r ii. !?' 1.1' ! ii G i inj 1 "J rv ,i 'V i i Hi 7 y V tfc;i4 tf rJ . It i V.m r;ltcn pr?'j' Th '.'Urqaij u J. . llc.iry CI iviVii - i Unii Caii.ii.u U.'g ). 1 j Nine Ill'istr-t-d 5,-rht A.-;c!cs of i'.-u'iiil .'i Tu-: :v.t rvo Stories. iJviCC. Caffp.-is., o Hoys". Kj.. .v.iy i jfo on J Adventure. i 700 La"i Fj-i Fivs r"''ile Holiday N'lmVers. I ' "A PA . I .4 Muniber Yard " ' THE OLD RELIABLE. I. j I t 1 WATHRHAU & m I.yPIHF LUMDE I S!ii!i lea, LhUi, PuJi.J ' Doors. Blindn .Cm mipi j nv.r-.v 'Uninu l of t'i'' city, j Call :vl t t.-riH. F..urt'i -tri-.t I il) r. nr i f up; I mv. vj HENRY BOECK .... ' - UNDERTAKR. ni!tintly Vwpi on Imti'l cvirvtliin you nicl In furtiiuli jour huriw!. cous!:u i:t i asd min arnrxT iPUV.imou: Neb For Ati hiriBim, fct. Jurti pli, Leaven wortli. Kim-m City, St. I.oilin, nml till niiiilr n.irlli,e:i-t foiitli i'T v.-eht. Tick i Ih huIlI nml ; ;iC clierheil to II n y .i.int in 1'iiitcd St ii lei or Csin;l'ta. l'"(ir INFOICMATI N A1 TO KATKS AM) ICU'TKS Cull at Drji.it r si'MrcM II, C. Tu w.n sr. ; i, Ct. V. A. Si. Jiiiin, M. r J.C. I'mi.l.ii'J'i, A. (i. '. A. Omalin. -4I-I). A IT. ah. Air., MiitlHinouth. Telrjiliune, 17. MI? AT ilARKEiTJ Ml VI If 111' U V IT H. II. KI.I.KMIAIT.M, Prop. The f ieit of freuli tnvHl iiIwiivk found In thin niarket. Alu'i in-Bh K-n nml Itiiller. " Vil.l,.iine ol :i!l kin.H Ve.t In their eMMUl. Meat -u-uar i i-.ouh i'cJiurt'S f.n, iCy2 ar..i !'7; : I fT '.! "-rn'-j r ..:!.. I;' " ! '.in A1 'Car' ' , i"..P. 1" fdrj. II.".-.' ,M. rr'rv, rrt' 0 loo f t'jri-js of Ail vex I-.--;. i -c Dcii iC:c;-t C'.cr!. l'opuwr iijneo .-..'.-.'.-. (J i.JtUM A:tuL-s. r.A V'- r Tn :w Ptiburi ibrm titio i'.: rvt wit n. I r uJ bit 1.1 . . r. nl iiflilrn, nnd Si. ?3 f'j "ul ''"'" 1"" I" i in anil for Full Vrar linn thut l''f. ' ofirr ininin-n iun ..i.iinr (JIVIMJ, C'llUIMT.'UAn bud N-'V YE.il:': Oouliln li.!:J:-f :.a:ni.rr-. . c will sl M-nil ?r ol l Ix'iinir.'l rnlU'n-. r-'V'- l ' " ' ?: )" It()fES." Il produnlnn lm rost TV. f.. !V T I i .') '. A N '.) S",1.'..'.l. Htnd Chtck, tMltTw Of"-, nf r-j.'jf.r.-l .'f.'.tr u.' r r' :. .'J ' 8 THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Dotor, Mm. THE WEEKLY BTILL CONTINUES Tbe Most Popular Family Newspaper in the West IT 13 THE BEST NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME .-. .-. THE WORKSHOP, on THE BUSINESS OFFICE. for THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE WORKINGMAN. on THE POLITICIAN. IT !H A REPOnMCVN NEWUPA PES, an uch l eblr conducted, Dumbirlnj am. ir,j l-.awlt.ira !'. b.lt in tre country. , , It p.iii iMiii ALL tun ;; i: w.-i. .ml koups lia luujera porfoctlr posted oa lmr' tnt e vnntu rt il ovur tnn wn Id. In LlI'r.KAHY 1't.ATUi'k.H to thna of tha bn! ir.Bpaiinna. AT.oro I'd contrlbu'.oinar.. W. O HOVl .J.B,1 NANi II hTOCK I ut , M HH. FKANIM.U IIOU .HUN IIU"N'.TT, MA Hit TWAIN. Li i I T H A K Tl.. M A U IUCI. Tllljy I'tlON, A W.TuUWUflE I.-IT RTIiL'Ifl BTI'VI NOr,HUI. YARD KU'LINd. HHIHI.PY UAKI), HAM ilAHWi.U. AT H I.U WOOD. JOi.I, ClIANOLCII HAHHH, (ind n.o'.r Otlinra ol bwUNU LITtKAHlf J AMS. Itwlll tuua b aann Uiat HIE IN'iUli UCtAN pubiiafaaa THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE. IU ronniaK and DOWtlGTIC CO w R f-m PONDENCE la Tary axtanalra aod tria boat. - The Youth' Dcpartm-ut, Cariosity Shop, Woman's KinirJom t The Home Ara De'.tor than a Maoazlna (or tna romllf . Onaojtha Moat Impartant l'miaraj la Lia Departmsnt of FARM AND FARMERS, mtadyrX-OOV W. Ti. no ARC of TViaconaln. Editor and Prnprtator of "lloird a Daliy Loan." Tula la iim foa.ura and aa Importaat onatoAjn cuitiiriata. , AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT Ifenn'iotvxinoryjnBdfirtna ap.clnl purpooo of dlacumina tSa quostloni now ajiuuuu ti.ulaiui'iraof lt.a country. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN I On Dollur per Ywir, pontiiKO puiil. THE .-. SEMI-WEEKLY .-. INTER .-. OCEAN la publlahedaTary Monday and Tharo lay at $2.00 paryaar, poatpald Tho DAILY INTER OCEAN xa $6.00 vfAZl paid The SUNDAY INTER OCEAN 2 00 p?aLla"a:d Llboral Tanna to ActlTa Ajant. Bond for Bampla Copy. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. Many old nol'liem, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while in the nervier, have cfnre been jiermaiient ly cured of it ly t'hniniherlain'B Colic, Cholera iiild diarrhoea kem edy. .For nalc hy F. (i. Fricke A Co. Are you niaIc iniHeruhle liy imli mention, conxtijialiou, di.iinrH, IuhiI of ajijietile, yellow kin? Shi IoIi'h Vitali.er in il ixwilivc euro. For nale ly F. O. Fricke A Co. B ANK OF CASS COUNTY Cor Vntu and Kllili nre.it. 'nil npriiltl i 111 . Jb ( OPrlCEKS I II. Iiirii..e frid..i. 't.-l 'in, Irr View fr--.ill..'. . V. IV I -ioii 1 ' t M. Y iiier..ii. ;i lui i DIHECTOKa '. II. i'ir iil I M V.t'. rni!'. Kr-l ."rd-I v i. Siiiln,. II. il. wii-.iliiun, B. H. 1Uh.-.- ; J r. "i i'Atii-ion a .ICNCUXL HNX1NC EUSINicc 3AN3ATE1) , . ;U i.ili. i. r I -.-rf1 nllowfd iin tiini--i...-il r.;;.1 prrrT: "iiiinlvi-u in a.) bua ii ru'OMted to ill earn, y 17. am, 'iil uml ill M.iin St., Plattsmouth Nebraska H. M 30S3. PnpnVf.r. Iliu Perkliia liis In-cn UiormiK'ily ,-i any itcj from tp t" V,:t.'.i,. ai. ViV OHff f tin! Irt lli'tela iu llll- tt ;tii. , nli th will I"' tulicn by tin-w -ek hi rt.r5() uml Up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED CiOaXiborlaln'a Eye and Ekla Olntmont. A certain euro lor Chronic Soto Eyes Totter, So.lt Rhonm, Scald ilvad, Old Chroulo Soros, Fever Bores, Ecaema, Itch, Pralrio Ecratchot, Soro Nipples and Till. ItUeoollui fcud uoothlng. Hundrtxlaof oo4c bava boon cored by It after all otbnr trerHmeoi bad failod. It U pot op in S3 and CO cent boxed. CHicHrsrtxs t'lOusH. ii" . ;i ',? ?V. i.. Nl A l0 Ot NOlNf. I u ri i Mr rn- 'ta.V mm turr k it t. lUtm ni. I W yT A Ii l I, 'SI iiaiat f 4, 1 1 ,h rKi't"ia. i .infrrt Jf trwati t F '' ' i -. I IM Fy '1 '' it '.ii ill 'U..i. i'lUumilt.M, i1 llrt' ! a, ft A' ".(i n til.i Cntwifi.4i1 Corneal ' ft-fM W l.l"a-'(-r I a- s tsl Ml Mff v.. t.'. I !. r,-p!:rr"Tti. Jir1v looo I!li;trsions. v. ..n i!nrf l ,,., ! J 1 e a yj i v) . 35 '7iK,l M MNI88MlniCURtD I 1 . I !... I IkWtll. l r. llh.l.flv . CO Z Z VtiJ waf, " WriM bwuk ft pri.b f DLL , ,, i A Ik k L li ' C " ',.,'1 MAIP BALSAM ''-; J-,.,,,.,,,,, . !,..,.. ,i ,.,,,,., J uN.iw Falla to Lin'... Uray . -T , J!Jr to l! ytiirt c ic.r. i .-.41 AkJ Curvi ra.p rt..M- a liaT U.in4:. ' ' J'.n'm.r a UiUK'T ..I'.-, '. - '-' " " I ' . .. ' . rii.,1 'i , l-.'l ..l.. o. 1'a.B, 'I aafc III liuw.wi u. ;-i!UDCkCORNS. Th .ir.trvnr.ii 4T7,.S.u. I ai i.i... ,a.. ur lilM ux a (o., .s. v. (;K'ATi;ri. (omi 'knr. I'.KKA Kl'A.-l "iv i i i ,,.. -ii i. ' . ' ' " i -ir...; lll.ti Will !l Hi . " ' I ' 'I ; .1 - 1 1 il a i ; 'Ii "f Oi- 'I limn. I"- ! v 1 1 s. . . ! .i .,.'11 ". IM - - I " r I I '. I : ' ' i' .' ' ' Ms- :' : ' ! - -i, i -v -v." ,n !; v : ll: ' v i. J.in,-- , . ,, ,i . .-, : i . ;, :'i 1 i i- n- I'l.'l .! Ml IV I. .'I ill .IV l.'il ' 1 I M' il ' i.i'i'i I- f.-iUi i I '. i II . -. Hti.'.k"' : 'I'll- -i'. i i. ;! .i'!... ir . i , i iil- -..I . i - i '. 1 " i- -i i. 1 :i ! u. . ii-' i . I I ' li. ill liv ki-- il; .ir- v.-- v' i i--.' .Ii ! la ji.iri- Iil-mi i a il .i o i . 1 -1 . v ' i : t I no- Civl1 -crvl-i- li,i...., M il. 'ii "nil,, y mill liMilnnr '.v u.'r 'hi "i 'M v in li.i:i-i'iii;ui ir'.i '. ri"i 'ilii'O "I Mm. : .lAMKa Kl'l-s l , I! "' ImhIoii. Kiil;ti d How Lost! How Regained! KKC',7 THYSELF. Or HKLP-I'KKH..HV ATIOM. A nnw and otily (ioMMadall'lll.K KiHAV on M- KVOIH and PHVNICAL DKHIIITV, K 11 HOH of Vol Tll k-IHAI hlM) VITAI.ITV. I FF. MAT! Kf. Iir I INr. and all DINKANKH and WrlAKNKHKKH.Ff MAM. W)'i-1cl..lh. cut; 1M InTalnarna pmaKripllom. Only ll.wl br Diall, dmbw aealdL lwarrnillr J'roirt. aa wib aadoriamania a FREE! K of tba I'roai and Toluiua- UwllrarmiaH of tha cm ti.uHtton In irain or by mall. Krt Iwat. (ml. INVIOLAIII K Hhi 111 ( V aiil ( Kit T A IV il ltK. A.l'l;" I'r. S. II. I'n'ki-r. or Tba f'tabu.ly Uadlcal luilllilta, No. 4 Uuil.mb Hi., Boaton, Uaa. Tba I'nbody Mrdlral Inailtuta baa many Iml latora, but no aqual. irnlt. 1 ha Hclanca of I.U.', or He If I'rMi-nralli'n, la a traaaura mnra Talual'l1 Ih.in iri.ld. Kt-ml H now, n,i, KMK and NKHVOI'N man, ami li-arn la ba NtKO.NH . Mnllf'tl H'ri. (CoiiyrtyhtMli Hro CoM Dimoho Bmd . Tkw hiT AhIK Hir. r.htH I 'f fi,ra-i4 rT'HA.I Hi II - U-fi Hl(. .. "1 ''. cl Ur Ly:i:i.i INTER OCEAN lluitnin v luaVii torniai "Willi M lv.f"U Ul j(dv ilo, my -Mry ,iil the ntni'r "l)"'rJl.iuitb Mily. ."1 w Ll itw'p till if nuirlu'l kuuw, Ulld !( frankly uiv uv.-mimso. . if 11, t!:jl.' vsia-vt ym lU I 'Viifcr,' f t Jib ehl'-r laily. "Iiii'-.r KxiHiet to VLyi" tiiii" wliiiu I will Ix'.io old or ta. to la a i 'illll! new tVliVJ every 'li'.y I think, of i..l tin' follii'Kilifii, Uih nioft foiiliiih fiiliv in in UiiuliaarMie nlmiild know evi'rytliiiirf. I liavti ri'iin'-iiily ln-arl el'li'ily nii'U, with u j;ie:it ii putatiuii fur windum, declare that tlioy ofti::i fi.lt huiiiiliuti-d win n tin-y reuliza'd how litlla they knew. 1 ui.urt) yon, my dear, tlmt if your lite m p;i.-iri; l until you urn tlirn' qniirtem of u century old, you will often find yourself covered with liiiinility ut tho thiiiu.-i you doa't ktiuw. Tim wiw-Ht way in to learn early in life that no hu ii m n ba. in' can know a vi rythin; there fun:, never he- too billy or too proud to ik what you wihb to know, uu l frankl to coufi'.-a your ignorance of thina. with which you are not familiar. Nuc-iimIiIii l-nioti will re-a'ia'ft you Ii-sh for it, and wi im-oi1ij will value your jii nton much mori? .'hen they find that your ut-t'-ranea-H are bailed npou actual knowl-d'i.-, and tliat you are imt ufraid or iiliaini-d to admit that you do not know." ICt-w York La du'er. a W ila-ra Draiaur Tliitn Ilia Demi Sen. A wonda-i fill la!w naiua-d Alia I'aakai him been iliMCovi-n d on the Hawaiian Hand. The wal a m ure more salt tlian tiio-e of th Dead Hen. Haiiijih-a of the wata-r Ii.'ivh brni nualyzi-d in tiiu lalmra ! yy of Oahii co'lrL'i', with ri-'-ultH of ic i ;il ,.r .-;. .veil as scientilic interest. Tim wa r, which in dry wralher ilc-posiu .ilt . aliuii'lantly, in of cour.w taturati'd orine, yet differs (.-initially from the l.riue oiit.iini'd by evaporation to batina t;.,n of ordinary pea water. Tho differ t :!- ii Htrikin'ly nhown by ineri-ly mix in.; the two clear fluid, Wliell It copiolM J. io-it iinmi'diat-ly forms of Hulphiiratu of lime, no that the mixture ulinont Ho lidili... The m-a water contains sulphate cf HK' Tii'jMa iu abundance, but Hi arcely any bin", while tin; Halt lake waters con tain chloride of calcium, lime salt, with only it ; race of sulpiiat". Li coinpiwiiiou tlie water of Ali:tnu-To;ieha-s cliwly to that of the Dead unit, i'iii; .ic-i-ilic .ilivity of the water, even at a t.-inp'Tatiire of Hi) ile. Fanreiiheit, M l..iH; at standard ti-mp'-rature it would of cour.M) be higher. The water of the D'-ad si-a is con id.Tably lighter, i!i -; i lit : gravity having l i u found by ill:).. ri nt iibiefvers to raue fr-iu l.bi (I.yai'-ii) to l.'.M'io (LavoiMi i). Tin- iimst r ..i.ii kahlai i'culiarity of th' v.ati r i i a-e( mivn iiiianlity of tne lime it car rii a. This should give it p'-a-uliar un-d-n-al virtue. Cor. Cincinnati Tunes .Si..r, i A Tplrl ! York Mlwr, A unki-n eyed old man whom I meet every uifjht that I btroll up Fifth avenue somewhere between Wabiiij,'ton njuare and Twenty-third ntrit I must have known a good fifteen yearn. He livan in a garret within a stone's throw of the Uiire, and is the owner of winch val niible pnijierty. In the early day of our uiaUaintaiics)iip I lined to eni'onnti'r him st rolling in the park munching a Fn-nch roll, crumb by crumb. This wan ::ls breakfast. If be eats auotlJer aieal it is probably of the name order. His dress is that of a vagrant, but his con Verbal i. in is that of an educated man. He is PHfia!ly h-tppy in recounting reminiscences of the New York of two gnu-rations no, and has traveled a coiiplu of miles at a time with inn to point ont vanished landmarks in which I happened to lie inta ra-sta-d. I won his reiianl early by KivinK him car fare after each aif tha-a janiitH. He potichi'd the moticy and wall;a:d back. This man U a true miner, but not a ba 'ar, though he aloa s not fcruple to iiii.sipprotinate my car far. New Yor'.c Cor. l'iilsbiirg bu'letin. V. brro I. a ll..iiii;r,l. A clerxymaii lint loiitc since olm rveil a hore j'M-key trying to t ike in a simple (.'i-ntli-iiiiin by impo-dtii; uimjii liim a lirokrii windi-d hmve for a sound otic. The parson, taking tbe Kcntlotuan asjib:, told him to be cautious of the pa-rson he was flrullng wit n. Tiie tii-iiiieiniin (V clined the purchnse, and the jiK'ka-y, a,lii!al nettled, obsTVed, "Paraoii, I bail inneh rather bear you preach than tos e you privately inti'rfere in barvtaina Ixa-twiH-n man and man iu this way." "Well," n plii'd the pArson, "if you bad been where you ouirht to have beer, last Sunday you miht have beard me preach." "Where wan that?" impiired the jockey. "In the state prison," re turui'd the del ,'yiimn. !ian Fraiicimxi Argonaut. A Itlatw In lliitliualaaui. t The denire to volunti'er evidenced dur iiiK the Chilutu excitement recallaal tiie story in a naval wardroom of certain tair oflienr. He was iu Europe wlia-n the bi Cuba trouble of a dozen or fifteen years iijro broke out. Thirsty for battle and irhiry. be ciibli-d his siTvices to the proper authoriila-s. He learni'd iintbiii froinbisiulioii till the next pay day, when ho found Ihattheaniountof the cable toll, wliii'h iu bis enthusiasm he had m-ilat-t-d ta pay, wan deilucU-d fnilu his check. -New York Times Tba Aealilaulal Dlarliaria of I'lia. A capital pun may arise by pure acci dent, as recorded in liucku'a "IJ.jk of Table Talk," A Mr. Alexan.ler Oun was dismissed f.oin a post in the cus toms at Eliulmrxh, for circulating soine falne rumor. Tiie ilismisnal is said to lave bea-u thus noted in the customs books at th" tltuaa, "A. Uun disclialgeil for inakiuK a false report." The ruby is the must expen.ive of all stone. They vary from (MX) to 7,K) st Htotin. The lini Ht pair of diamonds urn worth $i:i,(HM). Sin(,'le stones rano from f 1 ,0)0 to :t,0oo. en. ' i auti yna, GiMin. a. aliy trad. from V?""'""u. ad .,' -' MrWise Cou V"' WUo llv ' sol, Cia., for HXQ- Ilaui." . ' ' 1 nsi)ivi of Kink land Queen couu t hiAlciftsome r.-.Vt'ves, whom lieuo-a' ir J to sa e. Lai tii-or'ia maHti-r owned Tf' about i!00 anirkeys, and made from 100 to 200 bales oH cotton. Tbe Oetfia railroad had just been Complete' to Madison when Uncle "II. imp" indi'd at Madison. After the war was iver and he found himself '.ee he went to work in earnest and made money n'ht alon. fie now owuii 300 acres of laud and made thirty-four bales of cotton last year. The old man was on his way to tha scene of his childhood. He spoke of having lost $ 1,100 by the failure of a banking institution some timeaij'o. s The old man said. In a langhlrjg.xvay, that he left ei'ht hens and a rooster in Virginia when he left there, and that he was going there to look after them. He thought that he ought to have a good price for the chickens, and interest on the amimtitH from the time he left until now, which he thinks would be quite a fiico sum. Richmond State. l)iiiiiiiji-a fur Trxaa Killed by Cat. Suit has been entered in the common pla-as court by Susannah Kuch against the city to recover f 1,000 damiiga-s ub icr an unusiiul claim. She says that she is the owner of property on the northwest aide of Luvurington avenue. Upon this ground, she nays, there iu erected a handsome house, in which she ruaks ln-r ri'sidence, and the beauty of the premises, together with the value cf Hie house and ground", was much in-creasa-d by the presence of four hand some Norway maple lives planted by the plaititiif about twenty years ago. Last fall the gaspipe along Levering ton avenue commenced to leak, and through the iiexlaHjt of the city oflicialr this leak continued i.ntil last May, and the S'lil of tiie street became permeated with the k.ik, which caused the maple trei-s to die and become worthless. The plaintiff says thnt the value of herprop erty has lia-en greatly decreased by tho lo-.-. and hence the suit. I'hil.i leltiliia Tclagrapli. Hail Nail .11.' t Iu 1'irty Trara. TIktp was a inn-ting at Maseontah, Ills.. Monday, between two brothers who had not met ba-fore for npward of half ii CTi'iiiy. A well tlresMnl, aged couple alighia.'d from an evening train and in ! mi a-il Ur Sipiire K. E. Bagby, one of tiie iilde . citizens of the place. "Hois my brother," exclaimed tho old gentle man, "whom 1 hiive not seen for over fifty years." The stranger was William Bagby, a ra-tired fanner, of Harris City, White county. His. Ho left Mitscoutab about fifty years ago, mid after travel ing for some time he settled down on a farm in White comity and married, During the war be lost track of bit brotha-r ai'd supposed he wua dead. He heard from him a short time ago and de cided to visit him and his old home. William Bagby Is eighty-four years of ago and the squire is ten years his jun ior. The ag'-il wives of the brothers bad never met be-fore Monday. Exchange. Alraaily a Clanl ant Still Growing. Allegany can laoast of perhaps one of the largest boys of his age to be found in the state. His name is William 11. Wiltig, and he resides with his parents in Frost burg. He is a little over sixteen years and eight months old For the past two years he 1 as ictn pj .wing at the rale of one-half au Inch pet' . th. His height Is 0 teet 4) inches and he weighs ISO poun Is, He wears a No. 7J hat and No. 11 shoe. He baud measures inches around the knuckles wheu closed. His chest measure is 41, and his waist 41 ina:hi-9. He ha always enjoyed exi-ell t health, and sssessi-s an appe tite which would alarm most pcopie, as it calls for als.ut what would minify three ordinary laboring men at eaca maaL He lifts S.'O pounds with ease. inn young giant is still growing. i Maryland Cor. Ualtimore Sun. 1 atllag B.a.ly far Burlap. ' With the arrival of autumn Superin tendent of OariU-ners Woolaon has begun preparations for beautifying the New Vork puiaa and aqual'c4 licit Spring. The gardeners are uow setting out in cold frames 2.10, 000 pinnies and daisii-w Nearly V0.0OO tulips will be iuiportvd from Holland, and there will be the usual tiumtier of herbaceous plants. Mr. Woolson means to try next spring th dm of young ailantus trea to outain subtropical shrubbery effects. The de spised ailantns U, in its first few years, uioie beautiful in color and form than many a rare and highly prized shrub. New Vork Sou. Original I'airtlrraa. We are told that bleached cowtaili are the approved loops for heavy por tieres, and that thuir festoons are ter minated au naturul with tassnled ends. This rather startling information comes to us from au English paper, which, like all journals of that stamp, is proliflo in I bizarre schemes of action attributed solely to American women. If the American woman who has her portieres looped with bleached cowtails would re ceive her medal she must come to the front. Asyet her street and number are unknown. New Vork Sun. An old man was buried the other day at St Crepin, Franco, but was dug up soon after, as one of the bearers said he thought he heard a movement in the coffin. The old man waa fouud to have moved his hands, and be was soon re stored to consciousness aud. life. A very curious coincidence hapHned at Kawauda Falls, I'a. Five men, all strangers, met, and on being Introduced, aach was found to be John A Libsou. "rv I. ' Hv Kill,;,'.'..'. ' . . 'afClSIIor Ollai..,!,;..,. ' ' i;X?U .'"''-vousWtc ' ' ' t alia-X' IH nil reiMi-Vi,- ' Ll "Si'k, conlainiii, -iiiair.uliH ctin-V fr,.,. ut v i ' ' "' A (.oh., who uIki, Mi ., ,;," .-. r. N,le; ci'lel,,,', Aitw F- Lure, the fnu-mt ol hbiuttr ' IhitterUio;, bbort Vircfii,, t tc . - ' " Wr.H,.., ' . ) V.Suw-r,ofK,'.lu.Hter, a proiiiiiient k(.i,u-r iu ,,,-( ral. ' iiiercb.iiHliKc. una who run ytTcrnl ' I -! I : j i u wntiouH, hud (,,,,of hu liors.m bil.lly cut liild hill im ll with lariat, '1 In-wanind ri'fiiu,'dto hral. ' Tin; borne hcciiiiu- and ntilf llawwilll,ntail(ijr ci,( i ilttl-111 i'lll mid the :i'ilic;itii,iri,:Si,l-(li( ... A . friend hunili-d Suwyci Kin,,- ol llalb-r'H Unrli Wire Liiii-nient, 'tin,. nio"t wniidi'ifiil thinr ever saw to lia'-ii I hi icK woiiiuIh. JIc applied it only tlira-c tiineis iiml the liairc was ciirM;'li'i("l )ii-;ili'il. K.iiallv ffoaxl for oil Morn, ciiIh, briiHi'M, and wouikIm. ,, For H.-ih; l.y all. drujriat For l.'iine Illicit there iri nothing hctier Jliiin to Halnrata; u lbiimel cloilj with. (')iiiuiltrl;i iti'ts I'ain liabn iiiid Mud it on the .'ilfa-ctcd imi te. Ti v it iinil you w ill be sur I'ritard nt t lie 1 1 ran ii pt relief it affordu. Tin- Mime iri-iitiiinit willVurc rhau niaiiMii. For mle by I". (!. Fricke A Co. !,hr voimni-M of the Magazine be fin with tiie .Niinilicrts for June and liri i-inl.er of I'lich jeiir. hen no 'ini.. i.i h-iecilii (I. Hiilesei iptioiKS will l.i . .'ii v. tin- .S'uiiilo-r current nt tin- time aif ra ri ipi aif order. Jiiillild tl 1 1 1 ii--. of lliu.ir'H M;i;razini' for tbire ya-:irn hack, in ni'iil cloth liind i iil; vv ii I lia- m'ii I hv it i : i i I , ,o.-t jinid, on riieijit of It.I.ou j-r vadiinie. ( loth cana-.M fi'C liiinlino-,- 5( ei'iitij each- by im.il ;ni.-t iaial. ilos Norvo and I. Ivor Pills. Art am a new principle -rcoiiliit-i.iL; tin1 liver, ,iiin:i Ii iiinl liowelrti tlii nuh l'o- na-rv-v A new discovery, I r. M i le.i' l'il I: s spied ily cure biliou sness bad laste, torpid liver, pilcH ."onstipat ion. I ' nn na I'd for men wi in.-. i, .'hildr. :i, siiinllcbt. iiiidt'Ht Sl.rct! fill ilosrM, 'Joe. Sntlipleii free ,'t F. r. Fricke A Co'. "The foremost of our periodical." COKKASDIHO IVEET GKEA1 CENTRE OF THOUGHT A!TI ACTtnir i - 'Xs' Vu Illuitratadprsaaat tui wilt bs seat to 25 casta. IB SDWUf AINOLO, Tits Tnarw litha moat Instnicfrm. tha moat tlma-ly. tha largait swl tha tiandaoma-at of the ryTlyw The three irrcut irjoups of mib jectH out of the eoniins pear will be impartially nsa inctructively die-CUHMi-al by Iheulih'Ht writer's; I. I'olil i-, I xutiji-i-t h urowin out of the ure-iideiitial caiiipaiyne. l- Financial disturbance here iinil abroad. ill. heoiofiical unrest- witliall the Hocial (pieftioiiH HUjr tVi hteal by these j;roUp of rcat top ies. Tha-re it no aillo-r w.ay w!i reby one may iel ihe ripest information about the ,'ia-at prohla-nis of the tin.e wiihiii so narrow a coinpnnn or i ir o ,- lti.-i!! a emu -shnrt spiilien !( ori ai siil jecls by more than bun a!ra- I o the foremost incii aud woni raof tin" world; because there its amlv em- Anii-rienn periodical for w h'eh all Ihe creat h-ailers of opin ion anal of thought write, and that is I Hi-l I'aih'l M. Tiie Iii-ii iiili. r liiiiiihcr for exam ple eentains: l)ei;ri-ibition bv I'en-t-iam - -The I'l'iitest ofl.oyal Volllll trei H, bv lii-iiteiiiuit Allen tf. Koote I'ounderi-r of the Society of Ixiycl Voliinteers; The Meanintr; of the Ueniocrutii- Victory iu Massaclm bi tls, by ( lov. Win. p;. K'iihscII; French feelinar taiwurd Germany; AnotSer C inlliet iibout Ilsnce- I.o riiine I iieAitabb', by CammiHe I'el-la-tan, nieniba-r of the French Chiim berof Ueputies; Should tne Silver Law of 1V) he repcalcdi' by Jacob II. SchitT one of the must successful mid in New York; In Modern ICdu-. cation ii Failure': by F'redriek Har rison, the cri'fit Fnglisli essayist Unreguluti'd Competition self-destructive, by Abbice F. Walker, Chairman of the Wentern Truflic Assocint ion: Woiueu's Clubs, the Volume ami the Viilual of their Work, by Alice II. Khine; A Day With Loral Teniiisou, by Sir Wil 1 i :i in Arnold. And live olhaT arti cles. C There ore now in progress discuu sions of our yensiou system; 1'rison Mnmieiiieiit; The Trainiiio; of Teochers; The l.oiiisianiiu Lottery The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Are Modern Fdiu utionul Mat lere h failure: rule a copv. $Ti a year. TIIF; FORI M, Union Siunre, N. Y- w!2iHM r. . 1 3 ''t.i mm of urn f nily. Quickly. Permanently Restored. rstiinrsi, Nrrvnnsrtir. llrbllltr. and til tli tr.tin ( evil fmiii erljr rnirtttirlctarxcMfs tli- r ".iIl of (iTorw.jrh, nn htipmi. wnrrjr,ui. l'tHI tffi fit., rtvt')ipnii,nt, and uma iiitcn it) sTry Olei. nd Mrlln of Ut hi-xly. hlmitlo, nntaml Bn'iln-Juitni'liRii ltnirfireinfnt ti'n. Failure ltii- Mi'1 vmi ri fs?i, nisi. iliM.lr, ttiplsujitUvue i.4 (.-i-ilt. Ii.iIih1 ! ( i ,'rs3. A1'1rwsi LHIG iV.b0lOAt. CO., BUFFALO, H. i