aa--... " : " . I 1 fi t 1 "4 M 1 The Full I'n''""mi of A' Iihy". l.efn wil:ti n ttpri'sl I Hon. V. H. O' l l-itim". ii'ie Marquis of Lome. The i . Henry CIuas. Vj.dll 'erostcbal.i. Vtt-liniu tJI ..The' Nine l!!ufraioi! rl.il Stories. ArtLlca oT Pi. t!;nl Advice. l;..ilwy iJ.'u c.iJ Adventure. '700 Lar Pnc i :ve Doij'j'.e Holiday "h Yard 3 tf 110S8S, Vi e will Bin rnil lumber Yard THE OLD RELIADLE. JIM D IIFL Sliinloa.lHth, fiimtij I Doors, Blinds CtD Mpi'l evurw leiMand of the city. Cull nd get tcrmi. Fourtli utrcft ,' in rear cf opcr luiune. .'RY BOECK f Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND . lit . I " .4 J 1 ' UNDERTAKR. CowtUntly krr on Una everjtliiu you Deed to famish jour Iiuuml OOUNIR SIXTH AND MAIM STREET atts mout Neb For AtchiiiHon, St. Jom-ph, Iz-hvcii woiiii, KaiiSasCity. St luiM. and nil jxjintH north, runt noutli or went. Tick rtn Hold hik tutC f(nje clieckcd to a n y jioint in States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATKS AND ROUTKS Cull, at ucpot or uuorcHu ! II, C. Townhiini), 0. I. A. St. I.oiiu,M. Jtf". I'Miu.iPri, y A. O. I'. A. Omaha. I). Al'OAH. AxU riattMinotith. Teleplione, 77. TVTE AT MARKET SIXTH BTKKKT F. II. F.I.LF.NHAUM, Prop. "lie of fr'nll me iii'ihm market. ut nlwaya found A1h- tremi f a K:k" and Ilutlcr. Wild Kame of all kind kept in their KCIINflll, !!. ' 1 - - Mea HIXTII HT.KI'T i a.assr T V-,. ' ' -- 1 - ; - e. t-I S:t!.-'rn (V, ") !'.- ;. ,i -;c. .. ... w.y. ... , fp iy - .-v..; .... ....I - . (... ..:... tjn. Not.i!, o Kratirr f.r J"; ...-,. - . .......... fji ll.u luii.i.i ru'.j.i.i. . Cu: t fc.-tloii:. 1 t .'.'.kC-r.:y, Ai. V.'. C ...... ,..!. y .... ..il.;. , Volume for iy ?'rr!:s cf A'.' p-it;i fci?r:.0 ,H!-!oj, CharTtnr Cl-rircn'a Ta-c iru:.;l:r;. I'.luL'.ir.'.cJ V.'ct'.' utl V.- -W v. ...WW. v-'iil CcnjLr.!:. FKEG TO JA?. t, ISD?. to New Hubnirlbrrn nlio I!I est ont nni tnl t: iM ."9 r:h nr.ind r nd mlilrr-i tiud (1.73 irt will mnd The Cctr. n.i uii l';cn luJ.:r;..i.i nv:i) rnr n I nil Vrnr friim t?iRI Imr. T l ofrr Irwlii in 'I Ik :lil.(i, (IIUI1TMA akJ M '.V VT:.U. :i Sou-..!.' l: .! 'r.7 ! v.fter'. row ol liruullli.l ??-!p(tu. rnllti' 1 " '. KOf.EH." in rdariHn bk ci t iatv v::ot'::.;:.': IM' .!... :;r. Sold C'kc. firdr, or P'jIMrr-il iyVrr ol 'tir n.;. .'...'J ivj, Ths Youth s Companion, no.ton, rw. EE WEEKLY BTILL CONTINUES The Host Popular Family Newspaper In the West IT 13 THE BEST NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME .-. .-. THE WORKSHOP, oa THE BUSINESS OFFICE, roa THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE WOKKINLri..AN. oh THE POLITICIAN. IT in A prPuni.lOAM nf.Wtpa PI"!?, and m fucb ! ebir conducted, nunib"iln3 m.,r.a mwlWH IvubinU In tho country. It p ibu in.) ALL l in: n i.Wri. aaiX kv in iiJert partootly posted oa mpoit.iiilVMnH ".I ovr tfii worl.l. AT'sl'-'nlrllwto.s.ro W. Ii 1I0WI I.I.L1HANKH !,JVi;K, 11' riAffc'18 IU)l)w:iON liU'Nrir, H Ah li TV.' A!". "I T H A H ri., M AU llrl TIOMIHiNVA W. TuUU'ite. If 'I I ICI I,mBM'l:VI N.iUN KUU. yahu Kti' T.in.'i "iiirm.nr 5a wi:, maky iiAi.ifciuTHniouij JOI:Ij CIIANUI.t H IUHHIH, Bnd ninnT otfnrf cl B 'OND i'AMB. ItwlUUiub.tiUtlaC lh'IEIi OCLAN publlanM THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE. Itl FOHEIOM nd DOHXDTIO CO UTt THTO WHENCE 11 Trr tnlT and Ui bast. Tk Yualli's Department. Cariosity Shop, Woman' Kingdom i Tkllomo Ara Dttor Uiana Magailna forth Tamllr Onaoftba Moat Important roaturea Istb Dapartmont of FARM AND FARMERS, TAlltt bT rXlOV. W. T. HOAPD of Wl'onln. Editor and Proprtatnrof 'i..irda LiaiirmaQ." Tula la a taw fjaiiua audao Importaot gaatoAgrl cuiluiiaia. AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT Iaa alio twonopanad f ir tha apa. MI purpota ol dlaguaalna tba QuaiUona now ajiiaU-0 ttiulttjutwiauf tcountrf. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN In Ono Dollar per Year, poHtne paid. THE .-. SEMI-WEEKLY .-. INTER .-. OCEAN lapubllabadarary -tondafand Tburadar at 13.00 paryaar, postpaid Tho DAILY INTER OCEAN ia $C.OO pJJiRAJt Tho SUNDAY INTER OCEAN is 2.00 rZJiio LlbaralTarma to Actlra Aoautl. Boad for Bmpl Copjr. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Ctdcaga Many old ttnbfierH, who contractfd chronic diarrhoea while in the Hervice, have aince been permnneiit ly cured of it by Chaimberlaiii'H Colic, Cholera h nd lirrhcea Rem edy. For Kale by F. G. Fricke A Co. Are you made miMcrable by iiidi- feHtlOIl, COIlMtipiltlOll, JI..lllfMH, Ioh of appetite, yellow Hkin? fchi- loh'a Vitali.er in u ixmitivc cure. For -ale by F. G. Frieke A Co. B ANK OF CASS COUNTY Cor Main and fifth airaet. fair) up capital . M (Ml . S OHO lurplua OFHCERS J. II. I'ariiBlB I'twlrti-nl Kred (liMr ice rrei.i.nii J. M. ritttiTMiii o"1"" II. lUlrriiil!. ' a-'"'-' DIRECTOna ). H. Pr".li .1. M r.iitrrwn. Kr.t (ier.ler I, H Hmllli. II. II. Wlnlliaiii. II. n. Itiii--y ai.a M . falls! TCB OESEHAL BANK1NC ED3INE83 TRAN3ATED A.iint villrltw!. I:nreit allowed 01 H" tuMll and ppHniit ai("iitl(U(lvuli l al uua- Uma rnirimmj 10 iu earn. PKRIQNS- II0US8, 217. 91!), 221 and 21 M.tia St., Plattsmouth Nebraska II. BOSS, rropriut'ir, ha I'erkiua hiM been thufouglil) fenoyated froui top to i".mu aii- oow one of the bit hotel in thu .taU- Boardiini will be tken by the w k at 14.60 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED Qjainbcrlaln'B Eyo end Ekln Olntmont. at Al -. .. l.aat Csva-A TfA Totter, Salt Uboum, Bold Uead, Old CUTOOlO faOTCS, tVfVt BorCS, ixicnifl, Itch, r-lrlo Scratches, Boro UIppUi. and rila. It U eooling aod aOOlnU. IluOdrcdjof Caacabavebeca Cured by It after all otlter truatmeiit bad failua. It is put up la 25 and C-0 cent boic. Chichi art fur.-mi. '"M I TMl 1.. lUINftt ftHP r.rNUINt. T- tfhlf S-f... ti, an M,-,, . I'M -f - W. ";2 V,)l I 4tr. . I,'." '' I .. i'l.ll ' J ' ' - I.- ' "' ; .III I I,-. lli.'.MI. I , I I .T 't, - I-.'... i l .1 4. I" ' 'i ! .Ill'- ', I .." 1'l.ll.MI I-...I, i. fiwr. via kg el ial bfafltta. v e . mm : 4 V,'. HMJ. l..'c !.t jn. ! I.ymaii Abbott. D Vi.c ! V.--- : r. I-yraaa.A! Tl:a rr.t .cinr( rtorl.-i. f'Xs on i";I;-niluc3tion i:.-.isc'' )!J Articles. Natural History Papers. DEAF NCB9"-I01BUCURCD I'm a Ifttwttk TalMUar Km Cwk (,'i.aft'utlini. .4tMri iu.4iirr.MhMNi,Mir rDrC I lack. WttM 1-f b V aWAl(l-C 5 MAIR BALSAM ;-w"7FfnTV. and trfMttn4 ! Ulr. V " E. ,j I'.'ViMatt ft li)t'.t RtfWlfc. r . V- iNfwnf Tll to Ilffrur iv niur to il Touinu) coior. 9. -f'! 1 I r-i y it i . jiAaLaJJ.. V... I riif. Iwlninr, ...IHMll..l''ii,'lllili"".rt., . . I'.r..f ,.i.i.lii.r luiiiii. I. en.. U. i HlfOtWCORN. Ti.. ..ri,mt..r- t-i kun .t-u. i-t. kl iiouina, vr iiisi.ua k iaj-, a. i ( ; r a r i-; v l- co m fo r r i n g Epps fioooa ISRKAKFAST ! : . i. ....i.jIi kminti' lue ol til" ni.Miral law will -H ir-'Vi-tii Hie ..h" :' ' "I illffx '" u ..I .t immii a t 1 1 I . v i t'.ueoil am lm.i' em till" 1 i" III Ol W"U -.--' '.I mi. Mr, Kei.i l;1.". ur -vt'l.".! our l.r a'il:i"l tnlil w II h ill llr.l elv ll '(''re I ll'.V'T lll Mlll.ll IILiynHI" n -ii inv Ii ivv i wl..r lil It. " I- lv Un- Ju no l .iit iim" if I iirili-ie .iii-i Hi t it cm .Hull .g ni t" lie ki iilii all v Imlt? up leilH "Iniin ..miii'ii i i r..UI hvitv t inl.'iiev I" illti ate lliiu.iiclt "I fil l 1 i.ll.t air tl'atliiK -r..l. l.l lit r ul- ' i eli -X uli "i-v r li"i t ' vr-t t'it'?. "i;iv i"c uii" hi.ihv a fatal tli:ifi liv ke inliiif mil-- V"t null lur-iiii"il l-il .mi. iii.ui . na :i ur.iiiHriv teiiiritliod fotine. full -ervl -i (1 wile. ' Mieli'tl tlmiiiy with hell I UK W il.Tll- llll'k, S.illl i.ll'V In liali-niiuad M'U. It. tf'' -"rl"t inlii'llril I llllr: I 4 l If t I ' I'M a lHI . IIiiiiii.ii.hIIiIi" t'tiemltt. Loudiiil. KiiKUnd How Lost I Howflepralnedl KKOVTKYSELF. r M-lf-l'liKMrli ATTO.M. Atim and onl 1..IH U..UI I'lllK KNHAV On MKHVOl N) til l-HVHIOAL ' iKIIII.ITV, r.KHOKH of VOI Til. I.IIIAI Hl.l VITALITY, rltK BIATI IIK. MMI.INK, and all WhK.AHK and WKAKK KhNKM IMAM, UUiu?, cloth, cm: i-ia liiTiinilsa Drracrinli'Xia. Onir tl.wl It Biall, diKibia afalitl. liaacriiitlra I'roapacu thj ii. .,, wit n inaoriimtiin rnrri SINII NOW, communion In iTnen ur Ij mail. Ktprrt trt. lVV The l'U Mllcal Inalllau, No. 4 BullluU HI.. iaa ',.ily Midlcal tnlltut hiia many lml ttfl.tr,. hilt mi Miilal. Jeritht Th Hclanoa of l.la, or Hclf Prewnratlon, la a treaturo in.ira rlil'.l limn ifold. Ilrad It nnw, vary WK.IK and NLIIVOI'H man, and learn to tia hTKO0 . Mftlh'il Htwe. (CunvriKhliM ' Ri .1 biOSS Dimchd B A ihrr .I...I. i . i. rt,if rrr.' e.r l-tf.il.... . IS ClilOK "y rora ..'rMrations. ) fills Slfo I INTER OCEAN - - V It , if.'- w . ctiitXi i-li aruiiiil A (lii.iiil. i, .:m .l.in.iT Wan Iiiit'VilnlilM, -"'I t-lmfiimilt.-n saw -.i ii ol.iiithmi tlmHitivar imv k; imtix'i' in a grnV ut any ottn-r time. niynili:j;iil . ritniji.(l for it; tli poor rcluiiua tiHiktd i lrvUj tt ami jiraised it aa it pri grV lifuvily HhuiikU iu iliffuruut C)t. (HJ'l tllO BCVlTftl IIflllU-M of tliu faiiiilj',4d to Uei more polito hivI p-nia) ami lovinc toward one another at that meiil than ut uny other of the tlireo times 8'.i3 other ineahi of the year. Tliere ar Borne who like family dinners, and there j are other wicked ones who Ryuiiiiithizw 1 with the younj woinitn who asuented to having a family dinner by Haying. "Yes, and let n have any family but our owu!" It Ih an awful and solemn ceremony in many homex, nvA it is made more so, a a mle, by aoino om of the elder of the poor relatioun, who endi'avors to enliven ' the g neral k)ih)1ii by trying to be "tho life of the dinner." lie doeg this by rowing reminiKcent over the younjet ' uiernlierH, and telling how pretty thc j were hh children, and how they uwd to . make him t-ll and retell the old Htory tl I tho roast pig hu atole tho niglit licforti Oettysburg, with wliioh introduction he i promptly tidls the old story again. It may not be no everywhere, but . around New York city tliia li;w all changed. It in not that the families around the great metropolis love caeji other less, or that they have lens caiibe or leKde.ire to 1j' thankful, but a great and power'ul and faHcinating rival haa come te take the place of the Thanksgiving day dinner, and it is known not only in New York, but from Texas, or wherever ' slae a Yale man is carrying a transit, to Canada, or wherever else the Princeton ( man is building a bridge, a tho Thanka- . giving day game. And now everybody goes out to we Princetou and Yah) d.-cido the football I championship, and instead of boring each other n round a dinner table, grow hour and exhausted in (shouting for their f.v j vorite son or the college of their son. Uarper'a Weekly A flruricla Mule Mine. tiquire Spudler has just discovered an extensive buy inulo mine on his farm war here. The sjuire was fishing down by the creek near where an old Indian mine was worked for mules, and ho was attracted by a sound resembling the bray of a inula coming from a little cave in the bank of the stream. Tliosimire commenced a search and soon discovered the ears of a mulo protruding above the ft earth near the water. Work was at once commenced and several fine speci mens were unearthed. Thu arpiiro'aHon. In-law started with ono fine specimen to t mineralogist's to have it assayed, hut it bucked and jumiied with him, and, lifter sending him oft on a voyago of dis covery toward the planet Saturn, went on a grazing spree in the adjacent cow lot. It is believtd that the mine will prove very profitable, and fodder and corn have advanced to fifty dollars pt front foot. Calhoun (Ga.) Times. A Woman'a Terrllila F.a parlance. A farmer named Morrand found a woman lying underneath a tree near bit farm in tit. Jerome parish. She wan alive, but almost a skeleton, unable to peak and insane. She was Matilda Orapin, a domestic. Over a month age he left a house to go to church, but had never been heard of again and was be lieved to be dead. She hail laid down under a tree where she and her dead hus band bad often sat together. - She fell asleep and slept for two days, and when (he awoke she had lost her reason, tihe wandered about the wood for thirty five days, and never tasted any food. She obtained water from a brook. Since he has been found she has been rational at times and has told the above remark able story. She is in a very weak state. "Montreal Cor. Minneapolis Tribune. Too Late with Ilia Objections. A marriage ceremony at Ilosebnrg was interrupted iu a sennational manner a few evenings ago. Charles Minkler, a freight conductor at Woodburn, was the groom, and Lottie Critzen, of Hoseburg, the bride. During the ceremoriy tho of kciating minister asked if any ono had any reason why the ceremony should not proceed. A young dry goods clerk of Iloseburg, named Mannis, stepped forward, saying be had serious objections, lie said ho wanted to see and apeak with the girl privately, lie wan put ont of the house and a ptstol was found iu his jmrket, a aid be had always wanted to marry the girl, but had never ntii.iit-ie.1 courage to tell her of bis feelings. San Francisco Chronicle. Illotan Ont of Ilia OMIra. Mr. Nathaniel Paige, the lawyer, had a remarkable exjiericuce during the re. cent storm. He was sitting nt the desk in hia ofllce on the second floor of the Corcorau building, and at the southwest corner, when the storm broke. Tho door opening into the main hall was ojien, but the door conm-cting with a small anteroom was closed. The upper part waa of glys. The strength of tho wind broke in I. in corner windows, and, pick ing Mr. Paige, up bodily, carried him through the door, and with tho fraiuo hanging around him deposited him out iu the main ball, fHteen feet distant, lie was not cut by the broken glass nor hart ia nny way. Washington (Star. The Corn lluik Weather front. Jonathan Niles, of Norwich, Conn., the famoue corn husk weather profit, is on deck Again with a prediction. Ilesnys that tho winter will be uneven, as the corn busks are uneven in thickness, lie hat had great success in predictions, and bis prophecy this time, it is believed will come true, for it is a safe one. Cor, New York Sun. Klahernian'a I. in k. No sooner had the disappointed herring fleet tailed away from lliddeford pool, with empty barrels, than a wonderfully big school of the fish struckiu. Nobody's there to catch 'em. and they're having a great frolic Lewistou Journal. ' X jrrawr.ri'.. .-ry lin'.f i".nt In Wu iiitoi, . tail',' but T OWU Of. firhtnie. h Hoi'i, by a whs taken to tb t influential fricif ' ;h bis interceHKion ine ui;irUnuuls i toher, and r port,nnit,y to ties of the di the house were opened . had an exceptiounl c , mect Uie numerous bear ' ulicd but iiH'jent mansion Ah she was bi ing helped into tier ear- nage oil ilep i ting, a shade of disap- poii.'tment was detected in her face. "Well, what do you think of it?" her friend inquired. "I mii't confess to a very keen disan- pointment," was the reply. "The rooms tre nil very prettily decorated, and some of f!ieru are dignified and impressive, bttf 1 am sorry nof to have Been the military." It appeared on further, inquiry ihat this un-Americanize4f"Ifew; Yprker had fully expected to find the president'! mansion surrounded by a military guard In fall uniform, and she, was vehement In her a.wrtions that the (Jermau way was "ever ho much better than ours." New York Recorder. Man'e Doty to Man. The father may think to hide certain parts of his character from his child, not wishing him to imitate them, and may give him precepts that he has never fol lowed, but the child absorbs what ho fancies is concealed and forgets the wor is which contradict it. Commands and exhortations may produce or re strain certain acts, but they are power less to inspire, emotions or create desires, Often they have a reverse-effect. To give every ono his duo, to refrain from taking unfair advantango, or iu j any way enriching one's self at the ex pense of another, are supposed to bo du- ' ties which are simply to be inculcated and obeyed, yet how is the desire cf gain, so intense in many minds, to be made to yield when it conflicts with ihese duties? Chiefly by crediting with- ' In the breast a stronger desire for justice and integrity. The love of rectitude, tho faith iu honor, the desire to deal fairly and squarely with all men, must be aroused Had strengthened before any j one can be thoroughly and trnly just And the same is true with regard W , every gixxl quality. Philadelphia Led- j ger. The Dear Innocents. I Some Detroit ladies, not more than a ' tiiou.saml miles rrom a barrel oC salt id front of a Woodward avenue grocery (tore, recently organized a debating club for the development and benefit of tbt rights of women. It was their first ex perience, the dear things, so they ap pointed a committee to go down town and get tho needed stationery, etc. When the polite and affable clerk had about finished selecting tho articles they had put down in a memorandum book, he inquired of the spokeswoman of the party: "You vil) want a 'Cushiug's Manual,' won't yon?" "A what?" she asked sharply. "A 'Cushing's Manual,' madata." be answered, moving out of range. "No, sir," she aaid, with severity, "this society is exclusively for ladies, and if we want anything at all in that line it will be a womanual, sir. How much do wo owe your' Detroit Fre Press. Kowet Forty Miles for Amusement. Willis Holly, Mayor Grant's secretary, used to amuse himself by rowing aronna Staten Island whenever he gut a holiday from his arduous newspaper work a few years ago. He did not row very fast, bnt he always made a complete cirwiit of the island. I think the distance ir abont forty miles; at any rate, I know that Mr. Holly had to rise before day light in order to get home with the cowt in the evening. It is a feat that he used to speak of with a proud, beaming eye, and I never wondered at it. I must say, however, that in tho course of seven or tight years' consideration of the subject, I have never tieen ablo to understand exactly why a man should care to row around Staten Island. Blakely Hall in lirooklyn Eagle. The Water In l ull's Great Laka. Salt Lake is by no means a saturated solution of salt, yet it Li five or six times as rich iu salts as the ocean, and nearly as strong us the Dead sea. In summer it contains between 2u mid per cent, of salt, the saturation point not being reached until the salt forms a little over a third of tho liquid. There aro all through the great basin numerous saline bikes and ponds, but none of the size and importance of this in Utah. Not Infrequently they are shallow and en tirely disappear during the dryness and beats of summer, leaving to mark their sites only a stretch of some acres or it Biay be milos of clay or mud, entirely covered with salt. Goldthwaite's Geo graphical Magazine. Weight of Taper Money. In the treasury here one day the ques tion came np as to the weight of a dollar kill. Scales of perfect accuracy were brought into requisition, and the sur prising discovery was tnado that tweuty seven one dollar notes weighed exactly as much as a twenty dollar gold piece The latter just balances MO grains. However, the bills weighed were per fectly crisp and new. Trial niado with soiled notes, such as come in every dny for redemption, showed that twenty seven of them weighed considerably more than the twenty dollar coin. Every paper dollar on its way through the world continually accumulates dirt, so that after a year of use it is perceptibly heavier. Washington Letter. Two Mea. Paterfamilias (furiously) You scoun drel! Why did you elope with my laughter? New Son-in-law To avoid the insuf ferable fuss and nonsense of a society wedding. Paterfamilias (beamingly) Thank heaven, my daughter got a sensible hru buiid anyhow I New York Weekly, - Jffl''rick. . Kuarantet : J New Heart " p t lonicB.C'uree . 1 Ciii'.;" flutteriii i VM'tc. Wo. X V). W. Sawyer, wyer.oX fester, Wis lent clcv (in nene'rii line, anil TTili uns seven wno-ons, hiiJ one f ,18:, n pronniK ral iiicrchandiHc veral pt'(ldlin Ilia liorH.iH badly cut and inii ned with lurint, Tiic wound refused to heal T IwvJifirrif became lame and stiff iiowwil'liHtiyidiiij careful iittention and the nppirntion of remedies. A friend 'JiiiiiIi'(l Sawyer come of I fuller,' A liiti h' Wire Liiiemeiit, the mfiHt -wuideriv-l thin"; ever saw to heal Mich woi'iikIh. lie applied it only three times! and the nore was completed lii'iiUul.,V F.qiinlly (rood for all corn, cuts, briibCH, and wound. For nale by nil druggist For lame back there ih nothing better tliiin to Maturate a ilaniicl cloth with Chamberl:iin'n i'uiii I'.ihii and bind it on the n fleeted pnrlrt. Try it and you will be nur prisicd nt the prompt relief it affords). The came treatment will cure rlinu-matii-mi. For sale by F. G. Frieke A- Co. The voliimeHof the Mnerazine be ii in with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time in Hpi cified. Hiibscriptions will bee, in with the Number Current nt the time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of llnipcr'H M;ii.'ii.ine for three yearn back, ill neat cloth biml-ino-w ill be hent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $:i.(K) per volume. Cloth ciihch for hiudiuo;, atlcciiti each by iiinil pot paid. 'llos Nerve nncKUver Pills. Act (hi a new principle rcg;i.lnt inir tlie liver, Htoiurch and bowels throiitrh the ihtvh. A new diwovery. Dr. NilcH1 Pills speedily cure biliou MicHH bad taate, torpid liver, pilesi ."onstipation. Unequaled for men women, children, umallcHt, niidest hi. rent! .r() doHi'H, ZV. Samples free ;t F. G. Frieke & Co s. "The foremost of our periodical." COMMANDISO EVEKT GBEAl CENTEE 07 THOUGHT All actiox nr THJ WORLD. sample copjajftt llltiitrattd prospec tus will b sat. lei 9 S eanla. sua BDwnr a mold. Tm Toarii It the mntt Inirtrncttra. the rnot timely, the larrest amt the riarntanmeat nf the rerlewnL. j The three rent Joupa of Hiib jectn out of the comma pear will be impartially and instructively dia ciiHHed by the ablest writers; I. l'nln leal subjects ( row in out of the jrreHidcntial cnnii.ilNo. IU Financial disturbance here and abroad. ill. Theological unrest - with all the social iiestiiiiis Hiie; icstcd by these groups of reat top ics. There is no other way whereby one may nci the ripest informal ion about the urcut problems of the time within so narrow a coinpiiHM or for so small a hi i in - nhart t-Indies of n'rcnt subjects by more than bun died of the foremost men and woin enof the world; because there i only cue American periodical for which all the ureal leaders of opin ion and of tboiiL'.ht w rite, and that is Tin; Fokum. The December number for exam ple ceiitaiiis: Depredation bv Pen sion The Protest of Loyal Volun teers, by lieutenant Allen R. 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