CULTIVATION OP RICE. ATEA CLAYS A 810 PART IN TH RAISING OF THE CEREAL. rr.i... w arwr ka Wh "H I. 1U l.f..., nit. 4 As rio.d.J. , "Toll you something- about rirs tii lmsianr related Andrew C. Wilkin cm. the owner of a rre rice mill iu ew Orleans, wbm the rice Krown on is plantation U cleaned, at tli (Jilwy Huiine. "1 w.e tilat th pupenl lmV(f iust found out that Englishmen are trying to liny up aul form a trnst of the de rail! in the south, aHlion-h. t'.ie agents nave ben down there for something over in , months. Nobody i quicker than John Dull to scent a bargain. -New Orleans is the chief rice milling cify of America, fifty year ago we bd not have Mich a thin an a rice mill, but now we huve sixteen, working l':o rice pnnnder and employing more tlmn l.COO men. LouHiitia li.ia always been known us the fcn-'ur- State, hut we sIho -vmit to ndd to it that of the Hice Suto j of tin ft,i .-i l I Of the Union, "llnw is it cultivated? Well, the Irst lieceiwi'y of j afitiiMe riiv culture Is a comparatively level piece of hind, properly prepared for theeeed. Thin field tunht bo located en 11s to he conveniently Irrigated from the prairie reservoir or the flume in the leven. Highland rice doe not par in Louisiana, Ilia only profitable rice Ix-injf that prown in -water. Water in the first Btid Ust want ef RtiroutinL'. L'rowinx and rinehin? rice. ih-tore the grotuul is ready for the seed it U divided op hy a ivitem of little it in iliviileil tin liv a Bvntprti r,f lirtl,, anhleveea and watering dithen. It then planted in CrilU dug y tunchinet or rather I ihonld taj thut the tna ehine U the proper way to do it, but the eed ia frequently broadcasted with u in Jjonisiaua, "Then cociMt the mnt deticnt part, la the water manipulation. After the eed U planted the toil ia thoroughly aturiiteil with water to liprout it, Lut the water ia at once taken off when the eeda he evenly (Terminated, and kept ff until the temler ahooU of the plant rice two or three inches above the ground. Ton can eanily tee that the yonnx plant may be either drowned out or dried np hy the leant Inattention ia fegnlating the flow. DRAWBACKS TO THB WOHC On the other hand, with fcio much Water, crawQh invade the Geldit and de Tour the delicate plants, while with none at all, rice caterpillar cut them down and kill them. If yon neglect the main flume yon not only rink the total low of fonrcnip, but hy permitting the water to get ahead of you there way come ft break iu the levee, mud away go your cattle and crop. "The most expensive part of rice jrrow Ing come when it ia about a foot high, fter it baa been liberally watered; I mean the K- aasing of the rice. 'on nee, the laborer wade through the rice, pnll big np and throwing into heap all the Weeln and water grushes they liuiL Thui p-awing coels on an average about four dollar an acre, and after that is over the rice plauter ha bat little to do ex cept to give it pleuty of water. One pe culiar thing about irrigation ia that the head of the rice plant never fill out, o mutter bow much water yon givo them artificially, nnleas there are pleuti to) raiua. "On feature of rice cultivation wonld be fun to city nporumen, but ia a terrible nuisance to us. 1 mean the Lirda. Talk about yonr duck and gees hiding the aun. Perfect clonda of rice birda, EnglUu parrowa, summer duck, rail and other fowl of the air and wa ter, come to see if they can't Larvest oar -erop for na. From daybreak to dark a perfect fo:ilde from the guus and old musketa ia heard in hundred of square miles of country. Over in thi fl-ld yoa iieartuesUiill shouts of Creole I r;,er hnekinz out Snndav school Inn-run." in French putola; from the next probahlr she deep chested whoop of negro Celd laudn, and in another the houne yell r the new American rice grower- those who have come from the great orthern wheat field It is -.cream!- m i i ti' f i 1 r ......... . . uu..., uviu uuuu iu uatii mai yon ever hear 1. "The rice bird are our wnrkt anamimt and while we kill million of them, left to manure the lid,!, other million come in to take their places, The ravages of ii. rTcr bird some years are fenrfnl, the cn p being sluiort a total loss. Per lapu now that the Yankees are corcUig down to gmw rice they may Janet ai,ma tuachine that will either destroy the bird or kp them away. IrROFITa or RICK tCLTCRi "As SfKn as a pale yellow tint appear ver the level bead of the opening grain the rater Is cjuvful!y drawn oS, the fields being drained aa thoroughly as jHwiible, an 1 the work of harvesting is begun. The dried shesves are carted direct from the Celd to the steam thresher, where the grain is prepared for Biarkut. "The profits in rice planting, with good luck, will in a few year make any man rich. The yield on good landj in Lou isiana give from fifty to seventy-fiva tnnhel to the acre. Hice in a plant which is generuu to tut attentive sad Indnatrion farmer, but it resents neg lect mors than any other cereal. A tnun can cultivate fifteen to twenty acre of rice land, sod if strong and iuduHtrious fce can ea ily secure from 1,000 to 1,300 Iini.hels of rice, wort'a at present pnem ! The work ia I shout a dollar a bushel Bfit hard, except during fiTiia-in? tiluo, aad, kA lirin' ii ti.csii w.Ui tv. a 1 liniill rice fiinner can taailv Livo ona. Xiaif of his (.ro'a inr iinn. "The cultivation of rice In Lii'iiniana 4 Kill fn ft irawjr. H'y the bun drwis ef 'umip-ant are carl tnminf tiielr atteiition to rice, and at tin prj ct raio of inrreum-d arreji(,'e Louisiana -will be aids to supply tl enUre country with this mot-t TsiuaLls crui."-eNew 'Yurk TU-graiu. urity r ou. .'l III tin matter of the hit will and testament of Jainee M.'.CIialfnnt deceimeil. i-mur tiled foii probate llenrinf, Nov. HO, 10 a. in. J In tin mailer of tin-eifuteof Untie I'eu r ;;.iiitii.. I'tiiiMiit vi I'iiul Johnaou, excuter, fixhrf for fiiuil settlement and hIIow luiee of ac COUutH. EiUwui! G. Vanntti ri:itti On de mouth Klectric Ugh murrer to anewcr la liie i.iiiUir of lV Kiinnliiin i f of Robert Mitchell, deceased. Hearing on ct'lion of Marin Mit chell, wife, for uu ullowauce from hie eetnU'i Trtiil to court uml taken under mlviecnietit. Afiiea Ii win v. V. C. Vnn Ioreii. Suii on uccotint for il". On triul !o Cui rt. In the inuller of the eetHte of Mnrv fiirnrv. deccuei'd. Notice to creililor to lile cluiniH on or before May Hi, Is'. 10 ii. Hi. Kirct Niilioiuil Hunk of Weeping Wati r Vf. IVrd Hnllnwe it ill. De fault of (It f-i. (Inula intiicri. Slij'.n 1 1 ii Muir Co. n 1 lie Nol Iv 1 il Ll I hil I.' (' . ct III. Jio'eirei.t for !nint;if for Cjeoriii- IiMir i". ,. I. rjiiiun. Action lor forcible 'ett 1,1 ion. Ilin. Iiii.-t-rd ou ii lotion of la in I il ill coet I of pliiintitT. In tin- mutter of tin- liiht will nml tvti!iiu nt of I.e i Wiirer.t!cccat-eil. I'ltitioii of Mani a l'liillipa filed pniyinlliat ti e bomchli nd be cct anile to petitioner aiide to iietitiouer n 1 lie former f ...:.t r .1 1 11 : iv... .wiuiiw 01 umupi u. iii tii 111;, en. l,10n. m. Liccnee to wed irMied to Mr, Wib lielm F. Ackeriiiun and Mims Ah line A. Stcimkt-r both of l'iatle mi'Utli. Stntc Ilnnk of kim wood vb. Janice Hoyce. UA conncnt of parties, time for defendant to file brief extended to Nov. 11. The Hank of Klmwood vs. Henry Hollenbeck. Hy coiinent of artiisi time for defendant to Tile brief ex tended to Nov. 11, ltl. In the matters 01 the laM will and teataineut of Jehcrwon Lecke. Cita tion ieeued naiuet executrix to make final seltleinenL In the matter of the estate of Fer dinand Schuelke, deceased. Appli cation for liiiuleettlemeut. Hearing Dec. 2. 10 a. m. In the matter of the iMute of Marshall D. Abbott. Application for fimil settlement. Hear ing, Pec. 2 pjn. Why ilrU Arm TalL Why are there so many tall girls now adays, snd why is the tendency of the new generation toward uuunuid height and gracious sliumesx? Women are tall and livomlng tail dimply becnue it ia the ' laauiou, aun mat statement uever ueevla nor iacapable v' any explanation. A while ago it was the faahion to be petite and arch; it l now the faahion to be tall and gracious, and nothing mure can lie said about it. Of coume tiie reader, who i usually inclined to find the facetious Mile of any grave topic, has already thougnt of the application of the self denying hymn, that man wants little here below, and want thut little long; but thi may be only a pawing h of the period. Charles Dudley Warner in Harper's Weekly. Oh, ThM llmnt Llula tallow. Lldie wa very fond of raspberry Jam. vino evening wnen lue puftton Uropp.a into tea mamma opened her Jaat Jar, with emphatic Instruction to Eddie not to atlc for some more Jam afUT getting j ej aliare. llis pupa, nut kuowjng the I circumatances, offered to repleniati hi ! diiih, when Lddie mortified 1 .i IllollleP j by tiyir.K. "Mamma said i muxn't k lor any mom, cause that b all there is." A St. Louis phyMcian recalls h cafe of a young man who had been dumb for five years, but who. while out hunting tjimuaj, oean, mine excitement of the vu.ise. vi jeu ai ine lop or lua lung. Afterward he wa able to speak with perfect articulation. . When Julius 0ar fell, as he wni ! landing on 'ui African coat. m ia report-! to h ive nid, to bauUli the fears of hi soldier, who accepted the occur rence as one of ill omen, "Land of , Aii'lta, I take poies.iion of thee! That compositor was something of a humorvit in his way who set up the title of Maurice Thompson's pretty syl van poem, "Pan in the Orchard," ss "Pain in the Orchard;" hot the awocia tion of ideas was serious. The ancient Oreeks and Romans bad their bed supported on frames, but not flat like onrs. His Egyptians had a ouch of a iienillar shape, mors likt an 1J fiL!A.; auij itaii, ititJj hollow back and seal i A farmer la Jefferson eoontr. Wit , J' .v.H. m uuv tvm ab fciiv uouom OI bis wed, when it sank out of sight, rs- reallng a subterranean lake. Wltilaf Maaqnltoaa, It is told of a reat anther that he was wont to amiixe hunm lf ly jumpinu ov. r i a ciiair. liut I have a correspondent M ltie i"il"'l u;vt, amuae hiin.-.ff hy V.-clL-liijiu- tiion!Tiiti4i;i l nave rrenlly tTeilmd miu nov 1"'"'"" of t!ii licr.Kly on a s:iiitiva oinanc". inn w?i;lit of one tU'Mnpiito was I. is. it would take pound. :7 mi'll'r.imi th.'t CCO.Ooo'to woi'h a Mowpiltnes which hftd Clhil them selves with human Lloo-1 were fun id to weiglj hlioijt three tini'g at nmvh n other. sh'wintirt Ihey hid s'.vallowed twlcs tlu.;r weight in tiood." Loatou ClvU. Gentlemen would not uee "Dluah of Koaei if it was a paint or pow orr, oi course not. it in clear as water, no pediment to fiil the pores f the ckin. Iln micKinn ia to heal, Clenns" and purify the complexion of every imperfection, and ineiiree ever yl i'ly nnd jrentleman a clean, (mooth cotrplexion, Sold by (). II Snyder. 1'rice 75 cents. Go to Brown & Rarrett'a and get a window glaen nud stop up that hole iu your noiihc. tf For lame back there in nothing orner innn io painrHic n flannel cloth with Chamberlain's I'nin Halm and bind it on the affected oartM. Trv it mill von will ii,r ririKiul nf f lip riroitiiil relief itnir.i The eiune treatincnl will cure rhnu' niiiiieni. For enle bv F. G. KrirL.. Co. ' ;i',Tos k niss,via tnvt.ii r. ti. y T1MT n Avir.y . . OF DAILY I'ASSKXOKK TKAI.V8 I C.ING Ef ST GOING WEST S.J ... .,:&! 'in,. ti . 7 ; H I; II. ii . i : i ii V :ir a m Hi p. in . . 5 ii. in 11 .h i . m No In ii. 1 ii ::t t. n M!-il lll VM UK' UAll.WAX TIMi; e u u' a i n ii: i ' i-i I IAII. le.'Vi I V' in. miu i top. In. I.le in N". .tl A 1 rail, i Mf l.t.T Mrt'lt.TltS 1. 11 n 1 I In- l.nel nrl I en i& t It Ml',-n , ,1, i'tJ r-Mlil i 1 I.e. I h l I. I Kin r A IN 11 lil- ik. All l-llll'i- Hlli'lilii lire i-iihIi . ty 11 lil iCIei.U f. . M uliall '. r ; la I e. V k M H. Yl -i; y.iS'n iiMii N n.iiun v kiwi, mi l.l.-k :;.lu Hi.. I. I i.m.. lien It III k -ill a In In f . 1. 11 , 1 HI u rn nf.') CiiwTl meal i.i eiy Hi, mint alleiui es at i ll' k. A O I'. , MrtSi fln.t mil 1I1I11I filrinv ' eve.iliim e. li men II 1 1 V, A H. IihII In H.m k.. k I I,-. k. iTHi.k (iiiilifrs, W, VS. I), V fcuepaiie, Uroiirilrr. AO V. W No M-Mrrioerniiit si'itlouris Kiiilas Vei Ii 111 1 l,e n.i.Kth a Ii. A " lull 11 l:m k 1 l lili m, K. J. luiiaa, M W, t, H, linmii, Krruider, TIOVaI. ; IH'NAM-'.i rieprll K 1S71. 11 M ei al Hie K,el I' Imil 111 lh rannele 4 Trie lilwk ever Ileum I a lulu, vi-lrlna brrlliren Invlieil Henry llirel l, brgriil ; Uu vi allii . Mcrepoiv. t'Ai IOIMIR. Ko. Ii I (1. O. t. riiet ev ry ruiil i.lflil al llielr hall Ii. Mtveialii ftlork. All odd rrllim are reidmli) ihtiied onn, inlli(f In Hip ell j. J tury. N. ti B. W.lindite. Krrretaiy. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. y. 1 mm & w D UMBER ! Ahinile, Latb, (aah. Doors, Blinds Can supply everw ileiiinmt ot the r itj Call and get term. Ponnh tiiit in 1lr of opera lu.u . I - ' I D FT FCT V E eleVi'.' AT . ii 1 SlrPrlV' rlrrlhr nii.irrnii .1 -I n el a i t- ivnil irr. f..r rolriili. . 1. i 1; 1 , ti 1EIL(.1VK AI.KM V UiW, Wa.lilalon, A l'OPLLAH FAMILY. " How l It, Knle, thnt ymi slimy want I nuy, )uu aJwuj ttxm tos-eabak4 of lit.' I KTS! "f don't Vnnw; I nrrtilntT do not I Bui He n T ei"rt i.,n in that lliielii.u.' Ji:M HIK f U i ll .Inru.u lh l..k, f... .....!.. liar sxauiila, Juu bale Ukeu up palntiug. a t.-Ai a if r y t I . ltj. J.V J"-S i v . I- J vrllhout any teacher j you rama totlie mvu Wilful VI uu IilMrvn iliMjin,-.! I.,.r I ij.lutHji puu si.i(leiily, aiel lonainlr i. are all mi,n,. Init in rra- umlrr )nnr linlrii. ihui ; I hi-arit Vim ti-llin Tuiiiinf Ijhii j In t avrimia bow an club iniele mutakea In 'l)lnf l. UH; Von aenin fi I up ouull the lirnut 'Imli,1 a4 j iiiiwjut hat to ri'itiTithfall r:n'uintanr veil eiiO rt ill liejlililiillr: ami In the Ih.1 Uoflla lull U4 v nil nidi In le-all !l. on IM, ti O il w, lo your iliymral ciiltun-atMreltea, niwim ilo i ii i e( ail of your mlnrmaliea fnua Iu tula lativ fiutwif ilia aa filacer lut ymi never r" In ihe eitr." Kais: "Why Jennie, yna will snake B Jiiiil 1 htvonulr .na.i;r.-nf in forma I Ion, bill It la aiirnruin' Imw it mwu all wiiiiln. f verrael hmir of anyililns n. lint ha the nea lew iUy l.rin m lull (jifonnaiiua n tlx aul.Jo-t. MU f ho Mnaimr n'i an. iraaMir u n io in aa. i.,r It P::l!u'.'.'7.":,'.r..r,,",,n. '' !.!.. e i : i liner uu ril It If l'l Htl I tliat ha baa taken I' )eata, hu mta Uj ouo aivea mire anil mu-t niiurinaluai on im fi'i.".l el tlm on : m.'l iu1'.er in) ttiiU It a tli.4 fiai m.ik I it aiM'l, a fnmim k iuvkef..r. In iret, to all anna that it la tlieenly rnuljr r t 'i i.r initk. ie euUedwil, a w.i havo f'r mihii hn f alfi.l tin in, ami il'i l tliuimieia a I lr nx n, tlier all . nr W'U'ieii. rii.1 annC-er fm nly, ! W iiletiii1. uu uiin overy fvea -f na; ai wa I iU' imw-I ti III I. i I'll" ImHrll l1 aeenl, pint I t t;;i l W 't-rv t no tci nei'i , t.ll.i III, ur il l only iki i inr. I'erm p ri1'' t unk 1 am , tn i la . I li 1 1 i'i' r ii.; I nt I u ,11 i i juu m o ; tr.m. oi. 'i-iM.T mill, m-ii Ii1 e, ii'a li. 'hi' i nli. k)ht, V., .I'.(ii: 'ii,:ii Jn-inen .I, r, l.t. I it hi ; l-ie t. Nei V'-il, l-if a hiiii-ia ei . . imj. I ' lili'l yl.1 ii..iHi'i r l,!nt I hhve i.ene t.u , s nil tt f.n nr; n.1 ueiv I Mi yirti will i a V eill. IIH T. ill l.i y we I1MVI. Inn iertilhl l l I t .-e:r lie iM-t iiifi.ri.ji . fuirilv In I'.wn. If V u I i mi t la lmuufuit I aui.ijr V'g'?- A fii.eriil fifl.-r- nii'y J'i.f0 fur TIIE WKKTLY JlliWAl.u nnd IX-iiiorcet I'nniily, tl' S'iul your siiVhci iplioii to Una oflivo. .v. - ir 17 i C n be bought HAS THE LAROEST AND 33E3T STOCK In liis line in Cnt-s Cjimty. You wi 1 riot bo iille to Lnv clipajifr WfsL Chi i iigii wlu ii you take qiiHlitjr ami price in coiii(kratio:i. Only Iniyi the bet trinket and latest novi-lties in CLOTHING AND FURNiSHING GOODS II ATS, CAI'S ETC. And if you nro looking for a reliablo place to trade give JOE a trial. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. TAKKTIIK For Atcliinaon, St. Toecpli, Invcn- worth, Knneas City, St. Ixiuiw, and all points north, t uat aouili or went. Tick ets sold nnd bag Ki'CC checked to any point in the United S t n tea or Cntuidu. Tor INFORMATION AS TO KATKS AND kOUTFJS ' Call nt Depot or nildrcMS II, C. Ttnv.NKi Nn, G. 1'. A. St. Loui8, Mo. J. C. I'liiLMi'l'i, A Ci. 1'. A. Omiihn. II. D. ArciAK. A !., I'latteniouth. Teltplione, 77. TIIE IISTEUXATIOXAL TYPEWRITER A utrletljr Unit eti. hiwIiiiim. fully lunm d. ide irem the ny liet teali iial b kU'rn wnrkti en, snl l Ii !! l-t Uk1 In luice rrerlierti ite.-i) fur Hie iii V, a I inird o on all It'i.l rant r-aiiiialily twet'il nf the rny beat lynearlter mlhiil ( j..ib'enf wrlMi a t' l i ril t r lull ice m sir awr Ur.s to tli alillitf ellUanKanli- I'ldti, ,310(1. If ihrm m i, eiil Id your tewti sitilr th niiuultocii.ri . TifK pAmu li r a r i. Axcalsaui.d J arlih fi, T, F. EEELEMITtK, ARtnt. Lincolu, Ktb, mm :8 JO E THE LED!fiG AND ONLY (HE PRICE IS WAITING FOR YOU. Ii waiting to show you and o let you know how cheap they -TOE- JOE- HARNESS! FRED 6 DnUEEl rplIE best of hnniesn, both double and eincle may be found at nt I JL aiorcnnueverytlimfrlii the which ore lirat-chiHs in every rcfticct. easiest riding veliiclea on earth. -o I ALSO have a liire lot of Rchutler, Moline, Ihiin and Sterling wuona Spring wagons, roud enrts, nnd plows of nil dir cription. FF,KD QOl'IDEl", SO Plattsmouth - Wlirn vnu en in aim ulnra t-nur object ienot only to buy fIiocm but to procure for w hut you petiil the ueei iiiai your nioniy win ,uy. I as tlinn this will nut content you; Hrc tliiiti this you cnniiul, in rcn- eon, nek. Our imilioiln nre ne eunple oh your ibviri-n. We tin not I'ft your i'j ectritioiiH to tin rloi'dp, but t rcnlit I Iii-iii wli.'itevcr Iliey ere. We will ueer ntfi ificc your inten t ta toour.i nml ik.v. here Ihi cui jti (.'ct n fuller runl fnirer t'iiiivfitcnt fir jour An ei peel. illy pruiiiiiblo piircluino fur ymi i.' ot.r t tc. BOOEH, fin ohq on IlXTBBEIir.3 R SEEIW700D. B31 Main Street. ) CLOLHIER his new aoods HARNESS, & SOI! ' J liarnees line also bujrKic nnd carriujjea beinn- tl.a i;,. Me. i .i . I - - Nebraskn I'l.ACKS OF WORSHIP, rTii(i.f.. M t'au' f'hurrh. Hi. tetwrna Kllili and Hih. Kiilln-r t'a'ney. I',,,,,, S.rieett Vim at na la -.) a. . buudar Heliiiol at i Ju. wl'li briirdlcllni,. ' Cnni-TiK.- on i-r .Mut and ritrtttb Pi, henlrea liieinliiy and tealaf. !in.-r J K lud, paalnr euiiday Miool 1 a. a. eMiT.rAL.-Ht l.n.a-s rhsrrh. miner Third ml Hie. Key It U. Hurr.. .a.r. dry. lee.:Ha S MtJdr.s. huuda) ttchwH ai 'jo r. M, " M'Tiinnurr-t wr -tiimilla. Krv.lliit, 'atr. heiricegiilA at audlusr. si. Suuuay ttclntul 10 J a m.' rssnkYTraiAii.-tenirwia i.m rhiirrli.eor. lift hitili and t.Ninie i. i tt .ml at I ;3P ( l-ieactiln SI II a. Iti.a-id p m. Ih II. e. !. If ,.( ikl. rhnrch ln.fl. Khlwlli menli r at T US In Hie I mrnt A Ihei liiii ili. All ai IltiIi tu silrad ttiu merinu rmaT MT0ilT.-SUth St.. tetwrs Mls aail IVail. lie. I, V. riillt. Il, II. painr,. v h.rlre.ill i n. I toKM Mn iU.eiliVi li.f ''' I Weiinejuaj aX y CailHAM !'SiaYTHIs.Cn,af v,i .4 jiiili. I.'. y Win,. ,,.,, ,.,, u,, P7J'1 "Ti., '""i"' r "eU-Jniills, be- tl .l I- ll!l o J miu, I j i Cm "I iHil'.Al-iifT.-Mt.Jlln,. fill, t,et,at IMIIII U. ,1 ll-IHIIll fn f...r,if lei. hen I.e. II a. III. il 7 -w, j , . Yiiaii MiN'a irn.iiiAi.wmn.i- i.e. i,..ii, v I'Mii.nil.i. ,k,A!.. ,,. , t ,;,. J .. i im i.ii-.y ei.. i i-. it , t.u .y i.U I i ill' o.ii h v ei k d. S ' p. in. t. i.k. -.. ,r. f I.hiii .i a. in., in a : :n Hoi in I'ai.k Tai'h, ,r: l-ii.....y F.ri...l,. le.i I r. ... I 1, , n, , nriid.y (,iku. I,,,;,, I i 1 J I. I' 4