The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 21, 1892, Image 3

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- hi li, iikads, - -
stati;mi;nt- -------
knvixopks -
- SAM-: 15IU.S -
or in met an thing in the
For Atchinsou, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all points north, east
Houth or west. Tick
ets sold awl bag
g'nge checked
t o a n y
lTn i ted
S t a tes or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
II, C.,
;. I A. St. Louis, Mo. '
J. C. I'll r.i.n'iM.
A. C. I'. A. Oiunhn.
If. D. Agt.. IMattsmoulh.
M'llinery ;imiI ; re s s n l ! i i .;
Tuvk'T Sit-rs, in -herwi ! Ilnr' .
V'-1 w : :
12. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis.,
a prominent dealer in general
nierchundise, and who runs several
peddling h id one of lii. badly cut and burned with
lariat,' Tin" wound refused to heal
The horse htcaine hint" and .-tin
nowwithstaiiditig careful attention
and the application of remedies. A
friend hail led Sawyer some o!
llaller's It.nli Wire Liiiemeut, tit
most wonderful thing ever sa v 1c
heal such wounds. He applied "ii
only three tim - ami the son- war
completed h-.ile.l. Ivpially good
for all sor. cuts, hrii-se'-s. and
wounds. I " r --! In- all ,ru 'n-,
Sd.'an'.l '?o lablrs.
"In Inlying a cough medieiue for
children," s;;ys II. . Walker, a
prominent drug-gird of Ogden.
ITtah. "nei-r to afraid to'
Chamberlain's Cough k'emcdv.
There is no from it and re
lief is always sure to follow. I par
t icularly recouiiuend Chimliei Iain's
because I have found it to l.e safe
and reliable. 1J. and .10 cent bottles
for sale by F. (;. Fricke & Co.
Buokien's Arnica Salve.
Thk IjKST ill ill-; Wuiiil iolCutl-
lirillses, Scr.'s, L . I
Si ires, Titter. Cb
Corns, m:;l nil Skin
tivcly piih-h l'iii-1. i
r is ju-iranf"cd ti,
'i!o:n y r- i ui:' ic I. i
For s.J- hv r (i. !
S Salt Iifn'inn. Fevci
d Hands, t -is i ! bl Tins.
ruj.tions, an I posi
r 'ui 'y I'eijnired.
'it is ni l i mi, i !
i 2 ecu;.-; ; r ! m i
Do lie
Ol MIS'.'
) : i 1 1 t s .
i ; i : 1 1 - i i
eon f 1 1
w i i i l l
p . V i ; i
w! i ic '
.iMiints I tlnsli
1 1 v wur! i i ! i-s.-
. ( .
o i i ii-
i m I
i r
lh, we'll tl I lii til it's only a J'ke.
mi ii I in. I'll tk; nil tint Itlanie if iiierw
jH ii n y fjniMl-b !"' And linviiir e
eureil tlin rid d r jss nf I5iji i. Mi-ri'iM &
('il.'s .lll-liHI-l) J til'-! kM-l!'l Mr-. idl'-eli'i'iileiy aii'l went 1 1 i j i n
llj ll! I iloWll I he ) I '-li-i.
' Arri e. lit t be li'.u,.. ()f M -r-
rili i Co. .J.uii'i fiiiiml ii iti-i ru '.jiMiei 'iK
Ciii ui V ol women nf all ae-. k iiid-4
iiii'l il'ei ipt ioiis a wail inir an interview
with llie lieal of tlie li'iii. Hiving
jiwailed her lill'il s. e jiv.ii at lenlli
us ierei! inl'i tm ifivaie oliic.i. wn. re.
sal. unions ii piie nf jianer-.. a et'iitle
niiii ut ierlia (M liny. irmi ray
Imir aiel a pair nf km !lv leih- ee...
"Mr. I!tl-ll. I he; iee." .sail Jiiiu-l. by
way "f imro'luei ion.
"Ye-." Sii'l til- ''iit!e;n:m. ivilli a
Jie.i:ii)t Miliie; -' e.Ul 1 li) lor
41 I have euine in niKwcr to your
Uilvelliseiiieiit fallen-. I .Janet.
All. to If sure, the ail vti ieinetit."
sail ill- iiiereiiaiit, evi'lentlv uol a lit
tle sui"iri.-t:i.l. "Alt! juii u type
writer?'' t-Yes. I am-that is, I have I een
one." .stammered tlnr ' rirl, wlio irrew
morn :uid norn ill at ens" under ih
keen set ill in v of tin mere iaiil.
And yon wish to he one aain?"
Janet looked up ipiiekly at the
straiiiTe. ipie-lion and thought she. de
tected a merry twinkle in her nne'e'-i
hine eves, which, however, vanisned
Do you think yourself cimpieut
to carry on the business of a larje
' Feif-elly."
"t.'oiiid vnii furni-li ii-; refen l.ces
ir ;i Hill?" Micjestwil
a n
-U'lnt. ile
Mr-.' dusli.
-Nil KiiapuedJ met; "hut iunre!"
And then site u:i- her mini n -
tiled HCi'otiut of I lie eents of I lie day.
: a ml in einl i u 'ill:
And to Hunk. I ii il at ihe very ino-
J menl you kupp.iM'd hi it earn iii i on
willi me. he u preuiriii r a delight
ful f-lirpri-ie for oil mialie! '
A id li'hi In! (turpi i-e? Wh it i it,
J.lliel ?"
"I le's oine; to s' e oil u lieiuliflll
, liil'lhd.iv pft'- il all elegant eolilie.
lined t iil'ouj hoiil in in - - I velvet mut
a pair of Ivmiih-I, v t !i"i "ii r 1 e I
i witli their -laiii cut ju-t a lii 1 1 -. amide.
: I kllii'V, Ii--call e I wrote holli lellel'H
in -if. Tn it s tin- kind of a lailldei!
I fiM-leind you've u'imI '
I bile thai niiil. wio'll ll'M' h n - I i.Uld
I returned Inmie .Ml'-. liil-ih. eoutrafv l
I her li-ual euoiom. un-l him at the door
w it Ii a oea inni"; I ie-.
I'm so L'l-'d you've come. i!":ir!''
she said, a-i -he kl"-.ed him all' el inn
ately. J-lliet is here. Colli'; into lllll
p ii lnr. I want to introduc' you."
Mrs. Ji. led her hus.iaii'l into tlio
hrilliautlv lighted reeepi ion-romil,
where ..met, attired in a cliniu
evening enstume ni .suit lull I. looil
waiting in trembling cx. rl uicv.
liolh Mrs. liil-ll and .J. met had looked
for a i nek start of surprise from the
merchant W ieu his eyes -iiouel lilst
llieel the li'ure of hi-, ipiniida.u typu
vvriter in that of his wile's niece.
Wnal was their surpii-e, then, when
t he e'en I iema n advaiu-.'d to 'aid .Janet
and said, in the most cordially miaf
feeled in iiiii',i :
"As i told von this morn i n if. mv
ft oiti '.mil'
' -I - I e..
farmer e
'. -I. l.ut
' li'H'f
.11 pin V'
i; iini;
d J. 1 1
1 I la!
I 'i'
lit in!
I V I'l'-.'l
i ef a I
. ;,s l-i!;
p -. -
'IV 1
TIlC L.: . i C. i l ; ' ;
A N D -
A ' V - "' V"e.-S.V-' v.'ia
- : .v i-;-;' V.-.'f'V ;Jt:
Constuntly keeps on band everythin
you need to furnish your house.
CiY von wish to succeed in your business, advertise it and let
public know your prices. People like to "trade with the mer
uit who offers them the best inducements. It might help your
de wonderfully. Try it.
Pi a
retlln!-,' l- .)( i-'.;ii,''. so well
and si. pup. ilar as to nerd no .-pecin 1
mention. A 1 1 who have used JCUd
trie Dilters si. mo- the same sour; of
praise. -A purer medicine dm -iiot
exist and it is guaranteed t do al
that is claimed. Flectric Jh'tters
will cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove pimples,
boils, salt rheum ;iml other affec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
ami prevent as well as cure all ma
larial fevers. -For cure of headache,
constipation and imlio-estion try
Klectric Hitters. Kntire satisfaction
iruaranteed, or money refunded.
Price )(c ami .fl per bottle at F. G.
Fricke & Co's druostore. 5
2 ' C
1 .
I L WlfBSIAH k m
As the most important Campaigu for
bars is Coming upon us every Farmer should
provided with a good live newspaper that
11 keep them posted on all important ques-
ns of the day. THE HERALD is purely a
Vpublican paper and would be glad to put
ir name on our list. Only $1,50 a year.
7)ee our Clubbing list with the leading pa
rs published.
Shingles, Lath, Sish,-
X' & v:.' A :4 i J ','
U:n s::n;!y 'V?r w d-mand of t'se ritv
-ind set terms. Fourth etret-t
iu rear of opera house.
I telf To repr.-.sent our wnl knouu
' , - .,.1 . w
A Fata! P-1istaKe.
Fhysicians make no more fatal
mistake than when they inform pa
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr. Franklin
Miles, the noied Indiana specialist,
ii, i.i pioeu me contrary in ins new
book on " Heart Disease'' which mav
be had free of F. G. Fricke Co.,
who ofuarantee and recommend Dr.
Wiles' unequalled new Heart Cure,
which lias the largest sale of any
iie.ii i remeuy in uie worm, it cures
nervous and organic heart disease,
short breath, fluttering, pain or ten
derness in the side.arm orshoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative
Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.
le. i r. work is uol
t-v-ri .III Oel
lief Ml i I I iv I I i
in- ovr l.e
on ' 111
' -'vV
k I i !i e 1 1 1 r . I
I.I .'I -e, !', II
i :i e.'inllv
:i 1 1 . r . i
I Ii
i :
.i i.
.1 I.I '
i 1 1
1 1 1
C!l."iiil iiee-i!i
eviilentlv in
i m! en et
:t ;
I ;i
.ii:- i r v.
ty in- vvr
! . " i , i .icr
;! I I'll'
r un by ti
o :i .i o ; icti
: i: '. I
let !nr
ia' up. mi
wind. Ill:
the iic.k
dicta!' !
ie : i , ir iiiin.
mi I Janet
It Should be In Evary House.
J. Ii. Wilson. 371 Clay St., Sharp
burg. lJa., says he will not be with
out Dr. King's Xew Discovery for
Consumption. Coughs and Colds
that it cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after
an attack of ' In G' ipp;" when
various other remedies and several
physicians had done her no rood
Jiobert Karber,
claims Dr. Kin;
has done him m.
t lii ii:-- lie ever
Trouble. Xothing likt
of Coeksport, 1'a.
; s Ae Discovery
re good tha.n a::--used
for r.iiii"
trial bottles at
Co's lrug.-tor..'. Lar
and !?1.K).'
I rv
F. (J.
-e be.
lioup. You iifed no canital to rppre
pent a firm that warrants stock tirst-Ha-s
and true to name. WOrtK RLL THE YESR
SlOippr month to r jrht man. Apily
slating an-. I- L MAY &. CO
Nursery, Florist and St;eif men. St. l'aul, Minn.
(This house is resposible.)
Sure Cure for Talt Men,
proved by reportscf leading pby-
I - Hit lilUS. l ' ULl. Ill UIUU11UK.
.1? r fli yy- ericf . 1 . Catnloimc- Frrr.
. Cb O (fa A Rate and speedy
'i"-r'Cv I Stricture and all
c-inaiiiruiuix-uiiri.'i's. i nucc.
s. iX- -
A nfiystary Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The. well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all such girls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to Head
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous ystem for
which there is no remedy equal to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a line book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricxe
Nc Co's.. who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures
fluttering.jshort breath, etc.
if iUl!oo.I
and S?iio Xilsi'.-ineii, Sicrc.f- '
H'ni" Ir I'J'Sri'M'.ltSc A tV--tion, with- I
ci.t ii t.' iry. i-r.c-.--, t-"-. ium
jie.vlirc American
' ou
N my ;
from 1 ;
w i t i . .
I r i :s i 1 1 '-
j.'i"' mi i' ' - vi
relieve the 1 angs
iiianent cure in ,i
h Following the Crip
-r-o:i, w.ho h ive recovered
' ppe a. re now troubled
.-t''Ml C"!!;.;!!. Chaui
. ..."iirii n-i!iri' -vill
unite:'is. Johnson Fish & Co. Pk-irPirs:
In ripiy lo ours ol i tost. wont. I fay
tlial i liiivo ieci ! iii.ou luivinu: tin.' coupo
liii'-.l t lirnus-'li- ni with .link fiss t vlv.-l. as
per Piimple shown in--. F msti "P (piiek us
p.issiblii ami fiiip via N V- ru & Saw K u-
u ml. It. must !' i. iM- l.v tlic I t i.f t !
month, as my wifi-"- lint .'lay on-urs on im
li t. for whieu ovi-tiL it :s inicii'le'l a eil't.
Vours truly, John C. licsn.
The if ii veloi ie was :i'l Iressei! to Jolm
sou. Fi-... iV t.'i.. ewna;'t5 lu j idcrs. 9."
Ijio.iiI mi'ii-i. Xew Yur:;.
Jlavi- ti:i "' a-keil tlx;
merchant, in a rat I i..i.. l-iHiness-like
''Yes. sir." tins we re I Janet, passing
thii (irinteil sheet aiiii enveiojm into
ilis oliLst l elelieil ia n 1. He pci useil it
rapid I y, an 1 then, with a rutit of sat
isfaetion said:
Very well; try another."
Ami then lie dictated rapidly ug.-iin.
and again Janet's nimlile lingers llew
over the ke's. as the words fell from
his lips:
Mr. Hkxky C. Barnes: Dear Sir: You
had hotter semi the hays tln-oiifrh with a
irroom, and fret them here liv tlio -ith inst.
Vou may cut the tails a triile. but I do not
wisu them cobbed, s they are intemieii fur
my wile and she considers ic a cruelly. Yours
l'ne envelope to this letter, when
adiiies-i:i: leaa, "The lieu ry C. U.iMes
S c Cedar Springs. Kv."
A.rai'i tii'i nierehant took the letter
from J.inel'd outstretched hand and.
having riiu his eyes rapidly over it.
'You'll do. Nov about salary
what do vou expect ?"
-I 1 h id not thought abitit that."
staminere 1 Janet, binsliing. under this
bru-que, altn ist h'.-ntal treatment.
iiuiiiph!"' grunted the merchant;
' it's necessarily iptite a consideration
with people w iio work f..r their living.
however. XVii sh-iil ir:
1 1
i I he r pie; II
lit I V 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
u a h ; e i !o.
like yoiir-i.
ll 'i
i I-
i it.'.'tl
i 'IS-
v . c
e it
is t(
() It
s i-X.
week to begin wit
i vt.ii e'-U :i
h. Vh"!i vou have
been with us a month or two you may
expect a slight advance that is. if you
give sati-faetion and are competent.
Is that satisfactory?'1
''Perfectly," said Janet, who felt a
strong inclination to rise like au of
fended goddess and sweep from the
now hated oDice aud equally hated em
ployer. 415- the way. what is your name?"
asked the merchant, and as he did so
his keen eyes were fastened upon the
girl's burniDg face with a fixed and
prolonged scrutiny.
Miss Miss Granger." faltered Ja
net, whose presence of mind almost
failed her in the light of the point
blank lie which she found herself
obliired to tell.
Very well. Mis9 Granger," said her
uncle, with, as it seemed to the girl,
the least suspicion of an unpleasant
emphasis upon the name.
"We shall begin work at once.if you
re willing. Our hours are not long.
I. if wbi'e we work, w- v. or!
. ; I ; i
I'. , I .
Ir, 1 1 I. . i ! a
really en i. l ii't i
klio.v, Wllen l'v
your alhu n tor ti.e
look at win-never I
ilii'-su'L i'.iiirel a i';.e.
IVell.s. even though lie kiidivs lie is
peeled to. bill. to what, it' I may a
was 1 indebted for my pleasant com
panion lo-da ?"
Oil, it was only a little joke that
Janet aud I hatcned up tnis morning.
John." said Mrs. hurriedly, while
Jainit blushed scarlet.
4,I thought as much," said the mer
chant, nodding his head, as if the lame
explanation was an entirely satisfact
ory and conclusive one. Hi! was a
keen enough man of the world to
have an i.l.-a or two of his own upon
the sir j which, however, as a duti
ful hii'.iv ! and uncle, he kept to him
self. A 'id row. sir." said his wife play
fully, taking It i iik by the lapels oi his
coat and shaking him; "now, sir, what
have you to sav about a certain coupe,
lined throughout, in russet velvet, ami
two K'liiuc.'iy thoroughbreds, with
their tails cut just a little? Come,
sir, 'what nave you to sav to that? '
We;!," said Mr. IS.isii. with the
merriest twinkle of all in his- blue
eyes, "as you and Janet seem to relish
a joke so much I thought. 1 would in
dulge in one rnvself. And that, was
my little joke. Mary." . (J. JumJi
rcys m B tslon (Hutu:.
Upp-r Crust f.irls.
One of the greate-t uncial puzzles to
I'nropean strangers in San Francisco id
to rla .ify our women by their looks
aii'l iiii'-s. Tin- nverag" globe trotter'
faiN iiUerlv to (!i-.ti.'i'zii:-h the 4 from
the -IW.O'jl).
A siariiing case of this inability of
t he European tourist was related the
other nig"t in a prominent club by a
swill visitor from across the herring
poi!'l,ays the San francisco Chronicle.
!"iicediv oneer "ifi-. yon have in
S Krnnei-co," .-aid the ioal suhjeci
o; ( - en Viei.rria.
J ".' .is 1 -1 1 ' i I
k ll" v , .1 Ie 1 ! Sa .
; I i l ! 1 1 1 i : i i e - t
b'cyeies it; a !.;
Ill'iuetl -ti j it, V
e: p re
p:i - !. this tii'ii i, t n g. you
tw.t tieiic .liy pretty
looking ii'i-, tiding
' , you i; no .; a :id they
and that 1
.narking. 'v't.-i'V havvd
! V !1 ' I
t':s CO
Vfrv .-'ii rt
i i
1 .v.)c
--. Lt 1
1 -
' p
1 i:
I v
rti: n
j ? V- r,"
i ,
i g : i
BOl Cor Fifth and Vine St.
t 'J Cr.Vi.-T?.
For Information and fre TTandhoofe writ to
ML'XN CO .l Bkuadwav. Nkw tKK.
Oldest bureau for fiecuriDg ptnti in America.
Kvery patent taken out bv us is broiicht before
the public by a notice given free of charge in tun
J ricatifiv Jamaican
Ljircefit eirmilatioti of any udentifle paper In the
world. jSplendidlv lllurtratci. o ,2.teI1"Dt
man should be without tt- Weekly,. 3.00
year; $1.50 six months. Addrws MOM & CO.,
I'CBUuiCKSi 361 Broadway. S i'oxk.
: -! ! y
.'C ks
it ns
o.! agi
: i! r.
'.. l".""
this to
e it .!.:.!
;g: :i
If vou
viih it
vvortv. ladies," :uid what do vou tninic
v fi t l;i ri-i il i- ' "'
"Yes, bloody hard work, fully, and.
d poor pay."'"
I o you t hink they were respectable
girl-?'' asked the puzzled tourist.
Oh, certainly. No doubt of it.
Regular upper crust. In fact, the
slyie that lakes the whole bakery, as
you might say, when they go out."
The observant globe trotter made a
note of this incident and it will doubt
less appear in due time in book form
under the heading, -'Eccentricities of
the San Francisco Aristoefacv."
The Greatest Tiuilding
in the
j 'ii
; i
I -
u ;
I :
ii-i- li
it l-
W Anted Au active, reliable man salary S57
to $80 monthly, with un-reiw. to
In hte own section a rt-see.-isible New Ytrk
House. Keferences. mamifactubkb, lock
Box 1585. New York.
ii's o'i was s;.-;iik-s from r-
i'-imy I)r Miles ive
N'erviuir curei.l him. Mrs. J. 1.
Miller of Valprai and. J.I). Taolnr.
of Iogansport. Ind each gained 'JO
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to .TO convulsions easy and
much aeadach, dizzness, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, &
Co., who recomends this unequailed
Ely's Cream Balm is especially
adapted as a renteby for catarrh,
which is aggravated by alkaline
dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover,
Drug-gist, Denver.
L i It
th'J rncr-r-w
in the
. of 5. p.
t-iat she
t h' street
v U rue
;;u:i i
- th
)i. t .e :
;'e :o eali t
i : i e L ii e'is m;.
,t .-ai-i that v.-.-rk w.t- wi
c :n ii.i i .sr oi.-'ii r.ii.v
i . au i ;.'!., ,ii ir' .;
Janet wu.- toid snort! v
'it "'o' she eseiy.'jd Kilo
with the feeiing of a liberated pris
oner. Too much exh-msted and worn
out to walk, she cat ed a cab and was
driven rapidly to her aunt's house.
'Well, now is it. Janet?1 asked the
anxious matron, as the girl came rap
idly up the steps to where she stood
bareheaded upon the threshold.
Janet auswered never a word, but
pushing hurriedly by her aunt entered
the parlor and threw herself upon the
lounge in a torrent of sobs.
"What is it. dear?" said Mrs. Bush,
trying vainly to comfort her. "Is be
so' bad as that? '
"Yes, he is." moaned Janet. "Why
didn't VOU tall mm hm u
An astonishing feature of the Colum
bian Kxposilion will be one of the
p!i!:: es irrouped in the i.e.-iri f the fair
grounds. it is the Manufactures-
i!i-r. ili-ncl hv ,ir. ii.:orge
of I-.'.-vv York. It "-vi;i I. ear the
rei:iti'.in i : I.- e -it.' '.; as tiie
. i1-! Tii'-vi r did f t of i'aiis in
.sv : an-l, i.niei ., ii- !i-.e as a
vantMe-e-poInt from wiiie-i to the
fair grotitiOs less tet niir!a!.-il in tiie
!t-.-:itive ti ' '. e--i' -i fir and ."."ninsl
the l o.i.-'i'i ; hm in i iv of :. l ival
to t :.e gre.-.r toner if i'uii-. Thi
grea'e-t f a'! ti.e i t o-ir n I -ij Il
i tiers, :i''.'i i i t '' lnl'l-ngs of ti," v.-. rid.
wi.! prvs-!'t to Lak Mi. !:iv':i'i a fae;ile
! .siie-i a length as i -n tie; wall
of a city, yet it i so admirably de
signed, so light ami graceful fa its ef
fect upon the vision, that its true ex
tent can only be comprehended when
its dimensions are expressed in figures
and by comparisons. It is one-third
of a mile long.and to compass it round
about is to walk a mile. Tne roof of
it is 1688 by 788 feet, and the span of
the dome, the largest ever attempted,
is 388 feet. The roof is 230 feet from
the ground, and the building has 40
acres of ground-floor. Two of the
vast machinery halis of the Paris Ex
position could be wLeeled through it,
and the Auditorium, the building ol '
which Chicago is most proud, could be'
poshed under this great roof, tower
and all. Julian Kalph, in Harper1