I V - H II 11 V K V( ) II .IL KXGIXKKK j t... coiiyr iiou.-r., Nebraska ' nri IN COL' fnunty clerK, will tie 1lll. il to. I'KRHKU'O. Airititr. ut' a:. t 'Ai.rn :i r ik. I . To fiend Flowers lijf Tuloicrsph. : , j jr -j a joz,.u iioriKtaini't ut tho Slier- ' "Man lmnst! irrcntly iml tnclil-.u tho tai'l 19 17. ill V. 1 Q lV ' -4f -ir.:lin tlw earth with flowers. That t- THE LEADlNO GROC ER ;k'AM).i Oi- tIGAKS El'tU I, LINK ' K CO AND SMOKE IllWii'j'H 111 BtOCK S ARTICLES unouth, --b ) Nebraska T : NATIONAL : HANK 1 'F rUTWMOCTIi. KKIIKASKA capital . . , . .ni o ...'lu.oio.o HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CIT -...I 1.1. planned u irliciiii! which pre- vi ;m lor. a claim ot correspoiiucnrs (hiou':.)lnuit the. wbrld to act, together us Olio concerti fur too jnirjsi.7 cxcenlin;; orders given in liny jai t of tho globe for anything in floral arrangement from a tiny buttonhole bouquet to mi olnlx irnte bank of rust i. In order to effect this purpose mi organization known ns the Florists' International Telegraph Deliv ery association was started in Canada last August. A ni.ij rity of thn board of directors do lm in.-ssiu the United States. Thy galli'iing was iilti-ndcd by II. S. Lie-br-i'lii. of New York; lb Wiiitnall, of Milwaukee, mi l Frank I tcntsiiiaii, of Cituiniiati. nil ti ri-i board of dirivti r.s. .II.:- f'.,l! bl- C 1 i - ATTf,;a H). I'A k'MTKH t-r kin' Ml : li.it- of 0 1 ! I want your Poultry, ini'I yum' farm tun I v.-i 1 1 pay yiy.i 111 - hi.".!n'.. price n-s I am buying tor n a Lincoln. rf. PETERSEN, T1IU I.KADINC. C.ROCKR Pluttsiiinuth Nebraska" P J. !I:A:X:S:K:N DKAI.KH IN STAPLE AND FANCY i UM ?erj te"t fvll'tlM fr tl.e pronp j IruifiKtlou ul llkltliunta 'aiiking Business '.i.boBdi, (tnld. rnmfit d lol -. Iwrnriil nt -X- l'-ii trif .:airnt allimi-U n H" wrtlflcil-' Hiiwn, THllnll In y Prt t II" 5 9uim i4 Ml ike prtiiClpnl i"i KOCKlilES. (4LA8S 1 -!ttpTUI1. I I rr mil TI. I nicii iia for rmitity n u I oimtjr Douat. lUKCTOKS I). II iwV.wortb V. K. While Ir'irK It. t)or U,ni i ', .ImiZKXS HANK. ; i 't'il'TH lu ... Capital, 1100.000 omcM AKU'.'Tll. JOS. A. Jldmil. Vl-iP-ri6wBI V. n. l)l'HHI?i'l. C2hir. - IIJ!OK '. .1. A. t'o'iiior, V. II. I'.iithrnr r . n, llt nrj riKh.Joliall'TUvwIa im, Wia. WnUueuip, W. II. Cuibiug. i QUEENSWAKE lb'-. I'ubtu Solicitod mm BOILDISBN SUM SI jMEW HARDWARE STORE !. V.. HALL & SGM l.ii.iU.'.lj 1 (if ll,t,. i'..r t'V'ii.."" Ul J Lbulil. '.J !!! , i. ul 'f p nil klndi (if hiil! tpw It.irltr-ir hmJ land U1 tuiv'y ,,',t "t r lu ui'JNt Uv TIT HOOFING "V'lll'l'l!? n1 -Il !:!: ! i 'i' : i v. ir'i r"'nu "v . orliM le ..i l ij loin ry t.l.lt-I 6M I'.'i.-l S'l, PLAirS'loUT:!, MM. 5 ijJV-k. t SIOUSM, rall'i I- V. I-. 'I ! I Jl7 2M, "Zl in.l 2-l.t Mnin f-'t,, Pl.jtts.-nouth Nobraska U. K JbJ.r.1. proprietor. Curi'Mii i Unri.i. l.t, "lo in;.:.' a I.M::r!ct i " :rm'friA of t'ai' (i. L. (In.iit ini'I n!i"l Il.i' Chic ;-) r V Mr. J.N-I y f r a n:.ri iii j 'i'iiiibii"' i to 1 4n;pUudi nf Ncbrmkii Llf. ) I nv'tlw ;iii1li-inim nt 111" Union depi t flu! otlnT'iii'iit who lml jn'-t i-. tin-in J from Ki-.ifu-y county. Kenaiil: "Itoa'.; iiji ai liai tlu'i'ij .'L"i'!:.i u-onii'l Lnill n;y tb.'inty v.iili laoro c;;rc t'aau i.; r.Mial'.y taken v.'iill Lilt -in. Ibr.i'.tu l.i'ilMca'.l of boaiii-t in tin! corniT ninl la'il in iihici ls of tanni'il JI'ioiU uml (bii il meat. Ti.u fiint iiiv't lifter it xim comiiL'ted 1 rrawli il into bi ll iinj' fill into a ill" p tili-ep. Alioiit iniilnij'iit 1 wiia iiwalieiicil by a half dozen rielu jobs, hohih oao cr.ukul il whip, yilleil '(lit up!' uml I i,lrui;ilitv.My felt the inoiioii of n heavy v.'a;,'on. I v.Ms hut half iiwaku, but I r"-nlin'-d tlint i.iy Lii i van tipji il to rn mi;;!" of ,'o il mel that cveryti'i.."; wan niuvii.';. I realize .1 i!:at my hliant ;', i;n;i,'ii i d to l-n tmirfTiipie I, W.t b.ii;.; ! ' a v. iii mi: i.i it. 1 'r'i i' ; 1 My r -vi ivcraii'l. Mii;.:i l it t t!i- walis i.i, I ill iiii.-aver le'.inl t 'us tumil'l of (.c;;l l.-.-ii: ' i" 1 t. I ( ,1 .i:t of la" nuM v.; ! Ve ,::; lu ;ut !'. 'I V:;r! ; V i.'.t ;il l.,op i!:it v.l.i rn li" it t!f to it I,..'. v. it fro '.a-' elf laay be. 'I'nr iir :a: ee, la!:" n ta-r-nn L-r la ai' ir.'o having a friend ai ri vi'e'or 1 'av ii,; on no ocean Keamer in vv imn. M" Hin)ly lia i lo wain into till) htmn of onr ii,"i nt lu ii! uml kivo ihh order, l no orili r h at onco telerajilieil to iinolle-r n'.'ciit of tliu HhMx iation in tiio pla::e in re fne floweiH are to bo (b livcreil, nml there yon iirc. We havu comu to C!oe;e,'o fo perfect our rules arid appoint un u''i nt." Chicago Ilenibl. l.f s fa :. '1 t..c i r-.-l " i. i.r. '. v.l 1 n e I I , . !f lia ! ii-.e l"M r t: r. I v.- ,(:! ,m,.1 t!.t of t: -y ..:i :m t i ln'iio b. y, ad 1 1 tvi r i!..ii.i I al ..loirf.;;-.- " and va.-; it., a i I'o : ' iail(.u(4 Cil A l)i.tl. Who Ut Hmcd a Fortune. I Dr. (.lower, of Ui1:;liti!, curried In h'g pocket ft competency for life when 1:8 lel't ti.o lioiu.o on Wi'il-injjlinm teiTiua wilii tliu kiiowlc.lirii of r.iraell'a dculu ' fr I'.ii'iii 11 ili.-d ut iiiidni.,'lit, anil ti.a iloeior roiild have rea!i:vl af irluim by Belli'! ' till! exclusive IH'tt'i of the event to n;y of t'aeiii hur papern in' London u New York. ' - It w.iH ko vlii;n Oaiubettii died ut S in the lnoniiii. At midnight he wan prt nonncfd convaleiiceiit. Tliudeath waloli of repurieM wan relaxed. Yet one of them, it l'renchman, ineniber of a mnail IVri.-iiaii news lejency, came oul of a wine pi op at early inoniiii;; and saw it maid servant r.mi.iirr ar-n - the rius. "TIim mailer is i'.iad,"hhe culleil t i 'l.'iin. Ke htood ticre in jicat. pvrpl ::ii y. V'i v.'li'i.n aoi;!d hi' wll tlm liew.i? II la-ii ile! .In--, ;ve"U 111' Pari:!, London !r: 1 Srvi York ::MTh. He li:!a!!y cii'nli i tl '(':'. Li ol i ' 'i 1 tit 5 thin m in. ii: :." T'.. (.(!, .a';'!i n I e. Iv.' .v Yari: i i ,. at I i ickiiMe.t ii -fori 3, tin-re 1 i.- fiv Iim-im (ii.'V -I'-uce li- t iV.-: li V: n? .iii i Yi .it. JJaif n i'a;;e of iiccoiii- :'';, ' rv.-a.f h;v ' ! il.e .. i: . :. ;", ;i.il at t-.v.-a.y laina! i i tut :! ..!! ht-iry va;i on in way to the That nackipCoiifjli can KiMuick ly cure'l by Miiloli'H cure. We iiaroir.-e it, (-'or Sale by K. d. l-'ricl-.c niiil (.) Ilnyiii-r 1 nvi2si.I a -.wilaiclLia. !'u lani!:: too often jcni.it -.vivos, at'il r-ii-i-i,ls tlii-ir cliildi i n. to Miil'fiT j f-Miu 1.-..-a'!nctii-. ili.im-.-.;, i .en .'al-ja I i-i-,Jc.-s:ii-hs, tit n, t!ervoi:t-iies.stic.j( vhi ,i l,y tl,,. iirt,-(,t Dr. Mi!e' K"c. i !,oratie .ei vii,e Mtcli r'lTiinit rc. IhhI'h could ca.-ily be iitevenled. lint;:n'i-,H everywhere f-ay it e;iveil I universal s ;i-,iiUiii-tioti and ban an uimu-iiM- Kale. V. oo-l worth & Co., of 1 oi t Wayne, In! .'-.,;ov k C o.. of b ; J.C.Woli, 'ii-eds nf t a 'li ii ir; A Hermit with Million.. The coming novclint who will disKctt Ainericmi flinnicti r and hold it up to t!if wonder or admiration of the world will find h nnetliiii-r worth ntnilyiii in tlm life of the hermit of Now York an J Newport who ha junt died and left behind hiia the flO.000.000 benched to take away with him Ix-yond the uravo. For ten ye.irn Ediunnd II. kdienner horn had lived in a literally palatial i.'mmlon nt Newport, with hid g.tUu lockfd airainst all but his plmii ian, nrrouiidd only by wrvants, and living in parsimony which contrasted 8trane!y with his once npcndthrift ways. In my boyhood I had heard of him as the gay- t of fray young inon nbont town, hu-1 ofu-rwar-l aa entertaining the fashiimn- Lla world at lavinh fxpi-iie in hi Twenty-third itrM residence. Then, after awhile, be wearied of so- ciul tilcaauroii, drew more and more within hia cell, became a recluse ami ocholnr, nnd finally grew utterly unso cial. A bachelor of aeventy-flve when he died on Thursday, he belonired to one of tlm oldi-st of New Yorli families. Why the wild and luxurious bachelor leader of aoeiety liec.-imo transformed into the unsocial recliihe I one of the aecrels at which bis friends cun only ru'TS they albjre dis..ppoinluieiit in love and which tiie novelist can spell ont to luit hlmielf. rhiladeiphi. Lee-ord. The niirntlnc of I'.lf VIirnL The hiirntinij of the great fly whe I- or perhaps more properly the drivinj win. I in ope if tan it::!Ii of ..Iailclie.) fer, N. II., i'.Iiiftrai-t tho ever pre ent d.iii'er hiddi-ii In the. tuo. of liimlerii nut- cl.'.nery. Tii"r decs not ar-pear to lir.ve. been cart-h .sj in r i or i vi-n an accid i.t wkich mini caution or foresight couM l::.vo prev'-ntcd. Tho nntoiii'itic' uover ii. .r re ;i:!v ii tho ripply of i.t-aifi to t a ee: :,'.!!'! iienn to have b coiao t'ojjed, th ei:;;i.i! middctily tp"" !'-d v.? nn-1 t!:n rn at v.!i.el vai h -t v.-li ill I tit apace l!r.t teru it in 1 1 '.ei-'-s by tiio eiiorui'.i.s ci ll'.rifu :rl fait-e thi'.S trenerated, rc.tt :r-i.i-; tli" e-.tiru bra! !:n ( our the country roanl i.l.uiit mid era i:iu::and wiain.'.ii:;; t! o v.-r.si (' pie. This w !i--' l v.-.it forty fei t iii (liaiiieti r, with a face itlnifn-t wide, v.-i-rdiin I'.ft.y-livii lens nnd turn Jr;;, win a run ut tliu ti uu-.l and mtf" rat", fi.rly revidr.'i'i.'u ji' r luiniiU'. Lobtoii CouiUloav.ea'.'.h. Tilllei. julnt; (IiifiKi In Wiri Ifn ISim Nef er Horn. Wniij? f-'ie Kie taiiiii from IIoiitj-Kot"; to Autelica t'ireo years ajjo. Ue tarried not at K in Frit'tcisco or New Ymk, but f . leetcd Hartford us his n'.iiiiiiifr place.. Iiiniji-dialeiy lie ueiritu washing clothn, a:nl his atti-ntion to business an 1 his frood natured "Hello" to all visitors bnni(,'ht him I unity customers. Ho pros-cn-d so well that he thinlii ho has now mado enough to justify his return to China. Wonjr. will leave Hartford for Ban Francisco, from which port he will take immeiliato pitssuu for his beloved Hon Kon. Ho bus sold out his business to a consin, who has taken charge. His savings and the money he got for his laundry amount to f'.'.OOO, represi-nting his net profit after bis living exjienses have Iwa dedncted from three years of laundrying. Won", says his father and mother are living, and that he has brothers and sisters, llesides, he has a wifo In China, to whom he has been married since he came to America. His Imperfect English prevented a lucid ex planation of how this marriage occurred. Hartford Coiiriut. r is si ill 1U in-' on the pro ceeds of Ins "b. ;tL;" and tlw rendition of ( i Mil! .'t t.i'H ip-at 'i was ii'iihins to that of I'urneil, 1'ivvt Yur's Truth. knew. bottle :i b ll.e (.'-reutcs f.-JIer I! 1 1 ei ti i.-iitiH no o!iia'i iiii'l iii ii b(.or.-'t:i ' :, f.-i e id i". to l-.-ii;'; V7 jr.cJirf jl. .f.lv.-v.-.-.of Ki.fi). s, Kill: llefH ilale, eny: ever Tri-3 i otia Co'n .t ; in;. I -..1 ai.n : r - t.'i o rui : 1 o. i.m :. .' 'I.--, i uikc i I lin .V CU'l-l i.n ol re; iiv, vt-r ier, Yl'iis., eeneral :k .-i-. oral '' ii u'a ( d w ilh il ! to i.cal. aii'l htiif t'.llelitiotl edii.-. A Mime of -t ivi.:-1 r r n Tr ri -T-r - r i , r. m I' ,o"n'i, i-ri-i i; t: i I.. It. W hall.sjn, II. 8. U in -i .h v i- (.. i r'V - ,e1 e .-n-.t 'io...liinifiv 1.1 .U i In III crn. M 11 1 ..'i'J Il.fl I'crkltii hs bien ii "fiied fro-'t top t; 1. 1 w imp nf 'lie In- t lii'ti ,.V:.r 1 .!! be UkiT by tl r,() and up. tliurourralj u nul U iii 'liu st"te I 'ae wuuk at . i (el l'e. ) '.. ..a I . ' n s A i FICTID t ) I i to ; i Ci.: -rk-. ;-.! '-.5 i -', ' j r.'A -j-r...f, iw.ci' i.. 1 at.., i .'lAu'.n cc.ul-tu'j, ".o.O i o"!"-1! t l .-.t'lCiw )'.vi 'x-'.ii ct'i-1 lj tJ i.lli't' liU!.r'-..nt j.d ; t u ki c: t-.l w cm : H ' I Truck I.nail of Mnnrjr. Hid vrat ever k Iiuiid I:io!i-V than Vou - , - coi.Idc.irry? Coiaparativt-ly few peopio bnve, but mcli a i-:D-!it m.-.y tio oiteu wit ni.i ed in tint lower end of the city. As mi incident fo draw a crowd tho loitdin( of a tnn 1: with tilvcr is very potent. A ci.!.tiiM Inm o truck stoppvi l iti front of one of tlm Ilruadwiiy kii.'o deposit insli tin ion ye-.t'-rday and men wheeled out latlidcitrt-) leaded with kilver b:in whieli of in i-t'.-ed intothe truck. They look- .1 vi-iy pn-tty t'm bars, 1 me..u and i rniv.ls of l'-oi! r'upjuil ibii b tin' pr c.-S an I pa 1 r i.liiks ivmil th il ' 0 -i i v, : I--. ni eoar A finrror f Newtun. Sir George Gabriel Stokes, who is till he retires senior member for Cambridge university, is one of the most distin guished mathematicians of the day. He is an old man in the "seventies," below tho uiediuru height, with snow v.-hite hair and a very high forehead. Kir (ii-CiTh is president 'jf the Royal society, an ofllce which was held by the famous Sir Isaac Newton, who was alno memlwr for the University of Cambridge. These two iwnlliuns, which have never been held by onn Individual since tho time of Newton, aro now, after the lapse of up ward of two centurim, happily combined iu Sir George. To carry thn analogy further, Newton never once epoke in j ai'iiiuneiit, while tiir Georre, KUki)U;;h an n-e-i'luous sitter out of ib bateji, has during his five years of prirluuieuUry life raldre-.o-d th? lior...o o:i two or tlin e occasions only. It 1j not geni rally known that. .Sir Gi or'e t'.ik'-s Is c:i bi '.iin.-in. lli.i father, a r.i. :ii';;uisli' d gr;-. luate of Tri:.!ty -a!-! l'--o, v.as rector of licleen, about t.i vi li j liiib s from thu town of Kigo. Loiuloii ! ij'..ir. ttoiT tllaiii.. rttiuea Mnniiced. Tlm fire.-ii'-u of Cirihnii, Me., were railed upon to perform a feat r.itiier out of tl. i! usual liiex.f duty. Tim briil-;-arrof-s tii Ari"iFtooic river rocnrciiier t'.i') two ri c'.IoiiS of th" village burin-1, find lillhotl-.-li th'i adjacent bulldiirr:! t'l tho lnai.t vill-i-ie wuro ?avi"l lh"so on ill" oppoiiti) Mile of tho river, near 1 1 ic end of tho bridgi', took firo and were threatened Villi ileatruc'lnu. All of the firo apparatus was in the main villa..'", tlm brid : was de-troyid and there " TO riii biata Ut hniid. ACCOidoj' V the. liet dwiinnii-is in tho Cre company wire Hefted to fwiiii the river with it linn of h"s. 'i'lii-y ircotnplishrd the feat and got urn just in titnn to f n vent the de trnctiou of if.iil.ijoo worth of property. l'liih.didphia Lcl.-r. They l'. t n l)li Urns Told Tlient. A good tiiory is told ut one of the ho tels here about soma of the English di vines who are in tho city in atleinlance upon the iMi thodist ccnineiiicul council. It was notice 1 that nt thu hour set down for dinner on the card posted in each room giving the rules of the house these Knglihli preachers would gather about the doors of the dining room aud when they were oj,eiied would inako a wild rush inside, and to seat themselves hasti ly at the first table they reached and to begin to eat as quickly as possible. The landlord was puzzled to know the cause of this strange conduct on the part of his foreign guests. Inquiry developed the fact that these reverend gentlemen had before coming over posted them selves on American customs by readinq Dickens' "American Notes" and ".Mar tin Chuzzlewit." The scene in the lnttet descriptive of the effect of the hotel din ner gong causing everybody to quit whatever ho was doing and make a rush for the dining room lest ha should fail to get any dinner they took aa goiel truth and were governing their own con duct accordingly. Washington Cor. Cleveland Plain Dealer. I'Brnell's Itrotlinr. According to an Atlanta paper a seedy looking man. not quite fifty and wearing a discouraged aud colorless slouch hat, with a suit to match, stood before the bulletin board.i in Atlanta the other day to get a glimpse of dispatches alKiut the death of Charles Stewart Par nell. The man was John Parnell, a brother of the Irish leader, who has spent the latter years of his life tending fruit trees on a little farm seventy-five inilea from Atlanta. "I cannot believe that be la dead," said lis. "The only thing that makes me believe tho report is tho statement Unit he died suddenly. Tin ru v.-i-ri) twelve children in our fam ily, six of win mi are ib-ad, and everyone of the six died sudd-nly. Our sister Fanny, who died l.t-.t, was found dead in bed. Charles, and in fact all of us, fire subject to attacks of nervous prostra t.ou, mid if I d is dead Jis must have can. ed his death. II.) lived US all, nun but a short time ar-obo wrote lue a tins, af. r'iiuitu letter." iinva. , .-itid lb ;riil:.l !.;i!i!fi! f I l;iiier'n Hal li Wire Liiti-mont, tbe t:ii).-.; v.-oiiili rflil tlitii;;- rv r Haw- to Leal i-ucll voimil.s. lie applied it only tlnci' tini'-H nnd Ibc hoic was completed liciilcd. J.'ijinilly good for nil Horrt, cut, brun-n, and wciuhIh. p'orruile by all drugo iat A Safelnyostmont. Ic one which im niiiiruiitecd to brinjr you Hatifnolary icmiHh, or in ciihv; ol failnri-e a return o(piirchiine price. On Huh wife plain you can buy from our advim-nine Drup-fjist n bottleof Dr. King.H New Discrvcry for coiictiiiiption. It i guaranteed" to briny; relief in every ciihc, when used for any affection of Throat, LuniP, or chest, pucli n Coiihuui plion, Inlbiiiiiiiatioii of I.utij's Itron rhitiM AHthmn, Whoopinnf Coujh. CroupH.etn., etc. It is pleiisant and "arceable to taste, perfectly fafe and Trial bottlca free ut K. G. Kricka A Co' a DrutfHtori. A Cure for Paralvsla. Frank Cornclina, of I'urcell, Ind. Tcr., b.-ij-h: "1 induced Mr. 1'innon, whoae wife lind purnlj-HiH in the face to buy a bottle of Chauiberlain'a Pain Halm. To their urcat Bupritia before the bottle had nil been lined she was a preat deal better. Her face had been drawn to om; Bide: but the Pnin Ibilm relieved all pain nnd Moreneea. and the mouth asHiuneil its natural shape." It ia alHo n certain cure for rhouinatiHin lame back, ppraina nwfllinijH. and lamencHs. 50 cent botlics for aala by F. G. Fricke&Co., Drug-giata. Ciniii! Iliuk Aflrr I'mtynim Yenrs. A Missouri man leu his wife and went to Antral, i forty-oni! yi us ii ;o, whe'.i ;. ...i.i l ..o..el I.o .!.:!. .VI' .V d. I Ultifttf-ftliMl Hrpnrtln. In eonnecti-iu v.illi the sni-ide of Gi-n r.-sl Conlurtger, n f . at has been iiccoiii-pb.-'ued by olio of tho Paris weekly pit pi r.s which sltows to what p rfiic'.iou of di. patch iUi::.!r::U 1 reporlia;; has jriw 1h:i ii brotij.r.t. Cn Vi'e.iuci.Uy, on tl.c receptiDii of tlia r.ev.-s of the general' ic. alh, Tka Illn traliou e-at to I!ru--,-s.-ls two numbers of iu staff, one a draftsman, tho ither n photographer. On Th.i-ilay morning these artists had pholoiiruphed the general kin ia atute. an wi II in the hotel in the Uuu Aloiitoyer, and had even improvised a representa tion of tbr.Mv::-' in ti.a csnei. . y. They than bxik tho train, and arrived in Pari on the j.7m ibiy witrt all that was need ed for the illii'-tration of that dpy'si: sun of the journal. An inlere. liiii detail is lb. it the proofs of the photo'i hmis Wei 9 ta-ken and tho artista ibiiwiii:' e o--i:Led ib.tiu't tan liui.vay journey buck to i'aiii. 1. ' lu . ...o. i. Strerfitrt int Hesfh. If your ate not feitlint; strong and heallhy.try Klectric Uittcrn. ff "La (irippe" baa left you weak nnd weary, tine Klectric Hittera. This remedy tictn directly on Liver. Stomach nod Kitidy.V gently aiding thoHe ortr.'ins to preform their func- tioim. it you are aulioted with Sick Headache, you will liudcpcredr ana perintinent relict liy tuKinrz Klectric Iletti r. One trial will con vince you that thin i.-s the reni'-dy you ii'-ed. I.uive boitlcn only .ri()c. For t-.ile by I-', li. Frickei Co. Merit Win. We ('ci.irc to r.ay to the citizeiim, that for yi niK v.e Pave b'.-i-n n-lhnp; l)r. Kii!,',V New Di.-eovcry foj- Cons hi, in c o oi. Dr. Kiti.o'is New Life Fills Huci-.len'H Arnica h lnvnrrd Illectric .It'inr.i, aod b:ie never bundled tem.-iiiesi tlia! hell ;ts v.cll, or tiiat have oivin fucIi iii.ivi'ifal s.itisbic tion. V, c do not !o .-'tt.ile to oiiar tiutel fbem every time, and we otand ii -n!y () i-cfuinl the (i:r;-iin:'e price, if n:it::-af;.( lory rc.tuli:'. do uot follow tltire there ii.-ie. '1'bes.e rcir.diea have won thi i i' rrnal j-oiiiibu ity purely on ilii-rr niei ilf F. G. Fricke A: Co Drt'-vs'latrt. r'oirie of the most KturtlinrTi in ter.tiii;r dicovcrii'M of the life nnd cuMoiMa of buried Ktrypt are now bchiir ii'.inje through cxt'-nivccxca-vuit-oni. i'lieht! iliscowries pre exc.iiinor n jrroat iiil-rest. Mnny I'.iei'OverieM a re, f'owever, bcinj in. .ill' in our country that are re marknble, iimonir which we may mention that of tialler'st I'.iin Para lyser v. hicli rifecttt entire relief, nnd in in. lay cases! u complete cure of tlt.-.t 1. n iblo disca! I 'iit-iiin.itieiM, r::i.! v, liicll ..'i-'i i i-lb-vcH pain oi nil kiiiil;j. I'or s-u'ii: 1 y all (U i:;.;;'iial.s. I .. . m H i( -i'i i w-t-v i 4 A - .. ii. l i I . 1 1(1. I . I . Mtih'i'Vtrk's. ! y . 6-4 Iff mt aWwil 1. 'AUt. PIANOS Vlorma abowinir tnlelnrca ianoi and loHing about Uiata f "iL""- - - a'VV iJD FllKIi Our paUnt BOrr -- awear, mabtig the riano f "V ana Hopping tu an- 1!tr :t' vrsni.j i. - -in ltT- -'-, I )f iirai lihiriij. j. : ,e OLD TUXO.S in EX- 1' IE, on EASY FAV- p H. and aend Tianoa ON AP I A A 4 LV -.',- a ,?(-(a. -t I I. of it, intra', too, II.-i.ill. , but ii w.ll S po-.- -e .tOII f'jriitij.) it will iu silver doil.un. Nu-.v Y'o. k i n. i i.a i nfit-r l-'i.'-l-i !-' uti and a veiy siiu.r l ,' AL to Le roturned at our ct 4 for rllw frtiorlita if riAt J -.-..UV, J,..' ttisfactory, crca Uiouh you vs ti Pont! Piano fa,m&m Triinv.el kt AliltMivtli. L-i-d T .i.i ye iy i r .bbvort'n N in. draw in),' toward a it! i-, but he w ill not le return Uig t F.irrii.gfonl for some Urn, or tour weeks, lb) has not for (.nu t yirs bt-u so Mrotig and vell in ho is at liiiH uioui 'ut, and there Is no donbt ( ia I heard a fncud of his remark) that th" regular perlisliital ithsnt'en from the mild climate of tbe Lie of WL:Ut to t'ua bracing air of a ooantry lying bOO fuet or tnorn abov the te level hava bad much to do with Ids smaring Tlgor of body ami nil ud. Ho has as nsual been con stantly entert."inbi;; vbltoni from Ms first reaching Aldworth, tha latent being Lord DuflVrio and Tieodore Watti, who Lave tut Ja it lot t. London Globe. KsntK of Three Clilldrvii. An Fryptian f.nnily lately arrlvea in C.lai';', Uie father to work at the World's fair. Iuvj a n.lall sa.i r-rmrn I thy bsve u-.-i.'l Ai -'b-' i Liueoln 'Let y. i oj !- '-i.i.-rcl..; jr. a : X . d i Tuai. the l.-.ypibia f-r Kt.ir, nn-1 Vic tor lli'iro, l.'ti !li t bey was bora in Paris. Uonluii Trun.icrl.it id i h H a i lyous inei'tir.;; 1-et ve n hti.biai I wtto so 1 m ; i-pf.r-it'-d, bt.t ii".-o l I.i." iilv roi'iit'sl. Str-i'i'M t s.v, wil'u had lived slngl't all tin '0 inr.i.y yariwilh t!: tilta I. -i" i f r-tco i.. i i s. i ii. jf la i- liii..i.ii,.l. Tii'-y iii-e both undo p-;.t r u, 1.. ! i';i -..ud of cevitty eur. iCxchane. 1)14 Two t'iullnli Tliln. An erring bro"r r in Veratont got nu ill open Keetir.g and lr.ade the following con.'i"iiyn: "lln-thre.i, uiy consciencH compels tno t' confess that when boil in dowu my sap in the spring I pnt into tha kettle two bnckc-Uof water and sold tha sugar at the umo price aa that nutde from pare aap." Congregation abst. , A fcoll'l Tralu f Uxani.' A solid traba load of Lans, twelve Cftriiuds In all, left Kalhoy, Oil., re oeutiy, coiuitttied to Cbio-io by tha Far mara Alliaoc of Veatnra comity. Tbo truin ran thTouh lo lu destination as a sptoial train. ...... .' .. . From n-p'iit" it wot: Id app. -t t'.it't tho f.ilecf l! ..--,l's t''ir;-e at Cn-. i I Pre is no lof-'r a ltiyil.ry. Mr. V.'. C. Arvbi b.d i, whi'u cul'.i ,: aw..y a s u.dy kti-j'l n'lo.tt t AO mil. .s w,-: t of tlm v.il:5's fit .'od,..li. , ctii-ac ii, oil what is P.U'p w 1 to be t!."i rtui ii.i "f tho aveient ti'-i'.k-!'. It sit-p, r rlar ttbo,.t tone i. wi of soil. Fouiii!ati.n s'oues, chnrooal aud kl-tg wi-rn di.K-oiered ill Urge quauti JeH, si unlets th Aes'lirn fJrnnd Pre could bostt of mure thnn one i uiit'ny, this is la all bkeliltood the spot where l)siil lived and worked. It looks as though Wolf v:l!n waa tl.o l-.vt.trt of tiie anricut village of Grand Pro.--Nova Scotia Bulletin. I V r m: gb you liv COOO xu2o8 itij. Wii'.o ns. Maonlo Temp!o, lli Surnt Wkj. First Outer I didn't buo you lu bath ing tli.s hkasoii. : . :..! V - !.'o. '. !.. t I v,..ut a la.U 1 gj catioeit'aj. Uc-'d f ,'.vs. A- ay Is no v Imiiitr balll from La P ., in lliii-.it, lo to hi'l.piiirUis oi lb liiar Madeira, in lirajil, which is tin) Litiin trib.ila.-y of tiie Amazon, thus Itivinga waU'r outlet for tho Lolivuu products, ilouey (u tl lunoniit of $23,C'.2 aud checks and notes to the Value ol $1,471, t71 wer found In the (1,000,000 b-tfers r : la 1 (' a I l.-tt r cfibto la.'t Tlia lata P. inker Jamas II. Mead, of fl'ieboygan, Wis., In lis will, bwudea a beqneiit of $20,000 for a publlo library, Inft tlO.(KK) for tbe erection of a hall wherein tha boyi of Sheboygan may ln dulgo in iunocflut f porta and pastimt Arnold T. Jahu, who mcently died in Chicago, was tha sou of Frederlch Lud wlj Jahn, tha founder of tha now famous Tun Venins ard in hia day one of tha gi at A t of Guiujmu patriots. Tbe govo-rnraont propowss to build an other Umber dook In the navy yard at Brooklyn, the accommodations of tlm ethur two docks being Insufficient. It Is to be about WO fct in lngth. Four years agoa strange birthday pres ent was rvoived by charlns Kittleberger, i f F.t.i Fi.oii. Isno. It was a eoClii, and th" other dv he win burled in it. " Vr. M. 1-. T!n-in . 1 r- '''. ne ,, ; i J i- ; ! c! a 1 1 ' i i. '. ; i -lie (lirs.-r lie rayn: t t ' tti'-.-t it v.-.m net ere; eo in ;-li m, t'ltit 1 : ..ji 1 it would end in;- li,.-. About s veil ye.'ii i-.r-) I cl -ono ' to pro !!, a h il l'.- oi C Ituio'-i'i biin'3 el!c, Cl")ie;it an 1 Pian .ioi a ' .'.MOCil ,. J t I " !' ' .'"! Oil "-.'i-'f to.ij 1 I'l-ltevc cured me penttaneiil-!)-. aa I now cut or drink without bar. n nnytbiii;; I plcine. 1 lutve Iho nofil it in f'y fuiniiy with l!ie lie.it reevltt. For pale by F. G. l'rickie & Co. n-ti vi rv Wonaerfut Succoae. "Two years a'o the Duller Prop. Co,' ordered their bottlea by the boa now they buy by the carload. Anionfr the popular and aucceneful retnediea they prepare is Halter'a Saraaparilla V Hurdock which ia the moat wonderful blood purifier known. No drug-inst heeitatea to reromniend tbla reotedy. For aala by drnftgtat. Window Barrelt'a Rlasa at Rl-taurnatlam Curad In a Day, "Mvatlc Cure" for rhciiinntiaiii and nenr.i!ia radically cured in 1 to 8 days, ita action upon the ayah-m ia reiuurknble and ivy tt-'riouii. It rc inovea at once tbe cauac aud the di aeaae immediately dinanppcura. The firat doae greatly benefita. 75o Sold by F, O. Fricke, Druorifiat. wt I b ow a A tf Vn). burner v t. D t - ..'-.. v, ..