The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 03, 1891, Image 2

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5 I
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7 T'" l':HOS, Pubii"-licit
htr -. I.'.y. ami evdj
- l-'-.'tiiui'iiti. ?.. p -t-.
iii ! .nu.'li t'w I'. -K mn-'.t
C? HIV ill c r -,-:.? r.c-.'.
O'li i-m-ier Viu
t'MeJitiuiii. M.
nil l-'iliti -.nvet-.
Tl.;. Fi'H .V Ki KI.V.
ills ee-r-T, ear .' In n lv. .ee . .
line e(. ;v, n, k' ---:r. it .ti'iiii
ihle '",, k, h'iiiiif, U: ;i ! .c.'.'-.i .
."I '
. 2
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M l VII 4
A Denver Doctor Describe His
Delightful Trip to
Sandwich Islands.
Sailing Over tho Flacid Bosom of
the Paclflo In a 3.000-Ton
Ocean Steamship.
Sighta anl Scene in lH BaauiiTul
Inland of Hawaii, lha Parnjika
of the Fscilie.
Dr. V. II. Hetts.of this city, who
with his wife hat) just returned
from a pleasant live weeks' trip, the
principal objective points of which
were San Frauciaco and Honolulu,
was neen by a News reporter j ester
day at the doctor's ot'lioe, U1S) Seven
teenth street, and aHlted to give Ja
brief outline of the more important
features of his visit to the land of
Kalukuua the Hawaiian paradise.
"Well, I've eeen a good deal dur
ing the past five weeks, and I have
thoroughly enjoyed all I have seeu"
replied the doctor, in answer to the
reporter's first inquiry. "Hut the
most gratifying portion of the trip
is the marked improvement in my
wife's health, as it was mainly for
her benefit that the journey, was
undertaken. She comes back fully
recovered from a long and neverc
illricss, mid though we visited many
places of beauty and interest 'there
is noplace like home,' and we ore
both decidedly glad to get back to
dear old Denver once more.'
"What do you consider the most
enjoj aide portion of your trip, doc
torr" wa aked.
"That would indeed be difficult to
nay." replied Hie doctor. "San Fran
ii'iu in i.oi new 10 ine L-y any
nit-iino, uu 1 was in business there
live years, uo, hinco wl.'u h time
I'nTe h ue been comparatively few
changes. liut San l-'rancirco is
lu auiinil city, whether one visits it
for the lir.-t or the hundredth time
.1 . . . r i .
inia M.ij w mi)' icugui tiiere is
always,- inlcrci-li.;"'
I engaged in jractice tin re
neaily to j ears, an J us I have (
cided tofstublisli branch ohices in
fill the prini'iial cities in ;!k' L'nileil
iiuicti, i rimii certainly J,,; J it to
my interest, I think, to include San
I' ran Cisco in my earliest seitctioiis
for a new oflic-, w!:ci I I::iiJ place
in charge of one ol my best trained
and most ikdlfu! asnir.taiit physi-
"And you say San l-riuicinco has
Jiot improved much of late years:'"
"Compa: ativi ly little. Five large
buir.CMi Lhvi kri, now i.i of
flection, about t!n only iui
portarit irnprocmeiit.4 I noticed,
Ihoti-j-h in tin- newer suluirhan
(ll-ll-.'-'J 'I ' . . .... ,
ancl other lji!i!diu"H nn1 trtun-r m,
1 iioliee.l hundreds of vacant
hou-e.s, ornaiiii utevl with 'for rent'
card.-, thi rents for ordmary roi
h i;r.-n raiig.n- ir : i Jt I t..j!l pi r
iijonili. It in i r.iaci-i'.'o i- grow-
i.i ; u m .,, .,...! ; . i,iit ,
i i.-i a I
pretty fair si.ed cily now, having a
j)opuiatwH ol about i nit).
".'-'oitie n'iion i ur l.ei:;g male
in the c.djle lim 1 and ihe lii . I
electric line in the city Is no.vt.r ing
ha It from ri;.r!iet strei'tto Siirny.
id u iievv n i -l.iion to t!ie city.
Ga.uoli.ig at tie; block exchange,
hn.v-v-r, i.-i;- lively as rve:-,
boarding homir in prietioi K s,
-. a .1.
d i lt
( i . . I i i i
tir 1' " 1 1 1
' J !:;' tti. roh; f.f vi'"
:1 w lufH (..,
i.'. i.nvay t .ti, g
1 .
i.i' j ll cr
:' ii ;
:' .
of i -.ify
: i
' I -'.-b..t
te in lit nvir.1
. 't v j,-; .: j !
ii ri
lti't: i
(.... e ,
I .'.:.
-!it, I
!i:it it wouldn't, mil mi', It's pretty,
li f run: K1 ' Jill- tV IIS .1 idctll' C. lit i 1 1 lilO
iluwaii.iii islands art- very prettily
ni.-Ufti of in the tioulu as the
j.ara !:-: of the l'aoilie. lhit they j
don't know anything nbNt pirU
and en let -prise doivu thei.. ror
my part 1 prefer business to beauty j
ot landscape, ami the bustle imJ
roar of truhie to Icily bowers ami j
shady a11 H"r ol
hohschm- Do you know I ucti:al!y
contemplated opening n branch
o:iice in Honolulu, provided the
conditions were favoi -able, but J
hadn't been at the w lia. f halt uu
hoiiiMtn'il i ea-v t'.i-iv was no
U i.'.nv lor a proiiiabL' I . a - i f i c i.i locality, ami I ii.-.oi'iliu,;ly
devoted my entire tune, i.i aft, i-otil
and ockeibuoli to li.e p'li.-ait id
.l.'.jr ure. Any re...-.i:i i'de ios-u
can have a whole lot fun in
; ,'n.i ,'u.i.l mill l."t iiiyn ki
i:v. r i:.ii ',;on i-i'.i.rr i.i
Ii.r h.i. iu'.e.i-j aaiii-eaieai."'
..ii i, . .... ; . :-...i
go fiv.iu San hrani'i-eo.'
"A L. nit six days. We went on the, one of Jpreciiei-' famous
:i,-..) ton steamers. auJ fchoi lcni d
tiiue by weveral hours; travel on
the Pacific is a luxury compared
with the stormy passage of the
tenipesKtmi" Atlantic.'"
"What is the population of Hono
About 'J.",10j, composed of Ameri-
.1 . I,. I! . .
cans, tngiisn, -jermans, liananM,
many Chinese, and natives. It is
the capital of the Hawaiian Inlands,
and besides being of considerable
importance as a seaport town has
foundries, michine shops, planing
mills;, lumber yards uud every re
quisite for carrying on on extensive
manufacturing, btiilc-tig and ship
ping trade. They have some good
business houses there and a num
ber of very creditable public build
ings, first rate hotels, good restaur
ants, tine drives, excellent climate,
and the city is well supplied will
good water, while the streets are
well lighted. The palace is a baud
some building, with delightful sur
roundings and well kept grounds."
"Did you see the queen?"
"No, the queen was sick very ill
indeed although the report of her
illness ws contradicted here. She
was not only ill, but dangerously
"Did you visit any other portionc
of the island except Honolulu?"
"No. As I said before, Mrs. Hetts'
health had improved so much tiiat
I wasforced toyield to thejiressin
demands of my business here at
home, as well as in several other
cities where I have branch offices
ana l was lorceii in shorten my
visit considerably less than I h:i
originally intended. And besides,
there was an utic-iinfortahli
amount of ralher sanguinary revo
lutionary talk there, and I w'asu'tat
ail H.iiioiis to p"e a:iy red handed
carnage just theu. The Luvdish
and America:! men-of-war were
holding theuinche i-i rr-rCuess to
act promptly uou t;ie ; t syuij
toais of any urio.t- oiubi euk."
"1 suppose thev have some h.ii
residence there:"
"Oh, not particularly line. Sev
I . r . i , . .
ei.uoiine j-.:iguii a-i-l rtne-r Can
merchants have built rather pretty
I - M I ...
large irame, wMu-
mostly and surrounded widi groves
ol piilin, tig uud eocoanut trees
rgiving them quite u striking uud
picturesque iipjiearance."
ii::i'K.Nsw kot men.
"How about living expenses'?"
''Juite rea-ionable indeed. Dur-
ing our si.-iy mere my -,v:fs r.r. i I
stopjiedat the Ila.vaiiaii hotel, u
really nipeib three story building,
which cost about tl.Vfij mid wi;l
li( commodate liOguents very com
fortably. The best in the land
grated the table of tn i.o.-ii. ;ry,
au1, con i i- I---- it..,
eac.j, vi ly i . , .s,,r ,
lite Koyai palmv. v.-hich xr.-.a bud:
in 1. u! a cost of i'thh). ami were
shown the i,-.itc a,.:i t,n wiih
tl.eir tre:wtire, vnrls of i,r1, tc.
oui uie !'!!' 4 ol ine -pie n re-id
eel rjn-i . v,.j 1, i..r
. . . i . . ...
"And lii.. inhabitant i.-"
"Thenalive me a brown i kluned,
iutcilig.-nt, j,e u-rable .-ii-oi-.u i,ig
people, with honeat faces, good
toia:n ami graeeiul movement.
The men usually adopt the imgliHli
Hlyle ,f dress, while the women
wear a looe Ottii.g g,ir;P
what like a 'Mother Hubbnrd.'
They are a methodical pcpl.
vnoe g..d latc i. .!,ow in thf.
':r;-ri.;-:i.e-it and dctiiralion of
v ' r
" y -I'- f,;,.J ,f
love trees ti.J fl,WPri Bn,j j
: iiom the ;..u I
" ' II! I
"1 lii -ir jnlilU
h.d n:i;;!it be
! ;.' -hi.. 't
ei ;
i '
I M,l,;;
j I-"-' b-i-hi
' i lel-il tl"
' he j r i).
1 i-lllit-r f
it WoldrJ he , j.J , -t.
- . ..iuii.cte-1 ai I voahl !
'i' lilt V i I ' i! e. ,,.,! .... I .
!." i' --o-id
: : t tj 1'.,.
. of enh
-i'- '. I'i I! ,.
a ho; e ad o
.1,. t
the lr
' 1 1. . i in tir.
' id 1 V lives
i-V, btlhtli:!',
liul Ci'.i1 !
a 1U ' j,
nil lVuvi r l!e
'.. i :ii',e-l cf
-tl.i' proa I Jui i n l it)
" - Dr ft vit Ne w .
-'Hint unil I'm Slulim iif Mtirrlj- 1 '
A few eventP'.-s ;i;-o I T''k t'i"ft- r,
with a piirty i iiatui ih-t.-i, to H.-iiine's
lrialid, us the electric fkhts lit t'..e tup of
the litatr.e i-vs kanivu L utiract :n:'.'..i
tit li-s of l'itil-, every S rin- nml fml.
Tliero liad li 'v;i c.iiil "eiitlier fur a f.-w
il,-!) bet' -re, it n 1 ic.i 'lions of bir-'s were
luiiTj-iii;; hoiitii. Ve cl-tahifd s ': v ir,
mi i .-ciit ui) d) t iie t i aii.t t I ; ); ;y i f
ti.e Hiitue ui.d v.-iili: d. Hie lii ;'it L'.ul
let far M lv,iii :i-1 Wei ll nil tie; h.-,ivein
st-eiiii;il to ls.-te.Liu full of wimM. . h;.-i
prij'liicc-d a ti-:n;i": t i.f vi:irri;i.. Found.
Tli'-n eatiiif the c :''mf ! ',". leaders, n:u
t ;. rm- e:t n-) cl -.f.'.r tW.-.t I ! l
U'b.iid fur l .dl' a i, :l- t::reti;-!i t!,-..
i-'nria. Tin- re -j .i..' is v'.-ni f:' ii-i r ta in
the n-'ruhn-" cr,"i, luit tin-y were quit-
d-. I.. w e'. j- i.'t df tin- culls, ul
l -, W-K t l ti l the fl ll h 1 te.-etaer,
f-r, i.s "ii'.l 1 ha h'-en t:iiii:;:':i roie;
I.U.MM i t n ..'..t.. y...i I
drivin r ui--n on th-brea.' t of the etorn.
t liiit calm! I: iir tl-s Hatlli' linvi red
arouml ths li.-;l't in laras i-I.tIkh, hut
B'liaeof tiieii) struel; n;:.iinst tl.-! bronz.
or Ktune. There were s.-nnlpipcn- t.f
every Lind, tin;;, j i .1.; us tlu-y
wetit; gulden Willis i.iul other Wikhj-jK-ikers,
with their loud and MtLer
himiba cries; warblers of every kind
and their -ugrmlinvi run thrmi'u a wide
Cnraut of onndsllir-irliiii, robins.
me.iiiijw larku, unthatclitrs una conjriv
(jatioui of bolHjliuks filled the air
with hurrlcne of lovtly ciusio u they
wept by. Sometime a huge black
cloud passed alon, and the rdni-u-a
hnwed that they were blackbirds, tut
rVy did not dinner m they do on the
edt;e of the forest.
The leader made all the noise and
preserved order. 1 know not how many
Butte went by or teal, wood duck, black
duck, meriratLvrs, curlew, snipe, plover,
pewea, phoube bird and what not, but
oeme could tniaUke the kintrfishera as
they went, with their aculdia laughter,
through the dark.
We caught a score or ao of the birds
In nets and in onr hats, and kent them
till the moraine;. ftr which we re
leased thein. And all through the Bight
bats chased and feasted upon the silly
moths that gathered around the pikes
af lectno flame.
A large nnmber of birds lay dead
upon the giutt in the morning, liaviug
.truck the atatne. Harper' etkly,
A Stamp Fad.
"It make Ol wear."
"It the most aeuaele M in
The poetofflre eleik wer.t on, "Some
fool ass dineovrred that the most on-
Cainlj' placo In tiis world for a pwtae
tamp is in the middle of the bock of
the envelope, where the flap ia glued
"I see.""
"It' a f.vd now. Ton mnxt stick yonr
itainp in the middle cf the back of the
"Like ponjtia plnster?"
"Exactly. Oil, don't the tarop clerlu
ragel They lose hours (if time turning
over letters and bunt i n g for st.impi.
I'll ret -go if fbe ft .ol Liiler dot iu't get
to work."
"M it be very annoyin-r?"
"Weil, I ahou! 1 myitis. For lieav
ru'sniike don't i-pread tiiis nwfni feeer. I
npJ-OrX next tie) iuliUl 'il l:l h' th'i p.h.l
;; MatiipH in; 1-T a pile df l.ricl.s, uud
fi';iect the th i t- uo out and di' 'eta
up!'' New Vei V.'oril
A Club of firean Travetera.
A mmiVr of i;"iilh uien in Ia-'ia,who-e
tiuKine:) or pleaniir culls tia-iu fre-m-ntly
to Ln;,..i.l, formed them
u Ives into whi.1 may be teruud a tiav-e.l-'rs
tu-oiier-ii,ve ii-Aociutiyn, witb the
abject of 1 a ei..n the e;;.en-e of their
Toys-,;es to it: nl from the esut. The f-ur-Kriitioa
to tin oc-an chib is to be U9
rnjw-en, psyi'iltt in monthly uiMiilim.-i.t-,
of ten rnptsi, thern U-ln-j i atinnj
psyment. and ineta!-jr will hare the
pririley of a fr"e retnrn p.f-e otve
in three yeun, payi.irf ti!u;iiy for tt.e
1. o tUm'.m ,.A - I 1 t
---- - . - - w. -- V t... .. . . ..... I tu -i
a mi-Uilier c it be U to Uke liii torn
when it ci inej ruun-l, Lu ir.n ae'l (d
jvss;e ticket fur anytain, be c.n (ft
tor it, not e -.eoerling tee tots! cor.t of
memis-iliip. A earner re; .-te wit!i nil
the litt.-at itnprnTeifi'tnia is to lie built
'p- T.iiy kr lac .och.f.o:i, find il U
ltr ,;ivv,l i,,,.t t , i :A j inruef to t'nU
j i'.'..ti... a' ie i. !. .1 Ia J .li.'.aly, l -.'.J.
j i.e v ii uioa V'..intii--!;i:i l.twiwiloou
' i.,,elil. lLiiou
C-ir. iluuch.-ier
T...I.. Y.i la H-; It.T t.
Mr. J. T. jii' iiiit Lai isrti'oB to
riu t ie te'il h.vr r. tori in
i 4. til; iia.., i,i i .i i or I.a.j of the
nl.'.ciali ure, I'L j 1...U, fond of hnnlinj",
t'l" enliven atioii naturally turned to
t'.ir t ; .
I t r i ::r:?of the elite of the w.tVr
in ti.e murh-H, Mr. Vfiu:elink ild that
w'.fiiin s f-iy year thi le.vel of Lake
Lrie Ij.mI btvii r;.h.i cd two feet. Iir,
Wauieiiuk eiui'aeied the opinion that
the periQitaeut loweiin of tile waler
!ovl was !ue to (as c.iitslHiit inereiv-e in
the ranuuri at Nin-,'rj faju, which p.:r
mitteil a ereKt-r volume of tvst.-r to
ovi-f the f.-!K L ti of the ii;ii?.i..n
t'u-.t. in oi.l.T to pi.erve the pro) it
I'sxe f t v.t'er in t's i h k..j:v i f ll e 1 1';,.,
woul-1 yt t b- urnu iieei-a,.ry fjr n
u'.-jerni t-i ri-- 'h-Iti-I of tl-w yi.f-art
. t . yr . ... , .... ,,
f...r. 1.
i A
ilii!"l tnal it
v:.M ha
J ia i I.i..' f
l. ..i.'i.
t l l
,i ir..,'.; Icwl
; r Vj :-(-, cii
iii ! 1.-...-I r !.:..!
i"l. .I-Vf :
Wve.iih t'lg K-id Snvnu L. ai.
F l l iy ti l at I iit a K4r I. aou-dir; t J
C. W. P. IU
d L,;iV9 bil tu to hUer of
i f.i I ;tl. -. Lu i 'a i ,;v..;y
,. 1. let l' ('.l e...!,!l one
U hni if -vn v-'.l f.-.-u-tl 1 ;-i Is
y.. t . ,,. s. t" t.i ,' 1 1 ' , '!" o
I ; '.,..,.. I'.'.
C-.-s lit. ) iUny.'ir
M.i i,-i..t; Weil. Live
. tOfiB lt
hi i;iy'K C'reaai 1'alni
cai, ami have r -
at. out
i nuin
in tr: m e 11 a
iliim-VVU s; cial c.i.-i
I h- ., i, mi. -a: s il
.-i d c:i itr : h.
r to i.i r in
i's tlx- l.e-l leini thai
1 h
. in r loci!.' llnr L- x j a ! n i
it u here p.i-'lii ; Coll tit lied its
( lie-, er ti' tl" to cun. J. 11.
r ii i ; i, nil ; ty, I o., Hi tiggn .". Uc-
.i v:, i., I. ui a.
hen 1 tie an iiriitg Y.'k Cream
l!i.l:ii in y eat. ui h Wi.H : ;-i. I 1 bad
headache tii" n'.M'h" time ;md ilin-
ill; -'d a l. r;-i- :i ini.m t of liithy
I'mtier. That has iihuot-t entirely
disi ppeared and have no! had head
acr.e M'ieiice. J. Nn.. mi l s, Stephnej'.
Ji.S"rTTr. t'"'" " I'."', 1 Ti
m , in t.i r tlrj i II i I'
? in
wlntl I i:i.i', )u-i ulw a s ttcia U f. 1 uluaj
"'ic'-lic: "Iil'.'i't 1:ii-it: I e'-r'-iHIv ,!n not
Ii. t .e iii-v ei
in i
Jl.Mli. ! " ' - I. ie
fur tiiuiucl. J1'-1
.hi, i.t
i .' v nw nh
il hp '...llli:itf'.
t .-11-.
irlHinut nnv teacher t '"' en me tntlie re-rue
irlii-n Ml" lll t- .'f t-i'l'i -t ler lU'Wltterl. L.
.i -'i-i-l'.fily. tei l i.oi'ii.iu., we ure nil mil ruv-
lit in ini'V ot ii i -r i '.ia-In Mi netli ,ii ; 1 lieurtl
J'nil ledllta 'I'iiiii :t I .utie insl I'lenillli Im-f
ill i-liiti muita in.iiiKi in iil.iVtiii' t'U lAil;
rim i---n in 'it i.ti i.ll liii- ti.i -I 'tin'.' niid
Ennmv Jtmi la ijniai :e, Hiit ireutiisUni-ti;
-oil til. rX iui tutiiii linly; an.) in Uie lust
nrnai )-i-u imvij i,aenieti-i,in iietiaii.owiiiff.
T-uileli nie. tit y our -hy-ieiili-iil!tirei.x,.ri i-i-rt.
WiH're ili )oii if.-t all ot your litliiriiiMUi.a
fruto in I'm I (Hit i ul-nl I bo Huy plkiLV luf
Tun tifver ft l III i ay."
Kate: " Why. Ji-iitiie, yon will tr.iko me
Tmn. I have only cue annreir tif iiifurtiiHtioii,
hut It m iurir.iii( Imw it ni--u kll trunt. I
very w-lilnm h"nr of Hnyilnn' new tint lmt
Itiu next lew 1 iji liriiiK m (ell lnferniniinn
on tha lnlitvu Miniiet No) Miikhiii-
Ami a (nml tron'tiru It in to till all. fur it
r-illy t I'm mi'ling f..r tco ahola
tmii-eh-il'l : (Hiher liMirlifii up Mi niiirnriTia
timl Iw luu taken It yinra, ai hit Mtia thll
niio itlc iDnrv mnl U-tur In 1- i iiiaiu.n on
Ilia tiiliV-eU nl tlio dtiy; an-l nmllu r mis
Hint It ia luot ttmt miike ber mi ll a (nnnnil
ii.M, n l.-, si n:'-"- tin." it Is
the only rwilly riMii.T nuivii;.:iH. tiuliliilieil,
M we fiavo w-nt lnr mntil-i nf all ol tli.-m.
amltlinl that win la all l r men. mil her ad
fur w.nioii, nut anmlier fur ehlMirn only,
Willie tin mis lull oiery one nf liii so we
only twi ti tukv tin initeAil of aeveral, an4
that l where Ilia -H.-am.iniy romii In. lor It Is
only $.") a year, t'erh-ipi yon tit in at 1 am
Vo lavuti In tuy inilei Imt I will l.-l you at-
our, or. belter mil, newl III rent tn the nib
lUher, W. JennlitKi lietnomt, 15 ljuit Kth
Ftreet, New Voc, fur a eiiiv, anil 1
lull alwayi oon- iler that I hire dune yon
a -Treat favnr; and may tynu will tieciiUina
ui out, aa you my we have the reputation T
tlns the b-it Informeil fttmlly in town. If
that he ao, It 1 Ucouiratt'l t aiali abkyaiu
Ual doss 1LH
A fibenil ofter only Jffl for
and Demorest I-'amily Magazine.
ET'Pend your rubrcription to this
The Leading
i .
Con.triltlf kreii on I, -let everytliui
yon nr(d tu furnirli jvur Imun.
Plattsmout - :cb
jiiki: s:jni:iiU,u a i
Viift.'lt .a. u l'ii..avii.tiu eiif i r
V. Hton, l-uey, Mitcliiiie and
It ':. ...i . ' I
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well sMisfieci ift
&MSTA f.i Wz. : .. a'lis
Bvcrythins to YiirnUh Vour House;!
i-R f? 1 T tt.-.l.l. l. t I 5
Having uurcha-ctl the A. V.
Main r-trcct where lam now
er than the cheapest havin;j
of new goods ever hro'iht to
and l'ut nilurc of all Kinds sold
f q vmm $ C2
A full od Complete hue of
Drugs, Medicines,
I'rrsf-ripiioiH Carefully
A Cure f-r Ailments cf Man and Beast'
A I-jnj-t.::.c-.! ;.-.-. i r-.! c. v.. C
Its t-'j is ;.'.:; ". itnivcr-.-l 1;.' the Housewife, the Farmer, the i ' -i-.uxi:
kai-ci, I y every one requiring an effective'"-'--
ImiiiKnt. ,
J'o other anpl-K"i,.i'i' compires with it in efTtcaq.
ThLs s.!l-l.r.ov,n ic'iiciiy lias ttood the test of years, almott
No m-"J:cin i3 coinplete without a bottle of Mustaub
Occasions arise for its u-e almost every day.
All dru;;;;ists ami dealers have it.
1 3 Lr&X-zs
' , -,i N.--ijiii,.').-'i..:. ji....;-j ri.i't, ' '-e,
. Svx'v? THE POSITIVE CUriE. f-i r
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Wcokbach store rodrn on
locatetl I can sill goods cr
jiM put in the largcet rito.
tin city, (jaeoiine 8tov6
on the installment plan.
V tt-k-af-l ai.a. a.a. . l'
i. T. iltbll A,. - I
Paints, and Oil?.
Compounded at nil II oi
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