The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 14, 1891, Image 4

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i I
At oiTi
tlMli'l $ w
mini lit Hit yu
nvrlea II., . Mania f..i
Tr Hoax That tin
.. f W.I., Hallt ana la Whirl,
ay Royal Collar.. H.n Playad.
Queeu Victoria considers herself really
1 :4f th
Itnvd, a 11 lit II. r
met with a piiiifnl a"'! dWIrenHirn
accident (nun tlie cflreta of, which
lie will ptol nlily',1 e compelled t
'ay oil al i't xJ "';'- '
coupliii"; enuine No. Ii2 to a freight
car hi Iinnd cani'ht between
the druw barn renuhiiiK' in s
f t:.;:jcy an sin cr'""--r. K-iir-fn as
1 inventor Mi Flora A. Jones ns
"''Li fir t!u rmtinlexinn: are
iiuiii ih that will be handed down ns
l,4i efiirtors of the nice, to all re-co-dod
time O. 1 1. S) nder come in
(or hi nt'nre (of the profit! :i he
nlwav keen 11 h'C eupply oil hiind,
tind tM-IlM it for "3 ct. prr bottle.
Ptduntd PiiMSillht M P.,
CHl-dlin of 11 p'
: mil
f f
atlioiueUltlieirivaUKaranoi,OHWiIe!a"d t,,e "-nk snf
Fifr In thin littla corner nf tin. 1 fillLfr. The ItHlid wiih
We of Wiht alune does the sovH'reig-ii, tended to !) I'i. l.iviiij. -'-on
wu'JRe possesions cover ou-seveutli 0 Bind fortunately run"' B"
yf globe, jliave power absolute. El
f liens ami esiiecially in the parks of tiie
royal recideiice.1, she in under the re
straint of the ofiicUld of a constitutional
Tim commissioner of pnblic (miMinc
and work treats the crown an miii Mi
tution of which the rights ure strictly
limited, iler tmijeary cannot cut a tree
without thecouiteutiif the proper official
To ehcupe this vigilance the ijueeli li in
bought in theneijjliliorhoo'l of li'T castle
jft vHm' rrio r'.ijit- ut'i'vs 0 ivwt: vriicrv
alio may hiivt; 11 ndunor not subject to
changes of H'liniiiif-tr.ition. . -Slltf ln
even jjoiie ro far lit U di-regard fur otr.-e
iit-r piniti 1 f iMjlitical i.nj'artiality nnd
cluweii a l.itnier anlrticr of Li"rd IV.i-Ci'i..-lii
M. 11 l:iail iit;ci.ntiiu:eii to'.llu bTo.v
in;.' of Ti.ry (lower.
lli.t any iiiipruileiiPts wfiich lie ini'ht
commit will in t e.ii-ily rnacli the public.
Fir V. hilc it is easy to 'ft permission ti)
Minn uixiilt the feToUinU of the custle.
tliis little jr:aJ.-n is carefully thKt II
froin visiturs. A corret-iMimlunt of h'i
Lni;liHli papir recently had the K"d
fortnne to get into the bwiss chalet,
which tier luiijiRty has made into a
family mnsemu, and to walk about the
aicli-s of trees wlu-re each tree commem
orates an episode in the history of the
royal house und recalls a day of happi
nesa or sorrow.
A short distance from the entrance to
this private garden is a wooden play
house, built vi th their own bands by
the Prince of Wales and the Duke of
Edinburgh in 1857. The beir to the
crown has missed hit vocation. lie
clearly had in him the tonkin;? of a nota
ble carpenter. Even to the present day
the prince i rery prond of his work,
and whenever he vit-iu Oblxime be goes
straightway to see if the playhouse U
atill standing. Not a mil bas fallen,
not a plank baa sprung. The honse is as
olid as at first.
In the little house are preserved the
playthings of the royal children. Each
of the children had little carriages of his
own, and all are bere preserved with the
Initials of the owners' names npon them.
The Duke of Edinburgh was a jack of
all trades. He was a carpenter with his
older brother, a mason with bis younger
brother, the Dnke of ConnaughL The
miniature fortress tliey built together is
atill prenerved in this same garueu. I.
is made of stone and brick, aad is at
least strong enough to brave the seasons.
The princes Worked under the eyes of
their father, who was trying to teach
them the art of fortification.
This fortress bas undergone some as
saults. The 1'riiK-e of Wales, huviuji
Lis five sinters and the youngest of hut
brothers under his command, attacked
its garrison, the Dukes of Edinburgh and
Counaught. Almost always the heir ap
parent carried the parapet and drove the
two dukes into a casemate, where they
Bad plenty of anus aud whence hunger
alone could dislodge them.
Nowadays the children of the Duchess
of Albany and of the Princess Beatrice
attack and defend the I' rt which their
parents, their nuclei ami their aunts
have to often captured with great Talor
after long and glorious siege.
The day of her oldest daughter's wed
ding Victoria took a Hprigof uiyrtlefrom
the bride's bouquet and planted it in this
garden. It rooted itself so firmly that
now it is grown into a great bush.very
time one of the grandchildren marries,
the myrtle buU at Osborne is called into
MrMnr.uL Titnna.
JTot far from the matrimonial hush is
a row of iiior,niiri:4 trees. In Feonary,
IStiJ, every titiiiUrcf the reyal family
planted a tree to perpetuate the memory
of the prince consort, who died in the
December Just before. Of the eight
trei-s those of the I'rince of Wales and
the Princess Alice have grown wont
HiiH,ntl A Itttltt V..jtiiA goriv tll
pie-n plai.'ed the parasol p'lio, wnich U
her niemoriid of her husband.
I if another place are the trera coia
ifieinorating murringea the trees of t'ie
Trince and Princess of Wales, of the
Duke and DuciiiH of E litihnrg'i, of the
Duke and Duchess of Conuaught, of the
Dnke and Duchess of Albany and of tlu
Priacens lieatrice and Henry of Batten
berg. It is in the sliude of these trees,
whose foliage murmurs the memories of
happy times, that tlie qnen like to
take tea during the hot days of Augmt
Now it is the new generation which is
taking its turn at tree planting in this
jardeii dtMt t" royal highnesses. The
children of the Prince of Wales and of
the Dnke of Edinburgh bave the place
of honor. Cut the nvadiug family of
Prussia casts not a little of its shade
npon soil which sliould remaia exclusive
ly for lirHUY Although the children
f the queen's daughters are not repre
sented, the descent of the Einprw Fred
erick bna tak'-n root there. ThePrin
Victoria of Prussia, her sinter, the
Princem .Sotdiia, and Uia Princt Walde
riur, who died in 1879, have each a tree.
The collection Licks nothing but the tree
of tho Emperor William. Paris Figaro.
A IJlf Inwt.
The hlfit iiiwrt of its kind in the
world is the Hercules bee.ttu of ftintb
America, which grows to be six inches
lu lenglh. It U wud. whether trntbfnlly
or not. that rre it numU'rs of thejio
rreatnivs Biw soiii'-ttrnes seen on the j
rt'Uiiniaea tre;!, rabpitij the rind from
tho Hlender brjnclies by Working around j
tliem with their homn until Uiey cauw j
the juice to Bow, This juice they drink
to intoxication, and thus fail senseless ,
to the cronotL New York JonrnaL
-f )iie !i:J-i''
tit once lit
dent policy in the I'lii-.inft'-i
j Relief Fund fiom wltic li ln vill re
' ceive f J3 i cr inoiitli in- 1
Amtil Ihs tiuny miiltlliiile mnrhii,
A iiiwn tinerownetl, a sAlni lu furtblf pill.
Wnli-ln lln- elfsr Usnf lirrsluuiutf'jM
Anil ua hur p:illlJ f - rmliuui y
llml Mrin n nu led from lh ury. tal m
Which trU tn twist uur au'ila uml Pars,
Fnnii ssy tltitt in h. r lu-art n mitu'it
Vuit h cujUiuiii'U ha't Oi.rt..i.t.iy.
A HcOir. noHymbilir iali fKr;
lm her t:u r I. r I ri .m 'i's .-i '.1 -lie err-
A l.M-elhul t.lei'i ; ri iiii tii-r t aS l n :..!.
Fill in 11:1 ! ill :e:;r!.i ef M'M" . i.l "I ,.."!.
blie reuu-. la nr. uii) of w .m.i..;ii. toil,
V.-l ri)'iii'l !e. r i. ..rt ' . r.- hi 1 . i. a' -...''-!
Ju.i-;ihiue 1'rei.lim i'eatHsty In Ku.u iuluV
'o. iliil-'l.ea. ,
Tickets at one fnrc for the round
tcip will lie oM to all who deeire
to attend the Archbiehopa' Golden
JtiMlen at St. f o'lic. Tickets oil
wile Nov.2- and :'!', Iiiniu-1 to return
to and including Dec. 2. Any wieh
iu to viit St. Loiiin eliould take
udi'iiutue of thif h" r.ite.
Go to llrown A Uarrett'a und ceta
window yl.-isH pud ntop up Unit hole
111 your iioiiho.
For liinic luick there is iiothinc;
latter Hi. 111 to Kiuimtc 11 Ihiniui
1 ioi'n C'liiinda tl.iin'H l'ii in
liiilin und liiml it 011 tin1 iifTcc'.cd
imrt". Try it mid you ill r eur
pric nt t !: ; ' 1 1; p( n l it I it jillnnln.
1 1 c sMi e m am 1 tu win i tnc t h.ui-
I'uiii.iii. lor mlc ly p. G. Iridic
tHrl'iir' f a Cirfut Sinurr.
1 hae ofteu had t ipals to si,- ; !
iide a (leatilbed or 11 pi Tsell Very lil. I
bung to tiie 11, d bUhi.'.Mif Aiiuny ;i' j
be was snffenng. Tne fust f .st.val I
ever snug in was at Norwich, und wV-u
i returned to that place ailer nil yciru 1
bad a letter from an old gentleman who
beard me tiiere, an I who was now bed
ridden. lie wanted to bear "The Lat
Eooe of Suiuiirt," and 1 shall never for
get standing there by bis side and sing
ing that beautiful song. And tunny a
time have I bud to couvert the balcony
of the hotel where 1 was staying into a
temporary platform, and appear at mi 1
night, long after the opera was over, and
sing "Home, bweet Uoma, or some
such popular ballad, to th people wait
ing outside.
That was the caae at Dnblin a few
years ago, when the atndeata thre took
the horses out of my carriage, and I was
told that if 1 didn't sing they would
break the windows of the hotel. I stood
on the balcony wrapped up in great
shawls, for it was a bitterly cold owit,
and it was no easy matter to sing "The
Last Rose of Summer" under these cir-
I have snng. too, in the qniet little
church at Uraemur in the choir, and it
was there that I received what I have
always consider! one of my greatest
compliments. The speaker was one of
the mountain folk, nnd had never been
in Edinburgh, When the service wan
over a friend of mine heard him say, "I
re"er thn;;lt any'iKxly could hare such
control over one's voice." That is all,
but that is the wholo secret of a singer's
success perfect coutrol. ilme. Albani
in Strand Magazine.
M I IV i . .si M.S. Mi it J K,
'l. 'I' -I.a li'.llk-t; ,l , ,,
A'agon. l!n..ey, Mciiiie nut
1 -.'''ft 1. ,.. -t...,.
'ill !:sr.-iloi',I 'ill Sl'EdALTV
h. ii- -
Wliich i tli (m nt liorwiiiia' for tin
liwiiicr, ! tor fst ilnvnik, or for cil
iurpoin- ever IllVi litelt. P w- so BlSlI'
llist nnyone n.n put op fhsrp or flat
d irku, as iiinleil fur wi I suit slirri
ly, or sninoth. lrj iosiIk ("all
U shop kihI exsnime the aEVnasur
nd ynO will no
It M-irtll fifth -U. I'latts.n utt.
Special Engagement.
One Niaht
Nov-mhrr 19.
A Profrcaatv Young Man.
An ninn-ing imHiV-nt hapjiened in one
of the local churches on Sunday morn
ing. A young married man and his
rauier limited family went to divine
services, and when tvated they did not
Cll the pew into which tiiey had been
ushered. Presently another family came,
and were ushered into the same pew, the
young inarried man stepping into the
aisle to let them in. The new comi-rs
filled the pew, aud the y. m. m. took the
seat ahead, lie had hardly become set
t'ed than he again found it nerensjiry to
get np while another family fiied into
the pew, occupying all of it. Once mora
did the y. tn. in. go forward.
A hymn was aun;;, a prayer offered,
and the 8cripture reading bad com
menced when still another family came
op the aisle; aud the y. in. m. one more
stepped into the aUle only to at - that
pew, too, completely died np. Again
bew.fiit forward, Lnt by this time the
services were well under way and no
more pop!e came. To this latter fact
slom doc the y. la. in. attnlmtK-las 1 of ;ni"."
, . . . ... : . ... ... . ' KATB
laii.iro vi reai u 1,1-7 on.-.iuns acak i l,i.
avrvice. Duffalo Express.
0 ki
Amtrtcs'l UatlMd un VtrmaCIU Counllkn, la
A cksa M rtlRla Mu-l OomMtf Mtfli- la
3 (ju. hf a
IJillt' -1; T II. nen . muitin
urAi. ai, -lv Hrrt, rioorMrra
m 11, rm Lr .-u tuuia
rxnvs in miAbr.HMT or
B. g. DHIOGa and a. C. ltKUKNJfA.
Tickcis on fide at J. I. Youn'r.
Price-", V; Ta) nml '.? centn.
Children mnVr twelve, 25 CentH.
Jirvrrr : " How h It, KstA, tlmt yoit atwsrs
ai-iu tn 'cateh nil tn toe ninl hew Uiimi: 1 ln
hut I may, ou iuwus becui 10 axt aueaa
: " T iton't kn'iwi I rr(slnlrlo not
in.-i'.i. uur ri'-rt'.in eilhnt il.n.t-ii'n.M
Jlxiik: " Well, Init fuwmnnths,
tug auuiiiilo, )ua liiow ukuu up inoiiuug.
Inrrntinna and Farm )f arhlnary.
Every trade, profession nnd employ
ment can show hundreds of inventions
which have bronght fortunes to the in
rentor. In Brk-ultnre the inventors
have made a complete revolution. Work 1 1
that was dune by band in a verr la- I
borions way dozens of years ago is now
done in one-third of the time by steam
aud machinery.
Even within tb meniory of living
fanners there has been such a trans
formation in their work that tia ir meth
ods appear an tiipiatl and useless; " II in
dreds A new Inventions in the same line
are annually being iitented, and the
farming of the future wiil be reduced to
auch a science that one if nnable to pre
dict bow onr crops !! 1ss raised and
harvested. -Jeorgo E. 1 Wabih in New
York Epoch. : ' '
Tl. 'SX f M-.iir,ti..',-i iK
i ".s-t Jin . Jl '.A rl'i I
. il c:-.JJjixi:xt-..-i-4v',
-1. .tb Lsrcast tUattv -
' Yon may always depend upon a boy
knowing a. great deal mora than any
body else and saying it right out. A
Detroit school teacher th other day
tackled a ten-year-old pupiL '
What is the largest statu ia the
Cnior.r she asUd.
"Matriinooy," answered the boy
promjitly.and the teacher has been won
dering ever since where be got the in
formation. Detroit Free Press.
II RxMltvd la On Thing.
"Did you ever Kt licked while yon
wero a lwy, papa' aik 'd Johnny.
"No," said ptp.i cuipliatiiH'il'iy.
"How was that ipicqed Johnny sus
piciously. "Icane, my hoy, I was the faeUt
runu'jr in the whole school." Harp -r'
To protect Itsolf from the ral n the ora n -ontang
crooks its amis over iU bond.
The hair on th orang'snpper arm points
downward, while on the lower arm It
points upward, the apparent purpoje U
Ug (0 shod tha rata hk a thatch.
t V
I "
T""T7- waiting to show you his new goods
yj J J and o let you know how cheap they
ccn be bought.
In lis lino in Cam County. You vi 1 not Io nblo to buy clir:iT WcrI Chi
citg'i wlun you take qttalily nml jirico in consiJt riitiort.
Only boy. the bet makes ami latest novelties in
11 ATS, CAl'S ETC.
And if yon aro looking for a reliable jilaco to trade give JOE a trial.
. .. , ..... y. - ... i rsul' CVun-h. sV, beto ws
Killh sua flth. Ksllier t'a'liey, fsstnr
H rvirrt: "ui bI nil in : A. M. bulidsr
hcliunl at I J. Ub Sri-eUlftlm..
CMiiiTiji.-'iin'er l.jeuf snd Flrhth Ht.
Knvlers iiinrulnr snd nen'eu. Kai'-r J. k.
Iti-rd. paKtiir. Minds) Mieui is . M.
EriPcorAL. ftt Luke's t hurrh, em uer Third
hm,1 in-. Kev II B. Fnreers wliir. her-
vleen : It A M. a. d I JOt.. huud ndiool
ar;ur M.
OrKMAN MTHnniiT.- inter Hlxth ft Ssd
tlfslill. Ke. Mlrt. Fstor. prv rr : It A. M.
sud I m r. a. buuns; ik'huol lo jti a m.
pKrnnvTrHiAH. ervlie Is iew ehinrli.rer-
u-r Mttli ,ri.i.ile l. Her. J 1 . Hlr i,
.lir. MiMla-e: eel at I'reaeaing
st II a. m.sMl p m,
ji. K. e.C r. "I 'bl rhiirrh mei viy
hxlilmlli ne nil r e ' :! h " ' n""t "I
Ike rlmriti. All sir il.lilnl to ail sd 1he
Fiiit MrTimtusT. Wiih ft.. Iwtwen MmIii
ii1 tvari, I'er I. V. Hilil. i. H. Mi-inr.
hrrvlee : II A. M. I r S Minds Crliuul
l:lil II. 1'iayi I liii rtl g Mriluemlay eveu
luit. Cinmi Pkhvtiibim. t'omer tln snd
N i.ili. lav Hie, i.mi r. Mivicrs u"l
liniiia. hmidnjr ' rlnxil V A. M.
wrKli" emiH'o Tii'KAU Otsnlie, b
liireii Fitlli simI einlli.
Ceumni I!aiit. Mt. Olive, Ok. tietwren
li-Mli una Kn-M-iiili l.i v. A. I'eell. nu
ll, r. heivnei II s. ni. i.d 7 ;'Jb p. lu. I rvjer
n eriloir Viriliirxluy e i,h k.
Ihm m In v uifriiiMii lilii-k. M.On iieei. di.
i ne' uiieiini.'. Iil iiii-i, mil) ev. li h,,nil;iy ,(
li rni iinHiiVI.u k. I i.i m nru erk di,)i
I niu K..iu a. m .lit s : .HI '. m.
Mh th I'ai.k Tahhihai i.k -l!ev. .f. V.
. V Mid, I incur, hnvn-.n; mii liny M.lnnl,
... ia. : ireseMrs. it a m. id s n. in. j
l'l;itei ineeoi'lf luf'. y M;lil ; rlinlr irt
i le i I- r ul y l,iiil Al. ale m leniiie.
without ant tenehor ywi rum tnthe irsrna
wlx n Mux tjilaro Oi-mmIciI lu r 1m lwtru-tla
uii'lenly, mi-1 coiiainli e uiij mi ilia I rvr.
ins la irraue uixlur ymir liiMmetioti : I lunrd
tj W-llins luiuiiiy trnui Sul en-din lio
il clali uui'te in iin)iiif la"'lnll:
jou iv-m I'i im up fin all tir kill M ' fa't.' slid
know Jim h list tu dn unK r all in.iimntiiice
toil nuli-rt.iin Ik'HiiIiIuIIj ; Slid in Hi laaS
cnonUi yon he niiproviif Vi in hnili,owiniJ,
v.kj ttlflue, lo four ,h)-eiiiU"eeurrUa
Vntfi do yon an ill ol four inloriu.uioB
ran In tiila liltle nut-nf ths aar iuc tjt
jwu irv f to the i-lt jr."
Hats: Wiir. Jonnu-, you will msks m
Vain. I hsvsniiljr mmaoun-eof hiforiiinllnn.
tit It ta luriirniiiif now nwoia nil aaula.
Very -.l"in hmr tt iuyui.i.K law tut hal
tn in lew t.ys (irms nx f It iiiloruisiloa
a ilia uti)nct. UiiKS'f hoi Miuiua
And a rrI trwwiir It I tn m All, for IS
rmily furninhea tim n-sdlns' f',r tlie whols
koiMi Iiohl: lailn-r bn'ioven ui tils irsrsi:
tout ho has taken fir yiwra. kj lie itiin Uiis
ana mrea more snd limur liirormsilon a
lu uli:U of ths day; snd mother ssys
tlmt It Is tiutl t'iai 4 her sin-h s tunons
BimMikeHipr. In fn i, vn All surer tlmt It Is
ilwonly "IIt nmir n-Minwim tiul.iuhiil,
an w nRi-H wnt fur Hiimnii-tf of all of tliem.
and nnd tlmtoiinK III lor men. uiiotker sd
for women, and miotiwr lor iilloi-o iiiy,
Willie I'll-otio ,llM tnerw ope nl li; so wo
mil reed to take miu ln:-U'l of cterul, sn4
tlmt Im w lere llic H-ononiy eoini' In, lor it la
only 2.'M a enr. I'erlieps you ti Irk I am
too lov.ti In my .nn: i.ot I in lei you
oors 'i". 'i 'tor mli. M-iul Ti e-nli to i!ie
llilier, w. .1, Minn lieuiimMt, j l-tst lth
IStrii-t, N''W j"..rii. fer ft u.unifl eenv, Pli'l I
sliiiM alw.ies eoehl lir IhKt. 1 lmv il,,im v 'I
s sn-it favor; , 'ill inny I y mi w.ll li uf.i i
lift oof. in von siy we Imve ilie rvineni ton i f
iiet.iK tie- ht Inloimed f aeilijr HI t-mn. If
tlmt I so, it ia iAiiuur oat's atuuiiy Hm,mlia
Ul uunt IU"
A lile.u' ii c -idv :;-:i.( i for
nnd IcuiorcMt I amily MiiHzinp.
jfeiid your iuli!-iTij)tioii to tli im
When you io to a ahoe store your
object lenotoniy to iuy mocn nut
to procure (or whnt you upeiul the
licHt that your money will buy.
I .ens thiiii tliia will not content you;
more tlniatMnyoii cminot, in rca
aim. iifk. I Otir fiutho'lA ure iih
wimtilf ns lour dewirea. Wc do not
lift ur iiipi'tntioitt to tin.' cl'iudi
Imt we rcllie tlu'iil vlinlevcr tliey
nre. Wc will nevi-r encnl or yonr
niten-i-ts ti our nnd nowhere el-e
rim y u ft n fuller rod f.iircr
eii'iiviileot for votir inoney. An
1 . ,i r ...i i.. i. ....... . ...
fu j iT i ii i , y jf iiiiiiii'hj ui v n.irv no
yea i .' ot'f etc. ,
E :HERW03D. :
SCI Main Street.
Docs YoqiJLittle Qii'l.
Need a clonk this winter? Ifahe dosa you will make a RTeat miataka I
you uu uut inn ana examine tne cluKlrena clouka that
wc ureoUcriii hefore buyinrr.
W havojust rocoived from largo CloaV Manufacture
his full lino of
Childrens sample Cloaks
For children G, 8, 10 and VI years old, consisting; of 11!
garments in nil. NO TWO ALIKf;, on which xr
were given a disccunt from regular wholesale pri
ao that 7.e were nblc to hell them at actually
Manufacturer's Prices.
("A I.I. IN nnd let ua prove the truth of the nliove Intrnient, on
hliow you nt the nunc time our 1 INK LINIi ol Jnlica andMiesca Kccfei
Sue fines and Jacket.
Another opportunity to buy Mioea ut
: We take pleiiHtire in iinnoucinp; to the people of ri.tttKinouth an
mirrounrMng; towns tlmt we lmve succeeded in eitin"; another jlne
aiinipie fhoee. Our eurcc with the IiimI line wna (ihenouiinat nnd lnu
drcdn were dienppointed tieciiuse they ciulie too Inta to aecuroomc ti
tiBrL'iiina thiit wcoilen d. Ihia line ia hetUr if Hnythini tiinii tUc Jawt, l
iiiK Wnlter II. Teniiny ACoof ItoHton, Maes, full line connielm"; of L
dies, Mimics, Cluldrena, Menaanti iiny a ahtn-a f ull kinds and of ail d
criptiona. AinoriK them ia SKIpiiir of boya bo1 Jlcna boots, ia whic
wc cini (ive the bent vulue for your n.oney tlmt you ever "laid eyea ou,"
. Don't think that IifcauHe we don't ai-k liijrh prices for ahoea that tl
shors are not of any h'.n rjnnlily. We liave anionir these ahoea that a
aa fine as any ahown fi'i the city, everything extriiiaio ia atriprwl awi
and the shot s that you buy of ua atanda on it intrinaic worth. Wi digi
the roat af valuea aud five you the worth of your tuouey, rj ( ,
m M Mi M lim ii - Hiinra
Cll ' I -
nnd Wns ?nt
(,r iool Col
Dnnvcru -nnd
Si.o ra A II
HiilUrena all .
Wool MiirtH A
I i inviTe All
Sizes.' ' '
lea '-'in c
hi o Silk
Ti iiiinied eliirt
nnd Druwcra.
Mens Extra
I lenvy K ibhed
S h I r t a n d
,WM. i-JEiOLD u SON.
507 Main Flrect nattsmoutli, Kc)