r 3;'. , Pub! isliers v. m kv.'-v ; iv.i-ii.iy, aul flij'jr eTwy ; . "U'f pi ul'i. l (.'. f n vi. h, NVb. po-t- ' 'i'' r Viis iii, Film r ' in i - Vl, Ine one In a'lv: ?! so ci.py, ono y'ir, net In aiiv'iu.'fi jnrt Jue ci);iy, m iii.itiili?. In mWain'i' .. 7' Jue c.py, tlirfB ihuihIik, In adwcf. . TKRMH roil DAILi hie on one -"r In alvuc I1" -f wi. ? 'irriF ... Toa euuv. Lwr moult? ,r EW'DN ESDAY, DKCKMHER 9.HU, Wli VT ha bocone of tin- farmer-' alliance conrensnian ,froin tin Bolid south, of which we heard no much a few months sine?? It ii now pretty cvi'Ient that Jrrry SimtMOtt will have to caucus alone. H.; will have one !iilvaiii.ti; anyway there will he a uiianimouH rote. TlIKKi: is little doubt now. that Sherman li m more frien 1 in the legislature "of Ohio than l'oraker. It will continue to be Senator Sher man. Xmv that Kearney ha Kocured the bicycle factory nlie will prob ably yet increase her speed. If the other towim do not mount the wheel Boon, Kearney will be out of night. The democratic parly i not a unit on the tarilf tjnetion. It is possible however that the Mill mi nority m iv yet whip the Cri ma jority into line, tiiin iniure the passage of a Mills hill No... An Omaha lady ha sued an Omalia railway company for fl-V 000 for alleged carlesMiens on the part of th rnmnany causing her to break her arm. The examining physician did not nt.ite that her nerve had been injured in the lenr-t, however. IN defeating Mills and electing Cri.-p to the tpeukerhip the dem ocracy taken a decided btepaairmt true blue democratic principles Mills in reeoi?ni.ed. to a greater de gree than any other man, to be the lealerofthe taritl reform idea in house and one of the oldest niem b :r in that bixly. He received all 1he support that Cleveland could tender with propriety and yet the tide could not be turned in hid favor. The nelectiou of a Randall democrat indicate that the party leaders fear to make a Hpiritcd campaign aaiunt the M'Kinley bill and it in very probable that no radical measure will be pamcd. WE have beeu reiuet''d to pub linh tin: following: The export rateo on grain, flour id bread.-ituffs generally have ueen ii'ivanced ten per cent, or nearly 2 cent per bu-hel, which dcrea(M the value of grain in the band-) of pro lucerS that much in rotmeqiience of the cloning of tbe lake. Notice wan served on uliip Ptb Pome time ago that Novembn JH the lake lines would be forced to clone down for the eanon, and nearly all of the fast freight lines at once wired orders to their west ern agenu to utop receiving these commodities until the animal ad vance should take effect. The advance on the rail lines, of courne, wan nent out, and while the railroads continued to hnndle grain they did so with some reluctance, Thin advance is a regular thing and goes to show the effect upon the grain bunincsn by lines of water communication. The handl ing of bulk grain at any time in the source of considerable trouble to the cloxingof tbe lake seaman to advance the rates. While the la've route in closed, SL Louin still ban a line of water communication open by the way of .Vew Orleans. With tt irage facili ties eipial to tho.se of Chicago, New Oileann would canily be the principal port of exit for the crops of the whole Misnouri and Mississi ppi valley, and would be arime factor in the regulation qf rates to the seaboard. Mobile, Savannah, Galveston, in fact. Jthe entire Gulf and Atlantic senboard, wouTd be compelled to take the New Orleans rate from St. Louin at present and from all Missouri river points in the near future, With adequate storage and ship, ping facilities along the line of tbese rivers the farmers of the Wst cotill even brinj; the North Mississippi river point Into line. t7 s ... The river imMowm" to he hel l Hi mber 15 a i! 1 wi' matter up. I iim-r t s Horn of ptate.-. an lciMsl.ilive bo! .ill riu-ir state, are eligioh; to -.:.e rshi. ' l'resideiitn o( cuiiiiiie.ivi.il Lmlien in j citie- are entitled to two deb'gates 1 for 5,00 piipiibrioit mid tv.o for each ad li;i jKko'l uuU) KrUi. A few pcl,-.t. iann wim wers out for a morning stroll witnewwj a bnef but blo-ily battle turoutfu the wludowi ot the Market street bird tture Sunday morning. Among t'ne ileiii?.ns of the place U a luonkey calleil Jocko, whose pris livity t,r mischief has l-d him into di.grai'n bfrw. On the Dioniing in question Jocko determined to ' on a lark, lis ueceedel hi iiekiti the lock of his eag, and otiee fr tnniwl his atteiitiim to hi ft-aiiiered compHiiiims. It took bat a few uihiuU-stu unloc k a dozen of ths various cat-s in the room, and soon n funny pmcemiinn of niuukeys anil prir roU wi n- strutting alxiut. In a fi-w it ; i : ntes trmilile b -ffin to brew. One of t', . parrots, in a spirit of mischief, probably bit Jix i.o, and a livi-ly buttle eii-a. 1. I'olly r "ti found that she was g-tt t!ie worst of it uml made a nibh for h r t.ip minus her tail fvathtrs and purl -,' a wing. J.x'ki), wlio was t'.ien thoror.hly arotihed, siilej in fnragenerHliiia.-Mcr". and iu a short time had the floor t I.,:." H'l,', wve for Minnie, a little mhtin J.ile, who w.is tix) dazed to eM.-as. Witn one blow the bird was stretched lifele-i on the floor. The monki y tlien uffor 1 battle to a big tn(T.l owl which bad been gazing solemnly npon the scene, and ns-eiving no answer to bis chal lenge, thr'W the bird off its pudental. Jocko's Waterloo wns awaiting him aowever. A huge vampire tst, which had been watching the bottle, jumped down from his perch, and Jocko started for him. The cont.-f-t was brief. Th sharp beak and talons of the bird buried themslves lil;e a fla-h in the monkey's C'h, and Jocko was glifl to make Lis scape with the blood flowing from a doion wounds. At this juncture the proprietor appeared and bostilitie ad- Han Franciwo Chrunicla. A Tra llal Story. Here is a n'w and absolutely trne bst t'iry. A New York gentleman, dining at a hoti l iu Bontoti, found on coining out that he was the la.t to leave th dining room, and his hat bad been taketi by somebody who bad preceded him, leaving one very similar, but omnia tukahly not his, in iu place. It was a tiiSu'icntly good inbHtitufaa to allow of wri,,j, jr f,,r thn wwk after his r-ttirn home, whi-u, after dinner one day, three weeks later, he said to a frund with whom ho lud just been din ing: "I innst replace this bat; its not mine, and it doesn't Cu Come with ma and I'll Mo it now." Together they sought neighboring shop and began to examine hats. One after another was tried on by tbe intend ing parcbaser, none quite suiting him. "It's too bad," said bis frieud. "Like yon, I am hard to fit. Now, this one is tbe most comfortable hat I ever bad." "It looks so," remarked the bat seek er; "let me try that on." The hat was handed to him. It adjusted itself per fectly to bis bead. "Man alive!" he ejaculated, "this is my lost hat," and he took it off qui. kly, turned back the in sole laind, slid, snre enough, there was bis name and re-tidence iu imlupnUhle proof. It turned ont that the friend had been in Contou the tame day, though they had not met, had dined at the ho tel. but had not discovered that he hail w rn away another man's hat. And the shop lit a sale of a bat. New York Tiinea. Not Elrrmoaynarr In-tltntloa. "It's fnnny aliout some people one meets traveling," remarked a drummer at the Cadillac ai La threw bis feet upon the wrilintf table, "How:'" inquired the man next to him. "On a dining ear, for instance, the other day," be went on jerkily. "Whatr" altad the other man en conragingly. "Comiri( over from New York. Odd sort of a genius acroaa the car from m After be left Uia car the waiter who ba4 served bitn hruhd the crumbs off of my table. " 'See dat man, bow?" be asked. 'Reckon he nt-rao was on a dinin cj befo'.' . " 'Whyr I inqr.lrtd. " 'Cazu, boss, Le axed for a second belpin. Geuuntn what eats on dese yer dinin cahs, boss, knows dey ain't no char'tilde institutions fer givin victual away in no sich man ash as dat.' "I bad been thinking I wank-d a little more than bad boea, allowed me, but didn't aide for It after that," and the drummer sighed. Detroit Free Press. RIum Hart There U a family of little folk not far away who are delightful from their love for each other. Via has the greatest art. miration for bis sister Molly, and will do anything for her "You's so pitfy, Molly." He is five ana she is three. One cold morning Holly's mamma set her in her high chair, while baby had her neces sary care and pupa ate his breakfast It was rather chilly, and Molly waa in her ni;'htdrM8. Vin wanted to make her warm, so be wrapprd np her fttt in a newspaper, but poor Molly slipped and fell solidly on the floor from her high chair. "Oh, Molly," said Vin, In tears, "did you hnrt jour "No," said Molly, winking back tlie tears which would corao; "No, braver, I fell on 'e paper." Gardner (jla.) Rim JonraaL A trained bat belonging to 'Williflm Hester, of .Spring Hill, l'a., conveys mes sages hkc a carrier pigeon. Iu speed it very great-more than two mile a minul. It rectntlv Hmw . mil. o-. seconds. ' 1 ' V . m V I'LACES OF WOiv'SlIlI'. C Tnm.ie.-M. r;vul'i I Inn Hk, lflWft-li nil ti mill sixlli. Kiillirr h' ii. y, rai or . S-ivie.-I : V'iss ;.t ml In i A. M. buiuhty Vliol tit 2 :'. '.!. 'j'l'tilu- iil'.TMX.-r.iti er l.jriul hml f'lulitli Kti. vlr. I'nTLihi.' j nii i-ri.u. Ki.i' r J. h. l.y'il. faster Mimln) Jriii.'l iua, u. Fi ll ' (il-AI..- SI l.i k.' H t'tiurrli. rornerThlnl in lii'T II U. Hurrna m-tor. hvr- rli- : It A. M. It Ul M)t. M. huuiliij School tiu:) r. M. (iniMAN MKTiiniusT.ijrnrr Sixth t nrd I .miul- !' tint. I '-lni. St-rvtrrs :ll A.M I mi a jau: M. fllUU)' bdl.iul 111 .30 A M. ! If I I 111 A N. -r nH In new HMrrch r r mil mot Urnnili' m Ki-v I. Hinr.l. tu.il.ii -I.- . i.i ttt V m ii . iii.B-! il-ill H II III. K nl "hi" rlnirrn iioetn i-vciy S.,lili;Ili tvi lili n Hi 7 IS In III' 1'iisi mi.,.t u the eliuriti. All 1 Hiv Ili J to SKuiU tllfur Fiiit Mtiiodit flih St., tn-tweu Mmn iih.l Vnrl. l:. v. I. K. I'tlti P. I). eiHiur. . nrvi'f : 11 a. m.. H .0" V Sut ilm Celnl !) ;ia m . I'm) i iii'fii i wi'iiK-niKiy evcu- ll'B. t.i iimsn In 'KiiYTKin i. Cwiifr Main nnil NiiiIIi. Ia it itlr, ..ni'r. Sfiuv um'al lii'iirs. Kuuihiy M-liool :.Ki A. H. Swiri-!ii i iK.,iiniTioAU irnli, hi lru Fifth kiiiI mjUi. ( on nro lUrTiNT. VI. "live. I'nk. t-tw,.(.n l.-MIl .! Kt-VHMIl ll . l n- ti r. st.vi( 11 k. iii. it ! 7 iV m l'r.t i-r liKH'tlnir w rrtiirmtity cteini it. Voimi Mkn's ( iihi im a-mwiatiow tiiM-n.a iii tviii. riiiiinlili- k.M iiii "ir.-i l. liiw !! ini-fiiiiL'. I.ir iiwu only. ef r MnnUy nl-I.Tii'-'ii at 4 o'i'..i k i.m ii'. iiM"ii ri k J.i I; inn :. a in . tn 9 : .10 . Hi. Sol TH 1"AKK TAI'H Kai I.S I'ev J. M. V ji'il, I '.ir, s.-ivli-.s: Mi' .'ny P.'iiix l. in.: I mirMi.K, lis. m. uli'l S l. in- i (t;' hc iiiraninir 1iki.v leln ; 't.i.lr title"-u-.- 1 1 nl .) i.ik li A I' are . -leome. Cure tor Parolvsls. I'r.Hik Cin iicliiiH, of J'nrcell, IniL Ter., hats: "I imluci-il Mr. 1'uihoii. i hiii-e tt ife had paral v sir ill the tace In litiv a buttle nf (liiiuiliit Iain's 1'aiu j'.ilm. 'lollo ir great Mtpriee b. lure tlie 1'iittle I'.aii mi been iim-u he w.n a K"at iir.il latter. Her lace had been drawn to one side; but tbe I'ain ll.ilni r. lieveil nil pain and soreiier-s. ami the mouth iIhsumiimJ iis iiaiiu.il eli.ij.e." It i? .iIm a certain cure lor iheuuialiMii lame back, sprains swellings mid lameiiehS. ."ill cent bntlien Inr Sale bj 1'. G. l i ic keiCo., Iirtiggists. We have sold Kly's Cream Halm about three years, uml have re commended its use in more than a hundred special cases of catarrh. The unanimous answer to our in quiries is,'-I,J's the best remedy that I haveever ilsed." Our experience is, that where parties continued its u-e, it never fails to cure.-J. II. Montgomery, A Co., Druggists, le corah, low a. When I beijan using Kly's ('renin li.iltn my cat.urh was so bad I bad In ail. u lie the whole time and lis. charged n large amount of filthy matti r. That lias almost entirely disappeared and have not had head ache science.-J. Summers, Stephney, Conn W III be Clven Away Our enterprising druirgists, (J b'ricke A Co, w ho carry the finest stoi k of ilriiL's. perfumeries, toilet articles, brushe-i, sponges, etc., an iriving n wiiy n lare niimber of trial bottles of 1 )r. Miles' celebrated Iv'cs torative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache, di..iness, ner vous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it is the trreatesl seller they ever knew, anil is univer sally satisfactory. They also guar antee Ir. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervounororganic heart disease, palpitation, pain in aide, smothering, etc. rine book on 'Nervous ami Heart Ihseasca free. TTTAnted- An wilts, rellilils m 171 to Imi ainiilliiy. to i BioiitlHT. lib li.rr-.. to fsirst nl ! ril.m a ret omita New Vi rk llou. hsfereno-t. HASirAti tsaa. l-ck to lmb. s yors. When you go to a shoe store your object isnot only to buy shoes but to procure for what you spend the bet that your money will buy. Ifss than thin will not content you; more than this you cannot, iu rea son, usk. Our methods are ns simple na your desires. We do not lift your eijK'Clalioiia to the clouds, but we realize them whatever they are. We will never sacrifice your interests to ours and nowhere clue ran you get n fuller nnd fairer ejuia!enl for your money. An especially profitable purchase lor you is our etc. BOOTS, SHOES OR RUBBERS R SHERWOOD. Ml Main Street 3IIKE SUNELLUACKKU. Wagon sod BlArluimUb itiop W(;on. BuggT, Machine and plow Rqninur doae nortE?noEiX(j a sit.cialty lie uii lbs- NEVERSLIP HORSESHOE Which is tbe best horseshoe for ths farmer, or for fust drivinu, or for eitj purposes ever invented. It la so mailt that anyone cui put on sharp or fiat corks, as needed for wet and slippery days, or trmi-th, dry roads. Call at bis shop and exsmine tbe KKVKiuiur tnd Jim will use no other. J. M. SIINEI.LDACKER. 13 North Fifth St. I'latUwouth i.V t 1 GEORGE W. Oppccito GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CLOCK Everything to bo Sold tunity to get Goods at your own price. 4 Cel. E. F. S. McClary of ii. I Conducting the Sale. A furLLAli KAMILT. Jrwwir: "How la It, Kste, lht mi slwsrt awin in vu-b on 'lo Inviiut im-w Uimr r Io whut I nuy, yuu aJwj .vio Ui gui shoid ef mo." K7: " I Ann't knowi I ivrfjilnlr do not Bmkrun? ejertHin In tint in li m.h Jkkmiii: Well, .luring tin, l;u. fewmonths, lor exsoiiiK I uu Lave Ukro up palming-, 'i ' .i... i wltlviiit anr :!ier J ou rimt tithe rwrne WUen Uiri lalurk'0 !e.-rtel li.-r lM-,hHrle i-i.im i iiil..i,l)r, unit . oruiiilr ii if all iminnv. I. iff In lirniT uii'ii f )'inr liis.r.i. Iu ii: 1 h,r. f'uij I'.I4 1 ;ny fc. ,T Ml I I'M IIIIIK Imf i l'.'i I" el" ln.tnl... Ill Ii if l lilj I. nl mi-n Vt t.' u; M. uil ti.l- l..l'-i 'In. .11,' mid now J 1 1. 1 m '.. I i, ij.i nii-ii-rml i in inn. In .,.- ; yon r it.-rt .in n : il uilj-; mul l i luc lui Inoutli ynii li is e mi .m,vi-i i In Ii.-nitli.i.wi.itf, .. I ii i(-. t. .r ).!.-.. i;iiltijrt,eii:n'ii. w'ueie l.i ) i..; i-i inlet i,ur lnliiriiiiiii.il fr.ui In l, I l it;., i.iit.f tUi muj yjuxl-lut vti .e ! ... ... 1 in . .1 . Kmr "Wiiv. Jetin'x". fou will mnV me Vbiii. I buveim.f i iii, ,,ur,-4Mif inleiiimflon. Imt It I inri" ii'i linw ii mn-u kil ui.l. I W7 rliiia Iwr f ii)tliin li. w l,ut hnt tbe n-it !r? l-ri r:e le'..M.iu. on III ulij.-.u Muku 7 Sui Muniiuurl Aiii a (nut lrenro It Is Iu ui ail. ! r It r!ly fiirnmli. llifi rrailnif fur liril bmiirholil: father kstfitrii up 111 massin Uml h bu tmkrn ff eant, ho litis oii fri ro'itv n. ttUT Inditii.ulii.o on Hie kuiitto'i if thu il..) ; ami uiMn. r myt Ihnt It M tliAt fhiil roa.k. her ui-m a famous bM.arkeca-r. Iu lin t, w ail n that it at tlx mil raallf rimi.r Biwainic JMil.lirM-l, M wa htvi. aenr tor mmiwinn' at. i.f mn-ii. and find tlialimala all .r nun. anollMr ail f.r women, anil another for chlldrru onljr, vHiio,M(Mi aiiita -irv imm of uai so oiilr tmti Ui txkn mi li.itea'l of rii-ntl. and tliat mi alwra tut, cc.in.irut ronn In, for It g uuif ii i) a yiytr. Irli vuu tlil.ia I am t.Mi lavil. In my pmtai, tu( I trill M juti mt-m oura, or l iu-r null, mid lurvnu to tl'i putt. IhIi.t, w. Jruninm lwoionl, li luil 14ih HtnH. Naw York, for a aanipla mpr, BkI I aliall ala-aya oi,iia:d-r titat 1 hmvm 4.,no you a ir nut favor; and may iw you will Ivrutimr us out, a you auy wa bava IIhi r.-1'iilolj..u f t.nir lli ti"l iiifoirnHl family in ian, If that ba an, It Is Octmirvat't amlly kuuulne Uu du IL" A liberal ofler-only M.IX) for THE WKKTI.Y HKKAI.U ami DemorcHt l-'iniiily Nnnzinc. J2rS,ii(l your aubacrlptioii to tliia oflice. .44d Ecienllfio America! mm i . CSVIaTB, inoi iwia. fa. 'tilt1 CO IHIOHTw, eto. , Tar tr.fnrmt,rt3 fwK.r wnta 1 Ml NN t I'll 1 lino T. NrW Vornt. Oi4Mt htirwaa rn aw nnut aalul. Mi Anim twrij lir'il lkn out liy a. l l-roiintil iN-rura U auXlic bj S B'ltlna (Uua frva of tlnuu IU tlia Scientific tomcan; lArraat rtriilU. af any arifittflf panar In tha w.,rld K.l...,.ir ll.,,,iV.- tilt ii'-!l.clit mn ph.iuiti t wMti-iut ii. w.n, a i.u.i a J-.'l l m nn nil,.. A-I.1i Mt'SN a (.0, 1'LaLi.aiaa.lLi llivatlaa;, haw tiaik. V-1 y rn sj fin f ! !iJ tv Incw Co-a-rt cootsistio- Regardless of Cost. Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Sto'lc Raiscr, and 1 every one requiring on effective liniment. Ko other application compares with it in efficacy. This wcll-l r.own remedy hus stood the test of years, almost generations. Ko medicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mvstako Liniment. Occasions eri? for Its n almost every day. All druggists and dealers bare it. VTTA?TTT f w W-V AJ f VI J lillill IV I. PEARLMAN'S -OEKAT HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUH. Having purchased the J. V. Wf ckhach store reom en outh' ' Main etrect vrhere I am now located can ke!l good, chn cr than the cheapest having just put in the largest f v of new goods evor brought to the city. OasoHne k t andfuniture ef all IcimU -old on ihn installment plan7 , I. PEAHMAiN. H ( U A . 1 Ja. .. I THE POSITIVE CURE. I (si n rn r i r- i". VASS, SIo"a.so- In I iri U IS : rni.ua- lriri'" j D I a "7 " i:. or it T V, I. Do not miss this Oppor Sale commencing Furnish Tiia ITminn aa.vu.iv -AT- M0DEK."- lr.1 1 nl I Li I ;;Zthil St . .j y ! 1 - I '5v;.v r r i r