The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 11, 1891, Image 2

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Pbttsnimiih Pailv llrralil
k NOTTS BROS, Publishers
' ,. ' ,-uitri-a i Vw P attsmomli. N-h. pn't-'
tiim., e.t.m tlioutfh tin- 0... !
Vxn.- eoci. V V t n :iud Kif Uet.
ran Vrti'l.l
m )y. yr. not ti
Rue o iiV, 'hive miiiitb', m Mvii!
!if diii; jr v In n l r )
"On ety P" :', by cur.'.".
' tneewvy.V' .T nmnib .....
H v
.. V
New Yokk claims ii I've
womau forty-five years old who hurt
been married fifteen time
IT is rumored that negotiations
re pending looking: to the cunsum-ciation-of
a reciprocity trcnty be
tween the United States and
Mexico, i ,
YB believe it has not yet been
authoritatively announced when
Jos. Kdjerton Esq.. expect to brjrin
"pulling down the school hoaxes
and burning the churches."
Co.gke.hman Mills eays that
"the tariff is the only iHiie." Evi
dently he fails to remember that
twenty-four democratic utatea Viave
declared durine the pant year for
free and. unlimited coinage of fil -
ver. The republican party pro
pottea to take no uncertain position
on either of the twoquentionn and
It is earnCHtly hoped that the
democracy will be as equally out
spoken. Westfall, the alliance candidate
for po'ernor in Iowa, received
I5.O0O votCK. In view of the fact that
these votes came from tlu: rural
districts which wgre really repub
lican stronijlioldn, we may cufely
Conclude that the movement as
inted iu the election of Iloiec.
From ihe recnt election in thin
tate and Kansas, however, it in
evident that the farmers are becom
ing tired of ansiMing democrats in
to office and will henceforth deposit
their ballots where they will do the
most good.
The victory achieved by the re
publican of Kaunas is a telling re
buke to inch calamity shriekers as
"Suckles" Simpson and PefTer The
Kansas Democrat, the most influen
tial democratic paper iu the state
give its opinion as to the results
in the following language:
"The republicans have nchieveda
signal and unexpected victory. It
can be said that in scarcely a coun
ty in Kansas did the people's party
hold its strength at the polls es
terday. The defeat of the calamity
party was crushing and complete.
It is doubtful it the prvfdo's psrty
yesterday carried a half dozen
Counties in the state where there
whs a contest.
The party of Pe.Tcr, Jerry Simp
son and Otis is going domi as fast
. as it went up in Kansas. It touched
it3 zenith in t!" frenzied and un
manly calamity wail of a year ngo
and it now drops with a dull thud,
( DO IMote to be lirard of. Drfuie
: Senater Pefler closes his six years
i in the United Slates senate the peo
'' pie's party will be a memory an dan
X unsavory memory, in this ftrite.
r JVmoca's rt well ns republicans
. C.i.l r.o' i' t.;.s Victory, u i n-.t
in the broader sense, u partisan
"vi'ctory. It is a victory for mau
'biv.'d; for self-renpect and
;'1imcT for eod government. The
y.-ilui? ' . crushing de.
vrt nf 'he pi- iple's party iu Kan.
y?t, crday cannot Le cveresti
". nated. J, ' w'" c worth iu the iin.
T'dinte 'I 'lir' rnillions of dollars
' J Kansas. . N'f- ar of th rcpudla
'on of hon-sv ' ,,r ,1,e !"1"I'
Kansas nr X"' lcr he felt
ond. The vo m:,te of the
niries, wii:i licr 'atul curcer nnd
,. tory behind her, ai 11 Si'm
- her Kii.r i '.! 'f :'! has K.A-
. niKlcieda criisbin-f
, uinu'a'ors."
rebuke to her
i n:-RI.,Vf.'r,fe;;
l't.'le. wbile there
.v c.-y to
surf?c.i ot. of i!.
ireful i
b ;ricd tnm,. i.t,t. j,y
:u- b.irimrism nod di-T.-nfm
were flu- natural rtvu!H at
tnont cu.-ious of ti.rsu is
t'U tO IlgliJ ,v .,
l i iotl fllal
.cd down in Missouri by the
of rppenla. IM., Ifickrun:,
i .-..ive oi ju.seph Jli.-KuK,.,
! county, M
ieot:ri. When
- v:er - em -.-r;.'.,!,., K,. l '
e ) 'fir I'",! r., I . , , . , ,!
i.uio:n o i.ic rrl
such a wny that who did r.ot la-tiro
that she wan i.o longer a Umd-
woman and for twenty-live y.fiirs
her former owner kept any;
knowledge of the emancipation
from her and made her work upon
hi farm. '
When the woman litpilly rliw-
covered the truth as fo the inia-j
nioiia conduct of Hickman, elie left
hi, il uinl securing: proper advice j
bewail suitaaniHt mm lr waeH
for the twenty live years' work.;
tix'm the amouiit ut fl,7X). The
lii Ht trial r iib''d in u verdict of !
7" ) (nr til' vvom.m, but tlie i'um'
wild carried to the cir.-tnl court
by which the decision ol the lower
court was j
The frieudo of the wom.iii, bow-j
ever, C'.irii' d 'he imm- to the fonft
of uppeain, lln.l that tilimniil hart
just reversed the (i.ti-titu of the
circuit court uud nuiaii'U-d the
cai-e for a new trial. Tin-caC 1 o
emarkable one uud "Ui;esis the
ct that it was a HcriouH oversell
K' t the emancipation proclama-
ti i wait not accompanied or fol
lo. I by Dome kind of lejiHlation
making the net of keejiinj; u clave
in icuorance of the emancipation a
criai'.nss! c'Je""' anil iirpviilinir a '
heavy penalty therefor. Lincoln
Call. ' '
An hont-Ht Swede telU his story
in plain but unmistakable' Ian
uae fof the benefit of tlie public.
ine of my children took a ttevere
cold and got the croup. 1 ;ave her
a teaxrioonf ul of Chamberlain
Co u jfh Remedy, and in five miiiii tin
lates I nave tier one more. Iiy thin
time ehe bad to couy;h up the
atberintf in the throat. Then ehe
went to nleep and tdept ood for
fifteen minutcM. Then she pot up
and vomited; then tdie went back
to lied and elept fcrood for tlie re.
mainuer of the niht. She pot the
croup tne second my lit ami l pave
1 her the name remedy with the sami'
I write this because
I thought there might be some one
in tliesintif need nnd not know the
true mi'i iis of this wonderful medi
cine. I'llXkt.KS A. TllDMI'SKE.V,
Des Moiii"-. Iowa. ."() cnt bottle
for hale by I. G. Fricke A Co.
A Sask Swallows hn laravya.
The two Shofcr brothers, who live on
the cast Bills of the Oksge river and
otne distance below Castle Kock, bad
au adveiiture with a blocksnake the
Ulier day. A doj had chated a rabbit
In a hollow loj, and one of the brothers
reached in the bole a little way, wh-n
he was instantly bitten on the ha'id.
Feariii( that a make bad inflicted the
wound, tlie other brother hastened to
bouse and returned with a bncket of
fresh uiilk and an ax, the fonuer to U
oed to connteract the poison and the
latter as a means of inTc-btijjatiua the in
ferior of the log. After tome wori ths
lo waa spilt ojen and a bnge black
inake meaiorins over nine feet emerged.
The serpent was toon killed, and after
ward cut open. IIU stomach contained
five young turkeyt and seven turkey
eififs. Tlie brother who m at bitten ex
perienced no tenons resnltt from the
wound. Jefferson City Tribune.
Infringing oa aa Anclanl Idas.
"There it no new thing nnder the
tan." Messrs, Roberson, ol Long Acre,
in the course of their business of tnpply
uig artistt with pigtnentt, become pos
tme'l from time to time of reruaict of
thegrvat Lyitians, to be in due conrse
ground np by tbetu and told In tubes at
"mummy" paint Tlie firm recently
lent a piece of the beautifully woven and
preserved linen bandages in which
high priest and keeper of tilt baths bad
been preserved to be iboarn at tome con
aaraarmna or lwtnre in tha Midlaadi
The texture and quality excited great
admiration among the audience, wbico
culminated in something like astonish
ment opon the declaration of a manu
facturer that thit fabric, woven perhtpt
bv a contemporary ra Mia riti.
the same dii-iKjaltion of tlireadt which he
had independently invented and patented
only a year ago. Pall Mall Oaxett.
Hm Tea faitaar.
M. Pasteur is now entitled to style
himself Uaron voa Pasteur, the emperor
of Anuria having sent him the Order of
the Iron Crown. There are some doctors
fid aavantt who hare a right to wear it.
The Paris Liberie is curious to te
lather M. .'r vVl i,:..!
to be announced as M. Is Laron ds Pas
tenrwhea hegoestodineat great bouses
Tuere is practically no hindrance t-i
F in Francs going by foreign
tit les or wearing foreign orders. London
lia U.l hf Illi Muta.
C. N. lUinmond, living tw miles
tonth of Jackson, heard a noise at h'j
barn, and, tl.iukirg tha a thief was
a'oont, bxik hit pistol and went out. It
is thon;;Ut be went cmr a mule, which
kicted bun. cauiing the p!stol to go ol.
lueuall pa't-ej t)iro'i;Tli his body.
He t
Iive5 but a few hiurs and diwl withont
ever shaking. Cor. Memphis Appeal
Avalaucbe. A new kind of a school is about to be
tthrb'd. The University of Pennsylv.
Ilia has receivsi fTCO.000 in gtftt to be
ued for funnding a school of American
B'siory sud Institutions.
The new t;mml of the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad, oader tne city of Bdii
njnre, rri!! cc.t upward of JC.CCO.CA
It i.. b- la,; P" ued ntght r.r.d day, fully
1,(V0 men beitr. at work upon it.
A reernt Importation of cringe treos
'if Vthirni- !ri"j! TtHii f,j;ied them
k be it.!tit..d Ly a i.ew Inti'ct, and tie
'ir.riti'.t will not allow tuem to be
snt, (j
'-Irycls bat beixmie ftlmo-tt ss prp-
'J i t i "fiiirniil i in '.la I',,,,. 5
iri G rtii.i'i Cti .'B tf
!'"" ' -t aj uvur 1 ii...:.!..rj
Tha Warrant Wat Not 8.rMt.
"Tb worst lira re I ever had," remarked j
EniH'riiitendent of Police Coll rt. "whi i
one ni'lit when Qtiiley. John Lowe ami
my lf neakl into a boarding house
without tlm hiniiite knowinu of out '
)ipviiee. We went np stairs into the
riiom of boardtr fur wlu.'Ji we had a
warrant to'-vnit for his coming, ,11b was (
lik' lr to tie in roiiiv time but ween 13 and
3, i (1 was Mid to be very slippery
citit n. We kept very quiet, n we i
didn t want any one to kmw we were
ll.i r . A lare coal oil lamp wan litini-
In,' i:i the Kioia. anJ instead of putting '
it mt, John Lnwe. who h id a fkm eont,
n '. rt.M.k t j biuit (T the lilit bylmld
to coat nrou::-! it. rretty n
Ml p. V. e w-i!!0 t; iln up aii'l
ml-cd ii'it to ! wi i.i'.v ui re. Ui;t
mii-owai li.itdly ('i i ww-u ve
ti til niM,imn'. i
i w.f w.irw tiiiin evrr aii'l eii','riM !
i llTi 'l'.-rv 1 1 1 ti l'l 1 n lli'll'-'. i
to v
t i. .1
1 liiiu, uml its he uwul.e, wit'i n ,
le pitclied over and tlie laiiip;
j. th-; floor with ncra.-li ttiat. i.i
. 1 Hil.-nce of tlie i:i:;ht. could h:iv
h'.ud half a mile hiiy. li ..-'
wa nothing f'-'f it hut to ru "f l"'
room and down Uir into tlie
Ai I went down sUiirs I felt av.T." '
queer. My hair was ktaudiiiK itraiht
np, and Iwu eijiectinj at every ntcji!
that aouie one would take a crack at us.
thinking we wers burglars.
"The next day the papers all hud a i
sensational account of an attempted
burglary, and one or two of tlieiu spoke
of the iuefficitney of the police. As for
as we said nothing. Indianapolis Jour
nal. Laadaa LI fa la Klltabaln't Tint a.
In Elizabeth's time the ordering of thf
household wat ttrict Kervanu and
'preuticet wers np at I in the tuininer
and at 7 in the winter. No one one on
any pretence, except that of illness, wat
to aliseut himself from morning and
J evening prayers; there wat to be no
striking, no profane language. Sunday
was clean shirt day. Dinner was at 11,
supper at 0. Tln re was no public or
private office which wai not provided
with a Iiible. In the better chihues there
was a general enthusiasm for li anting of
all kinds. The ladies, imitating the ex
ample of the qnetn, practiced ciubroid
ery, wrote beautifully, played curious
j instruments, knew how to sing in parts,
urevteu wiiu at liiuctl Inaiiilicence as
they could afTord, danced tlie coratito
and the lavolu as well as the simple h y,
and studied languaget Latin, Greek
and Italian.
The last was the favorite Linguae;.
Many collected books. Dr. John Dee
Lad as many hat.itli), of which 1,000 wers
manuscripts. They were srriuigeil on
tlie she! vis with the leav.s turned out
ward, not tiie backs. This was to show
the gilding, tli guld clapt and the
si":-!! string. Th boota v. ere bound
with gn.t care and cot: everylxsly
knows the beauty of the typo used in
the printing. Walter Desaiit in Har
per's. llaklnf a Faaa.
Many yeart ago a prominent clergy
man was consulted by the belies of bit
congregation about certain clerical work
in which they wero interested. Smiling
at fl ir earje.itness, he said: "That a
rijbi. ladies; make a fuse make a fuso!
'J .ial s Me only way to get work dime in
t ni v.-il'i: Set about It yourself and
I" a 1 ii-s while yon dor And suit
U Tui.ii.ii! ; nbont wnmgs and tighing
cvr;iiein u- ver mended one. Lut the
p -op' who exert themselves to right the
wrong, making a good stir about it
while they do, and worrying at other
people to exert tbemselvet, too, will often
fbrce the other people into activity in
sheer self defense.
The other ieople would like to tit
quiet and take it ont in sighing, but
these energetic fus rs will not let them.
At hut, to get rid of the agitators, tltey
roue np, go to work with a will, s;J
accomplish what is asked of theta'for
the sake of the peace they obtain there
by, put whatever their motive, all
mankind Las the bem-fit. It is not only
well to get wrongs righted, it is also
well to get sluggish people ttirred up
occasionally. harper's Uaxar.
Ills; Chanra fur Imuravament.
First Arctic Explorer I say!
Second Arrtic Explorer iiay oa
"I say! We rs in a box."
"We'll have to wait for
a rescuing
."That t it."
"(Jus wiil cc:t:e I aUi-poae."
"Yes. f!.ey aiwnyt como but not al
"Don't you think the present u U of
arctic explorstion niiijht is improve ;:'"
"Perhaps so. WLat would you m.j.
"I think th rcuii,g party oii'ht to
go aUud." I'ew York Wwekly.
I'lrkaaa' Sun.
Tlin sons tA the great snthor nf 'Tick
wick" rt at, II living. Cha.-ie D'clttns,
Lis father's nameiiak", it editor of All
'he Yc-ir Hound, and Is known to Amer
ican audi, u for bis readings from Lis
fathers wot H Alfred Teuuyson Dick
ens is a inerchnnt In Mulbonrno, and the
yontgert mouijerof the family, Edward
Lulwer Lyttoa Dickens, U a sheep f.nm
er and a nv riefibrr of the New Kot;tb
Wales psj-llanient. Exi lian 'e, "
All Ht i.
It is never sufe. to study the minion of
the u.n!t-:u.le. " do folks sir
about v.if-r s.M.ed an ni l lady w'io hit 1 I
t,n ).,..,1 a tudt of l
S"'Mll!. ! . , .,,. t'l-t-'u -! l'l tv.!
iiiifd . v,i;ii f : -,(;.:: '".Veil, t'.'iro "
.;.i i . .. . .il. .... , .' . '.
na-..snuy . o.i.,,ke0r i mix I Willi."
iot. las tuiit i.Miiion.
Thr (Jiiaan's Ojilrra,
.Th q-i t a is riaa. k fuj of pjs
t"tti. All the stalls whicU tlicir
oiiTea: ance on t!. rival taMuaio saiul
rr,.SH! s-vl I '' ' 1 n l.i-.V- .-,;! ,.,,
I ; 1: fc!i r.. J, it; r of
Abnadaat Kfwxl Prepared la a Knval
Mxiiiwr fitr On Thnuaind Guciti.
The following extract from a privste
letter written from Honolulu by Dr.
George P. Andrews outliu a novel
feast: i
We have been lmvitig a festival week,
the seini centennial of Daiiu cullege. A
nuuilier of uluimii came home from the
atales, among others General S. C Ann
strung, of Hampton, Viu, and he gave
ns mane grand talks on his work in tV
ireat schiKil there. Rev. William Gr.-
lirk and wife also are here from tlx ir j
twenty years' work in Spain. The ute.i'.
fe:it was a novel sight. An awning cf
ss:ls coven t in n s;;:tce iitnuit 0l l.y p :) j
fi-et, uinhT which were laid talaV, i -1 :
tlie viands, cooked a la llavva'i, v. .
l;iid on tiiein. As I: liej
fyr a tiio'ismid pis'ple an account of tin' I
Conking 111.' y he of interest. j
Tii'-re were provided forty -fve half:
grown pigs, two oeeies, i .-i i . .:in.
several hundred fiaii. biuhels i f sweet
potatoes, etc. The largi r pig weru cut
into fniginetits and tied in buudl. of
batiati and drachma leaves of a pound
or two weight each. The beef win
j served in the same way, n! the chick
ens. ! Tlie smaller pigs were wrapjs-d
v-holein the leaves. Preparations lor
tue cooain n ,nia,ie tl, ' J;,y V';''
P ... 1 i . w e uug, ono iu vj a im,
Four hoUt tya. V h
oue by 4 f.t nu ,Wn A
three feet wide and two v "
quantity of wmsl wat placed
grotto and tixn tuU were placed larg ,
etouet a fotit di-ep.
One fire waa lighted early in ths morn
ing of tlie day bt font and the second
aUmt 1 o'clm k. At 3 o'clock ths wood
wat burned out and ths bottom was
Class of red hot stones. Upon these were
tpfesid a layer of crushed fresh bansna
stems til inches thick, and npon these
were piled the small bundles of meat two
or three feet high and tlie size of the
hole. Over them was placed a mass of
fresh banana leaves several inches thick,
over this matting, and then dirt a foot
thick aud tho linu was finished and left
to steam until the next morning.
At 9 in the evening the big one wat
similarly filled with the remainder of the
meat and the trussed pigs, and also cov
eted. Oue cuu imagine w hat a delight
ful heat would be brongbt to bear upon
the contents of the imu, and how deli
cately the contents would be cooked dur
ing the long honrs of the tilght.
Early in the morning of the feast day
the two small iiuus were filled with tiie
fish tied np in leaves and sweet potatoes
and covered. The large ovent covered
the day before were opened during the
morning and the contents taken out end
covered to keep hot.
Tiie tables seated between 2i0 and frK)
at a time. Poi, the native f.xd a paste
Uiade from the Calocoseu en.:ulentinil
and soured wai put iu saia!!, Water
tight hsfkets along the center of each
talilo so that f.jiir persons coul 1 reach
each one with the lingers (knivei and
forkt are eschewed at a luan). Each
table was also gny with crimson fleshed
watermelons rut In fancy shapes, various
relishes of raw sea nrchins, meat, tea
weed, raw shrimps and pounded knkui
nuts and salt. Conveniently at Land
were fern leaves, and tiio viands npon
leaves, gonrdt and wooden bowls and
The guests ycline at their ease on ths
left tide and eat with the right hand.
Each one hat a bowl of fair wau-r to
cleanse the fingers. The method of eat
ing is not disgusting. The natives use
tjieir fingers dexterously and daintily
end not pigginlily, though they are
l.itlier gormandizing in their cativs
u;c. Lcucit Free Press.
?Ijiiii.iI nf tlia vt'bat.
Hit m ie r meiuber of the animal king
do a iii-il:i.s more maternal ailertion
I : in t ne whale, especially If its calf i
It: ! pi'o'.e.l. The uurpooner nevec thruwt
L:-: !: :. IWto tun liiiia one wiiii i'ne
inten'i.e, ' ! niinjf t, fr if this U done
I If liiiu ti- r w ill instantly fors.Le it, if
alive nnd uruggling, however, the data
can Ut easily enticed toward the boat to
meet its fate. Knowing thit, the whale
fishermen alwavs strike a calf if pnal.
bio, and thus often mako captures tlmt
could not be effected under other cir
cuinriauces. As soon as the dam becomes s'.rsre of
the tnarlng of her young .e rn-.!ie, i,
ward it, encourages it to swim sav,
snd even suista by taking iinn lerher
Cu. Slie set-ins l lose ail re;;sid for her
own safety, and boldly atlackt the
containing the Whalemen, or circles
ai,iH ii ut,.u;:u.yi of the Lr
J"..ns that aru lorl-d at brand enter
L r 0. ilu i;r:o'.t i n-e Pri is.
A lullar I'rayar.
In a Maine town nar the eeacoast
was oue of many communities where the
men were, so to speak, a cwa b tween
fi-.rmers nd sailors, and where, ss a
natural couseipn-nce, tu) cultivation of
Ui.' boll W.lauoiuuual btgiecUsl.
The wiuiit"r of a neighboring town
exchanged with the lniuisttr of this
c-oiniinuiity, M A drought was n;ein
tliin (he tropin s.-ut him a requ.-st t''mt
L would pmy f,,r rain. Tins he did,
as follow:
"O Lord. t!iy servant is aaHud by thit
peoj lu topr.iy for ra!u, and hBdimiao.
Ihit tlw ii Lnow. At, O Loid, thst what
this isiils, needs U dr.. in." Atlantic
Hn ll Nallrra Trnat Corltlaa.
Kativej la tile cfuuities Ia!:,.i'ti.J by
great unt regard them always ns hutnau
U ;:n.s i f iioVrior fyja-s, and it is f.,r
this reason i'.mt for a long time It wai
'mr d linp sib!o to got ledof an en'J.-e
gorilla -in, kennw the suvsgos c,,.
Hi l"i'! I i'. .'eiiifii-lv neciee arv tti e.,t niT
I .'il.'l .rc :t i.f t':a' itiiimAls r liu1
' 1 ll.eiu, jnt an tlicydowtia
ill Un th iiurair.i of
r. ndii
liu; uile.a
ai. n, i r.x.y i h.irir v
. 1 .! I l ' . ... '
Iuutvil-w iu VVasi,lr.irton Kfi.r.
A I'roteat.
I:nnii:g-IJo'xl uiuruiii', Dr. Paresis.
Ptr.".1!. fiorvj ui.iruius, ilr. Ui.iiliui.
H'.-s-It joitr ..,,!?
I: :', r .f , .ctcr, rt..!.'. U'.k
ai;..y,-iMr VwallulJi,
; '
l.-.v s 1
NXM?:Mj?x Go. Chicago.
Kverything to Furnish Your IIouso,
. AT -
Ifavin"' VUi'cit:i-ctl the Ji V. Wcckbach store room on south
Main iTtrefcf wheri I am now located I can nil goods cheap
er than the cluapCHt having jivt mt in the largest istock
of new goods cvnf brongbt to th.. city. Gasoline stov
and furniture fall Muds sold on the iiietallmcnt plan.
A Full a 'd Complete line of
Drills, Medicines, Paints, and Oils.
l-Vcscrt. uon rnrcfully Compounded at all Hours
A Cure i thc Ailments of Man and Beast
r. nt u universil by the Housewife, the Farmer tht
Si rI ' t and by evcry one re(lu,nnJ eecu,,
vrt ji,, .nnr. compares with it m efficacy.
'oceMferL every day.
AUdruaiu have it.
-tJ aXt tlWUKHi. m Wan
Th Leading
A N D -
r:?.v h- VAX 'X-
Oonstmiily L'tjis en Uu.l tvirjtl,
jna ce!! to f:nnih your liru.;,
ois-ti-.h sum o Mtii STrr
Plattsmout - NTah
'.i r n m p.
h la .si
I a.i.M i m ....
.k !i,n.u. 1 ,m 7. .,. a.v
I U 1... . c-1 t.i.i .,u ,,, ,r,.,.ol.rtr r.-.
""una nr .-ra.iti.M'turM, rrf.eio. nil
, . ' --v
I am laden vttb fr?m
rom ifiegoldoncrafG. :
To lands acrow (.; r .
5ca. ( ,
$ C2 j
Wsg.m sod Ulacksmllh shos
1ag;r, Mvilioe snd
llow Rtpirini Hon
Hs ass lbs
NKVERSU. h rslio'j for ths
Whirl. I- .... ,V"'K- f '0f CU.
...... V s SJSJ
firmer, nr fur fast d
It is so D-als
o ilisr or Cat y
purines fy.ff ItifUtea
c.tiVs.j nilil.ll f,, a,..
cr str. oib, dry ro
sis sliOi sn.l eiioms tlie
sad yon will use oj oloer.
J. M. fiirKEflPA.
13 No tli Kit. UbU PJ.UU
mila .
BlX'i a t;; K'..i.i Jm
v. ii. En.i:.:5AL'M, rvep.
flic 1 (H of IreMtimcdtiilwiivsf.iuri.X
in this niiirlii l. Altio reiili
l-SKS uud flutter.
Wild j;nuic o all sin kept in tbri
ciXTir n'ViiiT
I . "nl'
i . tftll
I 'lllll
U no tv U
U.i W.tKm Huftu), la, Y,