) i J I 1 for 'I r. '4 11 T"rk k-n Ti r i 4 FJFTIi YEAR. PLAT'MOlfril, NK!UtASIA,tKSl)A'' OMKMBKU 28, 1891. J: 1L J A n 'Royal Baking Powder Has no The Royal Halting Powder will make sweeter, lighter. finer-flavored" and more wholesome bread, Liituit and cake than any other leavciiin;; agent. It is of higher strn;;ih, a:nl therefore goes further in wotk aril is more economical. All government and scientific tests j;o to show Cus. Royal Lukiny Powder m a leaveniuy agent is absolutely without to eual. Kusu Medical Collece, Chicago. "As the result ,of my tcst3 I find the Royal Making Powder superior to all the others in every respect It is entirely free from all adulteration and ilnwholcsoine impurity, and in baking it gives off a greater volume of leavening gas than any other powder. IHs therefore not only the purest but also the strongest powder with which 1 am acquainted. "Walter S. Halves, M. D.," Prof, cf Chemistry. Chicago College of Pharmacy. "The Royal Baking Powder, which tests the highest in strength, is free from lime, alum, lime phosphates or other adulterations. Its superlative purity, the entire wholcsomcncss of its ingredients, the scientific manner in which they are combined, together with its much greater strength, make the Royal unquestionably supe rior to any other baking powder. . " 1 1. D. GARRISON," Prof. Chemistry, rl.TOTO.V MISSOVntlllYEH It. It. V TIME TABLE. J jOFOAlLY I'ASHK.VtiKK TWAINS 2C0INrj-.RST 'Vfti. f :. ti:ir.M ' So. 4... .Mim.n. ho......1 ;4 i. m GOING WEST Not,.. 3 :4 . m. n. J, 6 :fi p. m No. V :M k. m o. 1 m. No. u l;p,m No. I0........i4fta. No, U. ...ln:U. n . .. M. tli o. ... No. II ft :Wi p, m, illHSOVHl I'At iriC HAIUVAY TIMKCAkK. No. JM Af.mi1iiUn !... o,si I rrir.. .tn.Mt m. . t ,w p. in. Train dullr xpl "umlny ATTORNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorn 7 t-ljw. Will girt prompt attonllns la ill liu'lii nlrnlr(1 to hlui. OfllM Is Unloa block, Kant SliiM. I'latummilh, Neb. PEAPCE HAVE KIX I.IVKt Their Full tm. (nnrj rlllmii. tli mnl iiillU iwt A !ut cf tit f:id,lir. rnnr nitnpr hut III tm iii.il If t. Hiry (! lull . Iiur o I luhv h'""l ami In or- f" (1it I.) rlcr I ntnrk. nut hn" ro d iln il lli.-lr nrm ;nli. lul. In to it ml to 7fl r'-U II lltill.r.l. miss sen uylf.r, trimmer. Shorthand. AND TYPEWRITING I OI.LLGE I ' l;i 1 1 h moil l li , Nebraska. hlMiii'lnm aunrmltiYd to rnnuirtrnt til(lflil IndlilituM lu.lluitliin, ntw tv""''". DAY AND EVKMNa SESSIONS, llixiiiii bvt ll)cr fmre. r- 00 LI) AD FOlieit.AIN CROWNB Dridgo work nd fine goM work ft SPECIALTY. VH. BTKINAtIS LOCAL M ll M otbnf' Ml- tliitlcKlviiQ Infill palnlMieiUMIloo ol Iwitli. a A. MARSHALL. Fitr:rnld Bl"-' limit's I'KrrERDEKG. J iL'nciL'jniE nun retail II baler mm CHOICEST URANDS OF CIGAKS rottttjitor v iJACCO AND SMOKtA'S ARTICLES nlway in "lock o- riatUatouth. NcbruHHu T!.. i i IIm.ik.iii.U i.f .ui.tC lii'lli . wwfK 'I Itirl'. "' -1 li'ii -Uvt r!i-i ki, r li' ho i ri- klhK jl out hi rxutri i i. mi Blry b.m-ly iiltn ii ul 1 1 to nupi.ty Iht-tr rvrl llhV .illt. 1 ' iv riiMiil-f iiiie k ruiifn In hort Iriin niiil 'J hi AnUlii"! tli y run riirn tfcin lu Id T J Burnt li. 7 Equal. I)r. Peering' in in tin city viHitinjr, t Mlny. I warrant every piece of goodo I Hell and will m-ll at bedrock pricca for the nexttliirty (layn. H. A. McKlwai.N, Jeweler, 415 Main Btrcet. Purchane your holiday gooda of Gerin Sc Co. tf nefore yott buy nny Men'H, rjoys' or Children's Clothing look tlirouli JOE'S line. He will nave yon money. tf County Attorney Travis is in the city to-day. The larnrHt nnl best line of Gloves tit wonderfully low prices at JOES. tf Did you see JOE'S magnificent line of suspenders? tf Mesdames Ella Royal and Arnold departed for Omaha this morning. For (feiitH Christmas slipper ot Joseph Fet.er. tf Why will yon rouh when Shi loh's cure will ive imiueiliate re lief. Price 10 as., ") els. aud $ l;or sale by F. (i. Frii ke A Cc For a nice X-mas present k ' JOE, the popular clothier mill look at his line line of Mufllers and Hatrt. Hrokcn How in considering a pro position to establish n iavin brick manufacture. Progress in the watch word of Nebraska towns this year. What about Maltsmotilli? (ro. Yass ami the court house clock. tf The county roinmissionert, ieo. Yiish and the court house clock. Call on the Tucker Sisters in the Sherwood hltick for bargains in Winter Hals. ' tf You can get the best of hand made boots aud shoes nt Joseph Fe l.er's. if A, SALSBURY DENTIST OOUJ A.l I'CKi-KLAIN C KOWNH. Or. 8irlu) iia ilii.lc tor Ilia (laluleii ei (inrllon i,f trth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kofkwood HIim Ic FUttamouth, Neb. ia oi'KM.NO Li One ( the newest and brightest lines of Plash' Goodi, To j i. Dolli. NotoIUpi, Fur th llollitujr trailf tlmt hu been en to towo lor years. NO OLD STOCK, ALL NEW Which was bought early in the season front some of the I.AW0KHT IMPOHTI.NO IIOL'HKH Which guarantees you the pick of the market and at prices for which we ere noted. -:The Lcxesl in the Country . The public t eorrlUlly Invited to Itmpect our (ihxU mi1 comiutro prlc-i -0O0- U.r, EMCIIEK, I'rop. Flstunouth lUnuett Sc Tutt have sweet cijier. tf Gering A Co for Christina, pres ents. No. 5 was ovi r and hour late this morning, detering several from making a trip to the metroplis. A niee. line of holiday goods nt Hen nett A Tutt's. tf Gering A Co. have the largest and best stock of goods in the city, making no exceptions whatever, tf The indications are that Lincoln will be the next Nebraska town to draw :i prize in the nit ipe of n beet Hiigar industry. If you want u beautiful lamp for a present to a friend, and want it cheap, go to Henuett A Tutt's. tf Gering A Co. are headquarters for pliibh goods of every deseriptioii. tf Tiiere was a slight wreck at Grand Inland Monday caused by a family switch. No one was injured Holiday goods of every descrip. tion can be found at Gering A Co. tf The largest and best line of plush at wonderfully low prices at Gerintr a co. Ar The H. A M. rating house at Hastings was destroyed by fire Monday. The Fair has the largesrnssort tnent of useful Christinas presents in the city, and. for quality and forcheapness they cannot be beat, tf Santa Clans has his headipinrters at Gering A Co's. tf For a nice lint or Cap go to JOE, the One Price Clothier. If The principal attraetion at the state teachers association will be a lecture by Judge Draper state superindendent of rublic instruc tion New York. For fine boots aud shoes yo to Joseph Fetzer, Main street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. tf Santa Clause, Christmas and Geo. Vass. tf Pure buckwheat flour for sale at Heisel's mill. tf The German Presbyterian church ..:n : -t- . . . ft" iniiiirto ctiiel lain ment and Christmas tree Christ mas eve. Extensive preparations are being made for an interesting and profitable time. The Missouri Pacific will sell tick ets on December 24, Z 31 and Janu ary 1, good to return January 4 at one nnd one-third fare for round trip within two hundred miles of l'lattsmouth. The city council, which meets next Monday evtning, will prob. amy present some one with a Christmas present in the form of an election to the chief of police ship. In the meantime, Acting Chief Fry is doing splendid service. Hrown A Itarrett are closing out tueir sioi'K oi scrap hooks, Amas cards ami vases at actual cost Don't fail to see them. tf The Hotel Riley has made exten .ive preparations for a Christinas dinner. II C. Hackney, the propri etor, is a man who knows how to prepare a menu for such occasions ait 1 persons wishing a rare treat can surely be served on that day, An Inftan Wnmn' Aoifonn, The arrival of the flyer at Lincoln was awaited with considerable interest last evening. A telegram had previously been received stating that an insane woman had run every passenger nnd trainman from the car and held possession by means of a 32-cuIihre revolver. Several officers were on hand when the train nrrived, for the purpose of capturing the woman, and probably 800 people were attracted to the scene by Ctitiunity, After the train arrived the woman fired two shots, one of which barely missed a bystander. Upon n promise of the police that she would not be killed, she gave her self up. Ilefore tue train arrived at Lincoln she had shot a colored porter in the leg, ofllicting a slight flesh wound. The womnn was bound and taken through l'lattsmouth last evening for Philadelphia, where hhe will be properly cired for. Do you want to know what would make your father, mother, brother, s.ster and sweetheart happy? It is a' nice pair of shoes or slippers for a Christmas present. W. A. Itoeck A Co. have just received an elegant line that they oiler at vkky low prices for thirty days only. tf Laid to Ret. The funeral of Peter Mann oc curred at the residence, corner of Vine and Eighth streets, at 2 p. in. to day, under the auspices of the I. (). O. F. lodges, Nob. 7 and Hrt. A large concourse of sympathizing friends followed the remains to its List earthly resting place at Ouk Hill cemetery. Spectacle at (iaring A Co's. tf KA WILL HELP, ) wjn ng Over Stocked Oran- J usfern arie. Susreral states throiin-limit tho im'on, notably among which are Ohio, Iowa and Nebraska are taking steps to provide for the famishing people in Russia. The following from the state Journal relative to the part Nebraska will take is worthy our attention. Governor Thayer's appeal to the people of Nebraska for a traia load of corn food prod nets is receiving prompt attention. Deputy Labor Commissioner Ludden hopes to raise ninety earn within a short time without much difficulty, judg ing from liberal donations already olfered. Then if the northwestern millers fail to get the 40,(,1)0 barrels of Hour they have pledged Nebras ka people may continue to be liberal and help them raise the balance. The attention ot Nebraska millers is called to the offer of (). A.Cooper of Humboldt, who writes that he has just read Governor Thayer's prolamation, also Mr. Ludden's communication in The Journal. Ilefore seeing them he had agreed to donate one hundred MOpound sacks of flour for the cause, or if olhar state millers would give liberally he would not hesitate to give a full car load. He has since received n circular from t he North western Miller on the same subject, but he signifies his willingness to donate to the Nebraska project. "I realize," he writes, "that by donat ing the same amount in cornmeal wc would not only do n generous act, but would, as you say, ad vertise and help to build up a market for our corn products, and I can donate the same amount of corn meal as well as I could in flour. Let me know what other millers of the state nre doing." S. E. Solomon of Culbertson writes that people in that section stand ready to contribute a car of corn nnd he asks for direction in regard to shipping. Other letters received are of the same generous nature. For abstracts of title at reason hIiIu rates, go to J. M. Lcyda, Union block. tf NebraaUa Stem Teachers' Association. For the benefit of our city teachers, or any others who may feel disposed to attend the slate teachers' association meeting which convenes Dec. 'J), '.V) and Ml, we again call attention to it. The officers of the association are W. E. Andrews, Hastings, president; W. II. Gardner, Nebraska City, sec retary; W. H. Skinner, Crete, treasurer. The association is divided into three sections, as follows: Public schools, of which J. A. Iloruberg, Norfolk, is president; colleges. G. I Faruham, Peru, president; County superintendents, W. M. Clary, Nebraska 'City, president. F.nch seellon will hold n session in a particular room and discuss questions bearing directly upon its line of work. (Juite a lengthy program has been prepared the exercises to be participated in by some of the foremost educators of the state. The teachers of the county that find it convenient to attend this meeting will doubtless be be benefited. They can well afford to lay aside the cares of the schoolroom for a few days. Let it be a time of Christinas greeting, a time in which the teachers may mingle together and discuss plans for future work that cannot fail to be mutually helpful. He sure to call and see the prices on Ladies' atid Gent's gold and gold filled watches. H. A. McElwain, Jeweler, 415 Main street. tf A C. O. T. Social. The C. (). T. society, composed of about a dozen young ladies, held a "hen" social at the home of Miss Ida nocck last evening. The O. D. C.'s were "shut out" entirely, but notwithstanding this the girls report that they never enjoyed themselves better. The evening was spent indulging in music vocal and instrumental, and other amusements of a delightful nature. At a seasonable hour a well pre pared luncheon was served. The following were present: Mes dumes Sam Patterson and Schmidt-man- Misses Mae Dutton, Ilcrt Wise Mamie Stiles, Frankie Stiles, Nctie Jlullance and May Patterson. We will give genuine bargains in gold watches and jewelry. II. A. McElwain, Jeweler, 415 Main street. tf NEBK, (J SILVERWARE GIVEIfAWft 1 , . a Slhrrlq-toi' for Gcsl Tide ( ' While we appreciate the large nmount sun uesire to :OASH and have completed arrangement in ;i.,U ... lieu. I I.. ...no, in in r-i iiiiiuin, at such prices that we propose to give them to our many customers be lieving that we shall increase our trade, as our customers appreciate the fact that we are spending the money we set aside for advertising purpos es by returning it to them, believing they will appreciate the gifts and icii uieir menus, and llicrcby increase ourlrdde. EYERY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser to either a Roger's Solid Silver Metal Hutter Knife or Sugar Shell sold b.V Jewelery at $1.00. EYERY Cash purchase to the amount of $15 entitles the purchaser to a set (ti) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, Hold by Jewelers at iftOo EYERY Cash purchase to the amount of !fr entitles the purchaser to a 'tW) Roger's solid Nickel Dessert Spoons, sold by Jewelers at EYERY Cash purchaser to the amount of $.'10 entitles the purchaser to a set (O)of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoons or a set of Solid Nickel Porks, or a set ol Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $1.00. ERE is what .he manufacturer says in regard to Solid Silver Met al goods and Solid Nickel Silverware: "There has been a grow ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take the place of Solid silver and plate ware. We have experimented for some time to attain this end, mid are now able to offer the public our Rogers Metal and Rogers' Sol id Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi dence in assuring our customers that this ware is inferior to service on- ly to soiiu silver. It is a beautiful white color, iH highly polished and can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recomend this ware especially lor hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand more hard usage than any other metal; is very tough nnd hard; will hold its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This firm have manufac tured plated ware since si5, and their name is never put on goods that are not of a high grade, so our customer can rest assured that they are getting some very desirable goods when they tret iroods under theii oranu. come in early and secure a shnre of these goods before it is too lute Wo Qqqiritqtec ot)! Ibices o be hc Loasf qqtl Iqio Competition,. A v J 1 ia u DON'T 1 AIsXE) SILVEDWAHE CALL AND I)K CONVINCED HE FORE PL'RC II A S I N G. W ILL II E PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THROUGH MY STOCK, WHETHER YOU WISH TO HUY OR NOT. 1B. A. M'ELWAIN 415 Main Street, "eny Thalving. ' A crook named Winter was sentenced Ito sixty days confine ment iu the county jail some time since, as a puniMhmcnt for stealing goods of a Weeping W. merchant. Having served out his sentence, he was released last evening, but no sooner was he at liberty than he began to practice the nefarious work upon our merchants. lie or his accomplice first a pair of shoes and slippers from the estnblisment of W. A! Hock, which he disposed of to a boy for a trilling sum. The police were notified and according XI the fellow was run in, but as he declared he was innocent of the charge and positive Iproof of his guilt could not be obtained he was not brought into the police court. To-day at about 10 a. in. the same party walked up to "JocV'clothing store and boldy took an $18 over, coat from the rnck and after put ting it on proceeded to quietly walk awry. I The proprietor soon dis covered his loss and Johny Fitzpat rick upon being notified took after the, transgressor who was making for the Junction. Johny ran as far as the bridge whereupon the oblig ing conductor on the K. C. train assisted him on his way. After crossing the biidge, immediately on the Iowa side the fellow, aud his negro accomplice attempted to run of trade we are favored with, we i tncrese our TRADE: wbich we havcVecured hi r ire ouan .1.1 1.1 . .1 1""" oi me ueieoraieo i,iiuvii in in; THAT I AM GIVING UNHEARD OFBARGAINS In the best grades of WATCHES CLOCKS - JEWELRY 1 --' - ,v-, . riattsmouth, Neb across the country in the hope of eluding thier pursuers. The con ductor stopped the train, nnd the plucky Johnnie Boon brough t the hardened criminal to a halL See ing hsi predicament he asked "Well. Johny, are you a policeman in Iowa too" whereupon the police assured him that he was a privileged character. The police ordered the negro, who was then wearing the coat, to deliver it over. To this the man Winter objected. A few strokes from the billy of the police man rendered him in a less choicy mood and the colored gentleman turned over the property without further protest. It was thought advisable to let them goon as to detain them would only incur an unnecessary expense. Judge Aroher'a Court. Information was filed last eve ning ngninst D. M. Jones, charging him with disturbing the peace and carrying concealed weapons. The case has been set fr Saturday at 2 p. in. Mat Gering will appear for the defense. The case of City of Plattsmouth v. Wt. Keber, wherein the defend ant is accused ot keeping his saloon open later than 11 o'clock, the hour at which the city ordinance pro vides that they shall be closed, is pending as we go to press. v r