4: n CF A VAk ,-iS5" 13 NOT BY ANY MEANS V'ur . . . . . nc uinitP AIM IN LIFE. . " Tooth .'l, cdrr . Oblljatloa to ... ItaU- Oth.ra or to I Oth.ra Ie. pyi tha Snrtlty of h. Soul aad , . , t war. of Suparftuoaa FrI.oda. - 4 t,flVr?,,,om xir - Willinm eiay: S,t win 3")a dt ,5r th Tur lives? . Vl.o are cl.lr. who have lived luuir- 1 "tlf llllc.l l,f ..... .. J k, " u you noyt ana not the .jvict y ffc.IKor ,nd iryf11 .V B-ant-i.-.t WI,..u Island trappers ue whole of la this Bt-c- Tiri' -i . a philosopher, "thcnfcn. ,nicVt., know it. jast as I mlM rJtJi no one were to j -" uorf or cotniaocplacs focept need Dot be opened here. Yet there is one word of couiifvI which now more than ever in this Paan aire of denial and democracy ought to be spoken to the youth of America. Be yourselves, and never abandon yonr noble aspira tions! Yon cannot live in abwlute Independ ence of the worl'L You niust have affiliations with other persons. But it is not im'K-rative that those affiliations should be numerous, and yon have it within yonr power to make them select. You are under no obligation to imitate others or to do as others do. Yon on'ht never to permit yonr minds to be inundated with the igno rance, the crudity and the vapid chatter of commonplace persons. Do not too much reverence the pant. Old bnrdens that have rolled from the shoulders of weary and dying men and women should not be taken up again by yon. It is yonr life that yon must lire; it is not theirs; and now that they rest from their labors, let their works follow them, Neither most you suppose yourselves en joined to assume the burdens that other iKiaona have created in the present day. AVOID TOO If ANT FRIENDS. Let those attend to grievances who have tbem, and do not allow your spirits to be dejected, yonr hopes darkened and your lives encumbered with the vices, the errors, the follies and the weakness of failures and of fools. It is, no doubt, pitiable and deplorable that failures and fools should exist and sufTer; but they musff not be permitted, merely because they exist and suffer, to draif you also into failure and folly. Respect the sanc tity of your souls, and beware of super fluous contact with other lives. For it is only the temporary and the expedient that is gTegarions. In every great moment of life in every time of insight or inspiration or crisis the hu man being is alone. The object of edu cation, therefore, should be the develop ment and building of an original, noble, adequate character not simply a prep aration for industrial pursuits, but aa armament for everlasting life. The occupations of this world, how. ver important, are transitory. The soul of man is immortal Other views, I am aware, are commonly entertained. Peo ple who claim to be practical but are only narrow arc never weary ef declar ing that education innst be sensible and not vlnionary. An effort to worry the public mind on this snbject is a part of the er-ant activity of the complacent man of busiurns, all the world over, and lias been so, at iriodic Intervals, for many years. I r'tn-uiber its pernicious existence lonir the jalons sneer at what was called "bxi learning," as opposed to what was railed practical knowledge of j attaint; ue-amng thereby cotton, iron, coal, the Stuck exchange and the He vised btatutes. BOMB BNKF.R AT EDUCATION. Not long since in 1MD0, in the news papers of New York that epidemic of mean coturnorpiii'A c.nmt forth with un common virulence, and virions individ ual, iu every cane poosesHud of more wealth than sense, apprised us that cholantic training is superfluous, bo it ii.T.s to fars::h an ejijniit wholly in excess of what is requisite for bnsfness. My dear old friend, William Warren, the comedian, ned to tell, in his inimit able way, a story about a pompous tradesman of the conventional kind, who onre was addressing the pupils at a Sunday school. "I knew a little boy," lie said, "who always obeyed his mother, always Traiht-J his face in th morning, always came early to Sunday school, never stole an apple. Ami where do yon think that gwd boy is now?" To this inquiry a small voice piped out an auswer, "'In heaven, sir." "Xo, sir," tried the disgusted orator, "not in heaven! lie's in a store!" That is the mental drift of those ene mies of the higher education. To their minds the chief end of man is to get him self employed in a store. They are what Joseph Jefferson calls "the selfish made men of our time." Certainly the fact is aignificant that the sensitive feeling is all on one side. Educated men are not worried. If education has not always given them wealth, it has given them blossings that no prodigality of 'wealth can buy, and by this token they know that the prov ince of education is not to train yonng jicople for business, but to embark them np"ii lifit of which business is only an incident. The tent wisdom of the wis et of mankind has always taught that lesson. Make yonr business tributary to your mind, and tmt yt.r.r mind subservient to your buMiie. New York Tribune. Mauu ovvt i,r Horn. Whnrrvcr i, The professional l who at one time coi, the white iiihabitau: lion are becoming o f.-,w tlw.t a real old time Military w m-Uniau who pluuges into the f.iret and divests himself of human companionship is becomhlg a rare m;;ht. Joe Thom.i is one of the best examples that remain of these men, and a study of his characteristics U In tt resting. Thomas is a man of about forty. He is slightly below medium height and is not heavily built. Ii appears like a full bltsxled negro, although he say thut his mother wa a half breed Indian. He has sparse, tightly curled whisker and does i.t It'lattMmouth !,.. ' : Bt CarrutU & Son's. ' , , jt The conutv romruinsi ' , i Vasa and the court.liouse f . The SchildkntHht Bhoestorefj "tile Clias ?iehrinfr, an einpIo-e ul the Hliopa, is takinj; a lay off.iiwiujr to a severe attick of the la fcrippe, P. P. Lee has junt finielied jxtiui ing work in Yhitin, Iowa, and re turned !to riattamouth for the winter. Agent Apffar'a mother departed yeHterday for Aew Jersey, called thither by the eerioun illnres of relatives. ua; ime a r,;mroa and a sitgnty m.in among coons and deer. Thomai follows as near the h!o of the red man I as any one can ia these days, and has an . Christmas eve I antipathy to human society, though b Is nothing of a mi-'aHthrope, ana talks well to any one who questions him. In the summer time Thomas works at whatever he can get to do about the cities in this vicinity and through to Ohio. When the squirrel season opens be is in Ohio, and puts in the first few weeks of the autumn shooting squirrel. As the deer season opens, he emigrates northward, and for the re-t of the win ter lives the life of the solitary hunter, shunning human habitations and sleep ing in the wood in the most irich-uieiit weather. His domestic outfit consists of a tent, blankets and a small stove, and he declares that he is more contented in the woods than he would be in town. When the night is cold he lights bis fire, chains his dog op in the tent and sleeps. While the der run, Hopkins follows them tirelessly, and when night over takes him on the trail he lies down in the woods to sleep, confident that the deer is as tired as he and will not move during the night unless disturbed, and in the morning will te so stiff that the second -t's chase will be a compara tively easy matter. After the deer season is over Thomas start fur the open, and traps iknnkand otter and all other f nr bearing animals The several churches in the city have begun to mike nrrang;cinciitH or the appropriate observance of The little daughter, oi Mr. and Mrn. D. McIIugh, who hu3 been quite ttick some time ia reported much better to-duv. Mr. anil Mrs. nciijaiuiti Gannon a id daughter, HesMle, of Malvern, lowsi, are viMiting the family of U. McIIiigh, ul this city. Mrs. J. M. St hnellbiuker filed a petition with Judge liamsfy to-tlay, praying that 1'. J. IhiHCti be Hp pointed administrator of the relate. M. B. Murphy aupplicd thin office with nt'WH papers lnt evening con taining the report of the Mis.-ouri improvement convention in full, f r which helms our thanks. The bell attachment for the court house clock hatt arrived and been placed in poHiion in the cupalo. It was purchased of the Mcncely Bell Co., of Troy. Nf-w York, at a cost of t-IJO. It weighs 1,3'iO pound. Tt was tested this morning and the tone produced was clear, antl loud. The clock work ban not yet been for the rest of the winter. At all times he is n-aily in case old Zip Coon comes racking around, and his dog he alleges to be one of the best coon dogs in the country. The animal is a liver and whit hound, slightly larger than a fox hound, and with no more fat on him than is required to grease his joints. Thonias said that the dug got him more than fifty dollars' worth of coonskius in one season, and he would not part with him for three times that amount Joe tells a story to illustrate the sagacity of the dog. He says that one winter the dog tred a coon in a big tree. Joe always carries -,"""",s. , uy in l j non oi i"ir. i. runner, a ire. no louowea me coon ont on a merctiant of (nhralt ir, X. C was no branch and shook him off. and he heard badly nlllicted with rheumatism for him squeal aa the dog nabbed him. I year or more, as to be tinahle to When Joe got to the bottom of the tn ! work or P ' cliool. His father there was no coon in sight and no d.g. concliil-tI to try Chamberlain's ii. v.,.i v, A .r. a ii.. j r. i Tain Halm on the liov. It soon - - J - r i.ii. iv , . i t finished but is under construction. As noon ns finished it will be placed in position. Soma Foolish Paopla allow a cough to run until it gets bey mil the reach of medicine. 1 hey fay, -Oh, it will wear away," but in moet ca it wear tliem away. Could they be induced to try the eucresful Kemp's HaUam, which is aold o i a positive guar antee to cure, they would see the excellent t flVct after taking the first does. Price Vc ami f I. Trail hize tree. At all druggists. him; the dog came ont of the boshes a moment and tlien ran back. Jue fol lowed and found that the dog was run ning around a skunk, keeping it from going into its IioIh. Mr. Dog did not want to interview the skunk closely, but the skunk was not sure of that, and ho kept bis eye on the dog, circling around, and the dog was gradually getting him away from his hole. Joe killed the skunk, bnt he could find no trace of the coon, and concluded that the dog bad lost it. , The next morning he reproved the dog, saying: " lou didn t do nght about that coon last night; yon lost him. Now yon go get him. I he dog looked cured him and he has finer walked one arid a half miles to school and bark every school day. Tdl cent bot tle for sale by F. G. F-irke & Co., druggist. ashamed and moved off. Joe followed him, ami they went back to the place where the trouble occurred on the pre vious night. A'U-r noting around a while the dog nnburied tiie coon from where be had buried it, having been afraid to leave it while he went after the skunk, so he buried it, leaving Ujo Uii sticking out of the snow so he could find it again. Some one asked Thomas if he was not afraid that the bears would eat him some night. He said thai the vtny thing that '! him mail was that the bears kent away from him and didn't give biin'a chance. Joe says that the houses are getting altogether too thick, and when he metis np with a lions he wants to get as far away from it as he can and aa quick as he can. Oil City Derrick, I have been a great MiffenT from catarrh for ovs-r ten years' had it very bad, could hardly wreathe. Some nights I could not sleep and hud to walk ti e door. I purchased Hy' Cream Halm and am using it freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advie-d eeveral friends to use it, and wi;h happy results in every case. It ia the medicine above all other for catarrh, and it i wo; Ii its weitrhl in irold. I thank kind of 'Got! I have found a remedy I can use with safety ami that tloes nil that is claimed ,'or it. It is curing my deafness. H. W. f perry, Hart f rd, Conn. to t'hapr In tlio K.nd. Boutton Ko you are not going honsekifpitig when you get married I)e Boiird'-r No. We shall take board for a year. "Isn't that rather an extravagant way to begin?" "Not at all. I deire my wife to study economy of my laudlady. Then we will start housekeeping, and I will make her an allowance of as much a week as we paid for board." "What do yon think will be the re sult?" "Well, by the time we are old she ought to have about a million.' New York Weekly. Holiday Pi'ii. The H.AM, will sill round trip tickets on IVc. 1M, Z and i-l to sta tions not over miies distant at rates as follows: In Nebraska South Dakota and Wyoming one and one third fare. In Colorado hii1 Kansas one fare. Jr, arllinir from a point in Kan sas or Colorado to a point in Ne braska or vice versa, agents wiii use rate of fare and a third for the en tire diet. nice regardless of rate ap plying in the ililteren t stntes- tf FlurnU tif SsTrral Word. Kniht errant is not written es one word, and net-d not be even connected with a hyphen indi-ed, is not so gener ally. Tiiefi-f. re thfl plural, of course, is knights errant. Inkers on is not o: word. One1 that usage has soldered two words. Met re -idtaeit word will form if pluial with a final s. The plural ot Ixotjack i-t tut Usit-jai'k. Nuba and J"1'TI'-S. ., Tim Toads la Icaiand. Tree toads are in big demand by young doctors and chemists, who are amicus to learn something of the circulation t.f the blood. The tree toad has legs that are almost transparent. The young doc tor takes the leg, spreads it out under a microscoix) and can see the blood cor puscles chasing each other here and there in the veins of the leg of the toad. We sell hundreds of tree toads for this purpos" every month. Interview in New York World. A Cure fcr ParaNsls. Frank Cornelius, of I'urcrll,' I rid Ter., ni): "I im'uci d Mr. Pin-on whose w ife had paralysis in the face to buy a l-ottle of Chamberlain's Pain U.ilni. Jo their great Kiiprirf before the bottle had yll been used she wiih a great deal better, llei face bud been drawn to one side: but the Pain Halm relieved ail pain and soreness, nnd the mouth assumed its natural shape." It is also a certain cure for rheumatism lame back, sprains swellings nnd lameness, fill cent bodies for sale by F. G. Frit ke A Co., Druggists. Deserving traaa We desire to say to the citizens, that for years we have been Helling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Dr. King's New Life Pills Hurhlen's Arnica Slave and Klectric Hitters, and have never handled remedies that n il as well, or that have given until universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antel them every lime, and we stand ready to refund the purchase pi ice, if satisafactory resnllsdo not follow there there uae. These reindies have won there grant popularity purely on therr merits F. G. Fricke A Co Druggists. Cut to lie Tkrn Mteratlj. "Is it your opinion," said the theolog ical professor, "that the portion of the parable w ha h represents the prodigal son ns feeding among swine is to be taken literally?" '"Perhaps not," tin; thoughtful yonng man replied; "maybe it Is s. reference to the ni'als he s? st a railway lunch rotinter." WVhirgtt.n Kt-ir. As well ns the handsomest and others tire invited to cull on any druggist nnd get free a trial bottle of Kemp's H.inam for the Throat nnii;i. lings, a reiuedy that is nelliug entirely upon iu merit's) and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic ami acute roughs, asthma bronchitis and consumption. J.urge bodies TiOc and Jl. Wnt-i-An active. n-l li!f mm-Misty S7 In J"d tii' iitli y. o'lli in. ri--f n . ... m ' i eti n'inii a MOlJi-e. -rfi'fr)S-t Bei 1M5, Na k'ui t! API Kill I HKH, Ltll'k prF"u-tr Win. iii i, m mtrtrltr.m.-im m . .. .. . - i. j , . L'-Ii-'-"? " i ; "r.""'"!!, "i"-'-1")-" .' 'T I'T.t' '. JT-fa.' .'. " " " "" ,.u-' . J" ". ". "' TO -QLOSE BCJYiGRS 1 1 BEAK IN MIND THAT 0 T CA.IST SAV EY OU LOHTnr OVEfGORTS &m SUITS, FOR XtET BOYS FOR T.I-SS MONEY THAN EVER HEARD OF BEFORE Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc- at Jobbers Prices It will pay you to come fifty miles to trade with TOE Who will show you tetter makes, quality and for less money than you can buy west of Cliiciigo. A CHILD CAN IWY AS CHEAP AS A MAN JOE Elas Onl3r One .Frlco, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. I rA We have hold YAy'n Cream Balm about three years, and have re commended its use iu more than a hundred special cases of catarrh. The unanimous answer to out in quiries is, "I t'a the best miirdy that I have ever used." Our experience is, that where parties continued its use, it never fails lo cure. J. II. Montgomery, 4 Co., Druists, De corah, Iowa. When I bean using Fly's Cream Halm my catairh was so bad I had headache the whole time and dis charged a large amount of filthy matter. That has nlumst entirely disappeared and have not hud head ache science.- J. Summers, Stcphney, Conn. fde )r. A Million Friend A friend in need is a fried indeed, and not less than one million iico- Ic have found just such a friend in rving a Aew Discovery lor con sumption, toughs, and colda. If you never have used this emit eolith medicine, one trial willcon vince you that it has wonderful cur ative powers in all diseases of the throat chest and lungH. Each bot tle is guaranteed to do all that is riaimen in immcji w ill S.c refunded Trial bottle free at F. (i. Fricke A Co's drugstore. Large bottles Tiilc nnd fl.OO. Cientlemen would not use "Blush of Roses" if it was a paint or pow der, of course not. It is clear as wuter, no sediment to till the porrs if Hm-skin. Its mission is to heal, cleanse and urify the rompleilon of every imperfection, and insures ever j lady and gentleman a clean, smooth complexion. Sdd byO. II Snyder. Price 73 cents. Will you sutler witn Dyspepsia iin l.iver complaint? Mn'oh s Vit slider is guaranlerd tu cure you. 'I lgal Nolle. TS DIHTIttCr COUKT CAM COL'.MT, i HebiMlia. Kstlt p.udaberk. ) plulntli. I i rubllrstioa. Adolph Kudabsrk, I ilrl.ndlit. ) To Adolph Kud.'itwck. d.fndnt In tbs stuivs Hilli-d mu-a: Von ill UKs noma Hist on liersiahi-r l'. ISwl, ttisrt wn filed by n'slntiff in tli dutrlt't rtniri n( rai rounty, Nstineiks, a petition beginning sn astiou bkItiii the defenilniit, tlis iilijei't and lirsyt-r o( alilch au to oliinin dlrores limn dsl nd ut, to uhtain rtislotly it( tn lo-urnl insrrisirs ol 1'ialntiR and deft-i,diil, Arthur Kudaiink, snd tu la tetitd to iUliil B lisr luoiiri nam, that o( Katie llulinlieig, and oilisi n-Uri. Vim sr rrqulreil to anawi-r ld nftlllitn on or Ix-fnrs Juinnry Ij, rtt, i,t default anl Its entered sitaluxt Juti anil decree nl'liiluttj aa lted tor. Katif Iii has' k, 4t hi W. Uuroaus, Attf. LBOAL NOTICIT. In Oi nilr1rt Court, Chm l oiiolj, Ket,rk Mmy J. J ini ni. plamlill it Arlliur II. .Ivnn m, di'ffTnlatit. Tu Artlnir II. Jnni"vin ntti-reldH(it d 'tnid sst, Jim ro li-reliy inilitlcil tht un t lie ;i t dnynf NoTemlier il. M try J .Umexin (lied ei lltlon n m t jnu In tlis lil-lin i i; mil of Ciji Ciiiitit y etjr-k, the ttbe.'t nn, (ir.iyer ill wlilfh re ft o'lUin s stvuri's Inun you oa I lie i iiiiih1 of t tut ili.fi ml nut he'tiK an li i,, . Hal drtitikstti. fsitiife to euniKitt aiillht ynu lme ailKmly almielntinil ii" li'.niitiil l ii.hii rimd ritune fur the lent! nf t v .iM I.t. I tHt. V-m are teiiuliel In bihit 'lililioa an or tftlore Uovilsy FsIim ary I, rvl, MAHV J. JMSNllN, Vf A. N. nulMvan, bet Ally -T WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Fall and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oil? DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour -THE SAINT LOUIS- WEEKLY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT THE BEST NEWSPAPER OF THE AGE. It consists of JO pages, rays more for news than any other paper in the U. ,S., hein$ replete with matter of interest lo all classes, the agricultural, the mercantile and the pro fessional. Advocates the principals of the Republican parir and publishes in full the speeches of its leaders. As the coming Presidential Campaign promises lobe the hottest ever contested, ev ery republican should become a subscriber and keep himself thoroughlu informed of what isocruring in the political world. PRICE 81.00 PER YEAR. 11 emit through Postmasters and Ncwst dealers or direct to the GLOBE PRINTING CO.rT ST. LOUIS, MJSncj a-A-IMPLE COPIES MAILED FREE. " " Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim IIkkt Halvb in tlie world for Cut Bruiw, Hun, Uln rs, Fu!t Ithi um, Yvrvi P. ri'S.Trttcr, Cliftj jM il Hum!, Clilllilnins, Corns, sml sll Hkin Eniitiitii'l ami rinei tivtlrurcs 1'iks, or no j-ny rrijiiired. It is UNrsntroil to ivn Pat iKfacLimi, or niont-y rt'f uiiilit'l, I'rire 25 cciits per hoi. Kof sslcl.j K. (J. Krit-ks&Co. AIw.ij h liiison linnda ftl;i Htn k HX)UK AM) 1 t.iirii, iiran, Mittrts l);Ks J Jt,,, IlilV lur Millf HH lOW IIS till. Inwi'f nnd (It livcred Id nny i.art of u city. (ll.M.K M III AMI VINK I'liittstiiouth, - - NclTtmkn.