1 - i - jh ' m mwiiiMiiiinni mill n mi n iniiininiiMeaiL n imi u 11 iw ' --., ' ... " . . - - 3 : tHli Mill mi 3 lA;flliftiiJil I Tlie Full rwpectiu of Notah'e I'nturri for l"2 or..; Article bit teen written xprenlr fur ll. coming volume I? " )-''l 1 The ld:;t rion. V. H. GaJst.n;:. - Coont fc:' ' t...-.s.::; ' The Marquis of l.orne. J-.intin McCarVty, M.P. i- ' "f ' I' -Henry Clews. - V-wSl Vcrcstt!:an. - V.'.- Ga''c UlcI!. - T.' " Camilla L'rao.-.V.rS. Hon-;' 5'r.!oy, .v..- 0:q,- Tks Volume, for v. ill Co: .tain Nine l!!ustr.-.lfJ e.-Ia! Stories. 100 Clo..-..-. c.f A.::.Cjre. T:-.o De?t 5!-.ri rior'es. Articles of lYcctrcs! Advice. ELr'cne cf Travel. Hint; c:i Seii-Cutatlon. CJhiipsca of Royally. Pcpai.nr Sclents ArtLIcs. I ;-:.,'.; Articles. Jaliwoy Life and Adventure. C.iuniiiii? Crcajs Paze iVal-:-: JL'jio.y I;.:;,trs. 700 Lu:.e rei. Five Drills Holiday NunV.itrs. Illustrated VceViy C'.-pr.'crncr.n. .''e.-irly ip-vi I"untrntions. j cf R0S8S." V will UDHCH," lia tend tu, f lumber Yard -'5 THE OLD RELIABLE. C A. Mil .j Shingle, Lath, 8anh, 'J Joors, Blinds 'jtapplj ctctw demaml of the city. , CU nd Kt wriin. Fourth tret ;l in rear of ocrs liotm-. J LIB Ahejry boeck j T Leading J URNITURE DEALER 4 . 1 i a hi n i i 2 - iUNDERTAKR. n keeps on hml eTerjthln f Y Ton "" 'urniih jour Iioum. i . .4 , .... " I mout - Neb if 1 ..'W.fJ aS 1 m For AtchiiiHon, St. Johci1), Ix-avcn-worth, Katmaa City, St. Ixni. and oil points north, eimt south or wt st. Tick ets aold and bug. gage checked t o a n y point in ' . the ; f ' United i '. States or Cnmidn. For INFORMATION AS TO KATKS AND ROUTKS V - Call'at Depot or address C. TOWXHKM), , O. P. A. St. Louis, M. ii J.XL 1'iiiM.ii'i'i, A. O. P. A. Omnhn.. J). Apoah. Agt., PiattHmouth. , Telephone, 77. fE AT II A EKE T V. II. KLLKNI1AUM, Prop. 4 y he be"of fresh meat nlwnys found ' in this market. AlfO fresh llgH and Hutter. Wild jrame of nil kinds kept in their seaHou. ' Meat vaxsf a . . , FREE TO OAK. I, iUC,. Te New faherrlhi-r who will rat am nnd irrd r i; '.- - and ndilre.. and fil.7.1 we wltt netj Tlie Co: .;: Ir.n '. : n and Mr a Fall Year f.im chnt I'sIp. Till 04U r h:r!! tiiriNH, ciiki.xt.ua . ! ,:v. v...:'.;. .. . arail a cH-'r eft ticimiOil -!ri: nradavrlnn !: rout ;w(J"-r f.tJ.T, cr I. The Youth H'3 CCWPANiON, I" THE WEEKLY STILL CONTINUES The Most Popular Family Newspaper in the West IT 13 TH2 BEST NEWSPAPER FOB THE HOME .-. .-. THE WORKSHOP, or THE BUSINESS OFFICE. tor THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE WOEKINGMAN. on THE POLITICIAN. IT 13 A prPOBT.ICAN HrWBPAPrn. anl an ucb II ably conductad, numbering amona lu witor t'. abiunt in tna country. Ii p'lbiiarrui ALL. Til i; N t Wd. nal luioua i jt ruaisri pertectly posted oa iniLHjr Uti.t wV..r.t;; .-.11 ever b9 world. In I.I ri Iv ah Y ri'.IUHL.i am roiinl to thoa ot tha bl rtiBoazlnea. Amonrjlt(.ontrltutorar. W. D IIOWI lib, I II A N UK BltJCKTUN.MUH. I'KANCI.a IKJW'ill'JN HUKN1TT, MAHK TWAIN. Hlf IT H A UTI.. M A U KICL 1 HOMl'HON, A W. TuUHOi:E HkI'I BTLfifJTU tJTI.VI NuON, KUU. Y AWD KIl'LINU, liHIRI,rr DAKK. M AH V HAK'XWILI. CATI1I HWOUI). JOl:l. UHNuui:H IIARI.'Ia. e-d ri'""- othnra ot BoONU LIILHAK J FAME. ItwlU Uiua ba an Uiat 1UC INlTR UCliAN puninoM THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE, IU POHEION tod DOkftOTIo CO R H r;HPONDENCE II Tary arUmlTa Qd Ui LMt. The Youth'. Dcpartmut, Curiiwity (Simp. Woman's Kingdom t The noma Ara Dattar tban a Masazlna !ot tba Famllr . Ona of ttta Most Important Faaturaa Ii tha DoDartmeat ot FARM AND FARMERS, rMltal by rX-OOV. W. T. HOAPn ot Wlaujnnln. TAItnr and Prorrletor ol "Iio irrl s lairymaa." Toll la a naw latura aod aa Important onatoAan cuituxiau. AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT ITaalorvnnpindfr)rtha tpiclnl purpooa of dlicuaslng tbaQaaitlom now ajlUUtiO tr.u far aiufta of Uivcounuy. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN Is One Dollar per Year, postnstn paid. THE .-. SEMI-WEEKLY .. INTER .-. OCEAN Ii publlabad avary atonday and Tburaday at $ 2.00 cor yaar, poatpald The DAILY INTER OCEAN xa $G.0O pffAJft aid ThO SUN DAY INTER OCEAN aOO r5E?AT,eAAiD Llbaral Tarma to AoUya Aoonta. Band for Bampla Copy. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea wltile in the eerviee, httve since been permanent ly cured of. it by Chaiinbcrlain'B Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Rem edy. For sale by F. O. Fricke Sc Co. Are you made miserable by indi- ffesUon, constipation, dir.ineHS. oss of appetite, yellow skin'f Shi loh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. B ANK OF CASS COUNTY Cor Main and Fifth itrrat. tald up capital vi o , Hirplm M " I OFFICERS ! 0. II. Taniala 1'rMliteiit I rd (Hirder Vlca fr-lil-ml I. M, ritcriin f'miii-ll A-t t'-lil.T ! T. M. I'tttternin, DIRECTORS I J. II. Hariri, .1. M rsttemnn, Fred Onriler, A, H. Hmlth, It. It. Wliidliain, H. H. Kuni.ej and I T. M .i'alleiMin 1 GENEKIL iJANXINC. BUSINESS Aflcouiiu aollrltntt. tnlert-it aJlewad tlui 1iimIU wxl prompt u.-ntluiilvn to all hu itieM tiii'nutpit to 111 care. PERKINS-HOUSE, 217. 21!), 221 and 2!.1 Msln 8f., Plattsmouth Nebraska R. M B0N3, Prupristor, I he Per klua ' hit Iweu thoMiitflilj funoTted from top to lntt.ii an aow one of the bit hoti-li in thr atatr Boardun will be taken by the w.wk at 14.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED Chamborlain'a Eye and Ban Ointment A pertain rnn tot ChrcmVo Sore Eye, Totter, Bait ltbeon. Scald lluad, Old Chronio Boroi, Fever Sorct, Ectema, Itch, PBairio Bcmtxbea, Sort Nipple and Piaos. It U cooling Mul aooUilng. Uundrodsofoaeos bave boon cured by It after all other troatmeut Lad failod. It U put op In 23 and 00 cent boxed. z-ffv t?rw Iff HnU, Tlir ii.. HNL Nt ' IHO'Mr. T1 f'ai I l..l.. .'. ,n.l h. I 4lr..... (l tax. "m I. ti Ulrwi. 11 . n V, ..n,... f,' !., ,. .. .,, r .iii a ii Liki itt- i -r:; '.. pi '";, r' i.i V'. Held. . Ir. f.y:a:..i Alibott. " ; ,i : 'i :o .: i. r -1 iSC tti.j CtS! .if '-f rt. J f.S -..v.. ,1 73 rm n psNCSSntD""nCUREO bat. b1tt brj. CftaM. I ,..Uni: -"-.111 Mb, r. Hliai,l , CDC Ob 4 ImMnf, . I.rk. Wtitf tut k .( rttlU HAIR BALSAM hi nn Mat frvVTiv lo Ii-wor otj vr i , J.-fc.J Cuj-m lmm inuuiii voi or. I tTivr'9iiiur ff.i.ui. ii . il.. "'( t.Hl,J V.r-k I Ui'. iMu.. .hMlin, l'MA,'lft UlllUM. 'CU. HlrVDEWCORNS. Th. uii( k.. kwk. al bruifU, wr 111M.OX a CU, A. I. CjKATKUI- COMFORTING HRIiAKFAST "Itys th'Tiiueh k-i"wlnlira nf til" ri'iiriil lawn will 'll K'Hern Hie dp." .ntln "I illtreit'ull a id inilrillon. aua I')' eureini aji li'.illnii '"I a .r"tiMrliHii itl w.'ti iM-i..'i-' ; I ''oe. Mr. I np iiiin (n'.iM "l icir hri-sKI i-t i:iin r. I. CI II IVMP'.I l.'V'"VT' r ll"ll inny V in many II ni v .I'X-l'ir' lil:la. Il l lv Ilia JikIIo I'UH llv n nle'll arlli'le. e .lli't til 't a rcill lliltl mi inny he Kr.nl il il !y Imllt n until trnii( rniiiiuli l. r'il-t every t riileriev til rltMW. llici.limlK of s'lliil' TH'Imllet tirv tl. ill Ins ariiii.i.l im rf plv '. I ii'l'l n-f"r li-rn i s we nil it. niiy ee.i'S limsv a ti t il itliitfl lv knfli( 1irviva oi'll fur lllfd with pur.i Iiidii i and n iriirly nunriilird traiim."--Civil , -nri (iiiult. MhI'mi ninnly witli ti.iilliil! a.iUM-nrtmil.. K..M .niiy la lialf-lMemit On. tl, iffi-erlS 'libelled lllllrt .1 A M Kn KI'M !' i lliiinir'iimtlilnl'hTnM LuiiUon. KiikIiu d How Lost! How Regained! KKOVTHYSEIF. Or HKI.r-r,KK''KKVATfN. Anrw and only (iold Vlnlnl I'1U K KHHAV on fi K It V(M 1 M and I'HIKHAt, HKHIIITV, K It HOKS nf VOI'TII.RIRAt STr U VITALITV, I'RK M ATI II H lif t LINK, and ail MNEAHKS and WEAKNI'.SHKBof MAN. aw patroa, oloUi, tilt; 1S InoiuabM praacrisiona. Only II.MI by BiaiL, oraihw sraltid. iMarniHlT i'roaiiacU m with aiidoriamanla rnrPI SEND of tha I'm. and yoiumary -KI V I tnw IraiirnnnUit of tha eurrd. I lla.fc.1 nUW. iuuaulutira In ir"n or by mall. Kipwt trrau mit. INVIOLAHI.K hf Cllf.vr and t'KK. TAIN C't'ltr;. A'Mw !' VV. Il, prkr. o I,. f'aatxHly kadical Inatllula, No. 4 Uulllw-b Hi., Unaioo, Maaa. , , Tba I'aaiiody afrdlcal Imllluu bat many unl tatnr, bnt na oal. JtrtiM. 'I lia tfclaiioa vl l.llu, or ttolf Preaortitllon, U Irnaaura tnara yalaaMr llion rld. Urad It oow, ararr WKtKHd NKHVOI S man, and Iraro 10 ba 8'TKO.NU- MiiiU'il Knuw. tt'opyrlgbiadJ RrD Cwts T dlMOHO flMVlJ i. .1.I7 . r, ml. I'm '. I:c,,ual r ' t. . ' " ' ' '' T INTER OCEAN Itrll ' ; ' ' ' - - . . ' ' ..,., Sl.lt. ii , . C'..l'T i " . ' t i .' a. YARNS JfUOUT THUJbl STORIP3 ABOUT LIFE IN AN AL mU'if UNKNOWN CUUNIMT riv. A ll. el SI Idil III AaU Tlmt tractad Miwiy Alilti 4'lilimaa Ntnry ri-Snnu Itrmarkuhla Aou Stranija Uolnga lu Chlnraa Wrl(fili. A enrions collection of factsr respect ing Thilx't, an representr l'by vari ous Cliinese authors and travelers, has been Diado by Mr. VVoodville Kix khill, who lias himself explored that uiysleri Otis country of middle Asia. On New Year's day at the capital city, Lh'asa, there begins a season of festivity. One of the entertainments is culled the "Spectacle of tho Flying Spirits." The perjjrmers stretch sn enormously large rorVjiade of hide all the way from tlie toj w the bottom of Mount Potjtia; then thr fasten grooved blocks of wood to their chests and sail down the line like so many swallows. On top of this same mountain dwells the popo of the Budd hist religion, who is called the tain lama. Uo is also the incarnation of the god which chiefly protects mankind. On the 3ot Ii of the mouth there is an other great sport when the king of the devils is driven away. A priest is chosen to play tho part of the tale lama, uinl a layman, selected for his wit and activity, taki-s the role of the demon. The latter Hncars his face with Muck and wiiite paint, and goes lie fore the pretended tale liiiua lor the purpose of mocking him. The two have an argument on religion, the iiie of which is finally referred by mutual agni'iit'iit to a ca-t of dice. The io dice nre very birfr.nes, about tlie size of apples, but tli'MPu r fiend lias no i-liow at all in the gamble, for his die is hi. ink on every side, while the lama's has tho highest number on each of its faces. In Thibet, as in Christian coun tries, it is always laudable to defraud the devil. I! ing Is-aten, tho king of the devils is frightened and runs away, with all the K-ople after him, firing guns and cannon, so that ho is obliged to hide at length in a hole in tho mountain, where provisions have previously been placed to feed him for a few days while he remains in con cealment. There are nearly as many demons in Thibet as there are human inhabitants, and the priests or "lamns" are kept very busy exorcising them, be cause otherwise they would swarm every where and do no end of mischief. POWF.B OIT THE TRIKSTS. If any one is sick or annoyed in any way the devils are responsible, and the only sensible thing is to go and hiro a priest to frighten them off. For this purjsise the lama reads aloud from the sacred writings, blows a horn made from a human thigh bone, ts als a drum manufactured out of two human hkulls. rings a ls-11 and tells over a rotary of disk shaped beads cut out of human skulls. The lamns also do a largo business in fortune telling. Sometimes they ascer Uiu the fates with barleycorns; at others they burn sheep bones for the same purpose or gazo into bowls of water. According to one author there is a very astonishing curiosity in Thibet in tlie shape of a plant that flies. It re sembles a dog in shupe, is the color of a tortoise shell and is very tame. If lions or elephants see it they are frightened, "hence it U the king of beasts.'1 There Is a kind of black doukey which can cope in fight with the tiger. On the icy peaks of the Himalayas, sayt this imagi native writer, titer is a "snow maggot," resembling the silkworm in appearance and weighing nearly a pound. It is ex cellent to cut, but too much of it will make one bleed at tho nose. Seventy li from Lh'asa is a convent on top of a hill, and a great hole full of white clay that is good to eat As fast as the clay is eaten more takes its place. Behind tlie convent is a largo luko, and evildtxir who go near always tumhlo into it. The Thili-tana used to cast Buddhas in copper, and the smaller they were tho more they were worth. POUTKNKSS IS TIlliiKT. Chinese philosophers say that manners differ every hundred li of distance, and customs are no longer the same every thousand li. Thus the ways of the Thils'tana vary, but in most parts it is Haul for a woman gains to se a priivt to smear her face with molasses. . If this is not done it is said that she is try ing to captivate the luina by her comeli ness an unpardonable crime. A sign of jsiliteness on meeting a person is to hold up the class;d hands and stick out the tongue. When a man dies one-half of his property goes to charity and the other half to the latnas. His family gets nothing. One of tie writers quoted observes thut in case of death the corpse is tied tip with the head between the knets, and suspended in a rawhide bag from the rafters. A few days late it is taken to the corpse cutter's place, where it is tied to a post. The flesh Is then cut off and given to dogs and the botiei crushed lu a stone mortar and made up with grain into balls, which are also thrown to dogs and vultures. Both these moth oils of burial are considered highly de sirable. For small misdemeanors men and women are stripped and beaten in the market place. Great criminals are bound with roH-s and whipped with raw bide lusher. If tills does uot persuade them to avow their guilt boiling buttor is poured on their chests. Supposing that they still protest their innocence, they are suffocated with water or splint ers are driven uudcr their nails. Wash ington Star. Mar binary lias Affaolad all Sboainakar A man callod a shoemaker thirty yean ago made shoes; today, except in rare cases, ha makes only a part of a shoe as he labors in some factory guiding one or the other of the numerous labor saving machines, and is kuown as a better, Wilder, cyeletcr, heeler, luster, pegger, stitcher, trimmer, filler, cutter or drenser. What Is true of the shiVmaking trade is true of other trades. St. Louis Jlepub-Itc. wltU A '''"ill ntaiuIoW e a Wlvil0:1A Imrley tl, Lluit ti:k' VtMTI -mmu". v.1 Uia tuna of- M: Mnrtt-' linn of tlie HtirlinirtDh ditch, niim luik'i uurttiwiHt of I)-nT"r. 'Ths fcirluy hud been liuRfd, nnd the bags ftood piled n; in a tield nomo dintanee troin Mumford'i bouse. Junt at dunk a founj fellow who whs taking a short tfilt acroKH the field saw four men at H-ork loading th sielig of barley into rwo wagons thut stood ontside the field Two of tlie mon wera carrying the sacks to tha fence and throwing them over and ths other two were loading the wag ns. IlewHin saw that they were not flnmford'a farm hands. Mumford's oon won id have driven tho wagons into Ate fields, and tiesides, they would bs rhry strange arm hands indoed that rotild work with tho diperat hnsta trith. which thece mon were working. The young fellow went at first to Mnmfiird's htmise and told him of what as going on. J. 8. Foster, a neighbor ing farmer, was called in, and soon six aien were got together, all armed, an Hiey started out on horseback lo catch tho barley thieves. Tho night v;ts dark and cloudy, and at was iuiiMMliie to see any distant, but I Ihiy rodo in tlie dirtrtion of tho place vhirre the hurley was stacked, and toon j Hiey could hear the voices of tho men at ' work, it was inijo!-ililH to see any- ' Tiling, and a consultation as held to try I tt deeidu tin' n st way to go uhout tlie ' s!ij)ttin. Whilo the six horsemen were j a' h'-r"(l in a group, talking in low ' tunes together, a tlah of lightning from t'ne cloudy i,l;y lit up tho Ih.ld. it dis posed a iiiuii wilh a barley sack iiihiii ' im shouhler not fifteen feet away, and 1'ik at haml the two wagons, with the Either three men at work. One of tho aorsenien, slmnst as quick as tho flash ing lightning, pulled his weapon and iok aim, and before darkness once more iid the scenn a shot from his jiistol rang rut upon the air. Tins was the signal fur a general fusillade that filled tha lark night with flashing pistol shotH. The thieves returned the horsemen'i L-h, and the horsemen kept it up until fiieir ammunition was exhausted. Tlia Ttdy aim for either si lo was the (lashing iistol shots of the others, so that not much damage was done. None of the horsemen were hurt While the firintf was going on the wagons were heard iriving off, the drivers whipping up Hieir horses in a furiona tray, it was evident that tho two men oiitsido tho fc ijco had fled and left their companions to take the ronserpicnces of their acts, ft'hen the tiring ceased, the six horse men made a search for the remaining men, but they could not be found, They kad fled in the darkness. An examina tion of tho barley hags showed that a great many of them had been tiiken, and Itio horsemen at once went in pursuit of Hie wagons. About half a mile away they found tbo wagons, but the horses and mon were gone. Tlie wagons were half filled with ,irks of barley, and a number of wapty hags were found with the marks of a Deliver firm upon them, so that it seems probable that tho thieves came from this eity. Tho wagons are now at Mr. Mum ford'i place waiting for an owner. In the morning an examination was made of the field where the shooting took place, A trail of blood was found lend ing to the fence, bnt there it was lost. The attempted robbery alarmed the eigh boring farmers, and an examination was made, which resulted in the discov ery that seventy-two sacks of wheat which cno of tho fanners had stored in distant field had disappeared It Is enp posed that the thieves were the same nes who tried to steal Mumford'i bar ley. Denver Republican. Itlibup llroukt' Way with Children. No one who has seen Dr. Brooks with children is likely to forgot his "way with Ihcm." Sterner persoi s say that he make them behave very badly, and possibly In jealousy, others have called him fonder of youngsters than of grown people. No objection is heard from the children. They look midgets, indeed, on those knees, high and broad, in which two schooU of churchmanship figur atively meet. Is it foolish to imagine that the new bishop's visitations will gain some of their power over mothers 6t least tbr"'ii'h his extremely happy intercourse with the children? However literally true it may lie, surely the story of Dr. Brooks going to a poor woman's rooms am keeping the children out of mischief while she went to church tells something of his spirit. And the story loses none of its point when one reflects that the wouiuu could not hear one ot her visitor's sermons. Harper's Weekly. Talent Leather and Patent Calf.' While many may apply the tenc "patent leather" to all kinds of enamel leather, still, strictly speaking, it is only nsed in tho harness trade and in the cheapest grade of shoes, while patent ralf Is tho material from which fine shoes are made. Only the very finest calfskins are used, the e.iamel being Ap plied after the skin has been through a long course of treatment and all the stretch taken therefrom, and is, there fore much more durable than patent leather, which is made usually from cow hides. Shoe and Leather Facta The Allanthoa Tree. The first ailanthus trees grown in America were brought from the far east and planted in the garden of Burns' cof fee house on lower Broadway, oppobite Bowling gree'i, New York. They were much admired by the New York beaux and belles of seventy-five years ago, from which the conclusion is drawn that fashions . in odors also change. Ex change, r' . One Way of Putting a Spell oa Enemies. It was a custom in the time of Catha rine do Medici to make fignres of wax and tuolt them slowly before the fire or stab them with mwdlei, In order to bring suffering to enemies. This operation Was called putting a spell upon them. L. I'opoff in Popular Scieure Monthly. 'altt tt ''a A rtusband'a W , IiiihiniiKlH too otten it! ' nnd jinrentu their cliildre',,' '' from lieadsirtir, ddjaine-',, S ' .dlecplciie.KH, r.t,J,ervo'lL,n, . . . when-. uy.,t!w n v... Httir:tti'e I'rtn. '"H". ... ... ,. ..,.. . .v .HUlU COlWl eiltilly i. pCI'KH,. , ,1'fevet imivcrHnl witiffuctiti.. ..v... , 'i iLirirj v t I it.-.. ' , . . , i imitiriiH pale. OU(W..-..-l. . : of Fort Wiiviic. r,i . t v-o. Svroi'liM.' X. Y I (' v..ir W. lr .""'. .Mich.; mid hundreds of others"' "It in the RreateH feller thev A '' i mipw, ii ctMlitiniA no UDmir-ii T- bottles nnd line book on fyvrvi'v' " dirieune, free at V. G. FriVe, &C( - Wonderfuj ' K. W. Sawyer, MMrt"chcKter, Wis, a proinitit'iit denier in general incrcliHiHliHofiiiid who runs ecveral peddlirtR' wvip'oiia, hud one of hiu hornas hndly cut and burned with a lariat. ' The wound refused to heal. The Jiorse bcc.-mie lame nnd 8tiff iiuwwiHiftiHliiitr; careful attention nnd the npplicnt ion of remedies. A friend handed Sawyer Home of Ildllcr'n liai I) Wire Liiiftiicnt, the moHt wonderful thinr ever huw to lii-iil Pitch wotttidM. Jle np)lied it only three time and tlie wore was completed healed. Kitally jjood for nil e(irn, cittrv, hrusef, and wounds!. For F.ile l.y all tlnryrjj'ist For lame heller than cloMi will) li.ilm and I buck there tsi ntithinff to Maturate a llannel C'l'iinilieilaiiiV 1'uin hid it on the (ilice'.eri part.-. Try il and you will be utir jn iHi'dat tlie pi'dinpt relict it aifordH. i lie name treatment will cure rliait mat ism. For Kile by I", (i. Fricke? A Co. I The volinncH of the Magazine be 1 iin ith the NnniliciH for June and l)i eenilier of ( ach year. When no I time i." fpecilied. FtihfcriptioiiH will i In fill with the Number c urrent at the time of receipt of order. Hound I (iIiiiiich of Harper's) Magazine for three earn back, in neat cloth hind iny will be fcnt bv mail, pout-paid, I ' . . I ll 'ltVl - I on receipt oi ..is; per volume. Cloth cani'H for binding, 50 cents1 each-by mail post paid. 'nilos Nerve andXiver fills. Act on a new principle rcffulat Inir the liver, Ktomreh nnd bowels thr'-.itfrh the nervH. A new difeovery. li'. MileH' Hills speedily cure biliott- ncHH bad taste, torpid liver, piles fxinstipat ion. I'neipialed for men women, children, Hma'IcHt, mideft Htin'fit! I") doHiH, 'Sic. Samplea free !t F. O. Fricke & Co'b. Tho foremost of our periodicals." COYHAIfDISa XVEET GEEAt CENTRE 07 THOUGHT ARI ACTION IK THE WOBLD. J, ttumpla copy will llluitriltdproipt tut lll ba aant lot 2Sctnta. an sewnt AuoLO. 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