The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 28, 1891, Image 4

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A mun flio attempted to rake soir 1
iwfney on, a subscription paper fur u nc
tssary chtitt-h relates his experiotict
t'uue: ,
:;Tue first man I went to said he w:.
very? sorry, but the fart 'was hu w.ia to
inviived in hi business th''t lui couldn't
jfiveyitiything. Very sorry, nut a man
in debt a be was owed hi first duty to
"K'mwaa smoking an expensive cigar,
nil It I ire I left hi.s store lie lnuight of a
peddlsf who came in a pair of expensive
cuff buttons, i
"Toe next man 1 went to wan a young
clerk in a ban'.iing establishment. 1I
winl the paper over, acknowledged t'.ia
th church was needed, but said ha wit,
owing for boar, was bully in debt u1
iliil not see how be could (jive anything.
nan I tl nil IW4lMiUl ... I...., a....... I wTl . - - T I . 1 ,
- . - . - .j . - v . v.... i - iwikAktti leMi u 4 went ti vilQ oase-
ployed in a sotrt factory manner by ; ball grounds I .aw this young man pay
Uty cee's at the entrance to jro in, an I
ma' Iron Uiuuiit the grand stand whet
Call on the Tttckr Sister in tb
SIktwu'.! I, Jack for tmrp-nin i
JtKlsre Chapman Informs ustha
tlje uprin term of district court
will be lm in the new rti.'.rt houw
hail the day.
.. Elder lame Caff ill, nf h re
rnuized church, of Latter Day
'tuts, will discourse at (he
rnmn chnrcn. Sixth ami Granite
"U, Sun-lay. N'.jvfmb'r '2'.). tit
. ;W k p. in. Subject on the Per
fect D.i v an viewed fr,m a bibbieal
i iUn:l p
Uncle YV ,i Cuhin old as It ia
t:rjy of our nfVsr. A thoroughly
fcuod pen'ornists ot the entire
story by a cowpunytof tvell known
ctor would surely be an in vita-j
tion, Such ., perfortnmce c i be
oen at the opera hoiie next us
day iiiffht. bv the oriirinal ! &'
"fli)rau Com puny.'
Bennett & Terr '
Have nil lie
dried fruits, Apple butter, i
made Surhutn niolaH!eH, p I '
Snow Hake hominy. C'rjf'al nee,
fii lined fruits mid veetahlen.
CiinneJI nn-atH and huh, everything
else kept by a firMt clac grocery.
Lit of Litr
Deinniuin' iinclnimed in ,nf
. pontoftice at Phttttnuth, Nov. 3.
for the week ending Nov. 19, l.HUl:
Burrl-i Mm A S Bii'k". J-h"
ilr iw h W II I liMiwi Aron
' 1ri-h. h. II.m.iI.1 BMiy
H. ivnr. It )U "fc, KB
Jim Kit' t-(,i-kaCi'
I. iM!.ru. t' L'liiifU'.Mrn !I
Lini a1. U ii till er. Johu K
iitm.rti- Nf 'liH n'r
- )U n. cm Han
Bwlrfbok.i u-la Ka"dle. MO
lirlrr. .f W 8 r:i 'r. Jufph
t a "U. Arn.i Knltm .l nir
IVutMi. MilHK V aid. Mi
Mallerm n, Mn hhkIh
IVrnonn calling for the above
will please pay advertised,"
11. J. S". U ilGlIT, I', M.
; t-ciid aeatt were aolj far a ijaarter of a
"The third m;in to whom I present? 1
tli ji.iper wni4 a fanner living th
town. He hIm) waa aorry, but tine
were hard, hi.i croi bad been a partial
j failure, tiie iiiorttfiigH on his farm wa Jt
heavy loiid.'tlm lutureat war coming due,
and he really could not ee hia way deaf
to give ti) the church, iiltliou',''j it wu
iut what the new town lieejed.
"A week from that time I aaw that
fcime fanner lriv into town with h"
entire family aud (' to the tircnH, nftei
nooti Hiid ui'ht, at an eliiene of ut le... t
fuur doiiitra." Youlli'a Cuiniui.iuu.
Mince Meat.
Sweet Cider,
Fig ,
and many other nice thing f r
your Thankegiving dinner can be
had at , UENNETT it TUTT's.
Some of the mont etartling, In
terting discoveries of the life and
cuhioiiim of buried Kgypt are now
b-in made through extene iveexca-
Tatiiou. Ihefe tliccoverieB are
exciting a great intercut. Many
diwcoverieH are, however, being
made in our country that are re
markable, among which we may
. mention that of Mailer's Pain Para
lyser which etlecta entire relief, and
in many raxea a complete cure o)
that terrible disease rheumatism,
and which alno relieves pain of all
kinds. For Bale by all druggist
firiinmla for a l'wa
"1 waa down in Kentucky," the
drummer at the Cadillac, aa hohliin li i
ftKjt over the writing tible, "and nn
d;iy 1 was iti the ktore of a tneri'haiit,
wiio was also the iecretary of the Coiiiuy
Fair association. KeutucL'v'a a great
place for county fair, you know. Wu
were sitting tlirre. c'.iintiiu? alxmt trad i
and one tiling another, when a Ions
f -ed chap with a wiinan nad tix chil
dreii at liia heel filed in.
" 'Air you Mister Simpson Le ti'.ed,
CCHJl:: v.p to the fierchalit.
"SimpHon nodded.
" "Don't you give out Jcs.c.3 for the
connty fair?
"S'l.t very toftcn,' rrn!icJ Kiu:pson.
" -Dut yon air the man that civet
them ont when they nir nvo onl?" I
"Cuniered thia time, tiio ax-retary bad
to aay yea.
' 'Well, I want one for mo and my
family here." and bo threw hi thnnili
over Ilia ahonlder at the iutereatiuj
group ut Ida bee la.
'Ua what gronndsr inqniroJ Mr.
S(ni)Kon, hi a bui-inrV.ike way.
" "On tiio fair grounda, in conrw, r I-clahne-l
Sir. Unckleuerry, in ancli an
tmdiauin-d tone of iutioeeut anrpriwi
that hinipnon forked over the ticket la'
fore h could r-cover hi equanimity."
Detroit 1 ree Pres.
(Jumt Vjr lii VI,l, li tlx Avrrax Frrak
until Makra Ilia Ablutliiaia.
An American faiui'.iilr with!)) -fact
that every bonne or apartment, rentiti(
aa low aa ;'.00 per year in the United
State, has i'a own b'ttim:1' with hot
and cold water aupply and wnate to re
move the coutenta of the tub, ia amused,
If not amazed, when oil a viait to Paria
he Rt'U aa tdra of the enstota still pro
vailing in that inetroiHiha of luxury and
eh-uant buildings.
The large hotels, aoine very costly pri
vate nuiriMiiis and upartuienta, and the
public bathhonaea have their bathriKiuia,
aa is the citatum in the United Hiatt-a,
though the French bathriKim ia really
much larger, and ia elegantly furiiialitd
wiili rngs, lounges, dressing tables, etc.,
Him iiiioi teiiii tiiat ir hum tjtkeH uiatiii
.... i . .,,
one iuiI lie down and taken nap after it.
People living in iipurtinenrk eoaiiiiirH
Li,h ua $l,)tH) u year, Hiid in the r.ew
qnarter of Paris in the neifjhliorliiMid of
taw Ciiainpa Klysr, when they wiah to
batne, other tinin take a rpoiige bath In
a Kinall lairtahle tub. either to to the
public biilhing enlub'.ilimenU or aend j
to them to have a bath bronght to their
i:piiriiiieiit. Sunday tiiuriiiii' o,ie fees !
a Mran;,'" linking tv.o wlni-ied cart like j
a very high dot cart, on which there ia I
a framework built over the wheel. J
T'.iia framework can hold three bath-1
tuU. TheV are made ei.tin-Iy of cop'ier J
and nreiilMiiit ." f -' t long, " I iachea deep
H the en 1 and IS iuc'.ie.s on the hide, .
The driver of this vehicle ia perched
np high n wn-i'l ei(t in fret. '""
headed mid wears a blon- . ():i each
ride of biin an iron riii f encircl -a a co
r colored vessel, holding alvmt thn-e
Klloiis of hot water, which resta on a
litile hie-lf. He alao earries a annply uf
iry towels and hle-ets. Thf bathin : ea
taiilihbmeula have iheei c irt. and when
n patron N-nds word that lie wanta a Imt
batli lit a certain hour the bath la put on
the cart, the kettle fillc 1 with hot water,
r.nd the cart wflh its atran h load ia
rapidly driven to the baildiug iu which
, the apart iiient Ih,
The driver carries the b -it'itnb. as :
i Ad.rotidack guide, carries a can'-, oti.
i his bead and Hhnuld. ra. from the fiM to
the fifth floor, aa -. uiay and
after fpreadmg a rhei-t to protect th"
' carjiet, be i-pread als: a ch-i:i aii -i t in
l kido of the tu'o. ao that the battier d'H-1
' not tonch the UH-tal. Then he carrii
i up the kettle of hot water which he Ima
brought from the main establishment.
i The necra-ary coll water be gets oa the
premise, either on the aame fliair with
the rpartmeiit. or In the courtyard.
When the bather baa l a l hi bath, tbj
j attendant remove tho Foiled Water by
I dipping it out, wipes ont the tnb and
! carries it with hie kettles and soiled
' towels down stuira to bis cart. Th
..i......., r . ..11 Miwiti liiiiMnii
c... n -'. ......... v
wi:ii the usual additional tip to tiio man.
Lugiuecring Record.
Ttie Me-letl of the Fee I.
Far too little has ever been aaid or
-written regarding the proper treatment
f the ft"'', Trhon we couaider tho amount
of Buffering that may be occaaioued by
their abuae. Aa the Lealth of any and
!1 parts of the body depends upon the
care taken of each, either voluntarily or
unconsciously, it is a marvel that the
feet ure not even more frwpiently dis
figured by growths that injure fhe entire
ystem aud, perhaps, permanently cripple
the limbs. Races that live in a htate of
nature have almost invariably (except i:i
aae of accident or natural deformity)
hnpcly and serviceable feet in proportion
to tin ir gi-ni-ral mucliacsa and j.hyuical
perfi-clijn; therefore, it must be tiiecov
erings placed by civilized man upon bii
pedal citn-nv. l'-a which cuue ull bis de
fects in this direction.
If cr.r bands were t'litd-dr ch'l ia S:
tight tilting ahina and for eight
een hours in every twenty-fonr they
would aixm become, to quote Hnkin.
"aa ngly ua tiie naked leetof prosperity."
When thus surrounded by coverings that
are we'd iii-h impervious to thu air, the
j-ores of ti.e feet do tot ;ct pn p rly
ml la?coii.e nuhealthy, while the fi-et
themselves grow callous and develop
those ill natnred and wondrous painful
excrcscenrcs; kuowu as buaious aud
corns. Delineator.
Montana rapphlrra.
Tiie only locality In Mout.tnti which
baa been at all prolific of sapphire i the
it x or seven miles of placer ground 1h
tween Ruby und Eldorado Inn on tue
ftomrtlilng About I'rlrra.
Ilerelsoneof the tricks of druggist i
Al.... .... H lu. ..n ,1.
fcllitv ii:n va-s'iiiirm ,w.ij wi ... . . .. r II
l.a,kout for: A man went into a dm
store and asked the price of a certain M'lhires are found in c a-
rei:te.lyof tho known as -propri- ' ", 1 4 ,B , , 1
. v- artiel. 'Fortv-(ive ceuta." was I 6"'l' B"' " have been co.iMd-
the answer. "Cut." said the customer,
who was in the babitof dealing with the
druggist to a considerable extent, '"1
have never paid more than forty at
"a," mentioning a druggist in another
p:,rt of the city. "Well, uow," said the
gvaal natured druggist, "1 could let von
have it for forty, but I like to act on the
square, and I idioulilu't want to charge
yon live cents extra tho next tiun you or
some of your family come here to get a
preerip;ioti done np."
Tiie man paid ovpr forty-five cents
and went out, woudering bow many
times be and other men bad been cota
a lld to make lip on one thing what
they bad saved nn another. Tiie inci
dent in mentioned in the hops of pntt'ng
others on tneir guard against n neat lit
tle Irit-k lb tl would ptobably lave iiewr
bi n discovered had not t'.m drnggiat in
qiie-tion, ia a moment of unconscious
frankness perlinps. giveu the thing away.
New York Trilmni!.
ered only a by product. Up to the pres
ent time they have never ben systemat
ically mined. In 1W3 one company took
the option on 4.000 acres of the rive
banks, and several smaller companies
have Mnce been formed with a view.of
mining fur these gems alone r in cc u
tiection with gold. i i
The coloni of the g"tna obtained, nl
thongh Is-autiful and intereiting, nre cot
the htandard blue or rel shades generally
demanded by the public. The slows
embrace a great variety of the lighter
slia lcs of red, yellow, blue and green.
The lsttcr c:;'.:ir is fuuti'l ti'v.n pr-r
nnnnced, la-itig rather a blue e-re.-u than
an emerald green. Nearly ull the 810111",
when finely cut, have an np;mrent metal
lic luster which is strikingly ja-culiar to
those from this lculity. Neither reii
rubiin nor true blue aapphirei have et
Leva fuuuJ. Omaha l!ee.
Una-tklril of a Diillar,
Handed down for generations In the
family ia a curiona an 1 valnable lio of
Colonial days now iti posseaaion of Mrs.
Lizzie 15. Link, a niece of the late Judge
Stitcx and a clerk in the general delivery
department of the poatofhee. On a small
sheet of brown paper, 8 by 3 inches in
size, are the characters, which prononnce
it a legal tender for one-third of a dollar.
One side bears the inscription, "Accord
ing to the resolution passed by congress
Feb. 17, 1770," also a dyapeptic looking
un dial, beneath which is the terse sd
monition, "Mind your own business."
On the reverse ia a circle of thirteen
links, each representing one of the states
ot the yonnt Union, In the center of
sjvbich is the motto, "Weareone," It is
an interesting and valuable relic of tiie
coial oil days of the forefathers and
their fractional currency, some of which
would prove very convenient at the pres
sut day.-Louisville Commercial.
rrmtnet of tha Clnva Tr.
The limba of the clove tree being very
$ brittle, a p.-culiar four aided ladder ia
h- esed. As fiiatnathobnda are collected
i tbey are spread in the sun nntil they as-
r,(tiea brownish color, when they are
fiut inU tiie btoreuome ready ririnitrkeL
. A ten-year-old plaiitition shoul i pro-
.duce twenty pont da of cloves to a tree.
Trees of twenty years frequeatly pro
duce npwurus of on handrod pounds
sell. Ilichanga,
Vi-m and Tastiloa.
Vf i hsrdly more than another nan
for fashion. It is the mode of tV day
that determines this. To Wear the smail
clothes and full lajttomi-d wigs of our
prandfather tixlay would lie most nn
grammatical, and yet in the old time it
would have ls-eii equally un error to ap
pear without them. Tina Is a constantly
fiiictimtiiig ruht of which it latruathe
principle remains the same, bnt of which
the application variesconstantlr, Lvery-
body recognizes it, and everybly U
moru or li- influenred by it. It is need
lea to point ont that to be too far lie
hind or too much In advance of tho
changing fashion is to las deplored, but
It is Just here, it may be remarked, that
this principle paaaea Into that or ele
gance. Boaton Conner.
How Iadlass Prrpar OraMhappvrs.
When grasshoppers are very abnn'
dant and in prime condition the Indians
dig a bole, build a Cre In the bottom of
It aud drive the swarms of insects into
it from all directions. Then they cover
the opening with blankets. The hop
pers thus killed are taken out and put
into bags with salt. Afterward they are
rpread out to dry In the sun. The wings
and legs are removed befor eating.
Washington Star.
o U
mm mm
Furnishing Good?, Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc-at Jobbers Prices
It will pny you to come fifty miles to trade with
Who will t-liow you bettor imiki'B, qnitlity ami for less money than you can
buy ret ol Cliicngo.
7CE IZclg CrLl3r Crxo lricc,
Hn Mat Thread Is Mad.
Lisle thread is made of superior cot
ton treuted in a peculiar manner. The
wusy surface of the cotton liber Is inv
paired by earning, bnt preserved by
combing. The spinning of Lisle thread
is done under, forming a com
pact and solid yarn. Exchange,
Coffee was Introduced into ConstinH
nople in the early part of tho Seventeenth
OMitory, and writers of that time inform
n. that the inhabitants of that citydrank
It as b as could be endured, the decoc
tion rtni as black as soot, as Purcbo
pals it, "Lot much unlike it," -
Curloillles la Hji.
W rn !d friend, !-fr. Je
Eitnn, on the strict the other day, .tid
lie tolJ us of a wonderful eg his daugh
ter came across a short time ago. On
breaking it she discovered another per
fectly formed egg with a shell inside of i
it. it was about the size of a partridge '
Another gentleman standing by
told of a curiosity in tho shape of a
double chicken that had la-en batched
on his place. The backs of the twins
were suited, and while one would las
standing OU bis feet the feet of tile otliPr
would be pointing upward. When
growing tired of this position it or they
would Cop over and stand on the other
feet, the lxautlons being reversed. He
said the chickens lived several days.
Farmington tMo.) Time.
Animal and tho P. Itahll
There is now said to be no animal or
bird iu the Central Park menagerie that
does not eat peanuts. Many species In
the cages were at first much averse to
peanuts, but the persistence of the chil
dren in forcing them npon every creature
there has had such an effect that even
the lions and pelicans, and everything
except the snakes, have ft It obliged to
acquire the paunt habit New York
Oraolaf Clarr.
There have been many ways anetrested
for blanching. It is suid that in the Old
World, where first class celery is de
sired, instead of burying np the plant In
the earth they simply tie op the leaves
and then wrap them in coarse brown
paper. It is raid that much better cel
ery can be obtained this way than by
any other method of lUuchiug. Mee
ban's Monthly.
Tho November of I'll will ever be
famous in our political history, bernsse
in that month, for the fU.fc nj only
time, two presidents were elect! wlthiu
these Uultod Kutea briiham Lincoln
to rile li Washington, and Jefferson
Davis in Richmond.
Catmoi ic- M. I'anl's f hiirrh. St. ietet,
Kilt ti and Fsinrt a In , l't"f
a.rvirei: tmntsiiil m:WA. a, HunUaj
eelieol at J :.1u. l I. Ki'filli tl"i..
Ciiki-tmo. ( nn er l-.H-ust slid Mclith Kl.
eeivlrrt inerulna and neu'en h ilr i. K.
I'.i rd, ianlnr eunds) iStihnu IS . M.
Eriaroru.-Ht l.nke's Inirrli, niii.rrTnltd
mill Mil'. Ke II II liuue-a t'n r her
lei:IIA M 1 ill t a ruiida) hcliuul
all .30 e, m.
Oskman stsTHonisT tmer sixth aad
lilllllll" !'.. Inn. I ll". e. r res : a ti,
and 7 :3H r. at. Simmy hrlnail l JO M.
rrevTatAS. nuns In , rlierli.e..r
bet mhiIi sin i.rcinir . l:i v J 1 . I ir ',
patir. auiiiM'-sr i i.aliU'i ) It-otlOu
st ll a. ni.nMl n m.
Hif II e. r. K i t ih''hn'eh m-en evtiy
Salil.alli t-teiih r st J :1ft In tlir I us. Ine' I et
the rlmrili. All ale u.viifd In ail-i.u tlirtr
rtumr MtTHomsT -ih M.. Iwlwea Vain
and Prsrl. rev I. V. Hilit I'. H. .alr.
SeiTleea i II a M. S an e M miili m Ihh.I
f jna M. rrarnrl g Hrdnemla) rirtt
In. liraMA rasvTrRii. I'nrrer M.iln and
Sanli. It. V W ile. i 'l. hrivii-rs ueal
iiniiis. Kuml.ijr tImmii a J A. M.
Kwrsiii-H 'i K' B'tioau Cratilie, be
Isrru Kiflll and .-lull.
t'eU'Hrii ItAITt-T. lt. Olive. " i k. l-tr.eii
leulh aeil Hi lenltl A I'e-setl. l'-
..r. heivi en li a. in. ml t ..'ll u m. 1 M)el
n eetliis H raiiw wiay ru nli i!.
Tail'kO MTN'S t'lltllll" A .! ATlalV-
1'iM nia III aiein.sii ll a k. M.iin ain-n. ;
i r1 nn rilBL'. let eiei. mm ef rr s'iniav (
IrniiN'ii at 4 ii'. I.H-k. e in- aiiru nrrk d.i
(aim S: a iii . to : an p. m.
Kol'TH TAliK TAIirMtHAI I.S -IteV .1. V
Vk srtl. I as'ef. Miniay i'lian.1
, I rKrl li v. II a m. m. a S p. m
rran inrriii t 'luraii-y niKln : rlmlr piae
' Hi' r nil iiitiii
Dogs Yoqi Little Qii'l.,
Need clonk this winter? If she does you will mnke a greut mislakef
you do tiot cull nnd cxniuine the children cloaks that
we are offering before buyinj;.
Wo havojust received from largo Cloak Manufacture
his full line of
Childrens sample
For children 0, 8, 10 ond 1'2 years old, consintin of 113
garments in all. NO TWO ALIKE, on which w
were given a disccunt from regular wholesale pric
po that -to arc able to sell them at actually
Manufacturer's Prices.
CUE IXandletUS prove Ihe truth of Jbe nbove stnl you ot the same time our FINE LINE of Ladies and Mi
haciucs una j acacia.
stntenient, nt'l
Mes Kel
Al. are i-lrintie.
When you to a shoe slorc your
object jenot only to mora ini
to prcM-tirc for whnt you epeud the
lieht that totir money win uuy
Iea Ihmi tliie w ill not content yr u
more than thia you t er.itot, in rca
eon. oak.. Our nuthoaW nre ua
uitniile nn vour desires. W c do tsot
lift vour fxfirclnliona to Ihe cloiitla
but we rettlija; them whatever they
nre. We will never riicnlice your
Interests to mas iiinl tiowha re i lee
ran von ret u fuller nnd fuirer
r.iuivalent for your money. An
especially profitable jmrchui-e for
you ia our etc.
- n niEEWooD.
5C1 Moln Street
Another opportunity to buy shore at
We take tilciieure In nnnoucinjr to the people f PlntfsmotHh an we linve riicceeoeu in (geninir anoiner .me it
salt Die shoes. Our eiuiera with the Lift line wiie phemmiinul nnd hud
dreila were d.enppoinlcal been use they nunc too lute to secure some of tld
burL-aine that we ollcred. J in" " " '""' ' 1
Imr U nller 11 TriliinyAv O..OI Iioaion, fiaas, mac luiiniminij i i
L K. i., Me, aand Hove shoes of all kinds and o? ,1 .
Ultn,.iirrvr,iii ....... i..mii, Lnmiiil Metis in !:.?
c om irive the heel v.iljie for your money Ihnt you ever hud eyes on, j
ii...i-t n.i.ik that b. cause we don't ai-k btigh prices for shoes that 15
.lw.ea are tint cf anv liiuli Ui.lity. W e have anions; these shoes that tl
aa line aa anv shown in the city, everything extrius c la atnpprd a
and the shoes that you buy of tie on Uieir intrinsic worth. T c i
the rt f values aua ifivc you wic vn iu jvi .
Vl hi M Mi M Mm ii Mw
Childrens Nnt
tinil Woid Col
or rdiirt nii'l
Dnrwer All
Childrens nil
Wool Miirte A
l)rnwcr All
End lea Fine
Merin o S i I k
Tl iiuiiii'd el.ii I
ti rial Drawers.
Mens Ettr!
Heavy Riiu
ii i r t s a u
riattsmoutli, xtV
507 MalaftTCct