W.rk af Hohnal Chlldra. At the school season advances, the subject of mental overpressure becomes Important i'tion.:,'Ii not only fur iiiinnul consideration, but f r fifulilic investi gation. The capacity of the child, fn nJ'.llljtT anil lliittui; of the blll-IUrt, uuJ csiieciiilly the length of the recit.-uiont, re features which oiv-lit not to be over looked or be left to the direction of edu i C;;t')M. Th;:t l.'i'l:'h c:; be filled by ilierimental mtinly of overpressure, is shown by it Jihjkt read by r. Uureti tein. cf Vienna, before th't ciii;n-ss of hygiene in London, upon "The Working Cirve- of hu Hour." TIih writer had for hwo!.j"ct the sr.i ly of the iiient d power of Iiudr.'ii, and he arrant -1 hi experi ments with a view to d.'inon.stratin the fluctuations of Lraiii power in children during one hour occupation with a fa miliar subject. hiiiiplo addition and multiplication minis were (riven to two cl.ism-s of jrirls. of an average n i;e of eleven yearn and eleven year and ten month, and two ckiMses of boys of the average age of twelve yearn and two months and thir teen yean and one month. After ten minutes work the sum were taken away troni the children. After a pause of ten minute the work was resumed, the air ternatHfa continniti; for an hotjr, tt that there were three periods of work. 'The result were interetitig. ' Doring the whole experiment the 103 children worked out 133,010 figures, making 8,504 oimtakes. It was found that the num ber of mistake increawd in the differ ent periods, and that during the third period the quality of work was at the lowest liwton Journal. Phtuf t-Bpbjr mmt CHib. The exhibition of the Phntnjjraphie So--ciety of Great Britain is of great inter "st, both from the artistic and the scien tific point of view. Dr. P. Jeserich, a 4Jermnn, has devoted his attention to the development of photography as a 'means of anitinting the administration of the law. The screen which cantatas' Dr. Jewrich's plates is one of the chief curi--sities of the exhibition. lie has shown, tj enlarjring photographs taken npoa enidtized plates, that it is possible to detect certain kinds of forgery in the unost unimpeac hable way; for example, where a figure or a word has been al "tered and this is one of the commonest kinds of forgery the different inks em .ployed appear in the plate in quite dif ferent colors. Similarly, where a name has first been written in pencil and then traced over in ink, however caref till jr the pencil marks Lave been eraied, some faint traces of t e plntnbngo are sine to remain in the Interstices of the paper, and these are revealed in the magnified photograph. Dr. Jeserich's photographs of hair and of pure and impure blood, before and after treatment with reducing nenti. re also tuont curious, and several stories are told of the nse that has been mode of thern in murder trials in Germany. Loudon Times. HIGH SCHOOL NGTES. BY PATtVIC C1VE AWAY. The enrollment is still increaRinjr. The j a rents e.re invitcl to vieit the e-chuuU oltcn. 'i ill' 1UU -V lU'WIt UH f ('VI W' 1' be in a flourit liin condition. It incounmcH both ttudent nnd toneliern. 11) oil (i't bcliec it, try it. AUonu-jK C. P. Polk mi'l Alb-ij Hefhon wi re vi:-Ui re nt the hiyh school one tiny btsl week. Mi-fl Mnrv JVrCI.'llai.d n"t-i(l:itit I rinci;iil was ofT duty a f. w 'sr s lantweek on nrCMit.t of vi kief, Profs. Mi C'h U.ir.d nnd !;;: travel filled, n l ' llicy could, lier pi: c She is Hiinicienlly recovered to t;iLe hsr place in the school thirt week. A large clues in type-writing lien been orirntmeu in tin litirh sclinnl. Two eood writers have been placed in the school for ue. Anv pupil may take type-writing without extra tuiuonltiy rnymg titty cents per month lor the tine of tlie machines and a email emu for the manual. LmI HU Lag Ik llr rich. Two of the crew of the schooner Mar giiente, of Seattle, met with a severe 'accident at Port Muller, on the north -Me of the Alasbiu iieninsula. The.r Tames are Thomas Bos well and J. 8chlef 3elin, and they were ashore prospecting for coal. Both were armed with rifles. Ther ram jtrrnaa g br ftad both rcd Though badly wounded the animal made a ruh at the men, and in the excitement fioswell got a cartridge jammed ia hu jrun. Before Schiefftlin could reload, the bear was upon them and knocked tbtui 'down, one after the other, with a blow from its paw. Boswell tried to get to his feet, but the bear seized him by the if and crushed it from the knee down. The animal then ran away, but returned -about ten minutes later, when 8cliie3e 4in, who had recovered consciousness, shot it. The two men got back to the schooner and the captain made sail for -Oonalaska. It took eight dsys to get there and then Knrgeon Berry Hill, of 4be Marion, amputated Boswell's leg. San Francisco EeporL A Wonderful Dakata RalatM. .Dr. McVean has arrived in the city after a tonr of the country. The doctor resides at Armour, 8. D., and has much 4o tell about that region. "A few days go," be said, "the people, among the tnimU-r myself, witnessed one of the moot remarkable phenomena seen in that or any other portion of the United tate. The phenomenon rotrflated cf the sprwarnnce ft the northern lights tindi remarkable circumstances. The lights funned a regular rainbow and np peared at ninht. The bow extended the whole length of the horizon and was thirty feet wide. Jpverythio wns seen ra the broad prairie just as if It h'.il teen Ltop by electricity. Tim M set tiers claim that such a timi? was notice I iu 18U2,.lmt not since." tit. Lo) Q'.obir Democrat A M M His iMwm Mr. One of oar neighbors had a sail on his lawn mower one day lst week. At any rate it looked like a sail, for he bad sev eral square feet of canvas attached to the bickaideof the machine, and people thought be was trying to have a regatta all to himself. However, closer iuve.iU foiicm showed that bis sail was simply a targe bag into which the cut grass was throws instead of falling on to the gTonnd. He was qaiie happy over his contrivance, becaae be didn't have to rake bis lawn after be hud cat the gran. Aahland Cor. Fratuingharu (Mass.) TriLime. A charitably deposed gentleman is to rect a home for newspuper men. la Washington city. Nothing could be tcore di si table or dirplay a larger mens ureof generositv toward a need v rlas. It is to cot i2.O'K),0tW and will afford a hospitable siielter for worthy meuibors of Uie j rof(-.-ion. The mast j)0'erful Uliscope yet ms ls has jiut been tiuihhed in Munich. Its ordinary jwwer is ll.OOi), which can be increttwd to 1(1.000. An electric lamp f dtiute type is used la it, and a spe cirJ.J -vice which pprays minute particles i t li juid eaihouio acid ia tued to keep it rSMui, t"ill StreiRht Sundayed in Lincoln Take dinner with the ladiee to morrow. Geo. EdHon' oar next eberiff, is in town to-day. MiM Delia Steimkrr is an Omnhn visitor to-day. C. N. Ranis Sundayed at home at Malvern' Iowa, L. C. Kickhoff, our next treasurer, ia in the city to-day. D. Hawks worth and Hal Johnson returned to Lincoln last evening-. Lester Vivian has been promoted to the position of fireman on No. 187, J. W. Herjre, editor of the New Era. of South Iieud, ia in ilie city to day. Mrs. G. Knapp, who has been visiting friends here R lew days, has returned to her home at Shen andoah, Iowa. Isabel Wiles returned to Shenan doah thin morning, where die will resume her studies ut the Western Normal College. I Mr. and Mrs "J. A. Reynolds do ( parted this morning f ir Fort Col- nns, tnto., vim av.ewoi recuper ating Mrs. Collins' health. vuea Nervaand Liver Puis. Act on n new principle rem.lat ing the liver, etrmiich and howcle through the nerve. A new diecovery. lr. yi iIch' fills epeedily cure biliou Slices had taite, torpid liver, pile, Sonetipatinn. L'ncqualed for men women, children, rimilk-Kt. mideet suicet! fj Ioi-cm, 'J.V. Suuiplt-s free ut F. G. Fricke it Co s. Eucklen's Arnica balve. Tss Burr Halvb in the world for Cuu Bruise, Hores, Ulcer. 8t Khttini. V Ve Pores, Tetter, Chapped Ilst'ds, Chillilsins. Corns, snd sll Hkin Siuplion. snd posi tively cuie Piles, or bo pay n quired. It is gnsranteed to tive tisicuon, oi mooey refunded. Price 2-i cents per Uii For sale by F. (1. Fricke & Co. For lame hack there Is nothing better than to eaturate a flannel cloth with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bind it on the affected parts. Try it and J on will he Mir priredat theproirpt nlirf itatford. ! matism. For aalc by F. G. Fricke & Co. An honest Swede tells his story in plain but unmistakable lan guage for the henelit of the public. One of my children took a eevere cold and got the croup. I gave her a teaspooiiful of Chamberlain Cough Keniedy, and in five minutes latca I gave her one more. Hy tins time elie had to cough up the gathering in the throat. Then she ?c.t to sleep wu slept goo! ftir fifteen minutes. Then ehe got up and vomited; then she went back to bed and slept good lor the re Diainner of the niht. She rot the croup the second iii.ht and J gnte her the same remedy with the raine good results. I write this because 1 thonght there might he some one in the same need and not know the trite merits of this wonderful medi cine. ClIAKLF.S A. TliOMI'HEKV, lJes Moines, Iowa. 50 cent bottle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. A proness has been discovered for mak ing floor of bananas. Chemical experi ment show that this flour contains more nutriment titan rice, and that wlien eaten with beans, corn or sago it forms a very palatable and uoarishing diet Blood travels from the heart through tbe arteries ordinarily at the rata of about twelve inches per second; iu Sieej through the capillaries 1 at the rtte of three one-hundred Lbs of an inch per second. Reports frota the Bahamas state that tbe cultivation of sisal hemp is proving to he a great succe.4, and the product will soon amount to OO.OoO tons annu ally. Tbe quality is said to be very Cue. Tbe Japanese lie npon matting with a stilT uti"omfortable wooden necknt. The Chinese nut love ieU'cnd, oft'-n elalxcut'-l carved, mid supporting only mats or coverlets. The lurgi-st animal known is the ror qual, which is l'K) feet iu leniii; the smallest is the twilight Inoutui. which ia only the twi!vi-thou.undlh of an inch. Pepper wns known to the ancient. In the Middle Ag it was one of the niont ct)y of spices, a pound of it being royal prvfe'it 1 Ml I. f 11 lh '; Nil. I ' a MISSOURI MTl ;"'AKN(iEK TRAINS I r A;v v ..Ml A (. u l-: s :;s a. m G01HC WEST No I .1 . in ii i ft r s p in ...... .. it. In il ' ' I . :. in. X". ' S:'.'Ml,RI Vo 1 S h i. . II '.M . ni llsiiVlll I'M -II ' If UMLWAT TIMK fAhJl). N'i. l Ai'.iiiiiiu I Ii ! I.v i tiaiui dan) i xi i i 1 ! ' . i ft i. n . m i, 1 .-i 1 1.7;; K. i.l - I I V ' I l " !' ' I "'if' Sn f, V i id-i i Cm -iii'y eti nli.ii i III Ii 1 1 . I r X l la L l' i rk. All w 111 mh k n i.-ti t k nri- .-mil y n v If 1 't"tit r, I. m.. ,i. ,n i- iu i-i-v v K K I. w l i. in N I.l lli N M ("lATHiS I v Hii-n nil lil"'li Vsin Hn-H. I in.m jieii Ir m f a n ( -;x' ! . ' '"" ' Uiwi el iiii-i Ml every Huii's alteiui li ul AO V. , trt nrt tlilrrl Fililsy e- 'lni: ! e- b ti ut I! A It. hull n ',n tx ok ) Ii" k. tri4i.k e.nii)ra, !, v. I, P Juepui''-. Ileeonler. An W Nil M-Meeieinrt anittnunh Knu.iv v. i Ii n in the na.mli A . K. hsll ni liiNksimil hli r, k J. siuin, H W, I'. Iirt'we. Heroiiler, m r N llie A, HI I mil u inr i .'mrir ir lit e'er ever I'finpii m f. i-iiinpi krethrrn Invited Henry ll' tiil t, aVgeut ; I n p ail l'K. nr'iii , Itu UilM.K. Nn. 14 I.e. O. r IMfH rv ( Turniny nlflit t t l.elr ball In PU;rTitld 3luek. All (Nld Kflli' are erdilly inviird 'AiiMid h-n vioMirir In threity. J Cory. N. U H W.Bndire. herrelaiy. PLACKS OF VOKSIIir. Catholic.-ft Paul' Chiireh. k. betees fifth mid HtnUt. Fattier rri'T, Paator H-rvlrei: tftm f -nd IS tSn a u. Huhday nclinnl at 1 Jb. I L rnedleUiL. Chsiti as, Ci.rper UhmikI and Plrhtb St, errvlrr iiinrnlns lid fventnf. Kldrr J. IL Keed, panlor sunitiiy iVIiool IS a. M. f riscorAt.-Bt Luke's t horrb. enrner Third lid V1M-. he II B Hunrrii p.'lur. Mer virm :11am a d 7 t r M . ttuuday Hcboul amnr.pi. . t Opsham MrrrsnriiirT. jrner Blith Pt sd (mult. Ke. Hill. l lor. rrv ee : II A. M. and i mi t. n. ettMy rwh-ivi 1 -M a si. PsmkviskiaS. rmre Is vtm ftiiiieli.eur krt Miib and (irntme nr. Krv. J . T. Cairo, 'Inr uimIi.t inlll;Ti frrcliln si II a. ni.c.d p m, IIipY K. e.t'. e el iht 'hmrh rmrii evtry ("nbtmlti rvenler at I :I5 In I he I m niri I ul the ri urrh. all ate iiivitrd to siutd tbrae nieelliKw PlSKT .MTMOIintT Klith St., betweu MaS snd PrHri. her. I. K. Frlit I'. H. nt. r. (M-rvlren : 1 1 A M. I on e. H huntla fm-Ikhh 3nA M I'r)' run fll ( Mdnedy evrn lis. Uvhmas PaasvTKaiN. Corner Malo snd Ninth. Krv M me, lumK r. hervice ual 111. urn. hllllil;.J - climl Jtt A. M. Swrsmx I'SiismATloSAU Oranlis, be lern fifll) mil nliin CeiiMru Baitit. lt. Olive, ck. te-ri en li-lilh ai d Hi vriith )! v. A Piell. -tiT. hrivt'r. a. in. i Ml 7 -fi i in. I injrr H elliiir pill,, pilpv rVrlili g. InfMi HH'a timiTi AoriATin: lii i 'in In ai-riimii lilm-k. Mum trvi t,n4-l-e! n-eiiriic. Iff nift milv . ev-r hi'iiilny r(-It-miH-n n 4 iiVlnek. 1'imnip ujieii e-k d.y (mil a .(i a. m . to : M i. m. SufTH Pauk TAummci s -Itev J. M. mmI, I RN'i'r. r-ivl: Mitfay rrhoul, in.: I rmchii t . 1 1 a hiuliI t p. in. ; rrnrei nireiii't lurMi.y nlyhi : rlmlr prae-Hret-tid iiiiiht A I! are li'iniie. When you jro to a shoe etore your object lenot only to buy shoes but to procure for what you epend the best Hint your money will buy. Less than this will not content you; more than this you ennnot, in rea son, aak. Our methods are as simple as your decires. We do not lift your exiM i luliorm In th c!o.yJ, but we realize them whatever they are. We will nevtr aucrifice your interests to ours and nowhere ele enn you net a luller end fairer equiviilent for your money. An eepeciully profitable purchase for you is our etc. BOOES, 8HOE8 On R SHERWOOD. 501 Main Street Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. (I. A. MWM k SON P LUMBER ! Ehiagles, Lath, Sash. Doors, Blind Can supply everw demand of the rity Call snd pet terms. Fourth itreet In rvar of opcrs home. sierrlv I et-rle iiinl.riur n tiLeti ti J!i.'i'JlV.r.rJ',,,!'',"" v ' 1 I lnS '111.111 Aurii. i.ihi 7f,,l 1 r m ii1Jt.HL l"l( t ,i,i Q I ?" TT fS -miO-iurarmi THE LEADING AND ONLY 0. E PRICE CLOLHIER IS WAITING FOR YOU. 1f'XJ, ISwaiting to show you his new goods Wilt and o let you know how cheap they cen be bought. T i' - JOE- HAS THE LARQE8T AND BE3T STOOK In liU line in Cubs Comity. You wi 1 not bo nble to buy cheaper Wei!. Chi cnrr wlicn jou take tpality ami price in consideration. JOE' Only buys the bett tnakei nnd latest novelties in CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS HATS, CAPS ETC, , And if yon are looking for a reliable place to trade give JOE a trial. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. r i jt , - TAKE THE . ' w For Atcbinson, St Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansaa City, 5b I-ouis, and all jKiints north, east south or west. Tick eta sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or I Cunuda. For INFORMATION AS TO RATES AND KOUTEd Call at Depot or address II, C. Town-send, C. P. A. St. Louia, Mo. J. C. riiiLLUTl, A. G. P. A. Omuha. II. D, Aioak. Agt., PluttMttiouth. Telephone, 77. THE mTEUNATIONAJ, TYPEWRITER A tlrirtlr I rat tlui iswliln. folly carraa 4. Mwl Irtua lh ny bet Malerial kllittS wurtaif, uid ib tti bent l-wli lit bkrTrbmti drii.il tr tin- pur-.v, W a rwtmi ta do all that b tpaiistil)r sretril ot th vrry bl tvprll-r utaU (liblof wrlniir is wnril. rr mlnni or sx swiritiiif ta lbs aliUUf of the ! a. Wiuliluluij, : ) Ifllioro la i M"it In jnr W u ipililro.. Ill in4Uuiiiin , TIIK rtKIHtl IJ j C . ajr.ti milrit I'prlKb M, V. k. a HEn.mini', aliu). l.iin'olu, Jitll, HARNESS! HARNESS, F. FRED GORDER & SQti nplIE best of harness, both double and single may be found at 1 m tore and everything In the harness line olsobuggiesand carriage', which are first-clusa in every respect, being the lightest, atrontresl an A eaaiest riding vehicles on earth. -o I ALSO have a large lot of Scktler. Moline, Daln and Sterling wagon Spring wagons, road carts, and plows of all discretion. Plattsmoulh - Nebraska FECIAL SALE IN OUIt COMl'LETE STOCK OF 1A13IES rW $H0$ We give you the following deep cut in prices: Ladiea Fine Glared Dongola f2K5 shoes reduced to Ludirs Dongola Kid Fleiiblefleboe reduced to Indies Hest Dongoln WW shoes reduced to Ladiea Haud Turned best Dogola WX) shoe reduced to FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY We bavea great many other sumple lota of odd sixes that we oU;ruig at mmim mm In order to reduce our tock to oicet our obligation. 11.71 210 2J t ' Jr t We also hiive a few lots of Udics0xfordsiliatwewilliu.il . prices. Don't forget the pluce. 111 at 'eJuced V.