The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 22, 1891, Image 2

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irel tn .
The IIkka
-ion, came in i.
t V t' Ir-Sl l'''Kel relay.
i in
-Arrangement!, haXi been
. o tender them a reception
cording a Iarjfe number.
i Kuesm utmemblpd at the
, .'inrn. M.,t
?. Fifth
' v:i.'
- TV
Ccloar..- j '
whi,h fa 1 -a
railr.,!,, Win ti,o I
littlo In about t
length. In the cr,rx
4 .-.Ll VI .1, ..,
tnnud line ww co,.s.,u, j,,
1 H.irir M '
H Ui-i h '
H. t i
I. . ; "Mil' W
I i"o;iy, fine yi'' t, !n '''i- ..'.. ..
S ..y, wit year. ut in wtvatiin..,
to Coiiy. u i'W Hit. I .I'l'iiiiCB ...
Vi.U cpy, tlnvf m-mh-. In vlvmce.
fc.a cup ar.c - ir In hItsuic
'r r -y A rcu;r .......
I )ue cuny, p. r in. mil-
...81 '"
... 100
.... 75
. . 40
,.. in
T U i ; S D A Y, I) I-C KM I ' K R ' ,T
IT i nnnoucl iit Wiirbin-ton
that SpeakiT Crirp will announce
the coinniitt'-i'H Wednesday.
iTis Hiiti'iiimed from Wii-b'm:;-ton
that tlf'iipretiif court l-ctin
in the Hoyd Tliay.-r confi-Ht will l.o
handed down to il iy.
v-jjirr,.,- ten
A in ViiiUi; of Viiein
larger, while the tiu'.joriiy
l-nm . imi to ci 'h iv.clwl
are ma I oi n'ui; u .i ........
ioulv HI Indiana, t!l'w lu.ii
there w.T.; fro.n ity ''venty
tlakex (lrtavhe-1 tvoii. each i..:C in
order is f-.:?!'.!."' it.
"ihe larjrent find of fl"t imple
tm ntu Hiade in oih" place heretofore
in America did not exceed 1.W0
specimenw In one of the caverns
occupied by primitive man in c.the
valley of the Seine, below l'uria, 2,
implements were found in one
deposit." A it is reasonable to con
dude that nearlj one day' work
wis expended on each implement,
and ii each one exhibiti nlmoft
abrtidute perfection an far an flint
Chipping in coticcrnecl. the find
will be of special value to ethnolo
gical research.
I'1'1" 'tU' - : v. rv bad. c.i.-iirdly bx atl.e
w. '. " i!. V i.m 1 not tdeeu iH'.
";d (o walk the tloor. I pun n.i-fo
i w Iy1- C ream Halm and am usiu it
I .. , le. it is xviirWiiiiT A riire surely.
' t , ! have d vised several im-iius u
'' iKoit, and with happy result m
I Tevery case. It i the medicine
VJi above all other for catarrh, nod it
1 .1 ft All'""
, i i s f liAi.i)
.i 11 r i i.l I)
I'ur'MIl llli.l tiU'.M "
I . Inhf OiMihtt'laL ali'k II . itAl.l
,lt Ol-Citll u.' IIH1M 1
IT lla( been stated that President
Harrison contemplates restoring
tin" duty upon su-ar. tea anl coffee
'iiiiiMi.r f'lirn li liiuntrie whieji
have no! availrd them-elves of t!it
Mi Kildey hill.
X MIC- l""et suar industry has
been stimulaled by the ."VKinley
law but if the d-uiocratic paper
were laboring for tl.e yood of the
people thisshoul 1 not- deter them
from supportine; the move.
Til:-: de.'lara'io-is of the silver
miners' convention-' in favor of the
free coinage of nilver will not di.'
turb the republicans. Their fide! it
to the 1'ju-cetit doll ir has nevei
l.,.,.n niiestintieil in the taJt llii'l It
will not be in the futar-.
CIT-s l tl r."v.
II. rW Ion;; cjfb-e w.-jt in tis Htnon
ea.-teni natioim before being iiitrodnecd
into Enrojw; is tint known. Aljeziri Al
bainbali, a noted Arabic ntlmr, ntati
that it was firt made kn.wii Hlnnit tTl'
of the li-rira, and so quickly fii'l cuffi e
holie s and l-xitlis multiply throughout
A . abia tliat the (,'ovenimeiit never J
tinaM mailt- n'reiniDiis attftnpls) to tmp
preM tli- m, fearing tln'y would lead tiiu
pwple into idleies.
N -it wit'ii-taieliiithi'sHefforts, the'Vof
ft haiii:" t'sik siieii a firm lioid on the
-ojiie that the l veraf wan madf and
di.oik In secret. Tliey even went lon'
iliance into the il 'sert and there pre
p.ire.I thf h-iluetive eone'tcti'iii without of iii'il.-ialiiTi.
Ho'tie pious M'lhammetl.itu thought it
niidit be ineliel'd iHiniii',' the intoxi
cating s-vera'e. fnrhiildeii by the Koran,
but Alhamlmii. in an able pamphlet en
titled "The Support of IiiietO'iicf,"
proved that it wi not in the prohibitory
ts-ctlon if tlmtb"ok. As a coiiMjueucn
he followers of the prophet once mora
ret irlied to the nehhts. of Cotfec. Iw
tr n'. I'tiy.
Cuaranteed Cure
We authorize ouradvertiseddru
In sell l)r. Kinir'n New I)
very for Consumption. Coughs
and folds, upon this condition.
If you tire nflicted with a couuh.
Cold or anv lainj:, Throat, or Chest,
trouble, uiid will use this remedy a
directed, (.'iviiifr 't a trial, and
experience "... o; !:'.. yt.-a )' r. l lira
the bottle and have jour money
refunded. We could not make thi
otfer did we not know that Dr.
Kine New Discovery could relied
on. It never disappoint. Trial
bottle free at V. Fricke tV Co
l).i..r Slnre. Laiee Ki.e aJ-, IBl
Holidny Ih.
The H.AM, will sell round trip
tickets on Dec. '.'I. lia and jl to sta
tion not over -'i mih-s distant at
rate a follows:
In Nebraska South Dakota find
Wyoming one and one-third fare.
In Colorado and Kan-as one fare.
In selling from a point in Kan
huh or Colorado to a point in Ne
braska or vice versa, aeeuts will use
rate of fare am! a third for the en
tire distance regardless of rate- ap
plying in the tbllcreii'. -tales- tl
A Million Friends
A friend in need is a fried indeed,
and not less than one million peo
ple have found ju-t r-ui ha friend in
l)r Kin:'' Nt i v. Din-overy lor coii-
mitMi.iiiin. ri.iii'li-. and rolde.--lf
)ou never have ti.-ed this ureal
eoii'-h meilicine, one trial will con
vince vim that it has wonderful cur
ative tiowers In iill Hi-eases oi tin
tliroat cliest and lunes. Kadi bot
tle is tiuarantei-d to do nil that is
claimed or nionev will he refunded
Trial bottle bee at F. i. I rick" A
loyl.K IX -
A rOPI llK KAM1I.T. '
Jmir: "Mow H I Kte, tl.nt j 'WT
M-m tn ' cuteh ,rtv mm ""''"
tat ! t:,s. ou noi.tji - -
of me ,. , A . i An m
Air.. ; - , . t,
fil, tl'lt illli t'
l"li '
in .1 M'W rrcnlha.
I r is not -tirpri -inC to -re
ratio papers oppose ibe I
ivb'n-ion of the feet s'.i'ir
try. It woul 1 not true
-t record if it di 1 not
Co' driiysto
and fl.Oi.
every mov m
courage Amer
ut caculate 1 to
r;i indu-dries., .
to it-
Tin; opinion is prevailing in dem-
ociatic circles that (ien. I'nlmer
will be chosen a the democratic
utandard bearer ill ''.'1. Senator
Olitt YYimml.'t Itrrtllllln lltilirs.
A lovt '.y woman win wan talking with
a friend one il.tV about the tljoymentrt.
i . ii, t i.ii-ii u and lKHr'at lies of child-
i..k,-1. h.ii-l: ine Mi.i--nns i cnuuieu
a a child were more acute than any
I have knowa in later yean, aud tii
i-aii!e,t rememhraiife I have of
llio-- f ir away times are of the bedtium
hour-t, w'nen my mot'ner tat by our bedn
in that low roofed chauils-r and taught
1H the nmg tw wintf as a child, told
ries, some t which were of her chllu-
h'ssi, while others were conjured op in
her own head. Some of the we-Ut
hymns and uicred Htorien I learnd then,
and there ever comes to ine when 1 close
We have
about thr
comine ?d,
bund 1
Tin nun ' :
ipiirii s lb
I ' act r m
is. that win i e o
us,-, it in ve, t.
Mont;;oiliery, A:
corah. I.iwa.
Win- I i .-!
I lab . n r iii,
ileatlav v
cbari '. 1
matter. T' 1
be i-c
s Cream I l.llill
, and ha. e i
: ii, ore
:.-. i C.t. f
v.i r to nor i
. -t remedy t!.
i;.r t .v pel i .
- i i ii t i 1 . 11 ' '
... .. . j.
I ! N'Vi-t", .
is worth its weight in old. I thank
lUidlhave found a remedy 1 can
e with safety and that doe all
tint is claimed for it. It i,; citrine;
,1 II . ...J.-.. 11-let
ii v deatness.- li.. w . l'eiy, ....-
ford, Conn.
I. liter
: 1UA. M.
--- I'liil'' t tin-r-tt . ill., Lstwefti
Kilih .ml sixiii. riiii'f"1"), ."'
Hrr ': Vti-Ht no m :.Ti. . huliUay
hclimil a' i Um, lth b' ui'ilii lioi,.
,oov .I'.itnrr l..rnst n.l Kli-litli His.
m-i-v!-i ini.riiiiM! i-vri lux
Calumny pint or. Suml.iJ !""
KeiseofAL.-St. Dike's Clitifh. rnrner Tliitil
and Ine. m-v. II n. , i'"-'"1- ,
vires : it A. M T ;'f eiimlay .Sclnsil
aiaiaor. n.
(.HUMAN Mftiiupist ( anifr mkui ri- ana
(ir-.inlu-. lisv. inn. rair. nriiiiTvii..
nuil I :;' I-. M. auuilay School 10 :. A. n.
'KI'.siiVTI'iilA'.-"frli-es In iii-w cliurrti.Piir-
i r SKtli and iritnue . in , "",
p;iier. Miiiiliiy-sc'-.nil at ;''; J'leaclili.K
,., m n ru.
Tlir . It. V C. K "I ibl rliurrh nu'el evry
staVle and fancy
' ' . t . . . .... ii i 1 1 1
lof (ample, )"H "" l"M " "s 'J
Siililmtli i-vi'-nliiK lit 1 . :l In Hie I'liteinent el
ll'it- cliiii'ili. Ali'aie iiivtlfJ to atlt-nU tliff
FntsT MrTHOiusT.-Slxtli ft , hettton Msln
aial IV HI I. ev. I., r. nriu. '. '. -".
-i-rvcs : 11 A m.. : r. M Siinilio seli'Hil
-:A M. I'lBVrrinscili g eliifslay even-tir-
.. . .
(Jkiivan 1'iirsiiVTKniAN. CnniT .vain Run
IHlll. I.'i-V VMIIe, I' tlOT. nei vict-i u"l
Imiir'.. Sinitlnv rliool :t :.m A. M.
Sw Khl-M ' oveiinnrinsAi.-tirHiiiif, nr-
toeen I lllli ""it sulh.
CeMOtrn luin-i-.-"It. nnvs, o:,k. wiitii
I .-Hill Hint l..fflllll, lle. A nofll. lv
l.n. . nun ll a in. nn'17 -ti u. in. i'M)rr
ii.i t tiui: w i itiii Mtity e f an i;
y.,l mi HVs CimikTlAV AnKoelATltiv-
tiii.riilll Half wall Mni'k, MlllII Mleet.
...i , I,, i' (or tiifu olilv. i-s.-rv Si. let 'V i'.f-
ti i Hi I i'i liti k. I!i i- "I'l'ii ' k !.
Ir s . a. in .to : ' V- "-
seiril I'AUK TAI'.KItVACl.K l!"V. .1. M
i -hmI, I ie,t tr. -tvi'-n: Sum 'iy f ' I'""1
k in. : I r-i.H-lt ir. II in. at-tl i I'- m.
!,tM" iii.-fiH-t' 'I iin'i-) lei'lii ; .r.v
n;c I ll.Uv Mi:hl. Aliliri' wi-lrulne.
of the Public Solicited.
North Sixth Street, Plattmouth.
f ?ll1-"'T-'-i"V
without any
r : ., .'nt;. eori.ii.b .. 77-
Itll MNMII t'l
.. Il Initio il "'
rnlert.iiii U-a....l..llJ t ' " "
1-. ...... i,,, A.-, out 111 li-HMI.OWIIl,
UK Ml I II 1 ... - , " .
vnetel me. In ytttir i.nyunn '" .
Wln ...i let ml of 5'"1"- lnl-ri"'"n
nii never to Ihot-ity.
Vkiii. .K'lllllt". I'M! -
' - inidn nn II . ...f
inn vuit -t MhiU ' BIH
tuu in k , , (l,i.iWtt -
know jiim wiiHi..p " . ' urn U.t
month y
r rt l!!frmiiitii.
Palrl up r;)ilal
,. lil.iJ.0i'
rsthf vsnr tiot fasllltlM tot Cie t.roii:;
tr tnrartlnii of llitltlniulo
SWHKT S) tt.m.
NKdllS id- 1YTII1AS i.aunti.t i..-if
so. 17 M"t' en ry "i'"'")
e r Ii to in I rtiini'if a i nin ne"-.
mi K UtaetitK ar. finli i iy n.v tr.1 1 Hit'-ml
C.C. Wilill. t '.C; I'ttVfJ.K. It .
I. .
1 ,
I'almer has n stron-r constitution
and there i little doubt that he I my eyen a faint picture of my devoted
would bear well the inglorious 1 mother hitting there in the twilight. I
defeat the nominee will sustain.
THE member of the republican
party are practically united upon
every great question of public con
cern. A to preference for a presi-
dential candidate, there can be said
to be but little difference, lllait.e
and Harrison repreent the true
blue republican sentiment and the
retiublicann will be perfectly satis-
fie 1 with either.
IT is expected that Cotixress
Hryan will ret a place upon tl.e
ways and mean committee. The
f.ce trade congress-man will find it
n.-i es-ary to modify hi views on
the tarilf question if he mec's the
exitect.itions id the speaker. Mr,
Crisp is oppo
A'U'. i . u
d to the re'ical of the
o. tin- xuiy-tltlllion
of a tarilf for revenue mea-ure
If has become ifeiier.illx fettled
that Wm. Springer will be aj
pointed chairiuan of the wax s and
means committee and hi. I'. liland,
chairman of cuinmittee on coinage
If this program be curried out the
legitimite re-ults of (he election ol
Speaker Crisp will be realized. It
is plainly evident th it the majority
in the democratic party in con
gresf, expect 4 hint to Iopt no
radical tarilf policy. The seclection
of liland tn shape a coinage bill is
a strong indication that Mr. Cri-p
does not regfet his vote iu the la-t
cougre-rs til favor of tree coinage
and that lie desires to put such a
bill though the house and succeed
in cortiora! iir; it ill the democratic
platform in
think thn only r-an that the dorknesa
had no terrori) for me wu that it Dearly
alwaya cam while she waA with n. Thu
oiind of tier voice di-;elled all fear; il
atiMMiiatt-d with tt-nuerest Words,
weetest lullaby, aofteat gosl Light."
Anna P. Payne in New England Hums-
Art In Trlllnc Mr.
Telling the truth is an art, bnt not
nearly ho difficult hu art a telling lie.
It ia within reach of any man a power,
If lis will take time and pain, to relate
v,. tion-r that is. It take a man of im
agination and ftroi.2 ini-mory u nnng
forth th" thing that is not IVsidea, the
liar cannot carry hU lie all over the
world r.nd back to th creation; at noine
point or other le must piece it on to the
ni.iversid truth, atal to do that neatly lie
rnti-t ne n go .'l wo-'Kmiin, n il mis i
ttdy part .f the gn-att-r pie!ion as to
vi. e and virtue gi-nernuy. x intie l ior
all who love it ; in ord :r to In-come an
.ooo.ti.lii d v,',laiti a until must have
natural njitittal". carefr.l trainin and
immense power of nniiheation, and at
any time the villian may ls ruined, a a
villain. Iv the unexiscted coming to
life of conscience. All the Year Hound,
SilYrr Dollar 67 Mllr lllfth.
T'.m lie,;,rv ruauls i silver by
wevjliitu it . wnicli i part of wisdom, iu
view of the fact tnat a man, counting at
the 'ate of ii'SI dollar piece per minute
fteadilv for eight hour per day, Sun
i!a inehi l-d, would 1 kept busy for
ct.n oilepilily over eleveu year.
Pi!-1 one. ii.n tiie other, thef 100.000
() in the treriKtiry would attain
height of T" mile, and placed ide by
tide the? would ca'Ts-t a room 50 feet
wid t and nearlv 21 mile long. DavW
. Weil in Harper's Weekly.
Will you fuller with Oveprpsia
and Liver Complaint'.' hihli'n il-
liwr i gtiaraiiti i d to ctne jou. I
Happy Hcoiiora.
Win. T. no: I' 'ni"io I I li.villi'. ii. l..
wrtle : "Hei lor -.i'"-i lirt- ilnne ne re !
If llita fell olh'-r liirilii'ilie ei'lilhlliftl, lor tlil
l.nd fffl liL' arl-:iit lo. hi hell" y Itial Liver
tp-ulilf." Julin l.f-!if , (umit ne. Mfkin,iii,
of Miuif tlrf , ty. : "KiihI Kift'tne liait-r to
bfltlu li.t tlilm-V ami lTi r iiit-ni'-ii.f , inane
me feel like a i.en man." .1. W li:e
barjstire me rrlianl. itanif ttmn. t-ays 1 "M'-e-
tdf hlllein l Jlol tin- llillij! I"r a n ..111 li If
all run d"wn ami den 1 ran- lietlit-r lie tin !
dlr : he ftsit'tt ' irenuMi, iret apifilti
nil ti ll Jnt likf lie li .il a in ii-.eie on 1.0'
Oi l) ic, a bottle at F. Ii. Frlekf Ii '' firnn
Slor. t
I'mler the direction of I'rof. I'ut
naiu, Chief of the Department of
Kthnology. of the World' Colum
bian KxpoMitiim, a party of men
ha been making extensive cxravn
tionsof the pre historic mound in
Ohio and Indiana, and Hceording
hi report, received from time to
limr. most lrratitvinir miccef ha
heeii met with. Many skull, ekele
lions, copper hatchets, pipe, orua
inents. altar of burnt clay weigh
inir im to .! pounds, Hud spear
l,..r,U t ie . have been set tired.
In one inoiMid, situated near
Andir-totl Station, Indiana.
Hint spear heads and knives were
dieoxercd. The bulk was so gt. a:
that it took four horse find a birgi
,11 Ito.
I), V
r. W.. Veil" (Sr-t rin.l tlilnl Kifi-
ilia-ol fi" ll linm ll at A 'l It '
kwoi.k'ik 1 r-.iik. ViMiiil yea, M. IX
l.,it-pio. I'.foriier.
St.'fkt tmtln,K"ll lti,vefli"""d '! It""' e
MUtieii tneii'lil mill lil. pHioilli rtei iv
in. i mien-nt ailosfil on llm n itiin' r
a iiia iira'.n, ii' Id a:iy fi'l -a
' i it-il soc.e aial ail Itie mH'PImI l-n-
'.jiel. t-
i.rcrioin mao A m i i i-.ovi-riv hkvu
TKO U.flHlt markft t.TI'f f 'I I'" ' "'li'ty W,.'
tuM, male n eiiiii '"ma-.
, ilHKrlul;.4
Jr!m K ;::ra;d V. h . 'till
sa'ii WaukH. '' hl'H
ieorre K. Po. y
'.tin KIOKirV"!-'ti.
Krt-lilent ' '
l.ut ohnt
P-ally (nriii.lie inn nudinf f-r u. wj M a fj
hu u-In. 1.1 : lailHr ! I'l'i""' 7
that he has uikcn lor year., s he sar "
," . more atvl Is lier In !......- hi
the iili)t-l ol he day I '' nn iher my
that It ia Pint that niuk-l li-r
h .t per- I" di. t, w" all '"' 1
the only really M-ns';" t'; ''j
. we nine nt lor ni'l.ito( a.l o "' '".
aminn.l that on" In 'l (" in'-". n-""-r ad
for wonien. another for .1 "' -nly.
while tint .nn milt everv one oi n . mi mm
T. ' ...... i.. ...a,. ...,. I, ,..,,! o( MM-rnl. and
lilt I t 1 'I I" inae . . I- tvH.rel t-et'iv feint - t''r '
o.llv f'" il ear. eerna ''. . - -t,K.
I..l. Ii. my t-n.1-: h'K I "'a!
,mrs.or. iH .i. r e..ll. e.'...1 hue,,.- o - V '-h-ier.
W. .Ii'iitiina sinortt. It Ijwi i'n
Hn-t. Voik. ..r a ftnC'lf ' !')
hull ahntv, ,-.,,-,;.'r llmt 1 h o "
a Kretl r.t...r: una msv i-you ! HK
laZ',.L vo.l ,. we fnoe I he r.',..l.Oon of
beinii I lie 1t il,(i.rn,-l (n.nllv n ''"' ''
that I- ... II la' iniir Mk.ojo
Uut d.K IU"
A fiberal ofler -only -'-
Tin-: wri.Tr.Y mi.kai.d
and VMii.n-t I'.imil; Me giitlf.
Send your siib-t i iplloii P thi
! i
i X
' . 1'. Iirown
'ii-t .f.ii d ted I .
In tl.e me Mil :C ii. .
K .1. Moi.'iai. :
No si
ll il.iv if'iii:-
,i, U...-I: I Ll' fk
Cientleinen would not use "Hltih
of Iv'osch" if it was a paint or pow
der, of course not. It i clear us
water, no pediment to lid the pore
f the skin. It mission i to heal,
cleanse and purify the complexion
of every imperfection, and insure
ever y lady and gentleman a clean,
smooth complexion. Ndd Pvtl. tl
Snyder. Price " cents.
ll VI...'
, i:" V IM -fa i .ie h , "t r '
1 1 . r j ." to
li, ;.! Il.-iiry
ii s-.-r.-loi.
11 V
.11 No
it ..( . ii:
ii 1 -t.U - I-,
.-rt h ir l i
i- t
e, ll i i I
Scientific Amerlc9
Agfncy frt
ii.-ii.: i, ii.-t.-iii
ii. lo-.i
l ,-S I HULK. Xii IH .I 11. 0. Y. tl" t f--.
ine. it .y M. ht Hi Hell tail In tlVi1 '
'..K-k. Ail o,. I !-.''!. are root at!) invlied
'.4-.ev,l, Oi I'e Cty. J I'O
V. d.S. w. I'.iiil.e. s-rn tary 1 ,
. l ' '- k uveMi, .
'--r TPtr. KIAK, (' .. J
V 'N.$ cortymci'Ts, .to. f I
Tor !-'nrmMlnn and fri tlin.f f j V .
MI NN k CO. nil 111'. Ml '" ,'' J
f, ...l l.iiirau f .r a-itr.iK i'i'' " " '" ( ill
erT t.i'ft l tt "1 OJl I u ir " "W, I I t
l. ealiuc f gitmt Uut ! t 4- t I
r u Ir l. ' g I
n im . i " ' e j f
ur in...ito.i Tl .
...nint AMr. Ml t.x ' O.
run .'tor: ti. sk:
1rfl rtrtsi'llntl n( nr xSenl
fci.ri l. Sn .Mli ih.mld la.
i'LuLialltUa,a',l UluwlwaT. frm ""-
Oijittal utofk tttd In "'"
Atithoriznd Capital, IIOO.OOO
Prexldent. Vtce-rrsft l.-le
W. H. CironiSO. Cfbler.
'rank Carrii'h J. A. (finnnr, Y. K. ;tti i
I. W. JnhitMin. Henry Btwk, Job O'Keete
W. I). Mernam. Wm. Weteneamp. W.
H. ClltlilnR,
A C'J'
Kran'r. (' I :
T.T., f".
io, wife ' ;
bt.v : I ..I
:i ' : 1: i. 'I
bt f r. r . ' 1
Ik. v."S
f.-ic. ' :. be-
but 1 .
pill O '. t
,lsal.' ', i'
J I ri "I I'll till
am.' J...i , -
lameness. ..
bv Ir. O. Fricl.
f r P
i i
f l iirc' il. I"d
, '. M r. I'ii sou.
'r. ' ni the f ice
I ( ' ;:i:il erl;.iu s
: . r- "t supriee
:l I, .! d
i ' i tti-r. n
i. i ;
ii'- .' ill tie ;si-itt hfrt'U Interert j
Hum aim aelif final roiinty and I
SC. 1 j
to in r v
Uo b r
I used lvly' Cit am lialm for dry proved a curt'. II. J'. .''1.
eek, Denver.
Kly'a Cream iJilm is fspecially
ailapted a a n im by fur catanli
whicli : ag-gravated by aik.ilme
hist and dry winds. W. A. Hover,
Iruggit, Denver.
lean recommend Fly's Cream Ila!
to all eutlerer from dry catarrh
fiom peron I experience. Michael
Iferr, I'harm cist. Denver.
Kl)' Cream Halm ha cured
many case of catarrh. It is in con
starit detiiHud. eo. V. limit
Pharmacist, Cheyenne, Wy.
Tl.e l'ea of the award.
Tie- ne to which the nword La been
Dut set-in to have les-n almost a varit
i;s it 'l -arance. when we recall th
anecdote told of Clinrl-tiintfne, wlw Raid,
aa lie used the Jailnlut-1 of III Wold to
put li it etatnp on tieatie, "I cign thetn
with tins end, and with tin) oilier l win
take ear tout tli-y are kept." KaU
Fie Id's Washit.gtoii.
Her lluhl.y'a Tratlilne-
Friend Why ln you get married ao
toon after the death of your husband?
Widow My dear, if there wa any
on thing that my lr dead and gone
husband insisted ujh.ii. in season and
out, it was tlait I should never put off
till tomorrow what I could do Vxlay.
New 1'ork W Iy.
It . rio-.v su.'.'.-sted that many dwell
ing 'noil'' fir. a caused by lamp exjilie
si iiisiiiiiii; is averted by lit-j.lig rwunt' of
Die on' vast a in the rs ma tilled
with nu il, to that it won! I Is always at
' I tmilv f , IHe III else of lier"l.
'l l'.-laws of h. altb aee taught in
the M'boids; l iit not in ;i way to be
of much practical benefit nut! are
never illustrated by living 'example
which in many mifht easily
be done. If muiic n l.oi:it. who
bad iiist contiacltfl a cold, xvn
brought (ii fore th. "'innl, so that
all could bear the !n , loud l ough
mid know il siniliciiiice ; e. e the
thin white coaling on the tongue
and latter, n the ctdd devcloied,
see the profuse watery expectora
tion ami thin watery dischuroe
from the nose, not one of them
would ever forirct what the first
symptoms of a cold were. The
scholar hhould then be given
Chamberlain's Cough Kcmcdy free
Iv. that all might see that even
revere cold could be cured in one
f.r two day, or at least greatly miti
iratfd. xvben troperlv triat.-d n
etion v the brst symploni uppt-ar.
Thi remedy in f.miou fur it
cure of cough, cnbli and croup
It is maile cpecciallv for t'.iesi
disease and i the most promt I mid
most reliable medicine known for
the pun. o ne. . cent bottle for sale
by !-.. I I itl.e .V Co..
AM' ;
i ". ft with the rem ty ci-i "111 le j
.r..n .ly atti nil.-d t j
latlsmoiilh. - - .Nebraska
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A locg-tcsted pain reliever.
Its u.-c is almost universal hy the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Mrs- Raiser, i.J by every one requirinj aa effective
'o other ?pp!i':at':ort comp.ires with it in efficacy.
v.'ci:-Vi.'-.n rwacd has stood the test of years il.r.Gr:
No medicine client is complete without a bottle of Musta.u
Occasiorn orie for it tie almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it
Everything to Furnish Your House.
. at :
Having itirt-li:i-sfl th'1 l. V. Wccklnwh w (.n south t
Main rlrcet wlicri' I am no-.v lofalcJ can K-H chcatif
crtlianthc choapc-t having just put in tlic 1 tr-i Mod'
of now ooiln ever brought to the city. (Ja-olin,. ,v
ami furniture of all lund hoM on tlic iu-tallmt ut j,
I VV A PI .Tr hs
X. I IJJ11I I J." J ,
01 rTLi-
U f .;,. t ;