The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 28, 1891, Image 2

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    ' 1
OTT -, GR'J'i, Pur.i-hers
hearers away
mere'y pleases tin:
worldly wisdom.
urobilin l Uiin'.
- . It V" eiltn'.. t. tUlUttitl Ml- I'- '
W i , "' it . v'1 r.a.. i
' ' y . V; V ii, aua Filth st rsets.
t. f &
'! ) 1
. 1 J l i'lMa KK H'KKKI.V, I
J'jJi l.i.v. ' f1'"''. '"' "I H'lV 'ee - '"
" ! .-. '., -i . i f in ''I'- " '"
)re f ;.v, r hr4' tii !!'!. tn : 'vtiFiCe .
. . ;;-,j3 r;,ls BAItA
' to r... im'e f tt -fl iw - '"
.! .i-iNt '
ourivnurcwi.-ii.iiv. , . r .snotarew thin fur student in
mini mat WI,K r c.tioii to km!; scientific exiieditior.i
eve or add tof-J their own account, cntiibniimc cn!n;t
We tlo !' K mid "rouiiiii!? il" with congenial
s ' : r-.i-.. ..:...! ilnn.
.i . il . rcn w;i nil (.i-iui.v I." ; i i' "
arc away Iron, me """"".fV,,!,, m of ... present
which surround ii in our iiny yi;ir j,.w.rv,.s to 1, n-.ti'"! tin vjf ei-ial
w lUd in 1 i ft". tin kirtHiuwHtid Miiiiificnm'e.
It -a true that much iifoful inform t-oiisistiiiir of a profe ssor and
1 mation can be piillHii'd at Hint tx- ,.V(.r:,i Mt mlfiitn of Bovvdoin oil.-;,'", m
portion that the ovi-rafte n an M..m wii-.l n .-; "
never would learn f.o.n look,, but Htmly the vegetable nml mil .ml
never won rri,,.vtii. and oth.-rwi.-t to train a scum-
... j .......
dency to improve the condition of
liU soul Milliliters have too many
of the world's attractions to coii-
i I li'inl witn now n oci-n" -v-..
ful in Mifliinir the faille of tltrt. th fall I.V wi.un u r.
lul 1 I " i ...1... n..... i.....ltu Alluiifl
I.lfw-.I tin.1 rmmila and Dlxd.
Tlie n;iiiiiiii of A'liim Winter, of B:ia-tn-M
tow nhli, hnvn reaclipJ WillimiH
port. Winter wa onjy i-ihteea yeur
olil. hnt u yoiin iriunt. Ho hrwil on u
wa;,i r a harn l unil it! coutfiitii. weisli
iii' M ikiuikIh, reeeiitly in D. troit, from
tlie elfi-rtH of which he died a few ihiys
iiiroiuu hwpital there. Cor. Philudul
j hin TeleraoU.
No. ! ft : 05 I" M
,u. 4 M. '
No. 7 ; it p. m
Nil III Us lAitlM
Nil. U U :I4 4. I
No. Vi. It :JU . h
.a ii i
. Oi H ri.
' ....
I r.- i, m
ft -i n. ..
tifi" kiiiiwliiln oi tuo eoumry.
It wiw nlv) pliimied. iiiei.l'-ntal!y, to
aseiiil the (ir.ui'l riv.-r to tin- xtul cata
nu t. The Or'ind rivr flown frnni tlw
niyn imiici ... m"."-
I ..I.
satukmuv. n()'i-:.mi;i:k'
. MK. r)UTF.i;'H census fi-un-M
how that the value of (arm
LwmU, taiintf the xviiole eo...
over. .ha dL-cre.iH.-il :i!'a I"'' ' ' "
duriit fne i.'ift ten yea.-. Am
hi-i- result ol toe I-olu
Which hoant of l.ililili.ia
m ..... .. ' Tin- " ho il
let;'a;ipearH to have .Vtictitietl onl
to tn..-. I.ii.hli..- n ot el. o,.,i
inillioaaire i.
or ii'.'.
up a
; .Men are h.-coiiini JT
wi ir Idlv wice una
divine iiif-piralioil.
L, t them i loe the trateH of tlie
CoIuKil.iail expo-ition every Siitur
dav nihtniKl kei them -o until
M nulay morning. cli-niiHMinrf all not actually uief'.e I to
. ;i..aiii!t the det-
property, that the people have
omM.rtuiiily to vimI uie 1'i.i.t.
unr-hMi, fur which Chicago
already flmjile nccoirni .datioi H.
Men who will not K church
would not lihteil to a .-eruion on the
COlulit'iM'. nn.l
tin? Inwrr
. n..... ...I., ii.u A .lui.tii. iu'i:in Hrn
iiioieaiKl more icvci in u ." - -
lees of'thetfriin.lH-toii iueoiiuii..ii. ,
Tim liowdoin r.U'-;:B fxtH-ilitioti win
Cited nut Ht the rjipeiiro of uhvmr.i mi l
fi-t.-mU of tin- enll'".;e. j
Tim (iraiui riv. r win amended, tl. I rat nr. let viewed nn.l i!ioto;jr.-,pii.l cmwdiui! in-r t
....... . . I 'I'l... ...1. ... ' - .. ...
nml 1 1 H liellil uw enaiue i. iiie pimu .in ,
who I. -d in pn.-liiiiit nt far up V
(ruction of th- falN mi IT. -red tnai.y j.nvatit.tH. hut ,
n,i won ih w rved li..ri..r )n til.) ;cce.-.iul j
, f prnw-entinn ef t'leir eat -r;rir. j
I iieir m ui . "i.i iii i r-""" "i .viiui'i.7 I
for oilier Aiiierii-iin i1!";,"m iid::tud. lit.
Mtie'i iiii.rl.i'it itif'iriiiati'.ii reiiiiiliiH t) '
In' Katlien-1 Hlmiit the U-hh known jM.r- '
ti..:n nf onr ('.til iaetit. nil 1 (- .! ; ;i t-nl.
hfttaiii.-alan 1 z -l..-.:i.-..l r- :.!',. faith. 1
The prest r.iilroadi running from the
northwenteru part of our country to the
Oulf of Mexico liMVe iletenniued to
tul.liNli iteamnhip line to Central nd
South American jK.rU from New Or
leaiiH. -
A nmini'.t has bce.n nUrted in rnchlo.
. 0 .1. - . . . ., , . r. n nlHn.M
o.'. O'l ttvv.M.H .. .. .............
isineltin plant to cx-t .UJ.OUO. for the
reduciiuii ly electricity of dry tiud ro
f .-actory win.
iti.ociti i'.u im: uailway
N . .Wl Acimoila'i..o l.eve .
fin ;w nr-iv-n ,
Traiiu dally eet.t umiin.
.tin. net
... M-1-.-v.4 i-.l..e-..!iy ev
il itu-ir I. 1. 1" r..r...'f ' OCX i.ieih.,.1
lli.iii lil(:l!H r iinlt. 7 .v i'-i "
C. C. M i h.iU. . 1 t" I'ovey. '
o r. M.-. I. itr--''
A ,inu f Il "'".i if '
.K.Ki....k-l--k. "
l, hnerKole, Hee.mler.
). II.
.10.-5SH til.
. 4 ,10 p. n..
A l'O.'l I.Ail l-AMILY.
Jrtr : " How U It, Kntr, thnt Iwiit
am to -c-.teli on -to the !hi lurw tinny t l.u
. i .. v... alwu.a mm ! . .h.,,1
tortiiiicri for
l ;.. sou
. ...... rule nilKMI"; Hi
pcn.-wl-odi.tiu- v.o.1; nod V
:,wlVl...,:i,.cetl.e lot of II.- pani;.-
ercil cii'.ital.-t-.. I'n.-'pi.'l
rtr...lni'i IIII'MMal
Vlntlt-itioulll Journal.
T,e lirel part of the- a!.-ye
ehot at ran. h.m i I"r''lv
1......1...1 ,,. in in nuth'Te
Oii.Vl or borrowed from wim- otl'.er
ioi.rce equally unreliid.le. Uui
raiitiitHtobe the trutli it o"- "
not nccen..rily follow that a pro
tective fj-flcin U'the fault of it.
The oflicial returtn for llie"C)ii:itry
over' have not heeii j;ivcn out yet
tut it i.t plain why there mi-ht he
a depreciation of the value of
farmland on an average. I'roha-
.i.. ,n are worth I'M
per 'ii' re today than ten years i:
from Hie fact that the rininf: lcii
erationn of the are h-avir.v;
thair old honipJtead4 and comint,'
e4 .o ?row up willi the country
. . . i . .i...i
ana on mihh i;...i 1
property ton years ana.
cn4 frny li-ad-d farmers in Co.u
fortahle circiniiMtauces have 1
their ftiin'.l ar-.d moved upon
raw lands in the west where iliey
coultl net n farm for each nieuiU-r
Of ,tlje family with their former
investment; euch a move naturally
depreciates eastern land. In the
went the amount of land now con
idered a farm land ha increased
o jntich more rapidly than i'B
Taliiaiiou that the average falls be
low that of former years when
ettlemeuts were huddled toother
In Jfinoll communities which kept
the land under cultivation
good price.
TUc "inillioaaire inanufacttirerV
hud their influence in depre-
,.:,ii.,, r it.. value of farm, and
crohahly the ereatetit cause
Lee'u their demand for labor Riving
einolovmcnt to thousand of uirn
why would otherwise be out on the
farm and increased the. products
for exportation which are now con
eumeil by these nou producers.
Let un Hre l.w i-"" c-:l t,i"'
their clfects, thedC factories require
material which corned out of the
earth, from government lartd.4 in the
hape of hides, horns, tall w
wool or troni fore-Is, S3 !":
pitch, tar uu 1 r-Hi all of v.l.kil
requires on immencc iimount of
labor tliat dots not have a direct
and immediate tenile.icj to iticrca."e
farm l.mds. Hut this is not nil;
inert mu.-t be employed to eek
nmrlf.-t4 either as n renin or middle
Ul.Ml, U.4
WE should have said Wednesday
noon in tiientionin;' the dale
(1f tlie occiitance of tie
!,i;Jl M-hool '.i,,iCl 1 y. 1 lit Thiuils
t,i iu secitied so much I'l.e Situ
dav thai we were foinewhat ecus
able for Mich an error.
AM.Tlirk dab had to be made nt
t'le petitions in the rontci-l of the
el'-, lion of Ht ei i up- and Yijjie et ill;
anytliitiff under Ihe li-ht d Hie
Mia V. Illl some lll. il to be on tin.1
fi.llv c.iriie 1 on. a'.-.vays L"- !::
' i-i.-iitil:.-al!y J MitaU.- nml v.ihtnlile,
nn e;i'.ti e.'i:id v Ii'ch i. -.-ii cov-tn-d
U-fore. YontliV l';vmi..a.
; (irrl'.l MmI.
I Thf p'i. tin at tii- 7. r. -' '"ir-ltrn
are nut ijtiit.' m irreeii'-y were wiien
l tii'-y lirt nrrived. W'v do tr.t l-f r to
tlieir (,'r.wiu; re :: rii'i .1 of tiie f.e t tm: mi I Initri i.r . not i f "l
f..r na arln.reiii mMtnre w iiieli kuliM-t-t
ji..ii l aves, hat to ft lit'-ril c!i.m; of
color. It ii ft laoil rein.irk.ii.le. fai-t
t!i- Irn l.i til" wild rtntej'reca l.uir,
;.'.. a eaiiM-s ii to reviii!.'.!-. ilh it clmm
to hiatich. a:i eti r -s. . nc of til it
lie til IliMim.
Mallard was ruthfr fond of
liuuer table. Once wbeii
ti.e company v.-asnhfa ly tightly pnclte.1,
an i!in-.'.is-. ted Kii. -t nrrived. and nhd
in.-taic cave la r ihiiH-raUve orders:
-I.i. . i-l!. i-ialte riKiin!"
"It iiin-t ( -Hiiinly lie made." lie nn--,v.
i. !, "lor it diA not enet." Ail tUi
Ve-ir Itnnr.l,
j Tiie Dake of Portland h.n necktie
i for every Imtir of the "lay, uad he ik vi
1 wears In trl'.ve:; twte. lli li'i-ier' hill
i ii a un: 1.-.1UIh y. ar. Tin' Da'.;oof Fife
i Hieiidk ubuut Ui.) smne ninuaiit.
. Hy eie-ti'.i. in llml ilm,t,..ii." '" ' rl J '
Well. U.irnm Ihe limt few mnntbiL N. (.. . W. HiKlkS. m in i.nj
jkKMt - Well, Ihe Unl few mnntbs,
for !... !!, "U liuv tuke.i up ImliiliiiK,
.. ..... v u,,, inn
Kri.tiv ..Hlll.en.i.lilHll' '.A
trill n It., kw 'd I.I'WK, K J. M.nniiw, Jt
t. e Hi Il" f.ler, . ,
' M
lit n l. J.i.M-,'' Ciii'i'til N" 'l,
K u. et ! Hie K. .( I' tlHll III 111 'Hlll.ele 61
(flu lilm-k ever lle.iie.t ft ..t. elfll.( li.viietl Henry II. rold, r went ;
lliin nlliiiK. M-eri'tm.
i iinr i'aii.ri",f'tl "" " " v.:.-7r..".7i
J tory,
tl-ti. rally ;;.!. the Chiti'fo will
not eat isititton. stiil 1-t-s Is-t-f. The fur
tar is, lio.v. v-r, largely cunsinnel by
M.;tatn:m:.luu an 1 Uxt U by uoiuvau .
-L w'A '-)
i ;jj&, "ier y
ittKHit iinr I'-i- tier i j o" enmc to the rewitB
Wli.'ll Mi Lili.f '.' .'.ifS-lKsl Iter In lM.lleel.1'4
s i i le il) , uiel n.riuiitl.v hi me iill .n.u..v.
Ili:r l.'l e c .l't ! T ) eiir Hii.r'n ! i"!i : I ln-tinl
y.iii I. ' I . i . ii V l.iiiiej In I I'M'iniiv l".w
In i it... It miklckr In I li.Vinir lu.-. UiU;
r-m -a t t . ';;i a nil ti e lei .a -tr.i..' mil
kut.w ! . w-.nti n' .in...;
).,,. I.;; Il .1 U'.tl '. illlv i l-'t'l I" U.'l lt
III .1.' l 'CI . -: -i l.i I -role." " l.i iHKIth.iisllllf,
y..el am. . 0. " ..' 'ijm. .ilen a. in'. :.. in-.s.
Wit-if .! I... t.l ...I it )"'.r I..H ...nil', n
fr ...i ... . '. .-,;.. i ilm huj lt.f
Veil I'
uiks: siiSKhUiACKEK.
W.ttrt.ii and Jilaelmmllli ilmK
A'aon, Uiieey, !cblne and
plow RepOruiit '
i!0!r.siioi:iNU a si'Ecialt.
He u4 tlit
I bratieb covred wit;i Kr-euif.l Rrr.y Ii-
I rht In thM wav t e.-t.!'.;. I Hl.iV t '-t.ii'.IH
-eopl Uloi Hid Ni.l Km. j
Tne Inhabitants if tU d iary U!a:iu, !
the tiuaiieli-s, were, it Is an;, li:t j
the uiutiiitaiu niiepllerds ;f a mimi.-r;,-.l
world. T'aou'a isi trri physicaily, tli
OumicIim were, ticrertl.el.-s.i, a very
litle race; they nr. !y niaJa w;;r t n '
vv.f another, and w:uti the L'l.rnis au
foil into l.n-ir tiiey did not Liil
them, br.t w-ut tin iu to tend Mic ji in
tho mo!int.;iiis. Ko t.u::y were ti.e
ia tin- lia;niy land. tu:.t ti.e h;i
fir. I lan le 1 t'.i. y ta-irt uial fed oat
of liieir bauiis.
To kill an ui.imul degraded a man; tV
I utt-aer w: r.; ri' Ve.'. cruii.u.d i.iel, an 1 hvetl ap.ul. lie feud hi i
hinUintil bellU riipijned by tii hlale.
No woman nu ulio-ed to approach tha
Fhninbles, and intuch htrror was killiir
heJJ by these (,'iants t'uat no man could
be ennobled until hs publicly de
c'.artsl that be had not been guilty of
killinir any animal, not even a ko".
Their standard of morality waa hih;
robbery was ahnont unknown amou
theiu. St. Lui bur bayiuK.
: f..:iieliuies eso.ipo l..u keen tvei.fu j I-
i B'tar.
j lt U till more remarkaM') that th
frr.- n color i i n .t r. .i lent in tin- hair it
relf, but is dm to the pr."e-ti(-.5 of itau
tities of mi'iiito careen phnits; and tliii
sd.iitis bow it I. that in captivity tli"!
il-.lli changes color: til" J.l.ltlts, Oej rived
of tiie daiap fc.-at i f their i.ative f.rets,
die, and nr..- not r piae.-il, f tlie j"tiilnr
cri.y iltreii llikll is t .i.ii.i''tensic of
tin- floili is ch aned ti a brownish "r.ay
' London (iri-.hi'.-.
lies Narvo an1 Live' Pills.
A el l.u :i new 1 I i tie i 1 .1 e I ''
i.i r tin- liver, t-lomrch mi l bo-v.-N
l!i.ii!i;-'ii M.e nervs. A r.c-.v .li-cv -ry.
Dr. .M.ii--.' Tills i .e. .Iilv cine bi'.ioil- I, a.l l.i-i". i..:'.'i in " i"..'.
r-1 1 r' . ' ill ' io I. I'licoil il' d in.- men
' . . i i -.. . ... ; I 1
W I'liCII, III iUll ll. I- 11" Illl"' r-
.1 ."m doses. U-c. ..aiii.lea
fnc i't I-. l iici.i- A Co's.
For many y.-ais .Mr. H. F. Tliomp
-oil. of 1 It's' Mo.n.K, low. I, was he
ICI'clV Illl' CI.'U W1I II l ll. noil, 'ii'iii
hoca.' He says: "At times it wile
very revere; so milch mi, that 1
fe.n rd il would end my life. About
even years iifco 1 chant -d to pro
.-lire a bottle of t biiiiiberlain'r
Colic. Cinder., ii ml Diarrhoea
UVmedv. Ii ave me pro-iipt n lie'
nml 1 lii lieve c.irnl in-1 rinaiien .
I . . as I now eat or lriu'.t withoi .
li iii in am thin-; I please. I have
also used il iii my family with lb
I..m r.-Milts. lor ai'lu by F. O
Inch A Co.
Mai. I I. ve e
letl it l ' . tr.'t
v l- 1
.yj.l.. lit"! le- I
I'll lite f I
A.l l u I r
II 1 '.. 1. I.. .1. . I...... I.. .modi.,..!
Hit II tn tn .1 Mt r fn.t ilrivlnu, or f.
nBft Imoktrf.
Tlie hallorV Trirnd.
Mr. K-i::ii!. 1 Phm-oil still kei tf) bi
bouts' in 1'arli Ian , and ii far from vre'A.
but he hit t-iiffi. iei.tly r.-covi r.-tl liiinv !f
to l- aide 1 1 write a letter clunuii.',' oin
result or r.itii.-r tli't w.-uit of result of
the recent utonn to legislation. Hai
there ever Is-en r.iiii-iii.s-red. he iisn, a
(rule of i-qtiiil su l.i.-nn.-s, violence and
duration which wa not the chimj of
very, very much irreatt-r losi of lifo than
that recorded of the fulu which has re
cently josei sway?
A year and e.jjht months ago, when he
was fervently unrinjr tho covemment tn
asMft iu pasiuK the load liua bill, it was
, .k:.ii shown that th deplor.ibl l of life at
iwn U-ave a small box with nickel . 1 ,
i " ..1 ,.n it,. .t,nVn.. I overloading wu entirely pre-
chrars lyinu expowd on the showcase.
WheuaciLitoujfir want a r.ick. ) ciar
he romes in and deposit his nil k"l on
the lxix and takes out a ci'ar, l.hts it
and leaves tu9 store without disturbins
the clerk or proprietor. Sometimes P
. i I.. I. 1. .,, ;,.! .1 lwu.MVi.e
esgmilKSJy. in mnnriii.ic, uv-t-.t..! , .. ,. .-
that none of the imported stock that I Mercury,
HI fur firtn cenU straight up to a dol
lar U left lyiutf about aiii.j.-ct to the hon
esty of tho cnstotnitr. I'erhnp tiie deal
ers have comu to the conclusion that the
rentable, and that the paiwin;: of tha
bill would immediately check it, while,
when the act washteadily and utiiforiuly
atluiiuistered, this head of lots would
dinappeur. He points triumphantly to
the recent (jale for couliruiaUon. Liver
ArruUd t inier a IJnMI iMUot Law
Isaac Milliner, a rancher from tae
vicinity of Fort Mead, has ls-ea urn.L.-d
Id Di-adwool, K. I)., on the riiaro of,. ..,. iu.f r,.F Ltitu ',.i,.iiti..'
0:nae a l:ve cent ci-ar may oe reneo ; m t l.lii..itt.-.l by a law,
mm .1..1.. tiMi j i ms,..i at tlie lii'tauce ot cuttienien, by
the last legislature, nn.l intend" 1 to pr-
I vent the side of fctol.-n rattle. Mr. Mil
I lit.' r Hint t'.ii. beef i,I, ri d for salu
. !.. Inn rnltmn III I
f. r it v.hct'.i.-r wa'xb':l or not. aw
Vork Herald. 1
Prooounce-I Hrple, Ye'Snvel.
I rom a letter written by Mrs. Ada
F. Ilnrd of (.roton. S. )..weijiii.t.-:
-Was taken witli a badfol'l, which
settled on my Iiiiius, couali s.-l iu
and finally terminated in consump
tion. 1 our doctors (-avc iiu-upi-ay-
I , ,,1,1,1 live but a short tunc. 1
ave myself up to my Saviour, tie-
terinin.'I It I couni not siny .in
niv friends Oil eartli, I world meet
absent ones ahove. .ly Hus
band was advised to fret Or. Kinir
New Discovery lor consumption
-riii'rtiM and colds. 1 irave it a trial
took in all -ilit liotlles; ii lias curt-u
me mid tliiink dod I urn now a well
andlieartv woman. Trial hollies
Irecut F. O. Fricke A (0.1 drug
store, regular size. a"c. and Jl.W.
Are von made miserable by indi
"I'Mtion. constipation, dizziness,
Ioks of ui.tietilc. vellow fkin'f Mil
111" . ,iv."
f, J. ... ym will mi. lis me
;'y ( 1." .-.uiViS-itf lliNiriintl.t.ftj
' hf.W ,1 1. .i'l-. h.l V. 1.1 l. f
,- 1 1 it: 1 1 1 ..'ti 1 1 I ui h hut
i j I n.u It'll liil- in-iiii.-n
1- I. '..' 1. I .""! l"iiei.nil.e
1 1 st if I. ' I" ' s n l, it r It
. 1. . re."!-:.? f r Ii e !.'!
Ie.u., le.i I : li.tle-r I n : ifii'-'i I.;. I 1' I-- io.imi
Imil I." !". Oi.ta I"' -.'"'. I" ""i
i.ite ,.s ui-- lie I l:'. r 11 ; iroeie u ..n
III- ll.l-.-ls i.l t'e. '..!; i"i.l I't'.aer W1JS
tit Ii is I t :l. ''. 111:1. . 1 I r m h 11 I t,i..i 1
,.,.wk i-r. I 1 I n-t. 1 ti r.-.s- H '' '
.iinr fpiiv Mini ii . ..w... it.
.. hit.' s. it t-r r uui 1 l"l ' I." ",
mi l ll.i l nml ' in Is 1. I I' r lis n. niini... r nu
f..r let inwl.M-r t-r tluMivn only,
W illi' l!ls SMllS CierT (ten . lis: HS
h.m I t.i r i-Is ,. t -ii" l,,Hle..a 1 t .'er..!. nil''.
Unit is nil. iv l-.i) it. 11..11. 1 otnie in, lor It IS
only I. '"I a y.'. I'.rli.ip " '"l,k 1
to .Vvi.h Ii - -i ' I w';1
o.irs. or. le-io-r ma, N-ii'i .""it" i - '"
IisIht, W. Jl"ll,l.i;S ieiin.rel. l' IJWt H'j
Stns t, Sew Vi.ri., I'.r a miiii l" r,..v. 1'inl I
.1...1. .,.i,t.l, r Hint I I.hvo done you
a irrenl favor! a.i.1 in.iy Is-you will l-f.itl.i'IJ
.. .... hv we liave tiie renii'soou r
ts-.tK ill" l-"t iit' l.i town. H
Ihst Is. ... It U ixuiultanj Him. "
Uui does IU"
A liberal of!er only $:i.0i) for
and D.-iiioresl 1 auuly .Mae;a7.itie.
liTSend your eubBcriplion to this
fani-.t-r, .
ptirpofik ever 'it. vnne
-orkc. h nei-dcd for w t and
1 . . .1. .1.- ....i
1.IVS, or nilJ.n.lll, 0.7 ...nt..
(pi (.hop '.ti.l ixmiiinn the .
ind ton will une r.o ottier. ,
12 North Fi.'tli Ht. Pl i'.tsin.iut!
ilivelitc-d. It is
ci.n p. 11 (.P Mmrp
li. C
?, A,-,.ii:y lor,
1 ..V
1 vi ( 1 . I 1 . ; 1
jj . 1. r-i 1 11 n
f iJf.. e,V,WV
t-yV7-'?!"' .-Tlf "? r;.fi.
CsPF"1. "fC. .t
r - '-f.mrst "n (Ml- 11r.I,.-.rl wiit-'
,,. o-,',. . e.
Mt k I o
lllSJ lt 1
ii l,t.t t-. t."
I t"i A
ffr "t r?fr-i--.'i f t---v
l..O Tft'-ntUr-. Antnfti Vl' ' .' 4 t
. ,-,. -j 1 iiriksma. Aust feu
Everything to Furnish Vour House.
. m-t TIT 11 t .
ITavins nurchawd the .). . Y t-CKimcn store roum un pui
Main etrcct where lam now located I ran k-U gooda the
cr than tho cheapest having just put in the largest Kto
iZnaUia riocuy; ofnew goo!ever bronSht to the city, uasonnc w
For aic by F. o. Fricke & Co. . . furuiturc of all Vindb sold on the installment plan.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
Tint r.tsT in Hin world for Cuts
I!ruis-. Mori, t'lrers, SaltHhruni. rt-vel
S..rc, Tetter, CliHpS'd llsnds, ChilbUins.
Cons, and all hkm Stoptioni, an.l j.ottl- cures rd. s. or no pay fe'iutrci.
Il in (ju irnnt.i-d to ifivn satisfseiion, of
mon-v r-f unded. Price 2.' cents per box.
P.-.r sr.!e by K. tf. Fricke .
Weliave sold Fly's Cretitn Halm
nbout three years, mnl nave rt-
, nun, teii.le.l its ithc in mote than a
A 1... k .ia... nniiun, J ..... . . I I ........ rl.
sunt tii 11 1 , . 1 w e uu J r jperty, 11 a 1 lii ii no lias ino i.iiiiureii i.pi-n.11 i.,
An alarm cuM U u.l Mr m . , wrwil pnluce It 1 1 1 The iinainmoiis answer to 'tir in-
- " . i.i. .1 r,.,t f;r :::lir.i lii'lil .. ... . . I ....!.:..;.. . 11, l.,.ui rem. -lv Hint
' - , , , . , . - iirive lain i. ens inn i-itiiiiiiiii'-'i a ti nu-1 i -
j to Usl, but I kuow of at Idiht one nu- , . . , j hnye rVer used." Our i-xp. rieni c
.1 : In t. ',i,.MVn l .t'. rrr.l was 1 11111 a u .' . ' 1 ' rr . 1 "ia --J -.r- ri!irt es ronliniied its
httHiu'-d by it. A ntirrutu, active worn-1 " U,fi l,W' h. ",M . il lails to cure.-J. II.
htiH.u a oy i j . . ... .. ... 1 era'.!- surprise, ast 1,.: p-cubar provisions . Uru.,..M n,..
r.n, m r 1 as..., . . ..e. ,...,.rai;v known.
nap Wause . .he could uev. r tuina 01 1 , u L0 jljU of Il;;1Ilcr-,iltu,K;,ucei
miUlitwaaiooww, namumw-u.,, , ,
'.ran if law. Milliner
nuiiif . .1... - ..... - j,i;.i ui.iai. wo a urf.ii n.fc. i i.jn ..-,
0,)UlHwaVKJ .ate, ituj, . ,
the of an a arm cl.K-k w th the d a k(wW jf th, .
iteUxufyat 3 It n. " ; was r,W.l tmd.r
.. . . . ' . I It o
iiiiliioti.ii'ie iii.inubiclurcrs who
populate the earth but farmers and
laborers iu fj?neral from which the
manii!"cturern,' aucces.ors are
drawn. let 11 take a liberal
mijn.i-d v'c-.v of all sifh qufslicna
and, r.t '"' '-e t!;5"tr fit fur
neighbor's ditor mimply to bo any
OfCiHT the world's fair to be open
on! SuuilavV This iptcsiio'i ha?
been much discussed tlnou;h the
papers ond is still receiving dully
attcn:;cr.. b-ii the er-tr'ic.i sivms
to be entirely between the', minis
ter's and Chrintian n.x ie'ies on the
one hand and the worlj in pcneral
on tiie other.
-,r, iv v.:.l uot Is., di n-Krd.-il, a tin In a1
suort tiuio sue Inuud Lcaitii and iirU
mnch Imi.njved by tiiis fantuitio us tf
a t'vtnili'ir convenience. iU Fluid's
Very Wllllae.
ria (firTPntly)-Oh, lay darlinz, I-t
ir.s htiy the rit:,'!
She Thin 1 very su l len, Charlie.
HpOh, but yon will let me?
Eiiw We.ll, if yon will, you will
lie-Then, d.-ar love, loan me fifty
J0U.1K. Jewl;rs' Circular.
Omaha World ll.T.-ild.
Tl. fire Tliulntlln.
On Nov. 9, lCirt, the weary wave tosw-J
pilgrimi on board the brave little May
fl jwcrcati'.'l.t their ftrsi, glimpse of tn
Now England coast. A year later Gov
ernor lirs.lfotd iuued the Cr.t Thinks
givinp; proclamation, tlirm Iwtitutihx A
fi'Munl v.h. Ii, nf.'r fs't.i i-on..ii.'d for
mote than ac.'J yuan U New England, at
find trst Rev. J. I.. Jtm of, ;tu Uccuiie ntlio-.-J ia iUchr:t r,
ChiC.fvo advocate that Uie world's
fair fcl'Oiibl be kept open that Uie
poor lalKrin;r clnnecs and Sunday
l,rwl clit-""'s may itKuil, and
corSclttd-s by eayino; lie would cu
joy, the privilege of tlelivcrintr a
sermon, in some tent or on (he
open irroun-l.
This is ull well, and for the min
ister .who loves to work in the
midst of excitement and n thoufiind
detracting influences, but to the
avetn.Trt minister It ic dnin, to ren-
and is now oUtrved on the last TTicr
dayof i h Nov tuber tlirout''i.ut the
length ond breadth of our land. Kirk
ilu .rga la liarje-r'H Vontig Per.plo,
Gptut as the miles of silver at pres
ent ia the "trtMuairu l.ouW of toe K"V
enuuent, It is beln aleadily incr.-iu.ed by
the pitrhase of M.OoO-,000 addilinnal
ouue.-s every year, or at tiie rate of keven
tons for every woikin day of the year.
, Tliewoik of excavating the aii. l nt
rtihis 1st l'oinp. ii still toiiMiiueit, and live
tr.o-s roon i co'.t.-.I :'ft i"iy cr-i '
ith hia fellow men on ttiosc j ere r- cut!y opened near the oh!
IpUtllfenl Mluluoary KfTort,
Tlie Kev. Dr. titorrs, the prenident of
the American board of cotnmiiiiii.inersfor
foreign millions, has potsl reasons for
felicitatiitK himself on the rf stilt of his
conrihatory jx'Uey. The board's receipts
for this yfar have been frjn.r,!!, ijralnst
t'tbi.Z'Z the picVit I.H twelve lilOLtths.
To manage successfully a board which
has such, interests utioi-r its charge as
this one, somethin? loore Is needed
than a detormiuatioii V crush out all lu
U llijjeiit dissent, and keep tlie vaet ins
chiue in operation aloiilirr? tiotutall
a'lui'ted taluci case the supp'jrl of foreign
uil..'ioi:S, even airiotij thoMj InuliiieU ia
i tlwir favor. The K-v. Dr. Storrs, with
his broad Outl.sik, bus celled a belt to
those elements which wure reducing the
I annual contributions for that object.
baton Tranicrii.t.
bond lMu( la riillKle)
13 the craViing oi ri,..K) avenue fur
the pro-pose cf j avlnif, a rUp 3.-pr''oi
fiteiitiiim two square h-$ licen'i
below bhurs lane, Manayntik, and tiur
1ti a heavy rain rucently a uil.iiatura
Uka was formesl. It was promptly
e'iri.tcntsi Lake Bnnd ;tnm, after the
dlslrlct- snrveyoT. The wnter baa no
outlet except drainafc-o throiv.'h the soil.
A citiwtn whtwe property is ihimaced by
the clmnife of Krade Ujtan CjiiitiK from
the bunks. Just as a loaded street car
mu:e alonj he pulled up a Dinck'.-re!,
mnch to the ajniis-tinent of tin pai'wn
purs, ani soeeeed.-d In his sTe-npt to
ridicule the hoard of survey . i'aiUoUb
pliia Kcord.
enrali. Iowa
U tien I beiran usinir Ivlvs t ream
It.iim hit ratal rll was so bad 1 Il.ld
tieadaclie the whole time and dis
cbniued a lar(,e amount of filthy
matter. IHat Has aimosi cimrciy
,t;..titf . ire.t mi 1 bare rint bad head-
ni lic iicicnceJ. Soiuiiieri.SU'ptiiicy,
How to Suoceod,
Ttiia is the irreat problem of life
whirli few satiefitilorily nolve.
Siiine fail because of ill health, oth
ers want ol luck, but tlie majority
1V0111 itiMinii-teiil fTit wait i..,i. 1 ve.
Tlievnre nervous, irresolute, clianire-
tiblc, easily iet the bluea and "take
the spirits down to keep the ipirile
..,1" ttitit wiftinir money, ti-ue, op
,,rii.i,it v and nerve force. 'I'lK-rc is
iioibinee liko the Kt-storative Ner
ine. discovered by the (treat l!e-
t ii.lis. Dr. Miles, to cere uil n. i vou
i!iean.-H. lis headache, tits Mu-I,
.strtitimt. iderT'lesHneas,
,.rrn.ii:l. S'. . Villi ll.lllCC, fil islltl
livvteria. Trial bottles nnd line
i.iu.h .f lestimonials free at F. l.
i't iciii; A t't . e.
F Q G!
. A Fuji and Complete line of
Prcscri pilous CmvfuHy Couipoumlcd at all II
jtlil'S pi-i'i'F'vUr.h'c;.
j-MnrsiTCBi! or AS
always in stock
A Cure for the Ailments of Man and EcaJ
A lon-tested pain reliever.
It t'c is t' univcr r.l Ly the Ilou'.cwifc, the Farmer
rvk Racr, and j every cne requiring aa effc
liniment , ,
Vo other arrlication cnn-in with h in efficacy.
Tblj well VnoTrt rsoicJj lui stood tho test cf yean, c
Ko nicdicine chest ii conplete without a bottle of Mi'stako
Occ3X.n3 ttiiHt for H u.e almost every iij.
iii tinisjisu and deUerg hltve it
I - 4
111 -.
A. -.1 i
uuniiza, m w wun loA. r,iMS8i
all ioj;orUut quuiUon iuvolviuf foruin.
'' ' , ,1 s i . . I '