The Plattsmouth Herald. WKDNKSDAY.FKBRUARY 10, 1S02 L- A. Ilartigan. of Hastings, is in the city to-day. Simon Mayer arrived in the city this morning from Lincoln. Mrs. T M. Patterson w;is;i pnsscn ge on No. f, cnroutc for Omaha. Rev. Dr. Britt ami wife were pas Kcncrs for Lincoln this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Japu-Ue were pass enters on No. 5 this morning for Aiihurn. I,icense to wed was issued to-day to Wm. A. B;ihr and Miss An y Roberts, both of Eagle. Hon. M. I). Polk ami Oil Inspec tor F. S. White were Omaha passen gers this morning. Miss Anna Russell arrived in the city last evening for a vi-it with A. H, Knotts and family. An eight atid one-hal1 pound girl arrived this morning ai .he home of Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Gush ing. The Missouri Pacific railroa 1 will Bell round trip tickets to Lincoln and return for !fl.."i5 on the l.lh of this month. Mrs. S. O. Salisbery and children, who have been visiting in this city for the past week, returned to tluir home in Papilliuti, Nebraska, la.-t night. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Riggins ae ro npanied by Mr. Riggins' mother, departed this morning on No. ." tor Seattle, Washington, where they will hereafter reside. Wm. Brnntner caused a warrant to be sworn out for the arrest of Hans Frahni, charging him with disturbing the peace. The trial is set for 7 o'clock this evening. Captain Jos. Teeter, department commander of G. A. R. of Nebraska is in the city, the guest of Assistant Quartermaster General II. J Streight. The captain's wife accom panies him. A divorce case was filed with the district clerk to-day from Weeping Water. The plaintiff, Isaac isomer, asks for a divorce from his wife Henrietta Somer, on the grounds of -desertion. There will be a called meeting of the aid society of the M. K. church to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. C. W. Green, on Marble street. A full attendance is desired. Important business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carruth de parted this morning fcr McCook where they will in the future reside Mr. Carruth will look after his inter ests there while Fred will continue doing business at the old stand. Among the applicants examined by the State Board of Pharmacy for a certificate yesterday at Omaha The Herald notices the name of Krnest Pfeiffer, the accommodating: drug clexk at Gering & Co's drug Btore. Secure your reserved seat tickets at once for "Uncle Hiram," which appears at the Waterman next Sat urday night. 1 his is a great Yankee comedy, a play tnat will keep all in a continuous roar ot Iaugntei Remember this company has the finest band and orchestra on the road. A couple of lads aged about 18 years had a little trouble last eve ning and concluded to settle their differences a la Sullivan. The po lice appeared on the scene which caused them to suddenly abandon their pugilistic ambition. On fur nishing security they were turned loose and appeared in police court this morning and were tinea $1 and costs apeice, alter which they de parted for their work. Manley Morris who was an inmate of the Otoe county jail for attempting to shoot his wife hung himself last night in his cell. The suicide was one of the most deliber ate on record. He tied his hands together, apparently while stand ing on a chair with a loose about his neck, and then to make himself prefectly helpless he slipped one leg through his hands, thus partly doubling nimselt up. When tound at 7 o'clock this morning he had been dead for some time. He left a note saying he had killed himself because he could not live with his wife. SAINT PATRICK'S DAY Will be Appropriately Observed by the A. O. H. Societies of Iowa and Nebraska. "St. Patrick's Day, which occurs on the 17th of March, will be celebrated in a becoming manner in this city. Official information has been re ceived from the different societies of the A. O. H. of this state and Iowa, notifying the lodge here, that at least there will be 7CD members here. This number will be in creased, as aech delegation will bring along a large number of friends. Omaha. Fremont, Lincoln, Kear ney, Hastings, Beatrice, Nebraska City, Council Bluffs, la., Sioux City, la., and a number of other cities have been heard from and all re port that they are going to send large delegations. The members of the A. O. H. in this city are making elaborate pre parations for the entertainment of their guests on the day of the cele bration, and no pains win spared to make it a success. be County Commissioner. Plattsmouth. Feb. 2. Board met as per adjournment full board present when the fol lowing was done, to-wit: Bids for physicians' work for 1S02 were opened, and contract- were awarded as follows: District 1, K. W. Cook, $40; district 2, B. F. Breiidell.$21; district A. M. M. Al!en, $!."; district 4. J, A. I la-s-iii i-r, ;fi ; district.!, L. (' Fr.-iday, district (, W. R. Ilobbs. $7.".. Bid-" for county priutiinr were opened, and eontrael ;. vi .i .'. 1 : Tin-: PL.vrr.-iNoin-ii IIi.kai.d u the following rates: Court dockets. 'JO Cents per case; treasurer's slate ilient, $."; road not Yes, Bids for burial ot paupers were 0ened, an 1 contract a a an led to Henry Boeck. at $!.2 cents p.-rfooi; over box, 24 cent.-- per tool; j . r trip to cemetery, $'i. OFFICIAL litiM'SAI i'K'ir I I'. L. C. Kick:. i. It', conn:;. ail;t:onal l.on.l. v. r li.lill Li--sle . 1 1 : - i 1 Krhart, district ict .'U; A. Bi ' i !. ( :. F. La ii. tlis! rict 21. ( ' .1 IT, Wil- ! 11 I 1 I I justice of the in-.ii c. Min'i pn-cinct. eltleiiM.-iit was mad. B. rs in ilistricts L! 4S a li Bill of .f'JSI for conit li 'iise wa- al!ove I ami -l' i"ii oi -! file bill to i .7l.nt in ciiy i .--of I'laltstnowtii. ar- i.iT i.-ii!i'i ' clock ! I i I ice .f lli city con ucil. Ainlrew J. Bauiii was ; - i utcc ! justice of the peace in lil ii; n n i precinct. Upon jK-titiiiM, j. V IJ.i'icr ;:s appointed constable lor i.itni; precinct. W. Bullish was app"ln!.-l on stable in Kliu'AOO-l pn-cmcl. Bill in iith I'latte i.'i n; i ;-r ( ' was reconsidered and n iiiM-.i. a:.! the same was allowed ;?i ' 1". Richards, who had paid li f amounting to if'-J.Va. Board met anl the following was done: Board ordered that assessed against Soennichseti fe Shirk ie cancelled, as the same amount was assessed twice. The claim of B. & M. R. Co. for taxes erroneously paid, refused. Resignation of B. L. Wilcockson as overseer district No. 47, accepted, and Philander Williams appointed to till vacancy. 'The following list of names was selected from which to draw the petit jurors for the March term, 18'Jli: Hans Wulf, George A. Hess, J. M. Gardner, G. H. Weideman, Isaac Stradley, G. D. Pearson, Phil Green, J. R. Sheffer, C. L. Baily, John Clem ents, D. Mendenhall, D. McCaig, A. N. McCrory, G. II. Babbitt, H. I.. Messner, J. N. Bullis, James Clizbe, W. D. Barr, A. Towle, D. D. Andrews, William Coon, G. W. Gilmore, G. L. Berger, F. Stohlman, C. D. Tapper, John Behrns, G. W. Harshman. H. G. Hawley, John Philpot, J. Adams, J. II. Meisinger, J. O. McClain, L,. Sheldon, A. F. Sturm, D. T. Thacker A. II. Austin, William Eikenbary, Thomas Smith, T. W. Fa ugh t, B. Seibold, C. R. Troop, W. H. Venner, William Wettenkamp, Nick Holmes, A. W. White, Chris Wohlfarth, F. Herrmann, C. E. Black, J. C. Cole man, L. D. Bennett, Curtis Moore, A. B. Todd, S. II. Atwood, D. Miller, E. K. Parmele, A. Adams, Henry Martin, James Sage, Ed Oliver, C. A. Kankin. Board ordered the old desk used in county clerk's office be sold to Bird Critchfield, ex-county clerk, for $12. Full board present, when the road petition for road petitioned for by J. F. Stull and others, for road in section 1, 2, 12 and 13, was taken up for final hearing, and it was ordered that the road be granted, provided the petitioners pay all damages, and grade the road, and put it in a passable condition, to be accepted by commissioners. In matter of selection of bank for deposit of county funds, the county treasurer, L. C. Eickhoff, filed with commissioners a paper stating that he had appointed as the depository bank for all current funds of Cass county under law of 1S91, the First National bank of Greenwood, Ne braska, provided a bond of F300,0C3 can be given acceptable to county commissioners. The rate per cent to be paid by said bank shall be 4lo per cent annum. The following are the bills al lowed: GENERAL FUK1). A C Loder salary and exp $ C3 20 Jacob Tritdch salary and exp 67 so W S DuttOD salary and exp 61 40 A B Todd work tieas's settlem nt 9 oo A B Knotts printing 25 50 Quia Wonlfartn workjou court house 17 50 Stander Bros mdse to poor 32 00 J A Hassemier county phy salary 23 00 E B Craig burial pauper c 00 B F Brendell physician salary 18 CO Omaha Printing Co stationery 106 60 J C Eikenbary keeping poor houe 139 84 P D Bates eupt court houne 78 00 N K Hobbs celnty physician salary 60 80 Frank Dickson sal and exp $4 as E W Cook county physician sal 43 00 I rUtUmoutta QmC" sarfr tal U 30 Henry B-e-k burial Miiper 17 62 Wm vete ikap ie-1 otllce 105 00 A E T'tild wood to poor 16 00 KSherw od t)oB t f 'Mir 4 75 K S Wlii'e in.lse to poor 6 25 (i W oM" .nl xn 102 H M B fnrpliv in 'm to poor 41 hH Mm lil 'It r-nt f jinli-M's ' c 30 00 W J Wnite Coil t county 8147 W J Wuite rent court ro in loo 00 K K Pir elf livery hire 4 00 0 H L- lmli tf tiros Hta Iniry A M it. . er'oiiffii tax inict. .. . A ni'l to iMiur ! Jit I eli-r, .lio s t'i pooi .. . j F M- lyttu in ne lo tour (; : i les, i ii to piioi . . : i -.ei ; : I : . r nt Anrli r. drayiijt: II I) M'l - Hi I i : coht-t.M t-vsl!l;iUe. ' M r r s.aiie ', Win Tiit Ik. u''lnK & ' 'k I't'lc ' Kl i iiz.enil-t. bail it! : J . s me , John I'iliH, wiiik F M M--1 urt, intixe to poor :u uli'. cot luHaiit. (iilbt-rt . Co t inqueBI, h I'.i l roii. c re poor 4 75 l. l'i o no i 2 oo 4 ::r. ; i K, 4 ro ; l-l to ! 4 70 , ih; 75 j U 00 I 12 00 j 12 00 J 6 00 j 31 05 ! 40 W) : 4 0 ! I li. Tin. in piintiDK 22 HO .1 .1 I laviM, soldiers' relief coin Sr .! l 1 en. s;iine Joe. I.. Iiison. i-uuie (a-.i.i . & 4-ii. Car p.uip.-is. - HKIUUK KUMi s.i.i ii I'.'.it e l..iinlert i, Itiiiilx-r 11 CO to no 10 00 30 00 .Tj HO 10 JO 2;j 75 t M A f C I ..-., IUO i 111 -ii. .ni- lire KoAi. f UM'. i..ii vi-rM-i-r n-ti fin ut . -iii:u, S ill i -lii-. f r ma I I ( r.i.ei s i. ii - vii-v ! n roii i-k-. ii I..s . . ii., - nine ... 1-8 W 47 3i; no 4 oa lit 40 li JO 2 75 2 75 10 il.t 0 5 U0 (XI 1 00 F. .1 . I- .: i i 11 ml -oil 111 . 0 ail; . :o;t.t .1 f s . i. -. .i, . .r.- v; a.-ii,n in i.. u vn : s. io -ii .. ... . . so V . . i . ' 2! 2! lio.inl i!. w adjourned till March 1. i'ka.k Dicksox, County Clerk. Resoluti s of Hespect. I The .uick in t.'uiiT ol li ibernians, division No. 1, of I'Jattsuiouth, dr.iiicd the following resolutions on i!n- ' !-:; ii ot La llooian: j 1 1 K K" i-A -i. in view of the loss we ' have siistainei' by the deceat-e of our friend ;i:id associate, Lawrence 1 "ooian, anil ot tne still Heavier loss sustained by tho-e who are nearest and dearest, to him; therefore, be it Resolvo I, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the de pa' ted to say that in regretting his removal from our midst we mourn for one who-was worthy of our re spect and regard. Resolved, That we sincerely con dole with the family of the deceased on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine Providence o afflict them, and commend them for consolation to Him who orders all things for tin best and Whose cnastisements are meant in mercy. Resolved, That this heartfelt tes timonial of our sympathy and sor row be forwarded" to the daughters of our departed brother by the sec retary of this meeting, and our charter be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days. William Neville, Davm o'Bkiex, Petkk Hankahan, Jr. Committee. "Uncle Hiram." A stroug, well-balanced play is "Uncle Hiram," holding its interest to the end, while its comedy ele ments are in the highest degree en tertaining. As the unsophisticated but withal decidedly sharp old farmer, "Hiram Homespun," Mr. A. H. Wood n it 11 has broad opportunity for the exercise of his excellent talents as a comedian and author, and does so with irresistible effect upon the risibilitiesof theaudience. It is an immensely catching indi vidualization. The play is produced with fine sceucrj-specially painted for it. Its representation will be greatly enjoyed, as the company is also stronir. Numerous soiiirs and ! dances are introduced throughout l the play. Don't miss it. It appears at the Waterman next Saturday night. Will not be.Held. Clerk Catnpbeil of die district court, has just recived notice from Judge Chapman that the February term of court would not be held, but would be adjourned at the request of nearly all the lawyers in the city until March. This, it is thought, will be a great saving, as there are but few casesyet ready for trial and I these will hardly recpiire the nec- essary cost of the term. The judge is at present absent in Chicago. Nebraska City Press. Board of Trade. The annual meeting of the board of trade will occur Friday night at 8 o'clock at the couut judge's office for the purpose of electing oflicers. Business of interest to the city will be brought before the board. It is urgently requested that all mem bers and all merchants of the city be present. Remember the time and place. G. F. S. Burton, Secretary. R. B. Windham. President. Fire at Weeping- Water. Fire at an early hour Monday morning damaged the Methodist church to the extent of $1,000 The fire originated in the basement of the church and the loss was mainly due to smoke and water. Prompt action by the fire company saved the building from total destruction. x:MAMM0TH - WAX - T-I1S JOE WANTS YOU TO GUESS HOW LONG THIS CANDLE WILL BURN, IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO GUKSS. NO MORE GUESSES ACCEPTED AFTER FEBRUARY 14,' Tle Cqqdle Will be Lighted Febi-qiy 1 5 r4 Enc j os' your Guess Together AR3Y You Clotliiet qqd Fniiislei. SHE KISSED THE PRINCE. It Wm Intended for a Soldier, Knjoyed the Mistake. tut II One of the leading families in Stutt gart ave a supper party, to which the Prince Royal had been invited, says a writer in Leeds's Mercury. His Royal Highness arrived a little before all the preparations for the feast were com pleted. Observing that he had arrived a little too soon he decided to take a stroll in front of the house while day light was fading into dark. Suddenly a trim servant maid bounced out of the house and ran up to the Prince, to whom she handed a parcel containing, as it afterward turned out, a large piece of sausage and some monej", and exclaimed under her breath: "You won't have to come to-day; we're having a little party; the prince hi..-self is coming; so, good-bye till to-morrow!'; and with that she gave his royal highness a couple of hearty kisses and disappeared before he had time to get a word out. A moment later he perceived a sol- dier in his cloak, who was eastinr wistful glances at the lighted windows of the house, and asked him if his sweetheart lived there, and on the man's replying in the affirmative the prince continued: "Then this parcel must be intended for you. The person who brought it sends you word that you are to come to-morrow, for she has no time to-day, on account of the party." "Much obliged; its all right; I'll come to-morrow," said the soldier. "She gave me something besides," the prince went on to say, "but I can't de liver you that." "Oh, you may keep it and welcome, I've plenty here for to-day." Everybody at the party noticed that his highness was more lively and good humored than usual. He narrated his adventure over the cigars and wine, but extracted a promise that neither the servant girl nor the soldier should suffer in consequence of the disclca ur. iMOtice to Debtors. Any person owiug me on account is requested to call and settle either by cash or note by March 1st. tf J. Fin ley Joiinsot. Joe II. Morse will lecture for the benefit of the soldiers relief fund, at the opera house to-morrow even ing admission, 25 and .To centf. J. R. Bebee an old resident of Cass county departed last evening with his family for Michigan where they will make their home in the future. Subscribe for The Herald, only 15 cents a week or 50 cents a month. Don't forget the masquerade ball Friday night, at koctwood hall. Under the auspices of theJPlatts mouth Turnverein. JOE S COHTAI3SK. WIBIDOW. - pi 'A i JsntMiiij-fjJ with Your Hame and it will be Published February 15. CAM GOESS. J 0 E A. C. MAYES COUNTY - SURVEYOR AMD CIVIL ENGINEER All orders left with the county clerk will be promptly attended to. OFFICE IX COURT HOUSE, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska MEAT MARKET 8IXTH STREET F. H. EIXENBAUM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. RJ" SIXTH STREET Meat market All persons indebted to the old firm of Weidmann & Brekenfeld are requested to call and settle immedi ately and avoid trouble. Attention! Attention!? All persons having books in their possession, taken either from the Y. M. C. A. rooms or the Y. L. R. R. A. room, will please return at once to J. P. Young's store. 6 LOST A bran new overcoat on Eighth street, with a pair of white canton flanel glores in it. Finder will please leave at this office. 3t A Great Surpriee Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat and lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. AH drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles 50c and $1. Gentlemen would not use "Blush of Roses" if it was a paint or pow der, of course not. It is clear as water, no sediment to fiil the pores ef the skin. Its mission is to heal, cleanse and purify the complexion of every imperfection, and insures every lady and gentleman a clean, smooth complexion. Sold by O. II. Snyder. Price 75 cents. Miles Nerve and Liver Pills. Act on a new principle regulat ing the liver, stomach and bowels through the nervs. A new discovery Dr. Miles' Pills spee lily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles constipation. Unequaled for men women, children, smallest, mildest surest! 50 doses, 25c Samples free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. .j CANDLE:t JOE Will Give THIS FOLLOWING PRIZES To the first nearest guess, A NICE OVERCOAT To the second, A TRUNK. To the Tnird, ' A PLUSH CAP, TIMOTHY CLAKK. .1 DEALER IN no a t . wnorV -0 TERMS CASIIo Yrdi and Office 404 South Tblrd Street Telephone 13. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. jCJR. A. SALISBURY : D-E-N-T-I-S-T :- GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. Dr. Stelnways anaesthetic for the painless x tractiop of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Rockwood Block Plattsmouth, Nek. IDZEILSTTISTIRSr GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. OR. STEIN A US LOCAL as well m other an esthetlcsgiTen tor the painless extraction of teeth. 0. A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald BJocb Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. U. A. WATERMAN & SOU Shingles, Lath, 8&shJ Doors, Blind Can supply everw demand of the citj, Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera dobs. I F LUMBER 4 1 1 Y r.