The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 09, 1892, Image 2

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    Plattenr-K.h Daily Herald
KNOT! BROS, Publishers
PuMt- ! : r "f
veuliir.-"-', -ni'l-iy.
ny, itnd ditly every
... .1 O ..... 1 I
ttHe'll!ll "lil.SH I I' "
OOI'th r.,-nr Viitn -.:..t rlfth r-e- .
Eelpiioiiu jo.
jne copy, one ye:tr, in advance
ne copy, one year, not In jidvanre....
-ie copy, six iiiontlif. In advance
Ine opy, tlir month. In advance.
ne cop one yir in advance
)ne copy i:r week, by carrier
ne copy, per montb -
. 200
. 75
. 40
$6 00
. 15
.. 50
IlV Secretary IUaiue's diplomatic
skill the Hehring Sea controversy
has been placed in course of an
early and amicable adjustment.
Tin: Democrats may dodge the
free silver coinage issue for a short
time, but they have got to face it be
fore the prcsiik'iitialcainpaigii fully
TllR South Carolina papers are
lauding their legislature, which
has adjourned, for "what it did not
do." The present Congress will be
luckv if it is entitled to the same
compliment upon adjourning. The
country and the people are prosper-
on, mid it is alwavs wise to "let
well enough ilone." Inter Ocean
After quoting the usual passage
of scripture at the head of the
column, the New York Mail and
Express writes the genesis of a
David Hill.
Dave Hill.
Da veill.
The net increase in the circula
tion in December was over $11,500,
000. The amount of currency in the
hands of the people just now i9$24,-
52 per person, and it is steadily ex-
oanding. A week or two hence,
however, the country will see Dem
ocrats declaiming in Congress that
the currency is being "contracted,"
and that national bankruptcy will
come unless more money is turned
out of the mints or Government
printing presses. Globe-Democrat.
There are now in process of con
struction, twenty-five tin 'plate fac
tories in the United State. This
industry is developing very rapidly
and giving employment to thous
ands of our own people at good
wages and at the same time caus
ing tin ware to cheapen. To the
free trader great is the mystery of
the tariff. The democratic papers
are about silenced on tin plate.
They give it up that there is plenty
of tin in this country. Indianola
(la.) Herald.
All friends of Kansas should
hasten to explain that the spirit
which dominates the counties of
Seward and Stevens has no kindred
in Kansas. These counties arc on
the extreme southern and western
borders of the State; neighbors to
No Man's Land. Kastern Colorado,
and New Mexico. Ruffianism pre
vails there is a natural result of the
T, , , , , j
rttirroumli ngs. Feuds are bred and
thrive there in an atmosphere en-
tirely foreign to Kansas. Kastern
readers who have respected Kansas
for her peaceful ways and loved her
for the greatness which these ways
have led her to. should remember
Some of the uaoers seem surprised
that the United States government
will stand bv Minister Kgati in the
present Chiliian trouble. Why
not? Why cht'iild not the govern
ment stand by its ministers when
those ministers have stood by
the interests of the govern-,
ment? There has been a great deal ; HeigHt of Cruelty
of denunciation of Minister Fgan.; Nervou3 women seldom recive
but it has not been made clear to! the sympathy they deserve,
unprejudice minds that he has j While often the pictures ot health,
done auht for which he ought to ! they are constantly ailing. To
none aum. ,i, i with hold sympathy from these un-
be censured. He has on the other fortuntes is' the height of cruelty,
hand door much for which he ought J They have a week hearth, causing
to be "-iven credit. His course has j shortneess of breath, fluttering,
been American and patriotic. He pain in side, week and hungry
been iVincm i swells, and finally, swelling of
i.j i.fMded the honor of the gov-; J , . t
has rltifiKieu me- i ankles, sppression, clioking, smoth-
ernment. The wrath that has pur-. erinff atld dropsy. Dr. Miles' New
sued him has been British wrath. i Heart Cure is just the thing for
-.n,l In- many reasons for feel-. them. For their nervousness, head
hngland has . many rt , wn.kncss etc hi3 Kcstorative
i,, unfriendly to the .Ame rican Nervine is nnequaled. Fine treatise
minister in Chili. First of all. he on ijeart and Xervous Diseases"
. .... irishman br birth ami one
i -
has not been afraid to record
Iii hatred of the Irish policy of her
I majeBty'H government. Hin activi-
tic in ri'rt ! ' iav" ii uki
down uj)0!i Ui ln-ii'l the opposition
of Hi" ;rv."riuiH i.t f Kii'flainl. In
th" iHTon t plaic th-.- reciprocity
tspouHecl ly .Miiii.-tcr Kjran r.l the
state tlepartimiit at War hintoii
Ikih excited Hriti.-h opposition to
Auu-rir.-ni interests. It is KiiIihIi
inlhicna- in Chili that haw boon rc-
s-x.nsiMe for tin feeling atfiinst
It i.- Mnlit-ii in-
" "
i!!u;:iceslhat has :een liciaiui- uic
r'-c-.;M of the minister. Ihit the
present administration cannot he
scared into forsaking a man who
has done nothing but represent the
government patriotically syid cotir.
A ? - - A
aeously. The time will come
when the whole country will be
ready to defend the policy pursued
at the American legation at Chili.
At the present time only those who
are .inder the control of Hritish
Cobden Club influences are oppos
ing Minister Kiran. Iowa State Reg
Mrs. Flower, wife of the new gov
ernor of New York, approves heart
ily of the McKinley taritl, and
therefore ought to be read out of
the democratic party. On taking
possession of the "executive man
sion at Albany she was interviewed
by a correspondent ot the World.
To him she declared that she had
been in a number of famous trade
marts in Iiurope and Southern Asia
and that she had nowhere found a
better, cheaper place to shop in
than a first-class American store.
Last year, when her daughter was
married, she bought the whole
trousseau in Watertown. It looks
as if Mrs. Flower was going back
on the party in making these illus
trations of the reduction of prices
under the new tarilf. Philadelphia
A National (vent.
The holding of the World's Fair
in a city scarcely titty years old
will be a remarkable event, but
whether it will really benefit this
nation as much as the discovery of
the Restorative Nervine by Dr.
Franklin Miles is doubtful. This is
iust what the American people need
to cure their excessive nervousness,
dj-spepsia, headache, dizziness,
sleeplessnes, neuralgia, nervous de
bility, dullness, confusion of mind,
etc. It acts like a cnarm. inai
bottle and fine book on "Nervous
and Heart Diseases, with une-
qualed testimonials free at F. G
Fricke & Co. It is warranted to con
tain no opium, morphine or danger
ous drugs. I
E. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis.,
a prominent dealer in general
merchandise, and who runs several
peddlina" wairotis, had one of hit,
bursas badly cut and burned with
lariat, lhe wound retusea to neat
The horse became lame and stifl
nowwithstanding careful attention
and the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer some of
Haller's Barb Wire Linement, the
most wonderful thing ever saw to
heal such wounds. He applied it
only three times and the sore was
completed healea. equally gooa
for all sors, cuts, bruses, and
wounds. For sale by all druggist
The volumes of the Magazine be
frin with the Numbers for Tune and
December of each year. When no
time is specified, subscriptions will
begin with the Number current at
the time of receipt of order. Bound
Volumes of Harper's Magazine foT
three years back, in neat cloth bind
ing will be sent by mail, post-paid,
on receipt of $3.00 per volume.
Cloth cases for binding, f0 cents
each by mail post paid.
"Mr, Wiliam T Prcie. a Justice of
the Peace, at Richland, Nebraska,
was confined to his bed last winter
with a severe attack of lumbago; but
a thorough application of Chamber
lian's Pain Balm enabled him to
got up and go to work. Nr. Price
says: '"The Remedy cannot be
recommended too hignly." Let any
one troubled witli rheumatism,
neuralgia or lame back give it a
trial and they will be of the same
I opinion. r0 cent bottles tor sale Uj
F. G. Fricke & Co. Druggist
j Eucklen's Arnica Salve,
The BiiST in the world for Cutt
BruI?esl SoreSj Ulcers Salt Rheum. Fever
j TetteI.f chapptd Uands, Chilblains,
, & s , and -
j tivi;iy'CHres Plieej or uo pav Itqnired.
! it is euirantfed to cive smtistaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by F. G. Fricke
Do not confuse the famous Jilush
j of Roses with the many worthless
paints. powders. creams ana
bleaches which are flooding the
market. Get the genuine of your
drusrgist, O. H. Snyder, 73 cents per
bottle, and I guarantee it will re
move j our pimples, freckles, black
heads, moth, tan ana sunDurn, an
rye y0u a lovely complexion.
:mi marvelous testimonials tree
Sold and fuaranteed by. F. G. Fricke
A Coon thR Wlll-o'-Hi-WIp
Wood Into a Alum
Jumes Wood is a cliurco
and for two weeks had been
pit on the ed"e of Colt swnniu a d
nial 8tr"tch of low land covering Smn-
dredfl of acres in the eastern part of
New Loudon countr. Connecticut, says
:t correspondent of the Philadelphia
Telejraph. On Tuesday morning about
1 o'clock Wood heard a sound under
the wall of the hut in which he was
Taking his sliotrun he went outside.
The moon was sinning lright ly. and
as he went through the door he saw a
coon making ior wi swamp, nuuu
discharged onu barrel of the gun at
the auinial just as it disappeared.
The sliot diil not kill the coou. and
Wood followed it into the swamp for
an, hour and then gave up the chase.
He had got into a portion of the swamp
with which he was not acquinted, and
in attempting to cross a marshy spot
he sank in the mud and was unable
to extricate himself. The harder he
st rubied to jret out the deeper he
sunk in the mire.
Wood yelled at the top of his voice
until he was hoarse, but he had little
hope of being heard, for the nearest
residence to the coal pit was two miles,
and he had no idea how far he had fol
lowed the coon into the swamp, grad
uall3r sinking deeper, and when morn
ing broke he had goue down Ut his
arm-pits. When it was liht enough
to enable him to see he discovered a
grapevine hanging above his head just
beyond his reach. With Ids gun he
man aired to pull the vine down so that
he could grasp it, but he found that it
was not strong enough to enable him
to pull himself out of the mud by it.
All day Wood clung to the vine, and
when his voice would permit he would
scud. i)) a shout.
Tuesday night passed and Wednes
day morning broke with the unfor
tunate man stiil banking to the vine.
He was nearly dead from hunger and
thirst. On Wednesday afternoon Wil
liam Benton, who was in the swamp
after grapes, came across Wood and
managed to bring him out with sap
lings. Wood's strength gave out when
his feet touched firm ground, and he
was unconscious for several hours.
Colt's swamp is famous for the treach
erous holes that are in it. Two years
ago a man who went into the swamp
in search of rhododendrods probably
sank in the mire, for he has never been
seen or heard of since.
The Tramp and the Farmer.
A tramp who was making his slow
and painful way along the King's high
road, the shoes he stolen the day be
fore being a size too small for his feet,
was overtaken by a farmer in his wag
on. As there was plenty of room in
the vehicle the tramp asked for a lift,
but the farmer not onlj' refused this
slight favor hut boldly told him that he
oaght to be jailed for a vagabond. He
was driving away, when the poor but
honest man. who would have been
willing to take a place as cashier of a
bank if he could get it, felt to cry out
in sorry:
"Alas! but how hard-hearted the
world . has become! He would have
been no worse off by giving me a lift,
whilst I "
At that moment team, wagon, and
farmer went through a bridge to be
drowned iu the stream below, and as
soon as he recovered from his aston
ishment the wayfarer patted himself
on the back and exclaimed:
Ah! there. Peter, old boy. but don't
you know what's good for you, though!"
Moral What may at first appear to
be a hardship often turns out to be a
fat take. M. Quad.
Sell-Corkinfj Bottle.
A Dubuque (Iowa) man has invent
ed a self-eorking bottle. When the
bottle is iu the side pocket it remains
corked; when raised to the mouth it is
uncorked by the cantilever movement
of the elbow.
Whan It Cniiipn tu Tliinc Not Military
ttie Soldier Doena't Take Sides.
It is a well-known fact that a good
soldier is all soldier. He does not
dissipate his preferences over all shies
of all questions, but looks on politics
religion and philosophy with the most
uupreiudiced eye. borne times the an
scuce of belief iu the .service becomes
amusing, but it was never more so
than when the question of Indian cere
monies carne u u iu a group or o nicer s
of the department of Arizoua. Juiius
White, a Jew. was standing bv. He
was the salesman and purchasin
agent for an Indian trader. anl tne
well-defeuded butt of many an army
joke. One of the civilians present.
who had been seized of an appointment
as census taker of the Navaioes. was
berating the savages for their utterly
senseless forms.
"Look at them." he cried with the
indignation of a man from cities
Look at their dancing and their
posturing and mummerv. Call thit
religion!" It is sheer barbarism."
' Look at yourowu methodists," re
torted a trader who knew more about
the Indian, and so was less inclined to
express opinions on them. "When
communion day comes you all get up
in the aisle to slow music, snime and cry
and look awful solemn. You go for
ward, every man and woman ol you
carrying a handkerchief. You kneel
down in a semicircle at a rail, and a
man comes around behind the rail and
gives you a taste of wine and passes the
Game glass to a score of other lips
some of them clean, some dirtv. Then
he gives you a crumb of bread in the
same manner. Suppose you were to
walk into a ceremony like that to-mor
row for the first time, knowing nothing
of its significance, wouldn't you Bay it
was all bosh?
They quarreled as people always do
when religion is the bone of conten
tion. To relieve the ill-temper some
some one called out:
"Julius, what do you believe?"
Oh." said the factor, "I don't be
lieve nothing. I am shust likede army.
New York
worth of gum each year.
n"" mew
$i, 000,000
Lfburner. I
fin rriiii" m. I
Startling Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtng suggest, the
best remedy: alphouso Humpfliiig,
of Butler, Penn, swears that when
his son was spechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Restorative
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. I,.
Miller of Valprai and. J. I. Taolnr,
pf Ixgansport, Ind each gained 'M
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 4U to 50 convulsions easy and
much aeadach, dizzness, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, &
Co., who recomends this unequalled
remedy. 4
As well as the handsomest and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's liasam for the Throat
andJLungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma
bronchitis and consumption. Lsirge
bottles 50c and $1.
Pronounced Hopeless, YetFnved.
From a letter written b- Mrs. Ada
K. Hurd of Groton, S. I)., we quote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, which
settled on my lungs, cough set in
and finally terminated in consump
tion. Four doctors gave me up say-
injr I could live but a short time. I
gave myself up to my Saviour, de
termined if 1 could not stay with
my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds. I gave it a trial
took in all eight bottles; ithascured
me and thank God I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free at F. G. Fricke Ac Co.'s drug
store, regular size. aOc. and $1.00.
Some Fooiish People
allow a couh to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine.
The' say, "Oh, it will wear away,"
but in most cases it wears them
away. Could they be induced to
try the succesful Kemp's Balsam,
which is sold on a positive guar
antee to cure, they would see the
excellent effect after taking the first
does. Price a0 c and $1. Trail size
free. At all druggists.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all such girls are more or less nys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to nead
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no remedy equal to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a fine book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricke
& Co's., who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures
fluttering,short breath, etc.
Good Looks,
Good looks are more than skin
deep, deqending upon a health
condition of all the vital organs
If the Liver be inactive' you have
a Bilious Look, if your stomach
be affeeted you have a Dyspeptic
Look aud if bour Kidneys be effected
vov will have a Pinched Look. S
curs crood health and you will have
good looks, Electric Bitters is th
erreat alterctive and Tonic acts
directly on those vital organs
Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and
sives a crood complexion. Sold at
F. G. Fricke & Co's Drugstore, 80c
per bottle:
I used Ely's Cream Balm for dry
catarrh. It proved a cure. 15. 1. J1
Weeks, Denver.
Ely's Cream Balm is especially
adapted as a remeby for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover,
Druggist, Denver,
lean recommend Ely's Cream Bal
to all sufferers from dry catarrh
from personal experience. Michael
Herr, Pharmacist. Denver.
Flv's Cream Balm has cured
many cases of catarrh. It is in con
stant demand. Geo. W. Hoot
Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wy.
Are you made miserable by indi
gestion, constipation, dizziness
loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi
loir's Vitalizer is a positive cure
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Th e Entire Stock of
Belonging to A. Bach will be Eold
regardless of cost to sat
isfy mortgagee
New fmil to give Instant relief in the worst
eaaes. and elTecut enren where etfcere rail.
Trial rarkag t'KER t Dnwrtrta er ky
Home MkUHZlue ami Ufkai.ii
..2 4
..4 6
.. 4 h
4 8
.. ? Ii
..2 K"
.. 6 i
. -i in
. . -H.
I d' li ill idx Hllll II Kit I II
llariT's M;iir z ni nl II ham
liirix r's Hnr ami II k - 1.11
Ilill'IM-r' W CfklV Hlltl iiKKAI.ll
low:tMntP Kl-L'isUT li'l'l ilKHAI.l)
V-sltrii hurai u' il 1 1 chalk
i!ole Ill'llllM'l lit MIDI II Kit A I.ll
I Utt-r OOMIl Hllli 11 Kit All!
C'or Main hihI Kiftll .ilreol.
vl.1 un capital
Surplus -'ft in
J. II. I'arnHe rrftildeiil
!?ril llonler Vice rrilent
J.'M. I'atterMou CbsIii-Ii
r. M. rattfrson. Anxt CM-liter
'). 11. l'aru.elt", J, M. rattersuii, Krful itordet
1, K. Smith K. Ii. Wlndli.nn. Ii. H. Kaini-y and
r. M.rattii)u
Accounts solicited. Interest allowed on tlrn
leixisit and jirompt aitentlmiicivtMi to all bus
lueHH entrusted to Its care.
217. ai, 221 and 223 Main fit.,
Plattsmouth Nebraska
H. M SONS. Proprifito".
lhe Perkins baa been tliornuy,blj
reaoyuteil from top tc lot.ti n&3 'f
qow one of the b-st lintels in tlm .tate
Botrdors will be tnkci ly 'ie .voefc '.
fyy' h&& fl lm. VhwTiln'r-(. .ininrl:i'ik.
653 ld way, New York. Yv'riLo ior buuk ot rooin S flCC
t?ia.,3pV; CTcaac and 1m amines t".e luir.
' kTfl r,'niul a luxii.'iinl growth,
's- Sffil' Fails to Kestciro (iray
.nc'J '. -ll Hair to its Youttlul Color.
Cmf ftcalp din4 Ac hair taUxr.
! si. I .-irki-r'B (Jineer Tonio. Jt cur.-s the worm I'miicu,
".Vi-ak ,un;c, lVbilitv, Imligertion, Faiu.Take intime.Ocu.
HINPERCORNS. The only mirecurr for Coma
biopa all paia. lie ai iMUult, or UliCOX 4t CO., K. Y.
"Ry a thorough knowledge of tlie natural
laws which trovern the operations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful aprl'"a'io (,t
the fine properliawof well selected Cocoa. Mr.
Epps has provided our breakfast table with a
neuciiMfiy nvoreu ueyrriii! wiiirn iiniy iiir
us many "heavy doctor' bills. It is bvUlm judic
ious use of such artlcle of diet tht a enn
eitution may be gradually built up until strong
enouch to resist, eviiv tendency to disease.
Hundreds of stibrl" clwliei are floattn k
around us ready to attticK win-rev er lierem a
week point. We may escape many a fatal
shaft bv keeDtnir ourselves well fortified with
pure blool and a properly nourished frame."
Civil service uazette. Manosisimpiy witii
boiling water or milk. Sold only In hall-pound
tins, by groceries. laDeuea tnur:
JAMEs EPPS & DO.. Homoeopathic Chemist
London. England
How Lost! How Regained!
Or SELF-PKESERVATtON. A new and only
nnri TrRaKWFSSKS of UTAH. 300 TMlreH- f-lnth-
cilt; 126 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 J
by mail, donble sealed. Descriptive irospect-
C9 with endorsements pnrr I "sFKin
of the Press and voluntary hKl" T I wnii
testimonials of the cured. llllJ IX UW.
Consultation in pernon or by mail. Expert treat
TAIN CURE. Address Dr. V. II. Psrker. or
The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bullincb St.,
Boston, Mans.
The Peabody Medical Institute has many imi
tators, but no equal. Herald.
The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, U a
treasure more valuable than eold. Kead H now,
every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to
be STRONG . Medical Hetieir. (Copyrighted-;
Alt in r "''i'osS t-" i. -r
"1.1 .tP!L' ? -f Tt i t.. . :, l-'M !L03
TP Chichester s Zncjsh. P.fd Cros3 Diamond Brano J
TH t ORIGINAL . PI y UN 11K OD1JT lMfi. KJfr, nni n.i ir v
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain relierer.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This -well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
I'atronane of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
faid up capital
. f so.noo.00
. lii,ioo.09
rs the very beet facilities for the proinp
tratiHiictiou of liKltnnate
dto-k, bonds, gold, ovriimoitt :uid local e
lUiitW bought, i nd sold. lcpoin recelvcil
t..d inu-resit all.-w.d t.. certlllcitix
iirafts drawn, aval1!!"!" in any part of the
Vi.ued State and all :h- ; .:. . 'pal townn or
)oia.Ktnio.NB :,ia:r wi i uomittv
ti:i. (lles tna'ket f-let- :.M for County War
rants, State :!! 'inu.i y :!... r..
John Fltzi?rald I. Hawknwortli
Sain W aunli. - K- White
i;eort.e K. liovey
fohn rit7(?erald, Wll"''h,-..
President CHtrli'vt.
Keep all kinds of builders hardwar on hand'
aud will supply contractor on most far
orable terirs
and all kinds of tin work promptly
done. rdern from tlie country .Solicited.
610 lVarl St.
Oapltal stock paid In ii" 0
Authorized Capital, $100,000.
w r i aa7
S ',I.-lUllll V V a - -
W. II. 4MJMHHW. Oahior.
frixu'n. Oarruth J. A. Connor. K. K. GutbmanD
I. W. Jobnaon. Henry ftck, John O'Keefe
W. D. M-rriam, Win, Wetoncamp. W.
fl. dialling.
si'.ies (if depolts bearing interest
Buys and oelli' exchange, county and
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V. O C N f Y - SL'l! V K Y O H
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