The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, November 02, 1891, Image 2

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We have ld Ely's (.
Pluits::io;ith Ihulv Hcrali!
C Ml.
t.lC I
Mr. Kilon inform us,
,ii!iT is 11 tmillvt f:ibrientioi
, . i.iy t. u "
about three years, mid re
eotiinieiiiled iis i,-e in inni c jan a
liiindn d hpieial Ca i s (,l c;,i:rr i.
'1 In- 1 1 it 1 1 1 n - ai.i tu-r lo n ' r in-
Ktirt i.f '.'irluit Aitim.iU JiMtnifw
111. I'!.' w i lliou I f ' !l 1 1 I 1 1 lull
iiinl cir-
villi II t '.-If Miv.iiiTii ( iiir. nl.
cuhtied (i) injure hi c.initiihicy,
purely. I:i tin; event Mr. lid-son i-
t.lect.vl. till' Voler-4 (it. C.IMS COIllltN
may rc-t ns-ured ilisit li will tin!
ii (uit-'i li- nf C.iss enmity fur n l"i
Itty, mid mil- will In- cliu-cu who is
i.i every way iii.ililieil to till the
pnvitiun Weil.-
It U ni'-j-r . r X wlmt rtiHous eri-utnr s
live in plif wc l. Nul I'.ie led.J t-XLiaer-(liniiryof
t.'i.- iali,'ibil.ui; nf tlm Cuat-'
iu,' ul:9 uliii.1! ar bnrue ou i!ie eurreiil
cf the gulf I'.leula U a liltlo fMul.n
i airi'T-1, ' i i .-.
I In ve t e t I :m
bi, v liei e I
1' ll ne er ;
l.i-M I
ifs ni
I" .
J thai
K NOTTS IHOS, Publishers,
pel ii ll'-e
lii'd lis
J. 11.
1 1 1
i y, A Co.. ! tif. ,'i t
1 'i'-
l' v,--. Thiir-,1 .y, ana daily eveij
i!luitc-cpt Sunday.
kiMi'l-if.) t mm riivltsn.nitli. Neb. pot
MlPMf ir tr vi i i.N-Um tlirn,:li tli LVS. iu:i-1
t el.i rai-..
!. v tnirr Vint ;mct Plftli streets.
makes itb. D"it in tli" weeils. rums
s ' " Iowa. '
,, ' .t--:-;tr u-itiu" Ely's ('renin
. .Halm in v .ai.ili!l was ni I. .nl I hat!
own prnteeti.iu frmu eanaii s. it is inail
fO lii;e tlio we "Is them .t lv-s, bi-nw f.l
'it aiiat lie the whole i inn-mid dn
i;bargcd a large aiuunnt ol I'.liliy
Inalier, 'I'iial lies aluio-t enlirelv
di..-ip!e,ite:l iiud liavi- not had heaI
iiehe ffienee. J. oi:.mi i,M''i iu.ey.
n;,e enltireil witli whitu .pit , that on
f.'iianit (l.-t.s t tlie h'-;.!y aiiiuii.l witlim ;
ftctuaily taking a liainlinl ot tliovi-."-t.ible
hi ii. 7 li wlii.-h j., tfk !it'llr i.i.
feratini.iirr it. Tim li-'n leal. Is its le- '
by l ia iin-; t";,'"ta.-r li'iiieiis nf t;;.i s'i.:
Wtiil wit. bir,'. Kttrliyg I:.t rttri :i -.
l!.-i a:e 1 il l iii a i i'. Uy. I:sveryi',. -
A iri'iiviilii'il '1
.vii i:i 111 n.vood
is ciivul il.i.'r tin- mali
i-imi.s la .-ehoie! th-it Jnl:.e C ha.
in. in tin; iml i. ii'l liis tax for a nt:::;.
fine copy, nie: y-.:. I.i ;i iv n.ce
One Ci'l V. :! i; lit n-r v in-t
Out' c-i:'y, six rs .it'f. in i-hhh .
One, e-..y, lli.e- Hi . i. Hi-, in urtviii.-.
T S run II Ml
On tn- ie 7 i- mi ;.iv (!'.
On c i iv 1 1 f t.y r i ei
'ie i' "i.y. 1 1. r in. it ! .
. . .t
.. . 2 '
I,rr nf vi-ar.-. .i.pI tle-ref
a r
f.-em I.i '.
V . : T J lii.o ,
Cf (:(,."
i.' i ami nr.
nut I..- r--i ;. -;' I 'i
a-t jn l.;e.
par: ieulai
r up. aa !
In : T
-l.e ui:;;. :
1 Ir.ia U. T.i
n tilK, in I I. IV
ii- f :
itv li
V a n'Trnra.
i ;c i ii ;s
t'i look f
. ! C ,1 Si:
ill-; 1U'
r le .:: , 1)1
I Vl 'tl a'i....J
JHil U.ti
liTI !
i r v w..
: til
- AT"-
well satisfied Hj&t "t-;C '
ii .
t I -,
1 .;.'! ,
I a-
-a-.- (l.i r.dt
-. I-" n!,.
K r. . td
r. i
r I . .
i ; I
I" t , i: : "I .!
i: ' e ' '
,i ..N - ll. : " ,.
tui bJla.i., t , J
Monday. ::ovl::;!.::.u. v-ji
For AMoi-i.ite -Tti-1 T-- f 1 1 : 'uprcnie Court
A. M. I'm.sI "I "Ulte.
"or Keenln of II e t;i!i t'i Iv-KltT.
II. V. 1 1 l M AV f Hixon.
C. It. M.Ull'I.Knl I ou
For lJNtrUt.lii.l 'p :
rot Clerk of tlm Dl'lrict Court :
for Measurer :
for Bberlfl :
ft County Cl.-ik :
for OouriTy Jiulf :
for County gupt-rtatesstrut :
for Coroner :
for Surveyor :
for Comiulasloui-r Fir.t District :
From Vander Voot'a letter, dc
flouncing the republican party, anil
taking the oath allegiance to the
Independent party:
"I will not join the democratic
party. Th'Te in nothing left of it,
but a reminiscence; a governor
from Kikeiiny ; and llieealouiig with
rednoHed band ol reeking, rioting,
howling' dervisheH."
(JucHtion Who iif the npostle of
the independents?
Answer. I'aul Vander Voort.
(J. For whom doen I'aul nnk the
democrat-) to vote?
A. E.igerloii.
1 -J
A. "IMjM-rton is the man of the
people. Au aide und niicc'.i.'iil
O. Vil.ois the ciieif prophet if
Cf the iu.'i-liendeiitn?
A. r, Iiurrows.
(. Y.'h-it '! ii'-i l!:irrows n.y
about il ' ' "I'licra!?
A. 'I... -i ..ii o,s t if tie: d.i:.o-j
Cl'.l'..- Ill .' In o-U. I vs 111 . i.Ie f. .f J,,c'
IMi I'U ii ; l,'. en a ! i-r i kvil.m tl.'. vl
V. .'.l ;: r.i y , I (!. ! ,;; i; !,ey
ha .'- ill en i i .'i t i i!; w v.:ll
k'OW t'i i' ! h:"l rn:r "'v ;
mi-! 1 !i iv.- ! ! i i if Mil a ii.-fi
orrat in t:i state had vjI o l f'ir him.'
-Jay I5-.jrro.vj i.i h!s .pirch ut
Kin ! n, Ocluber OCi. Ni 'uraska
Ciiy J'ie.-s.
k';t:cc bi ;;..;( ;-; in followers,
frre'i l.i'i own Lome in Soalh
Orniia. ' ,
I ober the fnlloivlag he's to nny
m iv. in Ncl ra-l,a on ll-.e re-ult for
Kiprcnc jti 'g-e at tin: t'Jining;
election: j
I -..oi I ei j ':!... i'o t w'il c iry t
bi. ,, ve p - , i
fte-l rot'.i. : v .1. i ar. y j !.,-,: ,
couity; .V-l h will carry fx; t-( .. ,.. j
I wli bi t '-i E'.'genon v.-.-ri t
tarry Lit o.v i w .-.;!; s:.''l be won't
C.irrj ' i - ,-::y, .'u.:, ,y ,
Iio-iv 'a.n mi -,-y ; .. ) I vnn'l carry j
tl .- -. ' I
I also will b ( if JO lJo;i:;!.i county j
.. i i . . . . . . . , I
y,'- i i i i , .i i " ge fujjuy
fiord th- iaie; be arrie.s Col
fa; :.! !- ra-ri s Mal'.e; f jl :c
carries I'lsttte; I'JO be Carrie: Ilu'! r;
tiinl ir-'J !h st lie t n. ie h Ciiiiiing- nil
di'lUMTHlic ColliltieS.
Tbe n i ve olf are gTouped in
to ihre propo.siliona, everyone of
which will be prceptiitjle. Now let
tbe Fdg.-rt.m braggarts put up or
fh ti t'p. f bet irv own money,
which will be on tlcpo: it at the
Ki b-a. La i5::vi:v; 1 iin'c until
cbclioi day, if not covered by
oir'. nun ll ib ceivetl an J over
zealotts E'V'crtou man.
H. A.,.r;:k-fs:.
r:!".i Jiiiii!i.i, Oct 2"'. l 'al.
- :';.li;i. () ::;;it.-. Ti.l.. .; .
a CAr:PAiC'j r'Ai..".r.ttooD.
It has bM '1 illtllil itnl by a few
VP' " ! ' ' (I.--!, i' ' ' t : -i
tbe fi, l.t !..' la t.,;i'. -I 11; e tl.jitt
tl.e i p!.- lor : l-.-i tii..: :.- ft.;:-
b.. t-i ..i, . tii , l.u i.i u tl.. tito-
! t'i '! ! '
nl. lull
ami i
Iku f.,r
...j... i. .a.
j ,.
! i- II"!
'! v.
i,.i.i i.i a
ii.'ore lima -t a, id . ':
man ia the com-.iy. Mie
aide repons a. llieM'. e.
llie Miiirce they do, hae
if any weight, but in
II e-l'.Ml! :.
ii (pH-.-liiia-iiiing
I; a..
but liltle
jutice to
Judno Cliapuian we give the
tigures. Echo.
It has now been iiM i rtaineil tlu.t
a mistake was made in designating
the iiuniber of McKeighan's rail
road pass. A very immaterial dif
ference, however.
A port whote wintc vera m awert M ronld be,
lidt w vre li-lil u tiia (wuu of Hit rratltM
M il.
Wan aliiiiprd one ilaj-. on bit Joynut wy,
by an angel, wlioaaid: " I woulil tpcuk with
"Every true poet tlionld aim to brlnir
Puw-e to tome kcurt by tba aout be may
But bow ran be know what will comfort woe
L'liUl bo baa full in bit own heart I la eling?
"Ttiy life kna been free from aorrow or rare;
llual thou t'le courage to snlTcr. and ahare
Tie grief and pain of olbert. to train
Tbe Jyower tu cljetJ tbuae bo bunlena bear?"
Tbe post made anawer, I bare no fa ar
Of lulu if it brlim me tbe power to cberr.
Lay a rnna upon uie, and, tbounb bravy it be.
Lluae WUJ I bolt) II aa a treaaure tluar."
Tbe angel aald gravely? "Thou baat cboaea
And a croat will be laid nprm th'e tnnliht;
TL'-rr la one to thee dear, and her lnaa, I fear.
Will be bard lo endure" tbea Taniaiirl
froa alt.-lit,
Tlilt wtu lnntx ago; tbe poet, grirf worn,
liaa lliruutch Hit alow ear bia cruet brart l;
flit aorm are replete with aymnaflif aweet.
And are dear lo tba bearta that loved o:..
He firmly trniti In a hearenly morrow,
lilt verses tbeir charm from tuiTerinc b-ir
On hrr grand m'I Fame hat written hit name
ll v. nl.l-;T.l to her lif the ani l s,rro.i
Cbialca V. Ut,n:!l la U-aA Jluiu'i(up.:.e.
To Tell Pure Silk.
If yon wbh to J nrchi) by Mmplo nud
to tt-t ti.e ijii ility of o.ik t.-iku ten fi'jei -of
the V;.;u.f of u:;y hil.-.tttnl if cu brea!:
1.:,' th yi'.'itvft feathery dry nr. 1 1-ie!:-li;
:i r ih:i li-.imi. na 1 ilf..'.,r t1.!;
in liaa lii::,', lany iit line; Ij m:;-,- ,.'
tli" pre., "..a of tlyn aal cf ar;i-.-..d
Oi- t ..." i rm-.U r -.r ! ;i cf t'.io :'
V. Ill
. ' t.; '.:.,.) Mi l f p -ii-.C T ii! I
ta -.a nv r n 1 1 -. r, a:i I y . i
-t t'.i ; g:i:il. lai.l l.'.I. i. ,.: i.
i U:., i.'.. .A 1 tatii' Lu a.iy, cr tli-ir a
Si ';rt
A-:n'!iT but r-fT.-livn Way t
te-t tie- jmrity of h.U is 1 1 l,ira a taiuul
q-ia:iti:y of (lu b'-ir.i. Turo t.'u w.'.l
i.i t.i.; . e. i ;i. 1 ...via ; (..-:'.i p-.i'j ': ir
Ci,..L ileuv.-'y iyel h.'.Uv.i.l uouMe.r,
leaving a gr.-a-y yeilnty b-':i.
If yin-.iniit br.:;i tlw t-n utrari'ls.
if tb"v ili i,nt (li-(j )br the ii.i-'T.l .t
.lief ci:.:
.n i:Hy !.- y..U
s-af- i that yoa have pu.-o tiilrf, that is .'
;e:. 'tt"l's lii i'feiin l durable ia t'n
Wear. lA.-i.voii I v.-e Press.
The I'rayrr Should Jlnrn Antwtml.
A i.a ia's rcf ai i ruiu .".IwachitsutU
pan.-.'i. I'.-iinii.ieiit for Jilj thhfl nnl p-r-reiud
coii'i-'pa tir", n!.-o notorious
fer l is vverVnri.-g n'.-.-vimp'.i'iM sr. 1
p';:.!.im nirs. L'telxr tim ili.;re-s anil
f. oi i il . .u iili. .'s at 'V
le " (I I I"' .1 il."1. c i vn 1---I . .
t- ' ..-'-. (;, .-- ::i; fo
', iie f. r- l a ii ite, to be r id by tin
tin',: ler, ( "j .ive of hit, tuaul.fl.
Ti.e taiia. l. r v.-.-.s goi.icwb.'.t "lar "
ll tliix f :rl cf i.'.s -ly.-r, r ie:,)lir,g tea
ii !...; r a.i I t ," p- . ii.ii j p..;, L;,)ii i i f t.,,)
-," u:.-i l. t..r..l..g bis i'.:t. :.! ti :
1: 1 - t la ; . .-r. .-. :..
ijh ; i, i., ,) t..i,; ,i i, !,,.;.-. ,1 ta
n -1 vei'i- t,f the n-trnl ju in. ll
close 1 willi t'aei-s words:
"At. : v.- j ii.y, O L id, that tay er.
Hit r.:..y I cu.c'l of tlai. u:igl.y i.-a.'.
id otli i,iv3 in tho sanctuary." Atiaube
tiiet.etioUa in f.etler floiea,
Frjtn tiii!" t-i time px k'-'lKA) cr
fj'tti 1 i l th pillar br-.!s. 1'ic k
have t'.ken tlvs way of r titrilug to tla-. i
owners wiion thy haveybb'sl t: evi l'i
hb eo'.t' i.'s of jMK,lttVf,f'. grnera:ty
p:ip-r, whien am cf nous to ftnyc-e
I ill-, tli" cw-j'-r. Ti,o ti-ives in t'.is w
gtti1of articles v. iiedi miiit lead b I
tVi' rrnrletiin, std n tbe w:i :-' '
I.' .Ullgil llie lneit S of t.10 0( Ke'.lKxi i ,
in -vr o rr.c.-i'nro. Th)rof ci I . .- . .
no t'i -ie to i'j up a p l.:i ib -p
t!ii i.rticb'.s ia'.i this moot coiivenii ,l
A Tire I'miluci -Milk.
A rtu-.ii.,; woi.det' id the i, jw tree of
li iiitli Asi"! : a, vl.i. 'ii is cr-l...-ij v
...:.:. a !. i. .1 i,a. t h, ia c i! .-,
t;-. iiiid lii.:l.,a p ; '.'.V t'.. ly
'i ,.M;i t:; ..,-. :u.. y. .- ni. Hi i.-iti.
, i p ..., t ...... , j , i p., j
i i i I l .r 1 LS
iOuuCl. i, 'i
j.t t i..t I
s. e vjiei ul :i '.v.: i ;t t ,
i:i of bf..) i-i e.m - -, i i : i w.t i
d wiii- li tl i. lis u; ,ii i: ia
" Tin) of v.iri.-;
wita them frmii t'a tin,.i
(!' tli-S Ktre
til- Uilif Wi
"Williil li'.V .
kinds. l,riiir
creatin-'. liii.llil.trinr.s, c v . ye 1 by i:,.
Uii.dity riv r of warm water t'nrnii!i ii,
Inid-tof th"e''!'!'-re-":in. Mintuf tnt-i ,
die w hen tint cooler latitnle are reaeiif
mi l thus it happen that t!n larva n.
many fnnnn are fnmiil on tho tlnre .
X.ilit ticket and elett-hero in plai-i-t) I
wiiica tiie luiiiic aniinaU ara Qukmiwu
They never livu to grow tip.
The floating gulf weeil is liter.i!.
crowded with life. One) oannnt piel: n;
piitce that Uiwsnot ourryiuaiiy niiriiiij
or prawns bf different kinds as piw-i-gen,
Therw are cralm, t(Kj, mniill an i
bigger, wiiie'i tnastly iinilato the. grav--iu
their coloring. Of mmller cruta. ei,
there are numerous opeciea. uuch as th
no called "wa fleas" and barwicle
I!iiriiiu'le am cruslucea wiiieh bave nr.-il-rgoii
a "retruyrado,'
us it, is termed, having been free swim
mers in the early stage of theirexistenee.
They, Uxi, bike passage on the
rafts and voyage to the laud of ooffhere.
seeking their fortune.
In the gulf weed also is an infinite
number of inullurks, some with shells
and others without any. Among the
latter am the ea slugs," resembling the
garden slugs, devonrers of plants, which
are true tnollusks alto. Another inollask
often picked up among the gulf weed.
Is tbe beautiful argonaut, a cejihalnpnil,
celebrated in mythic ttory. It is
the female argonaut that is interestini,.
Tbe male has no shell, and is very email
There are lots of curious mariti
worms among the gulf weed, aneh i.
thj "sea centipedes," abundant in tie
Went Indies, which have long det.i' ii
able bristles that sting the hand l,k
nettles when tho animal is iue.iutiondy
grasped. These worms hide in crevice
of floating dr.ftwood. Tiie latter fl jaP
nntil destroyed by the Isiritig of thet'ii
wunns that iitl.icc it, ineanwi.iie a.T a l
iaij a la !gw nt for b.rn.iclts uu 1
tn -1 itfut Utrt 1 1 ftf lia f . .1 1. el...
pierexof drift wrx .- ns tli-y an carri' d
along by t!i current, f-e ling n;i tti bit i
crnMacea arid burnaehs, while i:i:!!-y
seabirds hli.iii alsiat depending f'.-r tie-ir
l.!-a!l ;-,: !!.; t::;:; r::::.!l a:::::::!;.
Taeru is a -v -ci' S ( i rayl'.-li, tan, fo'iit I
i i tiie we,; vl it.rt'ut.-s a carious t!.ck-
ill !l'l:' v. i, i ils claws.
V.'l.a. I'm-! p. i.;i)e c ill t'm 'fr;;i!."(T
"f" ' d I sli" of ta- ge'.l we. d nr.; simply
lu'. a.r v,-,- : itb- i ;-ie I far t.ic r
t'f k.s-p;irf taes-j b it r - .a-; . etai.i-
I." ?'..:ij c a;, i: c;-i-.i' ir-.i e .i! J
'nriyz i.i'' v.-e:ivii nioiiial the nirciaua
b. r.4 a (! ! :;!) Iiuwoi , wl.icU i
rem ail. s in i.;,..; ufier the vi-g-a.,5;;..
Inap.t r has d.-'- iye l av.-;-y ari l i!i
pt .tit. ', t'aas fur;al..g i-xipr.-iie .,
tons cipsub-s. Jbivvi ver, th(-i' tire mi!;,
A few of the p.:-sen-'ers that joii.-i.ey by
the pith of the j'li'f f -rea-ii on rafili f
iritiing weedt. Nw Yoiit Stiii.
Very fTit-iei t work is now being don
in various departineiits by tl.o n-e cf tbe
i lad Lla.t. O-io of the lat.-st n;ii!l-;--
i nn Is to the cleaning cf r-ir wn-i-ls.
nv nx,, hi e.T l-l ii ; eno-i a: i y riti. -. i ,
is rl!el into a niiidl t leunlx-r, where It
rtands ii a vertical po'ition. Thotr nl
cf t'.;e stands on rollerf, which mv
t",e,l b" ;'.. ie S I t'i it ti V.I. . 1 '
:f reeol
:-nt !
fed by a ei.uti) 1
itu a bin iila.i,
1 1':- face of te,
, a oi i t o: n;r ir.;
whn.-l, wbdeli s t'l' ll reversed.
The i:i lent n i 1 vary fnn.i the fIm of
n I'js'iix i.' wh- iit to ii.iicli l i-,o r and it
i.i !:irl i1 ) t'l.-v c:;n ! t.- ! --. r.
tbiiee. 'I b tir rr.ved bv this inefi,-,.l
I I)U il 'I' V III .1 OIK ll 1.1,1 .' i t ( I . it
tw-nry wheel in thr) licirs and a lnlf.
iliclliUil 'X the time coii!,'..i.i'd ia roll, a;
t m t-s i"vl f n tu tin inrvclilt'e, and t)
k."i vii I.i hi'ocr is piovirUoiiattdy
Oi it-it ;o Xr wj.
, l-n.ircnre .Vint (rl.Jtrt.
Anitrri, a,m i.i g. a-iiht be in p
te ,..;! of a V..t fund of V.iri iJ, s-cu-rate
at w-U tu.'.,' -.ll '..'i .1 ign ,-i,-e;;
kin ut i ttrichca. This is ih" coneLiMon
rerr!n-d by a r -s ir'-r rtf'r an b- i r'r
couveryatioa Willi a j ro.'t -i ion .l m-.iiiai Tut geii' U lit. il. (i.
It -id. v-h t.-a rr. .,.vc.
yeiaa' hard
: ,.-.i. Ili
W r.l tO cq il rj V,'lil.t ho
. i i cf ..! :.:h'
and int. !'.-i - .-i.i I lis a r : 'f i e lty
nt iuibi ..-g people tlii an int, r ,t it
Mi -t Ji-'i .-!. bi.a. lihjs i.;.'-:;; er
er.l in-nt lilt il te-t-biag C.i.,",,'. limit
i ) ' j il .ti- , .,! i :.: h
far ni.i SI. lOin tii'ir;-lji :.ncriL.
Alum U..t,r fi.r a riil:,y ff.l.i.
Alrui v.-.tii r in the j ;( i :!. i of l-jdf
til 'jr.l.i i.i .. I . t, j.i 1 .,-,.: r ,
e,..,.,.a.,;. :iU 1 i.s a ear.i a.. I p.gVc.l-,;:
to "f'.it.y- i i.ii. h iV.e.'J L,i :,.;,:. !
; - ' . ', i ';.!. i . ' - -,'
tl' -.t t-i- aa i ; i.e v, - I i. , r wp. j
Jfftofi thll. !: olkllUHSa.
v - - ;
sTiih'iiit nr.r t'--'u iitr :
W. n ,., I, I t t . .
Pt i'ti.t'.ih, fit l . ji
hi'i in fin Mm Sir v
jnu o:iTT.C tt'lC W 110
nil ii ii r I h i -tu u-f! i-1
,n:, Wr mi- mi
ir iii-trui it ii ; 1 liciir-l
Hi ti l VM l.ilU U"W
i-s iii I,. i) ii-ic ( n-i J
Vk.I I''
litH ( 111
! 11 ji i ll
'I II t Ill'.V UfHl
LIMlW itl Willi! Ill fid IlliH.-r fill "-"l Mil tli. I 'Hf ;
)'mj riitn-t,, ii Im- n.; .Itihy ; mcl In tdu ln-t
Hi' ml h ) Hit in vi mi ntv i m in li(nirli,nvui,
V'tu t'-il mi-, ti )mr hyftiritiriiltiitt-fafri i-,
Vi,rn li ii vet nil of your iiiif'iinnti' n
fr mi in t ; i - 1 li.ii- uf-, the vtu jiiiicw i" lue
Vu CH-vi'i if" in tim ( ity."
Kaik: Vhv, Ji fiiii.-, ynu will mnk me
7hhi. I hnvttn: ! i tic M'lirtvfif iiiforTuuf mn.
bti it U 4 ii prHi.i f lnnr it imttf kil wtn l. I
Vfry ') I 'in tnntr ( uii) tliiiiff i;-w Imt hut
Iin M'-xt li1 il.iyj -nuu me lull liid nmUK.n
oti ttm millet t. M:.;,ricf NnJ MnKUiiicj
An I m ifr.-dt troruuri. It hi to Hit .r it
R-tliy (uni.-h' ii rtinlmif f r ttm wtiolo
tj'i-"i--I'l : lnthrr It.'ix irii'ii up hit iim(rMri
t'lUt III) tlilt tiM I 'ft 1,0 -wi-, U lit! H1N till
oiih f i ni-ite itii'l Iw'ticr lufm intith.u fn
th. H'lltl'-'-l-1 f tho il.iy; find irn-lticr Mi
t.i it it w tiiiil Unit rmikixf In r nn h u l.tiutJiiS
hotwisifi-T. Iii f n. t, wo nil i-n- tl-iit It !
tiu'on'y nullr rAMti.y ii aniix' iPiihlwl-fMi,
we h.-ivf J iit f-ir riimi'l'f nil ol m.
ftn l IH hi Uutt nf) i i lor turn, ttnotlior mil
fr wotnoii, hmI iHt'r'r fr 1 1 iir--n n'y
while tlim onts iiiU tncry ono t im; no wa
tvilv ni"l Ut t.ikoonn iii'ti'iul vt wcnil, mid
tlmt l wrwrv th txHVtniy mrm-ft In, tor It It
only ft yiMir. I'rrtiHfni inu think I im
U"t luv.ah In my prnt-c; lutt J will U l you
our, or. Iictfrr utill, ikfnd lOrrnt to thi jttifv
H'fwr, Yt. jtMiiltiri iM-niort-sst. r l4l 14th
fctrvft. Now Virk. tor n wmii lf vt nnd I
hill Hln-nyi frnni'ler that 1 Iihv dono you
irntit Uvur ; und iD.iy lit ymi will UM-utimr
uoiit, a I'mi wiy f hnvo the n'putalU.u t
t -ii iK i h- Wftt liifonm-d family lu t'wn. If
that Im im), it 1 iMaAuruft'i I'tuoli jMfc'MtU
Uiitl duua U.1' -
A fiberul o(l?r only ? i.00 for
and DotnoreHt Family Mjiaxine.
t2T?'nd your fubcription to thin
The Leading
Cnr.:t:.r.rly ki-i ps ou l.u.-ai cvn ;bi
ymi n-yd to furuidt jmir boiiv.
MIIiK 8UM'!;!.!iA( i;i.i:.
Vts" and lllui ttniiiiili tr.i p
rt'agoo. Ibiiri'y, MiicWi'" uml
iioiiBn.siuor.rxQ a .-1';:i'ial,ty
II" ut li e
t'V Tf f 7 t'i .-.I-. t-;-i rs
.'l'.-h W l.-.t t-..i,--i for bul iinving, or lor c:j
ll-p'Wt evT iliVl.''d. ll ' SO ("I'du
'.but Ki.yi'iie ci-o put b ib irp or tlut
cr ksr iiJ r- i ,! fur v-i.t i :i i n.,,,. ;j
Ji.i, or Mii.ioili, dry rj,.iti(. f ill
;a ahnp und exm ne the hKvr.ltaur
tod ynu wi',! ie iy or'i'r.
13 Nor1) yif.h ml r:.!Tinith
217. lt , ill and 2x.i SUm rtt.,
PltUm jJi!i fv'c'u;at.lta
V. V. ifilti, Fr.i:-riere.
im r
I ins hit b 0 tl; r il' :Mj
fueii lop lit i.."tv.,i nil! ;e
,v . i fc. ,.. , ;.,;! ... (
'euoY'' '
lt- l (',::! w'il
be t"ki:n by the w ck U
(.,- , i (. .,( '
JOl ., 'oi ".
I! r i i l,i-ni, li ek I
r. i iv
lf". i -..!'- 1 1 1 v I
I (;.m.i .';- ,-, .'t'j'UJiC'iicvo
I ' Y All G
: AUi; TilK LE.PEi:s : p
In all tliat goc tu unikn n lirt d.i-- lino t Hardware. They I .
. tlioir etoves in f V ., ?
CAB - IjO.A-ID - LOTf ..
nntl thua nre enableil to tm!erell nil coitipctitora. ' '
Tho lladiaut Homo and ci lebnitnl Kutind Oak are their Specialty.
Thia firm has the ex
clueive ugency of the
celebruted nnti riiHting
tinware guaranteed for
one yenr.
A large line of Cop
perwnre, tinware, and
' a. a . ; i
The Place for bargaina in every deptirtiiient of our ninnutioth stock
Everything to Furnisli Vour House.
-tiKK T
llavin" ti'irclia-o I the -I. V.
Main hired ulific now
p tliftll llio ( Iir-Mpt-M liaviirj;
f.fiK-w --ju ls cvi f 1'1'imht
itlul I'liMiiti.'io ol'ail liiinis
F G UnilM ex G2
A ,d C.ii tii iii.n of i
Drugs, HcdicinQ3, iPalnts, and Oils.
Prcit'iiUons Vnr -fully (v.-m'ni'iV.I (it all IIoti ra
rr -ii
JL V --.'w-j-
A Cure f ,r t!:: A!l:n'jnt: of Ma and Ecant
y. lonj-tcs'.cd pr.'n r. bev.r.
Iw U.r, ii ;.1tio 1 u nvrrsii! by Ilocsewife, the Farmer, the
Siwk JUitvr, a;,J ly tver one requirlr.j aa ccivc
I.'o c.I.or lij'jiUuillo i to: - ;t5 v.-Mi it in c.Ticacy.
Tliis T.'cll-l rov.n re".K'J l.u.) iuuJ the tctt cf yean, olmost
Ko mcJitirc' elicit is complete without a bott!e cf XfCTrixa
G?-.::at.3 atkc f jt iu u- c a!f:io.;t cvry day.
Ail clru'j!- and dealer have it.
' " ut, . f i-. .' -i ! v..i ','-'is . '
t- ii ,'',.n,i.tiii..k.i.,I-., 1 i
n J ! If f
OCrr?c ixr-.-n i-r t! '
'o nuLr i I yj
They nl carry a
fine DHHortinent of car
penter toolti, Cutlery
and nhrlf hardware,
C Prices have been cut
right down to atiit tba
M'.ilifl'.N -
Wt - cl - M'tifii Mori room on f-otith f t
locntcl I can -tl! -j-otitls cheap
ju - t -'lit in tiic l.ttjrcst stock V
ta lib' t-iiy. (.;i')!iii..' tovc
I on tin iii-inllPK itt, jii:i:i..
I. Vii ' .itiljAe
0 -i
l . - .
t f