The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 21, 1891, Image 4

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    "1 mple instrument
fr the protection of
t work on th rilw-p
. -.-r, Sir William Arrol, was
" -J -pply hi miml to this matter in
wiBwiiiem-. Uf tue ,inmerous f)(Uliitie,
IJitb have JatWy oc nrrnl among that
! of railway servant ln England.
M 'wruwent consist of a steel Bprinf
""lret(l ith a PortablaaWtricbat
t;Ty.i,l Wlbya -oil of wire two or
' l;"u 'r' (i ywUa long. When tht
vr1t52 h:ia bell! lui'.U .1 li,fr twSi -
.'i.i' j' i:, iw M vil
i ) itm.-r "Sliif the rail ami u!m.,t fhmh
irtii tile buiturr U
junol to the
tit wnrknifn
"f where
lion bf.r-r v
! t lip
iji wire,
atuicu u
unwound to tiie necensarv
W ht-n ft train cornea along the spring-
U 1W t)u flun.nM tU. u-l
aa th-y pajis over and two metallic but
Vma, one on the under side of the uprins
and the other on tins upj.r side of the
)le plat. are brought into contact and
complete an electrio circuit supplied
from the buttery, rintfng the bell at the
lattery and thus waruira the workmeu
f the approaching train. The instrn
inents are to be kept at the signal boxe
along the line to ns to lie readily avail
able by the workmeu. Sir William Arrol
does not intend to patent the invention,
iiw sole desire is to render the surface
r.nru lif.. . I .1 - i
4i.ii o mo a im uanerons one ana lie
pvesall railway companies permission
to manafactnre a many as they please.
Cliicuyo INewa,
Us Cum In China.
The Pekin U.izette contains a enrions
memorial from the viceroy of Canton re
apecting 102 7i-ceutiuieter guns manu
factured by Krnppon the order of Chang
Oiibtun;?, tiie late viceroy of the prov
ince. The viceroy says the guns are
axcellent in every respect, bnt they do
aot snit the fortifications for which they
were intended. The damp climate of
tliw rirnviruvu am tl.a wljitu nu "which
at auything and everything," would
destroy them; the district is so hilly that
they conld not le moved, the coast is
composed of wet sand, in which the
wheels would get fixed immediately; tue
Snn nr? long for the embankment
a which they were to be placed and
onld not bo turned around; there are no
ioraes in the proviuca to drag them, and
If there were there U do forage for them;
finally, the horsea in the adjacent prov
inces are so small that if they were im
ported they could not drag soch heavy
tons. The obstacle being so nnmerons
and insurmountable, the memnrinliat
auks that he may be allowed to transfer
the guns to his brother, Li Hung Chang,
for use in the north, payment to be made
tor them wbn he can. Should be re
ceive any money from bis brother on
this account, the memorialist proinii
to report the fact The emperor author
izes this course to be fallowed.
Death Aluxa !lr aal Drain Itolaw.
Oinging for her life to a ronjfh benrn
while a flying express train thundered
and swayed above her head! Swinging
ln midair, with death above and Mow
ker, nntil almott exhausted by fatigue
from the terrible strain I
Ihia v.ia the iiire predicament in
which V.isa NuruhOidham, of Nabhville,
was placed, and it was only due to ber
ool judgment aud calm presence of
ndud that the waa saved from dea'h.
la attempting to cross the railrti
trestle which extends from Cedar tr -t
lo beyond Line, she warnn down by an
xpre train, tue engineer of which,
Dickson, was trying to enter the Uuion
Vpot on time and had been rnuning oc
Bsnally fast fur some minutes. Bhe was
coiupellrd to ht herself down on tho
ouUide of the track and hang on until
sue waa rescued. llemphia Appeal
Avalanche. '
Kpt Jtoojt In the Parlor lUra.
One of our well known school teachers
and her mother met with ouitv a ra.
eeutly, an 1 a novel though coatly one it
was. luey nan saved soma money dur
ing the ennimer, and had placed it for
sie keeping in the parlor stove, tbia
atove being nnnvd. of course, during the
4roiumcr. With the coming of the oi l
atmpa Cre was lighted, tne money for
ty 4w. f .. uru . -
" """ w "o uru lutt
purse was thought lad been en
tirely constimeiL The ladies lost fifty
dollars. Tiiey had ued the stove be
fore for a saving place, but everything
tad tnraed out we.L Lawrence Amer
ican. A Carlnu Orange Tre.
IL IL JlcClure has produced a enrioa
Ity in the shape of an orange tree, which
in all probability ia wt exceeded by
nyth!p; cf its kind ia this cr any ctber
mntry. Mr. McClnre calls it Lis
World'a Fair Tree," and intends, if
fossiUe, to place it on exhibition at
Chicago. Tha trea 4 with CO
Jess than thirty-one different varieties of
itrus fruits, inclnding lemons, shad
docks and most of tht fine varietira of
ranges. The buds on the tree are only
two year old, yet many of them art
aTUlting. Apopka (Fla.) Advertlaer.
To win a bet of f 1 ,000, Baron Paul lie
fide, a young French nobleman, shipped
as a common sailor on tha ed bur
steamer Koordlaud during her last trip
Tom Antwerp to New York. Ha rava
a . 1 1 . t . ,
aaa uuuu a irj It BgaiB lor KI IIDM
the sum, as he waa very aevwaly worked
aJnrtng tha voyage. .
Tha new Maxim flyiog mactilna will
ba propelled by light screw making
tJiQO revolutions per mluuta. Iu u
Muding rxjwer wiij be a kit 110 feet
long by 40 ftt wide. The motive power
-wui oa a petroleum condensing engine
Five centnry plant, all in bloom, is
the InU ri .ting and very rare sight now
to be so-n ia Lc Ang?la In the (fardo
f the Church of Onr Lady of All Angela.
They are aaid to be growing about a foot
A gentleman at East man, Oa., a day
two ago oa opnnlng a frelgtat far dis
covered a ben batching a nt of ejrRa
whlrb tha bJ laid during a long rail
.foad journey from asotuor ttat
Radio) Kagllah faahlaaa Daa't Ga.
The recent refusal to sanction with
the customary prompt enthusiasm sev
eral of the most radical chu nip- in the
regime that have been made of late years
by London swells hra had a decidedly
discomtlting effect upon our Knglh-h
cousins. Their confidence of leudursliip
has received naturally a severe shock in
consequence. From all acomnta the
London swell mob is parsing through a
period of exjierimentaliMii. As a rennlt
men'a f;tbhious abroad have not beeu ao
unsettled in fifty years.
The heavy swells continue groping
simlvily alter the elusive inuovaiiou.
For their independence at this time,
therefore, AmtiiVauj haye cause fur wlf
Cu.natyUuun the more particularly
so on uraiant of the very uivcrg"t
charactefof aouie,of the foieign uilra
spexmlationi. Advanced copies of the
coats, lud they been tried suddenly on
the New York public, would have creat
ed almost a riot in the street. The Eng
lish swell, be it known, c:in drem him
self np us his fancy dictates and the
yeomanry makes no ontcry.
Now tuat we have thrown ciflf the
shackles of Muvinh emulation and blithe
ly accept or reject what we want, or
what does not appeal to the sense of the
fitness of things, the KniilUb foishiou
framer will come down from his oraru
htr eminence and in the future po.-e with
ameliorated depotitiu in tliu li'ht of
guide, philosopher and friend. I inn
aware that the sentiments above ft
forth would have been regarded a few
yeira ;; m rank heresy, but they veri
fy the aphorimn of Brer Kahhit that
"the world do move." Clothier and
An liiffffiluii rrlMaar.
It is seldom that a convict tarns the
hours of hi enforced confinement to such
good purpose as au Inmate of a Maryland
prison. His term of imprisonment is
thirteen years, on a conviction of hone
stealing, of which he iuxUu he was in
noceut. By working overtime he has
earned such sums of money as to enable
him to purchase books, of which bis cell
contains over SUO. A short time ago,
when electric light wires were being
placed in the prison, he became inter
ested in electricity and bought some
standard works on the subject. The re
sult was the couHtructiou of half a dozen
different electrical appliances, including
a bnrglar alarm, which he has just com
pleted for the bedroom of the warden of
the prison.
Another result of his industry is a lock
which is to arranged that hammering on
; it drives the bolts deeper iuto their fas
tening, lie exhibited a model of this
- lock to the Warden, who was in tilenawl
I with it that it waa at once adopted for
j use in the prison. Castings for the locks
were made in the prison foundry, a lathe
was set np in the prisoner's ceil and he
was relieved of all other taxi: so that his
en' ire time could be devoted to the man
ufacture of his locks, with which in a
short time all the dormitories of the
prison will be provided. Cxcbauga.
Agalnat tba laaarauwa Cuaapanj.
A merchant who waa a member of a
mutnul accident insurance association
wna killed, v. L:le hnnting for recreation,
from an accidental shot. The associa
tion provided for the payment of sums
ranging from 3,000 to TM, according
to the occupation of the member. Mer
chants' certificates call for f i.OOO; but
the company paid the beneficianea of
the man in anestioa only $.'AX), on the
strength of a provinioa that any member
receiving an injury while engaged tem
porarily in another occupation more
hnrardons than the one given ln his cer
tificate, he shall be entitled only to su:u
sum us provided for in the occupation in
in which ba ia engaged at the time of
The Illinois supreme court held that
the beneficiaries were entitled to the
whole fi.OoO, aa tha word "occupation"
in the bylaw baa reference to trado,
cation or profession, anil does not pre
clude a member from the performance
of nets which are 'imply incidents con
nected wiih the daily life of men in all
pursuits. St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Amuaametil fur tha Ilalijr.
Mr. Wsldrige surprised Ids baby Bun
&y nighl, iia tiido'i intend to surpnii
it; be intended to amuse. He bad been
to church, aud on reaching home drew
his revolver from bis pocket to put it
away. Baby reached for tho we.ipon.
If baby wanted it, baby mnst have it, so
p:ipa took out the cartridges every one
of tuein and then to show b (!iy bow to
Ojierate the toy, he pullel the trigger.
That was where the baby was surprised!
It would eurpriis any baby to us iu
ppa duvCt t.i COOa atOVe Oil ai tjuiul
bunday eight with an unloaded revolver,
when the cook stove waa quietly pursu
ing iu vocation and digesting hard wood
at tha nts cf aa armful aa tour.
Myrtle Toint West Oregonlaa
i It Was Bat.
Some wretch, who evidently dellkhU
to tea mankind sweltering in fenpira
tion, playsd a rascally practical joke on
about two hundred paasengrri who were
In tha waiting room of tba Butea Inland
ferry. Fur eotnt reason, tha arrival of
the long expucted boat waa delayed; tha
crowd was therefore large, and as the
night wsj intensely warm, tha atmos
phere ia that clue room was not only
enervating, bnt distressing. Tba weather
wae nnanlmoaidy voted to be tha warm
est of the teaaon hot enough to parboil
a Hottentot It waa tiiea discovered
that tha Torkiah bath torn pera tore bad
been eaosed by a practical joker, wbo
bad unfeelingly turned on the ataaia
heat - Yankee Blada.
Tba rotate with tka Ira Haak,
J. T. Choate, E)., thowed ns thla
morning a veritable curiosity taken from
tha ground by hit father while digging
potatoea on hla place. It waa a heel
iron from a lady'i boot, throoj;h tba en
ter hole of which bail grown a potato.
Tha Iron waa nearly la tba renter, and
on each tide waa a growth nearly Large
eoou rh to hid the iron, which formed
niataiiio collar aronnl tha orator of it
-Anmburjr Qas, Jiisrb3cra Is' sir.
Growth of f'ebraaka Tonni.
The following' table taken from
the olliciiil report of the census
return for 181 au-J !0, how the
tieiiiendoua l u- mnilc and the
relative MniHliiiff f the chief citien:
H.'Ui lo
a u a a
1 "mahs I44(
I t LI r in s iM
i a He ini ... 13 nx
4 tin- I V 1 !
j ft tr I IIV .. ll fM
1 S PIMmoulll S
1 Kisn.ey ('. t
I S ' h t'lnxlni a
t f!r-.i'- KM.. : '.hi
l' iv. ilium S.M7
It Y-Tk ... i m
i i elmi tiu'... .i l.U
in ii li i n.tte :i ii 6
14 ell Ik I'-"
I"- F-;" !! .. .
! H- I'I'l-K .... V 0- I
I Om h SO'li
j I iiii'iiln .... IJixu
IS b. ill'... 4 la
4 ll;.r-e' 4 KS
6 ri lie lit .... a 01.1
crnert l.'.l.. Jtvi
? Hii-liliu" ... I Si 7
5 Hi Hi I' f .... 1 447
l 'en 1 I il
10 Klali) .... I ;i
I I i k I w
vi Hliliii-ir... l..'ii
n l it., k ... . 5 7
14 V itli I Ian ' 1-3
Tol ill 0.152
Tntal 591 '44 I
It will be oImtvc1 ihut prent
ini have been u n e; nnno hov -ever
linveiiliude reiiti r etriden thiin
otherH. licntricc it will he observed
h;m rien from the eighth to the
. third place in the lint, lhi-tintf
hast com up from the eevenlli to
. t'e four.ii. Keurney hni4 conic u,
from th tenth to the hovciiiIi place.
v -k nearly trchle.4 her population,
holding her forni.-r juMitin:',
ti.e Ivventh place. It will nho le
o'nervel that I'lattMiiioutli falla
It on the fourth to the eixih pi. ice.
vi'e ure iinu'ile to account for tliW
hut we l e.ievc that with 1' e
! proper exertion of Of
people there in little tloimi
that hIh will namniie the iionition
I n'twunf the other towiiit to which
eh riiihtfully entitled.
A hwcll Ititalua Kltnamaks
For s?veral years there has lxen a ool
ored shoemaker on School stn-et. lit
has owned his little shun, which is hi?
; riioUti iof uoollt lour Jietpir toaiaud lit
' withont noticeable discomfort, lie is a
I good looking young fellow, and there isn't
anything remarkable about him at first
light. He has a Very good trade for a
mall place, and ins income is sufficient
! to enable him to live comfortably. If
you go into hi shop any time of the day
between 7 o'clock in the morning mid 5
o'clock iu theafiernoon you will find hiin
tented on a little stool with a leather
apron on. Ilis sleeves will be rolled np,
and he will ba t gging away for dear
If yon go into the place at 8 o'clock
and wait a few minutes, you will pres
ently behold as novel a spectacle as may
be witnessed in the city anywhere. You
will see that a gorgeous light overcoat
hat been hanging on a lug in the wall
in a corner of the shop, and that a pair
of flashing patent leather shoes hnve
been re;ring iu the same corner 011 the
floor, and tiiat uear by a big silver
knouoea walking stick haa been stand
ing, while 011 a little shelf has been rest
ing a glojy silk hat. When this young
mans work is done in the eveuing La
doffs his leather apron and attires bim
aelf in his swell apparel.
He may be seen 011 Washington street
in the neighborhood of the Adams Honse
an hour later, silk hat, patent leathers,
spring overcoat, silver knobbed cane and
all He K'e to hi shop iu this dress in
the morning and leaves it similarly gar
mented in the evening. He moves in
the swellet colored tocietyof the citr.
and is looked ou by hi acquaintance as
a person of quality. Yet he makes no
tiirguue of ins bnsineFs. Doston Cor.
EL Louis Ulobe-Democrat.
A Rival f tba Voaatalt.
In the vast Sierra wilderness far to the
southward of the famous Yosemite val
ley there ia a yet grander valley of the
same kind. It Is sitnated on the South
Fork of King 1 river, above the moat ex
tensive grnv.-s and forest of the gl.n.t
aunola and beneath the thadows of th"
bighit mountains in the range, where
the canyons are deepest and the snow
laden peak are crowded iuot closely
together. It is called the Big Kin'
liiver canyon or King's River Yoseimm
and is n-jiched by way of Visalia, tiie
peareit point on the HoutliTn I'lieifi."
railroad, from which the distance is
fiwiifc forty -uVo iuiiisa, or by iue Ke.n
aar;;e pa-1- from tha east tide of iu
It is nbont ten miles long, half a mile
wide and the stupendous rock of pur
plish gray granite that form the walls
are from 2..'i00 to 6.OU0 feet in height,
tvnile the depth of the valley l-lmv liie
genend turfae sjf the mountain muss
from which it lias been carved is consid
ar ilily than a c:!!e. Thn Jt nj
pears th:;t this new Yew tnito ia longti
and deeper, and lies inilKddcd In grandu
monntain than the well known Yosem
ite of tho Merced. Their general char
rtora, however, are wonderfully aliio
aud they bear tha same relationship to
the fountain of the ancient glacier
abova the ux John Mulr in Century.
How Aaclant TlultiUra Unlit,
Tba bnildora of Babel bnilt welL Tra
dition relate that it was only a confa
aion of tongue that checked their aspi
ration. There can be no donbt that tha
foundation of tha celebrated tower that
wa designed by iu architect to reach
"heaven" were of tha broadest and heav
iest sort; let n say vast wull of tha
snout solid granite, bound and knit to
gether by that most excellent inoluble
cement that 1 one of the lost aru t-
modern constructionists. Yet if latter
day engineer be not bopelewly in error
with concern to the conclusions they
Lava drawn aa respocU ancient tia
eonryfroia the rnlnaof ancient struc
tures, am-hfit builder counted only on
the law of gravitation, which they know
In nn empiric wny, for tho r.ifi ty tf tha
works they wrought Tho projector of
the Nag-on-Wat. whose wall and nsif
might have hi ltrel a 8u 1'eter' and a
Kt. Paul's and still havo had room for a
btihilng hke the Iuitable in Brondwiy
within it vast inclosurea, would never
dream of setting hi masons to lx-in the
liying of bis walla say nt aUiiit fitly foot
from th ground. Harper VYvekl.
O J Jlk and to let yo
can be bought.
In his line in Caps County. You wi 1 not lie able to buy cheaper WcL Chi
cngd when yon tnke qtinlity nnil ju ice in cnnMilcration,
Only buy i tho be-t inakeg and latest novel tie in
And if yon are looking for a n-liaiilo phiee to tra'le give JOE a tri!r
Catholic-M. Paul's Churrh, k. Iictirwi
K Hi li and Mxlli. Kailii r 1 a ut-jr, I'n.ii.r
Uriinii V im at iiu in jn a. m. bulidaj
bdiiml si 1 Ju. l a (kmhIicIIoi..
C1miTIAX.-4 .1nn lrnal anil FU'lilh Kla. i-fiiiKK fc'l'l J. U.
krrU, pailur, huliila) IVIimil la. at.
KPI1.1 r.PAU-Kt I.ukr's I hurrli. roller Tnlrd
lid V hi'. Kr? M II. Puriiraa m-lr. Ivt
lm MlAal a i I 3ur M. eumla) Ikliuul
ii:r. m.
Gshsmn MKTnnmsT m Hltlh Bt sail
liiHinf. !(. Kin. i'utinr. Krtrr:IH.s.
and 7 M r. H. nmny :n h.Hil In JO A M.
PnrnVTiMiA. rilr In 1 rln'irh.eT
iifi lialli aid (.rKHiir ir. lu r J l.llr .
la-lur. Mn il.w 1 !;.'; 1 rraclilnt
al ll s.m.a'id sp m.
'I U V K. e. :. K 1.1 h' hiiidi m- m r?tiy
eaiihnili rvruti r al T -IS in ilir l-aw nir'i i
thrri nnb. All ie lUllt-d tu S.I-. lu lllrtc-
Piiii-t MTnoniT flxih "t.. rtwlll Main
and IV rl. Vv I. K. Hiltl l. II. im-lor.
hrrvlrra : 11 A.M. I ul r. M Mi 1 it it m-IhmiI
:.m A M. I'lijri r Hit f l ( M rUiirailur rrru
K. (jri-MAN ra'SHTTrBia". Tortr Miln suit
Sniili. I.- iIih. in r. N-mi't-a u'a'
hi'Ui. huiidiijr fclim,! M A. M. .
Ifinir 1 ini, hi iATii-At.-irsahe, be
larrn Fifth aud hi mil.
Cou'iirn Haiht. mi. fillv. 'iV. twlwi-rn
li lllll aril l.!-Hilll 'i V. A I'.i-Wl ll, 1 1 .
Ii.r. eivlir 11 a. 111. 1 ml J -ju p. in. )i)rr
autliMr Udi.a.ii.v vili'W
Ji'i'Mi Wr'a Ciihi fiA" AiriAT'
In. Ill V nlcrinnll hlix-k. M lll lt. rl dm-
r Iiu f..l 11 n nit!) k X h)T lit
i-riMH-n al 4 iiYI(M-k. I imimp nitt-u r-k dii)a
l.'inii hi a. 111 ,tu p. 111.
Bona I'ahk TsariiifAri.r. Itr. .1. M.
WjmI, lm;'i.f, fw-itii-.a: auulny hili(d,
.'a, in.: I rend h p. II a ni. 111. il s i. 111. 1
(mjfi mraili V 1ur.lh)f nlnlii ; rlmir iir.
Uc.i I nd.. iiulit. Alikfi- arlciiiiia.
When you po to a ehoe etore your
object ianot only to buy alioeM but
to procure (or hut you eprnd the
bet Hiat your money will buy.
I"a than thin will not content you;
more thiin thin you cannot, in rea-
eon, nk. Our i.irtliodH are na
Hlmple na your dcniri H. We do not
lift your expectation to the cloud,
but we realize thrin whatever they
are. We r ill tievrr enrrilice your
Interi sta to our and nowhi-re elee
can yu pet a fuller nud fairrr
riiiivnlcnt f'ir your mony. An
enpiTially profitable purcliaee for
you is our etc.
CC1 Kaia Street
TUC I CAniVP AL'H nil V At r rniftp
imu llhuii.u Htu uiili U"t miUL
waiting to show you
you know how cheap they
Docs Yotji
Need a clonk this winter? Ifahe
v.w ,ua inn niiti i-Auiiiuir nit- i iiiiiirena ciouaa lliut
we arc ottering before buj im;.
Wo havo Just received from
his lull
Childrens Sample Cloaks
For children G, 8, 10 and li
garmcnta in all. JsO TWO ALIKh', on which wi,
were given a disccuxt from regular wholesale prici v
bo that r.n nt"i nhh tr flirin nr-tnnllv
" K r -v i 1 f r- s I i i
CALL IX ninl lit u prove the
uliow you at the r;:me time our l'IMi
bucquea and Jucketa.
Another opportunity to buy ahoea at
We take pleasure in Bn ioucinR
eurrouiu'iiip towna that we have
sample ehoca. Our Micceea with
dreda were disappointed becaiiHe
onrfraina nun t iniirvn. aiiih iiuc i m nrr ii any iiiinp man tne laet, be
iiiir Walter H. Teniiny A Co.,cl UoHton, Maea., full line coiiniHtiiiir ol 'im.
dice, Mieeea, C'hildrenH, Men and
acriptinna, ,".mnn j mrm is an pmr nt tmyanno Mena twfa, (n whirfe.'
we can pive the lieat vulue for your money that you ever "laid eyea on " t
Don't thitik that becauae we don't aek binh price for ahoea that thv,
hoea are not of any liih cpuality. We have among theae ahoea that art 1
a fine aa any shown in the city, everything rxlrineic ia atripped away t
and the ahoea that you buy of ue etanda on their intrinsic worth. Wa (bar '
ai Uie it f value aud liive you the worth of your money . '
jib Si Giii Great
Children N'nt
urnl Wool Col
or Miiru ami
I'.irvni All
Si7.( a.
Children nil
Wool Shirt &
1 (rawer All
507 Ihia FIrcst Piattswontb, $t
nt nnnrn
his new goods
Little Qii'l.
doea you will make a treat miatako 1
a largo Cloak Manufacture
lino of
years old, consisting of UI..7J
xv -va' - I "1 1 .
trutli of the nliove etntement. ant', !
LINK ol lnlita aiidMiuBt RtcScn'
to the people of I'lotteinouth an '
euccccdfd in Kettin; another line o
the hint line wim phcuoininal aiulhunV
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