The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 23, 1891, Image 2

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.y-5 ntintied until
, tr & ' .juctou Vi4.
Ht 1J a. in. lie
n. MUbura
'-.t t ;ru
urn! y --lJ
W 4ftl r....i-
f r Vihe nail
r (me year. In advaDce. .......
j.y, one ywr, not In B'lvaiti- iOO
v. kin muullil. lu advance 75
uy. tlire month'. In advance. . .
up one yar In advance 100
copy pr wi-ek. by carrier ? 'i
cudv. Dttr moult - 5C
Thk only ifood act yet credited to
(he Louiaiana lottery is that it split
the democratic party wide oii.
I'mitc SUr ulmnli! be truly
-happy. His frraneried are full to
overilowintf and all Europe is beg
ging at his feet
The biir cronk toiretlier with the
extended markets the republican
jarty ha opened for the people i.-
a Christinas present for which they
will feel thankful.
TlIE sueces-'or to Senator I'l iiuit
Hhould he apointed immediately
aa Kann.i N practically without
representation in the Menate now.
I. the senate the republican."
now have forty-nix members, the
democrats thirty-nine and the al
liance two. With I'ltitnb's weal
vacant the repub'i;arm have a plur
ality of seven over the democrat,
and a majority of five over all.
Pukixc; the pat eiht month
the nioryi indebtedness ban
diminished 2a per cent, in Kan-as.
This indicates that the bire crops
have found a ready I vd erinunt ra
tive market .uidwilhVhe proceeds
the farmers are 'paying for
the land and farm improvements
for which they went indebt when
they were purchased.
Doubtless the alliance leaders
read with regret the lists of farm
mortgages that are being cancled
in Nebraska and Kansas. True
when the people prosper it is a dull
time for the disapoiuted aud dis
gruntled politician, that has been
kicked oat of some other party, who
expects to be hoisted into office by
the calamity wail.
The republicans and better class
of democrats in Louisiana are coin
Lining to defeat the old time bour
bon element. The principal issue is
the lottery question, the latter being
pledged to support the institution.
If reports are to be relied lip there
is little doubt that the devil and his
crowd will carry the election. Why
is it that democrats cannot consult
their consciences when moral is
Hiies are at stake?
A agricultural county fair soci
ety in Iowa iins derided to offer
for the best oration to be delivered
by ,i young man nt the fair. It is
well to encourage young men to
speak in public, but better judg
ment will certainly convince the
managers that a county f.iir is a
poor piacr ti lirivcthi es reiwe.
People go to the fair to see the
products of the farm mi l to wit
ness races. It would be difficult to
get an appreciative audience at
most fairs.
One who has observed the
courses pursued by the political
parties for the past few years can
not but be convinced that the
republican party does more inde
pendent thinking in the intereslsof
the people and is more aggressive
in legislating in their behalf than
any other political organization in
the country.
When it becomes apparent to the
party that a progressive step
might be taken, that in its judg
ment would benefit the people, the
party has stepped out boldly and
taken up the issue.
But not so with our democratic
friend. History proves that in
every instance th" party had been
inactive regarding an aggressive
moTemeiit, until the republicans
first proposed a plan and embodied
it into law, then this party of oppo.
sitioii declared. ' a gainst" the law.
Thif) Is particularly noticeable in
connection with the reciprocity
provision ( the Mi'Kinley bill.
When this matter was fir-t pro
posed, iiefoic it had become (lie
doctrine of any political party, our
democratic friends t&zxi i!
was a good move. Hut no nmu'T
did th; republican parly enact a
j . 1 1 1 i.(
tCir of Lbs k'
nit fmi- .
e very
ll;eti! . !ve o
.:,,! VVth" mini'.
The name tiling
w a c.e of the !
silver coinage qiic-tioa. ! rt
publicans past-e d a law providing
for tno coinage ot all American
silver nib-red at llf mint, but de-
declared in uumi!a.tu!tk' lan-uage
that it was oppo n il to the extremely
uurea.-ioiiabi.: demand of a le.v liat
survivors, to open up our mints to
the world and pay them a bonus of
twenty-three cents on eaoli .31
grains of silver presented. Tins no
sooner done 'than thrf democratic
parly again declared. S'n favor of
iiuliiuited coimge of the' worlds
pniduct. We are perfectly willing
foe the party to thus hazard ils
interests, but can it nflord to thus
duline its policy? The party that
makes first choice will biirely have
the advantage.
In our opinion the rank and file
pf the democratic party will not
follow where toe bosses lead, here
after. If reciprocity was u good
thing before the republican party
nude it a law, it is u good thing
now, the claims of it friends are
fully sustained by its practical
If free coinage of the world's
silver was a hazardous experiment
a year ago, the fact that Hie repub
lican party declares in opposition
to it d ies not render it any more
Tommy I'if-kril tli PoUre f'hlvft INrkfu
hi M.i li'-'ii, Win., th'-rn it a Lief of
police, J. E. A'l uiiv.n, w)n is (.-l'lliliiu?
Lmuw If. Katurihiy lie viit' J Chicago
to Einx't fourteen,
who was wanted at Madison for larceny,
lis hail been arrntcd by Chicago otli
cer. Late- in tlm tvenini? lie
himself to younij Kingston am
tartid for the train, liefore it reaehml
De.-plainei the chief wits moriun' loud
ml lonj.
Kingston is a ennnin little rascal,
lie saw his opportunity. Ho (juietly
went through the jKK-keta of the Mw ping
chief and found the key wh'''H unlocke 1
his haudeiilT. Stealthily he c.-ept over
the snoring f.aieer, and when the train
BtopjHjil at Desplaimn the chief aud hit
youthful prisoner partsl company.
'I lie train had iA s:ssy
tnileg when Chief Ad.unvin awoke. Of
course he was mad, but when he hsaW
for the key with which to remove the
hataleu.? from his own wris.t bin wrath
knew ni bounds, for Tommy had takcu
it with him. All effort to remove the
bracelet were fruitless, and ntitil he
reachfd Madison hi left hand atiu wrist
were Luried Jwp in his overcoat pocket
Piey were "out of sight-"
Kingston was jiicked up by Chicago
officers. He U at the Desplaine atrei-t
Ution waiting for another bout with
Chief AJaniboo. Chicago Tribune.
A Khurt Ll4 Lake
"A month hence," aayi a California
enftineer of reputation, "theSalton lake
will have dried op." Silt-.m lake, it will
be remembered, i the baIlow hi 1 an J
aea which waa formed by a break In the
Colorado river, whow water in (nodern
times, at leant, flowed into the Gulf of
California, aa we know it. TLt haaiaof
the short lived lake, however, wia once
a port of ltd gulf, aud if the flow of
water bad continued tome incxlera iiu
provement might indeed have been ef
fected. The river will not boom atia
till spring, when the lake may refill
Any Ueviire that could render It perma
nent would have a linugatiuff effect
opon Uie dreaded Arizotia climate, ol
which dire atorieg are told. Worb
thing could happen than the tapping of
the Colorado river higher op, ao that ail
its water might How into the old chan
ueU and make the wilderues blussoio
v.'i'.h tbe r-s--, N'iw York Couimerciwl
Hatilered Ht
a Caiigor (Me.) plumber couldn't open
his eye the other (lay Isw atise the uppet
and lower lida were held togetlwr by a
Jrop of anlder. Tlx) accident haiijx-ned
whils he ws nsin aoum (older in a gut
ter in which there wa a little water.
The moment that he applied the melted
metal it knapped and llew. (Jus piece of
It came directly for hi eye. The lid
closed involuntarily the moment of con
tact and the Holder rested upon the lash
es; it nldered the lids together no firmiy
that it wa hnpoMihie to move them.
The eye wa not Injured in the slightest,
but wa effectually closed. The ictita
w is half aiuuwd at th? ridiculous aids
cf the affair. A companion took him U
a d's-tor, who severed the l.uhe. Uoe
ti Heral 1.
Wouldn't Taka Ilia ProKbor' Waalth.
As the Rev. W. F. l'isir, jawtor of th
Lutheran church of lnisn Hill, wa
driving near the residence of JMph
Clark, on the Vtt road, he
waa hell up )iy two highwaymen, who,
at the point of the revolver, demanded
his money or his life. On discovering
that their Intended victim was a tninia
tr of the Uoapel he wa allowed tc
drive on and retain hi valuable, ant
the highwaymen took to the field. Cor.
L'tica Herald and Gazette,
Mining Dlrldrndi
The dividends paid by iniiilnr; cotnp
jle of thi country which report their amounted to ft, 4I,HT3 during
i.,-r. The total for the first toil
Dinii'.h f the year '. 14,0'Jj,W), aa
aiiiomit Urge'y ill evee-a of that paid tn
the naiiie itkxI of IVjO. Kn'.neerliig
and .M:i,!ng Journal.
4 Itrlglit tilra.
A K in-.oi man ;ravij fiia Gate lU-r.ii
coat of wliita pin lit on All Halloween,
Next la ri;ing he counted liru-eu lxiy
with it p.ikt t fence ou;linel o thoir
hacia,--ivtroit Frc I'rt.
h. . t tir Thar
, . jf.-siunul bunt- (
t one time conipri-
it Inhabitant t' i- i
' '"''Mill i- f. th
h . sry men A -nmn-
ii -v.
Il .tl 1
iv. 4 V
V .-.iii
ret-t a nil
1 1 :
ft H
'He- Vu' ..IfKM
I. l" Ilk 'iU UMl II
ttitet Of fe- .ud llmAi.X '-
f Cuaranteedur
We ai thorize our ndCVr"ed drug
gist to sell Dr. KingV-iLNew Dis
coveryfor ConsumptioiX Cough
ami Odds, upon this cVl""l'"on
Ifyoii are nllicted with '' ''""gh,
Ciild or any I.ung, Throat. tN .Chest
trouble, and will use this rcmeWy aa
directed, giving it a fair trial, iand
experience benefit, you may retuVa
the bottle and have your money
refunded. We could not make this
olfer did we not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottles free at F. (. Fricke A Co
Drug Store. Lare U 0cc, asd
Holldey !'.
The U. & M. will sell round trip
tickets on Dec. 21, 25 and 'A to sta
tions not over 2)U miles distant at
rates as follows:
In Nebraska South Dakota and
Wyoming one and one-third fare.
In Colorado and Kansas one fare.
lu selling from a point in Kan
sas or Colorado to a point in Ne
braska or vice versa, agents will use
rate of fare and n third for the en
tire distance recrardlcss of rate ap
plying in the dilleren t states' tl
A Million Friend
A friend in need is a fried indeed,
and not less than, one million peo
ple have found just such a friend in
Dr. King's .New Discovery for con
sumption, couuhs. and colds. If
oii never hae used this great
cone.)) 1 1 1 i ( i ii 14. Hie trial will con
vince that it has wonderful cur
ative Jioucrs in all diseases of the
throat chest aud lungs. Each bot
tle is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed or monev w ill he refunded
Trial bottle free "at F. (i. Fricke A
Cos drugstore. Large bottles ."i(c'
and I.DIl.
We have sold lily's Cream Halm
about three years, and have re
commended its use in more than a
hundred epecinl cases id catarrh.
The unanimous answer to our in
quiries is, 'dt's (lie best remedy that
I have t-v r used." Our cxpciieucc
is, that where parties continued its
ue, it never fails to cure. J. 11.
Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, Do
corah. Iowa.
When 1 began uing Ely's Cream
Malm my rh was so bad I bad
ilemhiili, the V.'hole tone Hlul ill a.
charged a large amount of filthy
matter. That has almost entirely
disappeared and have not had head
ache science. J. Simmers, Stcphney,
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vil
alizer is guaranteed to cure you. 'i
Happy Hoosier.
Win. Tiru'ii'ii... r..ini,ni.r (if buvllle. mrf..
ril : hle.-uir lintr hut dune nen lm
i1 tl an all iitlirr iiiedietiKu romiMned. fur tliat
but f.-ei arlMin tnim kidney a. id l.irsr
treultlp." Jetin J,elie. fanner aiet raoekiuaii,
of aame plae-, u : -Kind Klerirlc lmirr to
bathslii-'t (ihliiejf and l.irer nieilieine. mmls
inn lerl like a ue niaii." J. W. Canine,
harJwHTfl insn'haiit.taiite t'n, a)- : ''Klee
tile Milieu l )ut liie l lulu for a mall wlin U
all run d add don't rate wliellirf he lives or
die ' III-fnui d trw irencih. gimd aiut
and tell )mt Ilka lie h id a vrw lrae uu life
Only 4oc, a iKiiiie at K. (i. frk ka 1 Ui's Pr.ig
Store. j
Gentlemen would not uae "Dluah
Of Roses" if it waa a paint or jwjw
der, of course not. It is clear as
water, no sediment to fill the pores
of the skin. Its mission is to heal,
cleanse ond purify the complexion
of every imperfection, and insures
ever j lady and gentleman a clean,
smooth complexion. Sold byO.II.
Snyder. I'rice 73 cents.
A Cure for Paralwala.
Frank Cornelius, of I'urcell, Ind.
Ter., says: "I induced Mr. I'inson,
whose wife had paralysis in the face
to buy a bottle id Chamberlain'
I'ain ll.ilin. To their great suprise
before the bottle had all been used
-he was a great deal better. Her
dice had been drawn to one side:
but the I'ain iiaim relieved ;,!!
pain ami stireness. ami the mouth
ar-siimed its natural shape." It is
.ilo a certain cure fur thetumitit-in
lame back, sprains swelling ami
lameiiees. 'it cent botties for sale
by F. (j. Fricke A Co., Druggists.
I used Kly's Cream Halm for dry
catarrh. It piutrd a ciiic.- Ii. F. A.
Weeks, Denver.
Fly's Cream Ililni is especially
adapted as a remeby for catarrh
which is aggravated by ulkalim
du-t an'l dry winds.--W. A. Hover,
Druggist, Denver.
lean recommend Ely's Cream Hal
to all sutTcrcrs from dry catarrh
from personal experience. -Michael
Uerr, riiarmnciet, Denver.
lily's Cream Halm hue cured
many cases of catarrh. It is in con
etant denimid. ieo. , Hoot
I'h. irnuu lit. Cheyenne, y.
The la ws of health are taught in
the schools; but not in a way to be
of much practical benefit and are
never illustrated by living example
Inch in many cases minht easily
be done. If some scholars, who
had just contracted a cold, was
brought (pdure the school, so that
ah could hear the dry, loud cough
aud know its significance; see the
thin white coating on the tongue
and latter, as the cold developed,
see the profuse watery expectora
tion and thin watery discharge
from the nose, not one of them
would ever forget what the first
symptoms of a cold were. The
scholar should then be given
Chamberlain's Cough Kerned y free
ly. that all might see that even a
severe cold could be cured in one
or two days, oral leat greatly miti
gated, when properly treated aw
soon as the first sympioms r.ppear.
Tins remedy is famous for it's
cure of cough, colds and croup.
It is mad' espercially for these
disease and is the most prompt and
most reliable medicine known (or
the purpose. ,7) cert bottle for sale
by P. t. IT ii k" A Co., druggists.
- en a great sufferer from
i over ten year-1; had it
could liar lly breathe,
t onld not sdecp ihhI
ik the floor. I pllichaei-d
.on Halm and inn u:-ii, '
is working a cure surely,
tdvised several friends. to
with happy rctfiilt4,'iu
It tli. .,,..,1. .
lihove .ill ot for catarrh, ami u
- i. , i . . im , - lttK 111 U.ll. A 111,1114
(iodlhave h nd n remedy I cart
i me wiili salel- and that does alt
that is oiaimed for it. It is curing
my deafness. H. W. Sperry, Hart
ford, Conn.
CATiioi.ic.-Kt. Caul's Church. Hk. Iie(.en
Ullli and sixth. KhiIht I'ainey. I'amiir
Hi-i-vler ; W im lit and Id :Ki A. M. hullday
HcIiikjI at 2 -M, wit fx twiirdlctlon,
CliKl'TIA.f. T'nmer Loruiit and Klchtli Bin.
seivlim miiriiliiK and tenlMir. fcldcr A.
(;a!'iHay puuir. buuday Bcbisjl 10 A, M.
Eriscor-AU-Kt. Luke's Church, corner Third
and Vine. II. IIuiksm. iator. her
vicen ; 11 A. M. ' d T Mt. M. tUbda) tlcbuol
all -M r. m.
(hman MKTHnfiisT. ;rner PUth Ft and
(riinlts. Kev. flirt. I'aMor. Servii-en : II A. X.
aud 7 M V. X. Build ay hrliunl 10 :JO A. .
PmtaHVTraiAK. fcrvlce In ne church . cor
ner Sixth and (Iranlte nt. Kev. J T. Ilalrd,
lator. huiiday-nehdul at t ; tTeachliitf
at 11 a. ni.a'jd n p. in,
1 li . It. S. C. K (it thl churrh mcet every
Hulihalh evening at 7 :IA In the tiaiieiiirnt ut
thr cliurrli. All ale Invited to attend there
' meeuiiit.
Kikmt MrTnoiitsT. Stuth Ht., hetwen Main
and IVail. Key. I,. K. Hillt l. I), na-ler.
Service": 11 A. M.. 10 P. M Siindiiy rieliool
:30A. M. I'ray rmeetln! Wednenda) even
In. C'hmah PHHHVTKaiAM. Corner Main and
Niiiih. Iy nie, .mier. Hervicv usual
hours, hlllill.'l)' -ehenl tl :M A. M.
iwcKM-n i evmniATio.N ai.-tlranlle, be
laeeu filth ainl Mxlh.
t'otlirn JIaiti-t.-tt. Olive, Onk. between
'Jruiti and hJectith, I'.er. A. Kowell, h
ler. Hem. e ii a. in. and 7 M p. in. I'rayer
liieelina ediiemlay evenlni.
Voi'wn Mr.Va ('iiiiitioi AMTin!(
KiHililN In Vi Hlernutll lil'M-k, M.tlll lieel. (eet
; e! na eiitie. f,r tnet, onlv. eferv hund.-iy af-
telliiNin lit 4 o'eioek. Kiilll oeU St' k da
t;ein c .i a. in., lu u . . ill.
Him th I'Ai'K lAnriiNA xr -Mi y. ,t. M.
W-jod, I at'f. Servife: Suii.ty hetio,,,
.t a. In,: I reitcMi.if. Ila. in. and p. in.;
imjei ineriti tf I.i.-ii!.. v.'.'M : c!"i!r pra1--In
e l-ii(l.i) iiIkIiI. Aliure Krkiune.
StXIlhT SiH ltTlhS
KM OH 'I It OK l-YHIIAS Onillitli-t Imtttr
Kit. 4; Mi-'tn every wVoruay evnuna
t their h ll In l'arme a ( i;n: binrk. Ail vl
lilnx knmliU arc eoidliely nn led tn attend
(J. C. MaiKhall, CO linyey, K. It H.
f. W.. Meel. Pnt and third Friday
eyejltif" ol em'li nnwiili at ( A li. Hull
111 lioekoiiok l.. k. I riuik Veihillyra, M, v.
I), I:. Kuemole, Itceoriler.
AO I' V No. M-Meetecotid and mirth
Kri'l.iv , vM li.c, in the inutitli ai l. A II.
hall 111 I'"- kvoind I'I'k-K, h. J. MoiKan, M W,
r. r, Hnu, Keo.r.'. r,
KOYAl. AI'.i'ANAM-Ca" foifietl fin
M--1 at tl,e K.ol I' hail 111 Hi- i'aooele ai
CmIl' bio k e. r lu-iii-it ft 'lnt, tiiiini
Orel liren Invited Henry llerold, lCei(..ul ,
lhoy Hailiii)!. twretutv.
(!ASS UlIKJK. No. IW. I.O.i). F. mi-eta et
4ry Tuemlay iCL'tit at thrlr ball In HtK'Tiild
Block. All di I'eilow are rordially inm-d
-Aafterid nlieii vl.itnv In ttiecily. J Cory
N. (i.B. W.Biide, (t.rrrtary.t
0attal atuck paid In ( s 1
Authorized Capital, 1100,000.
Froaldnot Vlce-rrmlient
W. U. (HJHHIMU. C'fhier.
'rank Carrutb J. A. Connor, . It. Outbn am
I. W. Johntoo, Heur) rloKk.Joha 0'Keef
W. D, Mcrnara. Win. Wetancamp. W.
Ii. CuablDf.
ie certificate of rteclty bearing Interest
Huv and aelli eichaniie, county and
e.f.y .1 , . 1 .
c 0 v x r v - a v u v k v o k
All iirdi-m left with llic county clerk V tit be
protnplty attended to.
f'lattsniotith, Nebraska
I ha-,
c.itar (.
1.1 vf
I 1
"M1 -
9 T.lHSKT.
iHAiao is-
I'atronage of the I'ublic Solicited,
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
Paid up capital
.. lU.OiiU.Uv
r the very bent lacllltlea lor the promp
transaction ol liKltlmate
lianking Business
Btockn.bondt, gold, troyertiinent and local e
nirlUea bought and o:d. Ilepnalta recelv-,
nut itilrent allowed f'ti the ci rtlficft'
ilrafoi ilrawu, avallatile In any part ol Hit
Culled Slalea and all the principal l win o
yii.tnTKiNa madr and miomi ii t hpwit-
a'Klint market prh e p.ild lor County War
raiitu, state ana County tiomii.
John P!tarald I). Il.iwk-worth
Sani WauKh, V. K. tt uiji
(ieorge 8. hovey
lobn riur-tixli. a Waut-h.
Crwldeut I a-lie'
Keep all klnd of bulMcra hmdwar' 011 hand
and will nipp!)- i-.nim-lnr 1,11 iiimt lay
orahle ter a
and all k lnd ol tin work protnntltr
done. (nlDr from the country Solicited.
fA IVarl ft.
rLATTSMOUril, .Ngll.
A Cure for the 'Ailments of Man and Beast
A lonj-tcsted pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, tlie
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring aa effective
No other application compares with it in efficacy.
Thi3 well-known remedy has Hood the test of years, almost
N'o medicine chest is .complete without a bottle of Mustano
Liniment. I
Occasions arise for its use almost every Lty.
All druggists and dealers have it.
Ever) tiling, to Furnish) Your House.
Having purchased the J. V. "Work bach store room on houth
Main street where 1 urn now located can k II jjooils cheap
er than the cheapest having junt put in the larCht hiick
of new goods ever brought to the city. CJasolinc stoves V
and furnilurt of all kinds wold on the installment plan.
iKXT ll HO I II :!('!, M Wtrrm B1, ww Tfk. V:rU)-U
A ropt l.AK FAMILY. .
Ja-otiK: " Flow in it, Kftte. Pint you a1w'
awm to enri U en 'to tl"1 lut new mum? li
wti.H I m.iy, you aluj w-oiu to gi 1 aliBoX
of tne."
K.viK! "I don't know: I certnlnlT do not
ireUeioiy ev'-nieii In that direeonii.
J i, s s 1 k : " W eil, ilnrtiiif the liml fi.-w mntha,
fur i.imilv, you huio Uikeu op wiiitlii.
;" 1 ;rO
v.V Vt TV'-1 r.
w:tliont any tnch.T i yon came to the reaeiia
when Mim Ltilm ..'O ileserteil her iN-lMtrterlaw
to a wMeiily, and eoriainly we aroall itnprov
Inv In unee ineler your iiutiiii lion: 1 heunl
you tellitiK 'loinniy Ijiines put evenlnn low
tna cluu iniidu mwtakm In pliiyina' all :
jrou .ui t-i lie lip on nil the Intent ' faila,' and a
know Jnt what to do under all ciretiiinlaiii'es;
you entertoiii lieuiitilnllr; and In Uie laat
month y"U have im-r In heulth.owliia;,
you U-ll 11111. to your j hydlealciiltiiret'jun-iiKw. ,
Hiii-ro do yon et nil of your liilorinallon
from In thia littl .iii-of tbo way place'i1 lut
you never to the ( it y."
Kara: "Why, Jennie, you will make me
Tain. I hiivo oiily one lonineof InforinatloH, "
but it toaiirpriKiiur how it iiiis-taall wanta. I
very neldom hear f anythiiur new but what
the next lew dui iTina mc toll information
on th aubyJHiU Miotic f No I MbkiiIiicI
And a B-n-nl tronoii It la to tn all, for it
really fiiiun Iiu tl" n-ttilina- t',r the whole
houM'hiild: fiutier hanKivcn up bl innirutlne
that ho lm tukeu ter yenrn, f bo ana tlila
om) irlvoa more mid la-tu r Inloi nuiliuo (ill
tho aubjeeta of tlio duy; ami mother an) 9
that It la tnnttnnt maain bT mu ll a famnoa
hoim ki-i-iM-r. In laet, we oil sen o Hint it la
the only riiilly rAan.r nininoine puliliHhcd,
h we havo m-nt for wimiiunol all id them,
and Dud that one la all lor nu n. another all
for women, and another for children only,
while tn n mm anil every one of u: au
only m-l to hike 0110 liiKtead of aeveral, and
thiti i wii.-i-e tne (vonomv i-omea In, lor it la
onlv J-.MH a Je ir. l' yini think I am
Loo'lai ikIi In my pnii-' : but I will h-t you aeo
ohm. or. Ih-iiit alili. K-rnl lllo nla In th '"t
liiher, W". JennieK" lJemopt. l"i rjt U'h
Sin t, New Vork, for a winipln eopv, and I
1I111II alwava cnMili-r Unit 1 have done you
a irrent favor; and muy l-you will la-eiittmir
ua out. aa you any we have tlio repniatiou or
k-i nir the bent mfornmi family 111 town. If
that be ao, it ii Ixuiurutt' k aiaiiy laUAlM
toat doca iU"
A liberal oiler only fi.fiO for
tin; wkI'Tly iji;kai.i
and Demorest l-'amily MiiKn.inC.
fSTSend your aubnci iptioii to this
..itii, scientific American
BarB UALtf A
ritlV COPVRICMT8, ti.
fnr lnf.irmtlnn and frrw lTundhootf writ"
e x.i iikoaIiwat. c
l-.ipry piient (Aken ,ul l-r n" i nro'non im
tlit public iif a uoii given tree of ti.urie la Ui
f cicutific American
I.rrt etrenliitloii nt any ctnllSc pnpf ' fe
w.ld. fpleiiliilly llhutraled No nuelhyut
nan SoiihI Im Willi. ,ul II. Wneklr. W.I. DO a
II. 'A Hi mnnth. A .Mr. Mt NN A CO.
'inusukiu, .l llruadway, kiak, j
AT -
M0DK11N -
n i 7
I Tic