r mouth jjHaii Yin PLATTSMOUTH, NKIUtASKA, FRIDAY, DKCKMIJEPJ 1 1891. JllTll YKAll. NUMBi II ISLfctS :ir : i Y ( n - ; ho i r ?0 111 tot 1 ll THI T for CSy ro 'he the ri' f ,t i berfr of I IS' IRI tr . i, . W il V- tii"!!! lor lllili" to fin lii r "I 111. II H 1 1 h.i.in waltid )ol nf.rl enl hut-.. , ' A Co.. WHY Royal Baking Powder is Best. " The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for I have so found it in many tests made both for that company and the United States Government. "I will go still further and state that because of the facilities that company have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, and for other reasons dependent upon the proper proportions of the same, and the method of its preparation, "the Royal baking Powder io undoubt edly the Purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. "HENRY A. M01T, Ph. D.' Lot UniUd Staltt Govtrnmtnt Chtmitt V TIME TAPIE.y Or DAILY PASHfcNUKK TKAI.N8 GOING EAST ITd. ! t:t r M fo. 4 Ill :JU l . Ho. I J 14 V. IU ho 16 1 4ft a. ni Ku. 14 10 .14 . I) ho.w .. jo. n COING WEST Nol t M . m il i S :. s p fii N ii. , t" o ni o, t lfl. in. So. i H :v p, ni So. i .ft oft ii, ni, u. U II :'. m. TIME LAKH. Ji. SM Acnmo.lil ii I -,m-.... Vn :i Univ. ... . .in.'.' in. ,. 4 .I'd . In. Trillin dallr H(fW rummy. SULLIVAN. tttnmrT t-ljiw. Will Klv proiiit !t.nlttiL In til MvIiifm pritnilril In him. tuner in Union blnck, .at nidn, I'lntMmititli, Nrti R. A. SALSBURY D E N T-I S T : J' GOIl) lo K r. Bif JL. i f!-i I V 1 1 iii-ni kl U.AIN CKOW.VS. I lift lr for His (M'tilr' ex- lloi III li'i-lll Fine Gold Work n Specially. J Biickxxid lll'.ck l !,iiu:i .mil Nrli. IAWSON A PEAUCE u HAVE ki: i:ivn Th'lr Fk'I 'm 'hkv i I.Ib i i i ni im'' kl'" ll "I I"l.i'" " "Ii4i. Ii ik III HllllW M ll ff I 1lli ll ttaHl I line i.l l.iil.v h- kI i..l In i.r tfrrlrlrr .1.1 m.i.-k i.ul h r f duct-il t Ulr xriw fHil. i It'll- in lOnml to "fl C l 11 .llilll' 'I. MISS SCIIl'YI.MK, 1I I MM V.lt. Shorthand. AM) TYI'I-WK TINd (( l l.l.di: riaiii-iiiiiir.il. Ni liii'rl.a. Tlii-if iir iliitiiiin' fill, .i h kI lr.l In l 1 I.UI I II l' '''. II II II III -lll'l'l) lln r '! I ... ii i.l. "i. : ii x . in li.i'li mh.' t: I.. i v I . f. 1 1 Ii 1 I... .1-, r-i T. - i i.l ii I. i. i ii -.l.ii-l I li'"' n- il In it.. Hllllll C III ) l.ll. I Mil I lit Jii .i. t-1 .i I M I .. ll.l Kl IS II .1 1 . tu r iHi" . i nu n. i ll I -.' i i.l v mli iii DAY AM) in i:vi:m . 1 1 i j'f-i r-is:o.Ns ; HOI l AKI I'l'KCd.AISJ CK'i Brid'd wurk and fine gold work SPECIALTY. DH. HT ft HATH LM'At. M crlf otlii-i m r-ltirl lcKlvn lnriti .iiilHnrHri-'iin. " l--i-lli. C. A. MARSHALL Fiw-'i.i-' ULIL'S I'Kri'FKMMIKt;. maki r(-ri r r or axb n.T.ciiS.f-. 2 ,::d iztiil IIRAI.IH III THI ',: j ' f CIIO'CKST IJKAXDS OF CKJAKS ' . fL'lXLIfir UK . TOBACCO AND SMOKE. 's ARTICLES alwayu 111 ntork jfttKninJtilh, .N'cbrunHM He Hurrto cull nnd nee the price i on I.Hilieit' find Geut'H gold nnd : Jfold tilled wiilchi-H. H. A. MclvLWAl.V, Jeweler, : 15 Main trett. tf Mrs. Tom Hicks is a Omaha vh itof to-clny. For (JftltH Christmas slipper gO ot Joseph Fctzer. tf Santa CliiiiHi', christmns and Geo. VilHM. If Pure buckwheat (lour for mile in Heist-I's mill. tf II. C. McMakcn wan n passenger for Omaha this illuming. For n nice Hnt or Cup go to JOE, tin- One Price Clothier. tf For line boot nil. I shoes to to toscph Feler. Main stieel between ourlh and Fifth HI reel . tf Mrs. S. A. A (worn! left for Lincoln hint evening for a visi( to friend. You run iret (he4 bcs( of hand made bonis mid shoe lit Joricph Fclner'. tt I warrant every piece of pixidn I B( !l will ell Ht liivlmrk pricen fortlie next thirty iI.ivh. II. A. McKLWAIN, Jeweler, 41.") M.I i il Htreet. Mrn. Jjih Tine and daughter Mamie departed for Omaha til i h morning. Are you male minerlle liy iudi gi'Klioii, loimtipation, di..iiu-HM, Io-k of uppelite, yellow nkinV Shi- IoIi'm Vitali.er in n jioitivc cure. For Kile by F. O. l-'ricke V Co. Ilefore you buy any Mi-ii'h, Iloyn' or Cliililri n'H Clothing look through JOli'.S line. He will nave you money. tf Mih. Harwell Surlock en me in from York hint evening the gueMt of Mm. Walt Ilolmex. We will (jive genuine bargainn in gold wiili'lit-a mid jt-ut-lry. II. A. McFLWAIN, Jeweler, -(1.1 Main Htm t. tf The largi-Ht mid bent line of (lows nt wonderfully low price lit JOK'S. tf Mrn. ('. W. Hellei ille, of Knox-villi-. Li., the (jiit-ft of the family of (. W. Sh(-rmiiii. For n ni. e X-iium prenent go to ' JOI.. .lie p . it 1 .i r clot iii-r and look ' nt In line lii.e of MuilleiH ai.il H it". HisitJSliltisW 'I lie lust week fur thin clot-irfr (ii, t nail! of jriiecri,rs, (lour. feed. I 'liitiH hihI oj i--wiir'. Ki iiietulii r vnii will Mvu iinniey Ii v tiikiiif; inlvitiit,if." of fi tting what joti w:int. Cntiii! in nml m tin. OrutA lint kk (iKocritv. 1.4 oim-:m.c li' One of the iiewcet hihI lilVti of lirightet PliiiLTouil-i, Tov. Kur thu ll ill.liir 'rieti" thui lui bi-ca I'fll In I. mu I .1 int. 10 OLD TCCK, ALL NEW Which was bought r'li.rljvu the hi-iihimi from miiiH' ni the LAkdLMT iMI'Ok'TIM) HciUMl-H Which giiarnuleeH you the pick of the market liud at price for which we ur( noted. '.'The Lowest in the Country; olio Tim public l r-.rft loll v lnvlli-4 ii.ii( t our gi.i.a . il riiiiimic priK-a B.r,F.m IIEK, r-rop. nIttmorti Mrn. Lou Hoedeker donarted for Omul n thia morning. For abi-tractw of title nt rencon able niti-H, go lo J. M. I.eyda, Union Mock. tt We call Hpecial attention to the fap.-incMc urticlea diHplayed in the Old ClirioHity Shop. Call on the Tucker SiHterH in th Sherwood block for bargains in Winter llalH. tf LVi you want to know what woul make your father, mother, brother, HiMter and eweetheart ImppyV It is ii nice pair of hIioch or KlippcrH for n ChriHtmaH prenent. W. A. Hoeck A: Co. have junt received an elegant line that they olfcr at VKKY LOW prices lor thirty uay only. tf An entire change of programme at the "Author'H Carnivul" at Rock wood hall to-night. The aupper will be nerved in Mr. Showalter'a oflice, thus nvniding the rimh nt the tables. I 'art of the chairs will be removed from the- hall, thus giving the people u better chance to nee the booth h. For the remainder of '01 "The Fair" will olfer on the 5, 10 and Z"i cent counters, articled worth twice the (i 1 1 ii it ii t at-ked. tf. Attend the miction nt Frank Car ruth, jewelry Htore, every evening at 7..KI. tf We learn from the Nebraska I'recs that Judge Chapman is clear ing the docket lit a rapid rate mid itidicalions are that he will tipcnd Chri-.lin.iH at home. The tax payers ot the county doubt lens are content with xiich information, as li pro longed term of court always rnf.iils u big expense. I mj.ortwnt. The I'Littsinoiith Turn Verein will give a dance at their hall Sat urday evening, lfCemler All Iru-uds of lite members are invited. I,n-t Thursday there was a double n.-ciden :t the quarries of Van. co. n t A Li iiii.--t cant of town. A Srcde ii. inn-. I J. Swaiisoti was en trusted wi;h the taxk of putting in nnd lii iny a bliift. lie iiccom-J)li:-hi-d b-.-l!i. l.-iit the wind did not blow through his whiskers when he got through. It happened about this way. After the blast was mad.; ready and the powder can carefully l;i.id away (about two feet,) applied tin: much to the fuse and dropped it a moment later. The wind carried it into the powder can and away went his whiskers. One of his coiiipiiniims seeingthe plight he was in, rushed lo his aid, arriv ing just in time for the explosion from the blast to get in its work on hint; fortunately no serious results followYd, beyond the filling of his eyes with 'lust and mall stone linking soiiii." slight wounds on his face. Poor Swiiuson was badly burned, his face ami hands and one leg being blackened and cooked Ir, Ilungate was sent for, who fixed bim tip as comfortable as possible, later in the day he was sent to the hospital in Omaha where he is nt present. It is very evident that nil the fools are not yet dead, or this accidents would not have happened after the repeated warnings ami no cideiiti that the employee of these quarries have had. Those people who handle powder should certain ly know thit n lighted match nnd that substance cannot agree. Ivagle. Why will you cough when Shi loh'c cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., !V ct. ud $1, For ale by F. G. Fricke A Cc "Author' Crnlvl." Th.e ladies of the Presbyterian church having in charge the Authors' Carnival" entertainment at Rockwood hull last evening achieved" a measure of nut-cess hardly nnticipiited by the most sanguine of its uupporters. The booths, representing respect ively J.alla Kookh, Snow Cave, Hanging Garden, Dickens' Party, Maud Muller nnd Old Curiosity Shop, were tastily and skilfully decorated, reflecting great credit upon those in charge. Care had been exercised to represent a vari ety of characjers, and with the oddities for which Dickens' works are noted, ably represented by Prof. McClelland, as Mr. Cuttle, mid Miss Ilyers, ns Miss Pcggotly, and the mcckiu-PH mid innocence of girlish life fully typified by lCdith Gering", as Maud Muller, it was plainly evi dent tnat the two extremes were ably represented. An excellent program, consisting of music vocal und instrumental tableaux, etc., was rcnclcrc-d, reflect; ing credit upon the participants. The tableau representing" -"yg-malian's statue, Galatea, by Miss Jlert Wise, and Fuck Frost's Reception, by about a dozen young ladies, are deserving Hpecial men tion. The cornet solo of Mr. Ivigen broadt was tully appreciated, as the spontaneous encore tendered him fully indicated. After tin; rendition of the pro gram, it was announced that re freslmients would be served, to which a great many responded. The table decorations exhibited a taste and geniuH rarely excelled Everything passed off pleasantly, there being nothing to mar the pro ceedings in the least. The enter tainment will be concluded this evening, when an entirely new pro- gram will be rendered. Police Court. "Police Fry filed Information against Ilerrmuti Kleitch, charg ing him with failure to close his place of'buaincHH at 11 p. in. as re quird by the city ordinance. He plead guilty to the charge and de posited $-") and costs in the till. Jas Patrick was find $5 and cost on a charge of drunkeiu-ss in de fault of the payment of which he was committed to jail. This young man came to Plalts mouth the fore part of this week from Germantown for the purpose of Hccuring work in the shops. He had previously contracted the habit of over indulgence in dis tilled rye and h iving in his pos eeshion a few dollars, went on a protracted drunk from which he has just rnllied. To b Mnrriefi. We have received thu intelligence that Alex Sehlegi-I, of South Oma ha, in t' be married to Miss Mamie Ilafford, of AiiiHwnrth, Nebraska, th:" ceremony to be performed at the residents of the brides parents at Ainsworth, Nebraska, Wednes day, December Id. Mr. Selilegel was formerly a compositor in Tit k Hkmai.Ii oflice and during his resi dence here he acquired many friends each of whom will gladly join with Tilt: III k.M.b in extendi ig congratulationa. He is now hold ing the responsible position of city editor of the South Omaha Daily Tribune. His parent still reside in this city. A New Mall Car A new mail car finished in the latest style was sent upon the road for active nervice this morn ing. In the construction of these cars it is necessary to employ skilled mechanics, and if the II. AM. could be induced to still further equip the car manufacturing de partment thus bringing still a great cr number of skilled and better paid mechanics into our midst the busi ness interests and the general wel fare of our city would be material ly helped. A Card ofThank. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. S. Hurton desire (o express their sincere ap preciation of the kindness and sym pathy extended to tlien. during the lllnes and death of their darling little baby by the many friends, and whose consilience was a Hotiree of consolation in (he hour of bereave ment. Epworth I enyua Meeting. The regular literary and business meeting of the lCpworth League will be held this evening at the res idence of Miss Mary Davis, Sixth and Granite Htreet. A full attend ance is e irnestly desired. Henry Ileniple, who ha been so journing In Texan, for several week has returned to Plattsmouth. OERWARE II Stinqlqoi foi Cqsl'i Ti'qdc o While we appreciate the large amount of trade we lire favored with, we still desire to increse our nnd have completed arrangement in which we have Hccurcd large quan tities, at first hands, of the celebrated ROGERS SOLID bKhl at such prices that we propose to give (hem to our many customers be lieving that we shall increase our trade, as our customers appreciate the i.ici inni we are spending me money es by returning it to them, believing ieii inrir ii lenus, nun iiiereoy increase o IvVFIRY Cash purchase to the amount of $5 entitles the purchaser to either a Rogers Solid Silver Metal Hutter Dnifeor Sugar Shell sold by Jewelery at f 1.0(1. KVKKY Cash purchase to the amount of $13 eiitith'H the purchaser to a set (II) of Roger's Solid Nickel Tea Spoons, sold by Jewelers at $2.00 EVERY Cash purchase to the amount of -f '!." entitle the purchaser to a set (U) ot Kogers solid Nickel Denscrt Spoons, sold by Jewelers at EVERY Cash purchaser to the amount of $:) enti'.o the " -rchaser to a set (0) of Rogers' Solid Nickel Table spoops or a net or viol id Nickel Forks, or a set oi Tripple plated Knives, sold by Jewelers at $1.00. EKU is what the manufacturer hhvh in regard to Solid Silver Met r-rn ... . .... 1 in K. urn inni ociim rticnei silverware: "mere Una been a grow ing demand for years for a grade of Spoons and Forks to take the place of Solid silver nr. 1 phite ware. We have experimented for some time to attain this end, and are now able to offer the public our Rogers' Metal and Rogers' Solid Nickel Silver. We guarantee this metal superior to any Nickel Silver manufactured and have the greatest confi dence in assuring our customer (hat this ware is inferior to service on ly to solid silver. It is a beautiful white color, is highly polished and can hardly be distinguished from pure silver. We recomend this ware especially lor hotels, restaurants and boarding houses, as it will stand more hard usage than any other metal; is very tough and hard; will hold its color and will outwear any plateware ever manufactured." All our customers know Rogers' ware by reputation. This linn have manufac tured plated ware since ISC), ami their mime is never put on goods that are not of a high grade, ho our customer can rest ussured that they are getting some very desirable goods when they (ret goods under their brand. Come in early and secure a share of these goods before it is too late. Wo PTtiqqntec otji Prices to be Jig honest 'tqd Iqfite Conq petition. FRED HER'RMANN. 33. IrcEJXji"WLllr, A BIG S10GK OF HOLIDAY GtODi AT THE LOWEST PRICES. P Repairing of FINE WATCHES a Specialty and all Work Warranted. 33. A.- M'ELWAIF, THE LEADING JEW fcLE I, 41 5 Main Street, The Privnto Mcrotrjr. Gillete's "Private Secretary" is In- triiisietillv funny and might be presented by very inferior talent and yet be aiuusinir in itself; the reference to inferior talent, how ever, applies in no manner what ever to the company that enacted it at DcGhc's last night. Through out the cast the roles were well sus tained, and the play was given in such a manner as to bring forth from the audience the heartiest testimonials of their appreciation of the (rue merits of the company The audience was more representa tive of the culture of Atlanta than Buy that has heretofore gathered at the opera house this season every seat iu the parquctte k id dress circle was taken. In the cast last night Mr. Win. Fair banks in (he title role interpreted (he character excellently and cre ated much amusement fortheaudi ence. Mr. II. lice Da vies, us the eccentric Mr. Cattermole, was pnr (icularly good, while Mr. Edwin TrnverH, hh lit wild young nephew, evinced (aleut of a very high order. Mr. Harry Hrinsley, as Harry Mara land, did well. Mr. E. J. Mack played "Gibaon" cleverly. All Hie female roles were well played; in fact, all the support was good. -Atlanta (Ga.) Herald. You will miss a great comedy if you fail to go to the opera house next Saturday night LOCAL ON LAST PAGI. GIVEN MflF H'M PLTEW A PE : ve set nsuie lor advertising purpon they will appreciate the gills and our trade. ..." JEWELER Headquarter for Everything in the line 41 WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND DRONZ1 CJ-iOCICS, OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSES FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELR7 Plattsmouth, Neb Ob'n CLUOlNcs LIST, II. II,.' V tinllil' in. I i , It I.l I ii,,ri,.-i jt.m . ,,e i n mm"".! j ; 'j - '; . l . 1 .. I ' I Ml ,. ' I . 2 Ht ' ' " pui-m i- iii-ku.ii WlnllTII I. Ur.ll l 1 1 m A l.ll The laws of health are taught irrs the schools; but not in a way to be of much practical benefit und arc never ill llstrated by livingcxamplcg . which in many cases might easily he -done. If mine scholars, who . had just contracted a cold, was iiroughi qelore the school, so that ! ul" could hear the dry. loud cough. , I mm Know ns sigiiilicanee; see the nun while coaling on the tongue and hitler, as the cold developed, see the prolusc watery expectora tion and Ihiu winery discharge from the nose, not one of them , would ever forget what the first -symptoms of a cold were. The scholar should then be giveiw Chiimberlnin'H Cough Remedy fre iy i inni mi iiiim see mat even a severe cold could be cured in rim. oriwo uays. or at least greatly miti. gated, when properly treated ns soon us the fu st h uiptoms appear. This remedy is famous, for ii's cure of cough, colds and croup. It is made cspi-echiHy for these disease mid is the most prompt and ....r-i i. i. .ii.ii- ni.-iiicine Known ,ir the purpose. Till cent bottle for sale by 1 G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Good Evening! Have you used Ah! there is no need of my Hiiyinir tin ll.i,.,. r ' .V. iuuhci, i am sure you will hereafter use nothiiiir hnt n, the i union iiiusn oi Kohcs for complexion. Yours with wmlies, i...... t i . . i. , . your best Flora A. Jonim, l c n u tNOUth nnd' ln r.s. Call thi , eve please at O il Snyder and learn the particulars. V 4