- yTTS BROS, Pubiis-hers. "''"'"l nvrr Thursday, and dally errrj raulrii! i)ccpi Sunday. R"i"ter(t at HiB rittimuit.li, Nii. pot. i--fnr trhiitnilflnn ttironsti th U.,.'H. mill lwoiid dun mtv C n1 V S.v .-a fiisu rreeu. PPtA'""' fr. In silvan- .. .... ...flM tti f r . (Hit yar. uut In adtnnce. a 0 I - II limrW fclM.lhf W.il Milling . -- . ' .a J iy. tiiri- iimiii:.. In :nl'.aucf ... 40 TKHM FOR DA I LI no -ip onei yvir in a ir iikt 00 aetnvr I"' a-vk. tiy eiurlto I fl ciy, per nuiiitt1 K bat to give to them freely of their own bounty. Let all the peojilo re joice. In tewtimony whereof I have here unto net my limnl ami canned to be nfttxert the reat peal of the mate. Done ul Lit. ohi t'..'. Uth liu) of Nove.iiher, in the year of .our I ' one thousand eiht Iiuiulr f ael ninety-oil .'. of the rtUti" - twenty fifth am! of the iii.U-r'"'l-'fe ol thc United States the liuudred and sixteenth. - " . Ity theCwreruor: l.:L JOII.V M. TltAYEK. j ALLEX, Swcy Ol own.-. V , ,,nr ttftf : iif in tl e I'"1 J ' ,,f hoMora'de men; fro to wails mid devi op the iii.iiiitid lit renonn e" IhatG 1 and nature have placed "n your M)ver, and Kansas i t futurs ui in the pant, will he iu--:.icil))e" war, in peace proreHt-- ive, itiutciHi'"! mprcm"1 jiiiiiej hands EXPENSIVE WHIPS. 60M! . COiTLY ARTICLES OvVNEO DY WEALTHY DRIVERS. John C. SATURDAY. w . NOVEMBER Sl.lSfl. THE PRESIDENT'S THANKSGIVING PROCURATION By ttie president of the United iiate-jof America: A proclamation, li ,U a vury Rlad incident of the ?.arvcloiis proep'Tity which has .a 1ip rear now drawing to a alose that its liopeful and reuhsur- toff touch has been h it by all our cople. It has been as wide as our jountry, and bo special that every komc has felt Hi comforting iuflu nce. It is too yreat to be the work f man's power and too particular to he the device of his mind. To od, the beneficent and nil wise, who make the labors of men to be fruitful, redeems their locses by his grace, and the measure of whoee governing is as much beyond the thought of man a it is beyond his deserts, the praise and gratitude of fbe people of this favored nation re justly due. Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Karrison, president of the United Itates of America, do hereby ap point Thursday, the 2tith day of Kovember present, to be a day of foyful thanksgiving to God for the bounties of his providence, for the grace in which we are permitted to Mioy them, and for the preserva Moa of those institutions of civil and religious liberty which He jure our fathers thf window to devise and establish and us thc courage to preferve. Anion;' the annronriate observances of the day re rent of toil, worbhip in the pub lie rnnL-recatioa. the renewal of (i i-i family ties about our American resides and thoughtful helpful ess towards those who sulk, lack f the body or of the spirit In testimony whereof I hare hereunto set my haml and caused Hie seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 13th day of November, in the fear of our lxird one thousand urnt nunarcu ana ninety-one, snu ml the independence of the United Bialm thr nni hundred and six teenth. ' Bknjamix IIakki.w.y Br the President: James C Blaimb, Secretary of State. t;.a frr-.m Pers-J- gylvunin chow ll.at U.re-tr.Uie can didate at the head of the republican ticket, receit d over TA.iM plurality, DCLEOATKixs from various cities are assembling t Wahin-toii pre paratory to en-ain in the fray that is to decide which hlmll be permitted to entertain the enliven timi that hhall name our next pri s-iJanl. AX cx limine elates that home of the bills of thc clerks of election f independent faith ran up so il.e't havintr been made out in accon'- nice with the provisions of the iht hour law. The independents at ths bntt mil, which i.i un urnameiital vidently made this law fur u pur- cupito!. f.-'.i.i wl:icli u floral patleia mi nue and the v can afford to serve as ual.-s, unUaciatic of iKiwer, the laiiL hiiiL' stiick ot the leoi(le if they can make such hauls as these, ! occasionally. It is a niitak" fr any one class of men to attempt to furrn a polit ical party, inasmuch as it is certain to nntajronix.e every oilier rhii-s, which is unwise. It should be borne in mind t'nal vc- arc a depend ent people, and a party tint is not broad enough or liberal enough to legislate for the good of all clat is not worthy an existence. Then to insure this it is better that polit ical parties be composed of men of every vocation nnd that liberality nd justice characterise their ad ministration. trTlilpa Thai JIu.l !: Rtgmtlrd Hun Clrnamviita Than ii Ji.atrunienl uf t'av fulnaaa fur t'rftlus or Fraclluaa AMiMi A VMiwi.iii iiMmwim, The Vauclerbilt family owns a vnluv h'emhip. It was I rest-ntt d to the lats W. II. Viuidi-rUlt by the Jat k-wm i Wooden Cur enuipany, of Derwlek, I'.i. The ui'yu was i.uulo by Fritz K.iMen ttir'. senlritor, at a cust of (2,U)4. Tiiu whip and Ivi.ry Btwk, befi,r any tniviiirf -.viiilwii'', c:: t JS'.t). It wiiisevn fiet Ici:. Abuve the uttx k the whip nu iaail of mjli.l wti:del)e, then Wutlli tlin-e dollars ht mhiui1, iihw scarcest ten (lolhirs. Over this t'.:J ivhuklmiia was the liuest iiraiiiin of bjillt bilered whale hone ever attempted. Thu Lruuliui; of the waip and making of thi Nimmx-r iiciniai-il ai wliols inonlh. The cane fur tiiu whip citfIUL The handle of the whip was f t the puri-t Ivoiy, 'Jl incite Ion;; in.-.l 1 inches tiilci UUllUXUTOS k U IXSOVRl fii FEW R. R. Tin? l AM'F.y OF DAILY 1'AASIiMiliK TKAI.NS GOING EAST N.i. .. io 4. . Nu. ... o io .., N. It... So. id... . ft : iii r M . .!: til ,t . .7 ; tt i, m ..!. ml ...In :M . I ... iiua. ii So I i i o, i, ... . o. T Ml, I II, 19 S :I5 a. in . : " p 'II ,!i n a. in II., P, III . 'Irt li. ni, II :". . fn. TIME LAKH. N'. I'l Artmnii lit' 1 hi I Sll.;thl ' lltllV '11 , 1 1 .iii, d.illy fii'i'i't 'iiiniay. .10:." A la. . 4 .wi p. in. fr.N'KIHfS O-r I'VHIIV i.iiiiii.'l I IV. m.i. 4 tmnr '.i'iitc i .. m i r ti IhHir II II I" far'." A I mk bl'.ik. All vik ioi.il KhiKlan coidi.i ly '"Vlrdlo a'triid i'. 1. M uliii'l. ;. ' . ; Ii- lovi y, K.K S. Bucklen' Arnica Saiva. Thk Ukht ."Iai.vk iu the wmld for Cut Itruiih, Hon. Ulcer j, .Sill lilniini. KrVel H.irw,T.'-lter. Chapped HaiidK, ChilliUiiiK Corns, and nil Skin Sruptiont1, and posi tively cure I'lli. or tin pay required. It in KHarantwil to L'ive aatislaetion, ol money refunded. I'riee 2.'. rrnts per Inn Kr aal hy K. 0, Kriel r.i. () V. w Mn'li rlr-t ana lli ol ililiv c-.v , 1 1 1 . of i U m. .ii Ii I 1.. A H. Il.til Mi CiM-kaii'.k M k. Kriua Veiuil )e., M, W. I. I' Ku'-iHulf, ltrcurli-r. A . V W o. M-Mwii ".nd ami t'.arrti Kn uv ..if Hi 111'' ui ""i 'i. ". hall Ml lin kur "Ml l.loiK, E J. MorUl. il'li', . I', H'"wi. KM..,,rili'f, KOV a I. II : N AM-'V m i! v.. )iiji, S.ft til lii K. "I i' till Hi in ' i'aiiiii-ii ti li L .' I ;!'!. V. !! : II. ml l, hv ;-i4i rr-ii- t.MM-K . . I;, ii" l lir.Mlmii t ii v 1 1 Ilciry I in u iiii iiK, s. i'ii'iiiiv; l! I.OIMiK, Nu. I4S. t .'). K. m-- l i'V rurmlay timht at ihi-ir liall l'i Klii."il1 At-'i. AJMNi.l f are ettrtis! j '.i tt'dni i....i vi. el in 11- oily. J t i.ry, N. 11 S. W. Ilriile, Sern taiy."! We have sold Kly's Cream Balm about three yearn, mid have re commended its use in more than n hundred Hpccial cases of catarrh. The unanimous nnswee to our in onirics is, "It's the best remedy that I ha ever used." Our experience is, that where parties continued its iise.it never fails to cure J. II. Montgomery, & Co., Druggists, De corah, Iowa. hen I beiran using Kly's Cream .'iKiiini Luiuiin wim mi Him i intti headache the whole time and dis. charged n large nmount of filthy matter. That has almost entirely disappeared and have not had head ache science.-J. onuners,Stephney, Conn. It will cost you nothing surely do you good, it you Cough, Cold or any trouble ' Throat, Chest or Lungs. I)r, W New Discovery fur Coiisuuk Coughs and Colds is guarantee give relief, or money will he p buck. Sulfercis from La Cr, found it just the tiling mid its use had a speedy anil pcrfi covery. Try a sample bottle expense and learn for yoursel, how good n tiling it is. Xr'jr' '"' free at 1'. (J. l rif ke .V t o. Di( Store, I Jtrge size .rnte. and f 1.00 x MllosNorvoand Liver "ills. Art on a new principle regulat ing ihe liver', kIwiuii.1i nod bowels through the nervs. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' l'ills pp. cdily cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles, 'nt.tipiiii.iii. UtU'(pialcd for men women, children, smallest, midest Pi.Tst! fi d'lyrs, 2.r;. Samjdes free .-t V. O. l'ricke 4 Co's. ite miserable bv indi- cestion. constipation, diw-iness, loss of nppetlte, yellow skinr Shi l.. i. 'a 'li.,ii..r in ii iiositivc cure. hor Bale by V. ti. Itickc ft Co. " " i f 4 Hi 1 " - For many years Mr. U. V. Thorn son, of Des Moines, Iowa, was se verely nlllicted with chronic diarr hoea. He says: "At times li was very severe; so much so, that 1 fcaerd it would end my life. About seveu years ago I chanced to pro- j cure a bottle of Chamberlain'. Colic. Chvra nnd Diarrhoea; Remedy. It gave me prompt relief and I believe cured me permanent ly, ns I now cat or drink without liarm anything I please. I havtj nlwi iihi-i'I it in my family with th best results. 1'Jr Sale" by I'. O. Frickie A Co. THEGOVkHNoii THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. Now. more than ever bare the people of Nebraska most convin dog reasons f.r lifting their hearts in gratitude to the Supreme Rule: f the universe for the untold bles ings they have enjoyed during the year which is now drawing to elosc. The disastrous effects of the ttj'out'i which afflicted yome portions f ti.e fetiiie a year ago hare been followed by the sunshine of pros ferity. The windows of heaven ' were opened; the rains came and atow the earth has responded with a most abundant increase; the lu hors of the husbandmen hue been aaost lavishly rewarded; the fields have, been nliiiot-t weighed down with grain the trees with fruit the grannrie1? fir" f'l 1" re pletion; now rigor and energy have been infused into department of human efforts; joy sits in the hearts t the people where there was ' lamentation a year ngo: general health prevails and peace reigns within our borders. It is most becoming, as well as Ihe performance of a wcared duly, Unit all should itinnifc'd in a public mntiner their nppreciatio f f and their gratitude for three priceless blessings. Now, therefore, 1. John M.Thayer, governor of thc state Nebraska, do hereby designate Thtirrlay, the 0 slay of th'4 pn -"?iit !';onth, a-; a day f thanksgiving and praise to the Most High for Hiii fatherly care rer us and for His tender mercies. I most earnestly request all the people of thiH commonwealth to abrtiiin from sill 4ecul;ir employ ment on that day and assemble in their several places of public wor Jilp and offer up thankajivirj and ongs of pra"ne to His holy name. Ia accordance with this beauti fulcustom f unilics wiil be reunited, social and frutcrnal innuence will ' prevail and the heart cf all rhnuld ,, fce made ft-lud. i ' I beg Him with an abtind.incc net t forget the poor aad nrt4j Hko. Bukkows says the attempt of the democrats to help the wide- pf tidC litr.14 did uiorc har,u tiins good, and declares that the demo crats mostly voted for Tost. Well, we!!, we admit that the efforts of the democrats to help thc indepen dents scared the most of 'cm back to the republican party, and there fore did more harm than good. Uut we deny that most of the dem ocrats voted for I'obL liut we won't quarrel about it, Hro. Bur rows. The dream is over. The hope that the people of Nebraska had sense and manhood enough to come out of the wet has gone like a beautiful .dream. We go back to the solid foundation rock of democ racy, and, Bro' Burrows, we don't know where you'll go, but we have a haunting fear that, politically speaking, you'll go to the devil. You might as well. Your farmers got scared and ran like sheep at the sight of a wolf when they heard the blood and thunder rainmakers of the republican party gel up and howl about the flag. Most of the lCiders of your party were men who could'nt get anything in their own, and they simply went off awhile to enhance their value and get good offers to return. Lincoln Herald. "Evidently TlIE IlLkALI) dil not consult Caugrc?sman Bryan befote penning the above." AN ELOQUENT REBUKE. Hon. Joseph Ady, in a recent speech at Manhattan, Kansas gave the calamity agitators of that state an elocpueut rebuke. He said: "Kansas is nil right! She is miracle ot prsgrrs! bheta a sun tiower wiiose jewel center is sur rounded by petals of gold. In quarter of o century she has given homes to a million and a half of Mi.nla CI . i 1 1 i m f. i--t" ' - land have been laid und.r the plow, and the farm products of Kanuas this year the surplus of Kansas ia worth flCaXJOxX) this minute, More than the total output of silver and gold annually in the Uiiilrd States. And every dollar of this magnificent crop has free coiua in the imtrket nnd the mint of the whole world. Our property worth to-day a billion, three bun died and ninety mill ons of dollars Our free si hool is unparalled by any on earth. Our colleges and Jrohrr educational institution are a matter of golry to every Kan sssnn; our prisons, asyeius nnd eleeinsoynary institutions maak the generous conduct of the state of Kansas toward (he unfortunate. Xaiimas is all right; n'l alio needs is to have the truth told about her. Coll iu th vile horde of conspira tors that nre trotting over the tuition nt n Hilary of J.'.POO a year! Bull down from high places cow ard that dare to a?perse her good mime. LhmIi from the temple of justice wiih a ncnrpion whip every ruin wU dejjrs'Ies the mautul of of power, truth and Tpetuity, which tncialiii four punc-Is. Ia each panel i a wonderful ti;ec of carving on ne vi.le a locomotive and a ! tr.tiu of cars; oil tiiu other a tteutiiboat, fyml'ii7.iiix timfiinndationinf Coruelius iitnlerliiit'a ;;reut Mci.ii-Vruieuts. On the tL'inl ana tonrtn panels are t'a; achievoneiitj of V. IL Vllllilerhiil'' gciiiua, the Uratid Ceotrul railroad de pot oa one an J on tiiu other hinwlf lu a buggy driviui; his celebrated fa.it horw on thu road. Uu the end of tuo handle are two portrait busts iu high relief of Cornelius and V. II. Vauderbilt, father and son. This whip is sacredly kept is a gla- com) aiaou the art treasures cf the Vaiitlerbilt gallery, and in future generations will be treasured as a work of art, even though it is simply a whip. Jun Fink had a driving whip covered with bilk thread, heuvy carved ivory handle, hautUoinely engraved, gold inotintings, with the owner's natns la (liuinoiiila. The whin, with iU Velvet lined caae, cot r00. W. K. Vauderbilt has a tine whip, coaling Ci(J. tOjAi. f a o v. V, nil a. Jay Gould has a whip, made for L i in twenty years iio, at a cost of 1W. IiJ bos had it repaired only once. Mr. Hammond, of tb Murray Hid hotel. New York, had a whip worth $ j. and Harry Hill, the famous New Yorker, bal one worth f-'A. Hon. Arthur Siedlcr, of Morruitown, . J., bus an ivory bundled whip, beauti fully mounted with silver. Oa the ivory ia carved bi monogram. The whip cost several hundred dollars. The lata Theodore Stewart, of Vsw York, had a whip that cost him $300, Pierre Lorillard, cf New York, has a due whip, with a handle of ivory, richly carved and encircled by twining leaves of tobacco, into which bis monogram it deftly carved. It was preacuted to Mr. LonUaxd by friends, and U valoed at 1'jOO. It is quits a fid with ladle who ride to have a coat s of fine gold taounted whips, tied with their favorite color of ribbon and LaiJ in the form of an X on their bf's. ejrrj yeur In finn driving whip, costing from CJ3 to 41w, as present to proini nent taea in clubs, societies, railroad and steamship comimnles, etc. Fiue whips share with the gold beaded cane in their uss a gift. A nearly every gentleman keeps a fins bono, he moat needs bav a fins whip. For female riders, a larga variety I mails. As the country crow mora densely nnpnlatod. and richer and finer good brcotna a Lartrrr part of regular trada. new and novel design are continually brought oat by manufacturers. TURJU KIMt OF WU1W. Thers art thro kinds of whip the (tralght or baggy whip, the Uaa whip, and, for riding, the English crop. The crop ts a bandvuueiy mouuteJ, alioit, traiht ntlck. with a 0t leather thong at Iba tod, iiito w lUc'u uu or iu uA U fitntenrd a hvih. AuHHiia leaua Ui Wui'd lu wliipa, said the EngUahmen bar found this out long sgQ, A year ago a number ot noblemen sent a man over here to pick out soma Moo ark bl Frets. Heart disi ase is usually supposed to be ii. curable, but when jiroperly treated a large portion of cases can In- cured. 'I bus Mrs. Lltuira Hatch, 61 Klkhart. Hid., mid Mrs. Mary I. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., were cured nf tor suffering's) years. K C, I.in- l.urger, driiL'irist nt .-iin Josif, ill., savs tliiit Dr. Mih-s' New lle.-irt Cure which cured the former, '-worked wonders for his w ife." Levi Igan f Buchanan. Mich., who bail heart li. ease for '.D years, says two bottles made him "feel like n new num. Dr. Mil'-"' New Henri (lire im solil and guaranteed by V. (i. Fricke 4 Co. Book of wonderful testimonials free. 1 UI.IL'S I'F.l'i'KRBKRO. M ACr ACTL'HK of ASD ziuciESniz n:;u retail DRAt.tK IX tsr CIIOrCKST BRANDS OF CKLXRS rcix Litisor TOBACCO ASD SMOKI.. S ARTICLES always in stock Plattsmoulh, Nebrassa MIKE SIlNKLLUAi Kl.U, Wi(ui and BtsekiBiltli tup Wtgea, Duggy, M schist n I plosr Uepirii .loa. H()R?E?H0EIN0 A SPECIALTY -IIS NEVtRSUP HORSESHOE Which i the lt ui re-shoe for tl. farnier, "r for fm-t drivinit, (,r for citi uuriiox ever iuvnited . It tu ios.li ibatsnyonu ci.n put on stinri or flat r.irki, ned'd for wt sii.l fhi'ii-rj i.t. or tan.'L'th. nr? ",d!. v1 s' his (!i'.. Mini iminiiie thfi vavti'Si.D tr.d you will ux. no othtr. J. M. PILNELLUACKEIL 12 Surtli fifth St. I'Ufj uo.itt. A P0PCLAB FAMILY. JtWTT. : How It it, Kts that jott stwmy p-fli f. 'CHtirta ffl 'fn ltH.t Imw linn t l9 what I may, you alwa;i tt-crn to l aba4 f m." Kat! " I don't knw I ewtstn'r do o aukranr ei' i-lion In lint Sliwli' n." Jn:z:" WrX 1::r.g.r !-t fnr !-?!!, far laainta, you Lata takoa up paiuliua. 'ft .r- - aw X I f f . " 7 . ' . ' 'J' 11 i-if.tss. i .1 1 I wyir fs I ttriight whip, while the Kng!!h. French and Ciernian whips are dl lu-h whips. A New York lady ba a drlrlug whip which she vain at ta.O"). - In the sux-k of the whip are forty-seven diamonds. On of the costliest whips ever muds ia this country was niad" in Conm ticut f r a Frtichuinu. It wss paid for by an American and ctt 1 1,500. The ttuvk wus carved ivory, gold and Jewels. TL whip itw if was whulttboun, braldi d w.iii ti;rir. whak'boiid tlinul. It t k two weUs to braid ths whip. farnirr livi .g nesr New York lias ft whip over 100 yenrs old. He bought it at a connil-y ain rton for thirty-tl dol J: r-. P.c bus 1'-1 1 iTere l f tl ) for it hs a curloiity. L'e tB.'aaed it. It is a very 11. '.:, Wvy i.-oiy,c1'iaii!!y tunit.1 tdock. The lroryaUno is worth twnity Cve dol lars, ami I a bwmtL'ul piecs. A whip dfnler In "Sew York hnn a v-ry oM whipst'ick thst has curried oflf prir.-- in iyiiiion and Fsria, nu 1 v,ll le on x tiVtion at the World's tAt In Cbiraga L A-ii tn-JS in l"?i. 1 rii'-msrek and the Ot'nnin emperor h.ire their whips inaiis iu tidl country. Miry cMt'.f wUi; are mid henj for Englihb sad French actors, who taku them hoins V) pnt'-nt to friend. Most of t!:esw(U guiriVtii'-n in r.T;r! i:vl who without any tyvher t yno em to the ream wtirti Mim Ia-Urvn .lirn-.l Sir 1 Ihu1m !f ao aud leiilf, anil ieriiiijr He are ail iniprov Inf lu nu urxM Jen r liwnHUwi: I Bear nu Irillna It.mu.v l!njra Ul avi'iniif tpw bin eluO una., iu ,,lrVM In rh.riti; "' ill: ou aiwia to be up k ait tlir laii ai 'la'ia.' ana m. L laden vttb frW Frort Hie golden gafe. io .anas across sea. I carry wsLfcopa WitKAtlTA QAUS V 50AP. IAU fl!r Mde only by j KHmmx. & Go. Chicago A5K YOUR GROCER FOR IT f. r at : PEARLMAN'Sy 4. I. -GREAT MODERN- HOUSE FURNISHING, EMPORIUM. Havin": nurchasetl the J. V. "Weckbach store rooraon eoutk Main street where I am now located It n fcell goods chcapjf lL. ll. . . I. n n . t,MMMi. i I In k laTnriL..f ttftV ' IT Ulan II1U IRii yvn. nariii- judi jjui in ic iaijjvnk i of new iroodfl ever bro'.isht to the cltr. dasoline 6to? and lurnitur fall kinds sold on the installment plan (I Hi I. FEA11LHIAN. stock t t0TC 1 oow Jnt wimlto (toiurail.Mri iiiuhUui-ai j.til i.trt.lfi liMiiit'.liilir I tlnO In li.a lal Bvinth r-".u isn iss.rovrd!)tn braith,wjn, '.u l.f inn, Ui junr hTi.KaJfiiitun'.'r. ia. Vbvre do yni k'.-t all of jour iniomiaiKio (n.ia In tin liilln outfit tLi mtj 1m -Iu t .m nvvur iro Ii. lb iiy.H KT: " Wli, Jpimiii', you will mWi m Vim, I have m, If i.i' aoi.r.T ct IntorntHtlun, t.ut it 1 or,'T ,t lj.,w il nn u tul wniii. I riT,'t hi m hir i.njilnrtf t ill what tbt'wit Irardnjt ItWj u.1 lull liif.Triailin n t;ia uill- U ht-l iiua..i.til Anl i"- t twie Ii to to r km, f r it rmiir limn ,li - l!.o p-iuluif t..r ii win 4a k'liiwh'il'l : frtlirr 1 wi li l,L'i niPHli l uit li liaa Wik. n l f v-ur a hn tliia out ,ti I iii 'i - 1l;,J Im .0.1' l:.f.i' i:. i..'i oa li.i "J". U of ti.u On) i "ii'l moil'. r tn.il It in ti.ul 111 . nun. hi r n li a fmiioid t)'MiM'i''.'iwr. In f ii t, wn all a r t nil it ia IHi-oiny r.liv ri'.ti.ir i iun'...i i n 1 1 .lu I, a wo ha.e it f T n.nifMl .l "I iim. an I riiMl liuli. ip la 'i I ir mm, anotl iv ail f.T w i niii, utt't ii.'U..t for iniWi.iii only, jrl ll I'll ' 'il avi-rr " "f lil an on if"! Ui lk i oimi linti'l rt 'phI, ami timi i. wiii iu ti. 1M41T ir jr ti.mi In, I' r it Is onif i?.l s ;ir. r. rliiiin rn till ih I am too lav i h in in)i pruiv; L. il I wui li t u r.r, or. h tl.T Mill, wml Iii cnt I" r"'" Ii'i t, W. J'ti'u iih Imminvt. 1 Ku-t I'Jlj tlMt Nw i'l fa, for s ani'W rit;', ri4 I fiall al"r" onaliVr Uil I bv cl. .na jnn a i't fry rt wul i'iOT I f will lni(tui Lonit, iri.ii r yi huso trie n inri iti ia of tx il K Uia M i ln..ri.i-i r in "rwn. th ii I ao. It I lUMXiatt a ir aiuU ia ,14a tins taut outs) H." A fit c nil ifr-only f '.() fur Tin: wi:i:tly iif-kald nr.d Di'innrcHl In-nily M;i."i:iiii. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Compkte line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils, y Cn'JCCISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS rrcscrlptlons Carefully Compounded nt all Honrf.tr Y t - V Mexican . Mustang iniment; V A A Cure for thc Ailments of Man and Beast.' f I 1 A long-tested pain reliever. Its tt:;c is almost universal by the Housewife, the Firmer, th Tiojk Rai.tr, a.id b every ono requiring an effective liniment m 0 other application comanrcs with it in eflicacy. TLi.i mll-knonu rt:iito l.i ttojj t!.o text cf years, gr'ncrations. Wo mHiicine tlict is complete without a bottle cf XIvsTaxa LlN'IMtMT. Ore ions arise for its use almost ever day. All dfJr"irt and dealer have it. ,i l ; s, a; rL0.1t drive tant'ou) sn J lu-re for tii.lr wllfA jffKru.l ymir suljw'rijiiiou to tliii r...'..,.i 1:.....,. uu; :.' 'Maywia iuua uh.wii, 17 1 1 1 , n. 8 V..,., -...ar IliiUiUklU. ft oia W,lv Vvi. ritoUcUl..,? J X Y 1 V