The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 26, 1891, Image 2

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    ..,(1 ft'
.... too
' dvauCe.
. AIL1
4 ' uj curler .
, a .
.at DAY, DKt'EMBER 27. ISfil
UxCLS Sam may well wiah every
notioti'n ' thi universe a raerrj
T HIT Crisp-M ilia altercation
causing no . uuj.'lenH;iiitiieHn
reiuiblican1 circles.
.AT'this time a jjrcat many rrjiub
licaus are speaking more couijyl;
taeutary of Mr. Mills than are many
democrats, "
IT, appears at this tim very
ImprjoUible that the republican
will recii"?; the aid from Mr. Milla
which tliry apprehended a few
weeks i ,
If there in a man in the United
StateH that richly deairea the pym
pathy of the people it in Jerry Simp
son. No Hockd uud coiifequently
no Chriatinun.
It ia evident that Speaker Crinp
conwidern that "to the virtorr"
belong the Kpoil." In view of
which he has diatribu'.ed the chair
manHhipH ho an to pay bin mip
porters and gratify his personal
a pi tea.
It ia rumored that Cleveland ha
announced that he i not a candi
date for ri nomination. Why could
he not have rna Je thin Htatement a
few months aince. He evidently
has been watching the formation
of a high Hill, which he deems im
practicable to attempt to mount.
TfiKEE-FOUfiTiis of the committee
on coinage is in favor of unlimited
coinage of ailrer. There is little
doubt that a free ailver bill will
pass th democratic house and in
to rvent the Crisp faction can
control the democratic national
convention a plauk favoring it will
be adopted.
Mrs. J. Ellen Foster while in
the senate gallery, Monday, witness
ing the Plumb laid her
fur coat aside for a few moments.
Presently an . ccaion presented
ita aelf , upon which she deemed it
necessary 'to leave her seat for a
few momenta. Upon returning
she found that $l'Xl in money had
been stolen also, a diamond pin
valued at fKXX).
THE rumor that Governor
Humphrey would resign and have
the lieutenant governor appoint
him to the senatorial vacancy oc
casioned by the death of Senator
Plumb, was a pure fabrication,
there being no foundation whatever
for the statement. Governor
Humphrey liaM resented the insult
in no unmistakable terms. Such a
move might confidently be appre
hended if such a man it Governor
Hill was in his place, however.
Although the method of secret
voting known a the Australian
system was introduced into the
United States only five years
has now been ndopted in thirty
three statea of the Union. An ex
planation of the statutes of each of
these and their experience with the
use of the secret-ballot, as well as
of the grouping of can Jidat -s and
of the method of voting the ballot
in each state, is explained In an in
teresting review of this whole
movement by Mr. Joseph H. Hishop
in the January number of the
Forum. The rapidity with which
Ibis system has been adopted in
every part of the Union is without
a parallel in the history of reform
movements in the United States.
Almost every state of importance,
f ncept Borne of the Southern states,
now has a secret ballot law on its
Klatute books, and some nf)them
liuve it in their constitution. It is
a singular fact that the Southern
Sf.ites have been the hiiidiuoMt in
utend of the foremoit in thi move
ment, because the secret-ballot
would undoubtedly in practice dis
franchise n large pari of Die ignor
ant voters in the south.
naugui . ' .' j
r- uie union, ivy, .tip
j provisions f r the
in tinieU; and
. ,nJ should become
lout the country.
e full to overflow-
'.e net of charity, to
o sacrifice, will be
, 'preciated by the
1 have u tendency to
i;ivoral)le nmiiprcsiou
"own country.
- .icalioy. are that "a train will
be equippeiwjth Nebraska prod
nets in the". near future, as re-
spuncea to in vernor Thavera re
cpjtst have ben numerous and
' t -'j
Many oid-soldiel who contracted
chronie dinrrhoea while in the
service, hive since b-en permanent
ly cured of it by thamiberlain's
Colic, Cholera nnd diirrhoea Rerr
edy.' For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Are you made miserable by indi
gestion, constipation, dizziness,
loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shi-
loh's Vitalizer is a positive cure,
For sale by F. G. Fricke 4 Co.
K!g hr cf Cruelty
Nervous women seldom recive
the sympathy they deserve.
While often the pictures ot health
they are constantly ' ailing. To
with hr lj sympathy fro.n these tin
fortumesis the height of cruelty,
They have a week hearth, causing
sliortneess ot lirenth, tluttering
pain in side, week and hungry
swells, and finally swelling of
ankle, sppression, choking, smoth
ring and dropsy. Dr. Miles' New
Heart Cure is just the thing for
them. For their nervousness, head
ache, weckness, etc., his Restorative
Nervine is uucoiiulcd. Fine treatise
on" Heart and Nervous Diseases"
and marvelous testimonials free,
Sold and f uaranteed by. F. G. Fricke
t o.
W. G. Press ft Co . Banker 4 Commis-
ion Mercbanti, Nos 2 and 4 Sherman
btrret, Chicago, in their last sicial mar
nei leuer nay : 11 the old ad-itrr " as ce
Iran so (?oe trade " is .j ai'.iin be verified,
the comine yenr trimisrs to be one of tin
usual activity anij prosceritv. for the iron
industries of our country have tor some time
Deen steadily increasinc their output and in
many instances been unable to keep pace
with the demand It is claimed that orders
already Riven rolling mills for st. el rails,
atfrei.ate three times as many as at the cor
responding d;.te last year, and that the de
mand from railwavs lor iron to 1 orA in
construct: anl rejuiry must for many
months be urgent, ii the roads are to Iw
put in proper rondit-on and rolling stork lw
siipplieil to meet the requirements of the
lariHy increased tr.'lhc due to the results
of tiie last harvest, and the unprecedented
demand for food products from abroad
The etlectsof this demand is clearly appa
rent to the most casual observer, and have
been made man.frst in the financial con
dition of our banks, the earnings of our
railways, the liquidation of mortE.ires, and
in the general fee-linn of satisfaction and
confidence pernitatmc the agricultural,
industrial and commercial classes With
such satisfactory results from but six
months of the demand, the future is
bright tvitb promise, for there is nothing
npon which to predicate a prophecy of
an abatement duruiR tile remainder of
the crop year, while? there are sub
stantial reasons for eipocting an im
provement Already have the increase in
available funds, and the prospects of larger
railway earnings revived speculation in
stocks and bonds, and as foreiirners nav
lr the enormous of train to be
lent them, and lannuis dn-charKe their
obligation, the 6eld for trxsculatioo must
widen, tor railway shares cannot be ad
vanced indefinitely, and investors must
seek other channels tor the employment ot
their funds In what ran they invest more
conveniently and profitably than the pro
ducts of tiie ami which are primarily 10
ponsible fur their prosperity. As money
becomes more abun lant acd domestic at.d
foreign consumption reduces stocks of
""'". speculators who are now attracted
by 'Jvaiic nig railway shares will doubt'.cv,
turn their attention to grain, ar.d infuse
ae-.v life and activity into languishing mar
The general situation has not materially
chsogH rlunrj; the week, and tiie market
fir wiira has fluctuated within a narrow
rane in consequence ol the Kenr rJ Cih
po;ii,on at h, me ar.d at ro.s J to re (net
tr.:isactiors until after tl.c h -.idjy st
'., !.n"ital F..rope hj csi 1. e,! i!is
ruisitioO to renew in our ir;"'
'is on a more litwral scale leing bI by
French orirratorr, who lire reported dy
havir. ho -hi ill -taily (,r, the I hchh.
''' Kuropean markets hive sliewi
a halting tender y Ni aine of a fair in
cicaa in the amount on ocean pssaee.
Farmers' tbiliu-iKS in the I'nucd Kiagiiom
Bre rirt-re;i.ii((. and dointaic receipt!
while larits CRoiich 10 modeiainly iuruase
v.i.ble sUK-ks. fhow ome ii.dicitmns tf
abatement. Cash wheat Fas been in fair
demand, and it is rimmed that tie out
ward movement to country mills would be
muili'f.rilu.'rrn raiSvny lUitu could
furnish iranpu.ut:on Titer ! : !
no marked chanxe in the CKidiiioa f tne
glowing crop, a!. I out!i rams si.d warm in the favurrd iKalitirs baic ! n
Iwn'ficial. The qrei al situation is such,
however, tl at a seddon chane to extreme
1; co'.l weather, v!nie the plant is unprre
t. ctrd by snow, wouidrreateapprchrnhions
for its safety.
The expectations of the bulls in the near
.'"lures of corn have not twien realized,
and the market is gradually drilling
towards its normal condition, winch, whui
attained, will establish the May future at
premium, over cash and the nearer futnn s.
and enable country grain dealers to crib
the gram withoot the risks of serious
losses So kmg as the rash property re
mains above, or but slightly umier May,
it will be more profitable for dealer to
buy this future than to crib corn at home,
Oats attract bat a moderate share of
interest, al'honjih the enport movrrm nt
hs been larre enough to cause a l.ire
reduction in vi-iil le sb ks
H. k jinxlurt has felt the influente of
liberal receipts of hoes, which continue to
Hsionish many well infornnd r.irat'rj
who have b-rn for some tunc aiim
lite ral lines of proliK t. believing r,..
ceipts would sij.lilenly drop to small pro
portions. Tie weather has liera favorable
lor their marketing, and farmer appear to
have owre Uidi ia lU future U com ikaa
V- OUR cil'C."
P f iia.lnanit Hi, ' sj
loiri. .J UKKi i .... ' ' ,
Haruer's Miuiai tie ani! lf'.we.i ' ,
lisruer s liw.r " lixi,i A
llaiper'- Weekly iit khai.i. 1
l state lieKisier ami nmAU)
Western KiiihI ' it IlKHAbU r tsn
The F0111111 luni Hkhm ii w' 0
(ili.lie Democrat anil IlKKat.n . : '
Inter Ocean suit I1kuam s- .
Guaranteed Cure. 4
V authorize our advertised it
cist to sell Dr. King's New V
coverv for Consumiition. Cougl
and Colds, upon this condition,
If you are nflicted with a cough,
Cold or any Lung, Throat, or Chest,
trouble, and will use this remedy as
directed, giving it a lair trial, and
experience benefit, you may return
the bottle and have your money
refunded. We could not make this
offer did we not know that Vt.
King's New Discovery could relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottles free at V. (j. Fricke A Co
Drug Store. Large el. 30c, and
Holiday Ha ee. 1 .
The H. AM. will sell round trip
ticket on Dec. dl,j and 81 to sta
tioris not over 3X) miles distant at
ratt-B bs followe,:
In Nebraska South Dakota and
Wyoming one and one-third fare
In Colorauo ana nansas one lare.
In selling from a point In Kan
sas or Colorado to a point in Ne,
braska or vice verrd, agents will ursc
rate of fare and a third for the en
tire distance regardless of rate np
plying in the dilleren '. states' tt
A Million Friends
A friend in need is a fried indeed
and not less than one million boo
pie have found just such a friend in
Dr. King s .New Discovery for con
sumption, roughs, and colds. If
you never have used this great
cough medicine, one trial will con
vinceyoti that it has wonderful cur
ative powers in all diseases of the
throat chest and lungs. Kach bot
tle is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed or money will be refunded
Trial bottle free at (i. F'ricke A
Co'fl drugstore, I.nre-e bottles !3)c
nnd $1.00.
We have sold Kly's Cream Halm
about three years, and have re
commended its use in more than a
hundred special cases of catarrh
The unanimous answer to our in
otiii ies is, "It's the best remedy that
I have ever used." Our eipericnce
is, that where parties continued its never fails to cure.-!. If.
Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, Dc
corah, Iowa.
When I boiran tisinir Llvs Cream
Halm my catatrh was so bad I had
headache the whole time and dis
charged a large amount of filthy
matter, lias almost entirely
disappeared and have not had head
ache Bcicnce.-J. Sommcrs.Stepbney,
Will vou suffer with Dvsoensia
and Liver Complaint? Shifoh's Vit
alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 2
Happy Hoosiera.
Wm. Tltnmn. post muter blullle. md..
wnie : "hleetrle bitter liu dune ni.irr for
reethan all other medicine ixinllurd. fur that
bad trebiix amine fniu kidner and laver
trouble." John beMic, farmer ami I.M kinaa,
efme plaee. y : "Find K.lertne Hitter to
D inebeni Hiunry and l.lver ninlii liie, niale
ne teel like s new num." J. W. (iarilner
har.lware ineri'haiit.snme town, says: "Klee
tne Hitlers Is Just tiie tiling for a nian who Is
all run dnwo and don't cue whetlier lis lives or
dies : he found lew (treogtb, god . aptxtlte
and felt lust like he hod a new true on life
ily JocabutiltatF. U. Knrke lo's Drug
Gentlemen would not use "Hlimh
of Hoses" if it was a paint or pow
der, of course not. It is clear as
water, no sediment to fiil the, pores
f the skin. Its mission ia to heal,
Cleanse and tiurifv the mmnlexfiiti
of every imperfection, and insures
every iauy ana geniieman a ciesn,
smooth complex. ion. Sold byO. H.
Snyder. Price 7.1 cents.
A Cur for Paralvil.
Frank Cornelius, of Fnrcel!. Iud
Ter., ssys: "I induced Mr. 1'inson,
whose wife had paralysis in the face
to buy a bottle of Chamb .rlain's
I'ain Halm. Jo their irrent sunrise
before the bottle luid all been used
she wns a great dial better, Her
tare had heen drawn to one side:
but the Tain Halm relieved all
pain and soreness, nnd the month
assumed its naturnl shnne." It is
also a certain cure for rheumatism
lame back, sprains eweiiiiiK and
lameness. Til cent botties for sale
by V. G. Fricke A Co., Druggists.
I used Kly's Crestn Halm for dry
turrh. It uroved n rnre It. K. M
weeks, Denver.
1'Iv's Cream Halm in eHneeinll v
a(biited as a remedy for catarrh
which is aggravated by alkaline
dyst and dry winds. W. A. Hover,
lean recommend Ely's Cream Hal
to ail s.ullerers from dry cUiih
from personal experience. Michael
Herr, I'harmacist, I)enver,
Klv'a Creurn Ftiiliii am rn.t
many cases of catarrh. It is in con
slant demand. Geo. W. Moot
Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wy.
The laws of health are tatiuht in
the schools; but not in a wnv to be
of much practical benefit nnd are
never illustrated by living examples
which in many cases might easily
be done. If some scholars, who
had just contracted a cold, was
brought qefore the school, so that
ali could hear the dry, loud cough
and know its significance; nee the
thin white coating on the toncue
and latter, as the cold developed,
see the profuse wntery expectora
tion and thin watery discharge
from the nose, not one of them
would ever forget what the first
symptoms of a cold were.' The
scholhr should then be given
Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy free
ly, that nil might see that even a
severe cold could be cured in one
or two days, or at least greatly tniti
gated, when properly treated as
soon ns the firat symptoms appear.
This remedy is famous for it's
ures of roiiirh, colds and t roun.
It is made eenecciallv for these
disease and is the most prompt nnd
most reliable medicine known for
the purpose. o0 cent bottle for sale
by F. G. Fricke A Co., druggists.
i . t
sxaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssf BssaKv smmi im.h.i lhjljiiJ-I1iisiis hi 1
I have been a great Batterer from
catarrh for over ten ears; had it
"j mi, could hardly breathe,
home nights I could not sleep and
i1. ll,'","lk the iloor. I purchased
My Cream Ha tin nnd am using it
freely, it is working cure surely.
I have advised sevj ral friends to
uriTO "'"LTwali 1appy results in
every f'. 1 is the medicine
above Til other for catarrh, mid it
is worth it, weight in gold. I thank
God 1 have found a remedy I can
use with safety and ithjit does all
that is claimed for it. It is curing
my deafness. H. W. Sperry, Hart
ford, Conn.
CATItoi.le.-St. Paul's Chiirrh. ak, betweei
filth and Sixth. Father t'aiuey, I'astor
Services: Wins at I and to :rsi a. at. Butiday
bchool at 2 M, with Iwnedlcliou.
CuaiTlAN.-'iriier Loeust and Elirhth fits,
services iiinmliiK and evening. KliU-r A.
(lallusay pu-stur. Sunday Setiool loa. at,
BeiseoraL.-ft. Luke's rhureh, eorner jnird
and Vine. Ker. H H. Hunteo. pator. Ser
' vlees: II A. at. SLdt :r. at. (Sunday rkhool
atiuwr. a.
Obhmam MiTiinmsTt smer Sixth ft. and
Grniilte. Kev. Hlrl. I'atnr. Service, : it a. at.
and I lie r. u. bund sy school 10 u a.m.
psrn-rrKiAS.-eervlces le new church. enr-
ncr Sixth and (iranite st. Iter. J. T. Hiilrd,
pastnr. Suiiday-se'Miol atlliS'S rreachlug
at 11 a.m. arid p. in,
1 Ii i . K. S. C. K t this church meets every
Sahhatti evenlhK l J :l I" the bavt:ieril ..I
therliui rt). AU are Invited U) attxiid thee
KlHHT MfTHOlusT. Hlxlh Pt.. betwen Malu
and Pearl. Her. I K. Hrltt. I. D. iNssinr.
Services : 11 A. u.,n on r. t Mund tfcliiMil
:MA st. I'rsy r rneelli g VI ednesday even
ing. Gshmas rHsnVTKRlAi. Corner Main and
Ninih. Ke . V lite, iusl'r. rv r vices us'Uil
luiurs. huiid.iy ci lnxil k -Jo A. at.
Hwrnii.ii i oM.iim atiii.s au Iratilte, be
Keen r'lflh and nixtll.
ColTiKKU IIaitiht. Mt. flllve. Dak, between
lentil ami Kleventh. Ker. A. Jtii'well ns
t.,r. s. n ,. . 1 1 m. n".,i 7 :jC i, in. I'raycr
Ineetlng MednesdHy evening.
Y.n-xn Vkn's ChiiI"7Ia A""IATInJ
ItiMinistn Viaietin.iu lilipek, MiUu street, t.os
pel ineetlim, lor men only, eterv Hundajr af
teniiM n ill 1 ii'cIim k. li.Hiui- upru eek days
from -jn a. in., to y : 3S p.m.
Sunn I'ahk TAiifHK ACi.a -Her. J. M.
vvod, I at,r. Kenlc.-s: Sunday Hi-hoiil,
in.: I renching. It a. m. and I p. m. ;
ir;iver meeting Tucsilny night ; chulr prac
lire rrulny mgiil. Aii ate eituiue. .
K.SKillTH OK PVIIIIA? Ilsiintlet liitge
. 47 al.-et every vdneday eveuiiig
at their ti . 1 1 In Pannele A 1'm.lg tilock, All vl
Hinc kmglits are eoldl iily Invited to attend
C. C. Moinliall. C C ; lis Imvey, K, K. H.
A O. V. vr,.. Meele frt and third Trl'lay
erejlng of em ll m.HUh at l. A. K. Hull
In It.Hksonk blo-k. Krntik Verinllyea, at, W.
I), E. Kuersole, lleeorder.
AO, tt. W . So. Kf-.Veei eeond and lourth
Ir1lv . veilf,iH In flie nwir.iii ul ti A It
ha'l in I.I.k-k, K.J. Morgau, M W,
r. P, liroon, lU-i order.
IJOVAL .slH'sVA M-' I'm. mil No KM.
11 Meet at the K.of I' hull III the Panneli. A
t rntg blixk over liei r.ctt A lulls, vinlilng
brethren Invited Henry lleruld. lugeiil ;
thus M ailing, Sis ri'tmy,
CASH 1IIMiK. No. Its. I. O. O. V. meefii er-
ry TueedHy night at their hall In HtgersJd
block. All (nil) pellims are cordially lnrld
" attend rtheti visiting In te clt V. J Cory
N. (l.H. W.Htldgo, S.Miret:uir.
Capital aus-k paid la 15 1 1
Authortied Capital, $100,000.
omnaaa -'HANK
Pmaldeot. Vlee-rresldeni
W. 11. Ct.HHISd. Cesoier.
fnuik Carruth J. A. Connor, V. R. Onlbtranr
I. W.Jobnton. Henry Boeek, Joha 0'Keete
W. 1). afornam. Wns. Wetsweamp, W.
B. CuihUif.
Siuee eert!fleates of depoelu bearing Internal
Huvs and sells eichange, rsniuty and
car .ii. xti
All orders left with the county clerk will be
promptly attended to.
Patronage of the Puhlic, Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
Paid up capvUl .
. ..ssnnnn.nn
... I0.0O0.C4
rs the very best facilities for the prutnp
transaction- ol llgltlmate
Banking Business
Stocke, bonds, gold, government and local e-
lUrlllef bolllfhl 111, (i sold. (eMMHs receive .
md interest allowed U the eerutle.n-'
iWts drawn, available In any part of it.,
t'nited mates aud all the principal towns 0'
xillectioss nana and momitlt srstiT
Tau. Highest market price p Id for ri.unty War.
rants, Htate ana ( ooiily bond.
John PtUk'srald n. II ik'orth
Sam Waugh, Y. B. While
George K. Dovey
obu KltzgerrJd, S. Watmh.
President tn-:k-t
Keep all kinds of builders hsrdwars on hand
and will supply contra tors un most lar
orahle terms
and ail kinds ol tin work prmt!y
done, urd-rs (rum Hie country ttullcited.
m Pearl Ht,
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast J
A long-tested pain relieyer. '
IU ose ii almost universal by the Honsewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiacr, and by every one requiring an effective
Vo otlier application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy ha stood the test of years, almost
STo medicine chcU is complete without a bottle of Mustano
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
All druggibl tad dealers have it.
Evcrjthlng to Furnish Your IIouso.
UavinfiT ourvhaHort the J. V.
w - " vsa ,' s is ,y
Main etrcct where Inm now located ' can f-ell gool cheiv
erlhantho cheapest having just put m the lartst fitocl
of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasolirtc Maye
and furniture f all kinds sold cu the iiiotallment plan. v,
i XAirAIS,lRil
' Iff V It 111 ri II swiid mm - -
- MJmj k Uliivo, pay wiminm
Jr-fTtn: " now I It, Kate, I', yoily
m u, 'ciituli 'to the last Hi i ' lio ,
what 1 tuny, you olwujs s- Vj iy alinia
i s -y
n Ier
Kaik: "I don't know: Ierfnlniy do not
....rf,..i iii (hut dlnrtliiti."
JkNMu: " Well, during the hi.t lew month,'
tu xaiuplu, you have lkeu up palntuig,
without enr tenchnr ( ymi ceme to the rescue i
wnen suss iuuri;9 ci-seriisi ner iM-iMirierijuia s
s suddenly, and certainly we are all Imnmr 3
liii' In irraie under jour Instruction; I liearuf
fnu teiiuia Toiimiy Kiio'es Inst evening ho,,
his cluli Hindu nuitsU.-s in pniylng l u--li
tou S.SMI1 to lie up on nil the lull-si ' tails,' ai, '
now Just what to do under all circumstance. t'
you entertniii In-Huti! ully ; and In Uie 1 -j
S5.mth mo liiive uniirovetlso in brsillh.owiii
Totf telTlne. toyour physnsiioiiiLtlieeAtfrciMi
Where do you gut nil of your Informal! g
from In Uiia littio oni-ol the way placer 1,
you never go to the i n y." tt
K atc : "Why Jennie, you WIT! make ni
tain. I hare only one source of In formal i7b
but It lasurpri-nu U niecta all sanu. f
Very M .m h; :ir of nyihm new hut wh '
the next lew .lays t i mif me toll uiforinatluri ,
on tliw subject. M, ,NoI liigs.ine 1
And a gn'nt treamue It Is to ns ali, fur It
really furnishes the) reading fur the whniS
household: faiher has given up his niniriu.ui 1 '
that he has taken for yewrs, its he snys tins',
on" give more and beiur Infurniulion on I
tlio subject of tiie iluy; ami uj,,,i.-f tmlt i
thai it m that mak'-s her such a famous ay
boiuesi-iMT. In fact, we all aurco that It Is
the only rxlly rasn.r mairaauie puldtshnl,
as we have sent for amploaof all of them,
and find Hint o no la all for tm n, another ail
for women, ami another for children only,
while t'.ns one soils every one of us; an we
only need to tnkoone IiimUhiI of scvernl, and
tlnit is where tlio otonorny comes In, for It Is
only li ft a )r, Fcrtiats rou think I am
too lavish in my praise-, but I will let you se
ours, or, lienor null, send In cents to the r.nb.
Ilsher. VV. JenniiiifS l.mnrif;t, ) I'jist Itih
H're I, Now York, for a sample copv, and I
Shall alwavs cn'der that 1 hare you
a groHt fHVor; and may lie you will tie cutting
Us out, ns you mv we have ttie reputation vt
leing the tKt informal family In 1'iwn. If
that I so, tt Is Ixniureal's i'tuillr Magaxlse
Uutt duos IU"
A liberal oiler only $.'1.00 for
and Deutorest Family Miignzinc.
lSeud your subscription to thl
Sclentiflo Amerlcet
Agency tor)
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rudest hnrwiu for MKiimia f '"''
Kverr pslent taken wil br u briihl l".f,
tba Dublin lit a outioa alvsn ties ol cbatas u I
-t- i : . - M i Ii . P
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Trvest etrenlstlen of snr set entitle ps per In 0 .'
world. Spii-nd.dlr llhs-lratert. So iiuelliseui ) !
ansa should bs without IU Weekly SJ.lllI I I -
J !!; II.M) sll rnonlhs. Address M NM to,
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Weckbach storo rnon. r.n strm' f
- ne ssi sm s. e. . ... . '
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m ; :
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ft I
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