A" v, '' t f -ri" at V i: n t ) V v. V. ' '? A " '3' M ' (III ft t .', vv , a Ir 1 ! H ,5' 'h ;! ', i" r V The Full rru?f.n:tu of ; 1 V hnra too written tupi-fatly .' "' T lion: V. C. Gladstone. A- '. iC-'f.Uruuls of Lome. Jii.-tyii .V.cCarthy, ALP. Sir Lyon P'nyfaV. rratj't R. Stockton, c'n'r Clews. Vasi.l Vcrcstchasln.Y- W. Clark Russell. The Earl of Mca'.'i. Dr. Lyman Abbott. K Camilla Urso The Nine lim-stratcd Serial Storle. Article of Practical Advice. Glimpse' of Royalty. , Railway Life and Adventure. 700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers, "A Yard of Roses.' vniber Yard , - OLD RELIAQLE. Bhlnglea, Latli, Boah, Doors. Blinds I Can Mpply pvtw drmand of tlie city, 1 Cull and iri;t tcrma. Fourth atrett in ri'ur of iic:a house. , HENRY BOECK WATEBHAH & SOI PIN F LUMBER ! The Leading .ArUKtTURE DEALER AND I UNDERTAKR. ' Canitnntlr trim on hamt pvcrrtliin yoa Dcd to furnihh your hoow. CORNER SIXTH AKO UAtil ITIKBT PIatt3mout - Neb For Atrhltmon, Toiiepli, I.rnren- a. worth, KaiiMun City, ,S. I.ouin, and all poiiiUuorlli.euBt ; aoulliorwvHb Tick- eU sold nnd bnjr J B''R chftkiid to any point ! n ) I the UnllH f 1 Sdilp or S Ciiiiiid.i. J'or 'FORMATION AS TO KATES AM) KOl'l I.S Cull nt I)i')ol or nddrcas C. Towns i:it, G. I. A. Si. Loiiid, Mo. J.C. I'llll.MPIM, A. G. I. A. Omnliii. D.f.Vi'. Al'I., I'IiiIIhiikiiiiIi. Tflcjdmne, 77. HAT KARKEiP J HIXTII HTIfl liT ir. i:Lr.i:xnAiM, prop. licat of fri'Hh iMi'tit nl ways found l this market. AIho IreBli KKg and Duller. ! Kme of nil klndH krpt in their bfiixoti. dlXTII STKBT fjl bat haeket! 7.-. P"? VT" ? 0-rW,S5l r..l !';ivci;ncn Ccr'.cs will te lent1 Tree. ' Nuiate features for l"j2 or..l !'pvc!.ncn Cc'.cs will te lent Brilliant Contributors. for tbe coming Tglumo by ft lio t of eminent men anj womcnj, amonj whom ire Count F'crOir.ar.J do Lcsse.i.s. Andrew Cirne;;!. Cyrus W. r JUii. Her nrv A1 tinlpu. find finrt I Volume for 1802 will Contain 100 Stories of Adventure. Sketches of Travel. Popular Science Articles. CliarTiIrts Children's PaM Illustrated Weekly Sapplements. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. FREE TO JA.rJ. I, 1392. . Ta Nrw Hnbarrlbrr who wl!l rut oat nnd ( liI tin iU n'.lh nnme and addrrrs nni tl.Tl w will nrui 1 he ( ompaiilim I'rro lo J::u., '.'.,,12, an fir a l ull Year frnm that I'nlr, ThN o.'ii-r Inrludr i!ii TilANKM. , ivtKii. 4:nuii.r31AS Bi N;.W YLAU'S Doullo ColiJiy Aun hrr-. We will nine erid ropr of brnnfiftil piiltitlntr, rnmi-ii c;" HOSES," Ik proilnnlon lini rot TWENTY' TllOlh.tM IMS I. l.AI'i. Send CAc, AIJ Ordtr, or Ilfjincrrd Jftt'T at our riik. .diittl, Thb Youth's Companion. Bo..ton. m,i-!. v P J. II:A:X:S:K:N OKAI.KH IS STAPLE AND FANCY GI10UKK1ES, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE Floor and Faoi a Specially i'.itronage ! tbn Tuble Solicited, JCHN33S EOMHS Silll 51. EW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL & SON Ko? ill kln! of b'lll 1TH h:ir.w,in nn hiui l ., am aiiiiilv ecu. mi 'turn uD mull laf urulila ti-r.i.l TIN ROOFING HpmHlnj I in! n" KlinN n lin n.irk prom- tly A me. OriJora Imiu I In eouuiry Hullcltrf) C!t Pra. 'I t. rLiTMMOL'Tii, am. PERKINS- HOUSE 217. SXJ . 221 n(l 8-3 M'n Sl Piattmot ith - Nebraska H. H B 0N3, Proprietor, Iho rcrkina- k M feDoyatcd from t 1 aow ono of ilia !st Uoanleft will bo Ulu t. CO and vp. bevn tlnrouhl tC aoi hotula lo the atittf ti by the week al BAR COKlCTED 300D CIIIZKXS HANK, PLATT3M0UTII 1 at tepltai ttock paid to . .. Authorized Capital, IIOO.OX ornciKa fHANK OARUDTII. JOS. A. COHNOS, rp-ild-nt, Vlce.PraaHr.rr' W. H. fjUBOma. Caaier. oim)Aa ' rraal Carrgti i. A. Cunaoi, F, b. Cuttr a.r I. W.JotanaoS, Deary BoMk.JebaO'Kaate W, D. Msrriara. W, Watanaame, W. B. OuiblDS. iRAOCniA GENERAL BA.N IIN3 BDSlNES mum ert!flcts of flerxwlla bearing Intereal ' lluta and toll ciiani;e. eoiiuij aud ally ,,!( u A. C. MAYKS OOUNTY -SUKVP.YOi v AND CIVIL KXGLXKKR All orders left with the county clerk will be promptly attended to. Oh KICK IN COUNT IIOU8K, Phittsmoutli, Nebraska VEUnXllQNIab VtS (A It ;k,Mt(,ihl.i..rti. 1,h,Mhttll4. a.M JhiltK'W,.. MJ M iIIMW, 111 HK M HWW( bia ,111 rh..ii , ,mMM,.s,frl , l',w,,wv. m IHtA iaT k a. In at HS.,h., I...IMMU, kl h.ll.r Im, ltf... ,, I- lv s, rnara MaL 1 Bala by aU L i il tor-MUu. i-WlLiok-l em. t field. iini1rr.i nfhrri: 4 The Rest Short Stories. Hints on Self-Education. I Household Articles. Natural History Papers. KST : NATfoNAI. : HANK OK ri.ATTaMOUTII, M;iilUH".A up Ciip't.il Km dun . . . . .M t f.'tO .... IU.iiimW M the fr tit Ivtllllfa f"r the promy traurw tlmi of ilK'Un.jl'' rt'f h k, IiihhU, i!""Tnun'iit ai.d iki irltl'. bntiKlit ami no il. I)''imiIii riN-.".- nl inMTHMt hII.'wh.I on e.-rltficif-. rr.l( 'lr,i i, KV ill;u'i In un p ut "I H i ic4 niikira it ml mi 1U" liri'imnti iwn o Suropfl. WLLKCTKINH M AUK AND I'HOMITLT BKHIT- TKI. IlKlimt nmrkft p'Ich p.ld fur Cuiinry Ww rmun. niaio aui 1 uiuuy nonui. DlitKCTOKS Jnhn PIUu'rld f). Ilnwk.north Hun Wautcli. K- K. WliUr ifnri?e R. l)V"y iba Klifri!.l. S. Wamrh. Prr-iili-iit 'f-' AXK Ol- CASS COITXTY Cor Maiu and Fifth ureet. UI1 up capital f v nnr Huipliu a. one OFFICEK3 ) II. I'Aniela Prcitldelit Tlce P.. -i.i.-i t (ALU 11 AMt Ca-limr 're't (eir ler M. tepmll f. M. 1'iiilertiin. "DIRECTORS II. Pa . le. ,r. M P:iiti-mnii, Krd l.ird-r, 1, II Mult 11 It. H. Windham, U. 3. tta::i'rj md ' . .M. 1 ,tt ten tun V aCNElUL BANS1NC BU3IT5IB8 "RAN3ATED AOfniuitii nollpitfv!. Iitrrcii aJtuwrd on time vp-ult met prniiint nli-'utluiiivia to ail buv i.iu tiutrmiod io ill cwi, QiainLcibin'a Eye and kln Ointment. A certain cure for Chrotilo Sora Eyf, Totter, Salt Bbotun, Scald Uead, Old Chrotilo Soros, Fover Bores, Eczema, ItcL, Prairlo BcTatxhes, Eoro Hippies and Plica. It Is oooliog and soothing. Hundreds of cases have boon cured, by It after sil other truutmeut bod fallal, it Is put up la 23 and CO cent boioa. DEAF: NE88iBmrCUIED k, I'M.'. I.W)M, T.WUr ft. Cwi. W hkipm h.,f4. ('nt'n.l '.. I....i lwl.ir..Hi,.rHmlul. noiJh7 f. III,,oIt. CDCC Uj i Braatn, -k. nl. (uf to a p I IILb PAKKlk'S HAIR BALSAM Hhi.ii irtd Lvahi r.4 r haUr. t'r.iiimrt V l'la-'i.ianl frwb. ry.. HMM, fliClM ilil.UM.lttf. 5, Th, o-i.mt-nif. S. rvii-i. r Ilia Hi k LM, S. t, M?!0r'WCOHN 0, u ymim 1 aU ir.. RKATKLL-COMFOETINO ' I1KKAKFAST a tkaranirh Ssnwl.a.lra at t aatarat hli'ti min th (lefiiu'lom of diKl'(i Iriiloii.and by t rartfal aialmaiioa of prnneriiaxif aiall Ml.-i'lf-d t'C'.W, Mr. nrnlild ear r.akrl labia with a law. and so tha la SiH'i bat dfor I bf" wlilnli may a drlir',l (fT dacl'ir' bl'la. Ill" by Ilia Jadta iisiaauya, noli arilrl a' . I.'l lhl a cn Iihii ne of i h (riidhii'y bnl't op until tnni( llutl'Mi ni) , Hutt ataiy fadrnrf In dl.eata. eii'iiijll t.j r atibit vcIhSIm rn ft "llli I llunilreda af rurivk wt'tre-r karaiia arnutid in Mad iny a.aapo maar a faial iTS-k a-il'il. a on i. a mi aril tor IU.mI I'S hfl by kesiilil nriiparly Biiiiritlied liama " niro bli' ' and a ' tette. Ma lol mran'y witk Jurll sarviia lis ik, Hold only la h4ll-peUB noli ne wairr nr nn hoi , iinir: tin.. n ifr.evrl h , UiiBnilhle ehi-mltt .iamkj ki'i s a is KJ. i.DDdun. KiiKlnad WAvrrn for DAYLIGHT 4 xnwYoni i.iff, er r i; h rs A 1 1 niu i s nt nn wi dona "la Ilia MeT.aB wrmtaa) f karrail mt Miam an.a"ln lr.nili.larr, rat.if tba ' 4, aju'lif nf Nt Vitrk " eti wm l u 11 iiM 1 ari.a-ltricvaf. rtt la laa ilaima tad fl aa a JarmNta 44 , i . 1 haw. M ajaHetiCSkt. BI B Jayr-rtaet, ub tt.ttirncawinftf turn flaaaV tf arara a - af fs-J i nrl f f"ll tsf UaraBHl miV , t U atl t')f k mm e. aVi lNaft-WP 1 aft, Htntrs ft '(At. 'tra Vr avrrw aV'saa, twllneas) to tba pnarar l um tiiyef" tV i i lsle- nr. " aa-a1 n imiti ni ana1 a)-,tl Aftata War.ird, Mm m4 M m mm ik mu-t. s IHataaaw la aa alaalrswaaav rvioai ati'l rlva Fit r"a. W Hta aW Orrn . l:H fr 9 49 rtMefHV aa As i. WWMlalaJlWJI aCa, R ,i Tills Slip Epps Cocoa Maw a lxK VjluMlJeti Serpnut. P..r i.v: r a y, a tli- rc hnv n lnorH ri'.irilinn till t-xiiU-nri! of a lar;; B'-nii'jit ut l.nl.'u K.'iinshii. Him inilil Tt - t of I iniilmry. vul every ni wlm lie.-ir.l tlie nlKiy rri-eived it with in 1 in- Wei credulity. Uut tli jinieir (;rew iti of rikepiiciMii, iiml tlie tlionulitlesH urn-en iiii.iuy 1.11 .iniiia unit IioiliiilHtliitis 14: 11 4.. 1 ... :i . . . 1 was K'unelliin' in it. r niiur .-.'.warn .u. ifiildwinnnauv Dnwim wtf fiiliin' ih tlio luku. Iit an elderly luisinesB men und optHmed tc noturiet.v in t-very wnv. Tliey wen; en ijiitfed in li.-tijli!) in fi-!i, wlu u Biidderl to tlie west (if them a Imik heiwl pokcl itself out of tli wiiter und contenipliiteij tho fit-hefiiion. Thin wus thirty feet away fnmi tlieir boat. One of tlio men said it wait not unlike the head of a pup; do but dark brown or black in color. U'jtfl the finheririf'11 loHt intert-Ht in tlndr fi.sli iuj and Tautened tlu ir utteution on tilt BtTpent, After viewing tho fishermen tor a fe'A minutes the KcrrM-nt moved toward them aoini! ten feet, and his entire body wat seen 011 the fiuif.wo of the water. II waa from lifu n to twenty feet lnutr am) moved Hlowly and easily, in tlie mannei of a hu'c anake. It took w i.ore'l virr, of tlie fislittrmen fur a few secoiidn anj then dived. Tim Ri'lit (jrinervi'd the finherinen al first, hut they resolved to ffet a nearer look. They aaw the eiient jieriiap' half a dozen times, bnt wero nnahle to aeclire a doner Inflection of it. Tlin ttory haa been corroborated with more particiilant by John Clark, a hotel j.ro,rietor, Theodore Clark, tlm bi li'i.x manufacturer, nnd many othcra win) have fecn the Fcrpent. Tliee men nay tlm wrjient ix us t hick as a dog's body. Cor. Hartford Courant. damn Gulora In Muliia. Mofwi are no very plentiful in north ern Maine that, as a Bportsm.-iu can legally kill but one in a Beanon, it i Kuiiietliiii of it (lih.ipointujeut to throw away the only chance on an undersized or b an animal, or one with poor antiera. The boHi hunter of Medway, Llewellyn Powers, is a man who wastes no powdet on inferior Klle, and when he startcl jut after hU annual iuoohh the other day ho was determined to (ret a good one. He rolled his old slouch hut into a horn and called a moose ti the water at pix-k-woekamoe lake, but tlie bull did not miit. til ing too h an and cai-fjiinj smull an tlers. Another and another came In ri ;K,tHe of the hunter's call, and firiaM tiie ideal inomircti of the wnoda ap peared. Tliis bull fell before Powers' rifle. He weighed over a thousand tMi'.nds and carried a tierfect set of antlers that spread five feet. No fanlt vitn be found with a hunting ground which affords such opportunities as tht' for taking one's pick of bij( f,'Hme. Al m-t anylxxly can (ret a iiioomi in tin npiK-r Penobficot re(fior-. Tlie other da; atwel (year-old boy named Hathawaj went into tlie woods aione, ca.l. a a bi mooto and droiiped him at the first cliot. Louioville Courier Journal. a rui.iir nofi. In the raw of tlie trial for murder which is goiiiK on at Naples the deceased Vme time before bis death foatrhtadoel with a man who is now one of the pris' onera. At tho hearing the other day one of the witnesses, a government official, said that on the day of the duel he went with others to meet the carriages com liij back, for "at riilermo every oue knows everything, and the carriages re' turned as if from a festival, and the peo- pit waited to see them." Tho public minister asked the witness how the news of the duel lieins about to take place was known to the public. Witness: "First by the Mafia In fixing on the place and honr. I have never seen such a duel; people went as If to feast, and every one knew of it. Per bans the circumstance tuat an olacr fihhtiii had eoin Influence, an that therefore the authorities did riot prevent it." London News. A I.ayr'l l!anrt. It is the man with the idea who de velops his opiileiicy today. A lawyer ol this city not loiii sinco in three months persuaded all the manufacturers of a certain staple product in the eaatem states to form a combine. lie visited all of them and finally got them together and drew the articles of agreement. He Joined about twenty -five concerns into a combination, with a capitalization ol over a million. At the ouUrt be claimed 3 per cent., and his realization for hi) three months' work was ;10,000. ThU la a fact. Two New Haven concerns are in the combination. New Haven Pal ladium. . Te Io.ilgata the Soars. Pale. Professor Nordenskjold, of arctic fame, will soou atari from Anstralia In two small sailing Vessels, having anxil iary steam power, for an exploration of the antarctic ocean. The vessels will be thoronghly equipped with every de vice found nwful In Ice navigation. The locality has not been visited since James Ross' expedition in 1811, although tho Entlish ship Challenger went as far south as latitude 05 degs. 42 tula, iu 1871 Exchange, Tha ttoar Kcarae the Ilani'hari. There is a bear roaming the river bot tonu iu tho vicinity of Liuda that, when it wes a man, rises on its hind legs and liegins to dance. It is thought the crea ture must have escaped from some gyp sies who recently passed through the town, Many of the ranchers living near there are so fngutoued that they si in tlieir windmill at night. San Fran- clo Call. ' Tlie Tote of a Riley county (Kan.) man was challenged because be had been In the penitentiary seven times, IIo was, however, eiiual to the emergency He prtsluced the pardoulng papers for each offense. Several days ago a child was bitten in the finger by a black spider at Aladison bid. A few hours Inter tha little one arm began to swell, aud death ensued Id by mu3" it 4.U-" 1 ,....!. a. B1H. . HI!'1 . .....a. m. ILktm ai.f Colon-1 A. Ii. Beifert. ft, n reminiscent mood, "was ' C"r' onel Jolln . woauy. '".-i" private at Harper ten nueu n,..,. place was captured by Ktonewall Jack son In 1803. After waiting for some time for our exchange we were ordered down to Fairfax Court House, Va., where we were on the lookout for Mosby. "One cold, clear night In February, IQlVl I uftia ,n iti.'lri.t ,lntv fll tlm WlLl- renton road. I had post two. I was y-alking my post almost on the double Spiick, trying to keep warm, when 1 leard a troop of cavalry coming dowc tilie Warren ton road at a quick trot They were stopped by the man on post ohe ail riK'lit, and then came down on uiy poet. When they came close enough lo me I halted thein. " 'Friends with tha counterign,' was the answer to my challenge. One man dismount and advance with the countersign,' was my next com mand. "A well dressed officer dismounted and advanced to tn point of ir.y b.-.y " et and gave the countersign 'Jamaica.' " 'Countersign correct. I shouted, ''ass on.' "There were about three hundred of them; a motley crew in appearance, but they were a jolly lot, singing, talking and laughing. They passed on, and in due time I was relieved and soou was sound anleep. "Larly tiio next morning the seargeut of the guard roused ino up and told ni" 1 was wanted at headquarter. Li charge of an orderly I went When 1 got thero the man who ws on pyst ." was ahead of me. He was ushered into tiie presence of General Alexander Hayes, our commanding oQker, and Wi.en he came out I went in. You bad post two at List night? demanded the general " 'I had, sir.' x" 'Tell me about tha troop of cavalry that pawed your post.' "I told him wlt bad happened. " 'Well,' he said grimly, 'you did it, and ho dismiwed me. I diacovered prtttyaoon that the men f had pansed were atosby'a rxsnmand, with Moeby at their head. They had ridden tiirmura tba aritire camp, take the tent of one of tlie general ofDcers, tnonnted it on a mnle and escaped with it to the Confederate hnea. "How did he get the password! We found out ttut af'.erward. At one ol the outposts was the rawest kind of t raw recruit While he waa on picket duty a man dressed In a captain's uni form, with the red sash- of the officer of the day across bia breast, approached him. lie challenged and the officer re- epouded. " 'Officer of the day with the connter fign.' ' "Advance and give the countersign.' "The officer advancod and gave a word which was not the correct one. "'That's uot right,' said tha sentinel, and yoa can't pas.' "After considerable wrangling, tha .ifllrer insisted that bia word was right, ha exclaimed angrily, 'What word hav yoa gotT Tbe man said, The srrgeaut of the guard gave ana the word, "Ja maica," and nobody an para without it,' Tbe effloaF wm a other than Voaby hiinettf. B bad all be waarted, and, waiting for aigas, go ksi men together and made tba eaeoraaftal raid. Tor cool aca-va H beat anyttdng I nu Wd of.'-JTew York Hai-aU. rwa laaa f Ml waa leaving Pittsburg I waa ap proached by a youag man who, after giving tne bia card, thanked me moat earn, ally fur ujy lectai cf last night; ia fact, be nearly embraced ise, "I never enjoyed myself so much la my life," he said. 1 grasped hia hand. "I am glad," I replied, "that my hnm ble elf ort pleaeed you ao much. Nothing ia more gratifying to a lecturer than to j Know ne oas anorueu pleasure to oia audience." "Yes," ha said, "it gave aie immense pleasure. Ton see, I am engaged to be married to a girl In town. All bur family want to your ahow, and I had the girl at home all to myself. Oh I I had iocs a good timet Tbaak yoa 'so sanchl I Wot ore aeee eg a!a soea." And after arkthlag saa a slia net loam- ory be left I waa glad te kx-rw I kafl at inawi (aa tAsA ,as2 tAvsm m in Pltaburg,-a(as 0'ReH. A Littae Uke aa taaaU. "Bee aaaay af ssy paragrapba or saarls la tba eiohaagear aatil aVa faaay saast af tha eirkenge edWoa. ."Haven't aottead." change adi tar. ,'Tra saen a good many tilings credited te the paper, bat be vent looked te, sea wbaLrusr tbey ware dog fighkt, weather tems of soma of yvor gaMaa. Waaat saa ta 4 aaal lay Va aaSde for yoeT "Oh, aei I wesiktat pv. rs ta aunch trouble," said tba fnmry maa. "Ne trouble at all," aaeartod the ae abange e-lltoe. The funny maa wwat anok to bis desk. thonirht ever tha raatter lor a minute and tlten Shrew a paprrwelgbt at tt as ekange editor. Caicao Tribtroe. ( SHaae Kwt Sa m ad Bait aaata It bas often been said that the glove makers cC Parts make os ia their trade L nf the akins of rata which ase oangbt la tlie sewem, but this Is d(iied. Oertutnly the ran ted al wostld mat be saroiur eoupga toaurcomfully eonnterfelttha kid, nnlesa tt were f( tlie tainnS parts only, whtck are generally of a tMnosr and different kind of butllisr laoia the rest, Buggea Moa bas bea made that a trade might be erened wtth the CalMSe for Has skins of the lata wasnh they eat. WashiagJeai Scar. i . ' , Buioke is finding its champions m Eng land, notwithstanding the efforts made to pwv nt its dlHoaloa in the atmosphere. It is claimed that the carbon In the smoke Is a powerful deodorizer, and as snch Is blessing rather than a nuisance. , lle-w one ut in inaml tin ' - ' in'?. Aire : (lineuee ih i. ') ninny unrx. noon rclicv. IHR, piim.i l I ' T weak nnd li t ion, BWfllill'V and henrt dio t on lle.irt iiiki f. free. 1 lie lUterHL. t (.lire ih tsold find eiTTiiant O. Fricke & Co, nliso hm Kewi . Nervine for lieadnclie, iil, hot ihiHht'H, ncrvuiiH cliihw, oj iiiiliit, etc. Wanderful. K. W. Sawyer, of KdchcHter, Wis, a jii'OiuiiK'iit dealer in m-m-rai rticrcliiindiHe, and who runs wcvoraf peddling wiijji)iis, hud one of liij liorH.m badly cut find burned -with lariat, The wound refused to heal. The horse became lame and htiff iiowwitlmtandiiiiL!; careful iittentioa ii rid the application of rcniedieH. A Iricnd hinidcd Sawyer wiuie of l!HU,.r'K Harb Wire Linciiicnt, the moht wonderful thiiifr ever now to lical Hiicli wounds. He applied it only three times and the eore waa completed healed. Equally pood for all Horn, ciiIm, hrtiHcH, and wound. For Hale by all druK'8' For lame back there is nofhin? bctlcr Hian to falurate a llaimel ciotli with Chamberlain's Pain llalrn and hind it on the affected parts. Try it and you will he Hiir iii incdat tlii'pioiiipl relief itaifords. The name treatment will cure rhail iii.it iniii. For Hale by F. G. Fricka & Co. The volumes of the Majjnzine be t in with the Nnmtiera for I lines and Ilecemaer of each year. When no time i hficcitied. subscriptions wiM hee;in with the Ntimher current at the time of receipt of order. Hound Voluaieaof Harper's Magazine for three years hack, in neat cloth bind ine; will be sent by mail, poet-paid, on receipt of fXOO per volume. Cloth cases for binding:, 50 centa each by mail post paid. Miles Nerve and:Llver Pills. Act on a new principle retrulat inu; the liver, Htomrch and bowels ih rou ph the nervH. A new discovery. Dr. l iir Pills Hpeedilv cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles, ."niiislipntiou. Ln(;(iialed for mcu women, children, sinaUest, midest si.resl! Till doses, L'oC. Samples free at K (). Fricke A Co's. "The foremost of our periodicals." COMMANDING IVEET GEEA1 CENTEE OF THOUGHT ANI ACTION 15 THE WOKLD. i- A (ample copy wltl llluitrtted proipac tue wilt be sent lot ?S emntm. Bia IDWIK AKNOLD. Tnr Fonrit l tbe mof. Inntrtif-ttre. tbe most ttmly, tba Inrpest enit the bnndsomest of tbe rerlnm. The three creat c-Joups of suh- jects out of the comma pear will be i .., : 1 1 1 1 .i 1 1 lil l iy ami iiin-.rueiiveiy uin cusscd by the ablest writers; I. I'olmcnl subjects jjrowin outoi the eresidcntial cainiiaine. IU Financial disturbance here and abroad. ill. Theological unrcst- with all the social questions huc;- peHted by these groups of great top ICS. There is no other way whereby one may tfet the ripest information about the great problems of the time within bo narrow a compass or for so small a siiin shart studies of great subjects by more than bun dred of the foremost men nnd woni- enof the world; because there is only ene American periodical for which all the great leaders of opin ion nnd ol thought write, and that Is Thk Fowum. The December number for exam ple contains: Degrcdation by Pen sion Tbe Protest of Ioyul Volun teers, 1y lieutenant Allen K. Koote Foundererof the Society of Ioyel VoluntecrR; The Meaning of the Democratic Victory in Maissachu setta, by Gov. Win. F. Russell; French feeling toward Germany; A notSer Conflict about Ilsace- Lo raine IncAttable, by Cammille Pcl Ictnn, member of the French Cham ber of Deputies; Should tne Silver Law of 1H",K) he repealed? by Jacob II. SchifT one of the most successful and in New York; In Modern Kdu cation a Failure'f by Fredrick Har rison, the great English ensayists I'jiregulated Competition fielf-dc-etrtictive, by Aldace F. Walker, Chairman of the Western Trnllic Association: Women's Clubs, the Volume nnd the Valud of their Work, hv Alice II. Whine: A Dnv I With Lord Tennison, by Sir Wil liam Arnold. And five other arti cles. There nre now in progress discus sions of our yension system; Prison Management; Tbe Training of Teochcrs; The Louisinnna lottery The next Step in the Tariff Agita tion; Are Modern F.ducutionnl Mat ters n failure? 50c a copy, $.1 a year. TIIE FORUM, Union Square, N. K' ijT iY'Y mm of um nallf. Quickly, Prmnatitty NatOfd. 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