The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 23, 1891, Image 4

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' r :d unVil'
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Vi V
J. which ii.
o restored h;
that it
oon hm he w;
brought h
Sfiiin.y;. A Hi; iv
.A 1:
,6t ter called
Ninth street
liN lumie on
o-day iiiid loin
m ha comfort-
ly a illicit tv expected. There
j Ktii !.nb! thlt he will mirvive
Imam (. Hutu ill tic will nrnk.
lliiy he confined toi his roont" for
several week
, Interest lncriin j.
Father liaye called at TllE
IlFkALli oflice to-day and way that
lie will render all the in"d in hi
power to eccure tlm location of the
Wentern Xortnal college in this
city, lie hart twelve nereis between
Granite street and "1'itz eraM'ii
1'orty,' which he considers would
make as line :i nite for the building
a cuuld be found. In the event
the biiincMH men feel disponed to
take the arefcive Mcp ncco'iiary,
he f will make a proposition tha
would be extremely reasonable.
Let a meeting be called at once,
each one do Inn ditty and we hhall
There's gold In the niimfs chest
1 ant Uw kctl with a xnlilen key;
And agiil'l mmt rare In wnniau's hair
Ami a ipiiii in Iho nuutis l
There's a tawuy ku11 on Ihe wheat's lltha
Where lis brerrw t'wKl hillown nod,
lliit Di ver a Kulii sj full auil free,
A li, uie
None, mine like the (.nldenrod.
There's fcold on the luaiile's brant h
That K'enma nn an autumn lea,
An4 a irnltleu cuwd wheo the sua dii
While the shadows turn and dee;
There's a wealth of fold Id the poiiiled
Where the wtllow strew the sod.
Hilt no such feathery filagree.
Ah, me
None, none like the gnldenrod.
There's gold In the dawn's faint streaks
That glint on tlie poplar tree.
There's Rtild in the mine, and Id lee of wine.
And gold on the humhle bee.
But by the plumes of it kniuhtly crest.
Where the wild wind ride rouictuhod.
, There is never a g-uld so fair to see.
Ah, Die
None, none like the roldenrod.
Ernest llctisifir in Arkatuaw Traveler.
Few Colds from F.xposnr.
I remember some enrions fact of my
own experience in the army in 18C2 and
1SC3.' I was not strong, and indeed was
hardly fit to tie in the army at all. And
when I ftmnd myself exposed all day
long to a steady rain, and at night to
the outdoor air, with no fire, no change
of clothing, no shelter bat a canvus cov
ering open at both end, through which
the rain dripped contantlv, it seemed
certain that the "death o' cold so often
predicted must surely follow.
Why it did not follow was more of a
mystery then, however, than it is now.
For I was in a place where the art of
man no longer excluded one of the prime
principles of health. 1 breathed pure
air because I could not help it. During
service of fifteen months, with severe
Mposnres. but frethair ; constar.tly. the j
aame immunity from colds prevailed
I remember, too, that when I came
home from the army the blessing and
thecjre st bat nn of the mines of
civil life came back together. I ha I
comfortable rooms to eat, breathe ate'
sleep in on the one hand, but very smu
cold, sore throats and n latetl troubles
on the other. Rev. J. W, Qninl y in
Popular Science Monthly.
Worshlln( Medicine Bottles.
An eminent lady missionary in Bur
inah recently gave Dr. A. J. tiordon an
Instructive but somewhat startling cha
ter from her experience. In one of her
tours, she said, she came upon a village
where cholera was raging. Having with
fcer a qiantity of famous painkiller
he went from house to bouse admin
istering the remedy to the invalids and
left number of bottles to be nsed after
he had gone. Returning to the village
some months after, the missionary was
liiet by the head man of the community,
who cheered and delighted her by this
intelligence: "Teacher, we have come
ver to your side. The medicine did n
so much good that we have accepted
your Ood."
vYerjoyrij m mis news, sne was con
ducted to the bouse of her informant,
who, opening a rootn, showed ber the
painkiller bottles solemnly arranged in
row npon a shelf, and before tbem the
whole company immediately prostrated
themselves in worship. Modern Church.
Howery Fawashope.
The pawnbrokers' sales shops have held
me before their windows many and many
an honr since childhood, and today when
I pause heft trigone I feel a keener touch
of the Impulses of youth than anything
else can bring back to me. There is much
bnmbtig in the iiowery, but there is no
bumbugin what these stores display. Pa
thos and trngHy are constantly exhibited
and enacted on every block of that throb
bing avenue, but it all seems to me as
nothing beside the tragic and pathetic
tales that are told by the goods in these
tore front. The vanity of man is felt
by every poor stranger who is knocked
About and joetled by tha crowds that
throng the pavement, but for a sermon
npon vanity I know no text in all New
1'ork like the contents of one of thee
windows. Julian Ralph in Century.
Htiiul'-y i
u Hi"
,1 M""'1'
i otw. . Th nun 1 -'V"; : t
j art: i.v)
tbo cellar
. - ''"; to hng by V.u -..., , t e, i
xi"V'"IH- mJ. falling, catch liia rtiiiT by j
The e ai tie -' Stanley , who hn.l t wnl on U,
J of hi lej?, sliiitx-tl and fell. Hi
II'. ,iw v'itm mil mn . uiuj.
J,u . :vwy eye was riveted oa the Ming
for UK obat ami every heart stood still. To
silver "' e limn himclf it (twined n age. Ma-dccliiri-itni
who w.m Isdnw, as quick ait a flash
,....,1.1 . ....... k;...
wieawireil tha distant;, and saw that if
hi partner Ml in that xitiun nothing
could save his neck from being broken,
so, hi Stanley descended, ho gave t tie
falling tuna a quick turn, somewhat
broke the fall, and the performer fell to
the floor with a hard bouuj mid struck
oil bU back.
A dozen men' rmhtrd. op tho nis to
Yivle tip the inati.ntid ftr a moment quito
an umotint of excitement prevailed. He
whs picked np ami carried behind tha
He had fallen twenty-five feet, and his
only injury wan a ruiiijh shaking up and
a bruised back. Two minute later
U'xirge Stanley apiearel before tiie foot
lights and bowed. Seattle Posl-Ititelli-(.encer.
Am Kc lipe lilnner.
"I have Ixt-n to an 'eclipse dinner,'"
said a youn4 woman. "Tliere were, any
nmnbiT of them, you know, of com)
with the part of Hamlet left out. At the
one at which I agisted three gilt boys
at each end and in the center of the
table held aloft, respectively, in fliwe
ti'ures, the date of the lat, the preM-n'
and the ueit eclipi-e, garhmds otilowen
pasning from one to the other. At every
corner lay a pretty sketch, showing
earth, moon and sun in space and in the
proper positions to produce the eclipse.
"The ices were served in gilt stars.
The host, who is an enthusiast in n
tronomy, hail a small t-Icncope mounted
on the roof for use had the night lx-en
clear, and, to lie frank, I had crammed
all the afternoon to lie equal hvthe occa
sion. It was love's lain lost, however,
for we did not. even go tip to tiie riof.
messengers being dispatched from time
to time to return with the invariable
cloudy report. lint it was great fun,
and everybody laughed when lobster
cutlet a la totalite were served." "N'cw
York Times.
If Is Intentions Misunderstood.
There U a certain small boy living in
the vicinity of the armory who has con
cluded that the finding of a pticketbook
is a mifortane. He picked up one the
other day on the street containing about
ten dollars. Ileing on bis way to the
baker's he generously paid a score of
I.2." that was "hung np" there against
the family, and then meandered down
town to invest another dollar in a buf
falo Bill gun and ammunition. Cut
when be reached home maternal per
suasion so quickened bis conscience that
be airain started out in a sorrowful quet
for the owner of the money, who was
oon discovered.
And it is further alleged that this
owner would not abate anything from
the full amount loet and that the man
who sold the little fellow tiie gnn refused
to take it back after all the circum
stances bad been explained, so that even
to this d.iy the mention of that pocket-b-iok
causes a shadow to creep over the
countenance of that boy. .Springfield
lilas.) Iii ;
"KfferlU Work by a Lawyer.
A very iimu-ing incident occurred
the city hail a few day ago.
A couple of men, while in a state c f
cheerfulness, became boisterous: in their
u.r,,y warfiire n.Pre uken U;tun
Judge Cavin.
A friend of tho two belligerents, who
had also lieen looking u;siii the wine
when it ma red, appeared ns counsel for
The self constituted attorney bad talk
ed but a moment, however, when Judge
Cavin said, "Discharge the prisoner and
lock up their attorney. "
The order wa complied with amid an
outburst of laughter. Galveston w.
Mr. Klein's I'rirsta Rain.
The story of a wonderful phenomenon
comes from Rossville, nineteen mile
west of Topeka, on the Union Pacific
For nineteen days, it is said, rain fell in
cessantly on the orchard belonging V)
H. Klein, a prominent E'jiaville resident.
This orchard is in the town and is bound
ed on the east by Mr. Klein's residence,
on the other three sides by lines of fences.
The rain did not fall outside of Mr.
Klein' premises, Imt for nineteen days
there was no iuleritussiou in the fall,
and it was only stopped 1 a cold snap.
Cor. Chicago Inter Ocean.
A ftaal Ravlnf Fa-aier.
There is a farmer in AfaaHachusetU
who got bis corn husked this fall with
out cost Lat spring he sowed quan
tity of red corn in his field among the
yellow, and then incidentally mentioned
the fact to some of the male pupils of
neighboring high school. At one they
solicited the privilege of busking bis
corn and furnishing the refreshments
besides, and he granted both. The yonng
people had a good time and found
enough red ears to satify them. Phila
delphia Ledger.
The rage for blond locks has infected
Italy to such an extent that even the
children's heads are blossoming oat in
golden curls. At this rate the raven
tresses of Itallun song and story will soon
be misnomer.
This country has nearly 2,000,000 acre
devoted to the raising of flax and hemp.
It is proposed to make a grand showing
of these industries at the World's fair.
Rteain whaling vessels are soon to try
the waters cf the South Pacific, as recent
reports show that whale are again fre
(jurktir.g that locality.
1 ... , .
i.t n ii n .one. wui ri-aii o
Aim Mkrrtiieir unknown
nu.t:e in tiuiuaa heart aui out
.il oiu to their rtire;
tirri,ttce ttteir kHn and fhuhitg gwe
Vv iij I a nl ion's IikIiI ,
Tlioe (ti thai now are wistful beii
(Hi eaine lng fellow's" kilo. r
Pii-e n-lhoe lttl bosT ha int..
Soii kv, ainalland brown;
Those liun.! whose ouly mlssinn seems
To Mill all order down
Who knows w Imt lutent strength may, h
Ihililcu wnliiu their cliup.
Though now tis but a taffy slick
In sturdy buid they gnu p.
Ah. l)lefM.lni;s on thone little hands,
' , Vhoe work Is )el uiidonet
And hlemltiKS on those linle feet.
Whose rare la yet unrtinl
And bli-w-iinrson the little bralu
Ihal lias not learneil li plunl
Whate'er the future holds in More,
tiod Ues the "Coiijitig mun!"
-Snnerv ills Journal. ,
Ala Marriage Llreme Window.
A marriage license window is a queer
price, and one at which human nature
is bared to official inspection aa it sel
dom is in nny other government office.
Hither ctiiim the gossips to ask whether
certain couple whose name were ptib-li-!n
d the other tl.iyli.ive yet got mar
ried; to nek what sort of a looking man
it was who t'Hik out a license to wed
with Sii'ii-Todd was he tall and liht
or stout a rid dark? And hither come an
rv iiittlier to say that no jsrniit
hotild have U-en given for their
daughter, who are not so old la was
saitl. Tin y it-k how the law can be In
vi !:ed to punish the offending bride
gT'N.nis. Lut there areotle r brides who
appear to be forty or thirty, yet de
dare themselves thirty or twenty.
Hack comes a man to ask if his permit
numls-r cannot lie changed, because be
wauls to buy a lottery ticket of the aame
number as Ins wedding license, and can
not do ho unless a change i made. Old
tin ii sis-ak for girlish bride, and ancient
wrinkled women lead up very yonng
men, holding their arms as if they might
esc:i)e. Once a girl came weeping, and
said the man she meant to marry lay dy
inf, and tliere was not a moment to lose.
Iiid-ed, it is a queer place, and the whole
illimitable gHiutit that novelist have
spanned in many centuries i there at
hand still sounding fresh note and of
fering new chords. Julian Ralph hi
Hal per 's Weekly.
How Muskrals Are Trapped.
Trapping is one of the modes by wbicb
mnskrat are secured. The traps ars
matle of boards about 6 inches wide and
3 feet long. These are nailed together
like an ordinary box trap, the open ends
being secured by swinging doors of wire
network, fastened to the upper part of
both entrances. These doors allow easy
ingress to the trap, but ouce in the rat
cannot get ont without opening the door
by pulling it to him, which sorret they
eeni very low to discover. These trap
ire put in the leads running from the
bouse to the water when the tide is at
low ebb and tlie rats are out feeding.
Ou the return they crawl np the Wads,
push against one of the wire d'xir of
tiie trap, which immediately open into
the trap, but they cannot go further, a
the next door opens toward them. lie
fore they can gnaw out the tide make
op and they are drowned in the trap.
By having a number of trajHiand watch
ingthe tide closely trapper can cap
ture a large Lumber iu this wav. BaiU
more Sun.
Jariged by Ills Appearatieo.
An amusing incident occurred some
tinieai,'. which illustrates the scanty
ceremony with which shabbily drvsed
people are often treabsL A country
magnato in the north of England was
called upon with r-ference to a scheme
for the f ui therance of some local chanty
by a person whom tho s Tvant, judging
by his timeworn Icihilimerjt. described
to his master a "either a bet'gar or
tout for orders," adding that he hail left
him in the ball, not thinking it safe to
show him into one of the room. The
"beggar or tout" turned out V) be no
less a srsoiiage than the memlier for
the tlistrici, and one of the richest tueu
in the county. London Tit Bit.
He Cubldtt't IU Frightened.
A small boy on Sixth street hates tlie
washing process worse thiui snakes. HU
mother was scrubbing him and be was
"Why don't you bs a good boy," she
begged. "Don't yon know that youll
go to the bail place if you are not
"Ther ain't any water there, is therc-r
he asked.
"Not a drop," she snswered solemnly.
"Then 1 gnes I'll keep on being bad."
And be kept on. Detroit Pre Press.
Fully 85 per cent of artificial limb
made are leg, 15 per cent arm. Of
legs, 49 per cent, are right, 48 per cent
left, S per cent both right and left
Beventyight per cent of leg amputat
ed ar of mules, 23 per cent ar female.
One of the tricks of the coffee) trail is
to sift tho bouus so a to get the small
bean out of inferior Java coffee and
mix them with Mocha, so as to sell at a
higher prioe. Sometime even experts
will be deceived by this trick.
Beet sugar may be bought In certain
tore in our eastern citle. To the taste
it eannot m distinguished from the best
cane nga except by pens, who say
it is richer In tweets tban most can
Su-am pipe are now being inad fiem
the ramie fiber. The material is so close
ly pressed together by bydrsullo ma
chinery that it baa tensile strenjlii
two and half times that of teL
A second band clothe dealer found an
I O U for f I.OoO in a gentle man' jacket
wbicb the man had overlooked on toll
ing and bal despaired of ever findJof
Who will rliow ymi Litter miiken, quality ami fur 1op money tlmn you can
buy vest ot Cliii'iipo.
JOE Hac 023.13T One IPzIco,
Height of Cruelty
Ncrvotia women seldom rrcive
the )' mpiitliy tlu-y deserve.
bile olten the pictures ot lieiiltli,
they are constantly ulling-. To
with bold sympathy from these tin-
lortiintcs le tlm lieiglit of cruelty.
Ihcyiiuven week hearth, cuuxuig
eliortncrNH of breath, tlntterintr.
pain in side, week n lit I hungry
xwcllrt, nml finally ewcllinir of
ankles, rpprceeion, rlioking', smoth
ering mid dropsy. Dr. Milce' New
Heart Cure in just the thing' for
(hem. i'or their nervousness, lieml
ache, weekneee, etc.. hie Restorative
Nervine in uncqualed. Fine treatise
ou" Heart ami Nervous DiHeueee"
and marvelous Icstiinotiialrt free.
Sold iiinl In. ir. uit I by. F. (1. IVickc
A t o.
Good Kvcnin! Have yoti u-e!
Ah! there i no need of my nayinjr
uuy thing further, I urn sure y ou
will hereafter use nothing but the
Fatnoiix Itliisli of Roses for your
complexion. Yours with best
FI.OK A. Joni.h,
Siiulli Heml. Ind.
I'.S. Call tliieeve plcnse lit O. II.
Snytler iiml Jenrii the particulars.
For the handsomest pln-li tire
ng- case cull ol Gcring; A Co. If
Important Notice
The full olliciiil hoard of the M.K.
church is culled to meet nt the
church at the close of prayer meet
in"; 0' Wednesday nijrbl of this
week. It in very neccssury for nil
to be present. 2t
I- F. IlklTT, I'listor,
You will make a mistake if votl
fail to call on Dennett A Tutt be ore
purchasing voti holiday K0d.
They have a large supply of choice
candies, nuts, fruits, etc., which
they will sell cheap. tf
If you want to see a night that
will make vrmr even water emi
want local! and look over the liHtid-
eonie assortment ol plush goods at
Gering A Co's.
Co to the Fair for your Christ
mas presents. You can buy toys
of all kinda cheaper there thau
anywhere else in the city. tf
You will nuns the opportunity of
a lifetime if you fail to call nnd
examine Gcrinjj A Co.'s mammoth
holiday stock. tf
Anybody that wants to can put
presents on the mantle nt the
Cbristisn church to-morrow night.
Everybody is welcome.
(jering A Co have the finest and
largest line of plush (roods in the
city. tf
SlerpncHM night made miserable
by that terrible cniigh Sbilohs rem
etly is the cure for you, ly F. (J
Frick. and O II Snyder. 2
FurnifcLing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc.
will jmy you to conic fifty miles to trade with
F q imw
A Full and Complete lino of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded lit all Hour.
Tiir nre
It consists of JO pages. Pays more for
news than any other paper in the U. S.,
replete with matter of interest to all classes,
the agricultural, the mercantile and the pro
fessional. Advocates the principals of th
Reputlican partrand publishes in full the
speeches of its leaders.
As the coming Presidential Campaign
promises to be the hottest ever contested, ev
ery republican should become a subscriber
and hcep himself thoroughlu informed of
what isocr.uring in the political world.
Remit through Postmasters and News
dealers or direct to the
Cucklen's Arnica
Tds 1 1 mt Halvb in tlie world fur Cuts
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, ftiltlthfiini. Fbtw
Horcs, Tetter, Cbspped II sods, Chilblslns,
Corns, snd sll Pkln Eruptions, ttid posi
tively Cures Tiles, VT DO pay .juired.
It is fuarsnteed to Kve sstisfsclion, or
monry n fundetl. I'rice 25 cents tier box.
r"orle by F. 0. FrickeACo.
at Jobbers Prices
I. H- fiirjN"
Always hu, on hand full 8totk .
Hay for sale .IM low .i.. . ,a"
riattHinoulli, . . ,!