The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 13, 1892, Image 1

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    mouth Daily Herald
Royal Baking Powder is reported by
the U. S. Government, after official
tests, hiehest of all in leavening power.
It is the best and most economical;
u s ire cream of tartar Baking Powder.
BUHLisnm.x a i.vsi ; 1:1 i;. J.
V 'i :v a. i ::. .
No. '1 f : ." I' M
No. 4. . . ! :. .i
Nt. H . . . . 7 ; it f. II.
No lu a ; if -i. ii
No. li . II :i I i :
No. 2D X MJ a. Ii
Vi -45 .1. II..
t ;:.-.
tt. ... i :0" il III
O ! " .1. III.
i; vl'' i. III
I. . . . ' :!)." i. in.
. Ill II :ii.' a. in.
MISSOUi:i r.M 71-71 .MMIV
TIMK CAk'l).
N". 31 Arcoimn al n I eav-n..
Ni.:tHi aniv.s.
Trains daily 'c .t uiinay
.in:.".'. a in.
. 4 ;tm p. in.
Attorney . Will ivt-irninit alteiittoi.
to all lui-intf tiiln.r-Icu li- Iiimi. Office in
Unlou Mock, t.iwx MUe. I'latiMiioiitli, Neb.
StiCIitiT SUi'ltiTltiS
KNiinns o- I'Viiias CMn.twt inne
Ni. 47 M'-tF evei y " i ill Miy evt-iuii
at their li II ii I am e:e .V ra n Muck. All vie
ilinit KMuhts are eoidia;ly n.v led to attend
M. N. Cr llill:. C. t'. ; tin I ovey, K. K. .
Dr. Dan (ioiding was in Omaha
ltorney Mathew C.ering was in jis Mjvv jti Set,lor, JU ncijrali-
Omuha to-day oti business.
II. C. Schmidt was a western pas
senger tli is morning on No,".
I)r, and Mrs. R. R. Livingston are
visiting in Council iJluffs to-day.
Hyron Clark and R. W. Hyers
were in Omaha on business lo-dav.
Mat Schickel, the Louisville
cigarinan, is visiting with his fain
ily. C A. Miller is attending the (I. A.
The prospect for the old soldiers
meeting is very Mattering already
a large number of the members are
there and it is expected by noon to
day they will all be there.
Ivvery train which arrives brings
in new delegations.
The court house is beautifully
decorated with ilags a::d hunting,
a:id presents a patriotic and inspir
ing apperante. (lovernor Thayer
AO IT. W . No. K4 Meets M'roiid and lonrlh
Kril:iv v.l It.irw ill t ln tmttilli 111 il A If
lia.ll ill !; kwiMul liloek.
r , I , hmwii, Keeonler,
M. Vtimliau, M W,
OSS LdDCK. No. uk. 1 . O. K met t.s ev
ery 1 uetiliy l.i: 1: :it tlnir listi! i! 1-ituerald
block. AllOilii I'd : air cordially invited
to attend ! '--iti: c in t!n -mv. ClirifPct
emeu. N C. ; S. 1 Morn, Secretary.
" Meel at the K.
-(',,- Cm noil No 1021.
hail in lli- Parim-ie &
Craiir block over l'.enneit Tufie, viiiinfj
lretlren invil Ue;iry tier Kee ut ;
Thos V ailing,"ai v.
eve. ir.L- :
in Itorkvook ! 1
l, I' hiiorso..-. !
: ... w !; rv in: :!.'.' t- : ;lav
!i .-ni-li ' .i liail
k. !'!. :nk eruiityea, r.i. W.
. fniii : fi 1 !iurs;;.. s
111 f I :l
ion:.- ; i'.ell'.'
1 I:! i.
i-l lii le;
ii'' and
i in I . o.
V. Kovil.
! cr.
' Vj. Ia li.Mi-i 'oniliii- I'.isr u. if. i.e. t- i'n rv
forkjmitl I.lnek All v I s 1 1 1 ! r '.lnrad a:e
I cordially mvileil . e. t wit.' in. rr. d I ates
J, i o-i Adjniaiit ; F. Ni l--. I'd- t'i nunj-d.ler.
K.Mel (iniiii.. I'.isr i
OUU' h )' ' I HE W(KU. Meets at 7:30
ivi.rv lf ii ! i v i i fir r t ! i I r:iiil Aiinv
bail. a. K (iromii.
president. I li"S Walling,
PAS ("AMI' 38 M W. A. m etx every
isecorid and K inth Monday t-v nines in
Fitzgerald ha 1 v'isiruiir neihf) rs welcine.
P.'. Hansen, V. C. : I". ertenberer, W. A..
8. C. Wilde. Clerk.
irs of Vet. rans. divisi. n of Nebraska. I"
S. A. meer very I uesda mlit at 7 :."0 o'eb ek
in tli-tr ball in I- itluerald b ock. . 11 smi an I
visilinn emnrades are coidially lnvileil to meet
wiili us .I. J. K.ut7.. i oinin t'iidei-; li. A. . c
Eluain. 1st -e;i ;ent.
y IITH;- OK KKI EC' A hud of Prom-
e I.odire N . 4u n eets llie second ami
fourth TIptsiIxv eveiii- gs ef each iiiniith in
the I O. O. V . "h 11. Mis. T. K. lliiams, N .
;. ; .Mrs John Cnry. Secret;iry
v CATlioi i-.-St. Paul's Cbureh. at., between
-t'..i.; ;unl sixth. Father 'a ney. Pastor
Si v ee : '-iss jit s ml 1 a. m. Sunday
cic-'mi r.t " :..i. i i, ieiir-eielioi..
K. reunion at Nebraska City this and lieutenant (iovernor Majors
Councilman L,arsen is reported on
the sick list, with an attack of the
Miss Nellie Ta3rlor, of Central
City, Nebraska, is in the city, the
guest of Miss Maggie Oliver.
Mr. and Mrs. Sain Patterson left
this morning for Omaha to attend
the bicycle race there this after
noon. "in tue I.' u i ted States district court
Martin 1. Coleman, of Greenwoon,
vas fined !,!() and costs for retailing
liquor without posting a stamp.
The county commissioners have
made all ot their appointments for
road overseers and the county clerk
was busy j'esterday mailing them
their certificates of appointments.
C. V. Sherman and hd Oliver
started out this morning for a rab
bit hunt. They left orders with
Phil Harrison to meet them this
evening at Orcapolis to bring in the
have no arrived yet, but are ex
pected this evening'
The following program was
carried out last evening: Music;
address of welcome, Hon. M. T,
Hayward; response, J. O. Gross,
president; music; short voluntary
speeches, J. YV. Pearman and others.
A Curiour Well,
Fremont geologists are wrestling
with a strange problem just now
in the shape of the wonderful
phenomenon exhibt bjr a well in
that cit3'. Geologists have all along
banked on the intense heat of the in
terior of the earth, but the maiioeuv
ering of this well tend to indicate
an interior cotidition of the other
The well in question is a bored
one with a dramater of about a foot
and is 112 feet deep, and the strange
part of it is that ,it spouts cold air
in place of water, the air -rushing
out at times with a noise I ike escap
ing, steam. The atmospheric cur
rent from the well is always the
strongest when the weather i.-? cold
and by means of it can usually be
told a day ahead when there will be
a cold snap. Several theories have
been advanced, but as 3-et the
strange phenomenon remains a
m3'ster3 Nebraska Cit3 Press.
State Fort ieul'u r al Society.
The annual winter meeting of the
Nebrarka Stale Horticultural soci-
et3' convened 111 Nebraska hall,
Lincoln, esterda3', with President
Ta-lor in the chair and about fifty
delegates presen.. The exhibits
are ver3- line. In the evening the
1 .. . - i .1.,. 11
Citizens bank met and elected the l"1""1"1 i""u"jS
committee to revise the premium
lu;t ami rtil'-s and regulations gov-
All who can sing and are willing
to help our high school secure a
good 1 ibar3 are invited to meet to-
ni'jrht at Prof. MeClelland's home to
practice the Canta, "Japhtah and
His Daughter.
The directors of the Bank of
Cass Count3- held their 3"carl3' elec
tion of officers last night. The
old officers were all re-elected ex
cept vice president. Ii. S. Ramse3'
was elected vice president in the
place of Fred Gorder deceased.
Last night the directors of the
Ciii:l"Ti ". t 1 11 -r l..'i!s! ami J-i-.-bth Sts.
Sei -vices 111 ri.mii m o -ei 'hr. 1-iiiir A.
tlal i-way .:is;ir Sunday .Vi ool to . si.
EfIs-'oiwl. St Luke's 1 biiich. '1 nird
mid in-. lev II P. linrtepf pastor. Ser
vices: II a. si. a U 7 :"ll- ii. Sunday School
at 1 :.T0 v. si.
liKKSiA.v M kthiiihst. . jrner sitli St. and
(iranit. Ke . llirt. Pastor. Serv ces : 11 a. m.
and 7 P. si. Suuuay ScIuhiI lo :3o A. si.
PkeshytkkiaN. -ervires in i cw church. cor
ner rMxth and Cnnnle sts. Kev. J . T. liair-t,
pastor, sui.dav-sc ool at 9 ; CO ; l'reachinv;
at II a. in.;i-..d h p lit.
Hif . K. S. C. E of rhi church m-ete every
S.ibb-itll eveniii" at 7 :I5 in the hasemet t of
thechucrh. All are invited to attt nu these
Kikst JIfthodisi. Sixth sr.. betweii Main
and Pearl. .Pev. I.. K. Britt. I. I. nastor.
Service : 11 a. si.. X :00 p. l Sundav School
9 :30 a. si. I'raytrineeti. g ednesday even-
following officers for the ensuing
3-ear: I'resident, Win. II. Cu.hing;
vice president, J. V. Johnson;
board of directors. F. K. Guthinan.
J. V. Johnson, Iv. S. Greusel, Henry
Kikenbar3'. M. V. Morgan. J. A. Con
nor. V. V.'etenkamp and W. II.
dishing. W. II. Ciishing will still
act as cashier.
eriiing Hie societ3-: Messrs. J
You tiger. Geneva; Iv. F. Stephens
Crete; C. II. Uaruard. Table Rock
1. K. Chapin, Lincoln, and V. J
Ilesser, of this city. In the eve
ning tlie president delivered his an
nual address.
Vl13-will you cough when Shi-
Jolt s cure will give lmmeuiaie re
lief. Price 10 cts., .m) cts. tuU 5-1
For sale b3" F. G. Fricke & Cc
For the Nebraska Soldiers Re-un
ion at Nebraska Cit3' Jan. 12 to 14
theM. 1. R3-.. will sell round trip
tickets Jan 11-12 and 13 good re
turning J an 3- Jo at $1. 10. it
OrusiAN Pitt-sr.YTKitiAN-. Corner Main and
Ninth. Kev tite, pastor. Services usual
hours. Sunday t-chool 9 :30 A. si.
twecn Fifth and Sixth.
Granite, be-
Colokfi Baitist. Mt. Olive, Oak. between
Tenth and Eleventh. Key. A. Boswell, pas
tor. Seiviees 11 a. ni. Jml 7 :.!0 p. in. I'rayer
meeting Wednesday evenitc.
YOl'NO MksS CltltlsTlAV AssiH-IATIoN
KiMiinsiu v aterrnati block. Main street. Cos
le! meel inc. for meij only, everv Sunday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Pootns open week days
from bJO a- 111.. to l : 30 p. m.
Socth Park Tai-.eknaclk. Ilev. .1. M.
Wood, I astor. Services : Sunday School,
10a. in.: 1 reaching. 11a. n.. and 8 p. ni. ;
prayer meetir.p Tuesday niulit ; choir prac
tice Eridav night. AH are welcome.
Miles Nerve andSLiver Pills.
Act on a new principle regulat
ing the liver, stomrch and bowels
through the nervs. A new discovery.
Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliou
sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles
oonstipation. Unequaled for men
women, children, smallest, inidest
surest! IV) doses, 25c. Samples
free nt b: G. Fricke & Cos.
Juclyre Arc ler's Court.
Soentiichseii & Schirk vs. Jvlam
I'armele. Suit on account, con
tinned until Januar3r 10.
Joe Klein vs F. A. McKee. Suit
on account, continued, until Ian
uarj- 2:?.
The Nebraska Farmers Alliance
is 111 session at .Lincoln this week
behind closed doors.
Dir.rict court adjour;ed yester
day tin ill Fridav; corrt vi!l be in
ses.-'on F: 'c!av and Saturdav.
There will be a meeting of the Y's
at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to-morrow
at 4 p. m. All members are urged
to be present. liy order of presi
Regular meeting of Gauntlet
Lodge No. 47, Knights of Pthias
to-night. All members requested
to be preset as business of import
ance is lo be transacted.
The funeral of the late Fred
Ridall occurred this afternoon at the
family residence. The cigarmakers'
union. No. 27G, and the A. O. U. V.
lodges turned out, headed b3' the
Bohemian band. Rev. II. I?.
Burgess officiated.
The Sons of Veterans are making
big preparations for an 03-ster sup
per next Saturda3- night at their
hall in Fitzgerald's block. A good
programe is being arranged whieh
will appear in The Hekalp before
Saturday evening. 1
How to Increase Immigration.
While it is true that the vacant
lauds of the west are rapidl3r taken
up, and that Nebraska during the!
laet decade shows ;;u incivrte :n
population of 231 per cent, there 3d
remains west of the Missouri river
a vast domain awaiting the hand of
the husbandman.
At a ver3 modest estimate, the
unimproved or vacant lands west of
the Missouri river, in localities tra
versed l3' the litirl i iigton A:
Missouri River railroad, would
make KXJ.O ; ) farms 01 KiO.icies each.
While other stales i.avc an organ
ized imniigratioii bin can, backi d 13'
liberal a ppi o pi i:i t ions, N'-bra.-Ka relied entire- on piivaic 'tl
foits to place her advantages be
fore the people of the east.
Tin? question ma3r vei'3' well be
asked, is it not possibhr for the
press, with but liitle effort and
practically 110 expense, lo materi
al' aid in spreading information
regarding the west among eastern
people? Taking as their text the
magnificent crops of the past se;i
son, evorj' issue might well contain
readable statements from one or
mote fanners, of their operations
during the past year; giving acre
age of different kinds of grain or
vegetables, 3'ield, amount realized,
etc., accompanied, perhaps, b3r a
brief statement of the pair's pos
sessions at the time he reached the
state, and present financial condi
tion. Urge subscribers to lake as
many copies as the3' can, of issues
containing such statements, and
tend to their friends in the east.
All classes are, or should H-t
interested in immigration work;
increased population means in
creased circulation for our news
papers, increased business for our
merchants, increased value of real
estate holdings, and the develop
ment of The state, increased work
for the mechanic and laboring
I shall be ver3r glad to lurnish
pamphlets and other advertising
matter of a suitable kind, to all who
desire to mail same to their eastern
friends. J. Fka.ncis,
G. P. &; T. A., 15. & M. R. R.
Omaha, Neb.
Dan MeCiniy's Troubles.
"McGint3"'s Troubles" is the name
of this week's attraction at the
Wagner, the Mahara Brothers' com
pany begiiiiiinir their engagement
with the matinee 3'eslerda3- after
noon. "Dan McGint3's Troubles,"
as might be expected from its
name, is one of those nonsensical
productions now so popular, which
contain just enough trace of plot to
hold together a sparkling success
ion of songs, interspersed with
good 13- quantities of "speciaK!.".-."
The skit is a sample of its kind.
The songs are calcl- and clever3'
in LiO.Iuced. The pla3r m. ue a de
cided li'l 3-: l r-.y, and wasv :;
nesetl b3' crowded houses at both
po. lOi iaa nces. Moline Globe, Nov.
i.", :s; ;.).
Never has a ctinipany met with
such heart 3 applause in our cit3' as
"McGin tv"s Troubles" received last
night. It was ouecontinual roar of
laughter from rise until fall of
curta'ii 011 each act, and the cotn-pan-
well merited it. Should
Mahara Brothers ever come to our
city again connected with an enter
tainment, we can guarantee them a
full house. New Princeton, Nov. 18.
Don't fail to see this company at
the Waterman to-morrow night.
A Turkish Bath.
All lovers of fine singing, ..cei
lent dancing and filing comedy
should not fail to see "A Turkish
B.tii" atWal'.vinan opera house, cn
Mot; Jay- ev?;i;.:r- ne.;t. Ihc Gales
burg Herald sa3s:
"While the singing is the prin
cipal part of the pla3', the whole
entertainment is full of fun and no
one can see it without laughing.
And we do not doubt that a return
engagement would be met with a
packed house.
Mrs. Angelica Bailey, of the Pre-
ciut, at 10 o'clock Mouda3r evening,
aged 75j'ears and 4 months. The fun
eral will take place from the family
residence four miles northwest of
this cit3 on Friday afternoon at 2
The remains of the late Mrs.
Moldenhauer were laid at rest this
afternoon, Rev. Witte of the
German Presbyterian church con
ducting the service. A large dele
gation of S3'tnpathizing friends fol
lowed, the remains to their last
resting- place.
ii S(iinilq()i' jbi Gqsl'j Tvido (o.
W i (-1 o - i v q l'j ( ; P c 1 o q s .
While we appreciate the hit
Lie amount of trade wi
le.-iie l inciease our
are favoied with, we
1 cir
V N. V ) .
anl have completed arrangement in which we have secured large quan
tities, at lirst hands, ol the celebrated
-:"!: m 3 J LID 1; K L Ihm ..FLnTE A.l;fc-"--
at stu b prices that we ,ropiise to give them to our itiaii3- eiistomers b
liev ing thai we shall increase our Hade, as our Ciistomets appreciate th
fact that we are spending the inotu- v e set aside lor advertising purpoa
cs by returning it to tin in, believing Ihey will appreciate the yifts an4
1 II their iriends, and diereby increase our tr.ide.
I 'A 1.IO ( ash purchase to the amount of.r." entitles the purchaser !
either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butter Knifeor Sugar Shell so!4
by Jewelerv at ifl.dO.
KVKRS' Cash purchase to the amount of $ la entitles the purchaser to
set (0) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at .f2.0
KVKRY Cash purchase to the amount of ir2." entitles the purchaser to a
sot r,) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sohl b b-welers at
I-;VICRY Cash pit icli.. --r to the .-miom.t of I entitles the purchaser to m
set (li)of Rogers' Solid .Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid NicluJ
Forks, or a set ot Tripple plated Knives, sold 1.3' Jewelers at .fl.UO.
ICRIC is what the inatiufactiirer says in regard lo Solid Silver Met
al goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There Inn been a grow
ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take
the place of Solid silver and plate ware. We have experimented
for some time lo attain this end, and arc now able to offer the public our
Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Sol id Nickel Silver. We guarantee this meUl
superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest conli
denee in assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to servie,- 011-13-to
solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished and
can hardly be d ist i ngii ished from pure silver. Wc recommend this ware
especially for hotels, restaurants and hoarding houses, as it will stand
more hard usage than aii3- other metal; is very ton;, 1 and hard; will hold
its color and will outwear aii3' plateware ever manufactured." All our
customers know Rogers' ware by-reputation. This linn have manufac
tured plated ware since lSiT), ami their name is never put on goods that
are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are
getting some vei"3' desirable goods when they fret goods under Ihrii
brand. Come in earl3' and secure a share of these goods before it is to
Vc CTtiqtc'inoc oti Ibices a be jj: hovs qid
U ir. (lyiii): qioi.
zZtkl. "" M:' L
JU 1
In the best grades of
Iff (j ' '"'V ;X.
4 1 5 Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Neb
ACR1.S of Colora io land for sale or trade for Plattsmouth real
estate or for merchandise of anv kind. Thiu ; 1 . .
ennio tln l.,.wl : A I T." - .. . ' JO " '""K'"n lor
T 1 1 K 1 1 E R A L D , Piatt s m o u t h , N e b . call on ,r
The eIci:on of oflic- s of the
''1 Na o lal Ba ik occur d ihis
aiie1 noon ioo la'e for pubKcat ion.
'1 ;e cold g;ie!i h.-s brought the
t hciiiiome. dor.;. At Kei'-vade.
Mon'i'n?, it rc;,'s;e:rl 40 docres
below, at Hitcu. S. D. 2f decrjes
below, j', eiiiont, ?t degrees below,
Pine Ride A r,eoc , S. D.. 51 below,
Beaince, 23 below.
List of Letters
Remaiiiiiigunclaimed in the post-
office at Plattsmouth Januar3' 13, i
for the week ending January k
Ainick. 1) S Kveri-tt. Sum"
Burnt. Kd 1- isliT, Geo
liolmn. H ;rut)bs. 11
lioyd. James bniinii.. Matt
Benl. Charley -MesseiMiulli. Alanora
omice. V ni Marshall. Oscar
Dclson J M - Pei kin, Auey
beau.K' Kitchie. SC
Williams, Mrs Lottie.
Persons calling for any of the
above will please ask for "adver
tised" letters.
Many old soldiers, who contracted
chron:c diarrhoea while in the
service, have since been permanent
ly cured of it by Chaimberlain's
Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Rem
edy. For sale b3- F. G. Fricke fc Co.
The Leading
j Constantly keeps on hand everjthin
l you need to furnish your houee.
Plattsmout - Neb
For abstracts of title at reason
able rat-s. go to T. M. Ley da, Union
block. t