The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 03, 1891, Image 1

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    TIT -
ill . i U
7 (i-A If
it yyll - i
Wis f Wti a5l
1 T
1 1 i
n U
wo f
f )
: jsolutely Pure.
Scam of lartur baking powdrr.
' 1st of nil in leavening strenth.
.vest U. S. Government Food Ke-
: li-N-T-IS-T :
Bl. Blcinwartiia'.rillietlA firths piHilru
jltiirilnr uf twill.
Fine Gold Work a Specialty.
SMkwood niurk ruttimoslb. Veb.
A. N.
ttnraiT M.w. Will irl prompt ittllo
to all l.uHif Mitnwled t him. oriloa I
Usloo bluck. Knot Hldn, I'lstumoiilh, Nub.
nlr P nf m . f Miry rlbbt'D. tip qnllli
tun lot ( lir Ulili"' flie Mtp nU
. Iniirif nd to t. 1hf li lull
Imr nt butiy h-wid- iil In or
drr t J rlr rlil Mork imt ll
uvd llirtr irw mll.r lml to tvsitf I
78 e uirlniim-d.
t 'er sisters.
S alto bur a dr mukli( drpmrtmest. Sat
'4 1'tHtllim furntwd.
' -. 1
, . .r 5-- -',rT
Ann pnaovL.U.t CROCKS -
work tod 8oa gulJ work
IIAI'8 L'M'Al. ' M etriKf tm
MifftXiia lorthr niUnlrutiUM'Uoa (
. MARSHALL, Fiuwld P'-
k'-moinber (hat diMtrict court
i ottvi.-tn-M next TliurHiliiy at 2p. in.
Si iiili.-iit of tlic nilit fecliool ro
port ti ii interesting' HCHhion luwt
Ito.v would it Bound to wuy tlntt
I'liittHinouth had a bci't duffnr iti-
ditHtry employing 5()0 men?
Mr. lloyt, formerly nn employee
of the M. I'. roHd at HiiHtiuirn. Iiuh
been transferred to PlattHmonth to
BHHist Mr. Apnr at the M. P. station.
Leonard Anderson U highly
elated that his mother and sister,
whom he has not seen for fifteen
years, arrived from London thin
The ladiea'are not permitted to
exercise the right of franchise, but
there Is no law forbidding them
feeding the voters on election day,
and they propose to takeadvatkUye
of it
The Chicago Packing and Pro-
risinn Co., with a branch house at
Nebraska City, has announced that
they are prepared to pack 1,000
hoga per day and that the capacity
ill coon be increased to 4,000 per
day. The industry will doubtless
give an Impetus fo trade in oar
neighboring town.
There are many young people in
Plattsmouth who are not afforded
the opportunity of attending school
during the day, that should attend
the night aession. At this school
instruction ia given in the common
school branches, and for those that
prefer a commercial education, a
thorough drill in book-keeping and
type-writing ia furnished. Classes
of all stnires of advancement are
maintained and all will be accom
modated who come.
The authorities at Nebraska City
are determind to wipe out the cases
of diphtheria that are prevailing
there, if possible. The board of
health yesterday visited several
portions of the city and found them
in a very unhealthy condition. It is
thought that if the alleys, slaughter
houseu and other places where filth
is permitted to accumulate, were
completely renovated that there
would be little danger of further
spread of the disease.
Mra. Riley Funk, wife of an M. P.
section foreman, at Nebraska City
made a desperate attempt to
commit suicide yesterday by
jumping into the river. She
was rescued, however, and taken
home.Miiit shejiippeared dissatisfied
that her plana had been frustrated
and proceeded to smash the
windows and tear things tip gen
erally. She has been placed in
charge of the officials pending on
Investigation by the commission on
Mr. Yni. iJoeck im nil Ouiiilu
visitor to-day.
M!h Cora Davb, of Murray, irf in
the city to-day.
Mrs. Fred Murphy came In from
Cedar Creek thiH morning.
J. V7 Herge, of the South Bend
New lira, is in the city to-day.
Wm. Mertins departed for Omaha
this morning for u viwit to friends
Harry Iray, of T;;K IIKkald
force, departed this morning on u
visit to MicHouri and points in
Val Uurkel, who was recently
called to Ohio to attend the funeral
of his sister, returned home this
Ii. N. Loverin, K. C. conductcr,
will lay oil for a short time. The
run will be made by J. N. Dority
until Mr. Loverin resumes his
work. '
r st of fresh meat always found
Pi this market. Also fresh
. r.irua and iiuiier.
fcame of all kinds kept in their
I season.
1 ' X
I i-epness night made miserable
i jihat terrible caugh Shiloha rem
f 'i u r urr fur van. bv F. G
rick. andO H Snyder. 2
Men'a heavy boola large aites, 10,
I, and I a, going at lese than they
nt at scuiiaaneciua. u
Notlc toLadlaa
I have on hand a fine lot of rib
bona and tips which I will sell at
the lowest prices for rnsh. I have
my goods at J. Finley Johnsons hard
ware store where I may be found
every day from 1 :00 to 5;00 p. m,
nws. j. j. J0HN8OX.
Ladies who use comctica or now
dera to cover up or hide a bad com
j'!es, as not know mat o. II.
' Snyder can furnish the in with Blush
of Honrs, which Is clean water, puri
nes tne skin, and pnsitvely removes
black heads and all skin diseases
tnkes the ehiny look from the face
and whitens it aoon aa applied
Many old soldiers, who contracted
chronic diarrhoea while in the
service, have since been permanent
ly cared of it by Chaimbr rlaiu'a
C olic. Cholera and diarrhoea Kern.
edy. For sale by F. U. Fricke A Co.
suffer with Dyspepsia
Shiloh a Vit-
Will you
and Liver Complaint?
alixer ia guaraatted to cure you.
glass at
Brown A
ine ahoea selling low
.ildknecht ahoa store.
5iti) n nil i
4 m mi
to Brown A Barrett'a and get a
dow gUss and atop up that hole
our house. tl
-n't She Beautiful!" Occasional-
.mehrara this expression, aa a
'ivwitha atrikingly lovely com-
!U'ion pusses along the street.
rtaiulyl the uses the Famous
lush f K'oses manufactured by
ics I' A. Jonea, South Bend,
(I, A' ilied by O. II. Snyder.
rice 1j rents per bottle.
I'ure burkwheut
, , iM-l's mill.
flour for sale at
' ' M persons knowing thenielvs in
. ... I Ik I ' .... jf. A ...!ltten
111, J 1'. numtiiv ,
. by calling within the m-xt DCSt fclll 8.11
Has just opened up a full line
of ladies, Gents and Chlldiens
all wool underwear tnd te
(ore you buy your Fall or
Winter goods. Don't fall to
call and see our prices. We
md seulinir: further, I. (i
ii. will for leu days follow
lumber, lath, plnnglrs
. usii arxi doors nt roM.
" J. J), (iUAVhH aio.
for Sal.
biiHe burner with oven for sale
Wink a Rout.
Have you Iseen tiioso nob
by Mioses Caps, all pretty
shades, &5, C5 and 75 cents
Doubtless great surprises are in
store for all parties. Look out for
theui to-morrow.
A voter who was recently shown
a sample ballot at once exclaimed:
"Great Scott, am I expected to vole
TUB IlKkALU predicts that
Wheilcr will carry Iowa by 5,0iJt),
M Kin.ey Ohio by 10JM and Fasset
New York by a handsome majority.
Flection is passing oil very quiet
ly, uppareutly, though a spirited
interest is manifested regarding
the election of the local candidates.
The sucess that has attended the
commercial course of study, re
cently established in our city
schools, fully demonstrates the
wisdom of the policy.
Take supper with tl,j. ladies this
evening. The ladies of the M. K.
church are located at the old post
office building and the V. K. C. ul
the G. A. K. hall. Remind candi
dates of this fact.
The cold wave reported for Sun
day f.uleil to inateriali.e to the de
gree apprehended by many. It ia
doubtless accounted for by the fact
that flection is so near und the
campaign la so hot -
The result of to-day'a voting will
decide who will occupy the new
court house for next year. The
canvass, on the part of all parties
has been honestly, yet vigorously
conducted. Let a fairand intclligeii
expression be given and the inte
rests of the people cared for.
A great many easterners will not
be permitted to see the Nebraska
advertising train, und after hearing
of the wonderful exhi' it, they will
. t . , I .... I n.-.i: ....I.
uouuiiess leci sauiy uiBappouucii;
but they may find consolation, in a
measure, iu the fact that the world's
fair opens next year.
Kearuey has secured the estab
lishment of cotton and oat meal
mills and she is now laying plans
for paper und wool mills. Why not
Plattsmouth have a beet sugar in
duslry uiul keep bi sight til th
procession at least?
Patti Kohii, while filling an en
gagement last week at Memphis,
Teun.. brake a tcuduu near her
ankle, from the effect of which she
will be laid up for some time.
Doubtless her admirers all over the
country lend their sympathies uud
hope for her speedy recovery,
Hon. John Fitzgerald is so far im
proved that yesterday afternoou he
drove himself around the city and
out to hia farm. For nearly three
months he has been confined to hia
home ay illness, many times his
life being despaired of, and hia re
covery will be good news to hia
thousanda of friends.-Liucolu
The B. A M. will sell round trip
tickets at one and one-third fare to
Creston, Iowa, on account of the
Southern Iowa Kpworth League
convention to be held from Nov. 2d
to 7th. Tickets will be sold at one
and one-third fare for the round
trip to all those desiring to attend
the annual meeting of the national
farmers' congress ut Sedalia, Nov
More than l'lO.iXX) people have
passed through the Nebraska ud
vcrliHing liuiu uud beheld the
wondrous possibilities of our soil
The people immediately go home
uud tell their neighbors of the great
agricultural exhibit uud impress
the latter with the faet that they
iniaxcd ti u opportunity of a life
time. The fact is.tho train may well
be denominated a talking machine
for Nebraska.
It is evident that the boys. ni'C
ceded iniiiii.'.ilily ),it Saturday
eveni:ig in pi on cling the people's
properly. We have evidence of
thin by the fact that thus far there
have been no charges preferred in
police court.
Maunger Young handed us a list
of the coming attractions at the
opera house for November nnd
December, which we- publish in
this issue. It will be noticed that
some of the best plays on the
American boards ure included in
the list.
The admirers of Gov. Boies of
Iowa predict that the large meet
ings he has held is evidence that he
will receive a hundsome majority.
From the manner in which the peo
ple flocked to heur Post Saturday
evening we miy conclude, adopt
ing the same method of reasoning,
that Cuss county will give a good
plurality for Post.
The parishioners of the M. E.
church are to be congratulated up
on securing the services of so able
a minister as Rev. Britt is proving
to be. It is evident, too, that his
sermons are appreciated by hia
hearers, as large and attentive con
gregations assemble every Sunday.
The M. K. people cordially invite
all that desire to be present at all
the services.
i i
- - OF -
laadics Furnishings
Is ITow Comploto iu all Dapartmoats,
We are showings handsome line of
A full line of colorings and blacks.
Stock complete and prices lower
than ever.
A good Ladies Jeray vest at 25c
Ladies fine Jersey vest and panta ia
white or natural grays at 50c eacJkt
Ladiea natural Gray Wool Veata anA
Pants at 30c. Ecgular 73c undar-
Full linea of Ladies Fine woo
ribbed under wear in white, cardi
nal and black.
Complete lines of Child'a under
wear in natural, scarlet and whit
at prices aa low aa the lowest
Buy Voters.
As we go to press votee have
been cast in the respective warda
as follows: First ward, 1(K); Second
ward, 210; Third ward, 2."j Fourth,
wurd, 1H0; Fifth ward, 7.1
Young Pu(jfllM,
Frank O'Neil and Harry Quick
engaged in an altercation to-day on
Main street, that might have,re
suited dixastroiisly had not the
I police interfered. As it was, it
I I .. VAU..ll,wl 1. n.
vtiiy iiruiuu iii im. n.i iim i rinn-
ing the hitter a blow in the face
bringing blood and causing qui' e
a severe bruise. Words were usi d
that were decidedly more forcible
than elegant uud on the whole it
was anything but a praiseworthy
HAVE never tliown so large aline in this department.
We call special attention to our l trgo assortment of Rdefere
Military snd Hip Coat Blmpc trimmed with Mink, Seal, Antrackam,
Muflaloon and Cotiev fura.
Our line of Pluh Sacque are cheaper thai erar before. FtU
linen of Children and Misses Clonks and Jackets.
Coming Auraoiiuna.
The opera liono nttrnctions se
cured by J. P. Young for November
and December are us follows:
Nov. U, "Firemen's Ward" Co.
Nov. 14, Kute Claxton Co.
Nov. 19, Ky I. Joice in "Tom's
Vacation," a musical Comedy.
Nov. 2(1, Thanksgiving, matinee
nnd evening performance, Wulker
Whiteside, trairedian, in Shake-
pperian plays.
Dec. 2, "The Southerner."
Dec. 9, "Private Secretary" Co.
Dec. 14, "Last Days of Pompeii."
Dec. 19, "Band of Fate."
For lame back there is nothing
better than to saturate a flannel
cloth with Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and bind it on the affected
parts. Iry it and you will lie sur-
priced at tlieprompt reiiet iiatioros.
1 he same treatment win cure rnau-
maiism. For sale by F. G. Fricke
A Co.
Does Yoqi Little QM.
Need a cloak thia winter? If she doss you will make a rrreat mistake U
you do not call and examine the children cloaks that
we are offering before buying.
We havojust received from a largo Cloak Manufacture
his full line of
Childrens iample Cloaks.
For children 6, 8, 10 and 12 yearn old, consisting; of U9
garments in all. NO TWO ALIKtf, on which wt
were given a disccunt front regular wholesale prict
o that e were able to Hell them at actually
"Tha tinman's Ward."
Thia company was here last year
and was the opening attraction. It
gave fair satisfaction, considering
that it was the second stand the
company made, and it therefore
was not very proficient in nil its
parts. This yeur the company
comes stronger and better in every
way und will give a good prescnta
tion of the "Firemen's Ward" at the
Waterman next Thursday night,
with many new features nnd
specialties, and the great tire scene
with special scenery. Secure your
tickets now. Price, 73 cents
Everybody will be satisfied with the
performance and go home happy.
CALL IN and let u prove the truth of the above statement, and
show you at the same time our FINh Ll.Mi 01 lauiea anurussea ccicn
Sacijues and Jackets.
Another opportunity to buy shoes at
We take pleasure in annoucingto the people of Plattsmouth and
surrounding towns that we have succeeded in getting: another line ol
sample shoes. Our success with the last line was pheuominal and hun
dreds were disappointed because they came too late to secure some of ta
bargains that we offered. This line ia better if anything than the last, ba
ing Walter H. Teminy A Co., of Boston, Mass., full line consisting of La
dies, Misses, Childrens, Mens and Roys shoes of all kiada and of all de
. .. . . I F . 1 . . M 1 1 l l 1
through the nerva. A new discovery, criptions. Among mem ia ami pair oi ooys an. nni u.o,. u w...
Dr. M lies' Pills speedily cure biliou- gire the best value for your money that yoai ever "laid eyes on,"
aVywit I hi I u aa i ii a i I'T. v aa ia r v w va a winaa, uifaa - v. v w awa nvs i
ahoea are not of any high quality. We have among these shoes that arc
aa fine as any shown iu the city, everything extriaaic ia stripped away
aad tke ahoea that you buy of ua atanda on its intrinsic worth. We dig at
the root of values and give yoa the worth of yaur money.
WMIaa Narva and Liver Pllla.
Act on a uew principle regulat
ing the liver, stomrch and bowels
aness bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
Sonstlpation. ITnequsled for men
women, children, smallest, tnidesl
surest! 50 doses, 2Tc. Samples
tree at r. u.rricae a loi.
An honest Swede tells his story
in plain nut unmistakable Ian
guagc for the benefit of the publ
uiie ot my ciiiiurcn too a severe
cold and got the croup. I gave her
a teasiMionlul of Chamberlain
Cough IvViiicdy, ami iu five minutes
lates I gave her one more. Ity this
time fbe had to cough up the
gathering i" he throat. Then f lie
went to sleep and .ept good for
fifteen minutes. Then she got up
nnd omited; then ihc went back
to tied and slept good lor the re.
lii.iiuuer of the night. She got the
croup tne second night nnd 1 gave
her t lie same remedy with the same
good result a. I write this because
I thought there might be sonic one
In the same need and not know the
true merits of this wonderful inedi
cine. Ciiaklks A. Tiiomi'hkhn,
Pes, Iowa. .TO cent bottle
for sale by F. U. f ricke A Co.
I le m Still Gitlig Great Harps ii terra.
Childrens Nat
ural Wool Col
or Shirts and
Darwers All
Childrens nil
Wool Shirts A
Drawers All
Lad lea Fine
Merin o S i 1 k
Trimmed shirt
and Drawers.
39c 39c
Mess Kxtra
Heavy Ribbed
50? Main flreet riatlsmonth. Ktsh