i 7 II af 1 1 7 wmw f'M AYES COONfT .BUUVE YOB ,' AND : civil engineek ','rdeis !( with III roiintr rk will b i promptly atl .'iiilf J t. pi'FICe IN COUKT IIOUSB, . ' .''outji, , Nebraska 1- ll'LIl'S PEITEK'UKKG. MAM'Ur'ACTCIlKUI'At.O : wholesale aim retp.il 4 IlKALMt :K T IK CHOCKST ISLANDS OF CIGARS , rui.Li.iNK' r TOBACCO AND SMOKE. .'a- ARTICLES ' always in .stock j PlattHmouth, Ncbraasa i riRST : NATIONAL : HANK r UK ri.ATTSMOL'i'U. NEIIUAHKA Pld up eap.Ul Bjiplu f ViO O.fiO u,0.iu.4j ri lliev-rv In--! fiwillllfi for the promt tr.inM null i( UtillniiKo Hanking Business (ttiK-t;.hfti(l, n ilit. KdU'riini'iit djnciii w Mllli'i iMiuut 11 1 nnd. Ui'unll i.im'u - , ill iiiunit Hll.x-.i rn Hi civuiio a. i IH'M ili.Kvn. kv ill. HI" III H'll Hill III ll.. t'uii - nuim and all Ike pniiClp.U inum o ' ' EurujH. ' OOl.LECrlOXS MAO AND rBOMrTLT KKHIT TAD. I illl)ttt n rkrt ) ! t fur Tim iiy Wi j lAlllo. Mill HI. It OUIII) MJUJrl, . lilllKCroli.t L J'liin I'lU'iTniit n. n.iwor.i fc b. V..li, V K. Will J , Mrvlft K. povy ! . A.bu KltziT..! . b. Wam'i. . I'n-i.lrut Ci' I 'fT: ( QV:C OI- CASS Ot.TNTV ! ' ('nr M.ii:i and I ,.t i r !-. Pit.! i'i..,.:i.ii 'i S..,.tu t vtjt OFFIOEM it. II P ini I'm '.I -i rV't i.ni.iiT Vice I': M.-M J. M. r.l(t'l.tH I f4"rl I. il. i'-'.:;v-.s. A-il ci-uni UIKECTORo Ml. n. I'i i-..T. M. 1' ilt-r4.it), Prrl 1 irdi l, kB. s.i., it B. V.leJu tin, II. 8. ilim-iy ai.4 IMIESUL HAHZ15C ETCIHESS ' MIAN3ATED Aufvili't s.illr t'!. l-ne rtl All'iwrd nr, tlm di Mit n. I iir.iiiiul mi. MtuUf Itrrii U all 0u l&rM cuirutttd to its cure. Chnmbcrlaln'B E70 tiA EMa Ointment. A certain enro for ChronJo Soro Eyes, Tetter, Bolt Kutura, &cdd Dead, Old Cbrcali Sores, Fover Sores, Eczema, llcli, Prairio Emtchcs, 6oro IT!pplcj tod PUu3. It li cooling and eoothir. Hundreds of caioahtwo boca en rod b? It after till oUict troatnout had fallci lib put up In 1 3 oad CO cc;t bexes. 1 Kf 4 rWoita HAITJ BALCAM rM t,, f t' Mir. GRATEUL COMFORTING Epps Cggob BREAKFAST "Fy k thomuxri knnw!i1i nf lti filnrl wlili h (uvnin Ih.a 0h-iu'Iii nf dlifl on t id uiilillluii nJ by rairtul ml limiiloii of th n prnntliif wfll wlrclfil Cu m Mr, 1 1 im li nr.ililiil our I.i.VIai tatil villi rlic'flT f)-Tori1 lirri wlilrli limy ! u mimy (iv y itiwi.ir'lillU, lllh tli Ju ll (nu u nl ni'li rl trt o rtlrl 111 .t full tllulli'D niAjr tx nroal uitlljr built op iinlll trnnf nunt'li tii r-mit ry t iiiii-iic jr In ili'-uw. Ilumlirilt f niilill mrU.lii-a r fl' un f ' nininl mrdT tn ,t(ifk wliKicf'-r liemm rmliil, nmr ricuiii iniiiiv IhIhI l ift liy k'f.iltRrur-ep' w It fur Iflcd I'U In c bl"' d iinini-rly tiunhil finrn " iil hrl. 'Jmi iiinily iifc builii'K .li,r ' iiu;k, l-n!d "n.y lu bull pound (! I.Vfrn i.r1' IhIiUoiI llnir: iiuinll'lil j, Ihi . Ilinrmiiiiiilhlr I lii-mUt , Lonjuii. i-i ,liivd OCT5 ACH'T V7ATED for ;ill.c-.'llul5.'....l..l'i'J"- i fJIIli 3 I 'll Imjo; ' 4 5,V-. ''""'' ii';'ii''. j -w ti1 H li a, ( i"4 M..iri4'"l I"''1"' "-.V Hl.yf ..Lnlo S tfl S " ' I lltbnlM I rN Cimmt .7 nra i,tuvj & VI r.""" " , i 1 , J tmi ok..i. b nkuiic. n ifi.NMN.;iiJariiv y "1-1 . J Lu . iff .in it - '. 'I-.-A - r( i ' I H f V I ...' 1 -nr '.I I Ml- M fUl'O M kf ilbMl INN!. 1!. PETElSEJsf THE LEADING GROWER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. ATTENTION FAKn;U3 I waul your Poultry, V., Hut Iit mid jour f.irin pro luce of all kiilili, I will pay yon tin' liilR'Hl radi price a 1 urn buying for n liru in Lincoln. R. PETERSEN, Tin: LEADING GROCER IMitttamoutli . Nvbrauka P J. II:A:X:S:E:N DKAI.ER IK STAPLE AND FANCY OUOCERIES, fc GLASS AND QUEENSWAUE FipH FJiJ StflJ 'roiia"-' ! tin: Publo Solicited iSSlTi E'J.L3ii;-3 Eiill ! EVV H ARDWAnZ STORE S. E. HALL 4 SON Kdtn KM klult n( h'llltnn hirlwiri on haul iuiU will tuppiy r iniin -tiii uu mutt Ut urblit tcr.m jTIIsr ROOFING; (pnnllnu n1 nil klnilt ol Uu tturk priimlly d iiie. tJiiij. Ituiu liu couuuy Bulictlfd. ii ? srl H. rLATMMOUni, SEII. I'ERKINS" HOUSE, 217. 210, 221 and S.M Main St., Plattsrrtouih Nebraska Ihe Purkin bm boen Ihnrou'ilj rMoyitc'l from top t-.1 Imliiu i..'! ; low ono of tliu lunt liuU'U iu th UU. Jjirduri will bo takon bj tliu Wock lit 14.50 nd up. 00D BAR CONNECTED T ITIC CMIZKNS HANK,, ci.A rr j'l 'ith n::iiaska iD'.tl ituck paid In A Authornod Capital, 1100,000. omenta 'HANK OARKUTU. JUH. A. CDKNOK. Prmidaut Vtca-fratMeut W. U. OUKHINfJ. Cmliior. niuwnoBi 'rnk Carrotb J. A. Cminor, V. R. Onthmt I. W. Johnon,HinryBnek,Joh0'K'wr W. V. Mtrriiira. Win. Wotonowip, W, II. Cuiblui. ' f BAHSACta GCHERAL EAKICI3 BU31NES on eortlDiiAti' nf d-Ki-lli b NrlnK lntiret Hum inl Vila rii-Causi1. cuwi Oily .,! H bhlkHk.ltM ki.lll.' i-,l L f f .""Sr 111 1 AIU-" . .1 RUXQTQX k iimovm niran n. k TTMr r APTr J OK I1AILY I'ASHIiNGEK TRAINS iioinij tHir S i. 2 :(ip M .11 4 In :.i it . '11. S 7 ; 14 p, m I'l Hi iS a. m Nil. i In :i. ... 11 No. "JO I :;). n G) i; Jr Not,..,, j;5 k. m 'i i 1 p ii '' 0 '. a Mi ''u. . 'inn. in ' :21 P, m 11 M. .. n d', 11. 11. a. n 11 .irt UliMJUHl IMUi-it, 4(an....i TIMi: CAKI1. V". Ml Aco'inio U'i ii Le.iv 'i- ' iiri iv-'i ... iliillif iliilly except Jnii.ia. . 4 ,141 p. in rrNiciirs d" i-Y 111 1 li iinii"r'i,-i',!' Ii. n.i. 17 M. I'Vi'iv i''m .h..i .y ........ .,:, I'HiD.rh nil. i-.ii . i'i'.i t! ii . a ii vi- lllnn u.ii;i.ii. uu. conll i'ly i" v li'il '11 mtoiiil U. C. 11 1 lm I r. . tl I'nvv. K it O lT. ''... Mi-i fr-t 111. 1 III':. I i-il l, i H .. ii;. 11' h . ll "I n 1 ll 'I n. '. II. ,1 n UvUv ' ! -It. "'"ik Vciinlljc 1, ', l, I! hiiHi-kiile, Kecordrr. O I'. W rn. M-i'M'tH i, ,11. il liiiirl !i l-'n I iv V'"' I.i lln' ill hii'i a il, t 1 ill 11 l! i 'kw .i. nl lil. 'I' , Ji ,1. .Miii,;.ui, ,( v K, I', lir i'i. It ".uilcr, KKYAl, A It k N ii.: N I,,., M ii' Kin !(. .if Ii 1,1 111 1 1 l!r'..! lllill'K "V"' 11" III. . fr Viwill'i' inMliii'ii liivlii'il UiMirv Hi nil. I. I:,.,.. ..1 . Hi . 11 a l,i,', .". I'li-iniv, ' t r i' i 17 ii' .'i' 111. uii-ir 1111 n I' irir.i k 11 it. 1. 1 1. .11. ..... 'K . .I. ..-.-I ,-i,,.. h, riirirnny 111 vi t .-! ' vl.iii.,. in Hi" c y. J iorv Ll! I f-1. "S n n v THE OLD RSLIADLE. !. 1. WATERMAN 4 tM Plif LUMBER ! fihin;;1ci, Laili, Swh.J Doors, Blind:: 3in miily '.v tv (li-iimii.l of tm c'tr. Cu'il mid i'1-t tcrriH. Four tii street in ri'ur nf oi!T 1 Iio'M', HENRY BOECK Th Leailnrj FURNITLIRE DEALER AND- UNDERTAKR. 'utintly keci on lind eTerjtbin you oed to furuUh your hotuc cort!itn stxTii !n Mrx iTBitrr Plittsmout - Neb ri 1- ,1 1. 111 " . V n TV. a, p ) L y jk ji. : - .-J -'" i'r ' ':;-V i.r (V,'v,',..-vT""-" '; ' 'v'n l K ; 'i'i Ai. rjn 2 a I " if . o t-k For Alclunron, St. JoHrpli, LfnTrit wortli, Kunaan City, St Ixiuis, Qtid till points norlli, c.iiit outh or went Tick et gold and b.ijf. gaga checked to any point in tbr United S t a toa or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND ROUTES Call nt Depot or uddrena II, C.' TOWMHUND, G. I. A. St. Louia, Mo. J. C. l'liiLLiri'i, ' A. G. P. A. Omnha. II. D. APOAK. Asrt, riuttaniouth. Telephone, 7. MEAT HAHll'ET 8IXTH STKIiKT V. II. ELLEN11AUM. Trap. The bent of fresh inrat alwiija found iu thin niarkrt. Ao IreaU Et8 and Uutlcr. Wild game of all Vinda krpt ia their atHROII. M SIXTH HTk'l-KT fTJ EAT LIAKKETi ni lAr? NOT THE RIGUT WOMAN. PATHETIC RESULT OF A WRITEfl'4. BIT OF DETECTIVE WORK. ftli Hml Heard That All llvg-gara Wn Weallliy and (k!i Fullowtd a Wmuiii W ho riad u Aco.ir.llun, Espcotlng t. Find a Frlnoxly lluuia WUat alia Hun E'ne eat all day in the dn.-t and t'.i wind on tb . ktrt-ut corniT griiuiii. drt-ary tunes out of a dilapidated old i:. cnriiion tliut ulirioltc-d. aud Kroancil hi, wbi'i-zcd but wan never ia tlia leat,t u., ticiil. "She owns a block of bouses," 1 nr.: to u i'!f, "imd liii inoiifiy in tliu b n. r I hi, nil nut il:. ;) a penny ia tlmtori I. cup. ItUwion to cucoura'O iuj:iO caiy.". IwiiHotly rpiatitrj; what bad beet Mliil to I. ii' l.bnllt fll'ii-t illlpir'tuVA. In:. that I lia 1 1; noil cliancu to t;!m:y 01- ; '.hi : o tbaui't.-i'i from tlia wiiuUW of . lioti 1, 1 lii.j,i:no in.ireslcil. Ver.. V ii'., 0'it (luni.t liii.-i woiiaiH was tin iinpo'ilu:. ibr ru.i of raiment wcri' iloipunt mi: li lliat piT-onal poverty wliicli ii;i;ii a!s n. itrui:;;y t.) t!; lynipathelii;. lier bead uioi.pl (I ovit l.er recumbent figure. ISnu 4it on tliu cuv'D.sti in; iiTid tDi'fbauicaily Ki'oiiinl out li 'I' doleful music. Miu wiih tueio ut ni'iitfall wlitn 1 Stepped out of tll botol, but tliu W. J pri'purlng to l"uve. "Aha. my lady," I paid to mys?!', "here is a f!:.';::co to fuluw you imd iri how mueli of your doleful plea U tnu. If you am mi impostor I ti!iullioo:i know it,'' aud 1 f l:ip"l ulontf in tiin shadow until I had In.verwd a loti dintarice from u:y bolel, treading till t'.ie alb j i and buck street iu tliu city, it seemed to me. KO DECnmOTJ Anotr THIS, Thrn bIid climla'd a pair of ricl;pt7 tairx on Tie ontniile of u tumbledown bouse. I Ktill followed her n:ul Broped my way iu the dark to a mlwrabb room in tlia rear, ulieiu a chorus-of Luik voii ej minted her. "Mamma, oh, mamma, wo?o bwti jjoik! wi'fH been jes lis good I'.s weai couiii. tiasu t v.vbt', Joimiiyr cried n wan faced littlo fc'irl lyin ou the poor bed in tiie corner. Tbo door was left open nnd I ip;wd out of ki;,-ht be'iiiad it. but I could hotii &r.d hear, and if I was discovered, hy, I was lookim; for a mylhical wahli iiidy v.ii'i tucu l.ved ia t'uobj rooiU. 1 1;, t was nil. "Dot KDi::f pread nn pntter, mauiina;" runt 'ruled tliTulld'H voici", while a feoblo M j.il fnita liio b'-d a ided IU nolo of bup phi i;'.io:i. Ti-'i woman had dropped brr tr.nr ic j1 him. en i n tiie ta'.iie and now uic emptied l.i r m l.-' t. ii. le a itfip-m irrtu, n r.:l in p'nnle-, Ji.i.:iic!, ran au 1 ,; -t i :: i ln,t c.ia. a.;j in n liaf f i,f;.l. ill boil fo:uo hot a,;.'.lt;!:t ) e'r bat.it." Johnny could not run. IIo wns a frightful liitlu cripple, but bo l.mpcd ay with th jipniiii-". Then I cau.o forward mid mado my bogus errand known, cud okud to sea the Hick child in tliu bed. Tho woman looked at ma rmFpicionsly. " 'Taint dip'thery," fins ri.ld, "it's con lOoiniuibun, an yu cannot take her to uu hospitid wuils I bavo bruuta in xsrj body." "Do you ro out with that thing every Iky and leave these children hero alone 1 fekt-d. a talk wmi tte cnn-DnES. "I ain't a re:,'ilur," cue whined, "tho woinsii tho wero a toheuiinn died nod left m that for takiu'eare of ber. I cr.d pluy it that Well you couldn't tell bttwl.it mil between us, and I give tip v ajliin, t it t'ais is t-.ihier and more leddy lila-. I was nllus that fond of mnsic." ' ''.'ii nm I, nud if you don't miud I will t'oinu here ci uietiur s and hear yon play, tr.Miad of tioppiu on tho street no, no," a !) tstizeil un tliu iiiiilrniii'-nt, "m.t to;iilit,"iiu 1 I ihpped out, liaviuj my liiunl,!'.' rontributiou '.n tho table. 1 heard the- v. ij:.iii bi.i;;iii' to her hick child 1 eforo I bad reached tho fxit of the hti'.iis. M tbo corner I met crippled Jl'iimiv. En ha I a brown j".f.er puck r.j;e of food. ii-.; -en 'n broad," be naid, smaci .Li0' his lips. "Dut what ia there for the cickliabvr Inked. "Gol!y, yr on'j'htt'i s"e her eat aas Miiii ? tiho fist bLatches 'cm." "Johnny," I aked acrionr.ly, "hiw your Uiolher a block of bousea and a lot of nif-iiey iu tba bank?" "1.t y r giviu ua?'' aaked the boy, Ktsring at r.'o. "J Litau U in your uioiber poor?" "Ain't ho, tho', jihtorful aomptimct," and ho limped away with tba food, re Kaluitig lua vil'u wouder aa be Walked backward. I bat e concluded that tbera muot be aoine instuko abtnit the princely wealth bf th'n i.i.pvVerihii-d fmiiily, and that it mip-t lx" the woinnn with the crguuette and not the woman with tho accordion who own honws and Liuds, and I Mia'l uiilte a pneak aomo day and follow he ' Then If she is the nabob In dinnlso 1 will let you know. Mr. M. L. Rayr ia Detroit Free l refisi Cl(an end Mtuila Cnmblaad. While 1 stood at the showcase in a cigsr store the Other day a uuuio bo liegan plsying. I looked all about the tore to see where the luulody en ire frii, but the instrument was nowhere visible. Fina'ly the rftorekf-per, with a broad tun! on bis faco, took a ci.,' ir box down from the row on a shelf and set it be fort me. As be opened the lid the play ing ci-awd. 1 looked into tho box and caw that the lower half of it waa de voted li the iiiusio box. . "This is the novel way," said the deal er, "that a firm has chonen to introduce a new brand of cigars." Now York Htruld. On Oocupatloa Still Left. Fair Visitor I am collecting lubscrip Uuns for a poor boy who cAunot work. Hi hs both l robs paralysed. Mr. O rough VYLy donn't be become t diaU'ct liTi'i mffni Angr i? Lif, Oaa Mtthud af Haklag M.aay. A mau who had only a few hundro-.. dollars left out of a fortune called one day at a bunking bouse and nuked to -e the manager, who was a man of const-native mind aud fully acquainted with the bent aud most proCUible invest ments. Throwing down his roll of batikuotes bo said: "Invest this forme. Use your pleastiru Willi it. I in Ront to the coun try for the remainder of tho summer. 1 will leave my address with you, nml you can let mo kuow what you do wim it." The man walked out and was not seen ajrain for ninny mouths. His money wa judiciously invi.'nti'd on his cart blanche order mnl b"xnn to accumulate. Th. Dou-io iluly tnlorineil liiui, acivirilui;; I ' its bu.iiness mi'tliods, of his ood luelc. but nothing was heard from him person ally for Home time. Koine mouths nlP'rwanls lie piesenli- l hinrelf lit the hmhing house, roy health beaming in Ins face, well dref.Ke'i an'd portly. The manager failed to rec(if;ni:'.e l.mi nt Ijr .t, but wlien bis memory was refrrahed 1m recalled t'.ie cii'i'iimstaiiees of tint cae. Now, tiiis was nn example of a man j 7'iin laory iik'.ii lonlil"'l Ins huviii:;s bv niinply taking tlm advieo of uu c perieneed and reliable man. And ihb not a hulilary (mmi. It is orio of many reiieli that happen every day t!iroiinout the I'-iitflli uu I breailtii of our land. lleury Clews iu Ludies' Homo Joui.ial. JnjMlleil0 tVillll.. It would bo hard tos;i.v how C'liristiiui ity in-n.iiue, us W" usually have it, cm. id improve the conduct or character of tne Japanese women, who hm-iii always to bavo been very wm Christians without kninvillL' if. if U'll lirM til l,..li.vn Miu Eicon. Perlinpi tlio iinswer to the con- j niidriiui is tiiat Christianity in not pri- mariiya puriryiinf force, but is first an enli,'iitenin',' force; tiiat its ideal . u j virtue, n it innocnee uet!neui,i'io, not E'l'-n. Tim haruiless'ieHs of the ilovo will not avail without the wisdom of tiio serpent: tho linpul.- of our faith is to ward consciou.-ni-.-s, knowledge. Iu d.mlit tin's is wliat the Japanese feel in it; proh.iiily it is whut make thcui will ing to I'liant'o tiieir civilization for ours. They really seem a race of better and sweeter na'nro than ourselves; nnleM ) their witueises inisreport tlie.n t'aey are ! I gender, kinder, even truer, than wo are naturally. ttut homethin-,' senins lacking; to them, and they luok toward us for it; tliey fancy Hpiritual p'js ibiliLie.i on th'- pla.io which we tell th-in is above theirs. Ti:i C:;e p'Tlei'timi of tiieir art is a stunted bunty; it has never the infinite ivacii of tlm Greek; tin! loVeliue.-s of their lives is childlike; it has not tho celc-.ial Biiiinitiiin iif ti Hebrew; -.nj na i!.,;;'.t th'-y fi 1 tuis as clearly as tiiey perceiv tim ill .Tcreie o between us and our id 'ah William D':ui Howeils In Harper' Mortifying fur tlia Girl. Tho lato Cmjx'ror William objctcd to me oaiiKer uieiciiroeuer, and It was only by dint of the pressure exercised oikiu bis venerable majosty by Lismarck that lileichroeder and bis daughter were Tfry reluctantly invited to court balls. Once bis Ruests the old monarch de termined that the banker aud Miu BleichroeeVr should bo hospitably treat ed, and, finding that the fount, lady Licked partners and was left to sit out all tho dances, be himself in persou ordered every young ofUcer whom h" met in tho ballroom to invite her t.i dance. Much to their annoyance the gildd yontlu of the guard wero forced to oliey. They did so afu-r their own fashion, however, and marching op to the lady one afier nnother they exclaimed in far from engaging or affable tones, "Must, Cracious fraulein, by tiio commands of' Ins imperial and royal majesty I invito you to dance with me." Th ioor girl's ninrtilic.ition may be moro easily im- j nglncd than described. San Fraucisco Argonaut. Srrilnc au.l Cnokliie Food. "Cookery," says Yuan Mel. "is like matrimony. Two tilings served together hhouid mutch. Clear should go wil'.i clf.ir, thick with thick, bard with bard and soft with soft. I have known poo plrt mix grated lobster with birds' nest, and mint with chicken or pork!" This, be uWrves, ia an arrangement in which one does all the monopolizing and the other all the yielding. . Faods of a heavy flavor should be served separately. Such are crab or lob ster, samha (a delicious kind of white salmon), tw f and inntton. These, we are tulil, xhrjuld bo catcu a'.uue, without any adjunct. The fire should be carefully attended to. Tor frying or baking a "military" fire will be required. For atewing or boiling, a "civil" fire. Such is one of the quaint idioms of the Chinese language. -Templa Bar. titonlSih. Up to within a decade or leas sword fish were not considered edible, but now few suit water rlsh command a higher price. The swordflsh steaks ure delicious aul bring from fifteen to tweuty-five cenU a pound in tbe retail markoU bword'Uh are found In euUeru waters, from Llock island to tbe Canadian line. Hundreds of men devote the suiumor xuontlis to rspturing thm and fish for OtWr sneie lb rreialndrr of tbe yer. New York Twlcgraiu. rrlo at ttalralnt. Ibdrpina vary In price from a few penairs a rrona to f.'ViO aece. Perhaps the hairpin is the must tueful all-arounJ article of fcmlutne wear. It serves not only the purpose for whloh it was d signed, but also as glove buttoner, aiioe button-w, cutf f.uer and even breast pin. New York Recorder. ttaraa Qhrath's Waalth. Oaa of th bet of authorities on wealth k!ra auon Bsimv Bltich as hi the tIM rank of the world's ullUouairua, In fit not tar from the very top. Ce by convinced that Baron Fllrach la tba owuerof at least (73.000,000. Blakoly nalIlnN.wYorVTr,;!!j. "imp ,i.ii nwi,il d .wAIiiii .IkHk'!' A NMonal Fvenr. The holding of the World's Fair in a city nciircely iiftv years old will be a remarkable event, but whether it will really benctit thia nation uh much uh the diccovery of Ihe Rcstorntive Nervine by Dr. , Franklin Miletj i doubtful. This ia jiiht what the AuiiTicnn jieoplc need io cure meir exci-H;i ve iKi voiiHiie8rtr dvKpepi-ia, headache, duzineeH, , Kleeplt .-f lien, ni uruluia, nervoim de bility, dullneKH, coniuwion of mind, etc. Jt uctH like a vharin. Trial butlle and line book on "Nervous) utid Heart Dinai-en," with ime iialeil tcFtinionialM free nt F. G l-riie ti Co. It in wiirrnuted lo con taiii no ;: mm, morphine or ilanirer ouh druuH. j Wondorf jl. Sawyer, of Mochei-ler, Wis.. E. W n proiuini iit il aler in general iiieri'hnudiHe, mid who runs several pi'ildliiil; M'.e.ii;;:', bed (,e of nis lior.-.ii- badly cut mi'! burned with a I lariat. I lie woiinil refu.-i d lo bi al. Ihe Iioix' beciiiiie lau.i- and HiJ nowv.-itliHtiindiim can-ful intention I aud the iiiijicnlii.ii of 1'einedies. A i l iriid b.iiidr'1 Snv. Ver Mnne of 1 i :i i'l- w I .:i 1 1 i ii-i I .1 1 . i.ii 1 1. i.i 1 1 1 m. moM wonderful ll.in ever na'w to benl kiicIi iviiiiikIm. I! apiiliid it only three liincM and Hie (-ore was cninpli ted healed. liijually jjfonil fi r all ion', ciit -i, bniscH, and v.oundH. 1'orcale by nil drugiat A Curu f ir Fatolvsle. Frank CorncliiiH, of i'urcell, Ind, Ter., cayH: "i induced Plr, J'int-on, whouewife had tuinilvKit- in the face lo buy a bottle of C'li:iii:be-laiu'a l I'uiii lialni. To their freat Miprift i lu f'ire Uu; bottle had nil been used nhe wan a reiit deal better. Iler lace li.id been drawn to one Bide: but the l'aiu Jtalm relieved nil I""" oreneH. and the mouth, ' '""""'"l ii natural tdiape." it ia ,'""1.,'.'"r!:"" l'"r. foT rlieuninliera ....... ..iivii, inn.-. ri-iJinii Ullli lamenei.K. "0 cent botticH for koIm by 1'. G. Frii keaCo., Di uists. HJSiER'S VOGAZfiE. ILLUSTRATED. The Ma-'aziue will celebrate the foiu t!i t'entenary of the Discovery o! America by itn rc-di.-'covery, through nrticleH ;rt vi n- a more Uu. run., h expovitii.u than ban hith erto been ii. ado of the recent imprtv I'l dcnleil lievi iopuienl of our coun try, ami especially i.i li: ' ureal went i';il ticul.ir :it'.eiition will nbo bo liven to drauia'.ic e.iodcH ol Am i i ic;i n l.iMiuy. The held of the nexl I'urnpean war will be i'.i eci ibi i! iu p i-eriets of p.".)cr.; i::'i ..-.i' A'.iiituK-, i ioiiiiiir; li.,.C Pure lo the I .lack S ea." by J (ii:ii!ey I -t i - io'.v and p. 1 1. ii diet. iiiu.-'niicd by .Mr. Millet end Alfred I'arMiu.-i. ArtLvlo ai.-o w iii be;iveii on Ihe (lerinan, Aiirtrian nud Ilal- 'j'liulMtrup. lan aruiics, illustrated by I. Dc, Mr. W. D. IIoivcll will contribute u new novel. "A World of Chance," characteristically American, lvs prcial prominence will be jjiven t tnhort ftorieM, which will be contrib uted by T. Ii. Aldrich. K. II. Davis, A.Conati Doyle, Margaret Deland, Miss Woolcon and other popular' writers. Anion" the literary fenturenwill be personal reminiscences of Nath auial Hawthorne by his college chisa mate nud life lon friend, Horatio Hride. nnd n I'leronai Memoir of the Hrownings by Anne Thackeray Kitcliie. HARPEER'S PR10DIOALS IIAIM'EKS MAGAZINE ?1 GO IIAKI'EK'S WEEKLY 4 00 IIAUM'KK'S IJA.Ali 4 00 IIAKM'EU'S VOL' NO I'EOl'LE 2 (X) l'osf.'ifTi' free lo all subscribers in Ihe United Stales, Canada and Mcx. The volumes of the Maa.ine lie pin with the Numbers for June and December of each vcar. "When no time is hpecili'.'d, sui.sct ipt ions will lie-in with tbe Number current ut the time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Il.uper's Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth bind iug will be t-cnt by mail, po.-1-paid. mi receipt ct ;.i.;"i ni Cloth onsen for bindiiijj, each by mail post paid. MillllllC. ot) ccutit Remittance hhouid bi; made by I'oat Ollico Money Order or Draft, to nvoul cliance ol Johh. Newspapers are not to copy thia nd vertisenient without the express) order of Harper Drothera. Address IIAKi EK U EEOTIIEES. New York. Remarkable Facta. Heart disease ia usually .supposed to he incurable, but when properly treuted a lnrjro portion of cases caa be cured. Thuu Mrs. Elmirn Match, of Elkhart, Ind., and Mrs. Mary L, Hakcr, of Ovid, Mich., were cured after hiilfcrinp; years. S. C. Lin burper, dniKirint ut San Jose, lib, aaya that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure whirh cured the former, "worked womlera for h'n wife." Levi Iifjnn of Huchnnnn, Mich., who had heart disense for li) years, say two liottlea tmide him "feel like a new num." Dr. Miles.' New Henri Cure is sold mid (fuaruiuced by F. G. Fricl e A f'o. Hook of wonderful testimonials free. 1 Ludies who use cot-meties or pow der to cover up or hide a l ad com plexion, do not know that O. IL hnvderenn fnrniuh them with Lliti h of K'oi es, which is clean water, puri fies Ihe pkin, and posilvely removre black beads nud all f kin diseiiKea tabes 11, e fhiny look from the fi.ee nnd whitens it poon na npplied m mm P - cI.T.T'rnr or 10 i 1 or T MLI S 1 1 AN1O0O, 1 , 'f ll'f ' i'"-r.nTilku(l tVOOP TiXXllVti, V,"7 ' J k iu of KuJy tad ! Ind. TooU . lULlilXil l X-rcnor F.imm in Old or Youn. 'w.1, a.-. ii'i!io,iitn ..ii,si. ti if, k,im. .-a Sitn,imh.is.i Kr.biiuirHiiin,iiMikrAioAMa .i.s i. i,..i. . i .l'ii ir rvi-h m.. -"tii.oi..f to a ti, HU.ll'. f- i S-.l, Ml ri.rMnl.iM . Hit, tto.rlrll S", ........a A in.ll.A (M-il.iorrr C.JI3 1)1 ( vk vt..k- v. I A4.W.N. X. i ' 1 . - - '