The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 11, 1892, Image 2

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    thnmiWimrsmit immwmai' 'i- ' 11 r t "f i nmrm frf-wn urc in n iu w i jmmi
The Plittsmoutb Herald
rr.-i- ;
I .'.hi:' -.'vi-iy
in its rel:it"Ji 1 population, not
only in the I'nih-d Silrs hut in nil
the jri m-i j i ! importing and ex
" t i 1 1 1 T i-oiiiili'ii'H ' the world. Me
I si lOW .-A 111. II ilOWl P.i to lilt'
I brvn-l-eatiu:;- ' . t .hit i': : :u i oased
ll.llicl'linl aril till." wheat ill .ril l-.'
per t while the vyc. area was
iiuehnii :. i, but 1 1 1 ii n tin ieu
years ilist rlo:-ed the inerrnse ill the
at ;i!in rv
lien v:ts hut 1.1- per
j mI si-;-iiiti' an increase in the
i 1 ! i : i i i tr populations of 1 1 per
T Kit. MM KOll WKK.KI.V.
im ciiv. ' ''"'. In ii'i viii!'-" fiwi
Hie c"y, iih year, n: in alv.nii-e 2 of
-n ;npy, six iitoutlif. in :nlvaii- 7S
ui; r sy. t!ui-'- iii'.nt It, in .v! vaiice. . . M
iih i:c y ir in :..! v : ii-- i! 00
no : iiy i-r .v--.-'.'. by irri'T IS
r i.y, j.' r iimm!!1 Si'
TllKKlC is :i "real deal of talk
anions tin; democrats :is to the
proper man for them to nominate
for the presi'leney. li makes no
li fferenee to the repuhl icaiis who
the democrats put up. for the re
publican iioiiiiii-e will he elected
no mjtiT who the rh-mocrats nominate.
I,.ST Friday uirhl Levi i..-i ! '.:
berry, who i.-- in jail at r.'ir; .-'v ' r
fn 1 1 s . i .- . v.. !".: ; i;!al Tor in: .
stotx I oil ;. ;;ii.i !n ... d o se. low
ered tile .-..'leli ii eauie for lili
pnrpo-e t I nchii! ,- him he hap
pened I.) he armed aad the
cone! iii li-d not to take him
thev had trot lo wiiere he was.
cent. In other words, consiiinpiion
in-na-iecl ten liiiica as last as pro-
d net mil
in IS71 thelotal wheat ex ports of the
United States, Knropo, fhdia and
Australia were only 1 20,U0,. !J0
bushels, while the price in India, on
the Atlantic seaboard, at Chicago
and in Liverpool averaged $!.-! per
bushel. The price steadily declined
to $1.1:1 as the average in 1883, when
exports had more than doubled,
iikI hits since fallen to eirlity-eiht
cents as the price for 1SS1). Hence
the probability of an advance in
The volumes of the Magazine be
gin w ith the Numbers for June and
December of each year. When in.
time is specified, subscriptions will
begin with the Number current at
(he time of receipt of order. Hound
Volumes of Harper's Maga.ine foi
three years hack, in neat cloth hind
ing will be sent by mail, post-paid
on receipt of !.(X) per volutin.
Cloth cases for binding, HO cents
each by mail post paid.
Mr. Wiliam T I'rcie. a Justice of
the I'eace, at K'ichland, Nebraska,
was confined to his bed last winter
with a se"ere attack of lumbago; but
; thorough application of Chambcr
lian's I'ain itiilni enabled him to
These studies show that j o-0t up mid "ii to work. Nr. I'rice
saj-s: The kVnicdy cannot he
recommended too hignly.'" Iet any
one trounieri wnn rneuinaiisin,
neuralgia or lame hack give it a
trial and they will be of the same
opinion. "() cent bottles for sale by
1. (1. JKricke : Co. Druggist-
Pronounced Hcpcletis, Yei Saved.
l-roiti a letter written l3- Mrs. ,da
IC. 1 1 11 rd of ( i rotor 1, S. I ).. we ptote:
"Was taken with a bar! cold, wh ich
s-tt led on my liKi'rs, oiigh set ill
a id 1"' n.'d I terminated in ronsiMtin-
lion. i iii 1 noi.-iory '"iiVC iiii'iiii
J I Tit M-u:in,e unii miiAi.n
' uo i'.I .,u anil 11 Kit I
M.irpi r's M.-ii; lie'l, hm
II:-i. s li.,;,r in it 1 1 ! 1.1,
II.ui. r' ;,nil j i:.m., '
l.' -i.H'i l rti,,i Jll-ii u.i, ...
is'i'in 1,-nmi ii. ii ii,.h m
. ... I ' lie 11111 iiini H Kl'.M.D
li!-' I r OHIO Iie lili' slur! linn- 1 . " . ." ,M 1 :l; " " H I i . in
.r:.x-i. ...c..H , w... .1. '--Ml II.MI 1,1 liil I,
..... . . . . . 1 . , , , " . in nun, 'If
terminer! it I could not stay with
my friends 011 earth. I would meet
my absent ones above. lv hus-
baiul was advised to get Dr. King'.
New Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds. J gave it a trial
took 111 all eight bottles; it has cured
me and thank Ood I am now a well
II . . - ,, rt t ...
.inn iii-iii y woman.. 1 rial oottles
free at J. (j. l-ricke iSc Co.'s rlrug
siore, regular si.e, .Hie. and l.OU.
ft f
. 2 4
- 4 i:
. 4
4 K
. 'J I'
It h;is been credited to a great
111:1113' public men, General Grant
among them that they were
authors of the declaration that re
publican success in this country
has ollen been due to democratic
bliindv-riiLLf- H is a small mailer
loilh the
sea i ; men
e :' -ii
Sk.NATok SlIKKMAN' simjilj- st;itr-s
a well-known historical lact in say
ing that tin rr-piih!ic;iii iart3" "h;is
crni ferred greater benefits on the
people than any other p.irtj' thiit
ever existed 111 this or any other
country;" and at the same time he
presents the argument which is go
ing to give that part 3' the victoi"3- in
the coming grert contest.
Tub New York Commercial Ad
xerliser is oblid-vd t admit the
practical success of the workings
of the ' recipi ocit" law, but con
plains that "the whole movement is
but another of tin many instances
in modern political histor' of the
stealing of its thunder !3' one parl3'
from auot her."
Til is is comical. The stubborn
opposition ol tlie democrats 111 con
gress to the passage of the recipro
city bill must be regarded as en
tireK' Pickwickian if there is nii3'
thing in this claim of "stolen
, hut it
. d 1110
10 do
. 1 (-..-
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Ti:k H.'cst S.M.vii'in the world fnr Cut
HriiiHc.-, .Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kiicuin. Fever
Sire8, Tetter, Chapped HhihIs, Cliilhlfiin-.
Cnrns, and all Skin Eruptions, un l pasi
tivily cures PiKb. rr mi pnv ir.-rpi'n-vi.
It miiiraiifi;il to nivo s-itist'aeiiori, 01
money funds." I. I'r'u-r- cunt? p. t l"-x
For siile y F. O. Fricko
Do not cmifuse the famous IJlush
of Iv'oses with the inaii3' worthless
pafnts, jiowrlers, crr'ams anil
bleaches which are Hooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
druggist. ). 1 1. S113 der. 7."i cr-nts per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move ytnir pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan and sunburn, an
gie 3 "ii a lovely complexion. 1
Mil' i
c 1. :i. .!... 1- ,
.1 1 1 1011 m 1 .1 ui r ri 1 reu.euv ;i 110s;-
1 1 1 ve cut e l iHarrh, Diphtheria and
ale bv
Canker uiomh. Jor
F. G
I used Kl3-'s Cream Halm for rlr3-
caiiirrh. It proved a cure. ii. J-. M,
Weeks, Denver.
Jl3 's Cream H 1I111 is especially
adapted as a mticby for catarrh
which fig.yravaterl 1)3- alkaline
rlust anrl 1I1-3- winds. YV. A. Hover,
lruggist, ieuver.
lean recommend Kly's Cream I al
to sill sulVerers from lr3" catarrh
from ersonal experince. Michael
Heir, 1 haruutcist. Penver.
JCl3's Cream Halm h;is cured
iiiaii3' cases of catarrh. It is in con
slant demand. -Geo. W. Hoot
Pharmacist. Che3'enne, Wy.
re you iii:;i-;e
ini.-'erahle by indi
gestion, constipation, rli.zmess,
loss of appetile, yellow skin? Shi
loii's itiiiWi-r is a !;ositi-i cure.
For sale by !". ('. l-ricke .V Co.
TllE Italian aruix' xvill soon be
equipped with a gun which seems
to be the perfection of modern
armament. It is the lightest arm
used l3" any county-. It is onl3
four feet long, ami die bore is but
little more than a quarter of an
inch in diameter. The cartridges
are so small and light that a soldier
can carr3- 10.1 rounds of jiiinmi
nitioti with ease. Hut in spite of
all this lightness, tin gun is the
the most formidable 3"et invented.!
At a distance of nearK- a mill the
projectile will pierce twelve inches
of solid wood, a force never before
attained lv anv proieclile irom an
ordinary infaiitar3' weapon. Lin
coin Journal.
e- . ... . . - rill
ii-i g:i I ie."s and Norilicru
r.ic i on'"" .-e' o defeat the reso
i. to o.:i !.!. i!ii' I'n.'.i. I Slaies
gove-'.iment to .-end I ood supplies
to starving LNissiii us. It recalls
the friendl' i.Ciion of Russia in
sending her war vessels to Ameri
can ports to side with the I'nion in
case Kngland or aii3r other foreign
nation should side wiih the Confed
eracy. Tlie dmiocra 's have set
their teeth together to let the Rus
sians friends of this county- starve
to death because the Czar refused to
let this Union be dlf.-severed.
lib-r No. 1 is one "i"t makes
..!.- - : ' r' ri in
the hiiirl lvvoit ;;g.:.i. i the demo
cralis who control the intional
house anrl defealed tl'.is plan of
lai .till ed
o 1 - i
!;. 1: .
o iii-- : .
; 1 ' .
lili t i s" t i i e s a m e
p:;.;.t-. piii-i-i- j 1 : . : i 'fine (
e i s I i id it i s g 1
thai i claimed,
will cure all di
and kidneys, will reinoxe pi.ii.i'c
nous, sail rnetim a 1:1 i o; ; ier a ; . . .
lions, r'aused by impure bloor!.
Wiil drive malaria from the sv ;-n
and pre r-nl as well as cc -e all in.
larial fevers. - For cure oi 'hcadnc-u
consi piii ion ;inrl uid irisi ion lr
JC'eci ric lii 1 ters. Knl ire sat isfact ion
guaraii'.eerl. or inonr'v refunded
Price .die and ?I perboille at I'. G
Jricke A Co s rlrugstme. a
The 15. & M. bridge foremrn,
Anderson, is nursing a very sore
All A. O, I. V. "s are 11 "gen. I y re"
quesied 10 at .end the liMicri'l of
brother F. V. RidaJI.
Mrs. Valciiline k'aiu'iis deparled
til's moviii ;g for Lincoln accoui
ppuied l3" Ki'c'olplij Kaitens o! this
J11 I'o! ce court everviti-ng is
ii:iei, lud'jre Archer InTo nied
A Fetal MistaKe.
1'113-sicians mane no mrre fat;il
..-I .1-. .- r
ii: i.u.e 1 ' '-I .Vi! M' ,iH'v in'.oi'in p;i-
ueuts tliiic nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are oi
little consequence. Dr. Franklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist
1... ........ ji. . ',
was pioeu me couirary- 111 ni.s new
book on "Htart Disease" which in;iy
he had free of F. G. Fricke Co..
who guarantee anrl recommend Dr.
Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure,
winch has the largest t-ale of ain
heart reiiied' in the world. It cure;;
nervous and organic heart disease,
short breath. Muttering, pain or ten
derness 111 the side, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, .smother
ing, drops3 etc. His Restorative
Nervine cures headache, lits, etc.
Tub fact that Chicago enterprise
utops at nothing is again demons
trated by the proposition just made
to move a big hotel across Lake
Michigan. Over at St. Joe. Mich.,
there is a big tavern. fort3' feet wide
and i'-X) feet long, which was de
signed as a hike resort, but which
lias proven unprofitable. The con
tractors are now figuring on put
ting that house on a series of big
scows and towing it over to Chi
cago, to be set up on the beach near
Jackson park and used for hotel
purpose during the world's fair.
Neither of the kind has ever been
attempted, but the i-iigliio'i-s say
that it can be do::--, and
tractors are ready to ngr-
safe delivery of th-- :;ii!'i!::
without cau-iau" a .--ingie .
the pi.: ' i' 1 ' : - L: we
? t;ost
t iv in
,b. J
O 1 i I" I ! i I ! .
AX i-piiom--oi tin- present situa
tion of America-! agriculture forms
a piomiuent and the- most practical
anrl valuable feature of the Amer
ican Agriculturist (New York) for
Jaiiuar', in which issue tl'.is old
reliable magazine celebrates its
fiftieth anniversary. In this epi
tome our relation to the world's
food supply is given, anrl an esti
mate of American production and
requirements. It is the first com
plete presentation of the laborious
titiulies of C. Wood Davis, and
apparently justifies his predictions
of the brill iant future that awaits
the American farmer. Mr. Davis's
opinions and data carry giat
weight in the commercial and agri
cultural world because of his
IlBtrAn reporter that there has not
been an arrcsi made since .."em
ber 12 -T ISM.
Judge Ramsey this morniiigover-
ruled the motions to the quash
service in the contest cases of Salis-
bury vs. Deeriug anrl Kdson vs
Tighe and they will now proceed
to count the ballots.
Mrs, Nettie Moldenhauer, wife of
Fred Moldenhauer, died to-rla- of
pneumonia aged 'M 3'e.ars, 2 months
and la daj-s. Mineral wdl occur
Wednesday. Jamiar3", Ki at 2 o'clock
i'rom the German Presbyterian
chu vh.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church and the young ladies of the
N. S. soc?et3' are requested to meet
at the home of Mrs. S. M. Clippmau
Tuesday (to-morrow) afternoon at
i o'clock. It is rcqoesied that nil
ladies will be work for
the ensuing year will tome before
the meeting.
Messrs O. A. lirown, Fred Car
ruth anrl Prof. McClelland and
Misses Coleman, Smiih, McClel'atid
anrl Clark comprised a party of
Plat'.sii'outh young people who
went to Omaha Satu dax- eveninc to
wjuiess me close of the b-cicle
i ra ' a.
F. W. Rirhill rlierl this morning at
!::!'. aired 32 years '.i month and 14
!a3-s. Deceiised was born in La
Crosse, Wis. September 22. 1NV. He
moved wiih his f.iniily . oni Coliin -bus
t'lis city three years ago. anrl
It Should be in Every House.
J. li. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burcr. I'a- s;iys he will not be with
a ( out Dr. King's New-Discovery foi
Consumption, Coughs and Colds
that it cured his wife who wd
threatened with Pneumonia afte?
an attack of "La Grippe," whei;
various other remedies and several
pli3 sici;ms had done her no good
Robert Harber. of Cocksport, Pa.
claims Dr. King's New Discover",
has done him more good than aii3--Ihing
he ever used for Lunp
Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke A
Cos drugstore. Large bottle, 50c
anrl .f 1.00.
Th e Entire Stock of
--; . i-i Jit jJ
t'ioiini' to A. Uacli will ho told
A N I ( ) I c V SS C ) 1 ; r
("or I Hin ;i:i'l Kift'i srn-
'.'.ii mi o:initHl
-19 J. 1-JANSKJ!' ,
1 . ' .'
Hi Al Kit IN
0. U. I'.irm le . i"i ,w:,l,.,i
.I r;ii.u r ici. i n -.i. ,- ,
I ',isl,. ,
- I -
i M.
i f.i. 1 iii i i-rs(
1 1 .1-1.
.'. 11. I'iii .. .'Ii-, .1. J'iiitersnii, l"i"! .nt.
K. H. Smitli K. . VViiMiliiiui. i;. s. l-.aiii-.-v ;ii ,
r. t Tatti'ison
rcouiits sulii- U".. IntiTrsT Hi!. .wed m, linn
-.i f - ami iriiuir m t-nt ii:if 1 vimi to all li'i-.
uess e.iitnuteu to its ran.
1 5 ? T '
217 21!, 2?! i..n.l 2-S, Mniii S.,
(lit i'I'UP ' I-il'l"
Ihe lVikiiiH
'e:i)V.iti':l !'rwia
is; v 11 in: - m i !i-- '
v;l- il .-lli li
f l.n-'l :mv) 1i.
nnnnrniro u
I'iiti muigi' of thr I'ublic Solicited.
North Sixth Str eet, Plnttsmouth.
up capital ...
Su I piUH .. .
'.n (
. lo,ouo.09
A T)
rl'iovery bi-f-l farlHt!'-:-. fur tlie promp
1 1 illl - ill 1 1 HI 1 111 1 1 i i J iii.iI.i-.
P A 'ii L"?rS ?
iip.i: l..-.t. -il-
n , ...
I hair, f
Pr-.il5 ; l.r: fn,-ii f r :
Cur m-lp .li-vi-is & l.nir Uu.m'' I
V. ak I 111 iMiilii'r. l-i.l-L-ti:
'tarrilc.- of cost to
ist'v lisoirrragc OS
kfl Ui- kwuh ay.'-i,
l-llll S tilt W.-I.SI C
j in. 'I'ii k; in tim.-'..'.Ot.t.i,
, 'l i." i.nlv mih-turp ior l'
i. li, i;r ill.-XoX CO., li. V.
HUC Fx tsrsai
jSCHIFFIV! ANN'S Asthma Cure
mover Ulis to ifiva mstjinf. relief in th nml.
0csHes. nca eui-. t a- wtai-ro othi-rn full.
Trltl Fukm ef Ui-nivfisU or hj Hall.,
rjAaarew UK. xi. -ie.'U
Some Fooi'-ii Peonle
allow a coujth tri run until it gets
liejonrl the reach of medicine.
J hey say, "Oil, it will wear away,"
but in most cases it wears them !
away. Could they be induced tr j
trj- the succesfu! "Kemp's Balsam, ;
which is solrl 011 n niwitiw T-u:ir. I
Jin tee. to cure, they would see tlie
excellent effect after taking the lirst
does. Price ."() c and .fl. Trail size
free. At all druggists.
Drs. Betts&Betts
14.09 DOUGLAS ST.,
G I! A T I C UL CC ) 1 IX ) K T I N G
J s .VN TO- (fit
hki:ak i a st
"I'.y ii t hi'iiiiili kiiiv!i"!ir of t'l'- iiitriirn'
Irt v s incii VMl t he opi-i a-- ior s il ili-.'i'M . 0:1
and 1.1-tiitiini 1 I iy i-au ful sip;.linatiiiu .f
Hie li i 1 e pi'i.pc-iittN ol 'well sclci-'i'.t ( 'oi-oa .Mr.
( t'ps li;-s p.-iivi(i"il our lirnai fa- f t;,i,if. v jt , ;
del ica -; ilvoifil lu-vf-ai; wiiji-ii mav .- iw
us many li.-avy' bi; is. l! jv ,v rln-'"U
ue oi Mii-li iirt'ole- ..f iiji-t Hi -; a con
HituH'U! may lip uivutiiallv 1'iiilr up until siron'
enough in resist I's -. v t-nrlrnr-y in .liM-asi-
Ilutioreito of s:ih'i ; II. ;ti ii p
armniil lis le,:U- lo ;i! -:U--r-- .r ln-re ;w i,
wefk point. may eM-ape manv a fatal
shaft lv keepinj; ourM'iven we'i for ilied with
pure bloo i anU ii propeiiy noiirislii-'i fi;;me "
Civil Servi.-i Ciimti. iiifiosi simp'y with
hoilin.; w;f,-r or milk, So!il onlv in half - poiiii'l
fioiJ. Iv uroeeijps. talu'lleil thuf:
JA.MKs El'1'6 .Sr Hi)., Iloma-onathip ( he.nist
London. Knhe rl
How Lost ! How Regained Z
.11 :iAi;
. .
1 i u.
' . . I ... , 1. .. I 1 '
ranis. . -1 1
lii-i:i,i"r;i:.s -
J.-.!in I' t-wi:tlil IV
S-iii; Wallah. I-'. '
.i-nlt;(' K. Hi. v - v
ioliii Fit. t,'-ral.l, .
1! 1. ...
1 v 1
i 1- v. 1 r
I I i Hivortb
. W llliM
Wi i" h.
:.-. ,
-." 1 ,,f 1, i,.rs iianlwar- 011 liand
iiiwj i l pi't.p'y i-ii!,r ..-ii-toi - on most fav
i'ii'.i;le l-r s
aii.l I
. .-
ail t.
1 'i k lly
: eoi, .ii ry Solicited.
PLAT! sMC'tn If, 'EK.
p''al stock paid In J5 Ofl
Authorized Capital, 2100,000.
Prqf :-nt. Vlce-PresHeiil
W. H. ;usiiN. i!2hier.
"iit(iK i:rr;itii J. A. .!oiuior, K. K. (JuttiKiarip
W. .fol;r.'.oii, Henry P'i'ck, ciohn G'Kpf
W. I). MTria'n, Wm. Weto'irruinp. W.
If. O'lsi liie.
Or SELF-PRESKRVATION. A new and only
and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 pages, cloth,
Cilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00
y mail, double sealed, liescriptive Pronpect
C3 with endorsements mvfai crwn
of the Press and voluntary tKlt- I r.-.r
;d. I llkb I
isij'.i's or i''- lioariiijr interest
I-'i.vh iinil sells i-xpiiai e. county and
. . ' v 1 ,
I testimonials of the cured
iimiiaia m luivuc, nerrona, OKin ana rslooa i
Disoaeee. j
Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty' a,1( educated
ffirls elopitifr with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all such -irls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to Head
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laiihiii.Gr. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no remerlv enual to
1 hey returned on the paper 1 icestorative Nervine. 1 rial bottles
l:;;s been employed in thr ciirar
l.-c-.ory 1 1 f U 1 r I i us I 'eppt-rl 'ever
since. Mr. Rirlall w;i a member of
th.- A. (). I". V. and the -makers
union. He leaves a wife and two
c'liLlrcn. The funeral will occur
Wede.-d.iy January at '' p. in.
from the residence '220 Vine .:reet. :
I and a line book. coiitainiiix many
marvelous cures, iret ;it r. li. brick e
iV Co's.. who also sell anrl guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebraterl New Heart
Cure, the finest'of heart tonics.Cures
ll.uttering. 'short breath, etc.
A: -.' !I as the hanrlsome-t and j
others are invited to call 011 anvl
dniLr;;-:t anil tret free a trial hot ill j
of Kemp's Jiasam for the Throat j
aTnlgl.unirs. a remedy that is selliiit;-
entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure r;!! !
chronic anrl ;icutr- coughs, s:stlu::a ;
I r inch i ! is and consumption. I.artie 1
bottles ."Hie and f?l.
Office Lonrs from 9 a. m. to 8 n. m.
""'i f- TAI nilKK. AHrirMa llr W If Vrra- .
The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 BuUluch St..
Boston, Mans.
IConsnltation at office or by mail free. e Peabody Medical Institute has many imi-
Meiiicines sent by mail or express, secorefe tas' no e,aXiT, Uera'. o- ,
packed, free from obnerraUon. G!iarantM 1 to 1 , fhe 8cience of, Hf,c'J Self-Preservation, U a
oare quickly, safely and permanently. I .'"""JE v w",d- a!i 1' DOW
. , , , ,. , ' . . I every WEAK and NEIH OlS man, and learn to
nernctTn.aejy andfaw be STRONG Medical lieviev. (CopyriKhted;
iBts in the Uniteil States. Their long experienoe, I
remarkable skill and universal success in the '
treatment and care of Kervons. Chronic ,nl Nn,. !
cical Diseases, entitle these eminent physicians
to the full confidence of the afflicted everywhere, i
They guarantee: j
awful eifects of early vice and the numerous evils ;
that follow in its train. I
needily, completely and permanently cured.
ORDERS yieid readily to their skiitful tree- 1
meni. ,
cnarantoed cured without piiin or deteitin '
from business.
c;i:n r v
S V It V K Y ( K
A N 1 1
All orili-rs left with the eoiuity clerk will b
promptly attended to.
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska
jri, CH!CHEWi-s Fucur;:. Red Cf.oss Diamond Brao A
T-' ' ,.VK" 0?"'" ArtO.-fSi-n.-dC. T:, orlj H,f. fur,-, n i -ti,',:- !'i 1 ;.,r .t.
J " "- ,0, -.' I 'l'.i. ; !ir.T"i :i. '..:....-:.:.- unci: Itv.-mul :.r.,mi .u :.-J r--1 litlil ir'li'r y x
I ' j - '- ' ,f"' 1 7 '':'.' i . '1 i.t: r. o oi ner 1.1, ui. . -- t .'.( s.t.-jr. . cn-i frua--m. v
I . T . l-v . -v n: ..- .- - jc-s.i . -i . a,.r.;ra. are .fcj.?,i -oi -ii ;r f,-i-A I or WH4 a4
V V .'. ' ! - -it-. -l; .'!,- j.-,. j -.....'..- .r rfturn Maik
l v.", l'i !, ' i ' i ' 1 ofci'J.-.-:.Ti;;i li.;.i.:i"; : T.. . .".
.".OA. VA.
nently and successfully cured in everv cuwi.
torrliopit. Seminal Weakness, Ixipr. MarihcMMl, i
?ijcht Emissions, Decayed l-'ncnitien, l-'emale
Weakness and all deiicate disorciers poculiar to j
i-ui.ernox positively ciir.-d. art veil a? aH frno- I
tional di;rdrs that resnlt from youtiiful follies -or
th9 excess of mature years. 1
QfrjJffT' G'jRrmteerl pemianer.tlv eurtii, !
T ' " . removal complete, without cut- 1
tiner, ca-.iptic cr dilatatiic. Cure efTi-cted iX i
i.rri f-v- patfODt
iC2t7-$ n T
aioiTicii-. puu or
A Q"ia0 F.l'.ra Tbe awful effectn of early ;
yul UUl C vjee wuici, bri.-i orcanic I
woalcnet. (Uvtroyiaz both mind and inxiy, with '
K. V. SnwviT rf I..,,.l......r
a proniiiient dealer in ireneral best reniedv: alpbouo llumpfbn.o;,
nierebandise. and who runs several "t 1,l,t,er- 1 enn" Pw-ars that when
peddlina wa-ons. had one of hit ' "on TaS JycMv from st. itua
hor.-.s badly cut and burned with . l?",uVm Dr M,IVS FTCi,t Kfeslttive
lariat. The wound refused to heal. ' V"',uv .Su.rtd . h,m- J; L"
The horse became in..,.. n,.,l ; filler of alprai and. J.D. Taolnr,
.w.iviilwi ...rlimr omfni .,....,:,...: J .oJiiisport. I nd each i;-aiiied JO
Startling Facts-
I lie -;inericJii people are rapidly t all its dreaded iiis, periuanently cuxed.
i er i -. 1 1 1 ii n ii him- in iii.-r iu.- wreeK
and tin followtnir siifirefits.
the t: ucu i-d themselves by improper ia- I
onicwece and solitary habits, which ruin both i
mind and body, unfittinK them for boMness, i
study or marriage. j
MARRIED liCX. or tuowe entering on that !
aware ot iJtiyaical rieoility, quickly
and the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer pome of
Nailer's Uarb Wire Laneinent. the
mo.-t wonderful thhiir ever saw to
heal such wounds. He applied it
onlv three times anrl the sore was
pounds if an takinir it. ?lrs. II. A
(iardner. of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to ,T0 convulsions easy and
much iieadach. dizzness, boekach
anrl nervous prostiation by one j
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of t
Nervous cures free at I. G. J'ricke, &
........I i tn,i i. ..... 1 1 . - i
for all s.irs. cuts, bruses. "and o., who reco.uenrls tins unerpia.led
exhaustive iiJuiry of production wounds. For sale by all druggist
3?9ad C croi postaae lor celebrated works
on Chronic. Nervous and Delicate Diseasea.
Ihousands cured. 1&A friendly lettar or eeil
"'"f Jon future saffsrirur and shume. and
unles accompanied by 4 cwots in kmh. !
Address, er call on
Douglas St., j
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is-almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser-, and by- every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
Phis well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.