ill k n 'i u I II . - r-.t Tbc Kattsmouih heralfl KN'C 1 Pir. v H Xi.;; ' i vi y iM.y. t'-i- i'l.U'. tier. ' r tr . tt sec, i. I i . Oil)'-'- ' l fftlepiioiiu .1 !.! !. TEK.MH KOK VRKRI.T, Je copy, one year, ....... )e copy, one year, not in advance... he copy, hix mmilhf. iu advance .. Q6 copy, throe months. In advance. TEKMH KOR UA1U Jue cop oim yar in advance )e copy imr tH-k. ly c:irrhir Joe copy, per month .$1 t . 2 00 .. 75 40 $6 00 . . I FRIDAY, JANUARY la, CHRONICAL. One of the principal events of the iornight has been Senator Hill's speech at Albany, N. Y., wherein he manifestly took back water on the ailver n nestion. M r. Hill savs in this latest utterance: "At Klmira J suirirested tins ourse: I'ass 110 free coinage bill; pass only needful appropriation :n, ....r,. ,r Demand the repeal of the Shetman silver lav.- and the two He Kinley laws." lheieiipon S"ena;or Mi wnrl ;t- pars in a public letter addressed to Senator Hill. From the hitter's Elmira sneech. .ur. Stewart unuer- Mtood that he was in favor of the iree bi metallic coinage in the present ratio, and as the result f the shifting around in the later speech, the Nevada senator ex presses the opinion that the New York senator "has fallen into the trap set by the gold trust." Congress reassembled Tuesday, January 0. More bills relating to tie silver question have been intro duced, among others, one by Mr. Andrew, dem., of Massachusetts, to repeal the silver bullion act of the Mfty-first congress. January 7; the senate listened to a speech on the free-coinage matter hy Senator Iorrill, of Vermont. Mr. Dolph Jaad read an extract from a speech f Mr. Stewart's, so the effect that the purchase by the government of four and a half million ounces of silver per mouth would use all the silver produced in the United . States, and would put up the price of silverjto par. Mr. Stewart ad mitted that hie! prophency had failed, but pleaded that the con ditions had changed and that it had proved conclusively that nothing would do but free coinage. In an interview in the New York Herald, Senator Carlisle deprecates the taking up of the silver question at this time by his party. He U ubts very much whether the democrats have anything to gain from the silver states, which are naturally republican, and will vote the republican ticket in any event, he says. Mr. Carlisle takes broad ground, iu favor of an honest cur rency. PARLEZ-VOUS FRANCAIS? If you don't, there certainly have been times when you wished that you could; and if you are anxious to learn to read and speak French, you should have the splendid article "French Without a Master," by Prof. A. de Iougemont of Chau tauqua University, published in Demorest's Family Magazine for February. With the definite and prectical instructions given in it, one cannot fail to acquirean accu rate knowledge of French in an astonishingly short time. I3ut this is not the only attraction of this superb number of thi3 typical family magazine. The numerous illustrations, including a lovelj' phototint of "Cupid and Pysche," are simply splendid; the stories are of exceptional merit; "At the Home of a Florida 'Cracker,'" handsomely illustrated, wili interest everybody; "The Home 01 a Specialist." with numerous illustrations, furnishes a home; and "A Small Garden, and What It Produced" give just the in formation needed by thore who have link' ground and 'et like fresh vegetables. As usual, there is something in this number for everybody, and everything is of the best; and this mimbf is only a sample of what is furnished twelve times a year, for . Pub lished, by W. Jennings Demorest, 15 K. 14th SL, New York City. The participation of women in the world's fair promises to be one of its most interesting as well as novel features. With a commodi ous and imposing building, de signed by a young lady architect, and with an abundance of money, and with full recognition, indorsc .tueut and aid by the United States government and the exposition directory, the women have an opportunity of showing in Blinal manner tlu condition of; The volumes of the Magazine be j their hex throughout the world, pin with the Numbers for June and ! ' . i- . .,,4. ,,f December of each year. When no (what are the achievement titm-ia peciiied, subscriptions will I woman in the various branches of iK.jriM with the Number current at ' huni iM ("idcivor, and what is her : die time of receipt of order. Hound i adaptability to din-rent occupa- 1 Volumes of Harper s Magazine fox ; 1 , ,. c i i ,i ' three years back, in neat cloth bind turns ami Iiium o. and , . m , 4 , ., post-paid. charitable work. under me li'"C; i !''! '' l'"' b'i:ird'H presiiTent i?Ir. lVtter Palmer -Hit work of ! organization, and of eulistii:;the interest of woim-ii throughout the I l"iiit-'l State - and in foreign countries, has proceed to a mot ; . tlioronIi application of Chamber satisfactory stage. j ban's l'ain Halm enablerl him to , I got up ami go to work. vr. J'rice TiiK Sherman silver law is not just what Sherman or any other republican wanted, but it is a better law than any which a demo cratic house would pass, and it will stand until the republicans re gain power in that body. I'KKslDKXT HARRISON will have to send that Chilian message to congress and congress will have to order a naval demonstration to be made in Chilian ports before that country will come to her senses. Tlie liver IVoserit Crisis. Oi fO to every iimn niid ii:t:ion c mcs the morn- til to "let i ie. In the Mrile 1 f iruiliwith fal. eliood, for tlio yin id :r f'V.I si- ll: Some irn :ii cttijs (i:i's now M Hsiuh. offer- i v i iK'li 1 ii: 1I (i or I ' i rl 1 ' . I'urlK Hie u( lit-; up''i liio left hand. :utl tlio h!,(T!' 11 1 on t i i' ri lil. And tin' choice o-s hy I'on-Vrr 'twixt that dai'Kiu an 1 thai lihf. t'nr-h'i pe-m t'ie s'reat nveirji'r; history's piit'i s hut rrei.r.l Out- di al !i f iiiiipic in llie darkness 'twix'. old sy-1- ms ,1 iid I i 1' W r I : '1 1 nth li ii r 011 tin- i-caU' -ild, WroiiK forever (111 t lie lino : Vcl lint mv H'-i.d Sivjiys H10 f ill u ; e, und bo- l.ill'l t h' tit in HiiKiiouii Sianih ill iol ith:n ilio bhadotv, koepiiiir wulch uhuve Ins owi;. Then to siilo with truth I noble wheu wo Fi nn- I'er n ivtc n-il crni. Ere her cintse lirinjr f 1111c unci profit, and "lis lio.-icroiiK to tie just; Then it is tho lu-.-iv 1:1:111 chooses, while tlio eowurd stands ai !e. DouMin? in his abjuct t-pirit till his Lord Is crucified. And tlit; multitude make virtue of tho faith they had denied. For humanity sweeps onward; where to-day tlio martyrs stand. On the morrow crouches Judas with the sil ver in his hiind: Far in front the cross stands ready and tho crackling fatrois burn. While the lootii g mob of yesterday in silent awe return To glean up the bcattered ashes into history's jroldeu urn. They have rifrhts who dare maintain them; we are truitors to our sires. Smothering in lleir holy a-shes freedom's new-ut altar nrr-s; Shall we make their erod our jailer? Shall we in our haste to slay. From the tombs of the old parties steal the f uueru.1 lam ns away To liht up tho mart vr-fagots rouud the propiiets ot to-iiayr New occasions tench new duties; Time makes ancient it.kk! uncoutn: iney must iipwaru sun j and onward, who Lo, before us v learn our eainp-lires; we our- seives must Piljrrims be, Lauuch our Maj flower, and steer boldly tlironvrh the de-iMirate winter sea. Nor attempt the future's porlal with the p.isi s oioou-ruswu Key. James Russell Lowell. TAMING A SHREW. How a Fuahionable Wanhlnetoii Woman's Fearful Temper Wu Subdued. A certain woman of fashion conspic uous in tho society of a city not a thou sand miles from Washington, whose infirmity of tenioer lias given rise to very interestiusr gossip occasionally, figures iu a quaint little story that is at present going the rounds. A short time ago she was entertain ing at supper a lady of her acquaint ance, when it chanced that there was placed upon the table a small pot of chocolate, savs the Washington Post. The hostess of the occasion was very fond of the beverage in questiou. par taking of it every evening of her life. Unfortunately the servant had neglect ed to make more than the usual juan tity, which was just about suflicient for a single cup. Accordingly when the guest was asked if she would have some, she hes itated a moment and said no. Where upon her entertainer flushed with anger at the contretemps and, rising from her seat, deliberately poured the contents of the chocolate pot out of the window. This was-embarrassing for the lady entertained, to say the least of it- O' course, however, she pretended to take no notice, merely glancing at her host, who made the third person at the re past, to see if he evidenced any con sciousness respecting tiie proceedings. But he only smiled slightly beneath his mustache and made 110 remark. Presently he asked her if she would have some chickeu salad, of which a big dishful made the priucipal feature among toe viands. "I thank you. no." she replied, mere ly because she had a preference fot something else. Immediately, as if it were quite a! matter of course, the host picked tin! the chicken salad and threw it. dish i and all. out through the window into! ti;e "allien I nsa wav we have here." he r- marked, calmly Xohmlr m id :.:.vthi,,o- for oniio li r ' unautes afterward, but the extreme i ... n amiability exhibited by the hostess for j the rest of tiie evening led the visitor , to imame that the lsson thus given after the maimer of Petruciiio was Dot without a eertaiu domestic usefulness. 1 I Library Parties the Latent Things, j j A "library party" is a simple and t ovel entertainment for guests. The j plan of it is to have the ladies repre- I sent the title- of familiar books by i their dress?, or oerhaps some leading j character of the books. The books, an I given correctly she demands a tine. The gentleman who guesses the title is supposed to take possession of the fair book.- to care for her, and be en tertained bv her durinr tha eveniui. they are theu called, circulate for ten or -offanaport, na eacn rainca M minntesamon? the gentlemen, after ! founds if an taking it. iMrs. H. A. which they are returned to the libra- ! fZ'S YSiur -Ind' was cured rian, who'ask, the title, and if it is not j f t,n'0" aya i : on rcccit of ier volume. , Cloth cases for binding, HO cent? j each-by mail post paid. , Wiliam T 1'rcie. a Justice of die Peace, at Kichland, Nebraska, ; was confined to his bed last winter says: " I tie wemeoy cannot oe recommended too hignly." Let any one trouoiea witti rneumausm neuralgia or lame back give it trial and they will be of the same opinion, no cent bottles tor sale 03 1. G. rricke & Co. Druggist Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tnii Bkst Sai.vk in the world for Cutt Hruisei-, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, CliiHilaica Corns, and all Skin Sruutions, am! posi tivcly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is cuaranteed to trive MttisiaetiOD, i money refunded. Price 25 cents per Imix For sale by F. G. Fricke Do not confuse the famous Hlush of Roses with the many worthless paints, powders, creams and bleaches which are Hooding the market. Gef the genuine of your druggist, (). II. Snyder, 7.1 cents per bottle, and I guarantee it will re move your pimples, freckles, blac k heads, moth, tan and sunburn, an give you a lovely complexion. 1 Electric Bitters. This remedj' is becomitig so well and sc. popular as to need nospccial mention. All who have used Kiecl trie Hitters sing the same sonr of praise. A tutrer medicine does not exist and it is ruaraiiteed to do al- that is claimed. Ivlectrie Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other aifec tions caused by impure blood. "Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Klectric Hitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. J'rice otic ana .tl per bottle at t. tr. Fricke & Go's drugstore. 5 A Fatal MistaKO. Physicians make 110 more fatal mistake than when they.inform pa tients that nervous heart troubles come from the stomach and are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Miles, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new book on "Heart Disease" which may be had free of F. G. Fricke & Co., who guarantee and recommend Dr. Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure, which has the largest sale of any heart rernedv in the world. It cures nervous and organic heart disease, snort breath, lluttcrmg, pain or ten derness in the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulse, fainting, smother ing, dropsy, etc. His Kestorative Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. It Should be in Every House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be with out Dr. King's New Discovery fot Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia after an attack of "La Grippe," when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discover has done him more good than any thing he ever used for I.unp Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c and $1.00. Some Foolish People , allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the succesful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guar antee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first does. Price 50 c and $1. Trail size free. At all druggists. A fliystery Explained. The papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. The well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such girls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, un balanced; usually subject to uead ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying or laughing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is no remedy equal to Restorative Nervine. Trial br,ri and a fine book, containing j..;.,- marvelous cures, free at F. i.!:P'!t z.c & Co's.. who also sell and guuianlee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart tonics. Cures tluttering.'short breath, etc. Aa weI1 8 the handsomest and thcrs are invited to call on any dr"?S"ist. a"d "et f r'e a trial bottle of Kemp's Basam for the Throat I icr 1 ji . - 1 1 - rt irmtruy ixiai is seiiinir nee entire v "V"" ftH1 o ' " T on it3 merits and hronjc and acute coughs, asthma bronchitis and consumption .Large bottles 5Dc and $1. Startling Facts- The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: alphouso Hutnpfling, of Butler, Penn, swears that when son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative ?rving cured him. Mrs. J. L. '""cr UI v aiprai anu. j.u. taoinr, and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & Co., who rcconieiidi thi unequal led remed vj ANK OF CASSCOUNTY Cor Main and Fifth street. -"aid up capital Surplus OFFICERS ' II Vaniele B tt Kamsey M. I'alleinou T. M. Patterson. I'r-M!i1eijt Vice President 't.Slieil DIRECTORS II. Par ele. .1. M. Patterson. Fred (Jorder 1, H. Smith it. B. Windham. It. 8. IJamsey and r. M.Patteison k GENEHL BATIX1NC FUSltf f?F ?3 AH 3 A TED Aoconnts nolle te. ln!erer. allowed nr. tmt- I ei ..: it and propiot art i:tiiinriven t all Into- ne!w entrusted 10 us care. PflKKlKS- HOUSE. 217. ai, 221 and 2'i:t Main St., Plattsmouth - Nebraska H. M B0ES, Proprietor. lilt Perkins, has been thor.A.ul) renovated from toj; tc "At;,..iiii niii ' iow one of the best hotels in tln stati- rjoarders will be taken by the week at J t.50 and up. 3G0D C0K1TSCT3D .R ME3Sr;BADEoisFSClRE! K-: t: " '' lnvu-t.le Tutralar fur Cml .-unenliil win-.! l ir -iiir !u fnl. So:d by K. Ili.fol.oi.l .-, CJJI'P inwnTJJi, III". nnu.'liTIMuKt.I fircoitt I iZI Z3- ISA!!-? iVIi C'1'Hift.i a'.d ;u"tii:v( t' u h.iir. "t ."it"' " ,.,.":.. i'.-s a lux:i.i:;u; rT"'.'. ; 1 - -7 fJ'-vr-r fails to Oray ' " .fiu'i Jfuil' 13 it Youthful Co'ior. - ' .-"r -...rvJ Cujci pca!p ilistai-js Ac Iu:ir it..i;. Parker' G in rcr Toiuo. it rnrrs the wnrut c.'ni.T.i, ' al; i.ur'.j, i ,( biiiiy, Ithj ii:sii-jn, i'aint'i'ake hi tiiijo.0i.-u. HU'il'SKf'SCO tl ti'S. The mlr siif euro for Corns. -. ! .v: jjiiiii. 10c a; Un.ggistj, or JilSCOX & :o., K. V. CiiamDerlain's Bye and Skin Ointment. A certain enro for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OL Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Hippies and Piles. It is cooling and soothing Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had -failed, ft la put up in S3 and 60 cent boxes. GRATKUL COMFORTING 9 w BREAKFAST 'Bv a thoronuli knowledtre of ttift natural laws which govern the operations if cMjiestron and nutrition, and ty a careful apf.licalion of the fine properties of well selected -Oo'-oa. Jlr. Fpps has provided our breakfast table with a del ica'.ely flavored beverage which may s:ive lis ninnv hejivv doctor' bills. ItlsbvJth inilin- inus use of cuch ai ttcle of diet tht a con fit ution may be gradually built up until sin. 11' enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtl ': eladies are floatin e around us ready to attacK wherever here is a week point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ouree'ves well forrified with pure bloo ! and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Madosi simply with boiimg water or milk. Sold only in halt-pound tins, b; crncerips. labelled thui: lAMEs Errs & DO., Homceooathlc Chemist ljonaon. uogiana How Lost! How Regained! KfiOV THYSELF. Or SELF-PRESERVATION. A new and only uomMeaairuuis cssjii onAEKvuustna PHYSICAI. -DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800 paces, cloth. ilt; 1SS invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 y mail, doable sealed. Descriptive Prospect us with endorsements idorsements mpp. criun 'orthrsFREE! now. of the Press testimonials Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN CURE. Address Dr. W. II. Parker.or The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulfiuch St.. Boston, Mm. , The Peabody Medical Institute bas many imi tators, but no equal. fferald. The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, is a treasure more valuable than gold. Read It now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learo to be STRONG . Medical Review. (Copyrighted-.! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. THE ORIGINAL AND CENUINC. B fE30 I il Jajsj e!l with hii-i li'.tou. 'j uke no nlber Lld. Rcjiu iuefcmi-n cn (ti.-jv. I V yj' .'.ii pii.T in tui.i.ri. in iu, pliit vi:s.r arc Jnr--o oant-rf'.-lt. A. li: .. r i"3 I B fe'V '" S'-VJl;-' irr . r.ic'.'..:..'!. -. nd "ileii- In.- i .u.S'." i. - a a il..l- . fi iM imiTii:.. .. .. fas,vr. WHICMESTCS ChiWic-. (.-.. .:.!!-- Sjniirt. m-r tteUt. Kr aU U-.w:.' I .-. .- : -I S... ... -iM- -'A. M exican M ustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment, Xo other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. NTo medicine chest is complete witnouc a oowic ui musiapu Liniment. Occasions arise for its u?e almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it. DPil RK IJI- STAPLE AND FANCY f TV ' TV T T f If jffl j I U I f V I I I H K H 1 I ! I J I ) I III I ( U IV V V J 111 1i J GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth. pIRST NATIONAL : HANK OK PLATTSMOUTH. NKUKASKA ''Htd up capital ..... Sin plus . .I.Kl.OiKI.Oi' .. 10.000.0!' rs the very let facilities for the protnp transaction 01 nitibiaie 5tock, bonds, gold, govc'riiinent and lcci t. iintl -h noiinlit colli. liepusns i-c-i, nil interest, allowed on the certifies. crafts drawn, available iu a::y part tii lii, 5-,niel staten and all ine principal tnwri" o iaroi e. 30!.LI'.CTIONa MADK AND llt IM l"l I. V UH.MIT- TKIi. Holiest market pli-e p.Md Jir CoiiMty 'a- ranis. State ana County boiius. DIKKOTOKS John Fitzt-'srald I). l!awkvtort.n .Sam Waugh. 1'. K. WLiie r.eorge K. Pnvey John Fitzgerald. S Whi'hIi. Prenident Civ-. ATEW HARDWARE STORE J ' : S. E. HALL & SON Keep all klQds of buiMeM hardwarrf on liand anu will supply contrai-tors on most lav orable TI2ST BOOFING : JiOUtiDg and ;iH l.inds of tin work promptly done. Orderir fain the country Solicited 6i Pt arl St. PLATTSMOUTH. NKB. JHE CI1IZKXS BANK. PUATTSMOUTH - NEBKASKA Japltal stock paid in Authorized Capital, 5100,000 OFFICJCB8 W. H Cuehinj?, J. W John ion rrcatdeat. Vlce-Pie-t i:.- W. H. CUSHINO. Cashier. DIKKCTOR8 F K Guthman. J W Johnson. E S G reusrt. rienrv KiKenoary. M w Morgan. J A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W H CushikK csansacts;a general BANKING BDSiNES i-:'!-m cerrifiCites of deposits bearinu inerii ttuv.s hihI sell.- exchaue. county and vty 4. C. MAYES COUNTY - SURVEYOR AM) -f CIVIL ENGINEER All orders left with the county clerk will be promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE, Plattsmouth. - - Nebraska RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND A Tb onlT Kfe. hirf. if rrhablr Pi ! for n"c v.f (TI.-JV. V Pronounced Hot)"l. Yrr Sm vnrt From a letter written by Mrs. Ada 1C. Ilurd of (iroton, S. J)., w-e quote: "Was taken with' a bad cold, which settled 011 1113' lungs, cough set in and hnally terminated 111 consump tion, pour doctors gave me up say, inir I could live but a short time. I trave myself up to mv Saviour, iKm lemillicu II 1 iimiil not may ni my friends on earth, I would ttH'y U13r irieiMIM M in. mimi 1 . r f mv abnent oiich al.ovc. My liui bi.nd w.ih ndviseil to ic t Dr. Kin' New Discovery for cim.tuiiiptioi o.ntrjLs .,,! roidrt. I iive it a tria took in all eitfht liotth-H; it haMCtiret me and thank (.rod I am now a wen and heartv woman." Trial bottled free at F. G. Fricke Ac Co.'h druj Mtore, retilwr size. Aw. and itl.tHl. F. G. Fricke Aj Co., Dnitftf 1VK rharmacintM, Union Jilock, J'latys mouth, Neh. desire to inform the public, that they are agents, tor the most Huccennful preparation that;iiast yet been produced for coughs, colds and croup. It will loosen and releave a severe cold iu less tune man any omer treatment. 1 lie article referred 100 is iiamer- lain's Caujili rcmeby. It it a medi cine that has won fame and popular ity on it's merits and one that cij'j 1 always be depended upon. It . the only known remedy that wi M prevent croup. It must he tried t' he oppreciated. It is put up in' cent and ifrl bottles. QUICKLY, THOROUGHLY. FOREVER CURED X ... by a new porlected f!fSt Bclontitlc nietli.Kl Unit V g citiilmt full unleHil tlifl "V . till Cnuo W bt-yonil iiuniuil 'C7 ii'il. Vo'i improvcil li- )'- X thofrt I:i5',fe.'l Ixmio- i k' r tit rverv day : noon Iciiour 5fS Vr 1 y.mrm'if kli; ninnnir kKviIK- (- "'" " body, lii'mil 1111J V )H-V'J3 h '.irl. I).:iiiiu.l los' 3, YnH'rhW ciulD.I. i;erjr .itacl4 t'j Imrpy umrricd liiVire- '! .n-i. Norve f'mu, Will.eiii riy, lirtui: I'luv.'r, V'"' 1 I .iliuts' or J..M. uro ii ! rcl ly I!:'-! (n it 1 'i"it. A !l .Hi' ti . ;'.! imIc nil li I'j of t .! h '.' cii ..'.O'l :t'tl :tj''!ll(!l. Vn t .ml 1.;' i' :m.: h iiikI e:.r: ' 1 : : :.: j ymir liianiioi il ! Siiil'jriT.i I n un joiiy.ovirrwiirK.lll Ill'lllLll, g rrtiiuu ymir viwir! Oon't en np:;:r.even If In tlj liit.t f nl:n;( h. Dim'l ho 'lllll;art A m il if qimrkn liave iki- tii-d you. I.cIuhbIhiw you ttint lucUlcul HC'ii'iu o Hud tiTislncM honor etlll prist; horn ten h:m In liunrt. Write Tor our 1Z 110k with ix:)!.ii):ition!i it iiruofs. luuilcd sealed frco. Over Si ,000 reference. EME K2LICAL CO. , LTTFFALO, IT. Y. HAYE WTHI YOU SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Narar fails to Rive instant relief in the womt oaaoo, and eff.-l rarra where ether fuLL. Trial rviwi KliEK of rmrI.C mr hy IL Iddrw EIR. R. ROH1PFMANN RL hiL Blae. Drs. Betts&Betts PHYSICIANS, S'JKGESXS and SPECIALISTS, 1409 DOUGLAS ST., 0 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. . Office hours from 9 a. in. to 8 d. m. Soiida from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Specialists in Chronic. Nervous. Skin and Blood Diseases. Z?f Consultation at ofEce or bv mail free. Medicines sent by mail or express, secarefV packed, free from observation. Gnaranteea to cure quickly, safely and permanently. The most widelv and favorably known nrmritil ists in the United States. Their lone eznerienoe. remarkable skill and universal success in tha treatment and enre of NervoaB, Chronic and Bur. gical Diseases, entitle these eminent physicians to the f uU confidence of the aillicted everywhere). They guarantee: A CERTAIN AND POSITIVE CURE for the awful effects of early vice and the uumoruot evils that follow in its train. PRIVATE. BLOOD AND REIN DISEASES speedily, completely and permanently cured. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL DTTV ORDERS yield readily to their sJullfiU -4ri meat. PILES. EIETULA AND RECTAL ULCERS guaranteed owd withowt pain or detention from business. HYDROCELE AND VARICOCELE nenna. nently and successfully cured in every case. SYPHILIS. GONORRHOEA. GLEET. Snama. torrboea. Beminal Weakness, Lost Manhood. 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IVA rnendiy letter or call may save you future suffering and shame, aod add golden years to life. t5ito Lstter answered unlaw accompanied by 4 cents in stamps. Aoaress, cr call on .. DRS. BETTS & BETTS, 1 409 Douglas Stay OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. 2 P, r tho Llcmcr Habit, Positively Curer bt Aourj!? r:n..a ue. haires' WMin SrtsiruSj I Hcm b gtvia in a cup sf eo3e or tea. or In ar. t uctcsoy soa. wiinoui ine anowieageol ttie per- i son taking it; It is absolutely harmless and wili effect a permancut and speedy cure, whether j hhepatientisa mcxlerate drinkeror an aloholl ' wreck, it NEVER FAILS. We GUARANTEE a complete cure In evary instance, ii pane boo FREE. Ad.Jretsla CQnndc. J . TOLUZH SfEC4f iC Da: I Ran SL. CinoktMtt.' I 4 (1 10