. A Turtlt'i Matt. j In the town of IVten, a pliice distant trom tidewater over ninety miles, there Is a great ciirii sity, known as the "ttir tlu's uest." For tifty-two yours .1 turtle b;u come annually tj tUo n-st tit ilepuhit Iier ;. Over half a cep'nrv nvt hIio el-tied her uest, tiiL'ii in 1111 u;it-u LilJ, b'lt now ia a yard in fit.ut of. a resi dunce. A relative of the owner of the lions branded the d;ite 141 npon the turtle" hack, uiid it run be plainly traced now. She comes nhout the same date each year, and her hint few tlayi are jia.M-1 ia iu.-.;. ctin the ancient next, the yard mid hiirronndin: Later m ili-s a hole in the trronnd and tin-re iVjio;;!ts lier fgs. This year tslie left forty-two but us many were carried nway and the others often dihturbed only uhont a dozen of the ;s IvYuheil nut. The owner of the . bnwe has ten of the little turtles, none more tlmn twice the size of a posture tamp. The old turtle always depart after laying the exit; the warm Baud and sun eerve us an incubator. This turtle has been Keen ut the Drew Tal Water on the Mattawnmkea river, fnliy fifty wiles away from the nest, ller weight varies from thirty to thirty-five jKitimla, and it is said she was as larj;e when branded as she is now. Each June she comes to Patten, anil is always welcomed by old and young. Banyor (Me.) Letter. Pn.i-.r-d ly Sir Henry Wood. Sir Henry Wood nnd James Dredge, the iii itili oiui.ni;hiiiier8, wlu recently veiled C l.icno to in form tliein.-clc com oriiiug the world's fair, have relumed l I.011 don, run! mv uulr ; !-.fi! r.i tki ir prairie, of the condition and pros pects of the exposition. The cable reports Sir licniy Wont ut naying: ' 'I'roiii 1 ; hcai !, 1 think tlie exlul'iuon will lie a mic-cc.-.h. V. ht u 1 .iin.n d io America 1 w.m 111. -:ei. i.lnl .. ".e.. -i Yo-Kort'!:icaowii I CH I adapted f r the t.ur. No.v i I0....1 Ci.um.-o i icciuVil! the la el place Chicago iei-uicto pulavi C'liiicntiauiii 01 pun o.-e " MURLfMJTOV OF DAILY I'ASSl kM"""'Vih "ITS It. 1 ;.G t:ST I M' Wlk TKAINR I t, .isJ('E'?T 1 l . y : S . . u in N. I.' No 2a., it . p. 1 . .1 C"i it. " II II in v ..' p. 1 1 lm- v. t r."".i r TIMi: C.H'!. .11 A'c eni.ta I 11 I 1 - .' - . 'I lain lln 1 X'eil uu. - Hats Off In th H;nacfua. The vexed question of "hats on" or "huts off" during public worship wa aettled at the auunal meeting of the Anshe Chesed oongreifstion. t the tem ple on Booville avenue. The old Jewish cimtom of the male members of the con jrreiition wearing their huts during public worship has always been in vojrne in this congregation. A nmulier of the yonncer and more progressive member have objected to the custom, and it has canned more or less disenssion foe several years. The older members held tena Tiomdy to their huts, and the yonnger ones bided their time until they should have a sufficient majority converted to their views to change the custom. The matter was brought np at the an nual meeting, which was very largely attended. Tne hut question was dis cussed at great length, and several very warm speeches were made on both sides. It was finally put to vote, and the members wbo are opposed to wearing hats were victorious by a decided ma jority. The decision was that hereafter the congregation shall worship with haU cC, but tin it who desire to retain their head covering will tie permitted to do to. Cleveland Leader and HerahL llll' it. ! or ai.d ' ,,u II. c : entclpnec tthiill WHO ban.')' l" 1,L' cxpictcU ln.ni the l.niplio t-'t ' Wherever I went in the United I tilatt e 1 lournl the keenest iulei eet ! in the fair. 1 lie pi ople oi ChicUK are inn ly nlivc nil it. There wus ju flight titit of jvalouey in New j Voi k winch made Mime ol ber Jieo- ple pretend to dispaiiiKe -i"cuuo in the matter, but tins iH eure 10 evuporulc belore Ion;;. The ar raiigeiiientH matle lit Chicutfo to far are iidmiiuble. The plane oi the buildiiiKh are wti and n,ve ample room. There is one Uisad- vuutaue. The tile lor the txpoei . .. ... 1... tion i live or bix iiiucb inim center of the city. Tbi ' Imrdly wortli meutioninn Biuce the locu tion ia so beautiful and the col lective facilities ore eo umple. Mr. Dredge and myself are preparing our report, which, I may nay, will be very favoruble and I do not doubt will have the effect of making the English nectioii a fucceKH. The r.rriiiaii coimiiiseioner is also pleaeed with the aspect of affairs, like oureclven. e were treaieu with the gcutest kindneeH, and every courtcey was extendi d to us in the citicH which c visited. K'.': 1. -in- 1 t llli'tf nlt m fi.i.r ' it.7 . -II p I I I I I ' , rl 1 - If I" T V ' iilr I I ' III' 1 A I :a : -ir .Miai ly it v 1 ,1'. f I ; i. ' ..v. i.-V III I, .1 I.-1-, ,...u u il ' t'l II h t: Yl I. V i.M' N I ;- -AllN ,,l. ri- ioi l.lk .l.ln Ml-el. I ' Ir In Ml S f :"f V . IT II I I "II ) (i. wri ut: sveiy hi iiity miene en .11 S' eek . III II.. 1. V i u, u fist Kim ililid t-ility ,,(.', . Ii e... 1, li pi 1; A li. IH'1' I , !... .k 1 I... k. Frink e mrjea. ' l-urOMiV, l.iC'inler. i,..iuv v' li b 111 ll'S ineiiti' ' ' hull 11 It"' kweeil lie ek, . h J tlinaUD. 1 . I", hr" H, lie. enter. M W. Wlkln llark to lh City. Wrecks of the early winter theatrical season are already seeu in New York manairers whine ventnres have failed after a few nights out of town, tired looking actors who wem to have walked home, and bedraggli-d looking women, wbiiffl face t !! plainly of thiir disap pointments. It is the old story of jxxir plays, poor honwi and the refusal of the ghost to do his weekly little pedestrian act. And yet in the main the theatrical outlook is very good, for with big crops comes plenty of money and an army of people to be amused. Cut It is the sur vival of the fittest. The poor pinys are not patronised, and the managers of .many come to grief. There are many familiar face on the Rialto today, men and women who started o2 a mouth ago filled with hope, hwime of thrrxn will be glad to shovel snow for a living be fore spring. Foster Coate in Mail and Eipress. A Had PIm for Wrvrks. When a vessel sinks in the channel through Lake George Cats, near Suult Bt. Marie, there is plenty of trouble. The value of the vessels delayed by a wreck there recently is estimated at f 14.000,000, and that of their cargoes at fl.OoO.OoO. At one time eventy lake team vessels were anchored on the east ideof the blockade and sixty on the West side, and a new channel bud to be cut through the flat to allow them to continue their ways. Four dredge worked day nnd night to make a channel 700 feet in length, 60 in width and 50 in depth. It is said that the only way to prevent accidents like that which caused In the channel. There was the same trouble at the St. Clair flats until men were stationed at the emit of the chan nel to time the vessels. New York tinn. tnvi. it Ms: ui'AM-r ro iidt " nwi. I HI 1 be K.el e liml 111 til- I's nisi r le IiIim-k ever H- le I nin. neni's lirelhren luvlied Heiy n nie-. n'li"" . He sll'Hif. ere 01. .aii.iu.v v.. ii 1. li. o. F. meets ev- , 4... .... 1,1 l H.a.tr Lull II HlKI IKll IIIM,1 relieve Hte S..trllllV M,IIMl nmtsl'll S.I' llllllf III l.ircnj. vv.j. N . O W.llnt!. Herretsiy. A Wonderful I'ndfjrgroiaiisl Lak. An underground lake ha been dis covered three fnile from Genesse, Ma. It was found by a well digger. At a depth of sixteen feet clear, pure Jake water run out over the surface for a time, then settled back to the earth' level. The roost curious part of It U that fish were brought to the surf nee on the overflow. They have a pculiar ap pearance and are sightless, indicating that they are underground fish. The pring has attracted much attention, and many fanner in the vicinity fear that their farm will drop Into the Like. Boise (Ida. ) SUieunnn. Muticl Mulc!t Mu.ic!'! Just imiviu at .Muir'a opposite iM.Htollice 1UA) I.icicb of selected sheet mimic niiiuinif ill price from thirty-live cents to all to go ut .lie small price of ion come rum. ThiM music coiitiiiiiH most of the liii.-st citiiitxisitiiina and no old Htfu-k. tall oarlv and tret best ".election also full line of itiHtruc tion Ixinks. suntr and instrumonlal lolio's at veiv low I'l'Ces at Dltrict Court. The time In lore noon wnfl taken tin ftiitiiult1 liii ? a iurv. Court rc- asseiiibUd promptly at - p. m. and lliociise J. II. lliijis s. Mokoski. C'.'uie Co. wai !ak. 11 up, ami it will probably not Lt giviu to the jury before 4 p. m. In thin case the plaintiff mi h for recovery of eatnry bicli lie allege diieliim. He allege that the ilc fend.int engaged bin nervicoH 11s a traveling s;ilcni:uii, and it was Bjrreod liiai lie rlmUiil make two trip at $75 each. Alter making one trip the company discharged Mm iir lie alleges, violating the prov'm ioiisof the rontruct. He sine for $l.'Jon anioiint oijiial to the Kalary promised biin anil also suflicietit to cover exponsoi' wliicli lie allege were made necoMsarv lx-cnuse of the broakiiigof the contract by the defendant For lame back there is nothing belter tlinii to saturate a llannel rl.iili with Cbamborlain'a I'uin lt.ilm nml bind it on the ofTcc'.cil nuriH. Trv it and you will be nir prised at tin." firnmpt relief it nlTonls. 1 ho same treatment w ill t lire f I11111-n-..itixni. For tale by F. G. Fricke tc Co. Canvassing Board. Tin- ronntv canvassintr board will be composed of W. I J. ShrjcV of Ixmisville, on behalf of the do in wrviv If Ruie. of Weotiini' Water, for the independent; and County Clerk Critclilit Id will repre sent the republican. J here m no question that nil particH will be tr.-ateil fairly in the onu iai count. BucW.len' Arnica balve. Inn HtsT hAI VB in the world for Cut liruisei-. hofe. Ulcers. Knit 1th' urn. Fevei fore,TittiT. ChapiM-d IlsniU.Chilblsins. Corn, snd sll Hkin Eruption, and iosi tivily cures- Piles, or o pay required. It is K"i't'-ed to wive Mtislsciion, " nionev refunded. I'riio 2-'i cenU per Ih.i For sale by F. 0. Frii ke & Co. I'LACKS OF WORSHIP". Catholic- si rsul' tnirrn. si. nnrrr,, fifth iiu ruin. riiiT o. H.rvle.s: V ims: " na in - M. Huniisjf nchiiol si t Ju. l l WiedkUtM.. Ciilti-TlN.- "ruer Ijeint snil Flshltt Bi. sivlr,- Ilieriuns sr.i rrci.-rn - . Herd, liastor Mirnlaj ftelimil ISA. M. rpiroeAI.-HI I.nks's I tmrrh. eomer Tnitd si,.l in-. Itev II B Buresr. I'tr lre:MA a dt r Sunda Srliuol l:wr. . fir km ah MTHnliisT wner SUth ft srid iii.ll' Jtf.. tltit. !'. H.rvrr:l1 A.M. Slid I i"1 0. M. HiinilHjf Mll'tul 111 :30 A M. r T vt r It I a H si lee. t 1 e r hei rli. e..r tier snub Mi.il CJrm.ne st. Ilev J .l.NM, ,i.-l..r sui.lH- ei'l St ;' i rreiifliln si II a ni.s'.d s n in, Slil'lli sventi r ' :1A hi Hie I nisi t ..( Il.erl iinll. All ie ll.Misd l alUSU these iieellliu rm.T .THoi.isT-HIth M.. betwen Msln ..... P....I I. V I'rllt. Ii. II. tmI.T. s.vii-r. it' s im r M siiniU erhisil :.10A M ITay.riiieHl t Wediiendiijr eeu- Uvkm rHsnvTs.KiAi.-,"n'r lsln snd k i:. u air. i.ai. r. Services ui hour., huiiil'ijr -i liwil :.) A. M. Isrr.ni" ' MiB'.THirJAi- ('.rsnhe, b- IHrpn F'ttll Slid Mlh. i:,,.un. n.i-Ti.T. -VI. Dllvr. ''iik. b'tw.en 1. ...I, ...1 I .. . Ii Hrv. A lnell. ! l..r. svivi e. n s. 111. ml " X)V m ri)' i n t-eili f W e m !! nn.l'i;. V.itMl Mr'n lll:ITI A"'IATIIi- I ...(... ii. . ul.tl.:..! lii.M'K . ..IMIlt .llf , ,..,...,,.. ,.,,., i,n!.eTen li'l 'S' si . tli. li at uVlork. I ih'Iii. liN-ll vetk d) I (,...., k;1 a I" . la : 50 p. m. W'ttH I'AIK I A llM' S All r llr .1. V- Mill, 1 H'"f. S.ile.: SU'i.l-y rcniu. A. in.: I r.rl h r. 1 1 ni. Hl.d SI'- ni. ; ,,taei InretlMt lurnArf srll ; eludf l"f- ire I rul y mkIiI aL are v.l'einr. kaalraa WUila Alaa. A qneer xase wm tried in the drcult court of Louisville Friday. The defend ant was a man who was captured in the act of committing burglary. The de fense set op the plaa that the defendant WM a somnambulist and whs ax!-ep at the time he committed ' the deed anj Was, tbervforo,' unconscious of wrong doing. The Jury believed and acquiited the man. PliiUd.ilplu'a Ledger ' Tits rul'bU anil tka KltUa. J. K. OiHfiinan has a ont that found a yonng rabbit in the field a few day a"o and curried it home, placing it witil her kittens, and now the rabbit is just like one of the family and seeitia to be a happy as any of tlimn. The mother cat Buries h jnitt the same as ber kituns. Haymond (Ills.) Independent AO tha Tariallna. "Yot look all broken op." "Naturally! just ben dividing myself rnonj forty guU at a rWde boteL" There were forly-two paeaengera over the M.' P. road Una morning. The new road ie evidently proving quite a popular line. Sample ballot were necured by the teacher of the high school on election day and the student exer cieedlthe right of franchise purely from a theoretical ut a ml point, fuey elected the republican ticket so it ievident that they are much bet ter qualified to vote than a good many grown people. . The Australmn bnllot Uvr was entirely KuccrHsful for the republi cans. The interest nnd excitement inaniferfteil election day wu in tetUe but there was little or no dm tiirlmnce durir.tr the ontiie day, t e do iii.t know tlinl it H clainief that the Aurtralian IniMot rystem will prevent rows but it 1m evident that thin' was the quietest election evr held in 1'lJttnnoiHli. Matty obi soldiers, w ho contracted chronic diarrhoea wliilo in tin; aervice. lnvc since been oermaneiil IvcMred of it by ( baniiberlniii Colio. Cholera und iliarrboon Ketn 1 i y. .1 -A mtuvvnauanwai Q J r Jlmd ' O mmmssatam THE UtDIHG AND ONLY OE PRICE CLOLHIER IS WAITING FOR YOU. TY17 IS waiting to show you his new goodstv i and o let you ltnow how cheap they k cf-n be bought. HAS THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK In liis line in Cass County. You wi 1 not bo nble to bujr cheaper We Cll cag.t when you take quality and prico in consideration. JOE- Only buy the Lot makci and latest noveltie in CLOTHING AND FURNiSHING GOODS II ATS, CAPS ETC. And if yon arc looking for a reliable place to trado give JOE a trial. 1 i OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. ft t.i TAKK TIIK .tvVMa;.., HARNESS! HARNESS,) " vr RED G0IM3 o. Snr Ul ii T Wlion yon tro to a i-hoe i-tore your object in not only to buy hIiooh but to procure for what you Hienil the beet that ynur money will buy. Lena than thin will not content you; more than this you cannot, in rea son, ank. Our method are a wimple an your denire. We lo not Sol j.n.r exjx-ttuiiuiin to toe Liolltln, liut we realize thoni whatever thry are. We will never sacrifice your interests, to ours and nowhere ole in you cot a fuller and fairer equivalent for your money. An especially profitable purchase for vou is our etc. BOOE8, SHOES OH. RUBBERS R' SHERWOOD. 501 Main Street. For Atchincoii, Bt. Joni-ph, Ixnven worth, Kanian City, St. Iouia, and all points uoi lb, eaat autith or wert' Tick ets Hold and bn; cajje chocked to uny poitil in the United States or Canada. Tor INFORMATION AS TO KATKS AND KOITKS Call Bt Depol or address II, C. TrnvXHtxn, (. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J, C. piiii.urri, A. (J. P. A. Omaha. II. I). Al'CAK. Au1., I'lattHiiioutli. Telephone, "7. UK best of huriiess, both double and single may be found ot t, J. etoreand everything in the harness line also buc;iee and curria , i. ;. .u r .. , i .. . i : . i. . i . . iiilii iriu.lliM.v in rriy ii-rjtl, ucinj; wic llj;incolt BirOU-vCHl a easiest riding vehicle on earth. IAL! ALSO have a larire lot of Schtitler, . '"ne, U.iin and Sterlinir wairol ' t ring wagons, road carts, and plow all dirxription. I F1AKD QOl'lDEl SOS Plattsmoulh - Nebrask; Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. ii. i mum mon THE INTERNATIONAL . TYPEWRITER A .trim Sri riH a-selilto. full? asrrsn rf. Waae ir"ta Ihf tv liri aisirrisl O - .kl lirt v,.rkmrii. snd villi I lie I .-I null. II h rvrrlrit rtml-ell fur 111 I lir. W rnlit to An Mil ttlnl mn In- ft SWHisl.tV ' prrlr ill Ilia vtjf He lyprvnirr main I si i.hlc f wrtftni; t aei.n rr itilnuir-oi sis soooruiiiS to ma auuuj innnidi"- SPECIAL SAM IN OUIt COMPLETE STOCK 0V utJiEs rmt SHOES Chingle. Lafli, Sash, Dcoi'5. Blind Via iiippl f everw dnisnl of the city. Call Mid Ret terms. Fourth street In rsr of et.- house. nrrrrTnr (ahm"i,ii U 1" t L I I V r. averv Ii rslitr t'i et Mr Prlv I ftri lite iii.iIit i ur in-imriii i IprMllll ti'f f"f J.Vtttl Ulan. I I ! I"N 1 KIKliiVii OKCY T.7, VS sli.Bliiti, a. r. : w --- We give you the following deep ct t In prices: IJldies Fine dated Pnnfrola f2.2.1 nhoes reduced to ailie IVotii'oU Kid Flexible J'slMhoe reduced to Ladies Ilest Dongoln f:i.(J) t-hoes reduced to. Ladies Hand Turned best Dogolu tlJJO shoe reduced t FOE .THIRTY DAYS 0STLY ' fe We hove a tn ot mauy ollu-r sainple lot of odd siien that bli':ruigat . A -vJ. 1 In order to reduce our Btoi k to aieel our obligation. P I' tin Ij if K)(i. If ihr In i sirnt In jniif l-vn ailitisw Hi Ifl.U.Ul.MIUli t. TIIK P i IMS') U I'l. C I. AtenUasiileil Ml.h N, 1. K. B. H'LLEMIKH, Ac-nt. Liurolu, Neb, 1 We al o hnven few lots of Indies Oxfurdu that we will sell at rcduc prices. Don't (orgit the place. Sac fL1 i ' ill b 1 i , ; 1 1 I Dl , a i b V nlv. For hale bv F. G. I rickc it Cti - - j w