X. Episcopal. St. Luke's Church, corner Third and Vine. Rev. H B. Burgess, pastor. Ser vices : 11 a. m. and 7 -J30r. m. Sunday School at 2 :30 p. v. Oibuan Methodist. Corner Sixth 8t. and Granite. Rev. Hirt. Pastor. Services : 11 a.m. and 7 :30 P. M. Sunday School 10 :30 A. m. PbkbbttkkiaK. Services in new church, cor ner Sixth and Granite sts. Rev. J. T. Balrd, pastor. Sunday-school at 9 ;30 ; Preaching at 11 a. m.8d 8 p. in. The V. R. 8. C. E of this church rntcts every Sabbath evening at 7 :1S in the basement of the chucrh. All are invited to attend these meetings. . First Mkthodist. Sixth 8t., fcstwen Main and Pearl. Rev. L. F. Brltt. D. b. pastor. Services : U A. h 8 :00 p. m. Sunday School 8 :30 A. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing. Gkkman Prkhbyterian. Comer Main and Ninth. Rev. Witte, pastor. Services usual hours. Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Swekdish CoNORrrATiONAU Granite, be . tween Fifth and Sixth. Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive, Oak. between Tenth and Eleventh, Rev. A. Boswell, pas tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting weanesaay evening. Youno Men's Christian Association Rooms in Waterman block. Main street. Gos pel meeting, for meu only, every Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Rooms open week days from 830 a. m.. to 9 : 30 p.m. South Park . Tabkrnaclr Rev. J. . M. . Wood, Pastor. Services : Sunday School, kOa. m. : Preaching, lis, m. and I p. a,; firayer raeUng Tuesday night ; choir prac ice Friday night. AU are welcone. p J. ijajvrsEj ILU IK STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSMRE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North. Sixth Street, Plattsmouth. The rapidity of . its healing .pro cess is marvelous. Rail Road Cough Cure is infallible for whoop ing cough, croup, dry hacking cough and all lung troubles. Use no other. It cures la grippe.' 25c & 50c at O. H. Snyder and Brown & Barett. J 'J