( 1' 1 - j Tuc iui 1 ij",p...tia oi .v'oiaiiio i-cmuics lot i.'lH.ll.iik WOiii.l ittlUM till. a bSt:U W'riLiCit CJ11H., lu u.u L1jU..U VO,i.,,t lw ,1 vt 't:;.;; Tins ii.t lion. Vt'. L. u 'ki:.iuiw. Count IVrdhuUid J.? Ll:.:.c;,.;. . The Aianju.s Oi' 1.0. .i.. J ....i i .1 ilcCar.'iy, m. J', ; i ycti IltQI-y CiwWa. VUv I C'rlulJ,;.J.-V, fciult Kii.oiiW. ii.o L ti.a .y.jiitn Copies will to Be at Free. c.i; rc. iti.M una Muiiicn, urnonz wuom arn '. iw C-r.ic-Ic. - Cyrus W. Held, u.t Siir. ,Vi.;fc R. Stockton. I (if (V.c;;:i.Dr. Lvu:l AI:loff -. Henry i!..iii!.-v. wid Ct.a Kl..v:! f .i Voliinii, far 1002 vi.l Contain S Of AilvKUUlC. T.;0 Best Sliort Ctorle. loo Stoil Travel. Nine Illustrated Z.iti .lories. Article of P.aclical Advice. fill -, j.. ,.( U. ..,..!( - - iMu .iwu.o muues. Ruiiway Liic and Auvcniurc. Ci1.in11.n3 Children' Parja 700 Lams Patrea. Fiv Double Holiday Numbers, "A Yard 'if Esses; Il.'iiti on Sclf-t-duadion. liou.'ic.ioid Articles. Natural history Papers. Illustrated Week'; Sunp-ments. K-aily iooo Illustrations. TO JAM. I. em ft- u . . T t"l7n ....iLlV" ,hRt ThU e!',,r Iho THANK. A. ' "ru ' Drnnllliil imlnllfr. rntlitcd "A V VI! ! ou !( production ban eont TWf'NT V TIIOI SAND DO I,!. U.4. Send Cftfe. iut-ejlct Ordrr, cr r'tUlmd Utter ut our ritk. AdUrru. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Ronton, f.lmo. llOl5,. nils Slip j I NAT l) AL : HANK I.ATTH.MDliril, NHIUUHKA ip till P J. H:A:N:S:E:N DBA LRU M STAPLE AND FANCY lU.OU.UD , nr lin'l f.vllltlri fur t ho promp Banking Business Stwlt,txmilt,K')lit, goTcrnnifnt a'i4 IneM r I'ttrtiiiruwii, rv nlilf In miy i:nl n( tin iiiii4 sulci kud ail tMi pnnclpul tu u uruut. OOLLICriOK MA lit ANO HIOMITLT OKMIT- THU. Blgbest mstrkrt p'li-n pU fur Countj Wai laiita, tal iria I uuiily boudt. DIHKCTOItH John Klt7ntld 1). Il iwk.wortb Bam Wmiih, Y. K. WLUa lirorca K. Dut.iv ioba FIUkt;.I,. v. Waimb. JTr.Klrut t I fctt B ANIC OK CASS COUNTY J'plu, ' '.B.PVf' Cor Main and Fifth nrret 'aid up capital tv or (V'V, 19 (Wt OFFICERS Priw'ilml Vice I'rii.i.mi VREOTona 0. TI. Par ,.ri, J. M rirn, Krrd (lordor A ll Hmrt, It. U. Wludbum, U.H.ham. and T. M raltei-oa A GES2I.U, BAHI1NC BD3IBS2 - rRAN3ATED , Aamnnta nlllt!. laiermt alluwrd on tlm vit and pminut artcutiuuiiyoB to all but- mi iia cm a. vtit and iri Vulrutrjl I J ) i caftzapcrlaJii'B Eyo and " Olntawnt I A certain enr for Chronlo Sots Err, ( Tetter, Bait IUuram, Scald Hood, Old Chronlo Bores, Feror Bores, Eczema, lull, Pralrld Bcratche. Bora Klpplcj od rili. It U coolinir and aootlilnir. I SV.? Plattsmouth ------ v( Mwuf ium inwun u put Bp la a aad CO cent Uit GHOCEUIES, GLASS ASb QUEEN SWA UE F1oip.Fjs3 a M, . htrouae .f tit.; Tublo Solicited. ; JOHNSON BOILDINd Eilttl Sl- Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIA3LS. !i. a. umm k son if i UL Shingles, Lath, Suh, Doors, Blinds Cn aupply ercrw demand of tlio city. Call and get torma. Fourth street in nmr of opera bouse. BliIU Lrnrnlng io Climb. T1ihi'.7k-1 npm niiiimils of achnng In tliMfimiliHiiiiHDf tlii-irlifeisafiivunls topic niiKiti zM)l.)t;inU. who Qtid tluit rwnrly evivy nicL-jt; uf uiiiiiiiiI exlKti-il in Honii'otlmr tli.iii it Mc-nt forin ut ikiiiie prevtoiw epoch iif (liH wurlil Tin wlmle. for tiistiuicH, wha uiii'h a land mii mal Kiirccil to t;t!;e watir fur a living In liecmiiH in unit, umcii )lorp iirij, in wl.iijw t'lHii h!c a himl i:ti:;;i;il. Airoiilmx to a TasiiiiiniHii paper n tiimliliriitinu of Hit form of a familiar Hiiriiiian iwiiiiijil in Kmi on in thf AiiKtrnlian world utnli-r tliueyeof the iiih AiwtralUn rabbit. Imported from i-i.Mim. im ciinriiij iiuiIh on liin fret aim n-iiriiiiiK to climb. Ah m well known tue ranijita ol AitKlrulia lmv liH'reaned io sucM eiiorinoim ) AITER Till! STAftTEH A DEATHBED SCENE DESCfllBED LOUIS HARRISON. By Ha Has a Uylnt Kr Trunk "Tent." ami II lmufliiel lis II nd "a Copper Unrd Clneh" to flaj u tha Tract That Uaf anil No Time to I.iim, 1 hure heoitnteil about Kivinr to prir'. the following true story of a deathbed I'lllKiflMlcllCi'. Mile., tlie noteil 1 nd 1 1 : : H proven the A Ffital Mlstnae. IMiyHiciiiiiH mailt- no ,.; miwldke than wln:nMhy i,ifr,n' tienta Hint tiei vo.us l,,.,,,-, ,,. ,; ; i-oiiif from the Kloniiu-li ...... "b'1'', I . . I . " lilt" r. . ' ' lilllk ,l miia Kiierinll....- roilllHl-v i.. i.: "V book on "Hi oil l)i ' 'K'w V be; had free of K ci. JmX& WOO irii;ir:titiM. p,w v v M., r? ;, V " IIK'IK Wiles une(unllel new Jleart (', V "": ""Mil. llcnrr in i tout, uiki oriinic Heart ul this way u race of may bo developed.- MEW HARDWARE STORE not-p aa kimi n n tMr Imr l in ni hand uu win puipiy r'Mti'ii''inr, uu uioti lar omlile ler.ns TIN ROOFING i HENRY BOECK Tha Leading FLTRNITURE DEALER AND-. dune, HpniitWii. and all klndiol Uu work prnnnttT uraura uuut luj eouuiry bollclted. IH fjart BL PLATTSMOUTU. HIO. riJ'I f rsNgnsatiiaiiiincuitiD 4.r.lil-M,,i..jrt MiMIM. WnalMMrffnwrflU i- I HAIR BALSAM ' j vw,Ma '1 3V Hrt 1 araaaai to rt,a1 ) HiIk mrT Ioo!, JkdLUIa iTM, IUI U UMM N 1 . TM m'r avn anas Hit fVna Vtkul-cojifoktino ips Cocoa Q . I3RBakfIst, " .Ivf"""11 lnowlat sf taa aataral l-ora Wianpfl'eiU'i'eof rtli a v I n ami ! a rarrdg apr hekllon nf 1 rtlaa of wrH ttolertH Cno Mr, 1 'tlilH ur braiiii.t labia villi a . I 'oradbrrfntn hi mn1 ,nT( tnt jr anctorbma. Itiabrtiisjidia' I, ,ich arMclr n( 1I1-I a rnn . Irutir rradiiall bnllt ti bi.ui iin.mf , ePir ,f3r t-ft'nr.jr to d!a.i. . .! aul.Ua p rU.iln f, n am. ( "Sufly tuatla-'li wh'rartr krrai. a V . r a (Ptii Uaf f oaraia wall forilflrd wlih L. i aprnirif nmnMird fiaru. - V I M lal.HUd Ihnri prinrlf i rtlr. Va,lnl urn. ' alia jt niiik. Hold ai.lt (a ball-pausd , lllft N.ik......,k.ll,.Ml.l ; UoUra. Iiilar.d ' l.d . ' ; i -i ' 'I ,-1-1.1 S- MA.ILli TOT wW'""i ra . aj -f H-4 nrd' "ta i ii , PER1IINS- HOUSE, 117. J19, 321 aad 321 Maia 8t, Nebraska t E. II BOKS, ProprieWr, , UNDERTAKR. Oaaataatlj kps band aTfrjthia yea aaad t furaiah yoar antu, taasa aura aia auxa traasif Miausmout - Neb thoronj;Ulj i. the Terkina hu beta UDOTawa iroca top to bottom ana !f jow una of th beat hotels in tha state. floanlurs will ba Ukaa by tha wok al I4.S0 and op. 300D BAR C0N1TSCTED Jlti: CIl IZKNS RANK. H.ATTSMOt' rU HKBIlAHtA Jap'.lal stoek pai la y t Autherued Capital, 1100,000. . r , s-tii. a . a r T imriM BAHK OAKftCTU, JOH. A, 0ONM0B, rrildaot, Viuv-Piuaileai fraak Oarrath J. A. Connor, . R. On'bman I. W.Jobaaaa, Bai.nr Honk, Joka O'Kaata W. P. Kerrlam, Tra. Walaaaaaia. W. H. Or.iblaf. tsm mrtlflnatxa of d'pmtot bnarlna Intftrsat , , Jlu.r, aiiri U.i ndjA-.u. c-i .:ity ft i a i - .n .. I M '1-aoa, 4 r" t fat 4 Ht n (t-. fWa. Uf Itkfjw ai.lra Uaaw.lVI, C-k ll.am W, , ul Ni- !, i taufi J7t. f. 1 HI WW? .. In II a '"LltViWar t 'U sat Wart Hd uaiil, tt 4 ton If i f '1 rj aw , W a.aaai la - as laaatfaitaam. I.rf aaM ' t ffT f-wmM. rtir-iNra to -' Ml J C. MAYES ouHry -soBVKvon era Par Atchinaan, St Joseph, Lrarra- worth, Kanaaa City, St IauU, and ull pointa north, east 011th or went. Tick ,. a(s aold and bar; Cagechecka4 , , mm j J ' aaiut 7 .' the-- - ' ; - ; I'al'fH ,T ' St alrra r ,' Cauada. Kar J INFOIi.ATION A3 TO KATKS it 1 'AND KOUTK3 -Calf atI)eH)tOi' addrf aa V Ht,CrowNtKxo,iJ ',' CT, AvSt. Louia.Ma, J. c. i 'in lu. -pi, ;.. ; U. 0. 1'. A. Ortiaha.V II. D. A I'd A R. Airt.. Fli.ttnnic.ulh , Tclfplloiie, 77, ' ' . CIVIL LNGINJ-KK 1 J i All fdnrs Irtt with thaamiptr el art U1 ba promptly ait'-uoVdlo. - opyic-R im oduht novvi, ri.itltmoi!t!i, ; .WbrMHka T tptim ""',. r.i't'n", 7-1 co:s Pt 'two i - . 1 CalJaltVV3fV 1UU - iv miimi,ia-ktM nnimt. t..l,ila'tlu. i.;nui.lu A titniilM-r t h:it iln.v t,.. -. minif , Kmn nwarmiiiif over tlio land ami devouring the farm er crops. In order to protect their field the farmers pat np wire nettiiiff in place o) ft-'Mies T. rubiiita could not ei liriiii(,'h thew. hut tbey prewutly lx-j,'nti to burrow beneath them. , , Tlien Hie larmern nanlt the nettings six ori-iii iim-Ik-m into ili'H,il. Tin mopped UmrablatH Inmi etn,i In by dijNX but they preM-nlly M'iin to attempt to thinb over tin- nertin Ah the ri-Milt of this rliinbiii. It Ik said, the rablau are developing a ria.l in their t The nail development In been notiivd in (jinteiihlund. and Mil: later hi Tai-manin. AiYordmn to the theory of natural selection, it in likely presently to linp'x-u that in certain dintncl.1 only those r'ai oua win Hii.-vive winch can climb leant u little, and in 011111111111,' rabbiU Clilcafo .Mail Tha llii..l,iu National llrmn. The irreitt part which the Ituswan ni tional hymn lia.i played in we.xlern En rope hi me 1 he French fraternization with Kuhu baa started tniicti liiuuirv alii -it 11a oriL'in Accordniir to the P rn ti Ir furU-r ZeitmiK. the hymn m not vet sixty yriiinum, uim wum nr-H nseil tor itM lire ant pnrpo- under Czar Nicholas. When ne uiaiie iiw tour In I'mnnia ami Austria, in the year ix.1.1, he was accomnanied l,v Adjutant Oeneral Aleiei feo.lorowit.ich luoii. a p.if.Hionate violiniHt and a com jHiseroi soiuehKUi ihe czar won iio- preiwed by the fact that every regimental outnl in berlin and lennu irreeted him by playing the national hymu of their own coiintry.and this waauK)lortzpd for uy ma ituewn abeeiiceof any recoKtnzed national hymaiii the freat empire which ue nueii. Nicholas was much Impressed by the ui-iiLiuncy, mm uunna bis retunt jour ney toward St. I'etemhnrx ''ad much Uia with LtioiT tijxm the aubject, and at Inst ordered him to compose a hymn for tlio itiivi,,!, iniliUry IihiiiU LnotT liere- ujion net nnihic to b:hnlowi,ky-B "Ood Bm the Czar's I'rotecU'f." The Hchulow sky-Lnolf hymn was first played pnb- uciy oerore me czar on Kov. 211, 1:KJ, ami so pleased tha sovereign that by a uk,woi uec. 01 the aanie year he or dered it to be adopted as tha national byinn of Russia. Luoff waa not only re warded by the gift of a gold anulf bos ne. who uiamoim. Dili peruiiwiion waa Kiveu to nun and bis heirs to adopt tiie urei una y iue nywa aa tha family Tha True Way of Looking al Fallnm. -I hava made a practice all my lifo," aald a rcry aucceauful man, "of looking pon failures aa stepping sttmea, ruuus en tha ladder of lifa, anythinir but dis couragements When I w.ia ronncr and Uu-Ini( and 1 met with some nnei- pecUil chi.Tk or diNippoiutrnHnt I would sayatoicaily to luyaelf, 'Another diPd tulty is behind nie.' and wonld really feel that the futnre held J11.1t one obHta. clo the lens in tny road toauccesa." What a brava spirit is shown in such a view of life the splendid Anj,'lo-.Saxon quality of "not knowhijr when one ia im-h'mi - Which maki herowi out of common ela aud enables a man to conquer fate. sucn a Ueiigiitful view to tike of mv poiled canvases!" airbed a youuir artist who was an interested lintem to his couifortiuK thcoriea. "It i the omy vus way w ions at ininini, tx-iieva me, mv otar yoiiug indy - ho answered. "Wa are all ao iniserablv Unite that it beoonjca, after all, atuinlv a onestion of decreet aud If wa etrucKle bravely aud patiently townrd any goid that wa place oeiore, ao we art 00 una to advance. new York Tribune. scene which occurred iu thia city I had ' f:llort l,rV!l11'- lliitU-riiijr MS AT .11 A UK EH1 SIXTH DTKBRT - aV F, H. KLI.K.NBAUM, I'rasj.. . The brat of fresh meat always found ,,t in thia market Also freak L'arga sad Uutter. ITUd fusaa of all kinds krpt ia tktir season. SAT HAnKETi-" Sir, Vaiidcrblll tha Itlrtirat Maa. Due or the bent of all authorities on wealth, a gcntli man who baa nnJoubt- adly rubbed shoulders familiarly with a greater nam be r or millionaires than anr other person living or dead, remarkod to me that lis was snm that Cornelius Van flerbilt had a larger fortune tlmu any other ti-nsnt of thia planet He wna entirely familiar with the ricbee of the itotliStiilhU, and kuew aouie of them poraonally. None of thern conld match Mr. Vnndrt hilt hi plethora of uiIiII.h.m lha icons or iiililhina of Jartluul.i ana jon u uocirefellr did not equal i.irtiai!'is tnnderudfe pnsKeMioua.' This gnntiutiian, however, did not rrenlit the ntl'iiati) or John u R'a-keMler's wealth at ll?3,Wrt.lM)0. Ha thought It wn.,1,1 hardly exceed ' half that ' aitioiint- Uiakely Hall iu New Totk Truth. tillnd Nun rorh llrarara. A rrthnr clever trick which ia auerui. Mly d .n'e by a number of becj-ars In tl'.t rity b to turn tlimreyabalU np nutil U ey i,,.e.ir to bj blind. With tboir eyes In tLlH comhtion they grind a small wheezy li.tnd orpin, or sUnd ou some prominent oon,cr and hold a tin cup In thwr tanda, thus mutely appealing for charity. A few of them attempt to siug, but th'-y ooa r'-aliao that it U too uiucu to vk of mankind to listen to their shift lug aud then give them money. To do Inu suivota'B tly fi- aiy of time Is rrry art-.t!i.-tv. on tha eyas, ajid uia) rirult in fi-uulm blinduesa L'nt some of thrtn Intra j rai tictd It until it ia im wailila todiacover by lookhur at them thit thfT ar not really tlinil N York Cor Uilotfo Ilerald. ' ; . the deMcription directly from the doctor iu at tendance lie has lately left New York to continue his profennioti el.se where, and I am constrained to tell the siory as he described it, suppressing all names. Tlio snow and nieet dashed through the death chilling atmosphere in wild wavea The wind moaned a dirjje uion-r the telegraph wires. Aaolitnry nuckmim, driven from his aeat by the warring elements, had eiwonced him self inside his mournful looking vehicle and tapped upon the frost covered k''iss to attract the attentioii of belated uifjht owls Winter in its cntoleat phase was upon ns. In a diuy Hiking hoiiRe on Thirtieth street a youuir man veak and emaciated tossed reatlesHly upon a beii Ue was a race track tout, and tha (Treat mental strain he hud been subjected tc for years in naming sure winners had left him an absolute wreck. His sunken cheeks, bin eyes ablaze with fi ver and tii.seorpno.like pallor all denoted that he j rmd but a few short hours to live. A professional nurse, with that cold, bos- pital stretcher expression they all pos sess, sat in a corner of the darkened room and whiled awnv thn time lit urln; how the undertaker would man- Atfe to et the coffin uround that narrow turn in the stairs. The doctor had been summoned, and when he ran the bell the tout waved Qis bony arms aloft urnl i.h,.l-..,i They're off! Tenny in a walk! Tennv 5"tsalltbe money, aud tialvator won't be one, two, sU!" T1IK TOUT'S CtNCn. lie Tell back on the bed exhausted as tha doctor. entered the room. The pby lician removed his greatcoat and the nurse shook the rain and snow from it "Doctor, this ia a dreadful nijrht I suppose you are wet tlirouj-h?" Tim tout regained consciousness and muttered: "The track will be heavy to morrow, and I've got a copper riveted, lead pipe, copyrighted, air tight cinch. Firenzii in the mud she swims iu it She can mako the pace so hot that the track will be dry before she does tin first quarter." The doctor approached tha bed, nne tnn'hln the patioiit'a pulse said. "110 do you feel?" "Well. I ll tell yon," hn replied, "just bow 1 feel about this. The Dwyers sta ble is next to ours, and they tell me everything. Phil told me this mornii.3 that Blackjack would win in a hurrihla cauter. You see. the nartv that mm wanta to maka a hogkilling, and 110 oue Knows that lie's out fur the dust. luminjT to the nurse the doctor in quired, "Have yon notified his friends of his conditionr The tout started np and yelled: "Of course I havel 1 want to let em all in ca the ground floor. Why, It s a Uttle sure money. I saw him tHt at daylight this morning. He made tha nrat qnarter In 014, the second In 0;07 and the third was ao fast that it broke my stop watch and loosened three my teeth, tlow can ha Iniut It? TX,-),. it's Just like falling tlironch the roof of a mini. iue aoctor looked Terr serious anil saw, "ue will be dead in an hour." LOST ST A BHKATH. Oh, no, be won't." the ton! nr,t "ineresnot a dead one in the himL any or em were stiff I'd know it I tell yon, Ulaclrnck is full of Tuhiuen .. and ho'U leave all them other plugs at thn rwivt U'h i..-. 1. . j Duuuiuu , ncr uq yQQ know his pedigree? Iilackja'k ia out of uarx untcm. by Elackwell'a Inland uu uc a a oorn cracker, 1 The doctor felt bis pulse again and sighed, "I can do no more; 1 must be going. ihe tout caught bis arm and, urawmg mi neau down close to the nil- low, whispered: "After the Blackjack race meet me in the paddock. If you win Ivs got to give fifty dollars to tbs trainer, twenty-five to the Jockey and twenty to the stable boya. I'll put what's left on the next race, and if the horse wins, yon'rs ia on it 80 meet me In tha paoa.xs ana m cash yonr ticket" The doctor took tha dvinv and said, "My poor boy, are yon pre- ynivu v) meei tne ursat Judgrr Ths nut gapped, "I dou'l want to meet tha UiIh-; toe man I'm after is the starter." The physicisn pressed his attenuated nand, and, as ths moisture gathered in his synii-athetio eyes, said, "Now turn your face to ths wall, my boy, and go to sleep." ' "I will," ths tout muttered. TU get next to the rail, so that When I ir.rn tbs comer they cant foul trie. Here's a telegram I J nut received from the owner. There's 90 to Ion Blackjack; e " q'c oerors tbey cut It down. 111 win . Ent he didnt ' He nnit in tha at,teh and lost by a breath. Louis Harrison in w 1 ors Advertiser. tt lerncHH in tin irregular jmlsi nur, riniDHv. c Nervine cureM lie in.',iirox ', laiyriin tc. yllin wiaclie, artjpisiiiKe, iiwffi or ten., orwliouliier. tr, eiiiother-Ki'Ktoiativa IHh, etc. - 1 Wonderful. K. W. Siwycr, of KotTii'Hter, v;8 ' a prominent dealer in j-encral liicrchnncJiHt', mid who ruiia (several TH'ddliiifc wnjfoiis, I1111I one of his liora.ia bailiy cut and burned with a lariat, The wound rcfiiMcd to lienl. The liorfe became lame nnd ntitl liowwithHlamlinjr careful iilteniioo nnd the tipilifali(,n of rcmediea. A friend handed hawycr Home oi Jlallcr'n Ifarb Wire Liiicmeiit, (ho moHt wonderful thinj- ever f.-nv to heal hiicIi wound. He applied it only three tiiucH imd I Iu; eore waa compleled liealcd. Kijually yoodi for nil eorH, cutH, brunt's, nnd j wouiula. I-'or fait; by all tlni-jine! A Curs for Paralv6is. Fmnk CorncliiiH, of I'lirccll, Ind. TermiyM; -1 jiKluced Jlr. I'in!;0n I wnoeewiie nail paralyHimn the lacs to miy n uottle ol t hambcrlaiirs IJain Halm. 'J o their '.Teat eupri.-s before thu bottle hail all been need ehe waa a tfrcat deal better. Jler lace had been drawn to one pide; but the I'ain Halm relieved rill pain nnd MirenceH. and the iiioutU dHMiimed ita natural r-hape." It is al.io a certain cure for rheumatism lame back, fprniiiH nwellin;H and lauiencHH. ,ri0 cent bottiea for bale by 1 O. hriclie A C o., Dm; rKista. The 5parro-a hath. . Have you erer noticed tlin nnimii-u. little English miartoV poi fomi hi ,m: ing ablnticn? He hunts up a street Iprinkling cart, tidres bis iwiaitlon in front of it and stands there like a drum major clot to tlio wheel iu the cait g-j.-i by. After rtciving the full force of the water, he aani' takus his nlute lu fn.nt and again awaits the on couiinir of tha Cart This ia mc-atad nntil (ha I'fM. fellow is satisfied with his 0! The Enfjlinh sparrow la nothing if tot metropolitan. Detroit Free Press. ha Was Unity. Pater (emphatlcdlyV-Come BoWl Nn prevarication. Thut young noodls has propoerd to you. You may as well ao- kuow ledge the corn. Daughter (bravolyV-I do. It la trna. I acknow lodge the pomrn -riUshurf Bulletin, , , - . EKUmiilSBRmRl ILLUSTRATED. Harper m Daznr. ia a journal for Ihe home, It pivea the latent in formation with regard to the I-'aah-iona, and ita nuineroua illuBtrav. tiona, l'aria deeirriiB, and pattern fheet aiipplementH nre indixpeiia ublc alike to the home drcHe-inukrr und the profeaHional modinte. No1 expenne in apared to make it artis tic attractiveness of the highest order. ltd brihent wtoriea, aniUB in' comeilieH, and tliouuhtftil rs. . mitixfy nil meten, und ita last pnjre ia famoua an a btitleet of wit and humor. In it weekly iaauea everything ia included which ia ol i.iterenta to women. The Serials for ISM! will be written by Wulter HeMiuit and William III wnpiiant win beeome n contributor, Marion Il.-irl.-ind'a Timely Talka, "bay In and Day Out," nre intended for Mairons, and Helen larhal North will especially uddreaa pirls T. W, Ilicjrinaon, in "Women and Men," will please a cultivated audi ence. HARPEER'SPRIODIOALS HARPER'S MAGAZINE U 0 HAkl'ER S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 0 . HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 3 Of rostnjre free to all aubacrihera its the United States, Canada and Mea. The volumes of the HaK.ir begiar with the firat number of January of each year. When no time ia men., tinned, aubacription will begin with the number current at the time ol receipt of order. 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Ladles who liee rosmet!i-a or nw. flera to cover up or hide a bnd com plexion, do not know that O. If: Snydercan fiirnir-h them wilh Dinah of Rosea, which i clean water, puri fies (he akin, and poaitvely removea black headn aud all sk in ilineuMra takes the shiny look Iroin the fat and whitens it soon as applied BE A mm rtrrttr is rer.n i-trATtfir; 1 n Ar im.., iilt,i,,iH1n,llk u VUO I JJ. u 411 t.tlZ TGl'Xfl im 2!t CLSJ, vlrt.iv fr.M trr.vnna nal 1 fcf, Lull ,r rmli Wa rtriiMl Sawa.M. h.il W.r-r, Ili.KI D... mr r rusoaa.1 dsa Wa a rtsrr-r ru-v-t -J Hillk MI.UII n.,.i,ii . t.inirU, aat rutrtl v n 1 claim hr yrr ol pnu-tii-a lip - rwVJ'J..'J.n"",m, ui'I'onta Kaaoroir orrdiofiiwinuaii. .- y 11 A511IMSM mt Ha, Trt timu'k ! 1 , . ' Imm Iti Ihl.i mm. A T ' C'JR KHl' fPK Mlllri er ', fim- 17i w aw i'.i;rjt jaam .