The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 07, 1892, Image 2

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In the matter of public indebted
nesd intelligent pernon Have
alwav.s known in a general way
that the United States in in a highly
pleasing condition. The census
bureau, however, lias just furnished
figures on this subject which show
that our condition is much better
than the average person has
imairined. Allowing five persons
to a family the calculations of the
rpiwiH ottii i.ils are that the h bt of
the federal joverniiient, of the
tates and of the counties, amounts
to an average of $78.15 for each
family in the country, tin a simi
lar l;sis of computation the
British family owes $337.00, tl
French $581.75. and the Austro-
Hunarian ."4.'20. Figures for the
German empire are not furnished,
but it is evident from the debt9 of
the German states, which are enum
erated, that the indebtedness of the
whole countrv would make the
average for each family at least
$400. In nearly every one of the
second or tliird class countries of
Europe and in almost all of those of
South America the amounts are
also hiirh. Aonarentl v no other
important nation in the world has
as low an average of indebtedness
as the United States.
There is another consideration
which also deserves to be taken into
the account which renders the sit
uation still more favorable to this
country. Not only are the burdens
f the support of the government
smaller in this country than in any
other in world, but the ability of the
people to meet them is lagrer.
Wealth is growing in the United
States faster than it is anywhere
else on the globe, and it is being
more widelj' diffused among the
people. K very where else the sum
of the public indebtedness is either
stationary or continuously and
rapidly expanding, while here it is
shrinking year by year. Concur
rently with the increase of indebted
ness aoroaa ana tne aecrease in
this country there is a growth in
resources and capital here which
finds no parallel in any other
nation. These are facts which
should be kept constantljr in mind
They furnish an answer to the
windy demagogues who declare
that the conditions of existence are
harbcr in the United States than
they are in some of the nations of
Kuropc, and who assert that the sit
uation in this respect is steadily
growing worse. Globe Democrat.
H-rvalive men are beginning to
whare to a very notable degree, and
Ihis confidence clear!' extends to
tigs agricultural. harm
i:i Central Illinois have
the past his. months ad
iu some cast's more than 25
P'-r cent over late prevailing values.
Millions have been lifted in mort
gages in the newer farmingregions
I we si of the great river, and it lsiair
i t that the business of
jl.ii t .'iiiig better farm stock will be
very materially ixnenicu tjuring
as a result of the marked im
provement in the general financial
A U.NlTKii STATKS commissioner
at Demi tig, Xew Mexico, the other
day decided in tile case of a China
man who had slipped across the
Mexican line that "the country
whence he came" was Mexico, and
he therefore sent him back into
Mexico. Now let the commission
ers along the Dritish American
boundary adopt the precedent and
this business of smuggling
celestials into the United States
will be greatly discouraged.
John Sherman is to be the next
United States senator from the
Jiuckeye state. He received fifty
three votes yesterday, being six
more than were necessary for a
tf Five Ten
I. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists &
Pharmacists, Union IJlock, Platts
mouth, Neb. desire to inform the
public, that they are agents, for
the most successful preparation
that Inas yet been produced for
coughs, colds and croup. It will
loosen and releave a severe cold in
less time than any other treatment
The article referred too is Chamer
Iain's Caugh re me by. It is a medi
cine that has won fame and popular
ity on it s merits ana one tnat can
always be depended upon. It is
the only known remedy that will
prevent croup. It must be tried to
be oppreciated. It is put up in 50
cent and $1 bottles.
Height of Cruelty
ftervous women seiuoin recive
the sympathy they deserve,
While often the pictures ot health,
they are constantly ailing. To
with hold sympathy from these tin
fortuntes is the height of cruelty
lnernavea week Hearth, causing
snortneess ot breath, lluttering.
pain in side, week and hungry
swells, and finally swelling of
ankles, sppression, choking, smoth
ering and dropsy'. Dr. Miles' New
Heart Cure is just the thing for
them. For their nervousness, head
ache, weekness, etc.. his Kestorative
Nervine is unequaled. Fine treatise
on" Heart ana Mervous Diseases
and marvelous testimonials free.
Sold and f uaranteed by. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Tim Texxessek miners are pre
paring to fight once more, and it
begins to look as if anarchy and
biooasueu would regin supreme
there before long. The followin
circular has been sent among the
miners to rouse them.
The convicts shall never gain a
iootnoKl here again. Uur pra3'ers
must be. blessing on our people
and destruction on the convicts,
lessees and the state militia. We
must act with prudence and give
them tit for tat. No matter what
comes death, destruction or an
archy we must stand together.
One hundred and sixty-seven men
think they may intimidate us.
Shall we endure? Never. The
time to strike once more for our
families and our homes is almost at
Yesterday when a United States
flag was run up the troops cheered
it. but a miner yelled in derision.
fcIt won.t stay there long; we will
shoot it down and on with it."
The miners come about the camps
and watch the soldier, standing
about in knots and examining their
position. The trouble is bound to
come inside of a week, and there
will be bloodshed.
A National Event.
The holding of the World's Fair
in a city scarcely hfty years old
will be a remarkable event, but
whether it will really benefit this
nation as much as the discovery of
the Restorative Nervine by Dr.
Franklin Miles is doubtful. This is
just what the American people need
to cure their excessive nervousness.
dyspepsia, headache, dizziness,
sleeplessnes, neuralgia, nervous de
bilitj, dullness, confusion of mind.
etc. It acts like a charm. Trial
bottle and fine book on "Nervous
and Heart Diseases," with une
qualed testimonials free at F. G
Fricke & Co. It is warranted to con
tain no opium, morphine or danger
ous arugs. l
The worst licking I ever jrot in my
lifu w:is one that was wholly unde
served." said a well-known gentleman
the other day. "J n fact." lie went on,
it ns t lie only r-al licking 1 ever re
reived, and tho Htiiart of it null lingers
iu my imagination.
It happened a long time ago." he
continued, reflectively, "and 1 wasn't
more than 8 years old. My folks were
living on a farm than, down in Ind
iana, and my father believed in teach
ing boys how to work. Like most
youngsters. I fancied play more than
labor, yet I was not a lazybones by
auy means, for I never hesitated to
help around the house and elsewhere
when I saw something in it.
"To stimulate my industry my father
often offered me small sums of money
for Him pel formance of little jobs to
which 1 was equal, sueh as splitting
up kindling wood, shelling corn and
feeding the hordes. Ou one oeeasiou
he made a bargain with me to clean up
the barnyard, promising me a quarter
tor the job.
"Well. I went at it with zest, visions
of caudy and raisins spurring me on.
It was late in the afternoon, and I was
scraping away at the trash and refuse
like a good fellow, when I glanced up
and saw my mother approaching with
an air that told me at once that some
thing had happened. But I didn't ex
pect what was coming, proceeding
vigorously and cheerily with my task.
"My mother always steps pretty
high when 6he is mad," the gentleman
explained, "and this time I noticed
that her stride was unusually aggres
sive. I wondered what could be the
trouble, but speculation was cut short
by her coming up. seizing me by the
scruff of the reek, turning me across
her knee and basting me furiously
with a barrel-stave which I saw her
pick up as she came toward me.
"It was a terrible surprise and it
wasn't until she had paddled me until
I felt like I was aure that 1 managed
between my sobs to demand an ex
"I ll teach you how to kill my
chickens, ' she panted, "1 11 teacli you
and she made another dash at me.
as if she meant to give me another
dose of the same medicine. But I was
on my guard and eluded her clutch.
"Kill your chickens?' 1 cried, rub
bing smarts. 'Why, I never touched
your chickens.'
"You did, you little rascal. You
did. See! Look there! Look! Oh.
I'll skin you alive.' and she started for
me again, but 1 dodged her, and she
began to cry.
"1 would ut have believed you
could do such a trick, she sobbed
llere every olu hen on the place is
running about with a chicken or
duck in her bill ' i,
"And sure enough that was what
saw when I looked about me. The
barn-yard was full of hens and every
oue of them was running about with a
chick that had evidently got out of its
shell prematurely. There were scores
of the biddies and they were having a
picnic. I saw what destruction bad
been wrought at a dance. I knew
that a dozen nests had been broken
up and at least twelve times that nuni
ber of chicks and ducklings had been
"Why. uia. I didn't do it. I didn't.
Ion know l wouldn t do so bad a
thing." "
"Then who did. vou little scamp?'
she asked. Dot believing.
"And just then I caught sight of mv
6-year-old brother.
"lie was standing at a little distance
with a duckling daugliug in one hand
and a chick in the other. .
"But I had bad the licking just the
Startling Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtng suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso llumpfling,
of IJutler, 1'enn, swears that when
his son was spechless from st. Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Kestorative
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L.
Miller of Valprai and. T.D. Taolnr,
of Logansport, Ind each gained U0
pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and
much aeadach, dizzness, bockach
ana nervous prostiation uy one
bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, &
Co., who recouiends this unequailed
remedy. 4
Home Magazine aud Mkkalo ft ft
'I ou do HI.kI uurt liKKii .... 24
Harper's Matf.z tie Mini IIi iiaid 4 f
Huruer's Ha.i.raiid Hkm'I.o 4 K
Mai lr'-. Weekly mit ;khai.i in
Iowa tat Krister urn! a
Wesleru Kurnl nul IIkicai.o 2 h
I he Koi um unci IIkkai.i 6 Bn
(iloliH liemocrat and Hkuai.o a 1
lutrr Ocean aud IIkkai.u 2
miLiit in-
Cur Main and Fifth street.
hI1 up capital
26 001
J. II. farm le fre.Hklent
fred tiorrter vice 1'n-sideti
I. M. 1'atterson Caaliel
T. M. Patterson, Aunt Ca-hlei
As well as the handsomest and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and get free a trial bottle
of Kemp's Ha nam for the Throat
andJLungs, a remedy that is selling
entirely upon its merits anu is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic and acute coughs, asthma
bronchitis and consumption. Large
bottles DOC and
Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Raved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada
Jv. lluru ot Groton, b. 1)., we quote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, which
settled on my lungs, cough set in
and finally terminated in consump
tion. Four doctors gave me up say
ing I could live but a short time. I
gave myself up to my Saviour, de
termined if 1 could not stay with
my friends on earth, I would meet
my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds. J gave it a trial
took in all eight bottles; it has cured
me and thank God I am now a well
and hearty woman." Trial bottles
free at F. G. l'ricke & Co.'s dru
store, regular size, 50c. and $1.00.
J. It. Parmele. J. M. Patterson.
., H. Sinitli it. B. Wlocltiam. li.
T. M. I'atteiMon
Fred tiorder
8. Kain-ey and
Accounts milcito1. Interest allowed on tlin
leposit and prompt attentions ten to all bus
iness entrusted to its care.
217. 210, 221 and 223 Main St.,
H. MBONS. Proprietor.
lhe Perkins baa been thorough!)
renoyated from top tc lrOtt..rr bb.1 :
aow one of the bc3t hotels in the htatt-
Boarders will be taken lv the week ai
14.50 and up.
K. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis.,
a prominent dealer in general
merchandise, and who runs several
peddling- wagons, had one of hii
horsos badly cut and burned with
lariat. The wound refused to heal.
The horse became lame and stiff
now-withstanding careful attention
and the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer some of
Ilaller's Barb Wire Linement, the
most wonderful thing ever saw to
heal such wounds, lie applied it
only three times and the sore was
completed healed. Kqualty good
for all sors, cuts, bruses, and
wounds. For sale by all druggist
'I can not see a single speck up
on the financial horizon 'or the new-
year," remarked a prominent ofli-1 money refunded.
The volumes of the Magazine be
in with the Numbers for Tune and
December of each year. When no
time is specified, subscriptions will
begin with the Number current at
the time of receipt of order. Bound
Volumes of Harper's Magazine for
three years back, in neat cloth bind
ing will be sent by mail, post-paid,
on receipt of iJvJ.OO per volume.
Cloth cases for binding, n0 cents
each by mail post paid.
r Mr, Wiliam T Prcie. a Justice of
the" Peace, at Richland. Nebraska,
was confined to his bed last winter
with a severe attack of lumbago; but
a thorough application of Chamber-
tan s Pain Balm enabled him to
got up and go to work. Nr. Price
says: ''The Remedy cannot be
recommended too hignl3r." Let any
one troubled with rheumatism,
neuralgia or lame back give it a
trial and they will be of the same
opinion. oO cent bottles for sale bj
F. G. Fricke & Co. Druggist-
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvk in the world for Cats
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
Price 23 cents per box.
"What makes the policemen take in
so many tramps? said one of the pro
fession to another. "Cos it s so easv.
was the reply. "They knows we won't
run." Washington Star.
Why isn't Pauline married?" asked
the family friend. She's surely old
enough." "Yes." answered the loving
mother, "but you see I'm too young
just yet myself." Fliegendc Matter.
"I hear you fought a duel with Park
er." "I did." "Weren't you afraid
to stand up before a loaded pistol?"
"Not with Parker holding it. I'm in
sured in his company." Harpers Ka
Zir. "Ob. yes." answered Freddy in re
ply to his fathers question. "It's perfectly-
.afe to skate, for the ice is two
feet thick, and the water is only twelve
inches iu the deepest part." Harper's
Young I'copb..
Poet "Two weeks ago I sent a
poem anu meloseii a stamp tor ap
proval." Editor "Yes, I remember.
We approved of the stamp. It was a
daisy. I dou't remember the poem."
A7, i". Jieraid.
Guest "I want a good hearty din
ner plenty of variety. What would
you auviser waiter "uruer con
somme soup, hash, and mince pie.
That'll be sure to include everything."
Buffilo Express.
"Yes." said the sensible girl, "she's
an heiress, but I'm afraid she doesn't
know how to husband her resources."
"O. yes, she does." was the reply.
She's engaged to be married now."
Washington Star.
"Aren't you afraid that you are liv
ing rather too well for your health?"
asked the chicken. "I ain't in this for
my health." answered the turkey, be
tween pecks. "I am out for the stuff,
so to SDeak." Indianapolis Journal.
A Determined Man.
Some Foolish People
allow a cough to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine.
They say, "Oh, it will wear away,"
but in most cases it wears them
away. Could they be induced to
try the succesful Kemp's Balsam,
which is sold on a positive guar
antee to cure, they would see the
excellent effect after taking the first
does. Price 50 c and !fl. trail size
free. At all druggists.
S?5 r rT3NESSr-rAPS0!rscuREr
I ril . t'g by reck iD.uiuk' I ulinlur J.r Cub
USM"&U Ion. Whaiier. hrmrj. omf..rl'.lr.
tUM.iru!wliarml Iri-iiir.llrpfiil. Sold byF. lllMnx.oniy, TOCC
P53 Broadway, New York. Writ lor bouk ot pruotal'nCC
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all such girls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to nead-
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no remedy equal to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a fine book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricke
& Co's., who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonics.Cures
fluttering'short breath, etc.
Good Looks,
Good looks are more than skin
deep, deqending upon a healtln
condition of all the vital organs
If the Liver be inactive' you have
a .bullous Look, it your stomacb
be affeeted you have a Dyspeptic
Look aud if hour Kidneys be effected
yov will have a Pinched Look. S
curs good health and you will have
good looks, Electric Bitters is the
great alterctive and Tonic act
directly on those vital organ.
Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and
ives a good complexion, bold at
. G. Fricke & Co's Drugstore, 30c
per Dottle:
CleouMt and beautifies th hair.
pTuwuU'l a growth.
Never Pails to Hestqre dray
Hair to its Youthl'-Ji Coior.
Cum scalp dieK & hair lulling.
c. and 1 1 IIP at Drugy it
! farkfir'a Giiio-er Tonie. 1l cuics tne wuntl Couifli.
v.rac l.unn, twinity, jmiiKration, rani, nit id cu.
Stop aU paiu. lie at .Druggists, or iiiSUOJt. CO., f. X.
I used El3r's Cream Balm for dr'
catarrh. It proved a cure. a. F. Pi.
Weeks, Denver.
Elys Cream Balm is especially
adapted as a remeby for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover,
Druggist, Denver.
lean recommend Ely's Cream Bal
to all sufferers from dry catarrh
from personal experience. Michael
Berr, Pharmacist. lJenver.
Ely's Cream Balm has cured
nany cases of catarrh. It is in con
stant demand. Geo. . Hoot
Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wy.
'By a thorough knowledge of the oarural
laws which govern the operations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful auclmation of
the fine propertm of well selected Cocoa. Mr.
Kpps has provided our breakfast table with a
delicately flavored beverage which may five
us many heavy doctor' bills. It is bvtthe jtidio
ious use of puch article) of diet that a con-
eitution may be gradually built up until strong
enough to resist cv-rv tendency to disease.
Hundred of subrl" eijuiief are floating
around us ready to attacK wherever ; here is a
week point, We may escape many a fatal
shaft by keeping oureelves well fortified with
pure bloo1 and a properly nourished frame."
Civil Service Gazette. Madosi simply with
boiling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound
tins, by groceries, labelled thur:
JAMEs EPPS & DO., Homoeopathic Chemist
Lionaou. fcugiana
How Lost! How Regained I
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
Kaid up capital ...
. 10,000.09
rn the very bent facilities for the promp
transaction of llKitlmate
Itonking Business
3tock, bonds, gold, government ;ind local e
jurttlw bought hiiiI old. Deposit received
nid interest ai lowed nu liie certiflcat
Drafts drawn. avail:ilW tn any part if U .
Uinreil suites aud all l ho pwi.tipal tewnn
vJOJjLBCTIONS madk and phompti v
lUhest market price p:i1d for rv.imty War
rants, State aim Count j linu.-.
John Fitzgerald T. Hawk-worth
Sain Waugh. V. K. White
ieorge E. Dovey
lohn Fitzgerald. S. Waugh.
President t!at!ev
s. f:. hall a son
Keep all kinds of builders hardware on haad
and will supply contractors on most fav'
orable terms
and all kinds of tin work promntly
done. Orders from the country Solicited.
616 Pearl St.
Japltal stock paid In 95" 0
Authorized Capital, f 100,000.
re you made miserable hy indi
gestion, constipation, dizziness,
oss of appetite, yellow skin.- bhi-
loh's Yitalizer is a positive cure.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Or SELF-PRESERVATION. A new and only
and WEAKNESSES of MAN. S00 pages, cloth,
gilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00
by mail, doable sealed. Descriptive Prospect
us with endorsements ril r f t crwn
ssz rntt ! now.
Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat
TAIV nrftr:. AHtlmn Dr. W. IT. Pnrker. nr
The Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bullinch St..
Boston, Maes.
The Peabody Medical Institute nas many Imi
tators, but no equal. Herald.
ine Bcience or X.ite. or tjelt iTeservation, is a
treasure more valuable tban gold. Head it now.
every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to
be STRONG . Medical emtio. (Copyrighted
of the Press and volnntai
testimonials of the ci
President. Vice-President
W. H. OUHHliW. Cashier.
DIBltOTORd i... . .
if rank Carruth J. A. Connor, K. K. Guthroanp
f. W. Job n on , Hen ry Boeck .John O'Keef e
W. D. Merrlam, Wre. Wetencamp, W.
H. Oushinp.
sHues certificates of deposit bearing interest
Buys and sells exchange, county and
jtty . i . i u
civil f:nginkkk
All orders left with tlie county clerk will be
promptly attended to.
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska
Th e Entire Stock of
Belonging to A. Bach will be sold
regardless of cost to sat
isfy mortgagees
U a iTt U t n U ' B 1UUU
cial of one of Chicago's biggest j for sale rncite
national banks. The feeling that j
we are on the eve of one of the ir.ost j
prosperous periods of the n.-ition'sj
history is one in which nianjcon-
For the Nebraska Soldiers Re-union
at Nebraska City Jan. 12 to li
theM. I', Ry., will sell round trip
tickets Jan 11-12 and i.i gooa re-j
furninf Jau'y 13 at $1.10. tf
"When I bought my brass bedstead'
said Fickleby to the Arouoder, "the
man in the store said that if the brass
tarnished I'd better nib it with a little
beer. So the minute the bedstead
came I ordered a dozen bottles. Well,
the thing didn't tarnish as quick as I
thought it would, and I bad to drink
the beer. Then I ordered another
dozen, thinking I could use that on the
bed; but I was disappointed again and
had to drink it. My spunk is up now,
and I'm going to keep on buying beer,
and drinking it if necessary, until that
bedstead shows signs of tarnishing."
Buffalo Vo'i-ic
THE ORIGINAL AND CENUINC. Th. ..It ftf. Rnm. in TtUaW Pill for aT4.
.i Lvi: i...i--t i. i f.'iif- r; 'i'jb. n. nrl.., tirt'Am tout, n.uti'rnA crA irmiiu'fimM.
iY AH pills in r .-.vboft rl Norr. pin wrapper, are UAneTero4 -tw.rfi-'tfc At lir-tri::. or tfiA c
fy 4. in -an.p nr (rt; vtlaioiuu, ajjti -He'.lof wr Lsii.M t uur, r muni Mall.
tr H'.oiVi f.-.-g.r .. .Vi-im f-.iT. CHICHcF.TCH CMilUic-'- Co.. " Kquuret
' in all :"vl.Ui f'JIi..'. i. l't:iA- "A.
- i; -:
Noror faila to Bin inufcanl ralictf in the) wont
oma, mnd e fleet earea where other faJl.
Trial rmefcaa FREE af Draasleta r by
Ulna DR. B. BOH1FFMANN, St, Faat, PJaa.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain relieyer.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and bj- every one requiring an effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.