The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 18, 1891, Image 2

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S UR J3, PubiiiLers
TjThnrday. and dally every
' Jit V-v
. if o--,,0
I'LittntHii.tth, pat
.on tlTDUL'Uth-lI.iiS. uii.U
Vina and KlftJutwts.
k cI'y. ne yrr rt!?n'-.
tea copy, one jsarlVuiTii advance...
"py. sii moiutil. in adtaura
Jn eooy. three mouth. In advance.
... re
- hums roa dml '
eop one rear In duce !'
Jn eopy pr week, by errlr r..; i
oe eopy, per mouth , w
Major M'KiXlf.y i:m' en con
fined to his lyl the past ' eek with
n attack of l'i caippe, Jm t his phy-
'i ' Is"!'!'
lCJau hope4 to urinotii
:e his com
plete resl ration to
the cj t .i,.. l
I ijiillh before
Til jf Grand Irtla-.ul Imlependeut
iV that the f ircniTH of that nee
will rai.-e ' M) acres of beets
t year, that amount being re
.aired the iiLrir factory located
:here. How many turves will be
-cessnry to sioply jthe I'latts-
Biouth 'factory?
Ik Croer Cleveland had an op
portunity of sending a message to
congress at thi- 'time it would he
quite different from his firebrand of
at lew years since. What a pity the
McKinley law had not been in force
prior to that time, tiiat it might
nerve as a lamp to his feet.
Sematok Kyle, of South Dakota,
appears to be having a hard timeTo
determine where he really belongs.
lie once promised Senator Culloin
that the woul 1 act with the r-pttl-licans
where such action would
uot conflict with his promises
to his constituency, but later
developments indicate that he
is determined to act with the dem
ocrats. Doubtless the republicans
are very Iglad "not to be disgraced
with his presence.
THE democrats have given up
hopes of currying Iowa or Manna
chusetts in VJ. From the manner
in which Jthe party in the house is
dodging on the tariff question, it is
evident that theyjare not overly
sanguine of carrying a few other
states upon Jwhich they have here
tofore been counting. It is rather
hard that the McKinley bill should j
inus lnieriere witn meir plana, out
it is having just the effect the
republicans prophesied. Let the
good work go on.
Ah. Hkyan is recognized as the
leader of the Nebraska delegation
in the house, according to the
Omaha double-ender. Leader of
which Nebraska delegation? The
independent, the fusion, or the
democratic? At this distance Kcm
appears to lead the independent,
McKeighan the fusion, and Hryan
the democratic portions respect
ively of the Nebraska delegation
and as each of these consists of one I
congressman. All each leader ha to '
do is to stalk around after his own 1
nose. Omaha Dee. i
It is gratifying to all good citi
zens to know that the law has at
last taken hold of Edwin Field It
in to be regretted, however, that he
is being given a large, airy parlor,
and surrounded with nearly all the
contorts he might desire. He has
been gulity of a great crime and
should be treated as any common
malfactor We have no sympatny
with that officer who grants special
favors to criminals because of the
exalted position they may
have held prior to theirJaireBt. A
thief ::n thief. TC.:)
The following recentif appeared j
in the columns of the Keokuk Con
stitution, a democratic paper tooj
dishonest to be truthful:
''The McKinley tariff lays a heavy j
tax burden upon industry and con-
sumption, lessens markets, handi-,
enps business, decreases the de-1
tnand for labor, keeps wages down, j
impairs the purchasing power of
wages, makes tile rich richer and
the poor poorer. Congress should
take these facts underconsiderstion
and furnish speedy relief. The
democrats should not and certainly
will not permit their attention to
be diverted by the republicans
from the vital issue in ,which the
interests of the masses are concen
trated." When hii intelligent man reads
the above ami remembers how the
markets of the world, that have
lo-i et,,(,oe hern closed, have been
d hired e(i t, t!i prod'tcts t,(
cur farm. and manufacture; ho
price upon almost every couum
ity the poor man ltu to liny had
been reduced, nn1 rem-fts uwu U;c
general pronpertty that attends
almost every avenue of living, he
rumot hut (eel a deep hcimc of dia
(runt; and yet if he he u ctjiibiderate
reuk'r he cannot but have dym
patliy for that man.
Tub Omaha World-Herald up.
pears to he gTea,y disappointed
that the democrats iu congress do
not propose to repeat the McKinley
bill and form a measure in keeping
with the latent declarations of the
leaders of that organization. The
fact is the shrewd congressmen fear
they will (strike a snag if they al
empt to repeal the McKinley law.
ItAGHlPPEis becoming epidemic
An Instance mt tha Misleading Oiararlar
of Clrciimatanlial Kllilrnr.
There is no fijjiiirnt of the iiii:ini!i
tion if it is at all within the limit of
possibilities mure curium or titration
tiian gome thinin tlmt actually h.ipix-n.
The following in an instance in proof uf
A low years a'o Frank M;'!tt, th
well known, war currrMi'Vnt
and etory writer, jmlili-lu'd a fh'irtti.ry
in a leading Magazine which hml iis
principal feature the myteri'iii killing
of a l'ari.-iaTi artist in his own Mudio.
A wi b cf circtiint-tantiiil eviclcneu h-d to
the amt of a tnod. 1 who had U-. n in
the habit of p. wing f.rhun. lint tlirou'h
Mine chain of rirenniNtnnees whieh th
writer of this has now forgotten, th
innrder if murder it can le called
was found to have bw-n caud by the
discharge of a firearm through the force
cf capillary attraction. Th firearm vritt
used by the artist tn a studio accessory,
and was hunjf in such a manner that lie
was directly in line with it. Its dU
charge occurred when he was alone in
his studio.
The story was a vivid and ingenious
flight of the imagination. Now for its
rarallel in fact.
The Albany Law Jonrnal tells of the
arrest of a man upon the charge of kill
ing his cousin. The dead man was
found lying upon a lounge about 3
o'clock in the afternoon with a 32-calilx r
ball in his brain. Tim consul, who had
an interest of f 100.000 in his death, was
alone with him iu the house at the time.
The discovery of the real cause of death
was due to the lawyer of the accused,
who txik the rifle from which the ball
hl leen fin-d, loaded and hung it npoii
the wall, an'l then marked the form of a
man tijx-.n a white ste-et and placed it
upon the lounge where the man had
been funnd.
Then a heavy cut glass pitcher of wa
ter was placed njon a shelf above. The
temperature was Wdegs. in the shade.
The pitcher of water acU-d as a sun kIhsm,
and the hot rays of the tun shining
thronKQ the water were refracted di
rectly upon the cartridiie chamber of the
rifle. Eight witnesses were in the room,
and a few minutes after 8 o'clock there
was a puff and a reoort. and t'u l'.l
struck the outlined form back of the ear,
and the theory of circumstantial evi
dence was exploded.
Thii is interesting, not only becn
the real occurrence U qnite as it range as
the imagined one, but because the fact
came after the fiction and paralleled it
o closely. Detroit Free Press.
On Car for Malaria.
A reputable and honored citizen living
on the North Side in the vicinity of Lin
coln park bas hal a terrible experience.
His wife became suddenly ill muA ha
immediately called up the family physi-
cian by telephoi
nuoscnoer ny wire complains of a
severe pain at the back of her neck and
occasional nausea.
Doctor She nnwt have malaria.
Subscriber What's the beet thing to
At- that moment tlia vnnnr Uwlv at the
central station altered the switch by
mistake and ttie nnincky hnVunnd re
ceived the reply of a mechanical engi
neer in answer to the inquiries of a null
owner regarding Lis boiler.
Engineer I believe she is lined with
excoriations to a contiderable thick ness.
Let her cool during the tight, and in
the morning before firing tip take a
hammer and pound her vigorously.
Then get a garden hose, with strong
pressure from the main, and let it play
freely on the parts affected.
The doctor may count on at lst one
fat patron short. Chicago Iuter Ocean.
As Incident of Mvtropolltaa l.tfe,
I Down on Sonth Uroadway, standing
j beside a stairway whteh leads up lUirs
j to the ofliee of an electro-medical com
pany, there stands a little gloss case in
which is displayed the life size figure of
a human leg from the thigh down.
The other day two very well dressed
young men were standing in front of
the case. Two or three other people
were staring over their shoulders to see
what it was made the le.iw.
Finally one young man said to the
other very solemnly:
"In five lniimt that leg will begin
to move."
His comr itiion looked at bim very
wisely, pursed his hps and nodded bis
bead. Then they both walked away.
The other people stood in front of the
co3 for half an hour waiting for the leg
to move. Suddenly thought seemed to
strike one of them. Then the same
thought occurred to another member of
the group, and so, one by one, they si
lently stole away. New York World.
A Vliim Is a Ward.
Friend What Wains of that young yon were engaged to last summer?
MissCathem linnorentlyj-Wl.irb one?
-New V;fk WeeUy.
WAR. y ,
The ftirategle Valua of a Connecticut Cl'l
. In tha Defcnaa of Jirw York.
Navy officers who have studied She
region have often and urgently t)retwid
upon their department the importance of
developing the station at New Loudon
and making it efficient One must ad
mire their energy and faithfulness in
continuing to lay before their superiors
the vital importance of strengthening
this strategic- base in outer defense
of New York In the fikce of long con
tinned pigeonholing of report. That
their anxiety is not unfounded becomes
plain when we consider that Oreat
Uritaiu has a powerful station at Hali
fax, from which, if so disposed, she
could hurl her thunderbolts of maritime
war upon this -unprotected spot at very
short notice, precisely as she could
strike our South Atlantic coast from t'w
Bahamas. She may never even wish to
do either thing, but isn't it rather fool
ish to remain unprepared for the blow
when we have ample resources for es
tablishing a guard against it?
The amount of trade that pne
through Long Maud sound coatwivt i
hardly conceived of by the majority ol
citizens. It amounts to a great many
million dollars' worth a "'ear, and nii
this trade could be paralyzed by a cpiii
stroke from a foreign navy. In lSso thr
entire munitions of war marmfa tin !
in the United States amounted to $11.
OOO.O'K). Uf tins total, $.. OuO, Of) woi In
was manufactured iu Connecticut alone
A foreign IJ.f-t in the sound, lie-ief-.r-.
would be able to deprive us cf our tnai.i
inin'o of munition without even ut
teinptinir to attack New York.
Cut off a city's supply of air and what
would it ma:t.-r whether that city imr
rendered or iiot? fcinit o.T from New
York in wartime nine elevenths of tm
material it m-eded for war and it woul 1
Is? as help)- as a city without sir t
breathe. IJnt thii is Dot all. An en-rnr
In the sound could cut at New London
and again at New Haven, the chief hn.
of land communication and ruilr a i
transportation between New Englaiel
and New York.
If of the loss which would thus b
ransed a small percentage were now t
be promptly applied to building up New
York's outer line of defense, with
strong navy yard at New London as ilt
base, the whole ct would lie defrayed
in a few years without inconvenience to
anyone. In time of action, while our
battle ships and cruisers patrolled the
Race or engaged the enemy, with sup
port from the forts, our monitor, einerg
ing from New London, would lurk safe
ly belli nd Fisher's Wand, prepared tc
assist; fur there again, on the north face,
nature favors lis Willi the sheltered wa
ters of Hay harbor and West harbor. Iu
case of ii jury, ves.-i -Is could quickly ran
iiio New London, and repair at the navy
yard. Tlm., while the snrroundm-'sand
topography are not the same as those ot
the entrance to the Mediterranean, w
should still have what might well be
called "an American Gibraltar," quit
as invulnerable as the stronghold at the
pillars of Hercules, and much greater ir
lioeton can hs equipped effectually to
nerena nerseir; and Newport also, if
fortified, is in a position to ward off an
enemy. But neither of these, by so do
ing, can help to defend New York. New
London, on the other hand, if her nat
ural adrantage are ntilised, can repel
any attack on New York from the east,
and thereby relieve the metropolis from
dread in that quarter. It is well, it is
Indispensable, to protect New York from
assault by way of the Narrows. But
what will it avail to bar that small front
door if the broad rear entrance through
the sound be left undefended? (1. P.
Lathrop in Harper's Weekly.
A Chanca for a Fortuaa.
There snrvive in this city a few hand
cork cutters who still contrive to make
eort of living in compethioa with the
cork cutting machines and the peasants
of Catalonia. One of these men hangs
ont a curious sign in an east side street
It U a glia case contsininj tha model Of
a house all of cork. It is posnibly tin
house that Jack built, for there are bits
of cork to simulate bags of grain. The
factory is a shed In the rear of an ordi
nary dwelling house. Here, with th
aid of some simple machinery, the cork
cnticr a::;" t .1. ftMt an existence.
His chief grievances are the competition
or machinery and the problem of depos
ing or ttie waste.
Light as cork is, tons of clippings ao-
rniijiiiaie, ana aunongu various nses
have been discovered for this refuse, it
brings little or nothing when sold, and
uiiBtaut!y irsEuIate! to th smbar-
rasaniem oi me corscuiwr. Iheretsa
comfortable little fortune for the man
who hall devise some really profitable
use for cork clippings. New York Bun.
Haw Tliar Got Aloof.
A Nantucket woman tells of the an
noyance to which the Mitchell household
was subjected, after its daughter, Maria
Mitchell, became famous, at the bands
of two importunate tonrists. Its privacy
was so persistently and unwarrantably
invaded that it members felt occasion
ally that politeness ceased to bs a virtue
One persistent woman, who got herself
admitted on a shabby pretext, so wearied
a sister of Mis Mitchell, into whose
hands she fell, that when the woman
after a series of searching questions
wonnd np with, "And what do you do
in this dull town after the tourists are
goner the other replied, with a drawi
natural to her, "Oh, we cut off our cou
pons." Exchange.
My tar If of Maaufaatnra.
Cigar Manufacturer Yes, sir, it's as
actual fact that cigar boles are not mads
out of cedar at all; they are mads out of
paper and colored with cedar extract
Friend Well! well! Now won't you
please tell me what cigars are made of?
Oood News.
A valuable antiseptic soap is made by
adding twelve parts of sul jihate of cop
Ir to eighty-eight arts of any gosd
soup. It will Tvadily hinl 'in and
scratches uu l ii d-v.,1 1 uf anv in itatin
Many old soldiers, wh.'. contracted
Chronic diarrhoea vl,W in the
service, have since been permanent
ly cured of it by Ch aiiitierlain's
Colic, Cholera imtl dinrrhmSa Kem
' for kh.c by F. G. IW-y i. Cc.
Arc you made, miserable by -j'ikH-p'stiou,
constipation, duilees,
loss of nppctite, yellow rkiu -.lii-loh's
Vitalizer is a i,.itf. cure.
For sale by F. C. Fricke A yo.
For the remainder of yl "The
Fair"' will offer on the 5, 10and ii
cent counters, articles wortht'A'ice
the amount asked. tf.
Catholic.-jt Paul's Chiireh. sk. betusea
Kllth and hlitli. father Canny, I'asinr
Hervire. ; V t uml In . H. Huhdajr
NMlOill at t :3U, Sill) brllflllcllllL.
Chbhtias. Tomer l.ocint and Plifhth Hts.
Mervle.-a nifiriiintt and urcnlsK. Enter J. K.
lircd, paster, diaidsr (kbvel ISA. h.
CeiscnpAi St. Luke's Chiiri-h. comer Third
and in. Kev. II Ii. Iluri!f. jitor. Htr
!: II a. v. ai d I ir. M. (Sunday School
at i M r. m.
OrRMAN MsTiiniiisT.-t orner lth St. aad
!!!!!. Me. lint. 1'ivtor. hervlrea : 11 A.M.
and 1 jo p.m. auudy school 10 joa.m.
rsrsevTFKl as -f-ervloes Id new flitiirh.per
fcet huih and lirainle Kev. J T. HalM,
)ir. Siiinlav-iM i.ooi at I;1; I'reai-tilng
hi II a. ni.D-nl n in.
1 ti . It. M. I. K oi hl chun-li meet ery
Sal'tiiiili evenli.j; Hi T I In Hie h.i rnH .it
the i-hui-rh. All ai luvilrd to atlerid llli-te
Kiiist MrTHoMsr.-Hljtti St., Iietwen Main
mid IVhiI. Kev. I. K. Itrllt. It. h. iiaslnr.
seivir,.. : j i am. r m r. v Mlt.ilm Si-IiihiI
9 ii M. I isy.-r ineeiii k Vt eUnevIa) rven
UK. ia-iiMi 1'ifsi-, tk'ii fori er Main and
Vlllll. N lie. I'Sso.t S. IViCI H uvutl
lloUM. M.ll.l-l) --ll,ol H ,f A. M.
s n oi-'i ( i v.i:i . t'.ai (Iratilte. be-
li e-.i 1 .1; Ii ai - .-.ulti.
CnioHKIi lnt-risT. - Vt. otive. t; k, between
li'litll Hint I .) enlll. Jl)-v. A. i)vi ell. liMS-
ter. S) i.i. i v in. Mel 7 ) i. III. Prayer
Hieein.u i cii-.e l;y cvehli.jf.
Voti Min'h (iiiii-iic Al'l IATIiiN
IN'Iik lii aieriintii liloi-k. M.nn ln . t. (on-l-l
ineeiii). fur iiihi, imly.i-fi rv Mmdav al-t-rii)e.ri
h1 i o'i iecK. K'Siiu oie aei-k duys
mm s .i h. in ,tu u : M i. ni.
S 'ith Pask Taikksaii.s -Itev. .!. M,
V kiiI, I a.ti.r. Si nii-.: Sui.uny S. Inml,
.)). in.: I reai-Mnif, II a. m. m,l s p. m. ,
(jrii)er ini-ni-e lur.ili,y iimlii ; cii),ir iic
'iirriily niht. All am elei,ius.
SKfllKT SOi lf.TltJi
"I;mth iK PVTIIIAP liamilM bodice
i so. 47. Meet" every M xineany seim,g
l tlielr lull lii Pariiieie A ('mm IiIim k. All i
Unit ktiiL'litH sre ojili ,;!y invaedln Attend
C. C. Usisliall. C. t. ; ' tw livi . K. K. H.
A . i . ,. . ieei nrsi and third Friday
ri eve .llilf llf sitrh III, ill! h si (i. AH. Ha!l
in ii)s kaiHik il" k. rouik Vcnnllyea, M, W
l, P. kuersole, Kec-order.
AO. I' W Nii.fl - Vwiormiul Biidlourih
krlilnv IVitIiil', l,i IIim i... ... Hi i. ) I i A it
hall in Ki kwiMMl llix'k,
K. J. Murgao, M W,
r, liruwil, Ileeor ler,
IJOYAI. Al!''AN.tV-r. I'm, mil N JfrJI.
11 Meet Hi III" P. lokll III 111.) Pailliele At
CrAt-.) liioi k )ivi r I'.i-' n' I A Tn'i, vivirinif
I n ll, n il li,i to , I Henry lletiild, It-cnit ;
Hm ;iilii.'. heri-tnf v.
I ASS I.OJXiK, No. H1.I.O.O. V. meets er
ey lur-dny ti!i:lt at ilieir liall In l-iifer:r
llofk. AIHM.1 Ke'ln are ri.rdihliy lurlied
n attend mheii vi. no, ( in tliecily. .1 lory
N. O.S. W.llrnli.", Hecr. lary l
Osiltal stock paid In is M
Authorlied Capital, 9100,000
' A.N K CAfiRUTH, JOB. A. C0lh0n.
PrmldenU Vlce-Pissltsui
W. H. t'URBCra. CSAbler.
'rai.S Carrutb J. A. Connor, F. R. Oath t am
f. W. J,)hDon, Hsnry Brsck, Jobs O'Kesfs
W. I). Marnaro, Wm. Wstaneamp, W.
H. Cmlilnf.
neacanlllrueaof beartnit Intsrsal
Hurs slid iell cichaiiK. couui jr aud
city . ..i.
411 r,ler left lib the county clerk alii be
promptly tt. mled to.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
, mi
When you no to a shoe store your
object intuit only to buy shoes but
to procure for what you spend the
best that your money will buy.
Less than this will not content you;
more than this you cannot, in rea
son, ask. Our rnetho'U are ns
simple as your desires. We ao not
lift your expectations to the clouds,
but we realize them whatever they
ure. We will never sacrifice your
interests to ours and nowhere else
can you fret a fuller and fairer
equivalent for your money. An
especially profitable purchase for
you is our etc.
5CI Main Street
Patronage of the Public Solicited,
North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth.
Paid up eatiltat ...
ri the very b"-t fm llltie fur the promp
traoaviieQ A ll;!t!:nute
liankiiiL' Business
Stocks, liondt, niild, K"ertiipcii i d local e-
Mirllle lHHl.'llt Mini illid. le-liiisllH rw'nll -
nd mieri-st allowed on th ri-rlitiet
iitafu drnwii, at illnl In an) :tit uf tin
i'mtel stale and all Hie ptlnrli al tnan o
IKll. Battiest mai-ket price mld fur ruiinty War
rants, State ana County tsind.
John PlUi:rald n. Ilnwkrworth
bam Wauii, V. K. WblM
tieorije E liiivey
(oho Fltz?rald. H. Wauirh.
Prealdent , Ca - : '.-
Keep all kind of builders iardwar on hand
and lll tupiily r,iMrn,-t,,r ou mint lay
ootlilu ter im
and nil kiml nl tin unrk prmm lly
doue. Oidsr (r nil tlio cnuuiry Swlli'lli-d
iS Pearl Kt.
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain relieyer.
Iu use it almost universal bjr the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Kaiser, and by every one requiring an effective
Vo other application compare! with it in efficacy.
Thi well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustakc
Owion arise for iu use almost every day.
All druggists and dealers have it.
Everything to Furnish' Your House.
Having lnircliaed the J. V. "Weckbach istore room on souUl
Main street where lam now located can m-U goods cheap f
er than the cheapest having just put in the largest tstock '
of new good ever brought to the eity. (Jasolinc Ktim
and furniture fall kind Hold on the installment lan. i
- A'1 r A D; D) u SK-'I
Jswjis: "How wit, Knte, tiiat you lwns
Seem to 'inteh nil 'Vi the lant le-w Unill 1 Jo
1 1 n t r Jo
lb Jo 0(14
wuat I Diiiy, you alWHil t.t-ui to Ki't1
,r mo " i
Krs: " I don't know : I eertnlnh t
r "-" in Uiat dtreelloll.1'
Jivmi: : " Well, dnnng-ltie Int rewmoni'na,
fur aiamplo, you linn tnkeu up paintinc,
without any teacher you cams tnthe resrus
wtieo Minn liiltoo ili-M-ruil her IS hartm laM
so nidileiily, and eortaiiily wa are all inipniv
Ins: In vraie uieler ymir limtrin-tloii ', 1 neard
fou telling Tommy Ijonin (nut eveiilnit how
01a cluli inu'le uii-takia in pluylni luwlxllj
Jou sn-iii to l up ou all the lutent1 fsils,' and
now Jim! alii.tto do jit:t!-rsiI"lrMimtai!Ca
yon entertain iHiiiililully ; and In Ui laai
Uiiiuth you have iiiiinivin In liealth.owliia',
you t llfc", to your iihynii-alrulturuejen iwa.
wuern vn 11 iret h II of your liiroriiiatinn
from In Una little i,ui-o( tha way place lor
yon never irn to ttio eity."
Kats: "Why, Jennie, you will maks ma
Vain. I havoiiiily oneminir.niifnnnatkiB,
hut It In nrpn.-i , j how it iin-eumll wnnia. I
vi-ry el'l'iin li'-:ir i,f Hiiyllnnir te w hut what
thu ie i I niiif me lull liilnniiailon .
011 tlm sulijei-t. MuKii r Nol MHnnrinel
And S en' tron-iim It Is In us H, fur It
nully f oriu-tii-s II, reH'luiif f"r ti.e wlmia
huiin liol'l : fiiiher litis loven u, liH nnurn'ino
thul he htii tnkeu for yes is s1- I"' ' ""s
one (riven more nml l ll r liifi inmiinn on
the milijei In or t!i iluy ; nml in-.ili.-r nays
limt II m Hint tli n iiinl.i ln r mi Ii liinmus
iiiuwl.ei-H-r. l-i I 11 I, H nil nvoe Unit !! IS
the nii ly reiilly rAsn.y iimr.i i)i luii'li-lieil,
M we lirtve ellt tor 1 n,,, of III! el tlli'in.
and linl lliuti.iiew iil lor nun. nu'iilii-r ml
fur wi.ini-n. aiel nuniiier for tliiluieii nnly,
Willie On one einla c;v -rv one ol Oi; el wo
onl ii'i' l to t.i1. .- one li:ti'ii'l ( f eewrnl, nnd
t;i i ii 'v 1. ,0 -,-i .ihiii- ii'ini in. tor it is
onli 1:m a I'l riiiii von think I um
to .'inl t - la In my .rnle; Imt I will h-l loll
ihim,; tn-i ler l 111. ei 1 1 1 1 lln eiit- lo li,e pnl.
IhIii t, W. .leiinlnn l)i iimn-a, )'i I ,t ll'h
Sin-, t. New Vork. lor a mnn le ei o. and 1
l,,i,l ,il.iy eo. K .i. r I Ii.ivr i,,nii you
a irre:il fn nr ; niel limy lie you will In cult ins
uh ohl. at 01 wiy we li.ive the reputation 01
heinir the iet iiiforinl family In town. If
thm l' eo, it is Ixuiurial's i auiUy luialu
thai Uuoa lU"
A fiheral oiler-only 1.00 fur
nml Diiiiortet Family Many.iiic.
tJTSi'iiff your subHcription to this
Scientific American
Agency for(
for Informal inn and fr flandheilr write 'n
Ml S.I A o.. :.. III ul. AV. Kw 'sc.
O.iluM ImrwNu l-if e uiiua pali'til" I
K.rnrf pl,-iil talii-n nut 11? n l linn
Mia public tiy a O'Sicegivun fic uf i'ii-
I jirreit trenlatlnn of an? aelMitlSc paper m lha
wiif.d. Sie.,ill lllii.trale't. No leiiiMiieiit
siui ihnuiii tw wiilmai 11. Wen 7, S.I. OH a
J'KT; II 0 n nnnilli. Ad'trim Ml NN A CO,
htuiuuu, Sa biuadaar. w VuiA.
jt-T--T 'v"l I
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h t
1 11.
. actios.