ure, I Hera moutJa a any a FIFTH YE Alt. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1892. NUMIJER 99 H' ind J r Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking )owder Highest of all in leaveninir strength Latent U. S. Government food re pott. BUKLISOTON & UlSSOUItl ItlVEIi It. It. V TIME TA RLE. J OF DAILY 1'ASSENGER TRAINS GOING EAST No. 2 5 : 05 P St. No. 4 lu ii . No. 8. 7 ; 44 p. lu No. 10 0 : 45 i. lu No. 12 10 :14 a. n No. 20 ..8:30 a. n GOING WEST No i a :45 a. in. No. . 5 ::& p m Xu.i, 9 :0. tt. Ill wo. T T -15 a. in. No. J 6 :25 p, HI. No. 11 5 :5 p. in, o. 19 1 1 :05 a. m. ItlSSOUIlI PACIFIC ItAILWAl' TIME CARD. No. WM Accomodation leaven.. No.3X'i arrivrs.. Trains daily except Sunday ...10:55a. m. .. . 4 ;00 p. in. jTTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-1 -aw. Will giv prompt attention to all tiuineiH entrusted to him. Office Id Union block. East Hide. Flattt-moutb. Neb. SECHET SOCIETIES K SIGHTS OK I'YUIIAS Gauntlet Lodge Ko. 47 Meet every Wednecday evening at tbeir h-ll In Farniele & Craifr block. All vi itlnu knights are cordially inv.ted to attend II. K. GnfUili. C. C. ; tin Dovey. K. K. S. AO, U. Kri.1: W. No. 84 Meets eecond and iourth Friday veninirs in the month at O. A. K. hall in Uockwood block, M. Vondran, M W, F, F.Brown, Kecorder, CASS LODGE. No. 146.1. O. O. F. meets ev ery Tuesday night at their hall in Fitzgerald block. All Odd FellowD are cordially invited o attend when visiting in the city. Chris Pet eren.N. G. ; S. F, Ocborn, Secretary. ROYAL AKUANAM Crttf Coineil No 1021. Meet at the K, of P hall in the Parmele & Crate block over isenneit & Tutts, visiring brethren invited. Henry Gerlng, Kegent ; Thos Walling, Secretary. a o IT. W R. Meeis first and third Friday eve-jinirH of each mouth at G. A. It. Hall in fiockuook Mock. Frank Vernillyea, M, V. D, E. Euersole, Kecorder. TSEGKEE OF HON )K, meets second and ' fourth Thursdays of each inonth inl.O. 0.9?" hall in Kitzp-rald bl. ck. Mrs. F. Boyd, Lady of Honor ; Belle Vermylea, recorder. XT K.McConihie Pot No. 45 meets every Satur :ay evoninjr at 7 : 30 in 'heir Hall in Rockwood block All vlsitintr comrades are cordially invited to - en with us. Fred Kntes, Pot Adjniant ; G. F. Niles. Post. Commadder. OttDKK OF THE WORLD, Meets at 7 : SO every Mrnnav evening at the Grand Army hall. A. F. Groom, president, Thos Walling, secretary. CASs CAMP No. 352 M. W. A. meet every second and Fourth Monday evnings in Fitzgerald ha.l. Visiting neighbors welcome. P. C. M;ineu, V. C. : P. nerteubereer, W. A.. S. C. Wilde. Clerk. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak. between Fifth and Sixth. Father Carney, Pastor Services : Miss at S and in :30 a. m. Sunday School at 2 :3, with benediction. Christian. Corner L.wust and Fighth Sts. Servlc-s moriiing 8tid tvei H2. Llder A. Galloway pastor. Sunday Sct:ool 10 a. m. Episcopal. st. Luke's Churcli, corner Tnird and Vine, l.'ev. 11 15. Burgess, pastor. Ser vices :11a.m. ai-d 7 :30P. M. Sunday School St? :30 P. M. German' Method i t. earner Sixth St and Granite. Kev. llirt. I'astor. Services : 11 A. n. and 7 :30 P. M. Sunday School 10 :30 A. M. PbesbvtfbiaK. services in new chnrch. cor ner Sixth and Gniuite sts. Kev. J. T. ItaireJ, pator. Snndav-sci ool at 9 ;3e ; Preaching at 11 a. m.tid 8 p. in. The . K. S. C. E of this church meets every Sabbath evening at 7 :15 in the basement of the chucrh. All are invited to attend these meetings. First Methodist. Sixth St.. betwen Main and Pearl. Kev. L. F. Britt. 1. I), pastor. 1 Services : 11 a. m :oo y. i. puiiuav acnooi ing. German Presbyterian. Corner Main and Ninth. Kev. Wltte. pastor. Services usual ' hours. Sunday s-chool 9 UiO A. m. Fweedhh Conoreoatiojjau Granite, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive, oak. between Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Boswell, pas tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Prayer meetinc Wednesday evening. Yocno Men's CiuuvriAK Association Booms in Waterman block. Main street. Gos pel meeting, for meu only, every Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. Koonis open week days from 8:30 a. in.. t6 9:30 p.m. -.SOUTH l'AEK TABKBXACLE.-l.eV. .1. M. "M" Wod, l a-stor. Services : Sunday School, . 10 a. in.: Preaching. 11 s. m. and 8 p. in.; orayer meeting Tuesday night; choir prac lice Friday night. All are welcome. Millinery and dressmaking at Tucker Sisters', in Sherwood block. , Notice to Water Consumers. All rents will be due January 1. Water consumers not wishing con tinuance must give proper notice. 9t PLATTSMOUTH WATER CO. VVhy will you cough when Shi ioh's cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts. and $1. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Cc For the Nebraska Soldiers Re-union at Nebraska City Jan. 12 to 14 JtheM. P, Ry-. wil1 8el1 round trip 'r 'lan'T 15 at $1.10. tf Real Estate Transfer. Following are the real estate transfers compiled ly Polk Bros., abstracters and publishers of the Daily Report: J. V. Ouackenbtish and wife to W. E. Graddy, w. d. real estate and $1, lots 251 and 27)2, Greenwood. J. W. Smith ami wife to Ellen Preston, w. d., $000, lot 11, block 1, Elmwood. Chas. 1 1, leale to U. If. Norris, w. d. $3.5:. w'i ofsw'j IS) and e'i of seU :) 12-0. Win. Oscar H. Goodwin to J. W. Craig, w. d. $1,000, lot:?, block S, Plattsiuoutii; lot:?, block 1, Dotie lan's addition to Plattsmouth. Benj. R. Ilcnrson to II. W. Stearns, w. d. $l,;0O, lot 11, block 138, Platts moiitii. Win. Barnes and wife to M. II. Gil bert, w. d. $:)0, lot 8, block 08, Weeping Water. Rebecca Carroll and husband to Thos. Standley, w. d. $1CJ, pt swi4 of se4 20-12-0. Thos. Standley and wife to Geo. Estos, w. d. $2C'J, pt 8w'4 of se'4 20-12-9. J. II. He! lows to M. O. Wood, re lease, s'.' of sv!4 31-11-9 and n'2 of nwi4 3-10-9. Lombard Investment Co. to same, release, same desc. A. L. Muiijjer to Chas. A. Murray, w. d $12.), lot 6, block 2, Alvo. U. S. to W. H. Boobe, copy of patent, seit of se4 15, ne'4 f lie4 and nw'4 of nwi,4 23-10-11. Same to same, copy of patent, e'- of swi4 and swU of se4 14-10-11. Same to same, cop3r of patent, e-of nw4 and sw4 of 11WI4 23-10-11. Same to same, copy of patent, woof swU 14 and ne4 of seU 15-10 11. Same to G. W. Norton et al, copy of patent, nw4 22-10-11. Same to same, copy of patent, swi4 22-10-11. C. II. Parmele and wife to J. V. Carnes, w. d. $800, lota 633-1339 and 090, Greenwood. . it -1 ; r - a t",.. 1 u. i-t. rill Hirer aiiu wut iu odiimci Calmer, w. d. $150. lot 10, black 2, Alvo. Thompson Fulton to Wm. Roles and wife, release, eo se'4 6-11-9. E. M. Smith and wife to R. B. Wal lace, w. d. $125, lot 14, block 5, Lynn's Add. to Union. E. J. Norton and wife to R. B. Wal lace, w. d. $55, lot 15, block 5, Lynn's Add. to Union. Joshua Lynn and wife to R. B. Wal lace, w. d. $15, und'o 12-13, block 3, Lynn's Add. to Union. Lucjr S. Root and husband to II. II Jetfern, w. d. $1,400, lot 5, bio ;k 97, lot 8, block 90, Weeping Water, lots 7-8, block 4, Carter's Add. to Weep inp; Water. Geo. II. McCain and wife to 5. Bul lish, w. d. $250, pt lot 10, block 2, Wabash. Chas. Kuakie and wife to Peter Ruetec, w. d. $1,000, eU of nw 20-11-11. S. G. Boenrief to Sarah""J. James, w. d. $130, lots 8-9, block 5, Klm wood. Sarah J. James to James Durbin, w. a. $loO, same aesc. John A. Hagee and wife to George llagee, w. d. $3,000, uy2 of se4 24-10-10. B. A. Gibson to L. Wrilson, release, pt v: of iiwV4 33-11-10. Edwin Jeary and wife to James Rivett Jr., w. d. $300, undi lots 10 11, block 1 and und1 lot 11, block 2, Alvo. B. S. Thompson to Clark, Howard & Wrirht, release, se4 of nwi 1-10-11. T. II. Howard et al to Byron q. c. d. $1, same desc. Clark. We will sell lamps for net cost for Ike next thirtj' days. I. B. Murphy & Co. tf Bushnell's extra will leave Platts- mouth for Omaha about two o'clock p. m. This train leaves here every day except Sunday and will accom modate passengers. A. E. Reinhackel returned last eveni,ltr from a ten days' visit in Minneapolis and St. Paul. M 0 Commissioners' Proceedings. PLATTS.MOUTH, Jan. 5, '92. Hoard met pursuent to adjourn ment; preeent, A. li. Todd, A. C. Loder and Jacob Tritsch, county commissioners, and Bird Critch field, county clerk, when tne follow ing business was transacted in reg ular form: OFFICIAL UOXDS APPROVED. Overseers: Sam'l Cashner, dis trict 29; A. Sutton, district 48; C. T. Richards, district S; David Albin, district 40; S. Lonuf, district 1"; I. : H. Williams, district ;13. Charles S. j Twiss, assessor, Third ward, Platts- mouth; H. J. Kdson, constable, Tip- ton; Jos. Wilde, justice of the I peace. Action in regard to the accept ance of the public road jriven by the I. P. li. li. Co (O. S. branch) in lieu of road No. 213 taken by said roatl, was ordered as follows: Ordered that the same be accepted except that part near Allen Bee son's residence, which must be graded wider. MILLS ALLOWED. Wi'idmaii & I'.reckenle d Win Tiglie. g'dng pris, etc .$ 18 45 . 3.J1 25 . 74 0" . 74 00 . 74 00 . 74 00 John 1 iuhe, baili IPs fees 1 Ford Murk in, fame.... Ira Searles, sa'ne Ed Fitzgerald, same Gcrxr- & Emmons, mdsv to poor 2 15 C C Parmele, e p acct 28 fiO Bank of Cass County, rent treas's office.. 210 00 Neb Tel "o. rental SO 95 E G Dovey & Son, ii'dse to county 44 20 LeliuliotT I'ros, stationery C 00 D A l ainpbell. Neb reports .. 17 50 Mrs Ul tck, rent en judge's office 30 00 A B Kiki tg, piinting SO 00 C E Wescott. cl thing for paupers 2 00 P I) Bate , sut court house 81 01 Co trea-urer. redemption of taxes G A li Weeping Wa.er 46 25 A C Mayes, surveying dif h 10 15 Lon 'f odd wood to poor hom-e 24 00 Leach & Feck, team to coininrs. 2 00 J i! F.ikenbary, k'g p or hou e, less rent. 137 45 W J hiie. coal to 1 nice 69 4 w n .vuietts ting no e on cou t house... 30 00 22 60 I 8 Same frame for court house; clock. 1 A Chuk. mde to county 9 55 Win llerold & Sou, nidse to county 8 58 St-ite Journal Co, st tion ry 5 00 Omaha Print! g Co. stationery 54 75 Simon Cl.irk, work on ro d dist 4 ... 5 00 C I) Dundas & Son, bridges 674 -45 M W Morgan, deposit on road returned.. 20 Oo II E Fankoiiin, spikes 3 75 Board adjourned till to-morrow. January, 0, 1892. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment; present, A. B. Todd, A. C. Loder and Jacob Tritsch, county commissioners, and Bird Critcli field, county clerk. This being the last day of the term of office of Commissioner Todd and Clerk Critchfield, it was ordered that all business under consideration by the board be brought to a close as for as possi ble before the new board is organ ized to-morrow. BILLS ALLOW D. Plattsmouth GsCoGaa consumed $ 13 65 Stan -er Brosmise to poor $ 32 00 H A Waterman & Son lu ber 47 60 A n- Loder snl am' expense 75 90 Jacob Tritsch sal and exbense 97 90 A Todd sal n expense . 86 50 i'd Crltchfleld sal andjexprnse 179 00 II I ' ravi salary 250 00 Sou h n tte l umber Cn lumber 8 32 C l D'indas Son building bridges 970 75 Miiney Bros Alvo Iumlier. refused Board adjourned till January 7, 1892. BlKI CRITCIIEIFLD. county clerk. The Burglar. it is a positive lact tnat more ladies and children have been enter tained and delighted with "The Burglar" than with any other play of recent yeaas. This is but natur al, for not alone is The "Burglar" of a decidly healthy tone but com bines all the sentimental qualities which never fail to win an audience. The character of little Edditha is so beautifully and charmingly con cevived that even men feel as if they wnuld like to stand upon the stage for a moment fust to hug her. You can not afford to miss seeing this play next Saturdsj' night. No. &4 A. O. U. W. At the regular meeting of No. 84 A. O. U. W. last evening, after initi ating a candidate into the mysteries of the order, the following ofiicers were installed by Past Master Workman Frank Morgan: P. M. W. C. W. Sherman. M. W.--M. Vondrou. Foreman Richard Ilines. Overseer A. F. Groom. Recorder F. P. Brown. Financier D. C. Morgan. Receiver Geo. F. Ilouseworth. Guide Wm. Jaquette. I. W. Frank Jaquette. O. W. Chas. Rydberg. Trustee A. C. Murraj-. A new time card goes into effect to-morrow, the only change, how ever, being No. 20, the stub, which has been leaving here for the Junc tion 'at 8:30 a. m. will now go at 8:15. Mike Sampson is down sick with thc?rippe. No. 5 was two hours late again this morning. Councilman W. L. Browne was in Omaha on business to-day. Prof. Ilalsey, of the high school was in the metropolis to-da The pay car arrived this morning and left its usual amount of checks here. Mrs. Kate Oliver and daughter Maggie and Miss Kew were Omaha passengers this morning. There will be but one mass to morrow at St- John's church ami that at half past eight o'clock. Miss May Richey who is attend ing school at Fremont came home last evening to spend Sunday with relatives. In police court this morning in the case of Neville vs. Billstein, Judge Archer rendered a verdict in favor of Neville lor $(K) for rent. Joe Klein has been - suffering for the past few days with one of Job's pets on his back of the neck, but he is out again attending to business. Mrs. G. W. Colvin, who has been visiting witli the family of Edwin Davis, for some time past returned to her home in Arapahoe, Nebraska this morning, II. C. McMaken left on No. 5 this morning for Spring: eld, where he will inspect the G. A. R. post this afternoon, after which he goes to Papillion to muster in a post. Jones & Fitzgerald sent two teams to Oreapolis this morning to move three car loads of grading imple ments for Templeton & Morrow, the contractors on the Missouri Pacilic bridge, from Oreapolis to the bridge site. Howard Shryock who has been here from the east for some time the guests of his uncle, Thos. Shry ock, left Tuesday for Plattsmouth where he has accepted a position in Julius Pepperberg's cigar fac tory. Louisville Journal. Mrs. S. E. Clapp, of Omaha, will give the sacred Canta "Jephtal and His Daughter" in this city on the 23rd of January and she will meet the singers of the city at the Odd Fellows Hall over the First Nation al Bank next Monday evening at 7:30 for the first rehersal. Thirty-Fifth Anniversary. On the 25th day of December 1850, Joshua Gapen came to Nebraska and located on hi farm five miles south of this city. On January 8th 1857 he was married to the lady who is now Mrs. Gapen and as yesterday was their thirty-fifth an niversary their friends and neighbors planned a surptise. Yesterday at noon there assembled about twenty-five couple at the com modius residence, bri aging with them baskets well filled with things good to eat. The invaders took pos session of the house and set the ta bles for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gapen were the re cipients of a fine set of silverware, consisting of knives, forks, cake basket, castor, spoons, etc. At a late hour in the afternoon the as semblage disban led and returned to their respective homes, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gapen that they might live to enjoy thirty-five more anniversaries. Following are a list ot those present: Messrs. and Mesdames A. B Taylor, Stephen Wriles, Isaac Wiles, Anderson Root, Jas. Walker, Henry Eikenbary, Nelson Jean, Chas. Jean, Wm. Snyder, Henry Snyder, Win Gilmour, R. Dean, Mr. Amick. J. C Eikenbary, F. Young, Jr., F. Young, Sr., D. Young, Emmet Countryman, Sam Gapen, of Geneva, Nebraska; Wr. J. Hesser, Wilber Cole, Henry Boeck, John Holmes and Geo. Sny der. In the evening a large party of young people assembled at their home and spent a very enjoyable For some time past F II. Ellen baum has been missing cattle out of his feed j-ards and has been on the lookout fjr the cause of it. Last evening he caused a search warrant to be sworn out to search the meat market of R. Bilstein for the hides, but failed to find them. This morn ing he caused another warrant to be sworn out to search Mr. Bill- etein's house and cellar. Last eve ning lie replevinea tne beet that Billstein had in his shop and the sheriff took it at 9 o'clock. The trial will come up next Friday. Mr. Ellenbaum claims that one of his men found the head of one of his cattle at Billstein's slaughterhouse the other day and he now has it in his possession. SILVERWARE K Stiinilqor foi While we appreciate the large amount of trade we still desire to increase our CASH and have completed arrangement in which we have secured large quan tities, at lirst hands, of the celebrated ""-pJgers7solFd'Vi(I5 ivim K'AfEWAE--- at such prices that we propose to give them to our many customers be lieving that we sdiall increase our trade, iis our customers appreciate the fact thai we are spending the money ve set aside for advertising piirpo es by returning it to them, believing they will -appreciate the gilts and tell their friends, and thereby increase our trade. o EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser ! either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Butter Knife or Sugar Shell ho14 by Jewelery at $1.00. EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to set (0) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.0 EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of $25 entitles the purchaser to m set (0) of Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $3.00 EVERY Cash purchaser to the amount of $30 entitles the purchaser to set (0) of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nicke! Forks, or a set ot Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $4.00. o ERE is what the manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Met al goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take tjTJ-A the place of Solid silver and for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi dence in assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to service on ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished an4 can hardly lie distinguished from pure silver. We recommend this ware especially for hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand more hard usage than any other metal; is very tough and hard; will hold its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac tured plated ware since 1805, and their name is never put on g oils that are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are getting some very- desirable goods when they get goods under theii brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is tow late. Wc Qtiqi'ciqfec otii Ibices o bo lto?csiid 1ig Goiijciioi. FRED HERRMANN. BOJSPT FOffQET uft-JSTID SILVERWARE CALL AND BE CONVINCED UK FORK PURCHASING. WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH MY STOCK, WHETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR NOT. B. A. M'ELWAIN 415 Main Street, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. QQf) ACRES of Colora 3o land for sale or trade for Plattsmouth real-V-y estate or for merchandise of any kind. This is a bargain for some one; the land is Al. For further particulars call on or addresa THE HERALD, Plattsmouth, Neb. F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists & I'liarmacists, union lilock, Platts mouth, Neb. desire to inform the public, that they are agents, for the most successful preparation that!nas yet been produced for coughs, colds and croup. It will loosen and releave a severe cold in lets time than any other treatment. The article referred too is Chamer lain's Caugh remeby. It is a medi cine that has won fame and popular ity on it's merits and one that can always be depended upon. It is the only known remedy that will prevent croup. It must be tried to be oppreciated. It is put up in 50 cent and $1 bottles. Notice. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will give an entertainment consisting of recitations and vocal music by some of the choirs and young peo ple of the city. The place and pro gram will be published next week. You are sure to be well entertained Remember the date, Thursday eve ning January 14. J. H. Haldeman, the Weeping at torney was in the city to-day at tending to professional business. 61 VEN AWAY Cqsl'j TiUdc o ire favored with, we TRADE; plate ware. We have experimented THAT I AM GIVING UNHEARD OF BARGAINS In the best grades of WATCHES - CLOCKS - JEWELRY Plattsmouth, Neb HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND CJNDERTAKR. Constantly keeps on hand everythin you need to furnish your house. CORNER SIXTH AKD MAIK 8TKEET Plaits mout - Neb For abstracts of title at reason able rates, go to J. M. Ley da, Union block. (f