Platls::!f;::'!i I;! Hira'd PllVii-.!.. I renln::x'- .i Rkkhtitc-;' i sdlce (-!- trim,', ' l , din' I'!" v iii-. ll;irtfm' Jt.i. N. J .iv 'ji.-n-w.i til' II. S. in a. In n-r-Ti' irate debt, includ- Offline 't it i u. .ij Telephone 3h. li.iii iiici-ti TKJIMH KOK WF.EKLY. n copy, one y:ir, in advance. ... .... ...?1 N) Jue copy, one year, not In advanre 2 Ml J'ie copy, nix moiitlif. in advance 75 Jne c-py. tlirei ninntli-i, in advance. . . 4(i TKKMH FOR IAIL (Jne cop one year in :nl vmee ?tf 'JO Jue cipy t wk. Iy e:irrier ....... ir Jne ciy, per iimiiil' fit' M OX IA Y, JAM A K Y 4. IMC PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT. WAKHIXtiTOX. J;im. '1 The public debt HlatcmtMit iswur l. to;da3V-i follows: Jntcn-xt bc-ariu- h bt, fMfrSiriO; incrtie debt, on which ioter- ttt Jisir. c ji.sed, !r,fc!,.JH; ikrrease, $&lG,.":iO; delt bearing no interest, f!Srt".n2!.:-:or deereftse, "f 1,1 1 1, 710; a irreiiate interest and non-intercut b-:!ri.;- -',!' )ii; ccr: i.ienlrri aim Treasury nown, $.7r,.l2.,. ;. Cash in the treasury: Go'ulcoin and bars, 27K,."),7.")(); silver dollars, subsidiary coin and bars, $-110,97(5,-'M.i; paper, Jl,2,2:iI.'tt2; bonds, minor eoin, disbursing officers, balances, deposits in national banks, etc., $',:.") 1,X IS. Aurcate, T.7,2 K,i:Jl. Demand liabilities: Cold, silver and currency cert ilicates, treasury notes, !f."s7,H:?,'J.")9; outstanding checks and drafts, uncurrent na tion bank notes, dislntrsinr officers' balances, etc., $4r,.W:,0l."; fjold re served, $100,()X.'); net cash bal ances. if:51,r74,rJH. Ajreate, f7."7, :IM),4:$2. Cash balance in the treas ury November 30. 1SS1, $i:i'.),l'0,917: cash balances December 31, lX'.H, .f i:M,."i71,l IS: decrease during the mouth !fl,5.")'2,7S9. THE PASS QUESTION. The Interstate Commerce Com mission tias rendered a decision upon the perplexing railroad pass question which holds that it is un lawful to arrant free transportation DEMOCRATIC rule in Kentucky to public officers or private citizens always comes liijrli, but she insists on the ground that their rood will I upon retaining it, Am I'liknnwn El Dorado. Ilow many Americans have heard of the 6tate of Guerrero? It is one ofthe richest mining regions of Mexico, and it la hjiM that its soil is a crust of silver and j?lL - liere the fint miues were worked by the Spaniard, and the country con tains hundreds of abandoned mines to day. It lies on the Pacific, and it U only partially known. It had ono mine which prxlueed 493,000 ounces of silver in a few months, and it is surrounded by prwit state which are now being for the first time carefully investigated. . Oaxaca, just below it, is now being penetrated by the Mexican Southern railroad, and this will bring a vast gold bearing region into the market. The state is one in which President Diaz wsrs born, and it is the one which will be on the Tehuantepec ship railway, if it is ever completed. It has vast areas of good laud, and I know a half dozen Americau capitalists who expect to make fortunes out of the coal fields which they tav have been discovered in it. Coal brings about twenty-six dollars a ton iti City of Mexico, and there are said to be fine iron deposits in near proximity to these coal fields. The climate of all this part of Mexico is very fine, and the capitalists who would buy some of the agricultural lands along this route would mane a rortune. me public Janus are Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becoiniuir a rase of nervous wrecks and the followtnr suirests, the best remedy: alphouso lliimpflin', of Duller, I'enn, swear that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Aervmir cured htm. M rs. I. D. Miller of Valnrai and. J. D. Taolnr, f Ioansport, Ind each gained 20 pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 10 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation oy one bottle. Trial bottle and line boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. I'ricke, & Co., who recomends thisiinequailed remedy. 4 As well as the handsomest and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Dasam for the Throat and'Ku ngs, a remedy- that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic and acute coughs, asthma bronchitis and consumption. Large bottles 50c and $1. Pronounced Hopeless, YeiSavcl. From a letter written y Mrs. Ada K. 1 1 u rd of Grolon, S. I)., we quote: "Was taken with a badcold, which seuieu tin my lungs, couim set in Worth from twenty to forty-five cents and finally terminated in consump an acre, and they will raise coffee ami "" hour doctors gave me up say- is important to the corporation. Such pass-holders, it is declared, do not have any rights in that respect over ordinary travelers, by reason of their social or official positions, and so it is an unjust discrimina tion to carry them without pay ment of the usual f ire. The com mission is not willing, however, to rule that it is illegal to grant passes to newspaper men, hotel proprietors and agents of compa nies doing business with the corpo ration. These classes stand in a different light under the law, it is pointed out, and may not unreason ably claim to be rendering ii fair return for the favor. This signi fies, obviously, that the use of passes to influence traffic is not clearly forbidden, and may. per haps, be justified as a proper busi ness expedient. The reasoning by which this conclusion is reached does not entirely satisfy the intelli gence of the average observer when compared with the no matter what the cost. She only lacks ."); '),):;:) of having money enough to pay her bills for the past year. Height of Cruelty Nervous women seldom recive the svnipathy they deserve While often the pictures ot health, they are constantly ailing. .To with hold sympathy from these ttti- fortuutes is the height ot cruelty. 1 hey have a week hearth, causing shortneess of breath, fluttering, pain in side, week and hungry swells, and finally swelling of ankles, sppression, choking, smoth er m;r and dropsy. Dr. Allies Aew Heart Cure is just the thing for them. For their nervousness, head ache, weekness, etc., his Restorative Nervine is unequaled. Fine treatise on" Heart ami Nervous Diseases" and marvelous testimonials free. Sold and fuaranteed by. F. G. Fricke & Co. Travelers may learn a lesson from Mr C. D. Cone, a prominent attorney of Parker Dakota, who says: "I. never leave home without taking a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cliol- logic of I era and diarrhea Remedy with me the other part of the decision; but the Interstate Commerce Commis sion is not supposed or expected to be consistent, and the- law by which it is governed permits a wide lati tude of discretion in all cases. There has been a good deal of legislation with respect to railroad legislation, but the corporations go on granting them in greater abund ance every year. They find that to be one of the cheapest and most effective ways to promote their interests. The idea that they be stow these favors fo purely com plimentary reasons under any cir cumstances is absurdly erroneous. They distribute them with a strict and on many occasions have ran with it to inereiiet ot some suiierer and have never knywn it to fail. For sale by F. (J. I'ricke & Co. drug gists. The Cofct jf Italian Opera. Talking of money reminds me that Signor V ianei says he left the Paris oiera, where he has been conductor for the last four years, because the salary was not larg enough and the work too exacting. He received $3,400 a year for ten mouths work, and very hard work at that. He comes to America and geta $3,000 for seven months. Mr. Abbey's salary list is a formidable one. Miss Van Zandt gets $1,000 a performance, Miss Eames, $300; Lasalle, the French baritone, $800; Mme. Albani, $600, and five other smzers from $400 to ."00. and systematic regard for the bene- There is a chorus of eighty, averairing in io ue ueriveu. aim a pass never I ,u a weeir. or SSl.bUU. ana an orchestra goes out unless it promises to yield a good return. Iu this way many excellent persons who . could uot possibly be bribed with money are induced to perform friendly service to the railroad companies. There is no direct understandingthat they shall do so, but the obligation is none the less certain, and the favor is duly reciprocated when the opportunity is presented. Legisla tors, as a rule, accept all the passes that are offered, and remem ber them when they come to vote upon railroad questions; and the judges of the courts are not always above the reach of such tempta tion, as can be seen from time to time in their decisions. It is well understood that the practice is abused, but no means have yet been found to regulate it. The cor porations shrewdly evade the laws enacted to prevent them from granting passes at their pleasure. and it is practically' impossible to keep men from .taking advantage of a condition that seems to give them something for nothing, when in fact they usually pay more for it at i last than the cost of transportation would, amount to if they paid full fare on every journey. Globe- j Democrat. costing $2,000 a week.' The expenses of giving opera with such a company cannot fall below $5,000 a performance, so that even at five dollars for a parquet seat, the price for the coming season, Mr. Abbey may not make a fortune. The average cost of the German performances at the .Metro politan last season was $2,600. New lork Epoch. Tbo Wedding Flower. The flowering of the "Wedding Flow er," at Kew this year, is an event of more than ordinary interest, both to botanists and horticulturists. It is the giant not only of the genus Iris, but of the whole natural order to which it belongs. . It is found wild only in a small island off the east coast of Australia, thousands of miles distaut from the habitant of any other Iris. While all other Irises may be grown out of doors, or with a little pro tectum in winter, thi3 one is happy only when treated to subtropical conditions. Its value in horticulture is due as much to its stature and elegance of foliage as to the size and beauty of its numerous flowers. The flowers last only one day, but there are so many of them that the flowering season extends over a long period. This Iris is known far' and wide as the we-JIing flower. -London Garden. The trouble on the Texas border is becoming more serious every day. Garcia's men light and run away. The government has sent tkvo more companies from Wyom ing and a large number of pack moles. The governor of Texas has called out all the state rangers, and Adjutant General Mebrey' has Is sued orders for them to look after the state of Texas and not to mix up in 'any international . matters, and especially to learn the country and to lind out Garcia's strongholds. .' A Colleg President's Chase. Harvard ine?t who attended chapel one morning last wek were very much sur prised to see President Eliot pursuing one of the students as the men were leaving the building. Those in the immediate vicinity heard a very short but animated conversation. "Young man," said the president to the individual in question, who turned around surprised, "young man, exense me, but you have my hat." It was indeed true. In the confusion of leaving the chapel the student had picked up the wrong hat and was making away with the president's best tile. Boston Gazette. . ' '" ' ' sugar and all kinds of grains. This new railroad will, and does al- Itady, tap the mining regions of the ktate of Pueblo, which contain both silver and gold, and one of the finest specimens of gold ever brought into Mexico City was shown to an American business man there by an Indian from this state about a month ago. It was a nugget of solid gold as big as your fist Hie American entered into a contra c with the man for the development of the region where it was found, and h traveled with him on horseback f several days, when the Indian told hi that he had forgotten the place. Thu was of course a lie. Cor. St. Louis Glube Democrat. The Illshop of Ierry. The eloquent bishop of Derry has, I hear, accepted an invitation from the trustees of Columbia college to deliver in New York city during Lent, 1892, a course of lectures on "The Evidences of Christianity." Remembering that the right reverend prelate is nearing his sev entieth year, it is not surprising, in his letter to the bishop of New York accept ing the invitation, to find him saying that his decision required a good deal of consideration, but he adds that it is a source of pleasure to him to think ol meeting his lordship "and many vener able chiefs of the great and living brancb of Christ's holy Catholic church across the ocean. The bishop, by birth an Irishman, was graduated at Oxford, where lie wor many distinctions, and he was Bamptor lecturer in IS. 6. As a preacner he stand' without doubt in the first rank, and hit lectures are likely to find as wide a cir cle of readers here as on the other side of the ocean. Bishop Alexander was most determined opponent of the prayer book revision undertaken by the synod of his church, and his action in walking out of the synod hall after a solemn pro test against the proceedings will not soon De forgotten. .Manchester Guardian. Care In Choosing Drinking Water. More and more as a knowledge of hygiene is spread will people be careful as to the water they drink, for au im pure article will as surely injure as im pure food. A case m point is just re ported of two deaths and twenty-four cases of disease from drinking th water of an old well in Milwaukee. For a long time the well has furnished the water for half a dozen families in the neighborhood. About all the mem bers this summer partaking of the well water became " ill, and their ailment aoon developed into typhoid fever. Near by is a foul marsh, the water from which is supposed to have worked itself into the well and thus contaminated it, causing these deaths and all the illness. Probably the cost of the doctors' bills and other expenses, together with the loss of time, have ben many hundreds of dollars, or quite ao-agh to have brought clear water from some other source. Herald of Health. nig L could live out a short tune. 1 gave my self up to my Saviour, de termined if 1 could not stay wilh my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds. I gave it a trial took in all cigh bolt les; it has cured me and thank God 1 am now a well and hearty woman.'' Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store, regular size, 50c. and .fl.(A). Some Foolish People allow a colli; h to run until it trots beyond the reach of inedicint They say. "Oh, it will wear away out in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the succesful Kemp's Balsam winch is sold on a positive guar antee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the firs does. 1'rice ;h c and I. Irail size free. At all drusrtrists. OUR CLUBINCi LIST, Hume MtKazine mid II p ! a i.l fi I o't-ilo Kind mill IlKKII 2i Harper's Mat'.., ne ami ii.i 4 t harper's Ha..r;ii,(l Kk i.u . . 4 H llaip-r'- Uerkly ami iKkai.h 4 t low state lOKi.ilrr ami hucvi. 2 Western Kiustl unit Ukicami 2 x- the Korum and IIkkai d r, ao (J'ulie Peniiicrat and II ki'AMi 210 Inter Oeeau Hml liKUAi.r a M B AN K OF CASS COUNTY Cor Main and Fifth mi rent. aM up capital $"W (XX Surplus 2b uu OFFICE R.S J. H. Parnt le rresiileiit frtxl dorrter Vice President J. M. Patterson Caslieii T. M. Patterson, At I'aHhlei DIRECTORS J. It. Panne!.', .1. M l'arterson. Kreil Corder A. H. Smith J. It. Windham, II. H. Kainey am' 1 . in . 1 at re 1 sou - lij s . JLX -L X ' 14 iJKJKJLA JJO ?."iAN3ATED p j.jrTftNSKN UKAI.EK IN- Accounts HoIieite'V Interest .allowed or, tlm- ii'tiosil" and prompt atli'iitiontiven to all tins ness entrusted to its care. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. I'atronage of the J 'ill die. Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plnttsmouth. I'KllKJNK- liOUKti t 217. Sil!, 221 anil 22:) Main St., Nebraska H. M EONS Proprietor. been IKST : NATIONAL : HANK Plattsmouth OK PLATTSMOUTH. NKlikASKA Paid up capital SurpluH ..V,iX 10,0(1 . lho Perkins lias renuyatuil from top lo .v one of the best tfoirders will $-1.50 and up. thorough!) 1 nil u hutcla ill til. btt Week al he taken by tin- A Mystery Explained. Ihe papers contain frequent no tices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and coachmen. Ihe well-known specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says all such jjirls are more or less hys terical, nervous, very impulsive, tin oaianceu; usually suoiect to Head ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im moderate crying orlaugliing. These show a weak, nervous system for which there is 110 remedy equal to iveslorative Aervine. lrial bottle. and a fine book, containing many marvelous cures, free at F. G. Fricke Xc Co's., who also sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cure, the finest of heart ton ics.Cures fluttering, short breath, etc. Coed Looks, Good looks are more than ski deep, deqending upon a healthy condition of all the vital orirans If the Liver be inactive' you have a Julious l.ook, if your stomaclt be affeeted 3011 have a Dvspeptic Look and if hour Kidneys be effected yov will have a Pinched Look. St curs good health and you will have good looks, Klectric Bitters is tbi great alterctive and Tonic acts directly on those vital organ Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good complexion, bold at F. G. Fricke & Co's Drugstore, Wc per bottle: I used Ely's Cream Balm for dry catarrh. It proved a cure. B. F. M. Weeks, Denver. . Ely's Cream Balm is especially adapted as a retneby for catarrh which is aggravated byr alkaline dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover, Druggist, Denver. lean recommend Ely's Cream Bal to all sufferers from dry catarrh from personal experience. Michael Ilerr, Pharmacist, Denver. Ely's Cream Balm has cured many cases of catarrh. It is in con stant demand. Geo. . Hoot Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wy. If the present .trouble in Texas ml Mexico should develope into lother resolution in Mexico, the ers of the tTnit-d States will ;i large profit from th d demand for their product Cleaning m Marbl Statue.,. Commodore Perry's marble : statue in Cleveland, bttring acquired such a heavy coating of smoke and soot as-to render it nnsightly, was recently scrubbed; but with ' the effect of making it look worse than ever. The black came off the "high lights," and1 the smudge is deepened in tiie 'shadows. And. tbough the brave old s.iilna never rh.l a mean thinir in hi lifp' e in-jtiiev now tdl.-t of Kiiu'-i him coat of lucts.' Wl rhitewas-. Cincinnati Times-Star. Didn't Risk Anything. Unlimited assurance is possessed by a . young man from Tennessee, who lately sought admission to West Point, and thus closed his application to the super intendent: "1 want only to study mili tary tactics. I want to &tay three years. I want forty dollars per month. At the end of the term I want a position over dome army of the United States. I want you to send me a round ticket there and back. 1 think 1 am both physically and mentally qualified to fill the position. 1 will not be out anything, but I want the position Please answer this." Yankee Blade. , - . Th Eiffel Tower in a Graveyard. A good grocer of Dainery, in the de- 1 partment of the Marne, has astoniahed his fellow townsmen by erecting , in the local cemetery a family mausoleum of cut stone shaped like the Eiffel tower. This is certainly the first time the tower bnilt for the exhibition has been copied (ur a chnrchyard monument. Pall Mall Gazette. ' Duel at lions. Visitors to Bonn are, I hear, aghast af the untoward consequences of the Ger man emperor's dueling speech.- So many bar bar? encounters have taken plac during the last three, months that nearly , every student, one comes across has hi ; face seamed and gashed in the most un sightly manner. London World. . ,' A' Kodak Gem. 1 ' ' ' . An amateur photographer caught a young laay wno naa oeen eating joe cream over, at the Poland camp ground Snnday in the act of .lifting the well nigh empty saucer to her rosy lips and drain ing the last di ip of the melted creaiu which had cox her best young man t iime. Auburn (Masfi.) Gazette. Are you made miserable by indi gestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin.' M11- loh's Vitalizer is a positive cure For sale byr F. G.. Fricke &. Co. I0CD BAR C02TITECTED A I J ft-f K"" (uwJ bv l'ck' Invnjhi 1 ubiflur Kar Cu-h- i-.'Jtu-S C ion. WhUer iiejr.l.'nrlable t-i'i eliil f.ri aIirt'f1ir.Hefail. PuiUl by K. Hiseoi, r-, rf cC3 bnmiln!kjf Aejr lurk. Wulc fur UmA ot proullllLC PARK K ft' ft HAIR BALSAM hc!r. ' iWM' 2Z?- Clew and b-au:i :"!. e. . '' - Ji)M Cutis rculp diM-aat-s tt Imir taiiMiic. --jS' Jl .aiilUa f Irurrltu -- : ivu-xr'a G-iimer 1'onie. - ifc eurun the uortii Couh, ti'rak Lnn-ri, DWiilily. Iwliguition, J'mnlakc in time. .0 cu. MjWr.EHCOf;?'". Tbr r.r?T Fi.rt- crr for rnms. GKATKUL- , y -COMFORTING uooea rsthevrry tHHt facilities for the promp traiiHiiction of IlKltimHtri Banking Business Htoek. boniW. l'olit. iMivcriiment and lor-al e- suritix bniinht uml sold. Di-posils rer-Hivfd id interest allowed on llm certltlciiti-i" i)rafts drawn, available in any part of the United State and all the principal towrm ot Kurope. 0OLLKCTIONH MA1IK AND I'ltOMITLY 11 KM IT- TKI. Highest market price pid for C-itinty War- ranis, Male ana i.ounry uuiiiir. DIKECTOKS John Fit.i?ralrl I. Hawkuworth Sara Vtij.'h. V. K. White ' tieorire VL. Povey Jobu Fitzg-r&lit. WHiixh. rrenidenl uar ter. jST EW HARDWARE STQ R E S. 15. HALL & SON Keei all kinds of builders hard warn on hand and win eupply contract ore 0:1 most lav orabie terns TIN ROOFING Spout inn and :ill kinds o iim work promptly d ine. orl-j! Pviii th i country Solicited. IiRICA KFAST 1 arl i- t. I'LAILSJICL":!!. EB. r. a tiiorouirh knov.Iedifn of tlo- natuial laws wlilcli govern t!ie opef:iiir s ef (ipcst'iiri and tultritton. ainl bv a can-till :-.!; l;tioii of tlie line proper! id;! ff well selected t,'iKoa. ?.Ir. Mips nas M-.)V:lci! our bicnKfat ta!i!e with a (lelica'eiy llivoied beverage winch ;n iy fiv us many heavy doctor' bills. It i by;the"judic- 1011s use 01 such article : diot th .t a coii--i f nt ion niav be uradruillv built un until strong enoudli to resist pi.iy 1 vilencv t. disease lluniireds of sub:! ' ii. i..i- .ire lloatin 11 arounii us reaoy 10 atiacK v;i -in jr liere i a week ixiint. We may eecane manv a fatal shaft, by keeping ouiveives well lortideii wilh pure liloo 1 and a properly nourished frame." civil ervlce tiazette. rnatosi sanpiy with loilin water or mi!k. Sold onlv in hall-i rms, bv lrrocenes. labelled thur: JAMEs EITS & DO.. Homd onathic Chemist Loudon, linnlai d THK CI'IIZKNS HANK. i plattsmoi;th - kkbuahka jbjittal stock paid iu $3 0 0 Authorized Capital, SiOO,COO. -pound How Lost ! How Regained I KIIOW THYSELF. MORTGAGE SALE. Th e Entire Stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR A1TD QUEEUSWARZ Beloiiffinri: to A. Bach will he eold reeardless of cost to sat- isfy mortoagee PHILLIP KRAUS FOR MORTGAGES HAVE A YOUL-d SCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure Kemr fails to irie instant relief in the worst cases, and ctTet-ta rare where other fall. Trial r.rfcaxe I If EE ef Dranfita er kj Hail. Or SELF-PRESERVATION. A new and onlv Gold Medal PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL 1 DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 pages, cloth, gilt; 125 invaluable prescriptions. Only $1.00 by mail, double sealed. Descriptive Prospect us with endorsements mm crwri of the Press and voluntary lHi-l I Sr' testimonials of the cured. nUW, Consultation in person or by mail. Expert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER TAIN ni'HK. Ariflrpao I)r. W. TT. Pnrlrpr. nr i tie feaooay Aledical inutitute, ISO. 4 uuiancn Bi.. Boston, Mans. The Peabody Ifedicat Institute has many imi tators, but no equal. leralii. The Science of Life, or Belf-Preservation, Is a treasure more valuable than gold. Head it now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to be STRONG . Medical lleview. (Copyrighted-; OFFICERS ' NK CARKfTH. JOM. . CN.wOK, i'resilr!iit. Vice-Prttsideul W. n. CVSlllUO. Cehier. DI!tKCTOKS H raiik Carrutb J. A. Connor, k. li. Gutliniaov I. V. Jolirjfon, JleL-ry Ha'!k.,tolin O'Keefe ' VV. I). Mi-rriam. Wm. Weteucarnp, W. H. OiiHluu. rRANSACTSIA GENERAL BANKING BDS1NES ssues certificates of deponits beariiiK interest Huvs and selln, county and A. C. NAYKS COUNTY -SUHVEVO It AMI CIVIL KXGI.NKIvR AH orders left with the county clerk will be promptly attended to. OFFICE IX COUKT HOUSE, A Plattsmouth, - - XebraslKf 1 1 "j Out nut: CTr o IT ur ot Pen Aoioo v m m v ftViai. jb& . Diamond Brand A v THE ORIGINAL ANQ GFNUINC. Tb- only Kfc, Pure, fta4 rrfioMe Pit! It anlt. ljlj yztfij wuu :jii,o rjt'AL. uk Do olflcr kIuil , iww WbtiuHWm cni iiuvjiu. u r a 11 putt ic roirl r-orr-F, tuA. wri.iE,ora r- daeccw; niur t-f i 1a. A : Vr.--;rit. or mnn M exican M ustang Liniment. I - ... - A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal "by the Housewife, the Farmer, the 1 Stock Raiser, and bjv every one requiring an effective liniment 4 ';1-; No other ; application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang Liniment. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it.